is not flattened (EJAB-616)
SVN Revision: 1424
2008-07-09 Badlop <>
+ * src/ejabberd_config.erl (load_file): error message on sasl.log
+ is not flattened (EJAB-616)
* doc/guide.tex: mod_muc_log XMPP URI supports the updated version
RFC 5122 (EJAB-631)
* doc/guide.html: Likewise
{ok, Terms} ->
{error, Reason} ->
- ?ERROR_MSG("Can't load config file ~p: ~p", [File, Reason]),
- exit(File ++ ": " ++ file:format_error(Reason))
+ ExitText = lists:flatten(File ++ ": around line "
+ ++ file:format_error(Reason)),
+ ?ERROR_MSG("Problem loading ejabberd config file:~n~s", [ExitText]),
+ exit(ExitText)
%% @doc Convert configuration filename to absolute path.