<VirtualHost>, since people sometimes assume that this
implies the host has no name, resulting in confusion.
Suggested by: Michael Rasmussen <mikeraz patch.com>
git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk@578949
to match all ports on that address. (This is recommended when used
with <code>_default_</code>.)</p>
+ <p>A <code class="directive"><a href="#servername">ServerName</a></code> should be
+ specified inside each <code class="directive"><VirtualHost></code> block. If it is absent, the
+ <code class="directive"><a href="#servername">ServerName</a></code> from the "main"
+ server configuration will be inherited.</p>
<div class="warning"><h3>Security</h3>
<p>See the <a href="../misc/security_tips.html">security tips</a>
document for details on why your security could be compromised if the
to match all ports on that address. (This is recommended when used
with <code>_default_</code>.)</p>
+ <p>A <directive module="core">ServerName</directive> should be
+ specified inside each <directive
+ type="section">VirtualHost</directive> block. If it is absent, the
+ <directive module="core">ServerName</directive> from the "main"
+ server configuration will be inherited.</p>
<note type="warning"><title>Security</title>
<p>See the <a href="../misc/security_tips.html">security tips</a>
document for details on why your security could be compromised if the