--- /dev/null
+DBA magic_quotes_runtime Test
+ require_once('skipif.inc');
+ require_once('test.inc');
+ echo "database handler: $handler\n";
+ if (($db_file=dba_open($db_file, "n", $handler))!==FALSE) {
+ dba_insert("key1", '"', $db_file);
+ ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
+ var_dump(dba_fetch("key1", $db_file));
+ ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 1);
+ var_dump(dba_fetch("key1", $db_file));
+ dba_close($db_file);
+ } else {
+ echo "Error creating database\n";
+ }
+database handler: %s
+string(1) """
+string(2) "\""
--- /dev/null
+Bug #14383
+$dbh = @pg_connect($conn_str);
+if (!$dbh) {
+ die ("Could not connect to the server");
+database handler: %s
+Content String 2
+Content 2 replaced
+Read during write:%sallowed
+Content 2 replaced 2nd time
+The 6th value
+array(3) {
+ ["key number 6"]=>
+ string(13) "The 6th value"
+ ["key2"]=>
+ string(27) "Content 2 replaced 2nd time"
+ ["key5"]=>
+ string(23) "The last content string"
\ No newline at end of file