+++ /dev/null
-# This file describes the nodes of the AST in ast.py. The module is
-# generated by astgen.py.
-# The descriptions use the following special notation to describe
-# properties of the children:
-# * this child is not a node
-# ! this child is a sequence that contains nodes in it
-# & this child may be set to None
-# = ... a default value for the node constructor (optional args)
-Module: doc*, node
-Stmt: nodes!
-Function: name*, argnames*, defaults!, flags*, doc*, code
-Lambda: argnames*, defaults!, flags*, code
-Class: name*, bases!, doc*, code
-For: assign, list, body, else_&
-While: test, body, else_&
-If: tests!, else_&
-Exec: expr, locals&, globals&
-From: modname*, names*
-Import: names*
-Raise: expr1&, expr2&, expr3&
-TryFinally: body, final
-TryExcept: body, handlers!, else_&
-Return: value
-Yield: value
-Const: value*
-Print: nodes!, dest&
-Printnl: nodes!, dest&
-Discard: expr
-AugAssign: node, op*, expr
-Assign: nodes!, expr
-AssTuple: nodes!
-AssList: nodes!
-AssName: name*, flags*
-AssAttr: expr, attrname*, flags*
-ListComp: expr, quals!
-ListCompFor: assign, list, ifs!
-ListCompIf: test
-List: nodes!
-Dict: items!
-Not: expr
-Compare: expr, ops!
-Name: name*
-Global: names*
-Backquote: expr
-Getattr: expr, attrname*
-CallFunc: node, args!, star_args& = None, dstar_args& = None
-Keyword: name*, expr
-Subscript: expr, flags*, subs!
-Sliceobj: nodes!
-Slice: expr, flags*, lower&, upper&
-Assert: test, fail&
-Tuple: nodes!
-Or: nodes!
-And: nodes!
-Bitor: nodes!
-Bitxor: nodes!
-Bitand: nodes!
-LeftShift: (left, right)
-RightShift: (left, right)
-Add: (left, right)
-Sub: (left, right)
-Mul: (left, right)
-Div: (left, right)
-Mod: (left, right)
-Power: (left, right)
-FloorDiv: (left, right)
-UnaryAdd: expr
-UnarySub: expr
-Invert: expr
- self.varargs = self.kwargs = None
- if flags & CO_VARARGS:
- self.varargs = 1
- if flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
- self.kwargs = 1
- self.varargs = self.kwargs = None
- if flags & CO_VARARGS:
- self.varargs = 1
- if flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS:
- self.kwargs = 1