bool TroubleshootCommand::GeneralInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm)
InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue)
- << '\n' << std::string(14, '=') << " GENERAL INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
+ << std::string(14, '=') << " GENERAL INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
//Application::DisplayInfoMessage() but formatted
<< "\tObjects path: " << Application::GetObjectsPath() << '\n'
<< "\tVars path: " << Application::GetVarsPath() << '\n'
<< "\tPID path: " << Application::GetPidPath() << '\n'
- << "\tApplication type: " << Application::GetApplicationType() << "\n\n";
+ << "\tApplication type: " << Application::GetApplicationType() << "\n";
+ InfoLogLine(log)
+ << '\n';
return true;
bool TroubleshootCommand::ObjectInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, Dictionary::Ptr& logs, const String& path)
InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue)
- << '\n' << std::string(14, '=') << " OBJECT INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
+ << std::string(14, '=') << " OBJECT INFORMATION " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
String objectfile = Application::GetObjectsPath();
std::set<String> configs;
<< "Failed to print vars to " << path+"-vars\n";
+ InfoLogLine(log)
+ << '\n';
return true;
bool TroubleshootCommand::ReportInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm, Dictionary::Ptr& logs)
InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue)
- << '\n' << std::string(14, '=') << " LOGS AND CRASH REPORTS " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
+ << std::string(14, '=') << " LOGS AND CRASH REPORTS " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
PrintLoggers(log, logs);
+ InfoLogLine(log)
+ << '\n';
return true;
bool TroubleshootCommand::ConfigInfo(InfoLog& log, const boost::program_options::variables_map& vm)
InfoLogLine(log, Console_ForegroundBlue)
- << '\n' << std::string(14, '=') << " CONFIGURATION FILES " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
+ << std::string(14, '=') << " CONFIGURATION FILES " << std::string(14, '=') << "\n\n";
<< "A collection of important configuration files follows, please make sure to remove any sensitive data such as credentials, internal company names, etc\n";
<< "If you are using a zones.conf somewhere but the default path please provide it with your support request\n";
+ InfoLogLine(log)
+ << '\n';
return true;
<< appName << " -- Troubleshooting help:\n"
<< "Should you run into problems with Icinga please add this file to your help request\n"
- << "Began procedure at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", goTime) << "\n\n";
+ << "Began procedure at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", goTime) << "\n";
+ InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundMagenta)
+ << std::string(52, '=') << "\n\n";
if (appName.GetLength() > 3 && appName.SubStr(0, 3) == "lt-")
appName = appName.SubStr(3, appName.GetLength() - 3);
double endTime = Utility::GetTime();
- InfoLogLine(*log)
- << "\nFinished collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", endTime)
+ InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundMagenta)
+ << std::string(52, '=') << '\n';
+ InfoLogLine(*log, Console_ForegroundGreen)
+ << "Finished collection at " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", endTime)
<< "\nTook " << Utility::FormatDateTime("%S", (endTime - goTime)) << " seconds\n";
if (!vm.count("console")) {