- the "Burdened" message could disappear from the status line if it was
updated partway thru in_container, clearing the bot flags. Re-order
message so it comes after add_to_container, as in 3.3.1.
player polymorphed into an eel cannot drown breathless/amphibious monsters
avoid dmonsfree impossible message due to migrating a dead monster via
mhurtle causing the monster to end up in a hole or other trap
+avoid temporary disappearing Burdened message due to updating status line
+ midway thru in_container
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
if (current_container) {
- Strcpy(buf, the(xname(current_container)));
- You("put %s into %s.", doname(obj), buf);
(void) add_to_container(current_container, obj);
current_container->owt = weight(current_container);
+ Strcpy(buf, the(xname(current_container)));
+ You("put %s into %s.", doname(obj), buf);
if (is_gold) bot(); /* update gold piece count immediately */