--- /dev/null
+Test standard 'compare' object handler
+echo "Simple test for standard compare object handler\n";
+class class1{}
+class class2{}
+class class3{
+ public $aaa;
+ private $bbb;
+ protected $ccc;
+class class4 extends class3{
+class class5 extends class3{
+ public $ddd;
+ private $eee;
+// Define a bunch of objects all of which will use standard compare object handler
+$obj1 = new class1();
+$obj2 = new class2();
+$obj3 = new class3();
+$obj4 = new class4();
+$obj5 = new class5();
+echo "\n-- The following compare should return TRUE --\n";
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj1);
+echo "\n-- All the following compares should return FALSE --\n";
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj2);
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj3);
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj4);
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj5);
+var_dump($obj4 == $obj3);
+var_dump($obj5 == $obj3);
+Simple test for standard compare object handler
+-- The following compare should return TRUE --
+-- All the following compares should return FALSE --
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--- /dev/null
+Test object compare when object handler different
+//Set the default time zone
+echo "Simple test comparing two objects with different compare callback handler\n";
+class X {
+$obj1 = new X();
+$obj2 = new DateTime(("2009-02-12 12:47:41 GMT"));
+var_dump($obj1 == $obj2);
+Simple test comparing two objects with different compare callback handler
+Notice: Object of class X could not be converted to int in %s on line %d
+Notice: Object of class DateTime could not be converted to int in %s on line %d
\ No newline at end of file