--- /dev/null
+Test array_product() function : error conditions
+/* Prototype : mixed array_product(array input)
+ * Description: Returns the product of the array entries
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+echo "*** Testing array_product() : error conditions ***\n";
+// Zero arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with Zero arguments --\n";
+var_dump( array_product() );
+//Test array_product with one more than the expected number of arguments
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with more than expected no. of arguments --\n";
+$input = array(1, 2);
+$extra_arg = 10;
+var_dump( array_product($input, $extra_arg) );
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function incorrect argument type --\n";
+var_dump( array_product("bob") );
+*** Testing array_product() : error conditions ***
+-- Testing array_product() function with Zero arguments --
+Warning: array_product() expects exactly 1 parameter, 0 given in %sarray_product_error.php on line %d
+-- Testing array_product() function with more than expected no. of arguments --
+Warning: array_product() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in %sarray_product_error.php on line %d
+-- Testing array_product() function incorrect argument type --
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_error.php on line %d
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test array_product() function : variation
+/* Prototype : mixed array_product(array input)
+ * Description: Returns the product of the array entries
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+echo "*** Testing array_product() : variation - using non numeric values ***\n";
+class A {
+ static function help() { echo "hello\n"; }
+$fp = fopen(__FILE__, "r");
+$types = array("boolean (true)" => true, "boolean (false)" => false,
+ "string" => "hello", "numeric string" => "12",
+ "resource" => $fp, "object" => new A(), "null" => null,
+ "array" => array(3,2));
+foreach ($types as $desc => $type) {
+ echo $desc . "\n";
+ var_dump(array_product(array($type)));
+ echo "\n";
+*** Testing array_product() : variation - using non numeric values ***
+boolean (true)
+boolean (false)
+numeric string
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test array_product() function : variation - negative numbers
+/* Prototype : mixed array_product(array input)
+ * Description: Returns the product of the array entries
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+echo "*** Testing array_product() : variations - negative numbers***\n";
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with one negative number --\n";
+var_dump( array_product(array(-2)) );
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with two negative numbers --\n";
+var_dump( array_product(array(-2, -3)) );
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with three negative numbers --\n";
+var_dump( array_product(array(-2, -3, -4)) );
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with negative floats --\n";
+var_dump( array_product(array(-1.5)));
+echo "\n-- Testing array_product() function with negative floats --\n";
+var_dump( array_product(array(-99999999.9, 99999999.1)));
+*** Testing array_product() : variations - negative numbers***
+-- Testing array_product() function with one negative number --
+-- Testing array_product() function with two negative numbers --
+-- Testing array_product() function with three negative numbers --
+-- Testing array_product() function with negative floats --
+-- Testing array_product() function with negative floats --
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Test array_product() function : usage variation
+/* Prototype : mixed array_product(array input)
+ * Description: Returns the product of the array entries
+ * Source code: ext/standard/array.c
+ * Alias to functions:
+ */
+echo "*** Testing array_product() : usage variation ***\n";
+// Initialise function arguments not being substituted (if any)
+//get an unset variable
+$unset_var = 10;
+unset ($unset_var);
+// define some classes
+class classWithToString
+ public function __toString() {
+ return "Class A object";
+ }
+class classWithoutToString
+// heredoc string
+$heredoc = <<<EOT
+hello world
+// add arrays
+$index_array = array (1, 2, 3);
+$assoc_array = array ('one' => 1, 'two' => 2);
+//array of values to iterate over
+$inputs = array(
+ // int data
+ 'int 0' => 0,
+ 'int 1' => 1,
+ 'int 12345' => 12345,
+ 'int -12345' => -2345,
+ // float data
+ 'float 10.5' => 10.5,
+ 'float -10.5' => -10.5,
+ 'float 12.3456789000e10' => 12.3456789000e10,
+ 'float -12.3456789000e10' => -12.3456789000e10,
+ 'float .5' => .5,
+ // null data
+ 'uppercase NULL' => NULL,
+ 'lowercase null' => null,
+ // boolean data
+ 'lowercase true' => true,
+ 'lowercase false' =>false,
+ 'uppercase TRUE' =>TRUE,
+ 'uppercase FALSE' =>FALSE,
+ // empty data
+ 'empty string DQ' => "",
+ 'empty string SQ' => '',
+ // string data
+ 'string DQ' => "string",
+ 'string SQ' => 'string',
+ 'mixed case string' => "sTrInG",
+ 'heredoc' => $heredoc,
+ // object data
+ 'instance of classWithToString' => new classWithToString(),
+ 'instance of classWithoutToString' => new classWithoutToString(),
+ // undefined data
+ 'undefined var' => @$undefined_var,
+ // unset data
+ 'unset var' => @$unset_var,
+// loop through each element of the array for input
+foreach($inputs as $key =>$value) {
+ echo "\n--$key--\n";
+ var_dump( array_product($value) );
+*** Testing array_product() : usage variation ***
+--int 0--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--int 1--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--int 12345--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--int -12345--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, integer given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--float 10.5--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, double given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--float -10.5--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, double given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--float 12.3456789000e10--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, double given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--float -12.3456789000e10--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, double given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--float .5--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, double given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--uppercase NULL--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--lowercase null--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--lowercase true--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--lowercase false--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--uppercase TRUE--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--uppercase FALSE--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--empty string DQ--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--empty string SQ--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--string DQ--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--string SQ--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--mixed case string--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, Unicode string given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--instance of classWithToString--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--instance of classWithoutToString--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, object given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--undefined var--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
+--unset var--
+Warning: array_product() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in %sarray_product_variation5.php on line %d
\ No newline at end of file