bind attach n next-entry
bind attach p previous-entry
bind attach " " select-entry
+bind attach y print-entry
bind browser <end> last-entry
bind browser <home> first-entry
source ~/.mutt/colors.`if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ] ; then echo linux ; else echo default ; fi`
mono index bold ~F
+# mono body bold '\*[^*]+\*'
+# mono body underline '_[^_]+_'
# The header weed list
ignore x400 importance sensitivity autoforward original-encoded-information
ignore x-
+ignore list- comments posted-to approved-by
unignore x-spam x-url x-mailer
+hdr_order from to cc date subject reply-to mail-followup-to
# Various settings
unset allow_8bit # Produce correct MIME
unset arrow_cursor # Use the bar cursor
set askcc # Ask me about CCs
+unset bounce_delivered # Don't include Delivered-to with bounces
set charset=iso-8859-1 # The local character set
set confirmcreate # Ask me about creating new files
unset confirmappend # Don't ask me about appending to files
set delete=yes # Don't ask me whether or not I meant to delete messages
set edit_hdrs # I want to edit the headers.
-set editor="/usr/local/jed/bin/jed %s -f 'mail_mode();'"
+set editor="/usr/bin/jed %s -f 'mail_mode();'"
# Invoke jed with mail_mode. This may
# or may not work for you.
set envelope_from # set messages' envelope-from header.
set pipe_decode # Decode messages I pipe to commands, typically to patch(1).
set postponed=~/.mutt/postponed # Where to put postponed messages
set print=ask-no # Don't waste paper
-set print_cmd="enscript -2 -r -G" # Two columns, landscape, fancy header.
+set print_cmd="enscript -Email -2 -r -G" # Two columns, landscape, fancy header.
+set print_split=yes # Invoke enscript once per message
set quit=yes # Don't ask me whether or not I want to quit.
set quote_regexp="^ *[a-zA-Z]*[>|][>:|]*" # Recognize quotes in the pager.
set read_inc=50 # Progress indicator when reading folders.
set sort=threads # sort by threads,
set sort_aux=date # then by date
unset strict_threads # don't be strict about threads
-set suspend=no # Don't suspend - I usually run mutt like this: "xterm -e mutt"
+# set suspend=no # Don't suspend - I usually run mutt like this: "xterm -e mutt"
set tilde # Indicate empty lines in the pager.
set tmpdir=~/.tmp # Temporary files aren't stored in public places.
+set to_chars=" +TCF " # Don't tag list mail in the index
unset use_domain # Don't append a domain to addresses.
+# folder-hook . "set use_domain" # hack, so I can enter address fragments
+# send-hook ~A "set use_domain" # on the command line.
set write_inc=50 # Progress indicator when writing folders.
set query_command="lbdbq %s" # Use the Little Brother's Database with the external
# query feature.
set rfc2047_parameters # Sometimes, I get mails which use a bogus encoding for
# MIME parameters. Setting this shouldn't harm.
-set status_format="-%r-+(%v) %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---"
+set status_format="-%r-+(%v) %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? %l?]----%>-(%P)---"
set compose_format="--+(%v) Compose [Approx. msg size: %l Atts: %a]%>-"