assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
rc = evbuffer_add( io->inbuf, buf, buflen );
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_read got %zu bytes", buflen );
if( rc < 0 ) {
tr_nerr( "UTP", "On read evbuffer_add" );
assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
rc = evbuffer_remove( io->outbuf, buf, buflen );
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_write sending %zu bytes... evbuffer_remove returned %d", buflen, rc );
assert( rc == (int)buflen ); /* if this fails, we've corrupted our bookkeeping somewhere */
if( rc < (long)buflen ) {
tr_nerr( "UTP", "Short write: %d < %ld", rc, (long)buflen);
bytes = tr_bandwidthClamp( &io->bandwidth, TR_DOWN, UTP_READ_BUFFER_SIZE );
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_get_rb_size is saying it's ready to read %zu bytes", bytes );
return UTP_READ_BUFFER_SIZE - bytes;
tr_peerIo *io = (tr_peerIo *)closure;
assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
- if( state == UTP_STATE_CONNECT || state == UTP_STATE_WRITABLE ) {
- /* noop */
+ if( state == UTP_STATE_CONNECT ) {
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_state_change -- changed to readable" );
+ } else if( state == UTP_STATE_WRITABLE ) {
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_state_change -- changed to writable" );
} else if( state == UTP_STATE_EOF ) {
if( io->gotError )
io->gotError( io, BEV_EVENT_EOF, io->userData );
tr_peerIo *io = (tr_peerIo *)closure;
assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_error -- errcode is %d", errcode );
if( io->gotError ) {
errno = errcode;
io->gotError( io, BEV_EVENT_ERROR, io->userData );
tr_peerIo *io = (tr_peerIo *)closure;
assert( tr_isPeerIo( io ) );
+ dbgmsg( io, "utp_on_overhead -- count is %zu", count );
tr_bandwidthUsed( &io->bandwidth, send ? TR_UP : TR_DOWN,
count, FALSE, tr_time_msec() );
tr_bandwidthConstruct( &io->bandwidth, session, parent );
tr_bandwidthSetPeer( &io->bandwidth, io );
dbgmsg( io, "bandwidth is %p; its parent is %p", &io->bandwidth, parent );
+ dbgmsg( io, "socket is %d, utp_socket is %p", socket, utp_socket );
if( io->socket >= 0 ) {
io->event_read = event_new( session->event_base,
io->socket, EV_WRITE, event_write_cb, io );
} else {
UTP_SetSockopt( utp_socket, SO_RCVBUF, UTP_READ_BUFFER_SIZE );
+ dbgmsg( io, "%s", "calling UTP_SetCallbacks &utp_function_table" );
UTP_SetCallbacks( utp_socket,
io );
- if( !isIncoming )
+ if( !isIncoming ) {
+ dbgmsg( io, "%s", "calling UTP_Connect" );
UTP_Connect( utp_socket );
+ }
return io;