#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include "minicurl.hh"
+#include "ueberbackend.hh"
#if !defined(HAVE_LUA)
AuthLua4::AuthLua4(const std::string& fname) { }
if(opts.count("stringmatch") && content.find(opts["stringmatch"]) == string::npos) {
cout<<"URL "<<url<<" is up at "<<rem.toString()<<", but could not find stringmatch "<<opts["stringmatch"]<<" in page content, setting DOWN"<<endl;
setDown(rem, url, opts);
- continue;
+ goto loop;
cout<<"Declaring "<<rem.toString()<<" UP for URL "<<url<<"!"<<endl;
cout<<"Failed to connect to "<<rem.toString()<<" for URL "<<url<<", setting DOWN, error: "<<ne.what()<<endl;
+ loop:;
IsUpOracle g_up;
-std::vector<shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>> luaSynth(const std::string& code, const DNSName& query, const ComboAddress& who, uint16_t qtype)
+std::vector<shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>> luaSynth(const std::string& code, const DNSName& query, const DNSName& zone, int zoneid, const ComboAddress& who, uint16_t qtype)
std::vector<shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>> ret;
- cout<<"Code: "<<code<<endl;
- string strip=code.c_str()+1;
- strip.resize(strip.size()-1);
LuaContext lua;
lua.writeVariable("qname", query.toString());
- lua.writeFunction("ifurlup", [](const std::string& url, const vector<pair<int, string> >& ips, boost::optional<std::unordered_map<string,string>> options) {
- vector<ComboAddress> candidates;
- for(const auto& i : ips) {
- ComboAddress rem(i.second, 80);
- std::unordered_map<string,string> opts;
- if(options)
- opts = *options;
- if(g_up.isUp(rem, url, opts))
- candidates.push_back(rem);
+ lua.writeFunction("ifurlup", [](const std::string& url,
+ const boost::variant<
+ vector<pair<int, string> >,
+ vector<pair<int, vector<pair<int, string> > > >
+ > & ips, boost::optional<std::unordered_map<string,string>> options) {
+ vector<vector<ComboAddress> > candidates;
+ std::unordered_map<string,string> opts;
+ if(options)
+ opts = *options;
+ if(auto simple = boost::get<vector<pair<int,string>>>(&ips)) {
+ vector<ComboAddress> unit;
+ for(const auto& i : *simple) {
+ ComboAddress rem(i.second, 80);
+ unit.push_back(rem);
+ }
+ candidates.push_back(unit);
+ } else {
+ auto units = boost::get<vector<pair<int, vector<pair<int, string> > > >>(ips);
+ for(const auto& u : units) {
+ vector<ComboAddress> unit;
+ for(const auto& c : u.second) {
+ ComboAddress rem(c.second, 80);
+ unit.push_back(rem);
+ }
+ candidates.push_back(unit);
+ }
- cout<<"Have "<<candidates.size()<<" candidate IP addresses: ";
- for(const auto& c : candidates)
- cout<<c.toString()<<" ";
- cout<<endl;
+ //
+ cout<<"Have "<<candidates.size()<<" units of IP addresses: "<<endl;
+ int ucount=1;
+ for(const auto& unit : candidates) {
+ cout<<"Unit "<<ucount<<": ";
+ for(const auto& c : unit)
+ cout<<c.toString()<<" ";
+ cout<<endl;
+ ucount++;
+ }
vector<string> ret;
- if(candidates.empty()) {
- cout<<"Everything is down, returning all IP addresses"<<endl;
- for(const auto& i : ips)
- ret.push_back(i.second);
+ for(const auto& unit : candidates) {
+ vector<ComboAddress> available;
+ for(const auto& c : unit)
+ if(g_up.isUp(c, url, opts))
+ available.push_back(c);
+ if(available.empty()) {
+ cerr<<"Entire unit is down, trying next one if available"<<endl;
+ continue;
+ }
+ ret.push_back(available[random() % available.size()].toString());
+ return ret;
+ }
+ cerr<<"ALL units are down, returning all IP addresses"<<endl;
+ for(const auto& unit : candidates) {
+ for(const auto& c : unit)
+ ret.push_back(c.toString());
- else
- ret.push_back(candidates[random() % candidates.size()].toString());
return ret;
- });
+ });
lua.writeFunction("pickRandom", [](const vector<pair<int, string> >& ips) {
- auto content=lua.executeCode<boost::variant<string, vector<pair<int, string> > > >(strip);
+ int counter=0;
+ lua.writeFunction("report", [&counter](string event, boost::optional<string> line){
+ cout<<"It was toooo much"<<endl;
+ throw std::runtime_error("Script took too long");
+ });
+ lua.executeCode("debug.sethook(report, '', 1000)");
- vector<string> contents;
- if(auto str = boost::get<string>(&content))
- contents.push_back(*str);
- else
- for(const auto& c : boost::get<vector<pair<int,string>>>(content))
- contents.push_back(c.second);
+ lua.writeFunction("continent", [&who](const std::string& continent) {
+ return true;
+ });
- for(const auto& content: contents) {
- if(qtype==QType::TXT)
- ret.push_back(std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype, 1, '"'+content+'"' )));
+ lua.writeFunction("include", [&lua,zone,zoneid](string record) {
+ try {
+ cerr<<"Wants to load record '"<<record<<"'"<<endl;
+ UeberBackend ub;
+ ub.lookup(QType(QType::LUA), DNSName(record) +zone, 0, zoneid);
+ DNSZoneRecord dr;
+ while(ub.get(dr)) {
+ auto lr = getRR<LUARecordContent>(dr.dr);
+ cout<<"About to execute "<<lr->getCode()<<endl;
+ lua.executeCode(lr->getCode());
+ }
+ }catch(std::exception& e) { cerr<<"Oops: "<<e.what()<<endl; }
+ });
+ try {
+ auto content=lua.executeCode<boost::variant<string, vector<pair<int, string> > > >(code);
+ // cout<<"Counter: "<<counter<<endl;
+ vector<string> contents;
+ if(auto str = boost::get<string>(&content))
+ contents.push_back(*str);
- ret.push_back(std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype, 1, content )));
+ for(const auto& c : boost::get<vector<pair<int,string>>>(content))
+ contents.push_back(c.second);
+ for(const auto& content: contents) {
+ if(qtype==QType::TXT)
+ ret.push_back(std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype, 1, '"'+content+'"' )));
+ else
+ ret.push_back(std::shared_ptr<DNSRecordContent>(DNSRecordContent::mastermake(qtype, 1, content )));
+ }
+ }catch(std::exception &e) {
+ cerr<<"Lua reported: "<<e.what()<<endl;
return ret;