- for (i = oap->line_count; --i >= 0 && !got_int; )
- {
- // it's a slow thing to do, so give feedback so there's no worry that
- // the computer's just hung.
+ // Save for undo. Do this once for all lines, much faster than doing this
+ // for each line separately, especially when undoing.
+ if (u_savecommon(start_lnum - 1, start_lnum + oap->line_count,
+ start_lnum + oap->line_count, FALSE) == OK)
+ for (i = oap->line_count; --i >= 0 && !got_int; )
+ {
+ // it's a slow thing to do, so give feedback so there's no worry
+ // that the computer's just hung.
- if (i > 1
- && (i % 50 == 0 || i == oap->line_count - 1)
- && oap->line_count > p_report)
- smsg(_("%ld lines to indent... "), i);
+ if (i > 1
+ && (i % 50 == 0 || i == oap->line_count - 1)
+ && oap->line_count > p_report)
+ smsg(_("%ld lines to indent... "), i);
- // Be vi-compatible: For lisp indenting the first line is not
- // indented, unless there is only one line.
+ // Be vi-compatible: For lisp indenting the first line is not
+ // indented, unless there is only one line.
# ifdef FEAT_LISP
- if (i != oap->line_count - 1 || oap->line_count == 1
- || how != get_lisp_indent)
+ if (i != oap->line_count - 1 || oap->line_count == 1
+ || how != get_lisp_indent)
# endif
- {
- l = skipwhite(ml_get_curline());
- if (*l == NUL) // empty or blank line
- amount = 0;
- else
- amount = how(); // get the indent for this line
- if (amount >= 0 && set_indent(amount, SIN_UNDO))
- // did change the indent, call changed_lines() later
- if (first_changed == 0)
- first_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- last_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+ l = skipwhite(ml_get_curline());
+ if (*l == NUL) // empty or blank line
+ amount = 0;
+ else
+ amount = how(); // get the indent for this line
+ if (amount >= 0 && set_indent(amount, 0))
+ {
+ // did change the indent, call changed_lines() later
+ if (first_changed == 0)
+ first_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+ last_changed = curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+ }
+ ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
+ curwin->w_cursor.col = 0; // make sure it's valid
- ++curwin->w_cursor.lnum;
- curwin->w_cursor.col = 0; // make sure it's valid
- }
// put cursor on first non-blank of indented line
curwin->w_cursor.lnum = start_lnum;
+" Test indent operator creating one undo entry
+func Test_indent_operator_undo()
+ enew
+ call setline(1, range(12)->map('"\t" .. v:val'))
+ func FoldExpr()
+ let g:foldcount += 1
+ return '='
+ endfunc
+ set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=FoldExpr()
+ let g:foldcount = 0
+ redraw
+ call assert_equal(12, g:foldcount)
+ normal gg=G
+ call assert_equal(24, g:foldcount)
+ undo
+ call assert_equal(38, g:foldcount)
+ bwipe!
+ set foldmethod& foldexpr=
+ delfunc FoldExpr
+ unlet g:foldcount
" Test for shifting a line with a preprocessor directive ('#')
func Test_preproc_indent()