-static inline double MagickMin(const double x,const double y)
- if (x < y)
- return(x);
- return(y);
-static inline double MagickMax(const double x,const double y)
- if (x > y)
- return(x);
- return(y);
- Programmers notes on SVG specification.
- A Composition is defined by...
- Color Function : f(Sc,Dc) where Sc and Dc are the normizalized colors
- Blending areas : X = 1 for area of overlap ie: f(Sc,Dc)
- Y = 1 for source preserved
- Z = 1 for destination preserved
- Conversion to transparency (then optimized)
- Dca' = f(Sc, Dc)*Sa*Da + Y*Sca*(1-Da) + Z*Dca*(1-Sa)
- Da' = X*Sa*Da + Y*Sa*(1-Da) + Z*Da*(1-Sa)
- Where...
- Sca = Sc*Sa normalized Source color divided by Source alpha
- Dca = Dc*Da normalized Dest color divided by Dest alpha
- Dc' = Dca'/Da' the desired color value for this channel.
- Da' (alpha result) is stored as 'gamma' in the functions.
- The compose functions defined is just simplifications of the above
- formula on a case by case bases.
- The above SVG definitions also defines that Mathematical Composition
- methods should use a 'Over' blending mode for Alpha Channel.
- It however was not applied for composition modes of 'Plus', 'Minus',
- the modulus versions of 'Add' and 'Subtract'.
- Mathematical operator changes to be applied from IM v6.7...
- 1/ Modulus modes 'Add' and 'Subtract' are obsoleted and renamed
- 'ModulusAdd' and 'ModulusSubtract' for clarity.
- 2/ All mathematical compositions work as per the SVG specification
- with regard to blending. This now includes 'ModulusAdd' and
- 'ModulusSubtract'.
- 3/ When the special channel flag 'sync' (syncronize channel updates)
- is turned off (enabled by default) then mathematical compositions are
- only performed on the channels specified, and are applied
- independantally of each other. In other words the mathematics is
- performed as 'pure' mathematical operations, rather than as image
- operations.
-static inline MagickRealType Atop(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType q,
- const MagickRealType magick_unused(Da))
- return(p*Sa+q*(1.0-Sa)); /* Da optimized out, Da/gamma => 1.0 */
-static inline void CompositeAtop(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- composite->alpha=q->alpha; /* optimized Da = 1.0-Gamma */
- composite->red=Atop(p->red,Sa,q->red,1.0);
- composite->green=Atop(p->green,Sa,q->green,1.0);
- composite->blue=Atop(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,1.0);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=Atop(p->black,Sa,q->black,1.0);
- Bumpmap: Multiply by overlay intensity
- What is this Composition actually method for? Can't find any specification!
- I think this was meant to be a 'HardLight effect' using a Shaded Image!
- That is a Embossing, using a height map! Better to do it piecemeal.
-static inline void CompositeBumpmap(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- intensity;
- intensity=(MagickRealType) GetPixelInfoIntensity(p);
- composite->red=QuantumScale*intensity*q->red;
- composite->green=QuantumScale*intensity*q->green;
- composite->blue=QuantumScale*intensity*q->blue;
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumScale*intensity*p->alpha;
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=QuantumScale*intensity*q->black;
-static inline void CompositeClear(const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
- composite->red=0.0;
- composite->green=0.0;
- composite->blue=0.0;
- composite->black=1.0;
-static MagickRealType ColorBurn(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa, const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca-Da) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if (Sca < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Sa*Da-Sa*MagickMin(Da,(Da-Dca)*Sa/Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeColorBurn(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*ColorBurn(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*ColorBurn(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*ColorBurn(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*ColorBurn(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static MagickRealType ColorDodge(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- Working from first principles using the original formula:
- f(Sc,Dc) = Dc/(1-Sc)
- This works correctly! Looks like the 2004 SVG model was right but just
- required a extra condition for correct handling.
- */
- if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeColorDodge(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*ColorDodge(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static inline MagickRealType Darken(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType alpha,const MagickRealType q,const MagickRealType beta)
- if (p < q)
- return(MagickOver_(p,alpha,q,beta)); /* src-over */
- return(MagickOver_(q,beta,p,alpha)); /* dst-over */
-static inline void CompositeDarken(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- gamma;
- /*
- Darken is equivalent to a 'Minimum' method OR a greyscale version of a
- binary 'Or' OR the 'Intersection' of pixel sets.
- */
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=MagickMin(p->red,q->red);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=MagickMin(p->green,q->green);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=MagickMin(p->blue,q->blue);
- if ((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0 &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=MagickMin(p->black,q->black);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=MagickMax(p->alpha,q->alpha);
- return;
- }
- composite->alpha=QuantumScale*p->alpha*q->alpha; /* Over Blend */
- gamma=1.0-QuantumScale*composite->alpha;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Darken(p->red,p->alpha,q->red,q->alpha);
- composite->green=gamma*Darken(p->green,p->alpha,q->green,q->alpha);
- composite->blue=gamma*Darken(p->blue,p->alpha,q->blue,q->alpha);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Darken(p->black,p->alpha,q->black,q->alpha);
-static inline void CompositeDarkenIntensity(const Image *image,
- const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- Sa;
- /*
- Select the pixel based on the intensity level.
- If 'Sync' flag select whole pixel based on alpha weighted intensity.
- Otherwise use intensity only, but restrict copy according to channel.
- */
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- MagickBooleanType
- from_p;
- from_p=GetPixelInfoIntensity(p) < GetPixelInfoIntensity(q) ? MagickTrue :
- MagickFalse;
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->red : q->red;
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->green : q->green;
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->blue : q->blue;
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->black : q->black;
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->alpha : q->alpha;
- return;
- }
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha;
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- *composite=(Sa*GetPixelInfoIntensity(p) < Da*GetPixelInfoIntensity(q)) ?
- *p : *q;
-static inline MagickRealType Difference(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType q,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- Optimized by Multipling by QuantumRange (taken from gamma).
- */
- return(Sa*p+Da*q-Sa*Da*2.0*MagickMin(p,q));
-static inline void CompositeDifference(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=fabs((double) (p->red-q->red));
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=fabs((double) (p->green-q->green));
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=fabs((double) (p->blue-q->blue));
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=fabs((double) (p->black-q->black));
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=fabs((double) (p->alpha-q->alpha));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Difference(p->red,Sa,q->red,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Difference(p->green,Sa,q->green,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Difference(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Difference(p->black,Sa,q->black,Da);
-static MagickRealType Divide(const MagickRealType Sca,const MagickRealType Sa,
- const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- Divide Source by Destination
- f(Sc,Dc) = Sc / Dc
- But with appropriate handling for special case of Dc == 0 specifically
- so that f(Black,Black)=Black and f(non-Black,Black)=White.
- It is however also important to correctly do 'over' alpha blending which
- is why the formula becomes so complex.
- */
- if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Sca*Da*Da/Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeDivide(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=QuantumRange*Divide(QuantumScale*p->red,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->red,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=QuantumRange*Divide(QuantumScale*p->green,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->green,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=QuantumRange*Divide(QuantumScale*p->blue,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->blue,1.0);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=QuantumRange*Divide(QuantumScale*p->black,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->black,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-Divide(Sa,1.0,Da,1.0));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Divide(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Divide(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Divide(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Divide(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static MagickRealType Exclusion(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- return(Sca*Da+Dca*Sa-2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeExclusion(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- gamma,
- Sa,
- Da;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=QuantumRange*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->red,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->red,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=QuantumRange*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->green,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->green,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=QuantumRange*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->blue,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->blue,1.0);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=QuantumRange*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->black,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->black,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-Exclusion(Sa,1.0,Da,1.0));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Exclusion(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,
- QuantumScale*q->black*Da,Da);
-static MagickRealType HardLight(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
+static void CompositeHSB(const Quantum red,const Quantum green,
+ const Quantum blue,double *hue,double *saturation,double *brightness)
- if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
- return(2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Sa*Da-2.0*(Da-Dca)*(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeHardLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*HardLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*HardLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*HardLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*HardLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
+ double
+ delta;
-static void CompositeHSB(const MagickRealType red,const MagickRealType green,
- const MagickRealType blue,double *hue,double *saturation,double *brightness)
- MagickRealType
- delta,
+ Quantum
*brightness=(double) (QuantumScale*max);
- if (fabs(max) < MagickEpsilon)
+ if (fabs((double) max) < MagickEpsilon)
*saturation=(double) (1.0-min/max);
- delta=max-min;
+ delta=(MagickRealType) max-min;
if (fabs(delta) < MagickEpsilon)
- if (fabs(red-max) < MagickEpsilon)
+ if (fabs((double) red-max) < MagickEpsilon)
*hue=(double) ((green-blue)/delta);
- if (fabs(green-max) < MagickEpsilon)
+ if (fabs((double) green-max) < MagickEpsilon)
*hue=(double) (2.0+(blue-red)/delta);
- if (fabs(blue-max) < MagickEpsilon)
+ if (fabs((double) blue-max) < MagickEpsilon)
*hue=(double) (4.0+(red-green)/delta);
if (*hue < 0.0)
-#if 0
-static inline MagickRealType In(const MagickRealType p,const MagickRealType Sa,
- const MagickRealType magick_unused(q),const MagickRealType Da)
- return(Sa*p*Da);
-static inline void CompositeIn(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
-#if 0
- MagickRealType
- gamma,
- Sa,
- Da;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=Sa*Da;
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- /* really this just preserves the src or p color as is! */
- composite->red=gamma*In(p->red,Sa,q->red,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*In(p->green,Sa,q->green,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*In(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*In(p->black,Sa,q->black,Da);
- /* Simplified to a multiply of the Alpha Channel */
- *composite=*p; /* structure copy */
- composite->alpha=QuantumScale*p->alpha*q->alpha;
-static inline MagickRealType Lighten(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType alpha,const MagickRealType q,const MagickRealType beta)
- if (p > q)
- return(MagickOver_(p,alpha,q,beta)); /* src-over */
- return(MagickOver_(q,beta,p,alpha)); /* dst-over */
-static inline void CompositeLighten(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
+static void HSBComposite(const double hue,const double saturation,
+ const double brightness,double *red,double *green,double *blue)
- MagickRealType
- gamma;
+ double
+ f,
+ h,
+ p,
+ q,
+ t;
- Lighten is also equvalent to a 'Maximum' method OR a greyscale version of a
- binary 'And' OR the 'Union' of pixel sets.
+ Convert HSB to RGB colorspace.
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
+ assert(red != (double *) NULL);
+ assert(green != (double *) NULL);
+ assert(blue != (double *) NULL);
+ if (saturation == 0.0)
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=MagickMax(p->red,q->red);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=MagickMax(p->green,q->green);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=MagickMax(p->blue,q->blue);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=MagickMax(p->black,q->black);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=MagickMin(p->alpha,q->alpha);
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ *green=(*red);
+ *blue=(*red);
- composite->alpha=QuantumScale*p->alpha*q->alpha; /* Over Blend */
- gamma=1.0-QuantumScale*composite->alpha;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Lighten(p->red,p->alpha,q->red,q->alpha);
- composite->green=gamma*Lighten(p->green,p->alpha,q->green,q->alpha);
- composite->blue=gamma*Lighten(p->blue,p->alpha,q->blue,q->alpha);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Lighten(p->black,p->alpha,q->black,q->alpha);
-static inline void CompositeLightenIntensity(const Image *image,
- const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- Sa;
- /*
- Select the pixel based on the intensity level.
- If 'Sync' flag select whole pixel based on alpha weighted intensity.
- Otherwise use Intenisty only, but restrict copy according to channel.
- */
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
+ h=6.0*(hue-floor(hue));
+ f=h-floor((double) h);
+ p=brightness*(1.0-saturation);
+ q=brightness*(1.0-saturation*f);
+ t=brightness*(1.0-saturation*(1.0-f));
+ switch ((int) h)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ default:
- MagickBooleanType
- from_p;
- from_p=GetPixelInfoIntensity(p) > GetPixelInfoIntensity(q) ? MagickTrue :
- MagickFalse;
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->red : q->red;
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->green : q->green;
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->blue : q->blue;
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->black : q->black;
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=from_p != MagickFalse ? p->alpha : q->alpha;
- return;
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*t;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ break;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha;
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- *composite=(Sa*GetPixelInfoIntensity(p) > Da*GetPixelInfoIntensity(q)) ?
- *p : *q;
+ case 1:
+ {
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*q;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ {
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*t;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3:
+ {
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*q;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4:
+ {
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*t;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5:
+ {
+ *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
+ *green=(double) QuantumRange*p;
+ *blue=(double) QuantumRange*q;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
-static inline void CompositeLinearDodge(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
+static inline double MagickMin(const double x,const double y)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*(p->red*Sa+q->red*Da);
- composite->green=gamma*(p->green*Sa+q->green*Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*(p->blue*Sa+q->blue*Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*(p->black*Sa+q->black*Da);
+ if (x < y)
+ return(x);
+ return(y);
-static inline MagickRealType LinearBurn(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
+static inline double MagickMax(const double x,const double y)
- /*
- LinearBurn: as defined by Abode Photoshop, according to
- http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html is:
- f(Sc,Dc) = Sc + Dc - 1
- */
- return(Sca+Dca-Sa*Da);
+ if (x > y)
+ return(x);
+ return(y);
-static inline void CompositeLinearBurn(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
+static MagickBooleanType CompositeOverImage(Image *image,
+ const Image *composite_image,const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,
+ ExceptionInfo *exception)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*LinearBurn(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*LinearBurn(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*LinearBurn(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*LinearBurn(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
+#define CompositeImageTag "Composite/Image"
-static inline MagickRealType LinearLight(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- LinearLight: as defined by Abode Photoshop, according to
- http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html is:
+ CacheView
+ *composite_view,
+ *image_view;
- f(Sc,Dc) = Dc + 2*Sc - 1
- */
- return((Sca-Sa)*Da+Sca+Dca);
+ const char
+ *value;
-static inline void CompositeLinearLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*LinearLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*LinearLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*LinearLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*LinearLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static inline MagickRealType Mathematics(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da,
- const GeometryInfo *geometry_info)
- MagickRealType
- gamma;
- /*
- 'Mathematics' a free form user control mathematical composition is defined
- as...
- f(Sc,Dc) = A*Sc*Dc + B*Sc + C*Dc + D
- Where the arguments A,B,C,D are (currently) passed to composite as
- a command separated 'geometry' string in "compose:args" image artifact.
- A = a->rho, B = a->sigma, C = a->xi, D = a->psi
- Applying the SVG transparency formula (see above), we get...
- Dca' = Sa*Da*f(Sc,Dc) + Sca*(1.0-Da) + Dca*(1.0-Sa)
+ MagickBooleanType
+ modify_outside_overlay,
+ status;
- Dca' = A*Sca*Dca + B*Sca*Da + C*Dca*Sa + D*Sa*Da + Sca*(1.0-Da) +
- Dca*(1.0-Sa)
- */
- gamma=geometry_info->rho*Sca*Dca+geometry_info->sigma*Sca*Da+
- geometry_info->xi*Dca*Sa+geometry_info->psi*Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+
- Dca*(1.0-Sa);
- return(gamma);
+ MagickOffsetType
+ progress;
-static inline void CompositeMathematics(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,const GeometryInfo *args,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
+ ssize_t
+ y;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* ??? - AT */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=QuantumRange*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->red,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->red,1.0,args);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=QuantumRange*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->green,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->green,1.0,args);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=QuantumRange*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->blue,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->blue,1.0,args);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=QuantumRange*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->black,1.0,
- QuantumScale*q->black,1.0,args);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-Mathematics(Sa,1.0,Da,1.0,args));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da,args);
- composite->green=gamma*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,
- QuantumScale*q->green*Da,Da,args);
- composite->blue=gamma*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da,args);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Mathematics(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,
- QuantumScale*q->black*Da,Da,args);
+ size_t
+ channels;
-static inline void CompositePlus(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- NOTE: "Plus" does not use 'over' alpha-blending but uses a special
- 'plus' form of alph-blending. It is the ONLY mathematical operator to
- do this. this is what makes it different to the otherwise equivalent
- "LinearDodge" composition method.
- Note however that color channels are still effected by the alpha channel
- as a result of the blending, making it just as useless for independant
- channel maths, just like all other mathematical composition methods.
- As such the removal of the 'sync' flag, is still a usful convention.
- The CompositePixelInfoPlus() function is defined in
- "composite-private.h" so it can also be used for Image Blending.
+ Prepare composite image.
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=p->red+q->red;
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=p->green+q->green;
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=p->blue+q->blue;
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=p->black+q->black;
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=p->alpha+q->alpha-QuantumRange;
- return;
- }
- CompositePixelInfoPlus(p,p->alpha,q,q->alpha,composite);
-static inline MagickRealType Minus(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,
- const MagickRealType magick_unused(Da))
+ modify_outside_overlay=MagickFalse;
+ value=GetImageArtifact(composite_image,"compose:outside-overlay");
+ if (value != (const char *) NULL)
+ modify_outside_overlay=IsMagickTrue(value);
- Minus Source from Destination
- f(Sc,Dc) = Sc - Dc
+ Composite image.
- return(Sca+Dca-2.0*Dca*Sa);
-static inline void CompositeMinus(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=p->red-q->red;
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=p->green-q->green;
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=p->blue-q->blue;
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=p->black-q->black;
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-(Sa-Da));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Minus(p->red*Sa,Sa,q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Minus(p->green*Sa,Sa,q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Minus(p->blue*Sa,Sa,q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Minus(p->black*Sa,Sa,q->black*Da,Da);
+ status=MagickTrue;
+ progress=0;
+ image_view=AcquireCacheView(image);
+ composite_view=AcquireCacheView(composite_image);
+ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,4) shared(progress,status)
+ for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
+ {
+ const Quantum
+ *pixels;
-static inline MagickRealType ModulusAdd(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType q, const MagickRealType Da)
- MagickRealType
- pixel;
+ register const Quantum
+ *restrict p;
- pixel=p+q;
- if (pixel > QuantumRange)
- pixel-=(QuantumRange+1.0);
- return(pixel*Sa*Da+p*Sa*(1.0-Da)+q*Da*(1.0-Sa));
+ register Quantum
+ *restrict q;
-static inline void CompositeModulusAdd(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
+ register ssize_t
+ x;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
+ if (status == MagickFalse)
+ continue;
+ if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
+ {
+ if (y < y_offset)
+ continue;
+ if ((y-y_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->rows)
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ If pixels is NULL, y is outside overlay region.
+ */
+ pixels=(Quantum *) NULL;
+ p=(Quantum *) NULL;
+ if ((y >= y_offset) && ((y-y_offset) < (ssize_t) composite_image->rows))
+ {
+ p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(composite_view,0,y-y_offset,
+ composite_image->columns,1,exception);
+ if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL)
+ {
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pixels=p;
+ if (x_offset < 0)
+ p-=x_offset*GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
+ }
+ q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
+ if (q == (Quantum *) NULL)
+ {
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=ModulusAdd(p->red,1.0,q->red,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=ModulusAdd(p->green,1.0,q->green,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=ModulusAdd(p->blue,1.0,q->blue,1.0);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=ModulusAdd(p->black,1.0,q->black,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=ModulusAdd(p->alpha,1.0,q->alpha,1.0);
- return;
- }
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=ModulusAdd(p->red,Sa,q->red,Da);
- composite->green=ModulusAdd(p->green,Sa,q->green,Da);
- composite->blue=ModulusAdd(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=ModulusAdd(p->black,Sa,q->black,Da);
-static inline MagickRealType ModulusSubtract(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType q, const MagickRealType Da)
- MagickRealType
- pixel;
+ MagickRealType
+ alpha,
+ Da,
+ Dc,
+ gamma,
+ Sa,
+ Sc;
- pixel=p-q;
- if (pixel < 0.0)
- pixel+=(QuantumRange+1.0);
- return(pixel*Sa*Da+p*Sa*(1.0-Da)+q*Da*(1.0-Sa));
+ register ssize_t
+ i;
-static inline void CompositeModulusSubtract(const Image *image,
- const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
+ if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
+ {
+ if (x < x_offset)
+ {
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns)
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) || (x < x_offset) ||
+ ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns))
+ {
+ Quantum
+ source[MaxPixelChannels];
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
+ /*
+ Virtual composite:
+ Sc: source color.
+ Dc: destination color.
+ */
+ (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(composite_image,x-x_offset,y-y_offset,
+ source,exception);
+ for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
+ {
+ PixelChannel
+ channel;
+ PixelTrait
+ composite_traits,
+ traits;
+ channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
+ traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
+ composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,
+ channel);
+ if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
+ (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
+ continue;
+ q[i]=source[channel];
+ }
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ continue;
+ }
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels,
+ Authentic composite:
+ Sa: normalized source alpha.
+ Da: normalized destination alpha.
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=ModulusSubtract(p->red,1.0,q->red,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=ModulusSubtract(p->green,1.0,q->green,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=ModulusSubtract(p->blue,1.0,q->blue,1.0);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=ModulusSubtract(p->black,1.0,q->black,1.0);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=ModulusSubtract(p->alpha,1.0,q->alpha,1.0);
- return;
+ Sa=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ Da=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(image,q);
+ alpha=Sa*(-Da)+Sa+Da;
+ for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
+ {
+ PixelChannel
+ channel;
+ PixelTrait
+ composite_traits,
+ traits;
+ channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
+ traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
+ composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,channel);
+ if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
+ (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
+ continue;
+ if ((traits & CopyPixelTrait) != 0)
+ {
+ if (channel != AlphaPixelChannel)
+ {
+ /*
+ Copy channel.
+ */
+ q[i]=GetPixelChannel(composite_image,channel,p);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ Set alpha channel.
+ */
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(QuantumRange*alpha);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ Sc: source color.
+ Dc: destination color.
+ */
+ Sc=(MagickRealType) GetPixelChannel(composite_image,channel,p);
+ Dc=(MagickRealType) q[i];
+ gamma=1.0/(fabs(alpha) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : alpha);
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc));
+ }
+ p+=GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
+ channels=GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
+ if (p >= (pixels+channels*composite_image->columns))
+ p=pixels;
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma = RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da);
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=ModulusSubtract(p->red,Sa,q->red,Da);
- composite->green=ModulusSubtract(p->green,Sa,q->green,Da);
- composite->blue=ModulusSubtract(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=ModulusSubtract(p->black,Sa,q->black,Da);
+ if (SyncCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,exception) == MagickFalse)
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ if (image->progress_monitor != (MagickProgressMonitor) NULL)
+ {
+ MagickBooleanType
+ proceed;
-static inline MagickRealType Multiply(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- return(Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ #pragma omp critical (MagickCore_CompositeImage)
+ proceed=SetImageProgress(image,CompositeImageTag,progress++,
+ image->rows);
+ if (proceed == MagickFalse)
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ }
+ }
+ composite_view=DestroyCacheView(composite_view);
+ image_view=DestroyCacheView(image_view);
+ return(status);
-static inline void CompositeMultiply(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
+MagickExport MagickBooleanType CompositeImage(Image *image,
+ const CompositeOperator compose,const Image *composite_image,
+ const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
+#define CompositeImageTag "Composite/Image"
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
- {
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=QuantumScale*p->red*q->red;
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=QuantumScale*p->green*q->green;
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=QuantumScale*p->blue*q->blue;
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=QuantumScale*p->black*q->black;
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-Sa*Da);
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Multiply(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Multiply(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Multiply(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Multiply(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,
- QuantumScale*q->black*Da,Da);
+ CacheView
+ *composite_view,
+ *image_view;
-#if 0
-static inline MagickRealType Out(const MagickRealType p,const MagickRealType Sa,
- const MagickRealType magick_unused(q),const MagickRealType Da)
- return(Sa*p*(1.0-Da));
+ const char
+ *value;
-static inline void CompositeOut(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
-#if 0
- MagickRealType
- Sa,
- Da,
- gamma;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=Sa*(1.0-Da);
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Out(p->red,Sa,q->red,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Out(p->green,Sa,q->green,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Out(p->blue,Sa,q->blue,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Out(p->black,Sa,q->black,Da);
- /* Simplified to a negated multiply of the Alpha Channel */
- *composite=*p; /* structure copy */
- composite->alpha=p->alpha*(1.0-QuantumScale*q->alpha);
+ double
+ sans;
-static MagickRealType PegtopLight(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- PegTop: A Soft-Light alternative: A continuous version of the Softlight
- function, producing very similar results.
+ GeometryInfo
+ geometry_info;
- f(Sc,Dc) = Dc^2*(1-2*Sc) + 2*Sc*Dc
+ Image
+ *destination_image;
- See http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/softlight.htm.
- */
- if (fabs(Da) < MagickEpsilon)
- return(Sca);
- return(Dca*Dca*(Sa-2.0*Sca)/Da+Sca*(2.0*Dca+1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ MagickBooleanType
+ modify_outside_overlay,
+ status;
+ MagickOffsetType
+ progress;
-static inline void CompositePegtopLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*PegtopLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*PegtopLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*PegtopLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*PegtopLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
+ amount,
+ destination_dissolve,
+ midpoint,
+ percent_brightness,
+ percent_saturation,
+ source_dissolve,
+ threshold;
-static MagickRealType PinLight(const MagickRealType Sca,const MagickRealType Sa,
- const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- PinLight: A Photoshop 7 composition method
- http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html
+ MagickStatusType
+ flags;
- f(Sc,Dc) = Dc<2*Sc-1 ? 2*Sc-1 : Dc>2*Sc ? 2*Sc : Dc
- */
- if (Dca*Sa < Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa))
- return(Sca*(Da+1.0)-Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if ((Dca*Sa) > (2.0*Sca*Da))
- return(Sca*Da+Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca);
+ ssize_t
+ y;
-static inline void CompositePinLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*PinLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*PinLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*PinLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*PinLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
+ size_t
+ channels;
-static inline MagickRealType Screen(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Dca)
- Screen: A negated multiply
- f(Sc,Dc) = 1.0-(1.0-Sc)*(1.0-Dc)
+ Composition based on the SVG specification:
+ A Composition is defined by...
+ Color Function : f(Sc,Dc) where Sc and Dc are the normizalized colors
+ Blending areas : X = 1 for area of overlap, ie: f(Sc,Dc)
+ Y = 1 for source preserved
+ Z = 1 for destination preserved
+ Conversion to transparency (then optimized)
+ Dca' = f(Sc, Dc)*Sa*Da + Y*Sca*(1-Da) + Z*Dca*(1-Sa)
+ Da' = X*Sa*Da + Y*Sa*(1-Da) + Z*Da*(1-Sa)
+ Where...
+ Sca = Sc*Sa normalized Source color divided by Source alpha
+ Dca = Dc*Da normalized Dest color divided by Dest alpha
+ Dc' = Dca'/Da' the desired color value for this channel.
+ Da' in in the follow formula as 'gamma' The resulting alpla value.
+ Most functions use a blending mode of over (X=1,Y=1,Z=1) this results in
+ the following optimizations...
+ gamma = Sa+Da-Sa*Da;
+ gamma = 1 - QuantiumScale*alpha * QuantiumScale*beta;
+ opacity = QuantiumScale*alpha*beta; // over blend, optimized 1-Gamma
+ The above SVG definitions also definate that Mathematical Composition
+ methods should use a 'Over' blending mode for Alpha Channel.
+ It however was not applied for composition modes of 'Plus', 'Minus',
+ the modulus versions of 'Add' and 'Subtract'.
+ Mathematical operator changes to be applied from IM v6.7...
+ 1) Modulus modes 'Add' and 'Subtract' are obsoleted and renamed
+ 'ModulusAdd' and 'ModulusSubtract' for clarity.
+ 2) All mathematical compositions work as per the SVG specification
+ with regard to blending. This now includes 'ModulusAdd' and
+ 'ModulusSubtract'.
+ 3) When the special channel flag 'sync' (syncronize channel updates)
+ is turned off (enabled by default) then mathematical compositions are
+ only performed on the channels specified, and are applied
+ independantally of each other. In other words the mathematics is
+ performed as 'pure' mathematical operations, rather than as image
+ operations.
- return(Sca+Dca-Sca*Dca);
-static inline void CompositeScreen(const Image *image,const PixelInfo *p,
- const PixelInfo *q,PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- if (image->channel_mask != DefaultChannels)
+ assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
+ assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
+ if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
+ (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
+ assert(composite_image != (Image *) NULL);
+ assert(composite_image->signature == MagickSignature);
+ if (SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass,exception) == MagickFalse)
+ return(MagickFalse);
+ if ((compose == OverCompositeOp) || (compose == SrcOverCompositeOp))
- /*
- Handle channels as separate grayscale channels.
- */
- if ((GetPixelRedTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->red=QuantumRange*Screen(QuantumScale*p->red,
- QuantumScale*q->red);
- if ((GetPixelGreenTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->green=QuantumRange*Screen(QuantumScale*p->green,
- QuantumScale*q->green);
- if ((GetPixelBlueTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->blue=QuantumRange*Screen(QuantumScale*p->blue,
- QuantumScale*q->blue);
- if (((GetPixelBlackTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0) &&
- (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace))
- composite->black=QuantumRange*Screen(QuantumScale*p->black,
- QuantumScale*q->black);
- if ((GetPixelAlphaTraits(image) & UpdatePixelTrait) != 0)
- composite->alpha=QuantumRange*(1.0-Screen(Sa,Da));
- return;
- }
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- Sa*=QuantumScale; Da*=QuantumScale; /* optimization */
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Screen(p->red*Sa,q->red*Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Screen(p->green*Sa,q->green*Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Screen(p->blue*Sa,q->blue*Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Screen(p->black*Sa,q->black*Da);
-static MagickRealType SoftLight(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- MagickRealType
- alpha,
- beta;
- /*
- New specification: March 2009 SVG specification.
- */
- alpha=Dca/Da;
- if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
- return(Dca*(Sa+(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(1.0-alpha))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if (((2.0*Sca) > Sa) && ((4.0*Dca) <= Da))
- {
- beta=Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(4.0*alpha*(4.0*alpha+1.0)*(alpha-1.0)+7.0*
- alpha)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa);
- return(beta);
- }
- beta=Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(pow(alpha,0.5)-alpha)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa);
- return(beta);
-static inline void CompositeSoftLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*SoftLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*SoftLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*SoftLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*SoftLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static inline MagickRealType Threshold(const MagickRealType p,
- const MagickRealType q,const MagickRealType threshold,
- const MagickRealType amount)
- MagickRealType
- delta;
- /*
- Multiply difference by amount, if differance larger than threshold???
- What use this is is completely unknown. The Opacity calculation appears to
- be inverted -- Anthony Thyssen
- Deprecated.
- */
- delta=p-q;
- if ((MagickRealType) fabs((double) (2.0*delta)) < threshold)
- return(q);
- return(q+delta*amount);
-static inline void CompositeThreshold(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- const MagickRealType threshold,const MagickRealType amount,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- composite->red=Threshold(p->red,q->red,threshold,amount);
- composite->green=Threshold(p->green,q->green,threshold,amount);
- composite->blue=Threshold(p->blue,q->blue,threshold,amount);
- composite->alpha=Threshold(p->alpha,q->alpha,threshold,amount);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=Threshold(p->black,q->black,threshold,amount);
-static MagickRealType VividLight(const MagickRealType Sca,
- const MagickRealType Sa,const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- /*
- VividLight: A Photoshop 7 composition method. See
- http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html.
- f(Sc,Dc) = (2*Sc < 1) ? 1-(1-Dc)/(2*Sc) : Dc/(2*(1-Sc))
- */
- if ((fabs(Sa) < MagickEpsilon) || (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon))
- return(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- if ((2.0*Sca) <= Sa)
- return(Sa*(Da+Sa*(Dca-Da)/(2.0*Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- return(Dca*Sa*Sa/(2.0*(Sa-Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeVividLight(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da); /* over blend, as per SVG doc */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=QuantumRange/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*VividLight(QuantumScale*p->red*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*VividLight(QuantumScale*p->green*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*VividLight(QuantumScale*p->blue*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*VividLight(QuantumScale*p->black*Sa,Sa,QuantumScale*
- q->black*Da,Da);
-static MagickRealType Xor(const MagickRealType Sca,const MagickRealType Sa,
- const MagickRealType Dca,const MagickRealType Da)
- return(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
-static inline void CompositeXor(const PixelInfo *p,const PixelInfo *q,
- PixelInfo *composite)
- MagickRealType
- Da,
- gamma,
- Sa;
- Sa=QuantumScale*p->alpha; /* simplify and speed up equations */
- Da=QuantumScale*q->alpha;
- gamma=Sa+Da-2.0*Sa*Da; /* Xor blend mode X=0,Y=1,Z=1 */
- composite->alpha=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange*gamma;
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(gamma) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : gamma);
- composite->red=gamma*Xor(p->red*Sa,Sa,q->red*Da,Da);
- composite->green=gamma*Xor(p->green*Sa,Sa,q->green*Da,Da);
- composite->blue=gamma*Xor(p->blue*Sa,Sa,q->blue*Da,Da);
- if (q->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- composite->black=gamma*Xor(p->black*Sa,Sa,q->black*Da,Da);
-static void HSBComposite(const double hue,const double saturation,
- const double brightness,double *red,double *green,
- double *blue)
- double
- f,
- h,
- p,
- q,
- t;
- /*
- Convert HSB to RGB colorspace.
- */
- assert(red != (double *) NULL);
- assert(green != (double *) NULL);
- assert(blue != (double *) NULL);
- if (saturation == 0.0)
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- *green=(*red);
- *blue=(*red);
- return;
- }
- h=6.0*(hue-floor(hue));
- f=h-floor((double) h);
- p=brightness*(1.0-saturation);
- q=brightness*(1.0-saturation*f);
- t=brightness*(1.0-saturation*(1.0-f));
- switch ((int) h)
- {
- case 0:
- default:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*t;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- break;
- }
- case 1:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*q;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- break;
- }
- case 2:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*t;
- break;
- }
- case 3:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*q;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- break;
- }
- case 4:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*t;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- break;
- }
- case 5:
- {
- *red=(double) QuantumRange*brightness;
- *green=(double) QuantumRange*p;
- *blue=(double) QuantumRange*q;
- break;
+ status=CompositeOverImage(image,composite_image,x_offset,y_offset,
+ exception);
+ return(status);
- }
-MagickExport MagickBooleanType CompositeImage(Image *image,
- const CompositeOperator compose,const Image *composite_image,
- const ssize_t x_offset,const ssize_t y_offset,ExceptionInfo *exception)
-#define CompositeImageTag "Composite/Image"
- CacheView
- *composite_view,
- *image_view;
- const char
- *value;
- double
- sans;
- GeometryInfo
- geometry_info;
- Image
- *destination_image;
- MagickBooleanType
- modify_outside_overlay,
- status;
- MagickOffsetType
- progress;
- MagickRealType
- amount,
- destination_dissolve,
- midpoint,
- percent_brightness,
- percent_saturation,
- source_dissolve,
- threshold;
- MagickStatusType
- flags;
- ssize_t
- y;
- /*
- Prepare composite image.
- */
- assert(image != (Image *) NULL);
- assert(image->signature == MagickSignature);
- if (image->debug != MagickFalse)
- (void) LogMagickEvent(TraceEvent,GetMagickModule(),"%s",image->filename);
- assert(composite_image != (Image *) NULL);
- assert(composite_image->signature == MagickSignature);
- if (SetImageStorageClass(image,DirectClass,exception) == MagickFalse)
- return(MagickFalse);
destination_image=(Image *) NULL;
- case CopyOpacityCompositeOp:
+ case CopyAlphaCompositeOp:
case ChangeMaskCompositeOp:
-// #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,4) shared(progress,status)
+ #pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic,4) shared(progress,status)
for (y=0; y < (ssize_t) image->rows; y++)
+ blue,
+ green,
+ red,
register const Quantum
register ssize_t
-MagickBooleanType composite_channels;
if (status == MagickFalse)
- if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
- {
- if (y < y_offset)
- continue;
- if ((y-y_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->rows)
- continue;
- }
- /*
- If pixels is NULL, y is outside overlay region.
- */
- pixels=(Quantum *) NULL;
- p=(Quantum *) NULL;
- if ((y >= y_offset) && ((y-y_offset) < (ssize_t) composite_image->rows))
- {
- p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(composite_view,0,y-y_offset,
- composite_image->columns,1,exception);
- if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL)
- {
- status=MagickFalse;
- continue;
- }
- pixels=p;
- if (x_offset < 0)
- p-=x_offset*GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
- }
- q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
- if (q == (Quantum *) NULL)
- {
- status=MagickFalse;
- continue;
- }
- hue=0.0;
- saturation=0.0;
- brightness=0.0;
- for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
- {
- if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
- {
- if (x < x_offset)
- {
- q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
- continue;
- }
- if ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns)
- break;
- }
- composite_channels=MagickFalse;
- switch (compose)
- {
- case AtopCompositeOp:
- case ClearCompositeOp:
- case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
- case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- case CopyCompositeOp:
- case DarkenCompositeOp:
- case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
- case DifferenceCompositeOp:
- case DivideDstCompositeOp:
- case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- case DstCompositeOp:
- case DstInCompositeOp:
- case DstOverCompositeOp:
- case DstOutCompositeOp:
- case ExclusionCompositeOp:
- case HardLightCompositeOp:
- case InCompositeOp:
- case LightenCompositeOp:
- case LightenIntensityCompositeOp:
- case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
- case LinearDodgeCompositeOp:
- case LinearLightCompositeOp:
- case MathematicsCompositeOp:
- case MinusDstCompositeOp:
- case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
- case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
- case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
- case MultiplyCompositeOp:
- case NoCompositeOp:
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case OverCompositeOp:
- case OverlayCompositeOp:
- case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
- case PinLightCompositeOp:
- case PlusCompositeOp:
- case ReplaceCompositeOp:
- case ScreenCompositeOp:
- case SoftLightCompositeOp:
- case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
- case SrcCompositeOp:
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- case SrcOverCompositeOp:
- case VividLightCompositeOp:
- case XorCompositeOp:
- {
- composite_channels=MagickTrue;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- if (composite_channels != MagickFalse) {
- MagickRealType
- alpha,
- Da,
- Dc,
- Dca,
- gamma,
- Sa,
- Sc,
- Sca;
- register ssize_t
- i;
- if ((pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) || (x < x_offset) ||
- ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns))
- {
- Quantum
- source[MaxPixelChannels];
- /*
- Virtual composite:
- Sc: source color.
- Dc: destination color.
- */
- (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(composite_image,x-x_offset,y-y_offset,
- source,exception);
- for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
- {
- MagickRealType
- pixel;
- PixelChannel
- channel;
- PixelTrait
- composite_traits,
- traits;
- channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
- traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
- composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,
- channel);
- if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
- (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
- continue;
- switch (compose)
- {
- case ClearCompositeOp:
- case CopyCompositeOp:
- case ReplaceCompositeOp:
- case SrcCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=0.0;
- if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
- pixel=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
- break;
- }
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- case InCompositeOp:
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=(MagickRealType) q[i];
- if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
- pixel=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- pixel=source[channel];
- break;
- }
- }
- q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
- }
- q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- Authentic composite:
- Sa: normalized source alpha.
- Da: normalized destination alpha.
- */
- Sa=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
- Da=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(image,q);
- switch (compose)
- {
- case DarkenCompositeOp:
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- case DstInCompositeOp:
- case InCompositeOp:
- case LightenCompositeOp:
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Sa*Da;
- break;
- }
- case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
- case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- case DifferenceCompositeOp:
- case DivideDstCompositeOp:
- case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
- case ExclusionCompositeOp:
- case HardLightCompositeOp:
- case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
- case LinearDodgeCompositeOp:
- case LinearLightCompositeOp:
- case MathematicsCompositeOp:
- case MinusDstCompositeOp:
- case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
- case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
- case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
- case MultiplyCompositeOp:
- case OverlayCompositeOp:
- case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
- case PinLightCompositeOp:
- case ScreenCompositeOp:
- case SoftLightCompositeOp:
- case VividLightCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da);
- break;
- }
- case DstOverCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Da*(-Sa)+Da+Sa;
- break;
- }
- case DstOutCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Da*(1.0-Sa);
- break;
- }
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Sa*(1.0-Da);
- break;
- }
- case OverCompositeOp:
- case SrcOverCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Sa*(-Da)+Sa+Da;
- break;
- }
- case PlusCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da);
- break;
- }
- case XorCompositeOp:
- {
- alpha=Sa+Da-2.0*Sa*Da;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- alpha=1.0;
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
- {
- MagickRealType
- pixel;
- PixelChannel
- channel;
- PixelTrait
- composite_traits,
- traits;
- channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
- traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
- composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,channel);
- if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
- (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
- continue;
- /*
- Sc: source color.
- Sca: source normalized color multiplied by alpha.
- Dc: destination color.
- Dca: normalized destination color multiplied by alpha.
- */
- Sc=(MagickRealType) GetPixelChannel(composite_image,channel,p);
- Sca=QuantumScale*Sa*Sc;
- Dc=(MagickRealType) q[i];
- Dca=QuantumScale*Da*Dc;
- if ((traits & CopyPixelTrait) != 0)
- {
- if (channel != AlphaPixelChannel)
- {
- /*
- Copy channel.
- */
- q[i]=Sc;
- continue;
- }
- /*
- Set alpha channel.
- */
- switch (compose)
- {
- case AtopCompositeOp:
- case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
- case DstCompositeOp:
- case NoCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=QuantumRange*Da;
- break;
- }
- case CopyCompositeOp:
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- case ReplaceCompositeOp:
- case SrcCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=QuantumRange*Sa;
- break;
- }
- case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) <
- Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sa : Da;
- break;
- }
- case LightenIntensityCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) >
- Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sa : Da;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- pixel=QuantumRange*alpha;
- break;
- }
- }
- q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
- continue;
- }
- /*
- Porter-Duff compositions.
- */
- switch (compose)
- {
- case DarkenCompositeOp:
- case LightenCompositeOp:
- {
- gamma=1.0-QuantumScale*Dc;
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- gamma=1.0/(fabs(alpha) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : alpha);
- switch (compose)
- {
- case AtopCompositeOp:
- case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sc*Sa+Dc*(1.0-Sa);
- break;
- }
- case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca-Da) < MagickEpsilon))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if (Sca < MagickEpsilon)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da-Sa*MagickMin(Da,(Da-Dca)*Sa/Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+
- Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- {
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
- {
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
- (1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case CopyCompositeOp:
- case ReplaceCompositeOp:
- case SrcCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sc;
- break;
- }
- case DarkenCompositeOp:
- {
- if (Sc < Dc)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- break;
- }
- case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) <
- Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sc : Dc;
- break;
- }
- case DifferenceCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc-Sa*Da*2.0*MagickMin(Sc,Dc));
- break;
- }
- case DivideDstCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da*Da/Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- break;
- }
- if (fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Sa+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa*Sa/Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- break;
- }
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Dc*Da+Sc*(1.0-Da);
- break;
- }
- case DstCompositeOp:
- case NoCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Dc;
- break;
- }
- case DstInCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Dc*Sa);
- break;
- }
- case DstOutCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case DstOverCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- break;
- }
- case ExclusionCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da+Dca*Sa-2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case HardLightCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
- {
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
- (1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sa*Da-2.0*(Da-Dca)*(Sa-Sca)+Sca*
- (1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case InCompositeOp:
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Sc*Da);
- break;
- }
- case LightenIntensityCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) >
- Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sc : Dc;
- break;
- }
- case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca+Dca-Sa*Da);
- break;
- }
- case LinearDodgeCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc);
- break;
- }
- case LinearLightCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*((Sca-Sa)*Da+Sca+
- Dca);
- break;
- }
- case MathematicsCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*geometry_info.rho*Sa*Sc*Da*Dc+geometry_info.sigma*
- Sa*Sc*Da+geometry_info.xi*Da*Dc*Sa+geometry_info.psi*Sa*Da+
- Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa);
- break;
- }
- case MinusDstCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc-2.0*Da*Dc*Sa);
- break;
- }
- case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc+Sa*Sc-2.0*Sa*Sc*Da);
- break;
- }
- case LightenCompositeOp:
- {
- if (Sc > Dc)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- break;
- }
- case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sc+Dc;
- if (pixel > QuantumRange)
- pixel-=(QuantumRange+1.0);
- pixel=gamma*(pixel*Sa*Da+Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=Sc+Dc;
- if (pixel < 0.0)
- pixel+=(QuantumRange+1.0);
- pixel=gamma*(pixel*Sa*Da+Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case MultiplyCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da));
- break;
- }
- case OverCompositeOp:
- case SrcOverCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
- break;
- }
- case OverlayCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((2.0*Dca) < Da)
- pixel=gamma*(2.0*Dca*Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- pixel=gamma*(Da*Sa-2.0*(Sa-Sca)*(Da-Dca)+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*
- (1.0-Da));
- break;
- }
- case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
- {
- if (fabs(Da) < MagickEpsilon)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca);
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*Dca*(Sa-2.0*Sca)/Da+Sca*(2.0*Dca+1.0-Da)+Dca*
- (1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case PinLightCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((Dca*Sa) < (Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*(Da+1.0)-Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if ((Dca*Sa) > (2.0*Sca*Da))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da+Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca);
- break;
- }
- case PlusCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc);
- break;
- }
- case ScreenCompositeOp:
- {
- pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca+Dca-Sca*Dca);
- break;
- }
- case SoftLightCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*(Sa+(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(1.0-(Dca/Da)))+Sca*
- (1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if (((2.0*Sca) > Sa) && ((4.0*Dca) <= Da))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(4.0*(Dca/Da)*(4.0*
- (Dca/Da)+1.0)*((Dca/Da)-1.0)+7.0*(Dca/Da))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
- (1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(pow((Dca/Da),0.5)-(Dca/Da))+
- Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case VividLightCompositeOp:
- {
- if ((fabs(Sa) < MagickEpsilon) || (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon))
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- if ((2.0*Sca) <= Sa)
- {
- pixel=gamma*(Sa*(Da+Sa*(Dca-Da)/(2.0*Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
- (1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa*Sa/(2.0*(Sa-Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
- }
- case XorCompositeOp:
+ if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
+ {
+ if (y < y_offset)
+ continue;
+ if ((y-y_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->rows)
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ If pixels is NULL, y is outside overlay region.
+ */
+ pixels=(Quantum *) NULL;
+ p=(Quantum *) NULL;
+ if ((y >= y_offset) && ((y-y_offset) < (ssize_t) composite_image->rows))
+ {
+ p=GetCacheViewVirtualPixels(composite_view,0,y-y_offset,
+ composite_image->columns,1,exception);
+ if (p == (const Quantum *) NULL)
+ {
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
+ pixels=p;
+ if (x_offset < 0)
+ p-=x_offset*GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
+ }
+ q=GetCacheViewAuthenticPixels(image_view,0,y,image->columns,1,exception);
+ if (q == (Quantum *) NULL)
+ {
+ status=MagickFalse;
+ continue;
+ }
+ hue=0.0;
+ saturation=0.0;
+ brightness=0.0;
+ for (x=0; x < (ssize_t) image->columns; x++)
+ {
+ MagickRealType
+ alpha,
+ Da,
+ Dc,
+ Dca,
+ gamma,
+ Sa,
+ Sc,
+ Sca;
+ register ssize_t
+ i;
+ if (modify_outside_overlay == MagickFalse)
+ {
+ if (x < x_offset)
- pixel=gamma*(Sc*Sa*(1.0-Da)+Dc*Da*(1.0-Sa));
- break;
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ continue;
- default:
+ if ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns)
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) || (x < x_offset) ||
+ ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns))
+ {
+ Quantum
+ source[MaxPixelChannels];
+ /*
+ Virtual composite:
+ Sc: source color.
+ Dc: destination color.
+ */
+ (void) GetOneVirtualPixel(composite_image,x-x_offset,y-y_offset,
+ source,exception);
+ for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
+ {
+ MagickRealType
+ pixel;
+ PixelChannel
+ channel;
+ PixelTrait
+ composite_traits,
+ traits;
+ channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
+ traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
+ composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,
+ channel);
+ if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
+ (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
+ continue;
+ switch (compose)
- pixel=Sc;
- break;
+ case ChangeMaskCompositeOp:
+ case CopyAlphaCompositeOp:
+ case DstAtopCompositeOp:
+ case DstInCompositeOp:
+ case InCompositeOp:
+ case OutCompositeOp:
+ case SrcInCompositeOp:
+ case SrcOutCompositeOp:
+ {
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) q[i];
+ if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ClearCompositeOp:
+ case CopyCompositeOp:
+ case ReplaceCompositeOp:
+ case SrcCompositeOp:
+ {
+ if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
+ {
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=0.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DissolveCompositeOp:
+ {
+ if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
+ {
+ pixel=destination_dissolve*GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,
+ source);
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) source[channel];
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) source[channel];
+ break;
+ }
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
- q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
+ q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ continue;
- } else {
- PixelInfo
- composite,
- destination,
- source,
- zero;
- GetPixelInfo(image,&zero);
- source=zero;
- destination=zero;
- destination.red=(MagickRealType) GetPixelRed(image,q);
- destination.green=(MagickRealType) GetPixelGreen(image,q);
- destination.blue=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlue(image,q);
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- destination.black=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlack(image,q);
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- {
- destination.red=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-destination.red;
- destination.green=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-destination.green;
- destination.blue=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-destination.blue;
- destination.black=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-destination.black;
- }
- if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
- destination.alpha=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(image,q);
+ /*
+ Authentic composite:
+ Sa: normalized source alpha.
+ Da: normalized destination alpha.
+ */
+ Sa=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ Da=QuantumScale*GetPixelAlpha(image,q);
+ switch (compose)
+ {
+ case BlendCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=RoundToUnity(source_dissolve*Sa+destination_dissolve*Da);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BumpmapCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p)*Sa;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
+ case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
+ case DifferenceCompositeOp:
+ case DivideDstCompositeOp:
+ case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
+ case ExclusionCompositeOp:
+ case HardLightCompositeOp:
+ case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
+ case LinearDodgeCompositeOp:
+ case LinearLightCompositeOp:
+ case LuminizeCompositeOp:
+ case MathematicsCompositeOp:
+ case MinusDstCompositeOp:
+ case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
+ case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
+ case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
+ case MultiplyCompositeOp:
+ case OverlayCompositeOp:
+ case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
+ case PinLightCompositeOp:
+ case ScreenCompositeOp:
+ case SoftLightCompositeOp:
+ case VividLightCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da-Sa*Da);
+ break;
+ }
+ case DarkenCompositeOp:
+ case DstAtopCompositeOp:
+ case DstInCompositeOp:
+ case InCompositeOp:
+ case LightenCompositeOp:
+ case SrcInCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Sa*Da;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DissolveCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=source_dissolve*Sa*(-destination_dissolve*Da)+source_dissolve*
+ Sa+destination_dissolve*Da;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DstOverCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Da*(-Sa)+Da+Sa;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DstOutCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Da*(1.0-Sa);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OutCompositeOp:
+ case SrcOutCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Sa*(1.0-Da);
+ break;
+ }
+ case OverCompositeOp:
+ case SrcOverCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Sa*(-Da)+Sa+Da;
+ break;
+ }
+ case PlusCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=RoundToUnity(Sa+Da);
+ break;
+ }
+ case XorCompositeOp:
+ {
+ alpha=Sa+Da-2.0*Sa*Da;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ alpha=1.0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0; i < (ssize_t) GetPixelChannels(image); i++)
+ {
+ MagickRealType
+ pixel;
+ PixelChannel
+ channel;
+ PixelTrait
+ composite_traits,
+ traits;
+ channel=GetPixelChannelMapChannel(image,i);
+ traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(image,channel);
+ composite_traits=GetPixelChannelMapTraits(composite_image,channel);
+ if ((traits == UndefinedPixelTrait) ||
+ (composite_traits == UndefinedPixelTrait))
+ continue;
- Handle destination modifications outside overlaid region.
+ Sc: source color.
+ Sca: source normalized color multiplied by alpha.
+ Dc: destination color.
+ Dca: normalized destination color multiplied by alpha.
- composite=destination;
- if ((pixels == (Quantum *) NULL) || (x < x_offset) ||
- ((x-x_offset) >= (ssize_t) composite_image->columns))
+ Sc=(MagickRealType) GetPixelChannel(composite_image,channel,p);
+ Sca=QuantumScale*Sa*Sc;
+ Dc=(MagickRealType) q[i];
+ Dca=QuantumScale*Da*Dc;
+ if ((traits & CopyPixelTrait) != 0)
+ if (channel != AlphaPixelChannel)
+ {
+ /*
+ Copy channel.
+ */
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(Sc);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /*
+ Set alpha channel.
+ */
switch (compose)
- case DissolveCompositeOp:
- case BlendCompositeOp:
+ case AtopCompositeOp:
+ case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
+ case DstCompositeOp:
+ case NoCompositeOp:
- composite.alpha=destination_dissolve*(composite.alpha);
+ pixel=QuantumRange*Da;
- case ClearCompositeOp:
- case SrcCompositeOp:
+ case ChangeMaskCompositeOp:
- CompositeClear(&destination,&composite);
+ MagickBooleanType
+ equivalent;
+ equivalent=IsFuzzyEquivalencePixel(composite_image,p,image,q);
+ if ((Da > ((MagickRealType) QuantumRange/2.0)) ||
+ (equivalent != MagickFalse))
+ {
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) OpaqueAlpha;
- case InCompositeOp:
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- case DstInCompositeOp:
+ case CopyCompositeOp:
case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- case CopyOpacityCompositeOp:
- case ChangeMaskCompositeOp:
+ case ReplaceCompositeOp:
+ case SrcCompositeOp:
- composite.alpha=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
+ pixel=QuantumRange*Sa;
- default:
+ case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
- (void) GetOneVirtualPixelInfo(composite_image,
- GetPixelCacheVirtualMethod(composite_image),x-x_offset,y-
- y_offset,&composite,exception);
+ pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) <
+ Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sa : Da;
- }
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+ case LightenIntensityCompositeOp:
+ {
+ pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) >
+ Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sa : Da;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
- composite.red=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.red;
- composite.green=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.green;
- composite.blue=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.blue;
- composite.black=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.black;
+ pixel=QuantumRange*alpha;
+ break;
- SetPixelRed(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.red),q);
- SetPixelGreen(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.green),q);
- SetPixelBlue(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.blue),q);
- if (image->matte != MagickFalse)
- SetPixelAlpha(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.alpha),q);
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- SetPixelBlack(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.black),q);
- q+=GetPixelChannels(image);
+ }
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
- Handle normal overlay of source onto destination.
+ Porter-Duff compositions.
- source.red=(MagickRealType) GetPixelRed(composite_image,p);
- source.green=(MagickRealType) GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p);
- source.blue=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p);
- if (composite_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- source.black=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlack(composite_image,p);
- if (composite_image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
+ switch (compose)
+ {
+ case DarkenCompositeOp:
+ case LightenCompositeOp:
- source.red=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-source.red;
- source.green=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-source.green;
- source.blue=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-source.blue;
- source.black=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-source.black;
+ gamma=1.0-QuantumScale*Dc;
+ break;
- if (composite_image->matte != MagickFalse)
- source.alpha=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
- /*
- Porter-Duff compositions.
- */
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ gamma=1.0/(fabs(alpha) <= MagickEpsilon ? 1.0 : alpha);
switch (compose)
- case ClearCompositeOp:
+ case AtopCompositeOp:
+ case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
- CompositeClear(&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=Sc*Sa+Dc*(1.0-Sa);
- case SrcCompositeOp:
+ case BlendCompositeOp:
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(source_dissolve*Sa*Sc+destination_dissolve*Da*Dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BlurCompositeOp:
+ case DisplaceCompositeOp:
+ case DistortCompositeOp:
case CopyCompositeOp:
case ReplaceCompositeOp:
+ case SrcCompositeOp:
- composite=source;
+ pixel=Sc;
- case NoCompositeOp:
- case DstCompositeOp:
+ case BumpmapCompositeOp:
+ {
+ if ((QuantumRange*Sa) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=QuantumScale*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p)*Dc;
- case OverCompositeOp:
- case SrcOverCompositeOp:
+ }
+ case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
- CompositePixelInfoOver(&source,source.alpha,&destination,
- destination.alpha,&composite);
+ /*
+ Refer to the March 2009 SVG specification.
+ */
+ if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca-Da) < MagickEpsilon))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (Sca < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da-Sa*MagickMin(Da,(Da-Dca)*Sa/Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+
+ Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case DstOverCompositeOp:
+ case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- CompositePixelInfoOver(&destination,destination.alpha,&source,
- source.alpha,&composite);
+ if ((fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Dca*Sa*Sa/(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
+ (1.0-Sa));
- case SrcInCompositeOp:
- case InCompositeOp:
+ case ColorizeCompositeOp:
- CompositeIn(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(image,q) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Sc;
+ break;
+ }
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(image,q),GetPixelGreen(image,q),
+ GetPixelBlue(image,q),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(composite_image,p),
+ GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p),GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p),
+ &hue,&saturation,&sans);
+ HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case RedPixelChannel: pixel=red; break;
+ case GreenPixelChannel: pixel=green; break;
+ case BluePixelChannel: pixel=blue; break;
+ case AlphaPixelChannel:
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ if (Sa < Da)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: pixel=Dc; break;
+ }
- case DstInCompositeOp:
+ case DarkenCompositeOp:
- CompositeIn(&destination,&source,&composite);
+ /*
+ Darken is equivalent to a 'Minimum' method
+ OR a greyscale version of a binary 'Or'
+ OR the 'Intersection' of pixel sets.
+ */
+ if (Sc < Dc)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- case OutCompositeOp:
- case SrcOutCompositeOp:
+ case CopyAlphaCompositeOp:
- CompositeOut(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if (channel == AlphaPixelChannel)
+ {
+ if (composite_image->matte != MagickFalse)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ else
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p);
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=Dc;
- case DstOutCompositeOp:
+ case CopyBlackCompositeOp:
- CompositeOut(&destination,&source,&composite);
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlack(composite_image,p);
- case AtopCompositeOp:
- case SrcAtopCompositeOp:
+ case CopyBlueCompositeOp:
+ case CopyYellowCompositeOp:
- CompositeAtop(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p);
- case DstAtopCompositeOp:
+ case CopyGreenCompositeOp:
+ case CopyMagentaCompositeOp:
- CompositeAtop(&destination,&source,&composite);
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p);
- case XorCompositeOp:
+ case CopyRedCompositeOp:
+ case CopyCyanCompositeOp:
- CompositeXor(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelRed(composite_image,p);
- case PlusCompositeOp:
+ case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
- CompositePlus(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) <
+ Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sc : Dc;
- case MinusDstCompositeOp:
+ case DifferenceCompositeOp:
- CompositeMinus(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc-Sa*Da*2.0*MagickMin(Sc,Dc));
- case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
+ case DissolveCompositeOp:
- CompositeMinus(image,&destination,&source,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(source_dissolve*Sa*Sc-source_dissolve*Sa*
+ destination_dissolve*Da*Dc+destination_dissolve*Da*Dc);
- case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
+ case DivideDstCompositeOp:
- CompositeModulusAdd(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if ((fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da*Da/Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
+ case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
- CompositeModulusSubtract(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if ((fabs(Dca) < MagickEpsilon) && (fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (fabs(Sca) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Sa+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa*Sa/Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- case DifferenceCompositeOp:
+ case DstAtopCompositeOp:
- CompositeDifference(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=Dc*Da+Sc*(1.0-Da);
- case ExclusionCompositeOp:
+ case DstCompositeOp:
+ case NoCompositeOp:
- CompositeExclusion(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=Dc;
- case MultiplyCompositeOp:
+ case DstInCompositeOp:
- CompositeMultiply(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Dc*Sa);
- case ScreenCompositeOp:
+ case DstOutCompositeOp:
- CompositeScreen(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- case DivideDstCompositeOp:
+ case DstOverCompositeOp:
- CompositeDivide(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- case DivideSrcCompositeOp:
+ case ExclusionCompositeOp:
- CompositeDivide(image,&destination,&source,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da+Dca*Sa-2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case DarkenCompositeOp:
+ case HardLightCompositeOp:
- CompositeDarken(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(2.0*Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
+ (1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sa*Da-2.0*(Da-Dca)*(Sa-Sca)+Sca*(1.0-Da)+
+ Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case LightenCompositeOp:
+ case HueCompositeOp:
- CompositeLighten(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(image,q) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Sc;
+ break;
+ }
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(image,q),GetPixelGreen(image,q),
+ GetPixelBlue(image,q),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(composite_image,p),
+ GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p),GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p),
+ &hue,&sans,&sans);
+ HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case RedPixelChannel: pixel=red; break;
+ case GreenPixelChannel: pixel=green; break;
+ case BluePixelChannel: pixel=blue; break;
+ case AlphaPixelChannel:
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ if (Sa < Da)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: pixel=Dc; break;
+ }
- case DarkenIntensityCompositeOp:
+ case InCompositeOp:
+ case SrcInCompositeOp:
- CompositeDarkenIntensity(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Sc*Da);
case LightenIntensityCompositeOp:
- CompositeLightenIntensity(image,&source,&destination,&composite);
- break;
- }
- case MathematicsCompositeOp:
- {
- CompositeMathematics(image,&source,&destination,&geometry_info,
- &composite);
- break;
- }
- case ColorDodgeCompositeOp:
- {
- CompositeColorDodge(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ /*
+ Lighten is equivalent to a 'Maximum' method
+ OR a greyscale version of a binary 'And'
+ OR the 'Union' of pixel sets.
+ */
+ pixel=Sa*GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p) >
+ Da*GetPixelIntensity(image,q) ? Sc : Dc;
- case ColorBurnCompositeOp:
+ case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
- CompositeColorBurn(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ /*
+ LinearBurn: as defined by Abode Photoshop, according to
+ http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html is:
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Sc + Dc - 1
+ */
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca+Dca-Sa*Da);
case LinearDodgeCompositeOp:
- CompositeLinearDodge(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc);
- case LinearBurnCompositeOp:
+ case LinearLightCompositeOp:
- CompositeLinearBurn(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ /*
+ LinearLight: as defined by Abode Photoshop, according to
+ http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html is:
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Dc + 2*Sc - 1
+ */
+ pixel=gamma*((Sca-Sa)*Da+Sca+Dca);
- case HardLightCompositeOp:
+ case LightenCompositeOp:
- CompositeHardLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ if (Sc > Dc)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc-Da*Sa*Sc+Sa*Sc);
- case OverlayCompositeOp:
+ case LuminizeCompositeOp:
- CompositeHardLight(&destination,&source,&composite);
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(image,q) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Sc;
+ break;
+ }
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(image,q),GetPixelGreen(image,q),
+ GetPixelBlue(image,q),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(composite_image,p),
+ GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p),GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p),
+ &sans,&sans,&brightness);
+ HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case RedPixelChannel: pixel=red; break;
+ case GreenPixelChannel: pixel=green; break;
+ case BluePixelChannel: pixel=blue; break;
+ case AlphaPixelChannel:
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ if (Sa < Da)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
+ break;
+ }
+ default: pixel=Dc; break;
+ }
- case SoftLightCompositeOp:
+ case MathematicsCompositeOp:
- CompositeSoftLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ /*
+ 'Mathematics' a free form user control mathematical composition
+ is defined as...
+ f(Sc,Dc) = A*Sc*Dc + B*Sc + C*Dc + D
+ Where the arguments A,B,C,D are (currently) passed to composite
+ as a command separated 'geometry' string in "compose:args" image
+ artifact.
+ A = a->rho, B = a->sigma, C = a->xi, D = a->psi
+ Applying the SVG transparency formula (see above), we get...
+ Dca' = Sa*Da*f(Sc,Dc) + Sca*(1.0-Da) + Dca*(1.0-Sa)
+ Dca' = A*Sca*Dca + B*Sca*Da + C*Dca*Sa + D*Sa*Da + Sca*(1.0-Da) +
+ Dca*(1.0-Sa)
+ */
+ pixel=gamma*geometry_info.rho*Sa*Sc*Da*Dc+geometry_info.sigma*
+ Sa*Sc*Da+geometry_info.xi*Da*Dc*Sa+geometry_info.psi*Sa*Da+
+ Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa);
- case LinearLightCompositeOp:
+ case MinusDstCompositeOp:
- CompositeLinearLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc-2.0*Da*Dc*Sa);
- case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
+ case MinusSrcCompositeOp:
- CompositePegtopLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ /*
+ Minus source from destination.
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Sc - Dc
+ */
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Dc+Sa*Sc-2.0*Sa*Sc*Da);
- case VividLightCompositeOp:
+ case ModulateCompositeOp:
- CompositeVividLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ ssize_t
+ offset;
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p) == TransparentAlpha)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ offset=(ssize_t) (GetPixelIntensity(composite_image,p)-midpoint);
+ if (offset == 0)
+ {
+ pixel=Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(image,q),GetPixelGreen(image,q),
+ GetPixelBlue(image,q),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+ brightness+=(0.01*percent_brightness*offset)/midpoint;
+ saturation*=0.01*percent_saturation;
+ HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case RedPixelChannel: pixel=red; break;
+ case GreenPixelChannel: pixel=green; break;
+ case BluePixelChannel: pixel=blue; break;
+ default: pixel=Dc; break;
+ }
- case PinLightCompositeOp:
+ case ModulusAddCompositeOp:
- CompositePinLight(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=Sc+Dc;
+ if (pixel > QuantumRange)
+ pixel-=(QuantumRange+1.0);
+ pixel=gamma*(pixel*Sa*Da+Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- case ChangeMaskCompositeOp:
+ case ModulusSubtractCompositeOp:
- if ((composite.alpha > ((MagickRealType) QuantumRange/2.0)) ||
- (IsFuzzyEquivalencePixelInfo(&source,&destination) != MagickFalse))
- composite.alpha=(MagickRealType) TransparentAlpha;
- else
- composite.alpha=(MagickRealType) OpaqueAlpha;
+ pixel=Sc+Dc;
+ if (pixel < 0.0)
+ pixel+=(QuantumRange+1.0);
+ pixel=gamma*(pixel*Sa*Da+Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da)+Da*Dc*(1.0-Sa));
- case BumpmapCompositeOp:
+ case MultiplyCompositeOp:
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- CompositeBumpmap(&source,&destination,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca*Dca+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case DissolveCompositeOp:
+ case OutCompositeOp:
+ case SrcOutCompositeOp:
- CompositePixelInfoOver(&source,source_dissolve*source.alpha,
- &destination,(MagickRealType) (destination_dissolve*
- destination.alpha),&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc*(1.0-Da));
- case BlendCompositeOp:
+ case OverCompositeOp:
+ case SrcOverCompositeOp:
- CompositePixelInfoBlend(&source,source_dissolve,&destination,
- destination_dissolve,&composite);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc-Sa*Da*Dc+Da*Dc);
- case ThresholdCompositeOp:
+ case OverlayCompositeOp:
- CompositeThreshold(&source,&destination,threshold,amount,&composite);
+ if ((2.0*Dca) < Da)
+ pixel=gamma*(2.0*Dca*Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
+ pixel=gamma*(Da*Sa-2.0*(Sa-Sca)*(Da-Dca)+Dca*(1.0-Sa)+Sca*(1.0-Da));
- case ModulateCompositeOp:
+ case PegtopLightCompositeOp:
- double
- blue,
- green,
- red;
+ /*
+ PegTop: A Soft-Light alternative: A continuous version of the
+ Softlight function, producing very similar results.
- ssize_t
- offset;
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Dc^2*(1-2*Sc) + 2*Sc*Dc
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- offset=(ssize_t) (GetPixelInfoIntensity(&source)-midpoint);
- if (offset == 0)
- break;
- CompositeHSB(destination.red,destination.green,destination.blue,&hue,
- &saturation,&brightness);
- brightness+=(0.01*percent_brightness*offset)/midpoint;
- saturation*=0.01*percent_saturation;
- HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
- composite.red=red;
- composite.green=green;
- composite.blue=blue;
+ http://www.pegtop.net/delphi/articles/blendmodes/softlight.htm.
+ */
+ if (fabs(Da) < MagickEpsilon)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca);
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*Dca*(Sa-2.0*Sca)/Da+Sca*(2.0*Dca+1.0-Da)+Dca*
+ (1.0-Sa));
- case HueCompositeOp:
+ case PinLightCompositeOp:
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- if (destination.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
+ /*
+ PinLight: A Photoshop 7 composition method
+ http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html
+ f(Sc,Dc) = Dc<2*Sc-1 ? 2*Sc-1 : Dc>2*Sc ? 2*Sc : Dc
+ */
+ if ((Dca*Sa) < (Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*(Da+1.0)-Sa*Da+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((Dca*Sa) > (2.0*Sca*Da))
- composite=source;
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*Da+Sca+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- CompositeHSB(destination.red,destination.green,destination.blue,&hue,
- &saturation,&brightness);
- CompositeHSB(source.red,source.green,source.blue,&hue,&sans,&sans);
- HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&composite.red,
- &composite.green,&composite.blue);
- if (source.alpha < destination.alpha)
- composite.alpha=source.alpha;
+ pixel=gamma*(Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca);
+ break;
+ }
+ case PlusCompositeOp:
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Sc+Da*Dc);
case SaturateCompositeOp:
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- if (destination.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p) == TransparentAlpha)
- composite=source;
+ pixel=Dc;
- CompositeHSB(destination.red,destination.green,destination.blue,&hue,
- &saturation,&brightness);
- CompositeHSB(source.red,source.green,source.blue,&sans,&saturation,
- &sans);
- HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&composite.red,
- &composite.green,&composite.blue);
- if (source.alpha < destination.alpha)
- composite.alpha=source.alpha;
- break;
- }
- case LuminizeCompositeOp:
- {
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- if (destination.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
+ if (GetPixelAlpha(image,q) == TransparentAlpha)
- composite=source;
+ pixel=Sc;
- CompositeHSB(destination.red,destination.green,destination.blue,&hue,
- &saturation,&brightness);
- CompositeHSB(source.red,source.green,source.blue,&sans,&sans,
- &brightness);
- HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&composite.red,
- &composite.green,&composite.blue);
- if (source.alpha < destination.alpha)
- composite.alpha=source.alpha;
- break;
- }
- case ColorizeCompositeOp:
- {
- if (source.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
- break;
- if (destination.alpha == TransparentAlpha)
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(image,q),GetPixelGreen(image,q),
+ GetPixelBlue(image,q),&hue,&saturation,&brightness);
+ CompositeHSB(GetPixelRed(composite_image,p),
+ GetPixelGreen(composite_image,p),GetPixelBlue(composite_image,p),
+ &sans,&saturation,&sans);
+ HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&red,&green,&blue);
+ switch (channel)
+ {
+ case RedPixelChannel: pixel=red; break;
+ case GreenPixelChannel: pixel=green; break;
+ case BluePixelChannel: pixel=blue; break;
+ case AlphaPixelChannel:
- composite=source;
+ pixel=Dc;
+ if (Sa < Da)
+ pixel=(MagickRealType) GetPixelAlpha(composite_image,p);
- CompositeHSB(destination.red,destination.green,destination.blue,&sans,
- &sans,&brightness);
- CompositeHSB(source.red,source.green,source.blue,&hue,&saturation,
- &sans);
- HSBComposite(hue,saturation,brightness,&composite.red,
- &composite.green,&composite.blue);
- if (source.alpha < destination.alpha)
- composite.alpha=source.alpha;
+ default: pixel=Dc; break;
+ }
- case CopyRedCompositeOp:
- case CopyCyanCompositeOp:
+ case ScreenCompositeOp:
- composite.red=source.red;
+ /*
+ Screen: a negated multiply:
+ f(Sc,Dc) = 1.0-(1.0-Sc)*(1.0-Dc)
+ */
+ pixel=gamma*QuantumRange*(Sca+Dca-Sca*Dca);
- case CopyGreenCompositeOp:
- case CopyMagentaCompositeOp:
+ case SoftLightCompositeOp:
- composite.green=source.green;
+ /*
+ Refer to the March 2009 SVG specification.
+ */
+ if ((2.0*Sca) < Sa)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*(Sa+(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(1.0-(Dca/Da)))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+
+ Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (((2.0*Sca) > Sa) && ((4.0*Dca) <= Da))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(4.0*(Dca/Da)*(4.0*(Dca/Da)+
+ 1.0)*((Dca/Da)-1.0)+7.0*(Dca/Da))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa+Da*(2.0*Sca-Sa)*(pow((Dca/Da),0.5)-(Dca/Da))+
+ Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case CopyBlueCompositeOp:
- case CopyYellowCompositeOp:
+ case ThresholdCompositeOp:
- composite.blue=source.blue;
+ MagickRealType
+ delta;
+ delta=Sc-Dc;
+ if ((MagickRealType) fabs((double) (2.0*delta)) < threshold)
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*Dc;
+ break;
+ }
+ pixel=gamma*(Dc+delta*amount);
- case CopyOpacityCompositeOp:
+ case VividLightCompositeOp:
- if (source.matte == MagickFalse)
+ /*
+ VividLight: A Photoshop 7 composition method. See
+ http://www.simplefilter.de/en/basics/mixmods.html.
+ f(Sc,Dc) = (2*Sc < 1) ? 1-(1-Dc)/(2*Sc) : Dc/(2*(1-Sc))
+ */
+ if ((fabs(Sa) < MagickEpsilon) || (fabs(Sca-Sa) < MagickEpsilon))
+ {
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*Da+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
+ break;
+ }
+ if ((2.0*Sca) <= Sa)
- composite.alpha=(MagickRealType) GetPixelInfoIntensity(&source);
+ pixel=gamma*(Sa*(Da+Sa*(Dca-Da)/(2.0*Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*
+ (1.0-Sa));
- composite.alpha=source.alpha;
+ pixel=gamma*(Dca*Sa*Sa/(2.0*(Sa-Sca))+Sca*(1.0-Da)+Dca*(1.0-Sa));
- case CopyBlackCompositeOp:
+ case XorCompositeOp:
- if (source.colorspace != CMYKColorspace)
- ConvertRGBToCMYK(&source);
- composite.black=source.black;
+ pixel=gamma*(Sc*Sa*(1.0-Da)+Dc*Da*(1.0-Sa));
- case BlurCompositeOp:
- case DisplaceCompositeOp:
- case DistortCompositeOp:
+ default:
- composite=source;
+ pixel=Sc;
- default:
- break;
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- {
- composite.red=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.red;
- composite.green=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.green;
- composite.blue=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.blue;
- composite.black=(MagickRealType) QuantumRange-composite.black;
- }
- SetPixelRed(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.red),q);
- SetPixelGreen(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.green),q);
- SetPixelBlue(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.blue),q);
- if (image->colorspace == CMYKColorspace)
- SetPixelBlack(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.black),q);
- SetPixelAlpha(image,ClampToQuantum(composite.alpha),q);
+ q[i]=ClampToQuantum(pixel);
- if (p >= (pixels+composite_image->columns*GetPixelChannels(composite_image)))
+ channels=GetPixelChannels(composite_image);
+ if (p >= (pixels+channels*composite_image->columns))