--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$ $Revision$ */
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
+* This software is part of the graphviz package *
+* http://www.graphviz.org/ *
+* *
+* Copyright (c) 1994-2004 AT&T Corp. *
+* and is licensed under the *
+* Common Public License, Version 1.0 *
+* by AT&T Corp. *
+* *
+* Information and Software Systems Research *
+* AT&T Research, Florham Park NJ *
+#include "btree.h"
+#include "regex.h"
+#include "topview.h"
+btree_node* new_node(char* attribute,char* regex, float min, float max)
+ btree_node* n;
+ n=malloc(sizeof(btree_node));
+ n->child_count=0;
+ n->childs=0;
+ n->rank=0;
+ n->attr_name=strdup(attribute);
+ n->regex=strdup(regex);
+ n->min=0;
+ n->max=0;
+ n->value=-1;
+ n->active=1;
+ return n;
+int insert_node (btree_node* parent_n,btree_node* n)
+ parent_n->child_count ++;
+ parent_n->childs=realloc(parent_n->childs,parent_n->child_count*sizeof(btree_node*));
+ parent_n->childs[parent_n->child_count-1]=n;
+ n->rank=parent_n->rank+1;
+ n->parent=parent_n;
+ return 1;
+int delete_node_recursive(btree_node* n)
+ int i=0;
+ int child_found=0;
+ //delete recursively
+ for (i=0;i < n->child_count;i++)
+ {
+ delete_node(n->childs[i]);
+ }
+ free(n->attr_name);
+ free(n->regex);
+ free(n->childs);
+ free(n);
+ return 1;
+int delete_node(btree_node* n)
+ int i=0;
+ int child_found=0;
+ //rmeove from parent's child list
+ if (n->parent)
+ {
+ n->parent->child_count--;
+ for (i=0;i < n->parent->child_count; i++)
+ {
+ if (n->parent->childs[i]==n)
+ {
+ child_found=1;
+ }
+ if (child_found)
+ n->parent->childs[i]=n->parent->childs[i+1];
+ }
+ }
+ n->parent->childs=realloc(n->parent->childs,sizeof(btree_node*)*n->parent->child_count);
+ delete_node_recursive(n);
+btree_node* look_up_node_with_string(btree_node* n,char* string_to_lookup)
+ int i=0;
+ btree_node* nn;
+ if (validate_lookup(n,string_to_lookup))
+ return n;
+ else
+ {
+ for (i=0;i < n->child_count;i++)
+ {
+ nn=look_up_node_with_string(n->childs[i],string_to_lookup);
+ if (nn)
+ return nn;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int validate_lookup(btree_node* n,char* string_to_lookup) //it can be anything, in this case attr_name
+ printf ("%s == %s\n",n->attr_name,string_to_lookup);
+ if (strcmp(n->attr_name,string_to_lookup)==0)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+int print_tree(btree_node* root)
+ static rank=0;
+ //printf("Node data:%s\n",
+int print_children(btree_node* n)
+ int i=0;
+ static int prev_rank=0;
+ if (n->node_type==2)
+ printf(" %*s=%s(%i)\n", n->rank*5+1,n->attr_name,n->regex,n->rank);
+ else
+ printf("%*s %c(%i)\n", n->rank*5+1,"",n->op,n->rank);
+ prev_rank=n->rank;
+ for (i=0;i < n->child_count;i++)
+ {
+ print_children(n->childs[i]);
+ }
+ return 1;
+int sample_tree()
+ btree_node* root;
+ btree_node* n;
+ btree_node* nn;
+ btree_node* kurbanlik;
+ root=new_node("A","R", 0, 0);
+ root->parent=0;
+ insert_node (root,new_node("B","R", 0, 0));
+ insert_node (root,new_node("C","R", 0, 0));
+ n=new_node("D","R", 0, 0);
+ kurbanlik=n;
+ insert_node (root,n);
+ nn=new_node("E","R", 0, 0);
+ insert_node (n,nn);
+ insert_node (n,new_node("X","R", 0, 0));
+ insert_node (n,new_node("Y","R", 0, 0));
+ insert_node (n,new_node("Z","R", 0, 0));
+ n=new_node("F","R", 0, 0);
+ insert_node (root,n);
+ print_children(root);
+ n=look_up_node_with_string(root,"F");
+ if(n)
+ printf("found value-->%s \n",n->attr_name);
+ delete_node(kurbanlik);
+ print_children(root);
+ print_children(tree_from_filter_string("(()(())((())()))"));
+btree_node* tree_from_filter_string(char* filter_string)
+ btree_node* root;
+ btree_node* cursor;
+ btree_node* n;
+ btree_node* Nodes[2];
+ char buffer[512];
+ char* b_cursor=0;
+ char* c_cursor;
+ char op='\0';
+ char last_char;
+ int a=0;
+ root=new_node("R","", 0, 0);
+ cursor=root;
+ c_cursor=filter_string;
+ while (*c_cursor!='\0')
+ {
+ switch (*c_cursor)
+ {
+ case '(' :
+ n=new_node(".","", 0, 0);
+ insert_node (cursor,n);
+ last_char='(';
+ cursor=n;
+ break;
+ case ')':
+ last_char=')';
+ cursor=cursor->parent;
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (last_char=='(')
+ {
+ b_cursor=buffer;
+ while (*c_cursor !=')')
+ {
+ *b_cursor=*c_cursor;
+ b_cursor++;
+ c_cursor++;
+ }
+ *b_cursor='\0';
+ evaluate_filter_atom(buffer,Nodes,&op);
+ if (Nodes[1] !=0)
+ {
+ insert_node(cursor,Nodes[0]);
+ insert_node(cursor,Nodes[1]);
+ cursor->op=op;
+ }
+ else //only one expression in ()
+ {
+ insert_node(cursor->parent,Nodes[0]);
+ delete_node(cursor);
+ cursor=Nodes[0];
+ }
+ c_cursor--;
+ }
+ if (last_char == ')')
+ cursor->op=*c_cursor;
+ break;
+ };
+ c_cursor ++;
+ }
+ return root;
+int evaluate_filter_atom(char* string,btree_node* Nodes[],char* op)
+ char* c_cursor;
+ char** attrs;
+ char buff_attr[512];
+ int c_buff_attr=0;
+ char buff_value[512];
+ int c_buff_value=0;
+ int attrs_count=0;
+ char** values;
+ int values_count=0;
+ int cc=0;
+ btree_node* n;
+ int kp_open=0; //[ open
+ int qt_open=0; //" open?
+ int error=0;
+ int i=0;
+ attrs=0;
+ values=0;
+ c_cursor=string;
+ while ( *c_cursor !='\0')
+ {
+ if (kp_open)
+ {
+ if ((*c_cursor == ',') || ((*c_cursor==']') && (!qt_open)))
+ {
+ attrs=realloc(attrs,(attrs_count+1)*sizeof(char*));
+ attrs[attrs_count]=strdup(buff_attr);
+ attrs_count++;
+ values=realloc(values,(values_count+1)*sizeof(char*));
+ values[values_count]=strdup(buff_value);
+ values_count++;
+ buff_attr[0]='/0';buff_value[0]='/0';
+ c_buff_attr=0;c_buff_value=0;
+ }
+ if ( (*c_cursor != '=') &&(*c_cursor != ',')&&(*c_cursor != '\"'))
+ {
+ if(!qt_open && (*c_cursor != ']')&&(*c_cursor != '['))
+ {
+ buff_attr[c_buff_attr]=*c_cursor;
+ buff_attr[c_buff_attr+1]='\0';
+ c_buff_attr++;
+ }
+ if (qt_open)
+ {
+ buff_value[c_buff_value]=*c_cursor;
+ buff_value[c_buff_value+1]='\0';
+ c_buff_value++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ((*c_cursor == '\"')&&(qt_open))
+ qt_open=0;
+ else
+ if ((*c_cursor == '\"')&&(!qt_open))
+ qt_open=1;
+ if ((*c_cursor == ']') && !qt_open)
+ kp_open=0;
+ }
+ if (*c_cursor == '[')
+ kp_open=1;
+ if ( *c_cursor == '&')
+ *op='&';
+ if ( *c_cursor == '|')
+ *op='|';
+ c_cursor++;
+ }
+ n=new_node(attrs[0],values[0],atof(values[1]),atof(values[2]));
+ n->node_type=2;
+ Nodes[0]=n;
+ if (attrs_count >5)
+ {
+ n=new_node(attrs[3],values[3],atof(values[4]),atof(values[5]));
+ n->node_type=2;
+ Nodes[1]=n;
+ }
+ else
+ Nodes[1]=0;
+ for (i=0;i < attrs_count;i++)
+ {
+ free(attrs[i]);
+ free(values[i]);
+ }
+ free(attrs);
+ free(values);
+ return 1;
+int evaluate_expresions (tv_node* TV_Node,btree_node* n)
+ regex_t preg;
+ char* data;
+ char buff1[1024];
+ char buff2[1024];
+ int i=0;
+ int ii=0;
+ if (!n)
+ return 1;
+ if(n->op=='&')
+ ii=1;
+ for (i=0;i < n->child_count;i++)
+ {
+ evaluate_expresions(TV_Node,n->childs[i]);
+ if(n->op=='&')
+ ii =ii && n->childs[i]->value;
+// if(n->op=='|')
+ else
+ ii =ii || n->childs[i]->value;
+ }
+ if (n->node_type==2)
+ {
+ data=agget(Topview.Nodes[TV_Node->index].Node,n->attr_name);
+ if (data)
+ {
+ regcomp(&preg,n->regex,REG_NOSUB);
+ if (regexec(&preg,data,0,0,0)==0)
+ n->value=1;
+ else
+ n->value=0;
+ }
+ else
+ n->value=1; //no attribute return 1
+ }
+ else
+ n->value=ii;
+ regfree(&preg);
+ return n->value;
--- /dev/null
+/* $Id$ $Revision$ */
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 ts=8: */
+* This software is part of the graphviz package *
+* http://www.graphviz.org/ *
+* *
+* Copyright (c) 1994-2004 AT&T Corp. *
+* and is licensed under the *
+* Common Public License, Version 1.0 *
+* by AT&T Corp. *
+* *
+* Information and Software Systems Research *
+* AT&T Research, Florham Park NJ *
+#ifndef BTREE_H
+#define BTREE_H
+#include "tvnodes.h"
+btree_node* new_node(char* attribute,char* regex, float min, float max);
+int insert_node (btree_node* parent_n,btree_node* n);
+int delete_node(btree_node* n);
+int delete_node_recursive(btree_node* n); //internal function
+btree_node* look_up_node_with_string(btree_node* n,char* string_to_lookup);
+int validate_lookup(btree_node* n,char* string_to_lookup); //it can be anything, in this case attr_name
+int print_tree(btree_node* root);
+int print_children(btree_node* n);
+btree_node* tree_from_filter_string(char* filter_string);
+int evaluate_filter_atom(char* string,btree_node* Nodes[],char* op);
+int evaluate_expresions(tv_node* Node,btree_node* root);