# Customizations -- you *may* have to edit these
# Where are the various programs?
-LATEX= latex
-PDFLATEX= pdflatex
-BIBTEX= bibtex
+TEXINPUTS= texinputs:
DVIPS= dvips -f -N0
DISTILL= distill
MAKEINDEX= makeindex
-L2H= latex2html
+L2H= TEXINPUTS=$(TEXINPUTS) latex2html -init_file perl/l2hinit.perl
L2HARGS= -address $$LOGNAME@`domainname`
+WEBCHECKER= $(PYTHON) ../Tools/webchecker/webchecker.py
# Install destination -- not used now but might be useful some time...
DESTDIR= /usr/local
# This is only used for .info generation:
EMACS= emacs
PYTHON= python
MAKEINFO= makeinfo
-# When debugging partparse.py, make this the pyc file:
-PARTPARSEOBJ= partparse.pyc
+PARTPARSE= $(PYTHON) tools/partparse.py
# Ideally, you shouldn't need to edit beyond this point
PDFFILES= api.pdf ext.pdf lib.pdf tut.pdf
PSFILES= api.ps ext.ps lib.ps tut.ps
+MANSTYLES=texinputs/fncychap.sty texinputs/manual.cls texinputs/python.sty
# Main target
all: all-ps
+world: all-ps all-pdf l2h lib.info tarballs
all-dvi: $(DVIFILES)
all-pdf: $(PDFFILES)
all-ps: $(PSFILES)
# This rule avoids creation of the intermediate PostScript files and uses
# only free software.
+.dvi.pdf: $*.bkm
+ $(PYTHON) tools/toc2bkm.py $*
# Dependencies
-COMMONTEX=python.sty manual.cls copyright.tex boilerplate.tex
+COMMONTEX=$(MANSTYLES) copyright.tex boilerplate.tex
+COMMONPERL=perl/manual.perl perl/python.perl
-$(DVIFILES): fix_hack $(COMMONTEX)
+$(DVIFILES): tools/fix_hack $(COMMONTEX)
# LaTeX source files for the Python Library Reference
LIBFILES = lib.tex \
libframework.tex libminiae.tex libbinhex.tex libuu.tex libsunaudio.tex
# Library document
-lib.dvi: modindex.py indfix.py $(LIBFILES)
- ./newind.py >$*.ind
- ./newind.py modindex >mod$*.ind
+lib.dvi: tools/modindex.py tools/indfix.py $(LIBFILES)
+ tools/newind.py >$*.ind
+ tools/newind.py modindex >mod$*.ind
$(LATEX) $*
- ./modindex.py mod$*.idx
- ./fix_hack $*.idx
+ tools/modindex.py mod$*.idx
+ tools/fix_hack $*.idx
$(MAKEINDEX) $*.idx
- ./indfix.py $*.ind
+ tools/indfix.py $*.ind
$(LATEX) $*
# Tutorial document
# Extending & Embedding, Python/C API documents.
# Done this way to avoid repeated command sets.
- ./newind.py >$*.ind
+ tools/newind.py >$*.ind
$(LATEX) $*
- ./fix_hack $*.idx
+ tools/fix_hack $*.idx
$(MAKEINDEX) $*.idx
$(LATEX) $*
# The remaining part of the Makefile is concerned with various
# conversions, as described above. See also the README file.
-.SUFFIXES: .py .pyc .pyo
- $(PYTHON) -O -c "import $*"
- $(PYTHON) -c "import $*"
.PRECIOUS: python-lib.texi
# The sed script in this target fixes a really nasty little condition in
# least the info file gets generated.
lib1.texi: $(LIBFILES) texipre.dat texipost.dat $(PARTPARSEOBJ)
- $(PARTPARSE) -o $@ `./whichlibs`
+ $(PARTPARSE) -o $@ `tools/whichlibs`
sed 's/"{\\}n{\\}n/"\\n\\n/' $@ >temp.texi
mv temp.texi $@
-python-lib.texi: lib1.texi fix.el
+python-lib.texi: lib1.texi tools/fix.el
cp lib1.texi temp.texi
- $(EMACS) -batch -l fix.el -f save-buffer -kill
+ $(EMACS) -batch -l tools/fix.el -f save-buffer -kill
mv temp.texi $@
python-lib.info: python-lib.texi
l2h: l2hapi l2hext l2hlib l2htut
-l2htut: tut.dvi manual.perl python.perl
+l2htut: tut.dvi $(COMMONPERL)
$(L2H) $(L2HARGS) tut.tex
- (cd tut; ../node2label.pl *.html)
- ln -s tut.html tut/index.html || true
+ (cd tut; ../tools/node2label.pl *.html)
-l2hext: ext.dvi manual.perl python.perl
+l2hext: ext.dvi $(COMMONPERL)
$(L2H) $(L2HARGS) ext.tex
- (cd ext; ../node2label.pl *.html)
- ln -s ext.html ext/index.html || true
+ (cd ext; ../tools/node2label.pl *.html)
-l2hlib: lib.dvi manual.perl python.perl
- ./fix_libaux.sed <lib.aux >lib1.aux
+l2hlib: lib.dvi $(COMMONPERL)
+ tools/fix_libaux.sed <lib.aux >lib1.aux
mv lib1.aux lib.aux
- if [ -d lib ] ; then rm -f lib/*.html ; fi
+ if test -d lib ; then rm -f lib/*.html ; fi
$(L2H) $(L2HARGS) lib.tex
- (cd lib; ../node2label.pl *.html)
- ln -s lib.html lib/index.html || true
+ (cd lib; ../tools/node2label.pl *.html)
-l2hapi: api.dvi manual.perl python.perl
+l2hapi: api.dvi $(COMMONPERL)
$(L2H) $(L2HARGS) api.tex
- (cd api; ../node2label.pl *.html)
- ln -s api.html api/index.html || true
+ (cd api; ../tools/node2label.pl *.html)
+# webchecker needs an extra flag to process the huge index from the libref
+ $(WEBCHECKER) file:`pwd`/api/
+ $(WEBCHECKER) file:`pwd`/ext/
+ $(WEBCHECKER) -m290000 file:`pwd`/lib/
+ $(WEBCHECKER) file:`pwd`/tut/
-info-$(VERSION).tar.gz: $(INFOFILES)
+lib-info-$(VERSION).tar.gz: $(INFOFILES)
tar cf - python-???.info* | gzip -9 >$@
- ./mktarball.sh
+ tools/mktarball.sh
# This snags a PDF version if available, but doesn't fail if not.
pdf-$(VERSION).tar.gz: $(PDFFILES)
- if [ -f ref/ref.pdf ] ; then cp ref/ref.pdf . ; else true ; fi
+ if test -f ref/ref.pdf ; then cp ref/ref.pdf . ; else true ; fi
tar cf - ???.pdf | gzip -9 >$@
- if [ -f ref.pdf ] ; then rm ref.pdf ; else true ; fi
+ if test -f ref.pdf ; then rm ref.pdf ; else true ; fi
postscript-$(VERSION).tar.gz: $(PSFILES) ref/ref.ps
cp ref/ref.ps .
# convenience targets:
-tarinfo: info-$(VERSION).tar.gz
+tarinfo: lib-info-$(VERSION).tar.gz
tarps: postscript-$(VERSION).tar.gz
# Remove temporary files; all except the following:
# - sources: .tex, .bib, .sty, *.cls
# - useful results: .dvi, .pdf, .ps, .texi, .info
-clean: l2hclean
rm -f @* *~ *.aux *.idx *.ilg *.ind *.log *.toc *.blg *.bbl *.py[co]
rm -f *.bak *.orig lib1.texi *.out
rm -f html-$(VERSION).tar.gz info-$(VERSION).tar.gz
rm -rf api ext lib tut
# Remove temporaries as well as final products
-clobber: clean
- rm -f *.dvi *.pdf *.ps *.texi *.info *.info-[0-9]*
+clobber: clean l2hclean
+ rm -f *.dvi *.pdf *.ps *.texi python-*.info python-*.info-[0-9]*
realclean: clobber
distclean: clobber