- // 'list': change char 160 to lcs_nbsp and space to lcs_space.
- if (wp->w_p_list)
- {
- if ((c == 160
- || (mb_utf8 && (mb_c == 160 || mb_c == 0x202f)))
- && lcs_nbsp)
+ // 'list': Change char 160 to lcs_nbsp and space to lcs_space.
+ // But not when the character is followed by a composing
+ // character (use mb_l to check that).
+ if (wp->w_p_list
+ && ((((c == 160 && mb_l == 1)
+ || (mb_utf8
+ && ((mb_c == 160 && mb_l == 2)
+ || (mb_c == 0x202f && mb_l == 3))))
+ && lcs_nbsp)
+ || (c == ' '
+ && mb_l == 1
+ && lcs_space
+ && ptr - line <= trailcol)))
+ {
+ c = (c == ' ') ? lcs_space : lcs_nbsp;
+ if (area_attr == 0 && search_attr == 0)
- c = lcs_nbsp;
- mb_c = c;
- if (enc_utf8 && utf_char2len(c) > 1)
- {
- mb_utf8 = TRUE;
- u8cc[0] = 0;
- c = 0xc0;
- }
- else
- mb_utf8 = FALSE;
+ n_attr = 1;
+ extra_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
+ saved_attr2 = char_attr; /* save current attr */
- else if (c == ' ' && lcs_space && ptr - line <= trailcol)
+ mb_c = c;
+ if (enc_utf8 && utf_char2len(c) > 1)
- c = lcs_space;
- if (mb_utf8 == FALSE && area_attr == 0 && search_attr == 0)
- {
- n_attr = 1;
- extra_attr = HL_ATTR(HLF_8);
- saved_attr2 = char_attr; // save current attr
- }
+ mb_utf8 = TRUE;
+ u8cc[0] = 0;
+ c = 0xc0;
+ else
+ mb_utf8 = FALSE;
if (trailcol != MAXCOL && ptr > line + trailcol && c == ' ')
set listchars& ff&
+" Test that unicode listchars characters get properly inserted
+func Test_listchars_unicode()
+ enew!
+ let oldencoding=&encoding
+ set encoding=utf-8
+ set ff=unix
+ set listchars=eol:⇔,space:␣,nbsp:≠,tab:←↔→
+ set list
+ let nbsp = nr2char(0xa0)
+ call append(0, [
+ \ "a\tb c".nbsp."d"
+ \ ])
+ let expected = [
+ \ 'a←↔↔↔↔↔→b␣c≠d⇔'
+ \ ]
+ redraw!
+ call cursor(1, 1)
+ call assert_equal(expected, ScreenLines(1, virtcol('$')))
+ let &encoding=oldencoding
+ enew!
+ set listchars& ff&
+" Tests that space characters following composing character won't get replaced
+" by listchars.
func Test_listchars_composing()
let oldencoding=&encoding
set ff=unix
set list
- set listchars=eol:$,space:_
+ set listchars=eol:$,space:_,nbsp:=
+ let nbsp1 = nr2char(0xa0)
+ let nbsp2 = nr2char(0x202f)
call append(0, [
- \ " \u3099 \u309A"
+ \ " \u3099\t \u309A".nbsp1.nbsp1."\u0302".nbsp2.nbsp2."\u0302",
\ ])
let expected = [
- \ "_ \u3099^I \u309A$"
+ \ "_ \u3099^I \u309A=".nbsp1."\u0302=".nbsp2."\u0302$"
\ ]
call cursor(1, 1)
- let got = ScreenLines(1, virtcol('$'))
- bw!
- call assert_equal(expected, got)
+ call assert_equal(expected, ScreenLines(1, virtcol('$')))
let &encoding=oldencoding
+ enew!
set listchars& ff&