gop_ref_dist *= 2;
- /*
- * XXX: B-pyramid + forced keyframes will cause visual artifacts,
- * force-disable B-pyramid until we insert keyframes properly
- */
- if (pv->param.gop.b_pyramid && job->chapter_markers)
- {
- pv->param.gop.b_pyramid = 0;
- hb_log("encqsvInit: chapter markers enabled, disabling B-pyramid "
- "to work around a bug in our keyframe insertion code");
- }
if ((pv->param.gop.b_pyramid) &&
(pv->param.videoParam->mfx.GopPicSize == 0 ||
pv->param.videoParam->mfx.GopPicSize > gop_ref_dist))
+ /*
+ * Chapters have to start with a keyframe, so request one here.
+ *
+ * Using an mfxEncodeCtrl structure to force key frame generation is not
+ * possible when using a lookahead and frame reordering, so instead do
+ * the following before encoding the frame attached to the chapter:
+ *
+ * - flush the encoder to encode and retrieve any buffered frames
+ *
+ * - do a hard reset (MFXVideoENCODE_Close, then Init) of
+ * the encoder to make sure the next frame is a keyframe
+ *
+ * The hard reset ensures encoding resumes with a clean state, avoiding
+ * miscellaneous hard-to-disagnose issues that may occur when resuming
+ * an encode after flushing the encoder or using MFXVideoENCODE_Reset.
+ */
if (in->s.new_chap > 0 && job->chapter_markers)
- save_chapter(pv, in);
+ mfxStatus sts;
- /* Chapters have to start with a keyframe, so request an IDR */
- ctrl = &pv->force_keyframe;
+ if (encode_loop(pv, NULL, NULL) < 0)
+ {
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ sts = MFXVideoENCODE_Close(qsv_ctx->mfx_session);
+ if (sts != MFX_ERR_NONE)
+ {
+ hb_error("encqsv: MFXVideoENCODE_Close failed (%d)", sts);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ sts = MFXVideoENCODE_Init(qsv_ctx->mfx_session, pv->param.videoParam);
+ if (sts < MFX_ERR_NONE)
+ {
+ hb_error("encqsv: MFXVideoENCODE_Init failed (%d)", sts);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ save_chapter(pv, in);