+-define(SALT_LENGTH, 16).
%%% API
start(_Host) -> ok.
-plain_password_required() -> false.
+plain_password_required() ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ false -> false;
+ true -> true
+ end.
-store_type() -> plain.
+store_type() ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ false -> plain; %% allows: PLAIN DIGEST-MD5 SCRAM
+ true -> scram %% allows: PLAIN SCRAM
+ end.
%% @spec (User, Server, Password) -> true | false | {error, Error}
check_password(User, Server, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> false;
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- try odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username) of
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} ->
- Password /= <<"">>;
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[_Password2]]} ->
- false; %% Password is not correct
- {selected, [<<"password">>], []} ->
- false; %% Account does not exist
- {error, _Error} ->
- false %% Typical error is that table doesn't exist
- catch
- _:_ ->
- false %% Typical error is database not accessible
- end
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ false;
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ try odbc_queries:get_password_scram(LServer, Username) of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>, <<"serverkey">>,
+ <<"salt">>, <<"iterationcount">>],
+ [[StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount]]} ->
+ Scram =
+ #scram{storedkey = StoredKey,
+ serverkey = ServerKey,
+ salt = Salt,
+ iterationcount = binary_to_integer(
+ IterationCount)},
+ is_password_scram_valid(Password, Scram);
+ {selected, [<<"password">>, <<"serverkey">>,
+ <<"salt">>, <<"iterationcount">>], []} ->
+ false; %% Account does not exist
+ {error, _Error} ->
+ false %% Typical error is that table doesn't exist
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ false %% Typical error is database not accessible
+ end;
+ false ->
+ try odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username) of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} ->
+ Password /= <<"">>;
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], [[_Password2]]} ->
+ false; %% Password is not correct
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], []} ->
+ false; %% Account does not exist
+ {error, _Error} ->
+ false %% Typical error is that table doesn't exist
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ false %% Typical error is database not accessible
+ end
+ end
%% @spec (User, Server, Password, Digest, DigestGen) -> true | false | {error, Error}
check_password(User, Server, Password, Digest,
DigestGen) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> false;
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- try odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username) of
- %% Account exists, check if password is valid
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Passwd]]} ->
- DigRes = if Digest /= <<"">> ->
- Digest == DigestGen(Passwd);
- true -> false
- end,
- if DigRes -> true;
- true -> (Passwd == Password) and (Password /= <<"">>)
- end;
- {selected, [<<"password">>], []} ->
- false; %% Account does not exist
- {error, _Error} ->
- false %% Typical error is that table doesn't exist
- catch
- _:_ ->
- false %% Typical error is database not accessible
- end
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ false;
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ false ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ try odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username) of
+ %% Account exists, check if password is valid
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Passwd]]} ->
+ DigRes = if Digest /= <<"">> ->
+ Digest == DigestGen(Passwd);
+ true -> false
+ end,
+ if DigRes -> true;
+ true -> (Passwd == Password) and (Password /= <<"">>)
+ end;
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], []} ->
+ false; %% Account does not exist
+ {error, _Error} ->
+ false %% Typical error is that table doesn't exist
+ catch
+ _:_ ->
+ false %% Typical error is database not accessible
+ end;
+ true ->
+ false
+ end
%% @spec (User::string(), Server::string(), Password::string()) ->
%% ok | {error, invalid_jid}
set_password(User, Server, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> {error, invalid_jid};
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- case catch odbc_queries:set_password_t(LServer,
- Username, Pass)
- of
- {atomic, ok} -> ok;
- Other -> {error, Other}
- end
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ {error, invalid_jid};
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ {error, invalid_jid};
+ true ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ Scram = password_to_scram(Password),
+ case catch odbc_queries:set_password_scram_t(
+ LServer,
+ Username,
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.storedkey),
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.serverkey),
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.salt),
+ integer_to_binary(Scram#scram.iterationcount)
+ )
+ of
+ {atomic, ok} -> ok;
+ Other -> {error, Other}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
+ case catch odbc_queries:set_password_t(LServer,
+ Username, Pass)
+ of
+ {atomic, ok} -> ok;
+ Other -> {error, Other}
+ end
+ end
%% @spec (User, Server, Password) -> {atomic, ok} | {atomic, exists} | {error, invalid_jid}
try_register(User, Server, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> {error, invalid_jid};
- LUser ->
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ {error, invalid_jid};
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ {error, invalid_jid};
+ true ->
Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- case catch odbc_queries:add_user(LServer, Username,
- Pass)
- of
- {updated, 1} -> {atomic, ok};
- _ -> {atomic, exists}
- end
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ Scram = password_to_scram(Password),
+ case catch odbc_queries:add_user_scram(
+ LServer,
+ Username,
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.storedkey),
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.serverkey),
+ ejabberd_odbc:escape(Scram#scram.salt),
+ integer_to_binary(Scram#scram.iterationcount)
+ ) of
+ {updated, 1} -> {atomic, ok};
+ _ -> {atomic, exists}
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
+ case catch odbc_queries:add_user(LServer, Username,
+ Pass)
+ of
+ {updated, 1} -> {atomic, ok};
+ _ -> {atomic, exists}
+ end
+ end
dirty_get_registered_users() ->
get_password(User, Server) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> false;
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- case catch odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username)
- of
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} -> Password;
- _ -> false
- end
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ false;
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ false;
+ true ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ case catch odbc_queries:get_password_scram(
+ LServer, Username) of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>, <<"serverkey">>,
+ <<"salt">>, <<"iterationcount">>],
+ [[StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount]]} ->
+ {jlib:decode_base64(StoredKey),
+ jlib:decode_base64(ServerKey),
+ jlib:decode_base64(Salt),
+ binary_to_integer(IterationCount)};
+ _ -> false
+ end;
+ false ->
+ case catch odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username)
+ of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} -> Password;
+ _ -> false
+ end
+ end
get_password_s(User, Server) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> <<"">>;
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- case catch odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username)
- of
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} -> Password;
- _ -> <<"">>
- end
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ <<"">>;
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ <<"">>;
+ true ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ false ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ case catch odbc_queries:get_password(LServer, Username) of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} -> Password;
+ _ -> <<"">>
+ end;
+ true -> <<"">>
+ end
%% @spec (User, Server) -> true | false | {error, Error}
%% @spec (User, Server, Password) -> ok | error | not_exists | not_allowed
%% @doc Remove user if the provided password is correct.
remove_user(User, Server, Password) ->
- case jlib:nodeprep(User) of
- error -> error;
- LUser ->
- Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
- Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
- LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
- F = fun () ->
- Result = odbc_queries:del_user_return_password(LServer,
- Username,
- Pass),
- case Result of
- {selected, [<<"password">>], [[Password]]} -> ok;
- {selected, [<<"password">>], []} -> not_exists;
- _ -> not_allowed
- end
- end,
- {atomic, Result} = odbc_queries:sql_transaction(LServer,
- F),
- Result
+ LServer = jlib:nameprep(Server),
+ LUser = jlib:nodeprep(User),
+ if (LUser == error) or (LServer == error) ->
+ error;
+ (LUser == <<>>) or (LServer == <<>>) ->
+ error;
+ true ->
+ case is_scrammed() of
+ true ->
+ case check_password(User, Server, Password) of
+ true ->
+ remove_user(User, Server),
+ ok;
+ false -> not_allowed
+ end;
+ false ->
+ Username = ejabberd_odbc:escape(LUser),
+ Pass = ejabberd_odbc:escape(Password),
+ F = fun () ->
+ Result = odbc_queries:del_user_return_password(
+ LServer, Username, Pass),
+ case Result of
+ {selected, [<<"password">>],
+ [[Password]]} -> ok;
+ {selected, [<<"password">>],
+ []} -> not_exists;
+ _ -> not_allowed
+ end
+ end,
+ {atomic, Result} = odbc_queries:sql_transaction(
+ LServer, F),
+ Result
+ end
+%%% SCRAM
+is_scrammed() ->
+ scram ==
+ ejabberd_config:get_option({auth_password_format, ?MYNAME},
+ fun(V) -> V end).
+password_to_scram(Password) ->
+ password_to_scram(Password,
+password_to_scram(Password, IterationCount) ->
+ Salt = crypto:rand_bytes(?SALT_LENGTH),
+ SaltedPassword = scram:salted_password(Password, Salt,
+ IterationCount),
+ StoredKey =
+ scram:stored_key(scram:client_key(SaltedPassword)),
+ ServerKey = scram:server_key(SaltedPassword),
+ #scram{storedkey = jlib:encode_base64(StoredKey),
+ serverkey = jlib:encode_base64(ServerKey),
+ salt = jlib:encode_base64(Salt),
+ iterationcount = IterationCount}.
+is_password_scram_valid(Password, Scram) ->
+ IterationCount = Scram#scram.iterationcount,
+ Salt = jlib:decode_base64(Scram#scram.salt),
+ SaltedPassword = scram:salted_password(Password, Salt,
+ IterationCount),
+ StoredKey =
+ scram:stored_key(scram:client_key(SaltedPassword)),
+ jlib:decode_base64(Scram#scram.storedkey) == StoredKey.
-export([get_db_type/0, update/5, update_t/4, sql_transaction/2,
- get_last/2, set_last_t/4, del_last/2, get_password/2,
- set_password_t/3, add_user/3, del_user/2,
+ get_last/2, set_last_t/4, del_last/2,
+ get_password/2, get_password_scram/2,
+ set_password_t/3, set_password_scram_t/6,
+ add_user/3, add_user_scram/6, del_user/2,
del_user_return_password/3, list_users/1, list_users/2,
users_number/1, users_number/2, add_spool_sql/2,
add_spool/2, get_and_del_spool_msg_t/2, del_spool_msg/2,
[<<"select password from users where username='">>,
Username, <<"';">>]).
+get_password_scram(LServer, Username) ->
+ ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(
+ LServer,
+ [<<"select password, serverkey, salt, iterationcount from users where "
+ "username='">>, Username, <<"';">>]).
set_password_t(LServer, Username, Pass) ->
fun () ->
+set_password_scram_t(LServer, Username,
+ StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount) ->
+ ejabberd_odbc:sql_transaction(LServer,
+ fun () ->
+ update_t(<<"users">>,
+ [<<"username">>,
+ <<"password">>,
+ <<"serverkey">>,
+ <<"salt">>,
+ <<"iterationcount">>],
+ [Username, StoredKey,
+ ServerKey, Salt,
+ IterationCount],
+ [<<"username='">>, Username,
+ <<"'">>])
+ end).
add_user(LServer, Username, Pass) ->
[<<"insert into users(username, password) "
"values ('">>,
Username, <<"', '">>, Pass, <<"');">>]).
+add_user_scram(LServer, Username,
+ StoredKey, ServerKey, Salt, IterationCount) ->
+ ejabberd_odbc:sql_query(LServer,
+ [<<"insert into users(username, password, serverkey, salt, iterationcount) "
+ "values ('">>,
+ Username, <<"', '">>, StoredKey, <<"', '">>,
+ ServerKey, <<"', '">>,
+ Salt, <<"', '">>,
+ IterationCount, <<"');">>]).
del_user(LServer, Username) ->
[<<"delete from users where username='">>, Username,