runtime/plugin/README.txt \
runtime/syntax/*.vim \
runtime/syntax/README.txt \
+ runtime/syntax/shared/*.vim \
+ runtime/syntax/shared/README.txt \
# Unix runtime
-" Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Latest Revision: 2016 Oct 21
-let s:keepcpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" Helper functions {{{
-function! s:context_echo(message, mode)
- redraw
- echo "\r"
- execute 'echohl' a:mode
- echomsg '[ConTeXt]' a:message
- echohl None
-function! s:sh()
- return has('win32') || has('win64') || has('win16') || has('win95')
- \ ? ['cmd.exe', '/C']
- \ : ['/bin/sh', '-c']
-" For backward compatibility
-if exists('*win_getid')
- function! s:win_getid()
- return win_getid()
- endf
- function! s:win_id2win(winid)
- return win_id2win(a:winid)
- endf
- function! s:win_getid()
- return winnr()
- endf
- function! s:win_id2win(winnr)
- return a:winnr
- endf
-" }}}
-" ConTeXt jobs {{{
-if has('job')
- let g:context_jobs = []
- " Print the status of ConTeXt jobs
- function! context#job_status()
- let l:jobs = filter(g:context_jobs, 'job_status(v:val) == "run"')
- let l:n = len(l:jobs)
- call s:context_echo(
- \ 'There '.(l:n == 1 ? 'is' : 'are').' '.(l:n == 0 ? 'no' : l:n)
- \ .' job'.(l:n == 1 ? '' : 's').' running'
- \ .(l:n == 0 ? '.' : ' (' . join(l:jobs, ', ').').'),
- \ 'ModeMsg')
- endfunction
- " Stop all ConTeXt jobs
- function! context#stop_jobs()
- let l:jobs = filter(g:context_jobs, 'job_status(v:val) == "run"')
- for job in l:jobs
- call job_stop(job)
- endfor
- sleep 1
- let l:tmp = []
- for job in l:jobs
- if job_status(job) == "run"
- call add(l:tmp, job)
- endif
- endfor
- let g:context_jobs = l:tmp
- if empty(g:context_jobs)
- call s:context_echo('Done. No jobs running.', 'ModeMsg')
+# Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
+# Typesetting {{{
+import autoload './typeset.vim'
+export def ConTeXtCmd(path: string): list<string>
+ return ['mtxrun', '--script', 'context', '--nonstopmode', '--autogenerate', path]
+export def Typeset(bufname: string, env = {}, Cmd = ConTeXtCmd): bool
+ return typeset.TypesetBuffer(bufname, Cmd, env, 'ConTeXt')
+export def JobStatus()
+ typeset.JobStatus('ConTeXt')
+export def StopJobs()
+ typeset.StopJobs('ConTeXt')
+export def Log(bufname: string)
+ execute 'edit' typeset.LogPath(bufname)
+# }}}
+# Completion {{{
+def BinarySearch(base: string, keywords: list<string>): list<string>
+ const pat = '^' .. base
+ const len = len(keywords)
+ var res = []
+ var lft = 0
+ var rgt = len
+ # Find the leftmost index matching base
+ while lft < rgt
+ var i = (lft + rgt) / 2
+ if keywords[i] < base
+ lft = i + 1
- call s:context_echo('There are still some jobs running. Please try again.', 'WarningMsg')
+ rgt = i
- endfunction
+ endwhile
- function! context#callback(path, job, status)
- if index(g:context_jobs, a:job) != -1 && job_status(a:job) != 'run' " just in case
- call remove(g:context_jobs, index(g:context_jobs, a:job))
+ while lft < len && keywords[lft] =~ pat
+ add(res, keywords[lft])
+ lft += 1
+ endwhile
+ return res
+var isMetaPostBlock = false
+var MP_KEYWORDS: list<string> = []
+var CTX_KEYWORDS: list<string> = []
+# Complete only MetaPost keywords in MetaPost blocks, and complete only
+# ConTeXt keywords otherwise.
+export def Complete(findstart: number, base: string): any
+ if findstart == 1
+ if len(synstack(line("."), 1)) > 0 && synIDattr(synstack(line("."), 1)[0], "name") ==# 'contextMPGraphic'
+ isMetaPostBlock = true
+ return match(getline('.'), '\S\+\%' .. col('.') .. 'c')
+ endif
+ # Complete only \commands starting with a backslash
+ isMetaPostBlock = false
+ var pos = match(getline('.'), '\\\zs\S\+\%' .. col('.') .. 'c')
+ return (pos == -1) ? -3 : pos
+ endif
+ if isMetaPostBlock
+ if empty(MP_KEYWORDS)
+ MP_KEYWORDS = sort(syntaxcomplete#OmniSyntaxList(['mf\w\+', 'mp\w\+']))
- call s:callback(a:path, a:job, a:status)
- endfunction
- function! context#close_cb(channel)
- call job_status(ch_getjob(a:channel)) " Trigger exit_cb's callback for faster feedback
- endfunction
- function! s:typeset(path)
- call add(g:context_jobs,
- \ job_start(add(s:sh(), context#command() . ' ' . shellescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ":t"))), {
- \ 'close_cb' : 'context#close_cb',
- \ 'exit_cb' : function(get(b:, 'context_callback', get(g:, 'context_callback', 'context#callback')),
- \ [a:path]),
- \ 'in_io' : 'null'
- \ }))
- endfunction
-else " No jobs
- function! context#job_status()
- call s:context_echo('Not implemented', 'WarningMsg')
- endfunction!
- function! context#stop_jobs()
- call s:context_echo('Not implemented', 'WarningMsg')
- endfunction
- function! context#callback(path, job, status)
- call s:callback(a:path, a:job, a:status)
- endfunction
- function! s:typeset(path)
- execute '!' . context#command() . ' ' . shellescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ":t"))
- call call(get(b:, 'context_callback', get(g:, 'context_callback', 'context#callback')),
- \ [a:path, 0, v:shell_error])
- endfunction
-endif " has('job')
-function! s:callback(path, job, status) abort
- if a:status < 0 " Assume the job was terminated
- return
+ return BinarySearch(base, MP_KEYWORDS)
- " Get info about the current window
- let l:winid = s:win_getid() " Save window id
- let l:efm = &l:errorformat " Save local errorformat
- let l:cwd = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ":p") " Save local working directory
- " Set errorformat to parse ConTeXt errors
- execute 'setl efm=' . escape(b:context_errorformat, ' ')
- try " Set cwd to expand error file correctly
- execute 'lcd' fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':h'))
- catch /.*/
- execute 'setl efm=' . escape(l:efm, ' ')
- throw v:exception
- endtry
- try
- execute 'cgetfile' fnameescape(fnamemodify(a:path, ':r') . '.log')
- botright cwindow
- finally " Restore cwd and errorformat
- execute s:win_id2win(l:winid) . 'wincmd w'
- execute 'lcd ' . fnameescape(l:cwd)
- execute 'setl efm=' . escape(l:efm, ' ')
- endtry
- if a:status == 0
- call s:context_echo('Success!', 'ModeMsg')
- else
- call s:context_echo('There are errors. ', 'ErrorMsg')
+ if empty(CTX_KEYWORDS)
+ CTX_KEYWORDS = sort(syntaxcomplete#OmniSyntaxList([
+ 'context\w\+', 'texAleph', 'texEtex', 'texLuatex', 'texOmega',
+ 'texPdftex', 'texTex', 'texXeTeX'
+ ]))
-function! context#command()
- return get(b:, 'context_mtxrun', get(g:, 'context_mtxrun', 'mtxrun'))
- \ . ' --script context --autogenerate --nonstopmode'
- \ . ' --synctex=' . (get(b:, 'context_synctex', get(g:, 'context_synctex', 0)) ? '1' : '0')
- \ . ' ' . get(b:, 'context_extra_options', get(g:, 'context_extra_options', ''))
-" Accepts an optional path (useful for big projects, when the file you are
-" editing is not the project's root document). If no argument is given, uses
-" the path of the current buffer.
-function! context#typeset(...) abort
- let l:path = fnamemodify(strlen(a:000[0]) > 0 ? a:1 : expand("%"), ":p")
- let l:cwd = fnamemodify(getcwd(), ":p") " Save local working directory
- call s:context_echo('Typesetting...', 'ModeMsg')
- execute 'lcd' fnameescape(fnamemodify(l:path, ":h"))
- try
- call s:typeset(l:path)
- finally " Restore local working directory
- execute 'lcd ' . fnameescape(l:cwd)
- endtry
-let &cpo = s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
-" vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
+ return BinarySearch(base, CTX_KEYWORDS)
+# }}}
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
--- /dev/null
+# Language: Generic TeX typesetting engine
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
+# Constants and helpers {{{
+const SLASH = !exists("+shellslash") || &shellslash ? '/' : '\'
+def Echo(msg: string, mode: string, label: string)
+ redraw
+ echo "\r"
+ execute 'echohl' mode
+ echomsg printf('[%s] %s', label, msg)
+ echohl None
+def EchoMsg(msg: string, label = 'Notice')
+ Echo(msg, 'ModeMsg', label)
+def EchoWarn(msg: string, label = 'Warning')
+ Echo(msg, 'WarningMsg', label)
+def EchoErr(msg: string, label = 'Error')
+ Echo(msg, 'ErrorMsg', label)
+# }}}
+# Track jobs {{{
+var running_jobs = {} # Dictionary of job IDs of jobs currently executing
+def AddJob(label: string, j: job)
+ if !has_key(running_jobs, label)
+ running_jobs[label] = []
+ endif
+ add(running_jobs[label], j)
+def RemoveJob(label: string, j: job)
+ if has_key(running_jobs, label) && index(running_jobs[label], j) != -1
+ remove(running_jobs[label], index(running_jobs[label], j))
+ endif
+def GetRunningJobs(label: string): list<job>
+ return has_key(running_jobs, label) ? running_jobs[label] : []
+# }}}
+# Callbacks {{{
+def ProcessOutput(qfid: number, wd: string, efm: string, ch: channel, msg: string)
+ # Make sure the quickfix list still exists
+ if getqflist({'id': qfid}).id != qfid
+ EchoErr("Quickfix list not found, stopping the job")
+ call job_stop(ch_getjob(ch))
+ return
+ endif
+ # Make sure the working directory is correct
+ silent execute "lcd" wd
+ setqflist([], 'a', {'id': qfid, 'lines': [msg], 'efm': efm})
+ silent lcd -
+def CloseCb(ch: channel)
+ job_status(ch_getjob(ch)) # Trigger exit_cb's callback
+def ExitCb(label: string, jobid: job, exitStatus: number)
+ RemoveJob(label, jobid)
+ if exitStatus == 0
+ botright cwindow
+ EchoMsg('Success!', label)
+ elseif exitStatus < 0
+ EchoWarn('Job terminated', label)
+ else
+ botright copen
+ wincmd p
+ EchoWarn('There are errors.', label)
+ endif
+# }}}
+# Create a new empty quickfix list at the end of the stack and return its id {{{
+def NewQuickfixList(path: string): number
+ if setqflist([], ' ', {'nr': '$', 'title': path}) == -1
+ return -1
+ endif
+ return getqflist({'nr': '$', 'id': 0}).id
+# }}}
+# Public interface {{{
+# When a TeX document is split into several source files, each source file
+# may contain a "magic line" specifiying the "root" file, e.g.:
+# % !TEX root = main.tex
+# Using this line, Vim can know which file to typeset even if the current
+# buffer is different from main.tex.
+# This function searches for the magic line in the first ten lines of the
+# given buffer, and returns the full path of the root document.
+# NOTE: the value of "% !TEX root" *must* be a relative path.
+export def FindRootDocument(bufname: string = bufname("%")): string
+ const bufnr = bufnr(bufname)
+ if !bufexists(bufnr)
+ return bufname
+ endif
+ var rootpath = fnamemodify(bufname(bufnr), ':p')
+ # Search for magic line `% !TEX root = ...` in the first ten lines
+ const header = getbufline(bufnr, 1, 10)
+ const idx = match(header, '^\s*%\s\+!TEX\s\+root\s*=\s*\S')
+ if idx > -1
+ const main = matchstr(header[idx], '!TEX\s\+root\s*=\s*\zs.*$')
+ rootpath = simplify(fnamemodify(rootpath, ":h") .. SLASH .. main)
+ endif
+ return rootpath
+export def LogPath(bufname: string): string
+ const logfile = FindRootDocument(bufname)
+ return fnamemodify(logfile, ":r") .. ".log"
+# Typeset the specified path
+# Parameters:
+# label: a descriptive string used in messages to identify the kind of job
+# Cmd: a function that takes the path of a document and returns the typesetting command
+# path: the path of the document to be typeset. To avoid ambiguities, pass a *full* path.
+# efm: the error format string to parse the output of the command.
+# env: environment variables for the process (passed to job_start())
+# Returns:
+# true if the job is started successfully;
+# false otherwise.
+export def Typeset(
+ label: string,
+ Cmd: func(string): list<string>,
+ path: string,
+ efm: string,
+ env: dict<string> = {}
+): bool
+ var fp = fnamemodify(path, ":p")
+ var wd = fnamemodify(fp, ":h")
+ var qfid = NewQuickfixList(fp)
+ if qfid == -1
+ EchoErr('Could not create quickfix list', label)
+ return false
+ endif
+ if !filereadable(fp)
+ EchoErr(printf('File not readable: %s', fp), label)
+ return false
+ endif
+ var jobid = job_start(Cmd(path), {
+ env: env,
+ cwd: wd,
+ in_io: "null",
+ callback: (c, m) => ProcessOutput(qfid, wd, efm, c, m),
+ close_cb: CloseCb,
+ exit_cb: (j, e) => ExitCb(label, j, e),
+ })
+ if job_status(jobid) ==# "fail"
+ EchoErr("Failed to start job", label)
+ return false
+ endif
+ AddJob(label, jobid)
+ EchoMsg('Typesetting...', label)
+ return true
+export def JobStatus(label: string)
+ EchoMsg('Jobs still running: ' .. string(len(GetRunningJobs(label))), label)
+export def StopJobs(label: string)
+ for job in GetRunningJobs(label)
+ job_stop(job)
+ endfor
+ EchoMsg('Done.', label)
+# Typeset the specified buffer
+# Parameters:
+# name: a buffer's name. this may be empty to indicate the current buffer.
+# cmd: a function that takes the path of a document and returns the typesetting command
+# label: a descriptive string used in messages to identify the kind of job
+# env: environment variables for the process (passed to job_start())
+# Returns:
+# true if the job is started successfully;
+# false otherwise.
+export def TypesetBuffer(
+ name: string,
+ Cmd: func(string): list<string>,
+ env = {},
+ label = 'Typeset'
+): bool
+ const bufname = bufname(name)
+ if empty(bufname)
+ EchoErr('Please save the buffer first.', label)
+ return false
+ endif
+ const efm = getbufvar(bufnr(bufname), "&efm")
+ const rootpath = FindRootDocument(bufname)
+ return Typeset('ConTeXt', Cmd, rootpath, efm, env)
+# }}}
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
-" Vim compiler file
-" Compiler: ConTeXt typesetting engine
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Last Change: 2016 Oct 21
-if exists("current_compiler")
+# Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
+if exists("g:current_compiler")
-let s:keepcpo= &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 " older Vim always used :setlocal
+import autoload '../autoload/context.vim'
+if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2 # Older Vim always used :setlocal
command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
-" If makefile exists and we are not asked to ignore it, we use standard make
-" (do not redefine makeprg)
+g:current_compiler = 'context'
if get(b:, 'context_ignore_makefile', get(g:, 'context_ignore_makefile', 0)) ||
- \ (!filereadable('Makefile') && !filereadable('makefile'))
- let current_compiler = 'context'
- " The following assumes that the current working directory is set to the
- " directory of the file to be typeset
- let &l:makeprg = get(b:, 'context_mtxrun', get(g:, 'context_mtxrun', 'mtxrun'))
- \ . ' --script context --autogenerate --nonstopmode --synctex='
- \ . (get(b:, 'context_synctex', get(g:, 'context_synctex', 0)) ? '1' : '0')
- \ . ' ' . get(b:, 'context_extra_options', get(g:, 'context_extra_options', ''))
- \ . ' ' . shellescape(expand('%:p:t'))
+ (!filereadable('Makefile') && !filereadable('makefile'))
+ &l:makeprg = join(context.ConTeXtCmd(shellescape(expand('%:p:t'))), ' ')
- let current_compiler = 'make'
+ g:current_compiler = 'make'
-let b:context_errorformat = ''
- \ . '%-Popen source%.%#> %f,'
- \ . '%-Qclose source%.%#> %f,'
- \ . "%-Popen source%.%#name '%f',"
- \ . "%-Qclose source%.%#name '%f',"
- \ . '%Etex %trror%.%#mp error on line %l in file %f:%.%#,'
- \ . 'tex %trror%.%#error on line %l in file %f: %m,'
- \ . '%Elua %trror%.%#error on line %l in file %f:,'
- \ . '%+Emetapost %#> error: %#,'
- \ . '! error: %#%m,'
- \ . '%-C %#,'
- \ . '%C! %m,'
- \ . '%Z[ctxlua]%m,'
- \ . '%+C<*> %.%#,'
- \ . '%-C%.%#,'
- \ . '%Z...%m,'
- \ . '%-Zno-error,'
- \ . '%-G%.%#' " Skip remaining lines
-execute 'CompilerSet errorformat=' . escape(b:context_errorformat, ' ')
-let &cpo = s:keepcpo
-unlet s:keepcpo
+const context_errorformat = join([
+ "%-Popen source%.%#> %f",
+ "%-Qclose source%.%#> %f",
+ "%-Popen source%.%#name '%f'",
+ "%-Qclose source%.%#name '%f'",
+ "tex %trror%.%#error on line %l in file %f: %m",
+ "%Elua %trror%.%#error on line %l in file %f:",
+ "%+Emetapost %#> error: %#",
+ "%Emetafun%.%#error: %m",
+ "! error: %#%m",
+ "%-C %#",
+ "%C! %m",
+ "%Z[ctxlua]%m",
+ "%+C<*> %.%#",
+ "%-C%.%#",
+ "%Z...%m",
+ "%-Zno-error",
+ "%-G%.%#"], ",")
+execute 'CompilerSet errorformat=' .. escape(context_errorformat, ' ')
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
echo 0 is []
"is#"/"isnot#" and "is?"/"isnot?" can be used to match and ignore case.
+In |Vim9| script this doesn't work, two strings are never identical.
In legacy script, when comparing a String with a Number, the String is
converted to a Number, and the comparison is done on Numbers. This means
i( *vib* *v_ib* *v_i(* *ib*
ib "inner block", select [count] blocks, from "[count] [("
to the matching ')', excluding the '(' and ')' (see
- |[(|).
+ |[(|). If the cursor is not inside a () block, then
+ find the next "(".
When used in Visual mode it is made characterwise.
a> *v_a>* *v_a<* *a>* *a<*
if [[ -n "$VIM_TERMINAL" ]]; then
function _vim_sync_PWD() {
- printf "\033]7;file://%s\033\\" "$PWD"
+ printf '\033]7;file://%s\033\\' "$PWD"
autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook
add-zsh-hook -Uz chpwd _vim_sync_PWD
function _vim_sync_PWD() {
- printf "\033]7;file://%s\033\\" "$PWD"
+ printf '\033]7;file://%s\033\\' "$PWD"
In a fish init file: >
if test -n "$VIM_TERMINAL"
function _vim_sync_PWD --on-variable=PWD
- printf "\033]7;file://%s\033\\" "$PWD"
+ printf '\033]7;file://%s\033\\' "$PWD"
When 'cmdheight' is zero, there is no command-line unless it is being
used. Some informative messages will not be displayed, any other
- messages will cause the |hit-enter| prompt.
+ messages will cause the |hit-enter| prompt. Expect some other
+ unexpected behavior too.
*'cmdwinheight'* *'cwh'*
'cmdwinheight' 'cwh' number (default 7)
E1291 testing.txt /*E1291*
E1292 cmdline.txt /*E1292*
E1293 textprop.txt /*E1293*
+E1294 textprop.txt /*E1294*
E13 message.txt /*E13*
E131 eval.txt /*E131*
E132 eval.txt /*E132*
index index.txt /*index*
index() builtin.txt /*index()*
index.txt index.txt /*index.txt*
+indexof() builtin.txt /*indexof()*
info-message starting.txt /*info-message*
inform.vim syntax.txt /*inform.vim*
informix ft_sql.txt /*informix*
zero is used
text text to be displayed before {col}, or after the
line if {col} is zero
+ *E1294*
text_align when "text" is present and {col} is zero
specifies where to display the text:
after after the end of the line
- right right aligned in the window
+ right right aligned in the window (unless
+ the text wraps to the next screen
+ line)
below in the next screen line
- When omitted "after" is used.
+ When omitted "after" is used. Only one
+ "right" property can fit in earch line.
text_wrap when "text" is present and {col} is zero,
specifies what happens if the text doesn't
buffer line, the cursor cannot be placed on it. A mouse click
in the text will move the cursor to the first character after
the text, or the last character of the line.
+ Any Tab and other control character in the text will be
+ changed to a space (Rationale: otherwise the size of the text
+ is difficult to compute).
A negative "id" will be chosen and is returned. Once a
- Any Tab in the text will be changed to a space (Rationale:
- otherwise the size of the text is difficult to compute).
property with "text" has been added for a buffer then using a
negative "id" for any other property will give an error:
-------------------- Known bugs and current work -----------------------
+Text props: Add "padding" argument - only for when using "text" and {col} is
+zero. Use tp_len field and n_attr_skip. #10906
+Graduate FEAT_TEXTOBJ ?
Further Vim9 improvements, possibly after launch:
- Use Vim9 for more runtime files.
- Check performance with callgrind and kcachegrind.
has(featureName), len(someString)
- Implement as part of an expression: ++expr, --expr, expr++, expr--.
-Update list of features to vote on:
-- Remove Athena item (won't happen)
-- Remove "add open mode" (won't happen)
-- Remove "editing of a hidden buffer" (done)
-- Change "add IDE features" to "improve terminal debugger"
-- Change "diff/merge capability for CVS" to "CVS and git"
-- Remove "pre-compile them" from "improve the performance of Vim scripts"
-- Add: multiple cursors, edit text in more than one place at a time
-- Add: fast syntax highlighting with parser instead of regex patterns
-- Add: virtual text, text properties can insert text in the line
-- Add: start first line halfway, scroll per wrapped screen line
Popup windows:
- Preview popup not properly updated when it overlaps with completion menu.
(Yegappan Lakshmanan, 2021 May 22)
- use int instead of char_ for index #10818 needs a test
- Add "-n" option to xxd. #10599 needs a test
- allow for nesting of timeout, sketch in #10595
+- Add setcmdline() #10869
Add 'splitscroll' #10682 Useful? Any trouble? Null Chilly says it's OK.
suggestion: names instead of numbers for the option value
can be the plugin name.
Perhaps also have a way to remove everything that the package added?
including autocommands.
-7 Pre-parse or compile Vim scripts into a bytecode.
+7 Pre-parse or compile Vim scripts into a bytecode, like :def functions.
+ Possibilities:
1. Put the bytecode with the original script, with an ":if
- has('bytecode')" around it, so that it's only used with a Vim that
- supports it. Update the code with a command, can be used in an
- autocommand.
+ has('bytecode-1234')" around it, so that it's only used with a Vim that
+ supports the version. Update the code with a command, can be used in
+ an autocommand.
2. Use a ".vic" file (like Python use .pyc). Create it when writing a
- .vim file. Problem: distribution.
- 3. Use a cache directory for each user. How to recognize which cached
- file belongs to a sourced script?
+ .vim file. Problem: distribution, non-writable directory, etc.
+ 3. Use a cache directory for each user. Disadvantage: cache lookup may
+ cost more time than bytecode wins.
7 Add argument to winwidth() to subtract the space taken by 'foldcolumn',
signs and/or 'number'.
6 Add ++ and -- operators? They only work on variables (lvals), how to
The 'ignorecase' option is not used for comparators that use strings.
Thus "=~" works like "=~#".
+"is" and "isnot" (|expr-is| and |expr-isnot|) when used on strings now return
+false. In legacy script they just compare the strings, in |Vim9| script they
+check identity, and strings are copied when used, thus two strings are never
+the same (this might change some day if strings are not copied but reference
Abort after error ~
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
-" Latest Revision: 2021 Oct 15
+# Vim filetype plugin file
+# Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
+import autoload '../autoload/context.vim'
+b:did_ftplugin = 1
if !exists('current_compiler')
compiler context
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< def< inc< sua< fo< ofu<"
-setlocal comments=b:%D,b:%C,b:%M,:% commentstring=%\ %s formatoptions+=tjcroql2
-if get(b:, 'context_metapost', get(g:, 'context_metapost', 1))
- setlocal omnifunc=contextcomplete#Complete
- let g:omni_syntax_group_include_context = 'mf\w\+,mp\w\+'
- let g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_context = 'mfTodoComment'
+b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< def< inc< sua< fo< ofu<"
-let &l:define='\\\%([egx]\|char\|mathchar\|count\|dimen\|muskip\|skip\|toks\)\='
- \ . 'def\|\\font\|\\\%(future\)\=let'
- \ . '\|\\new\%(count\|dimen\|skip\|muskip\|box\|toks\|read\|write'
- \ . '\|fam\|insert\|if\)'
+setlocal comments=b:%D,b:%C,b:%M,:%
+setlocal commentstring=%\ %s
+setlocal formatoptions+=tjcroql2
+setlocal omnifunc=context.Complete
+setlocal suffixesadd=.tex,.mkxl,.mkvi,.mkiv,.mkii
-let &l:include = '^\s*\\\%(input\|component\|product\|project\|environment\)'
+&l:define = '\\\%([egx]\|char\|mathchar\|count\|dimen\|muskip\|skip\|toks\)\='
+.. 'def\|\\font\|\\\%(future\)\=let'
+.. '\|\\new\%(count\|dimen\|skip\|muskip\|box\|toks\|read\|write'
+.. '\|fam\|insert\|if\)'
-setlocal suffixesadd=.tex
+&l:include = '^\s*\\\%(input\|component\|product\|project\|environment\)'
-if exists("loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
- let b:match_ignorecase = 0
- let b:match_skip = 'r:\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*%'
- let b:match_words = '(:),\[:],{:},\\(:\\),\\\[:\\],' .
- \ '\\start\(\a\+\):\\stop\1'
- let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
+if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
+ b:match_ignorecase = 0
+ b:match_skip = 'r:\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*%'
+ b:match_words = '(:),\[:],{:},\\(:\\),\\\[:\\],\\start\(\a\+\):\\stop\1'
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
-let s:context_regex = {
- \ 'beginsection' : '\\\%(start\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>',
- \ 'endsection' : '\\\%(stop\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>',
- \ 'beginblock' : '\\\%(start\|setup\|define\)',
- \ 'endblock' : '\\\%(stop\|setup\|define\)'
- \ }
-function! s:move_around(count, what, flags, visual)
- if a:visual
- exe "normal! gv"
- endif
- call search(s:context_regex[a:what], a:flags.'s') " 's' sets previous context mark
- call map(range(2, a:count), 'search(s:context_regex[a:what], a:flags)')
-if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_context_maps")
- " Move around macros.
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:true) <CR>
- nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:false) <CR>
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:true) <CR>
- let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> [[' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> [['" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> ]]' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> ]]'" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> []' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> []'" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> ][' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> ]['" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> [{' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> [{'" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'nunmap <buffer> ]}' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> ]}'"
-" Other useful mappings
-if get(g:, 'context_mappings', 1)
- let s:tp_regex = '?^$\|^\s*\\\(item\|start\|stop\|blank\|\%(sub\)*section\|chapter\|\%(sub\)*subject\|title\|part\)'
- fun! s:tp()
- call cursor(search(s:tp_regex, 'bcW') + 1, 1)
+if !get(g:, 'no_context_maps', 0) && !get(g:, 'no_plugin_maps', 0)
+ const context_regex = {
+ 'beginsection': '\\\%(start\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>',
+ 'endsection': '\\\%(stop\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>',
+ 'beginblock': '\\\%(start\|setup\|define\)',
+ 'endblock': '\\\%(stop\|setup\|define\)',
+ }
+ def UndoMap(mapping: string, modes: string)
+ for mode in modes
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute '%sunmap <buffer> %s'", mode, mapping)
+ endfor
+ enddef
+ def MoveAround(count: number, what: string, flags: string)
+ search(context_regex[what], flags .. 's') # 's' sets previous context mark
+ var i = 2
+ while i <= count
+ search(context_regex[what], flags)
+ i += 1
+ endwhile
+ enddef
+ # Macros to move around
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
+ for mapping in ['[[', ']]', '[]', '][', '[{', ']}']
+ UndoMap(mapping, 'nv')
+ endfor
+ # Other useful mappings
+ const tp_regex = '?^$\|^\s*\\\(item\|start\|stop\|blank\|\%(sub\)*section\|chapter\|\%(sub\)*subject\|title\|part\)'
+ def TeXPar()
+ cursor(search(tp_regex, 'bcW') + 1, 1)
normal! V
- call cursor(search(s:tp_regex, 'W') - 1, 1)
- endf
- if !exists("no_plugin_maps") && !exists("no_context_maps")
- " Reflow paragraphs with commands like gqtp ("gq TeX paragraph")
- onoremap <silent><buffer> tp :<c-u>call <sid>tp()<cr>
- " Select TeX paragraph
- vnoremap <silent><buffer> tp <esc>:<c-u>call <sid>tp()<cr>
- " $...$ text object
- onoremap <silent><buffer> i$ :<c-u>normal! T$vt$<cr>
- onoremap <silent><buffer> a$ :<c-u>normal! F$vf$<cr>
- vnoremap <buffer> i$ T$ot$
- vnoremap <buffer> a$ F$of$
- let b:undo_ftplugin .= " | sil! exe 'ounmap <buffer> tp' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> tp'" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'ounmap <buffer> i$' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> i$'" .
- \ " | sil! exe 'ounmap <buffer> a$' | sil! exe 'vunmap <buffer> a$'"
- endif
+ cursor(search(tp_regex, 'W') - 1, 1)
+ enddef
+ # Reflow paragraphs with mappings like gqtp ("gq TeX paragraph")
+ onoremap <silent><buffer> tp <scriptcmd>TeXPar()<cr>
+ # Select TeX paragraph
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> tp <scriptcmd>TeXPar()<cr>
+ # $...$ text object
+ onoremap <silent><buffer> i$ <scriptcmd>normal! T$vt$<cr>
+ onoremap <silent><buffer> a$ <scriptcmd>normal! F$vf$<cr>
+ vnoremap <buffer> i$ T$ot$
+ vnoremap <buffer> a$ F$of$
+ for mapping in ['tp', 'i$', 'a$']
+ UndoMap(mapping, 'ov')
+ endfor
-" Commands for asynchronous typesetting
-command! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=file ConTeXt call context#typeset(<q-args>)
-command! -nargs=0 ConTeXtJobStatus call context#job_status()
-command! -nargs=0 ConTeXtStopJobs call context#stop_jobs()
+# Commands for asynchronous typesetting
+command! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=buffer ConTeXt context.Typeset(<q-args>)
+command! -buffer -nargs=0 ConTeXtLog context.Log('%')
+command! -nargs=0 ConTeXtJobStatus context.JobStatus()
+command! -nargs=0 ConTeXtStopJobs context.StopJobs()
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
" Elixir filetype plugin
" Language: Elixir
" Maintainer: Mitchell Hanberg <>
-" Last Change: 2022 Apr 20
+" Last Change: 2022 August 10
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1
+let s:save_cpo = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+" Matchit support
+if exists('loaded_matchit') && !exists('b:match_words')
+ let b:match_ignorecase = 0
+ let b:match_words = '\:\@<!\<\%(do\|fn\)\:\@!\>' .
+ \ ':' .
+ \ '\<\%(else\|catch\|after\|rescue\)\:\@!\>' .
+ \ ':' .
+ \ '\:\@<!\<end\>' .
+ \ ',{:},\[:\],(:)'
setlocal commentstring=#\ %s
+let &cpo = s:save_cpo
+unlet s:save_cpo
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language: METAFONT
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
-" Latest Revision: 2016 Oct 2
+# Vim filetype plugin file
+# Language: METAFONT
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< sua< inc< def< ofu<"
- \ . "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
+b:did_ftplugin = 1
+b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< sua< inc< def< ofu<"
-setlocal comments=:% commentstring=%\ %s formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=cjroql2
-let &l:include = '\<input\>'
-let &l:define = '\<\%(let\|newinternal\|interim\|def\|vardef\)\>\|\<\%(primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>\s*[^ .]\+'
+setlocal comments=:%
+setlocal commentstring=%\ %s
+setlocal formatoptions+=cjroql2
+setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
-let g:omni_syntax_group_include_mf = 'mf\w\+'
-let g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_mf = 'mfTodoComment'
-let s:mp_regex = {
- \ 'beginsection' : '^\s*\%(\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\|beginchar\|beginlogochar\)\>',
- \ 'endsection' : '^\s*\%(enddef\|endchar\)\>',
- \ 'beginblock' : '^\s*\%(begingroup\|if\|for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\)\>',
- \ 'endblock' : '^\s*\%(endgroup\|fi\|endfor\)\>'
- \ }
+&l:include = '\<input\>'
+&l:define = '\<\%(let\|newinternal\|interim\|def\|vardef\)\>\|\<\%(primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>\s*[^ .]\+'
-function! s:move_around(count, what, flags, visual)
- if a:visual
- exe "normal! gv"
- endif
- call search(s:mp_regex[a:what], a:flags.'s') " 's' sets previous context mark
- call map(range(2, a:count), 'search(s:mp_regex[a:what], a:flags)')
+g:omni_syntax_group_include_mf = 'mf\w\+'
+g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_mf = 'mfTodoComment'
+if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
+ b:match_ignorecase = 0
+ b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~# "mf\\(Comment\\|String\\)$"'
+ b:match_words = '\<if\>:\<else\%[if]\>:\<fi\>,'
+ .. '\<for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\>:\<exit\%(if\|unless\)\>:\<endfor\>,'
+ .. '\<\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>:\<enddef\>,'
+ .. '\<begingroup\>:\<endgroup\>,'
+ .. '\<begin\%(logo\)\?char\>:\<endchar\>'
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
-" Move around macros.
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:true) <CR>
+if !get(g:, 'no_mf_maps', 0) && !get(g:, 'no_plugin_maps', 0)
+ const mf_regex = {
+ 'beginsection': '^\s*\%(\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\|beginchar\|beginlogochar\)\>',
+ 'endsection': '^\s*\%(enddef\|endchar\)\>',
+ 'beginblock': '^\s*\%(begingroup\|if\|for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\)\>',
+ 'endblock': '^\s*\%(endgroup\|fi\|endfor\)\>'}
+ def MoveAround(count: number, what: string, flags: string)
+ search(mf_regex[what], flags .. 's') # 's' sets previous context mark
+ var i = 2
+ while i <= count
+ search(mf_regex[what], flags)
+ i += 1
+ endwhile
+ enddef
+ # Macros to move around
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
+ for mapping in ["[[", "]]", "[]", "][", "[{", "]}"]
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'nunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'vunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)
+ endfor
-if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_ignorecase = 0
- let b:match_words =
- \ '\<if\>:\<else\%[if]\>:\<fi\>,' .
- \ '\<for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\>:\<exit\%(if\|unless\)\>:\<endfor\>,' .
- \ '\<\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>:\<enddef\>,' .
- \ '\<begingroup\>:\<endgroup\>,' .
- \ '\<begin\%(logo\)\?char\>:\<endchar\>'
- " Ignore comments and strings
- let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
- \ =~# "mf\\(Comment\\|String\\)$"'
+if (has('gui_win32') || has('gui_gtk')) && !exists('b:browsefilter')
+ b:browsefilter = "METAFONT Source Files (*.mf)\t*.mf\n"
+ .. "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= ' | unlet! b:browsefilter'
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
-" Vim filetype plugin file
-" Language: MetaPost
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
-" Latest Revision: 2016 Oct 2
+# Vim filetype plugin file
+# Language: MetaPost
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< sua< inc< def< ofu<"
- \ . "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
+b:did_ftplugin = 1
+b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< sua< inc< def< ofu<"
-setlocal comments=:% commentstring=%\ %s formatoptions-=t formatoptions+=cjroql2
-let &l:include = '\<\%(input\|loadmodule\)\>' " loadmodule is in MetaFun
-let &l:define = '\<\%(let\|newinternal\|interim\|def\|vardef\)\>\|\<\%(primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>\s*[^ .]\+'
+setlocal comments=:%
+setlocal commentstring=%\ %s
+setlocal formatoptions+=cjroql2
+setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete
-let g:omni_syntax_group_include_mp = 'mf\w\+,mp\w\+'
-let g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_mp = 'mfTodoComment'
+&l:include = '\<\%(input\|loadmodule\)\>' # loadmodule is from MetaFun
+&l:define = '\<\%(let\|newinternal\|interim\|def\|vardef\)\>\|\<\%(primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>\s*[^ .]\+'
+g:omni_syntax_group_include_mp = 'mf\w\+,mp\w\+,metafun\w\+'
+g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_mp = 'mfTodoComment'
+var fignum: number
+def FixBeginfigs()
+ fignum = 1
+ g/^\s*beginfig(\d*)\s*;\(\s*%.*\)\=$/s/^.\{-};/\='beginfig(' .. fignum .. ');'/ | ++fignum
+command! -buffer -nargs=0 -bar FixBeginfigs FixBeginfigs()
+if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
+ b:match_ignorecase = 0
+ b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~# "^mf\\%(Comment\\|String\\|\\)$\\|^mpTeXinsert$"'
+ b:match_words = '\<if\>:\<else\%[if]\>:\<fi\>,'
+ .. '\<for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\>:\<exit\%(if\|unless\)\>:\<endfor\>,'
+ .. '\<\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>:\<enddef\>,'
+ .. '\<begin\(\a\+\)\>:end\1,'
+ .. '\<beginlogochar\>:\<endchar\>'
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
+if !get(g:, 'no_mp_maps', 0) && !get(g:, 'no_plugin_maps', 0)
+ const mp_regex = {
+ 'beginsection': '^\s*\%(\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\|begin\%(fig\|char\|logochar\|glyph\|graph\)\)\>',
+ 'endsection': '^\s*\%(enddef\|end\%(fig\|char\|glyph\|graph\)\)\>',
+ 'beginblock': '^\s*\%(begingroup\|if\|for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\)\>',
+ 'endblock': '^\s*\%(endgroup\|fi\|endfor\)\>'}
+ def MoveAround(count: number, what: string, flags: string)
+ search(mp_regex[what], flags .. 's') # 's' sets previous context mark
+ var i = 2
+ while i <= count
+ search(mp_regex[what], flags)
+ i += 1
+ endwhile
+ enddef
-if exists(":FixBeginfigs") != 2
- command -nargs=0 FixBeginfigs call s:fix_beginfigs()
+ # Macros to move around
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection", "W") <cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW")<cr>
+ nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
+ vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock", "W") <cr>
- function! s:fix_beginfigs()
- let i = 1
- g/^beginfig(\d*);$/s//\='beginfig('.i.');'/ | let i = i + 1
- endfunction
+ for mapping in ["[[", "]]", "[]", "][", "[{", "]}"]
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'nunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'vunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)
+ endfor
-let s:mp_regex = {
- \ 'beginsection' : '^\s*\%(\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\|begin\%(fig\|char\|logochar\|glyph\|graph\)\)\>',
- \ 'endsection' : '^\s*\%(enddef\|end\%(fig\|char\|glyph\|graph\)\)\>',
- \ 'beginblock' : '^\s*\%(begingroup\|if\|for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\)\>',
- \ 'endblock' : '^\s*\%(endgroup\|fi\|endfor\)\>'
- \ }
-function! s:move_around(count, what, flags, visual)
- if a:visual
- exe "normal! gv"
- endif
- call search(s:mp_regex[a:what], a:flags.'s') " 's' sets previous context mark
- call map(range(2, a:count), 'search(s:mp_regex[a:what], a:flags)')
-" Move around macros.
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endsection", "W", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "beginblock", "bW", v:true) <CR>
-nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:false) <CR>
-vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} :<C-U>call <SID>move_around(v:count1, "endblock", "W", v:true) <CR>
-if exists("loaded_matchit")
- let b:match_ignorecase = 0
- let b:match_words =
- \ '\<if\>:\<else\%[if]\>:\<fi\>,' .
- \ '\<for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\>:\<exit\%(if\|unless\)\>:\<endfor\>,' .
- \ '\<\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>:\<enddef\>,' .
- \ '\<beginfig\>:\<endfig\>,' .
- \ '\<begingroup\>:\<endgroup\>,' .
- \ '\<begin\%(logo\)\?char\>:\<endchar\>,' .
- \ '\<beginglyph\>:\<endglyph\>,' .
- \ '\<begingraph\>:\<endgraph\>'
- " Ignore comments and strings
- let b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
- \ =~# "^mf\\%(Comment\\|String\\|\\)$\\|^mpTeXinsert$"'
+if (has('gui_win32') || has('gui_gtk')) && !exists('b:browsefilter')
+ b:browsefilter = "MetaPost Source Files (*.mp)\t*.mp\n"
+ .. "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
+ b:undo_ftplugin ..= ' | unlet! b:browsefilter'
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
nosyntax.vim Used for the ":syntax off" command. Undo the loading of
+The "shared" directory contains generated files and what is used by more than
+one syntax.
A few special files:
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
-" Latest Revision: 2016 Oct 16
+# Vim syntax file
+# Language: ConTeXt typesetting engine
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:current_syntax")
-runtime! syntax/plaintex.vim
-unlet b:current_syntax
+# Dictionary of (filetype, group) pairs to highlight between \startGROUP \stopGROUP.
+var context_include = get(b:, 'context_include', get(g:, 'context_include', {'xml': 'XML'}))
-let s:cpo_save = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
+# Deprecation warning
+if type(context_include) ==# type([])
+ echomsg "[ConTeXt] b:context_include/g:context_include must be Dictionaries."
+ context_include = {'xml': 'XML'}
-" Dictionary of (filetype, group) pairs to highlight between \startGROUP \stopGROUP.
-let s:context_include = get(b:, 'context_include', get(g:, 'context_include', {'xml': 'XML'}))
+syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,!,?,a-z,A-Z,192-255
-" For backward compatibility (g:context_include used to be a List)
-if type(s:context_include) ==# type([])
- let g:context_metapost = (index(s:context_include, 'mp') != -1)
- let s:context_include = filter(
- \ {'c': 'C', 'javascript': 'JS', 'ruby': 'Ruby', 'xml': 'XML'},
- \ { k,_ -> index(s:context_include, k) != -1 }
- \ )
+syn spell toplevel
-syn iskeyword @,48-57,a-z,A-Z,192-255
+runtime! syntax/shared/context-data-context.vim
+runtime! syntax/shared/context-data-interfaces.vim
+runtime! syntax/shared/context-data-tex.vim
-syn spell toplevel
+syn match contextCommand '\\\k\+\>' display contains=@NoSpell
-" ConTeXt options, i.e., [...] blocks
-syn region contextOptions matchgroup=contextDelimiter start='\[' end=']\|\ze\\stop' skip='\\\[\|\\\]' contains=ALLBUT,contextBeginEndLua,@Spell
+# ConTeXt options, i.e., [...] blocks
+syn region contextOptions matchgroup=contextDelimiter start='\[' end=']\|\ze\\stop' skip='\\\[\|\\\]' contains=TOP,@Spell
-" Highlight braces
+# Highlight braces
syn match contextDelimiter '[{}]'
-" Comments
-syn match contextComment '\\\@<!\%(\\\\\)*\zs%.*$' display contains=initexTodo
-syn match contextComment '^\s*%[CDM].*$' display contains=initexTodo
+# Comments
+syn match contextComment '\%(\_^\|[^\\]\)\%(\\\\\)*\zs%.*$' display contains=contextTodo,contextMagicLine
+syn match contextComment '^\s*%[CDM].*$' display contains=contextTodo,contextMagicLine
+syn keyword contextTodo TODO FIXME XXX NOTE contained
+syn match contextMagicLine '^\s*%\s*!TEX.*$' contained
-syn match contextBlockDelim '\\\%(start\|stop\)\a\+' contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextBlockDelim '\\\%(start\|stop\)\k\+' contains=@NoSpell
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\%(\s*\|\n\)*\z([^A-Za-z%]\)' end='\z1'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\=\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\type\=\%(\s*\|\n\)*<<' end='>>'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc
\ start='\\start\z(\a*\%(typing\|typen\)\)'
- \ end='\\stop\z1' contains=plaintexComment keepend
+ \ end='\\stop\z1' contains=contextComment keepend
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\\h\+Type\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
syn region contextEscaped matchgroup=contextPreProc start='\\Typed\h\+\%(\s\|\n\)*{' end='}'
-syn match contextBuiltin display contains=@NoSpell
- \ '\\\%(unprotect\|protect\|unexpanded\)\>'
+syn match contextBuiltin '\\unexpanded\>' display contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextPreProc '^\s*\\\%(start\|stop\)\=\%(component\|environment\|project\|product\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
+# \unprotect... \protect regions
+syn region contextUnprotect matchgroup=contextBuiltin start='\\unprotect' end='\\protect' contains=TOP
+syn match contextSequence '\\[a-zA-Z]*[@_!?]\+[a-zA-Z@_!?]*' contains=@NoSpell contained containedin=contextUnprotect
-if get(b:, 'context_metapost', get(g:, 'context_metapost', 1))
- let b:mp_metafun_macros = 1 " Highlight MetaFun keywords
- syn include @mpTop syntax/mp.vim
- unlet b:current_syntax
+# Math
+syn match contextMathCmd '\\m\%(ath\%(ematics\)\=\)\=\>'
+syn region contextInlineMath matchgroup=contextMathDelim start='\$' skip='\\\\\|\\\$' end='\$'
+syn region contextDisplayMath matchgroup=contextMathDelim start='\$\$' skip='\\\\\|\\\$' end='\$\$' keepend
+syn region contextDisplayMath matchgroup=contextBlockDelim start='\\startformula' end='\\stopformula' contains=TOP
- syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
- \ start='\\start\z(MP\%(clip\|code\|definitions\|drawing\|environment\|extensions\|inclusions\|initializations\|page\|\)\)\>.*$'
- \ end='\\stop\z1'
- \ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
- syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
- \ start='\\start\z(\%(\%[re]usable\|use\|unique\|static\)MPgraphic\|staticMPfigure\|uniqueMPpagegraphic\)\>.*$'
- \ end='\\stop\z1'
- \ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
-if get(b:, 'context_lua', get(g:, 'context_lua', 1))
- syn include @luaTop syntax/lua.vim
- unlet b:current_syntax
+# MetaFun
+b:mp_metafun = 1
+syn include @mpTop syntax/mp.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
- syn region contextLuaCode matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
- \ start='\\startluacode\>'
- \ end='\\stopluacode\>' keepend
- \ contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
- syn match contextDirectLua "\\\%(directlua\|ctxlua\)\>\%(\s*%.*$\)\="
- \ nextgroup=contextBeginEndLua skipwhite skipempty
- \ contains=initexComment
- syn region contextBeginEndLua matchgroup=contextSpecial
- \ start="{" end="}" skip="\\[{}]"
- \ contained contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
+syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
+ \ start='\\start\z(MP\%(clip\|code\|definitions\|drawing\|environment\|extensions\|inclusions\|initializations\|page\|\)\)\>.*$'
+ \ end='\\stop\z1'
+ \ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
+syn region contextMPGraphic matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
+ \ start='\\start\z(\%(\%[re]usable\|use\|unique\|static\)MPgraphic\|staticMPfigure\|uniqueMPpagegraphic\)\>.*$'
+ \ end='\\stop\z1'
+ \ contains=@mpTop,@NoSpell
+# Lua
+syn include @luaTop syntax/lua.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
-for synname in keys(s:context_include)
- execute 'syn include @' . synname . 'Top' 'syntax/' . synname . '.vim'
+syn region contextLuaCode matchgroup=contextBlockDelim
+ \ start='\\startluacode\>'
+ \ end='\\stopluacode\>' keepend
+ \ contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
+syn match contextDirectLua "\\\%(directlua\|ctxlua\)\>\%(\s*%.*$\)\="
+ \ nextgroup=contextBeginEndLua skipwhite skipempty
+ \ contains=contextComment
+syn region contextBeginEndLua matchgroup=contextSpecial
+ \ start="{" end="}" skip="\\[{}]"
+ \ contained contains=@luaTop,@NoSpell
+for synname in keys(context_include)
+ execute 'syn include @' .. synname .. 'Top' 'syntax/' .. synname .. '.vim'
unlet b:current_syntax
- execute 'syn region context' . s:context_include[synname] . 'Code'
+ execute 'syn region context' .. context_include[synname] .. 'Code'
\ 'matchgroup=contextBlockDelim'
- \ 'start=+\\start' . s:context_include[synname] . '+'
- \ 'end=+\\stop' . s:context_include[synname] . '+'
- \ 'contains=@' . synname . 'Top,@NoSpell'
+ \ 'start=+\\start' .. context_include[synname] .. '\w*+'
+ \ 'end=+\\stop' .. context_include[synname] .. '\w*+'
+ \ 'contains=@' .. synname .. 'Top,@NoSpell'
-syn match contextSectioning '\\\%(start\|stop\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextSectioning '\\\%(start\|stop\)\=\%(\%(sub\)*section\|\%(sub\)*subject\|chapter\|part\|component\|product\|title\)\>' contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextSpecial '\\crlf\>\|\\par\>\|-\{2,3}\||[<>/]\=|'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextSpecial '\\par\>\|-\{2,3}\||[<>/]\=|' contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextSpecial /\\[`'"]/
-syn match contextSpecial +\\char\%(\d\{1,3}\|'\o\{1,3}\|"\x\{1,2}\)\>+
- \ contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextSpecial +\\char\%(\d\{1,3}\|'\o\{1,3}\|"\x\{1,2}\)\>+ contains=@NoSpell
syn match contextSpecial '\^\^.'
syn match contextSpecial '`\%(\\.\|\^\^.\|.\)'
-syn match contextStyle '\\\%(em\|ss\|hw\|cg\|mf\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextFont '\\\%(CAP\|Cap\|cap\|Caps\|kap\|nocap\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextFont '\\\%(Word\|WORD\|Words\|WORDS\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextFont '\\\%(vi\{1,3}\|ix\|xi\{0,2}\)\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
-syn match contextFont '\\\%(tf\|b[si]\|s[cl]\|os\)\%(xx\|[xabcd]\)\=\>'
- \ contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextStyle '\\\%(em\|ss\|hw\|cg\|mf\)\>' contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextFont '\\\%(CAP\|Cap\|cap\|Caps\|kap\|nocap\)\>' contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextFont '\\\%(Word\|WORD\|Words\|WORDS\)\>' contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextFont '\\\%(vi\{1,3}\|ix\|xi\{0,2}\)\>' contains=@NoSpell
+syn match contextFont '\\\%(tf\|b[si]\|s[cl]\|os\)\%(xx\|[xabcd]\)\=\>' contains=@NoSpell
-hi def link contextOptions Typedef
-hi def link contextComment Comment
hi def link contextBlockDelim Keyword
hi def link contextBuiltin Keyword
+hi def link contextCommand Keyword
+hi def link contextComment Comment
hi def link contextDelimiter Delimiter
+hi def link contextDirectLua Keyword
hi def link contextEscaped String
+hi def link contextFont contextType
+hi def link contextKeyword Keyword
+hi def link contextInlineMath String
+hi def link contextMagicLine PreProc
+hi def link contextMathCmd Identifier
+hi def link contextMathDelim Delimiter
+hi def link contextOptions Typedef
hi def link contextPreProc PreProc
hi def link contextSectioning PreProc
+hi def link contextSequence Identifier
hi def link contextSpecial Special
-hi def link contextType Type
hi def link contextStyle contextType
-hi def link contextFont contextType
-hi def link contextDirectLua Keyword
+hi def link contextTodo Todo
+hi def link contextType Type
-let b:current_syntax = "context"
+b:current_syntax = 'context'
-let &cpo = s:cpo_save
-unlet s:cpo_save
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: METAFONT
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <>
-" Last Change: 2016 Oct 1
+# Vim syntax file
+# Language: METAFONT
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:current_syntax")
+# Deprecation warnings: to be removed eventually
+if exists("g:plain_mf_macros")
+ echomsg "[mf] g:plain_mf_macros is deprecated: use g:mf_plain_macros instead."
+if exists("g:plain_mf_modes")
+ echomsg "[mf] g:plain_mf_modes is deprecated: use g:mf_plain_modes instead."
+if exists("g:other_mf_macros")
+ echomsg "[mf] g:other_mf_macros is deprecated: use g:mf_other_macros instead."
syn iskeyword @,_
-" METAFONT 'primitives' as defined in chapter 25 of 'The METAFONTbook'
-" Page 210: 'boolean expressions'
+# METAFONT 'primitives' as defined in chapter 25 of 'The METAFONTbook'
+# Page 210: 'boolean expressions'
syn keyword mfBoolExp and charexists false known not odd or true unknown
-" Page 210: 'numeric expression'
+# Page 210: 'numeric expression'
syn keyword mfNumExp ASCII angle cosd directiontime floor hex length
syn keyword mfNumExp mexp mlog normaldeviate oct sind sqrt totalweight
syn keyword mfNumExp turningnumber uniformdeviate xpart xxpart xypart
syn keyword mfNumExp ypart yxpart yypart
-" Page 211: 'internal quantities'
+# Page 211: 'internal quantities'
syn keyword mfInternal autorounding boundarychar charcode chardp chardx
syn keyword mfInternal chardy charext charht charic charwd day designsize
syn keyword mfInternal fillin fontmaking granularity hppp jobname month
syn keyword mfInternal tracingtitles turningcheck vppp warningcheck
syn keyword mfInternal xoffset year yoffset
-" Page 212: 'pair expressions'
+# Page 212: 'pair expressions'
syn keyword mfPairExp of penoffset point postcontrol precontrol rotated
syn keyword mfPairExp scaled shifted slanted transformed xscaled yscaled
syn keyword mfPairExp zscaled
-" Page 213: 'path expressions'
+# Page 213: 'path expressions'
syn keyword mfPathExp atleast controls curl cycle makepath reverse
syn keyword mfPathExp subpath tension
-" Page 214: 'pen expressions'
+# Page 214: 'pen expressions'
syn keyword mfPenExp makepen nullpen pencircle
-" Page 214: 'picture expressions'
+# Page 214: 'picture expressions'
syn keyword mfPicExp nullpicture
-" Page 214: 'string expressions'
+# Page 214: 'string expressions'
syn keyword mfStringExp char decimal readstring str substring
-" Page 217: 'commands and statements'
+# Page 217: 'commands and statements'
syn keyword mfCommand addto also at batchmode contour cull delimiters
syn keyword mfCommand display doublepath dropping dump end errhelp
syn keyword mfCommand errmessage errorstopmode everyjob from interim
syn keyword mfCommand showstats showtoken showvariable special to withpen
syn keyword mfCommand withweight
-" Page 56: 'types'
+# Page 56: 'types'
syn keyword mfType boolean numeric pair path pen picture string
syn keyword mfType transform
-" Page 155: 'grouping'
+# Page 155: 'grouping'
syn keyword mfStatement begingroup endgroup
-" Page 165: 'definitions'
+# Page 165: 'definitions'
syn keyword mfDefinition def enddef expr primary primarydef secondary
syn keyword mfDefinition secondarydef suffix tertiary tertiarydef text
syn keyword mfDefinition vardef
-" Page 169: 'conditions and loops'
+# Page 169: 'conditions and loops'
syn keyword mfCondition else elseif endfor exitif fi for forever
syn keyword mfCondition forsuffixes if step until
-" Other primitives listed in the index
+# Other primitives listed in the index
syn keyword mfPrimitive charlist endinput expandafter extensible fontdimen
syn keyword mfPrimitive headerbyte inner input intersectiontimes kern
syn keyword mfPrimitive ligtable quote scantokens skipto
-" Implicit suffix parameters
+# Implicit suffix parameters
syn match mfSuffixParam "@#\|#@\|@"
-" These are just tags, but given their special status, we
-" highlight them as variables
+# These are just tags, but given their special status, we
+# highlight them as variables
syn keyword mfVariable x y
-" Keywords defined by (defined on pp.262-278)
-if get(g:, "plain_mf_macros", 1)
+# Keywords defined by (defined on pp.262-278)
+if get(g:, "mf_plain_macros", get(g:, "plain_mf_macros", 1))
syn keyword mfDef addto_currentpicture beginchar capsule_def
syn keyword mfDef change_width clear_pen_memory clearit clearpen
syn keyword mfDef clearxy culldraw cullit cutdraw
syn keyword mfVardef bot byte ceiling counterclockwise cutoff decr dir
syn keyword mfVardef direction directionpoint grayfont hround incr
syn keyword mfVardef interpath inverse labelfont labels lft magstep
- " Note: nodot is not a vardef, it is used as in makelabel.lft.nodot("5",z5)
- " (METAFONT only)
+ # Note: nodot is not a vardef, it is used as in makelabel.lft.nodot("5",z5)
+ # (METAFONT only)
syn keyword mfVardef makelabel max min nodot penlabels penpos
syn keyword mfVardef proofrulethickness round rt savepen slantfont solve
syn keyword mfVardef tensepath titlefont top unitvector vround whatever
syn keyword mfNewInternal infinity join_radius number_of_modes o_correction
syn keyword mfNewInternal pen_bot pen_lft pen_rt pen_top pixels_per_inch
syn keyword mfNewInternal screen_cols screen_rows tolerance
- " Predefined constants
+ # Predefined constants
syn keyword mfConstant base_name base_version blankpicture ditto down
syn keyword mfConstant fullcircle halfcircle identity left lowres origin
syn keyword mfConstant penspeck proof quartercircle right rulepen smoke
syn keyword mfConstant unitpixel unitsquare up
- " Other predefined variables
+ # Other predefined variables
syn keyword mfVariable aspect_ratio currentpen extra_beginchar
syn keyword mfVariable extra_endchar currentpen_path currentpicture
syn keyword mfVariable currenttransform d extra_setup h localfont mag mode
syn keyword mfVariable mode_name w
- " let statements:
+ # let statements:
syn keyword mfnumExp abs
syn keyword mfPairExp rotatedabout
syn keyword mfCommand bye relax
-" By default, METAFONT loads, too
-if get(g:, "plain_mf_modes", 1)
+# By default, METAFONT loads, too
+if get(g:, "plain_mf_modes", get(g:, "mf_plain_modes", 1))
syn keyword mfConstant APSSixMed AgfaFourZeroZero AgfaThreeFourZeroZero
syn keyword mfConstant AtariNineFive AtariNineSix AtariSLMEightZeroFour
syn keyword mfConstant AtariSMOneTwoFour CItohEightFiveOneZero
syn keyword mfNewInternal blacker_min
-" Some other basic macro names, e.g., from cmbase, logo, etc.
-if get(g:, "other_mf_macros", 1)
+# Some other basic macro names, e.g., from cmbase, logo, etc.
+if get(g:, "mf_other_macros", get(g:, "other_mf_macros", 1))
syn keyword mfDef beginlogochar
syn keyword mfDef font_setup
syn keyword mfPrimitive generate
-" Numeric tokens
+# Numeric tokens
syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\d\+"
syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\.\d\+"
syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\d\+\.\d\+"
-" METAFONT lengths
+# METAFONT lengths
syn match mfLength "\<\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\>"
syn match mfLength "[-]\=\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\="
syn match mfLength "[-]\=\.\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\="
syn match mfLength "[-]\=\d\+\.\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\="
-" String constants
+# String constants
syn match mfOpenString /"[^"]*/
syn region mfString oneline keepend start=+"+ end=+"+
-" Comments:
+# Comments:
syn keyword mfTodoComment contained TODO FIXME XXX DEBUG NOTE
syn match mfComment "%.*$" contains=mfTodoComment,@Spell
-" synchronizing
-syn sync maxlines=50
+# synchronizing
+syn sync maxlines=100
-" Define the default highlighting
+# Define the default highlighting
hi def link mfBoolExp Statement
hi def link mfNumExp Statement
hi def link mfPairExp Statement
hi def link mfConstant Constant
hi def link mfTodoComment Todo
-let b:current_syntax = "mf"
+b:current_syntax = "mf"
-" vim:sw=2
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language: MetaPost
-" Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
-" Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <>
-" Last Change: 2016 Oct 14
+# Vim syntax file
+# Language: MetaPost
+# Maintainer: Nicola Vitacolonna <>
+# Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <>
+# Latest Revision: 2022 Aug 12
if exists("b:current_syntax")
-let s:cpo_sav = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-if exists("g:plain_mf_macros")
- let s:plain_mf_macros = g:plain_mf_macros
+# Deprecation warnings: to be removed eventually
+if exists("g:plain_mp_macros")
+ echomsg "[mp] g:plain_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_plain_macros instead."
-if exists("g:plain_mf_modes")
- let s:plain_mf_modes = g:plain_mf_modes
+if exists("mfplain_mp_macros")
+ echomsg "[mp] g:mfplain_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_mfplain_macros instead."
-if exists("g:other_mf_macros")
- let s:other_mf_macros = g:other_mf_macros
+if exists("other_mp_macros")
+ echomsg "[mp] g:other_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_other_macros instead."
-let g:plain_mf_macros = 0 " has no special meaning for MetaPost
-let g:plain_mf_modes = 0 " No METAFONT modes
-let g:other_mf_macros = 0 ",, ... neither
+# Store the current values of METAFONT global options
+const mf_plain_macros = get(g:, "mf_plain_macros", get(g:, "plain_mf_macros", -1))
+const mf_plain_modes = get(g:, "mf_plain_modes", get(g:, "plain_mf_modes", -1))
+const mf_other_macros = get(g:, "mf_other_macros", get(g:, "other_mf_macros", -1))
+g:mf_plain_macros = 0 # has no special meaning for MetaPost
+g:mf_plain_modes = 0 # No METAFONT modes
+g:mf_other_macros = 0 #,, ... neither
-" Read the METAFONT syntax to start with
+# Read the METAFONT syntax to start with
runtime! syntax/mf.vim
-unlet b:current_syntax " Necessary for syn include below
+unlet b:current_syntax # Necessary for syn include below
-" Restore the value of existing global variables
-if exists("s:plain_mf_macros")
- let g:plain_mf_macros = s:plain_mf_macros
+# Restore the value of existing global variables
+if mf_plain_macros == -1
+ unlet g:mf_plain_macros
- unlet g:plain_mf_macros
+ g:plain_mf_macros = mf_plain_macros
-if exists("s:plain_mf_modes")
- let g:plain_mf_modes = s:plain_mf_modes
+if mf_plain_modes == -1
+ unlet g:mf_plain_modes
- unlet g:plain_mf_modes
+ g:mf_plain_modes = mf_plain_modes
-if exists("s:other_mf_macros")
- let g:other_mf_macros = s:other_mf_macros
+if mf_other_macros == -1
+ unlet g:mf_other_macros
- unlet g:other_mf_macros
+ g:mf_other_macros = mf_other_macros
-" Use TeX highlighting inside verbatimtex/btex... etex
+# Use TeX highlighting inside verbatimtex/btex... etex
syn include @MPTeX syntax/tex.vim
unlet b:current_syntax
-" These are defined as keywords rather than using matchgroup
-" in order to make them available to syntaxcomplete.
+# These are defined as keywords rather than using matchgroup
+# in order to make them available to syntaxcomplete.
syn keyword mpTeXdelim btex etex verbatimtex contained
-syn region mpTeXinsert
- \ start=/\<verbatimtex\>\|\<btex\>/rs=e+1
- \ end=/\<etex\>/re=s-1 keepend
- \ contains=@MPTeX,mpTeXdelim
+syn region mpTeXinsert matchgroup=mpTeXdelim start=/\<verbatimtex\>\|\<btex\>/ end=/\<etex\>/ keepend contains=@MPTeX,mpTeXdelim
-" iskeyword must be set after the syn include above, because tex.vim sets `syn
-" iskeyword`. Note that keywords do not contain numbers (numbers are
-" subscripts)
+# iskeyword must be set after the syn include above, because tex.vim sets `syn
+# iskeyword`. Note that keywords do not contain numbers (numbers are
+# subscripts)
syntax iskeyword @,_
-" MetaPost primitives not found in METAFONT
+# MetaPost primitives not found in METAFONT
syn keyword mpBoolExp bounded clipped filled stroked textual arclength
syn keyword mpNumExp arctime blackpart bluepart colormodel cyanpart
syn keyword mpNumExp fontsize greenpart greypart magentapart redpart
syn keyword mpPairExp yellowpart llcorner lrcorner ulcorner urcorner
-" envelope is seemingly undocumented, but it exists since mpost 1.003.
-" The syntax is: envelope <polygonal pen> of <path primary>. For example,
-" path p;
-" p := envelope pensquare of (up--left);
-" (Thanks to Daniel H. Luecking for the example!)
syn keyword mpPathExp envelope pathpart
syn keyword mpPenExp penpart
syn keyword mpPicExp dashpart glyph infont
syn keyword mpStringExp fontpart readfrom textpart
syn keyword mpType cmykcolor color rgbcolor
-" Other MetaPost primitives listed in the manual
+# Other MetaPost primitives listed in the manual
syn keyword mpPrimitive mpxbreak within
-" Internal quantities not found in METAFONT
-" (Table 6 in MetaPost: A User's Manual)
+# Internal quantities not found in METAFONT
+# (Table 6 in MetaPost: A User's Manual)
syn keyword mpInternal defaultcolormodel hour minute linecap linejoin
syn keyword mpInternal miterlimit mpprocset mpversion numberprecision
syn keyword mpInternal numbersystem outputfilename outputformat
syn keyword mpInternal outputformatoptions outputtemplate prologues
syn keyword mpInternal restoreclipcolor tracinglostchars troffmode
syn keyword mpInternal truecorners
-" List of commands not found in METAFONT (from MetaPost: A User's Manual)
+# List of commands not found in METAFONT (from MetaPost: A User's Manual)
syn keyword mpCommand clip closefrom dashed filenametemplate fontmapfile
syn keyword mpCommand fontmapline setbounds withcmykcolor withcolor
syn keyword mpCommand withgreyscale withoutcolor withpostscript
syn keyword mpCommand withprescript withrgbcolor write
-" METAFONT internal variables not found in MetaPost
+# METAFONT internal variables not found in MetaPost
syn keyword notDefined autorounding chardx chardy fillin granularity
syn keyword notDefined proofing smoothing tracingedges tracingpens
syn keyword notDefined turningcheck xoffset yoffset
-" Suffix defined only in METAFONT:
+# Suffix defined only in METAFONT:
syn keyword notDefined nodot
-" Other not implemented primitives (see MetaPost: A User's Manual, §C.1)
+# Other not implemented primitives (see MetaPost: A User's Manual, §C.1)
syn keyword notDefined cull display openwindow numspecial totalweight
syn keyword notDefined withweight
-" Keywords defined by
-if get(g:, "plain_mp_macros", 1) || get(g:, "mp_metafun_macros", 0)
+# Keywords defined by
+if get(g:, "mp_plain_macros", get(g:, "plain_mp_macros", 1)) || get(b:, "mp_metafun", get(g:, "mp_metafun", 0))
syn keyword mpDef beginfig clear_pen_memory clearit clearpen clearpen
syn keyword mpDef clearxy colorpart cutdraw downto draw drawarrow
syn keyword mpDef drawdblarrow drawdot drawoptions endfig erase
syn keyword mpNewInternal defaultscale dotlabeldiam eps epsilon infinity
syn keyword mpNewInternal join_radius labeloffset mitered pen_bot pen_lft
syn keyword mpNewInternal pen_rt pen_top rounded squared tolerance
- " Predefined constants
+ # Predefined constants
syn keyword mpConstant EOF background base_name base_version black
syn keyword mpConstant blankpicture blue ditto down evenly fullcircle
syn keyword mpConstant green halfcircle identity left origin penrazor
syn keyword mpConstant penspeck pensquare quartercircle red right
syn keyword mpConstant unitsquare up white withdots
- " Other predefined variables
+ # Other predefined variables
syn keyword mpVariable currentpen currentpen_path currentpicture cuttings
syn keyword mpVariable defaultfont extra_beginfig extra_endfig
- syn match mpVariable /\<\%(laboff\|labxf\|labyf\)\>/
- syn match mpVariable /\<\%(laboff\|labxf\|labyf\)\.\%(lft\|rt\|bot\|top\|ulft\|urt\|llft\|lrt\)\>/
- " let statements:
+ syn keyword mpVariable laboff labxf labyf laboff labxf labyf
+ syn match mpVariable /\.\%(lft\|rt\|bot\|top\|ulft\|urt\|llft\|lrt\)\>/
+ # let statements:
syn keyword mpnumExp abs
syn keyword mpDef rotatedabout
syn keyword mpCommand bye relax
- " on and off are not technically keywords, but it is nice to highlight them
- " inside dashpattern().
+ # on and off are not technically keywords, but it is nice to highlight them
+ # inside dashpattern().
syn keyword mpOnOff off on contained
syn keyword mpDash dashpattern contained
- syn region mpDashPattern
- \ start="dashpattern\s*"
- \ end=")"he=e-1
- \ contains=mfNumeric,mfLength,mpOnOff,mpDash
+ syn region mpDashPattern start="dashpattern\s*" end=")"he=e-1 contains=mfNumeric,mfLength,mpOnOff,mpDash
-" Keywords defined by
-if get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0)
+# Keywords defined by
+if get(g:, "mp_mfplain_macros", get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0))
syn keyword mpDef beginchar capsule_def change_width
syn keyword mpDef define_blacker_pixels define_corrected_pixels
syn keyword mpDef define_good_x_pixels define_good_y_pixels
syn keyword mpVardef hround proofrulethickness vround
syn keyword mpNewInternal blacker o_correction
syn keyword mpVariable extra_beginchar extra_endchar extra_setup rulepen
- " plus some no-ops, also from
+ # plus some no-ops, also from
syn keyword mpDef cull cullit gfcorners imagerules nodisplays
syn keyword mpDef notransforms openit proofoffset screenchars
syn keyword mpDef screenrule screenstrokes showit
syn keyword mpVardef grayfont slantfont titlefont
syn keyword mpVariable currenttransform
syn keyword mpConstant unitpixel
- " These are not listed in the MetaPost manual, and some are ignored by
- " MetaPost, but are nonetheless defined in
+ # These are not listed in the MetaPost manual, and some are ignored by
+ # MetaPost, but are nonetheless defined in
syn keyword mpDef killtext
syn match mpVardef "\<good\.\%(x\|y\|lft\|rt\|top\|bot\)\>"
syn keyword mpVariable aspect_ratio localfont mag mode mode_name
syn keyword mpNewInternal number_of_modes proofing smoothing turningcheck
-" Keywords defined by all base macro packages:
-" - (r)
-" -
-" -
-" -
-" -
-" -
-" -
-if get(g:, "other_mp_macros", 1)
- " boxes and rboxes
+# Keywords defined by all base macro packages:
+# - (r)
+# -
+# -
+# -
+# -
+# -
+# -
+if get(g:, "mp_other_macros", get(g:, "other_mp_macros", 1))
+ # boxes and rboxes
syn keyword mpDef boxjoin drawboxed drawboxes drawunboxed
syn keyword mpNewInternal circmargin defaultdx defaultdy rbox_radius
syn keyword mpVardef boxit bpath circleit fixpos fixsize generic_declare
syn keyword mpVardef generic_redeclare generisize pic rboxit str_prefix
- " format
+ # format
syn keyword mpVardef Mformat format init_numbers roundd
syn keyword mpVariable Fe_base Fe_plus
syn keyword mpConstant Ten_to
- " graph
+ # graph
syn keyword mpDef Gfor Gxyscale OUT auto begingraph endgraph gdata
syn keyword mpDef gdraw gdrawarrow gdrawdblarrow gfill plot
syn keyword mpVardef augment autogrid frame gdotlabel glabel grid itick
syn keyword mpVariable Autoform Gemarks Glmarks Gumarks
syn keyword mpConstant Gtemplate
syn match mpVariable /Gmargin\.\%(low\|high\)/
- " marith
+ # marith
syn keyword mpVardef Mabs Meform Mexp Mexp_str Mlog Mlog_Str Mlog_str
syn keyword mpPrimaryDef Mdiv Mmul
syn keyword mpSecondaryDef Madd Msub
syn keyword mpTertiaryDef Mleq
syn keyword mpNewInternal Mten Mzero
- " sarith
+ # sarith
syn keyword mpVardef Sabs Scvnum
syn keyword mpPrimaryDef Sdiv Smul
syn keyword mpSecondaryDef Sadd Ssub
syn keyword mpTertiaryDef Sleq Sneq
- " string
+ # string
syn keyword mpVardef cspan isdigit loptok
- " TEX
+ # TEX
syn keyword mpVardef TEX TEXPOST TEXPRE
-" Up to date as of 23-Sep-2016.
-if get(b:, 'mp_metafun_macros', get(g:, 'mp_metafun_macros', 0))
- " Highlight TeX keywords (for use in ConTeXt documents)
+if get(b:, "mp_metafun", get(g:, "mp_metafun", 0))
+ # MetaFun additions to MetaPost base file
+ syn keyword mpConstant cyan magenta yellow
+ syn keyword mpConstant penspec
+ syn keyword mpNumExp graypart greycolor graycolor
+ # Highlight TeX keywords (for MetaPost embedded in ConTeXt documents)
syn match mpTeXKeyword '\\[a-zA-Z@]\+'
- " These keywords have been added manually.
syn keyword mpPrimitive runscript
- " The following MetaFun keywords have been extracted automatically from
- " ConTeXt source code. They include all "public" macros (where a macro is
- " considered public if and only if it does not start with _, mfun_, mlib_, or
- " do_, and it does not end with _), all "public" unsaved variables, and all
- " `let` statements.
+ runtime! syntax/shared/context-data-metafun.vim
- " mp-abck.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef abck_grid_line anchor_box box_found boxfilloptions
- syn keyword mpDef boxgridoptions boxlineoptions draw_multi_pars
- syn keyword mpDef draw_multi_side draw_multi_side_path freeze_box
- syn keyword mpDef initialize_box initialize_box_pos
- syn keyword mpDef multi_side_draw_options show_multi_kind
- syn keyword mpDef show_multi_pars
- syn keyword mpVardef abck_baseline_grid abck_draw_path abck_graphic_grid
- syn keyword mpVariable boxdashtype boxfilloffset boxfilltype
- syn keyword mpVariable boxgriddirection boxgriddistance boxgridshift
- syn keyword mpVariable boxgridtype boxgridwidth boxlineoffset
- syn keyword mpVariable boxlineradius boxlinetype boxlinewidth multikind
- syn keyword mpConstant context_abck
- " mp-apos.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef anch_sidebars_draw boxfilloptions boxlineoptions
- syn keyword mpDef connect_positions
- syn keyword mpConstant context_apos
- " mp-asnc.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef FlushSyncTasks ProcessSyncTask ResetSyncTasks
- syn keyword mpDef SetSyncColor SetSyncThreshold SyncTask
- syn keyword mpVardef PrepareSyncTasks SyncBox TheSyncColor
- syn keyword mpVardef TheSyncThreshold
- syn keyword mpVariable CurrentSyncClass NOfSyncPaths SyncColor
- syn keyword mpVariable SyncLeftOffset SyncPaths SyncTasks SyncThreshold
- syn keyword mpVariable SyncThresholdMethod SyncWidth
- syn keyword mpConstant context_asnc
- " mp-back.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef some_double_back some_hash
- syn keyword mpVariable back_nillcolor
- syn keyword mpConstant context_back
- " mp-bare.mpiv
- syn keyword mpVardef colordecimals rawtextext
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef infont
- syn keyword mpConstant context_bare
- " mp-base.mpiv
- " This is essentially with only a few keywords added
- syn keyword mpNumExp graypart
- syn keyword mpType graycolor greycolor
- syn keyword mpConstant cyan magenta yellow
- " mp-butt.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef predefinedbutton some_button
- syn keyword mpConstant context_butt
- " mp-char.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef flow_begin_chart flow_begin_sub_chart
- syn keyword mpDef flow_chart_draw_comment flow_chart_draw_exit
- syn keyword mpDef flow_chart_draw_label flow_chart_draw_text
- syn keyword mpDef flow_clip_chart flow_collapse_points
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_bottom_bottom flow_connect_bottom_left
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_bottom_right flow_connect_bottom_top
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_left_bottom flow_connect_left_left
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_left_right flow_connect_left_top
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_right_bottom flow_connect_right_left
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_right_right flow_connect_right_top
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_top_bottom flow_connect_top_left
- syn keyword mpDef flow_connect_top_right flow_connect_top_top
- syn keyword mpDef flow_draw_connection flow_draw_connection_point
- syn keyword mpDef flow_draw_midpoint flow_draw_shape
- syn keyword mpDef flow_draw_test_area flow_draw_test_shape
- syn keyword mpDef flow_draw_test_shapes flow_end_chart
- syn keyword mpDef flow_end_sub_chart flow_flush_connections
- syn keyword mpDef flow_flush_picture flow_flush_pictures
- syn keyword mpDef flow_flush_shape flow_flush_shapes
- syn keyword mpDef flow_initialize_grid flow_new_chart flow_new_shape
- syn keyword mpDef flow_scaled_to_grid flow_show_connection
- syn keyword mpDef flow_show_connections flow_show_shapes
- syn keyword mpDef flow_xy_offset flow_y_pos
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_connection_path flow_down_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_down_to_grid flow_i_point flow_left_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_left_to_grid flow_offset
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_points_initialized flow_right_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_right_to_grid flow_smooth_connection
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_trim_points flow_trimmed flow_up_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_up_to_grid flow_valid_connection
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_x_on_grid flow_xy_bottom flow_xy_left
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_xy_on_grid flow_xy_right flow_xy_top
- syn keyword mpVardef flow_y_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_arrowtip flow_chart_background_color
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_chart_offset flow_comment_offset
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_connection_arrow_size
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_connection_dash_size
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_connection_line_color
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_connection_line_width
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_connection_smooth_size flow_connections
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_cpath flow_dash_pattern flow_dashline
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_exit_offset flow_forcevalid flow_grid_height
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_grid_width flow_label_offset flow_max_x
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_max_y flow_peepshape flow_reverse_connection
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_reverse_y flow_shape_action flow_shape_archive
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_decision flow_shape_down
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_fill_color flow_shape_height
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_left flow_shape_line_color
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_line_width flow_shape_loop
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_multidocument flow_shape_node
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_procedure flow_shape_product
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_right flow_shape_singledocument
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_subprocedure flow_shape_up
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_shape_wait flow_shape_width
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_show_all_points flow_show_con_points
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_show_mid_points flow_showcrossing flow_smooth
- syn keyword mpVariable flow_touchshape flow_xypoint flow_zfactor
- syn keyword mpConstant context_flow
- " mp-chem.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef chem_init_all chem_reset chem_start_structure
- syn keyword mpDef chem_transformed
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_ad chem_adj chem_align chem_arrow chem_au
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_b chem_bb chem_bd chem_bw chem_c chem_cc
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_ccd chem_cd chem_crz chem_cz chem_dash chem_db
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_diff chem_dir chem_do chem_dr chem_draw
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_drawarrow chem_eb chem_ed chem_ep chem_er
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_es chem_et chem_fill chem_hb chem_init_some
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_label chem_ldb chem_ldd chem_line chem_lr
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_lrb chem_lrbd chem_lrd chem_lrh chem_lrn
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_lrt chem_lrz chem_lsr chem_lsub chem_mark
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_marked chem_mid chem_mids chem_midz chem_mir
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_mov chem_move chem_number chem_oe chem_off
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_pb chem_pe chem_r chem_r_fragment chem_rb
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_rbd chem_rd chem_rdb chem_rdd chem_restore
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_rh chem_rm chem_rn chem_rot chem_rr chem_rrb
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_rrbd chem_rrd chem_rrh chem_rrn chem_rrt
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_rrz chem_rsr chem_rsub chem_rt chem_rz chem_s
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_save chem_sb chem_sd chem_set chem_sr chem_ss
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_start_component chem_stop_component
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_stop_structure chem_sub chem_symbol chem_tb
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_text chem_z chem_zln chem_zlt chem_zn chem_zrn
- syn keyword mpVardef chem_zrt chem_zt
- syn keyword mpVariable chem_mark_pair chem_stack_mirror chem_stack_origin
- syn keyword mpVariable chem_stack_p chem_stack_previous
- syn keyword mpVariable chem_stack_rotation chem_trace_boundingbox
- syn keyword mpVariable chem_trace_nesting chem_trace_text
- syn keyword mpConstant context_chem
- " mp-core.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef FlushSyncTasks ProcessSyncTask
- syn keyword mpDef RegisterLocalTextArea RegisterPlainTextArea
- syn keyword mpDef RegisterRegionTextArea RegisterTextArea
- syn keyword mpDef ResetLocalTextArea ResetSyncTasks ResetTextAreas
- syn keyword mpDef SaveTextAreas SetSyncColor SetSyncThreshold
- syn keyword mpDef SyncTask anchor_box box_found boxfilloptions
- syn keyword mpDef boxgridoptions boxlineoptions collapse_multi_pars
- syn keyword mpDef draw_box draw_multi_pars draw_par freeze_box
- syn keyword mpDef initialize_area initialize_area_par initialize_box
- syn keyword mpDef initialize_box_pos initialize_par
- syn keyword mpDef prepare_multi_pars relocate_multipars save_multipar
- syn keyword mpDef set_par_line_height show_multi_pars show_par
- syn keyword mpDef simplify_multi_pars sort_multi_pars
- syn keyword mpVardef InsideSavedTextArea InsideSomeSavedTextArea
- syn keyword mpVardef InsideSomeTextArea InsideTextArea PrepareSyncTasks
- syn keyword mpVardef SyncBox TextAreaH TextAreaW TextAreaWH TextAreaX
- syn keyword mpVardef TextAreaXY TextAreaY TheSyncColor TheSyncThreshold
- syn keyword mpVardef baseline_grid graphic_grid multi_par_at_top
- syn keyword mpVariable CurrentSyncClass NOfSavedTextAreas
- syn keyword mpVariable NOfSavedTextColumns NOfSyncPaths NOfTextAreas
- syn keyword mpVariable NOfTextColumns PlainTextArea RegionTextArea
- syn keyword mpVariable SavedTextColumns SyncColor SyncLeftOffset SyncPaths
- syn keyword mpVariable SyncTasks SyncThreshold SyncThresholdMethod
- syn keyword mpVariable SyncWidth TextAreas TextColumns
- syn keyword mpVariable auto_multi_par_hsize boxdashtype boxfilloffset
- syn keyword mpVariable boxfilltype boxgriddirection boxgriddistance
- syn keyword mpVariable boxgridshift boxgridtype boxgridwidth boxlineradius
- syn keyword mpVariable boxlinetype boxlinewidth check_multi_par_chain
- syn keyword mpVariable compensate_multi_par_topskip
- syn keyword mpVariable enable_multi_par_fallback force_multi_par_chain
- syn keyword mpVariable ignore_multi_par_page last_multi_par_shift lefthang
- syn keyword mpVariable local_multi_par_area multi_column_first_page_hack
- syn keyword mpVariable multi_par_pages multiloc multilocs multipar
- syn keyword mpVariable multipars multiref multirefs nofmultipars
- syn keyword mpVariable obey_multi_par_hang obey_multi_par_more
- syn keyword mpVariable one_piece_multi_par par_hang_after par_hang_indent
- syn keyword mpVariable par_indent par_left_skip par_line_height
- syn keyword mpVariable par_right_skip par_start_pos par_stop_pos
- syn keyword mpVariable par_strut_depth par_strut_height ppos righthang
- syn keyword mpVariable snap_multi_par_tops somehang span_multi_column_pars
- syn keyword mpVariable use_multi_par_region
- syn keyword mpConstant context_core
- syn keyword LET anchor_area anchor_par draw_area
- " mp-cows.mpiv
- syn keyword mpConstant context_cows cow
- " mp-crop.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef page_marks_add_color page_marks_add_lines
- syn keyword mpDef page_marks_add_marking page_marks_add_number
- syn keyword mpVardef crop_color crop_gray crop_marks_cmyk
- syn keyword mpVardef crop_marks_cmykrgb crop_marks_gray crop_marks_lines
- syn keyword mpVariable crop_colors more page
- syn keyword mpConstant context_crop
- " mp-figs.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef naturalfigure registerfigure
- syn keyword mpVardef figuredimensions figureheight figuresize
- syn keyword mpVardef figurewidth
- syn keyword mpConstant context_figs
- " mp-fobg.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef DrawFoFrame
- syn keyword mpVardef equalpaths
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef inset outset
- syn keyword mpVariable FoBackground FoBackgroundColor FoFrame FoLineColor
- syn keyword mpVariable FoLineStyle FoLineWidth FoSplit
- syn keyword mpConstant FoAll FoBottom FoDash FoDotted FoDouble FoGroove
- syn keyword mpConstant FoHidden FoInset FoLeft FoMedium FoNoColor FoNone
- syn keyword mpConstant FoOutset FoRidge FoRight FoSolid FoThick FoThin
- syn keyword mpConstant FoTop context_fobg
- " mp-form.mpiv
- syn keyword mpConstant context_form
- " mp-func.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef constructedfunction constructedpairs
- syn keyword mpDef constructedpath curvedfunction curvedpairs
- syn keyword mpDef curvedpath function pathconnectors straightfunction
- syn keyword mpDef straightpairs straightpath
- syn keyword mpConstant context_func
- " mp-grap.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef Gfor OUT auto begingraph circles crosses diamonds
- syn keyword mpDef downtriangles endgraph gdata gdraw gdrawarrow
- syn keyword mpDef gdrawdblarrow gfill graph_addto
- syn keyword mpDef graph_addto_currentpicture graph_comma
- syn keyword mpDef graph_coordinate_multiplication graph_draw
- syn keyword mpDef graph_draw_label graph_errorbar_text graph_fill
- syn keyword mpDef graph_generate_exponents
- syn keyword mpDef graph_generate_label_position
- syn keyword mpDef graph_generate_numbers graph_label_location
- syn keyword mpDef graph_scan_mark graph_scan_marks graph_setbounds
- syn keyword mpDef graph_suffix graph_tick_label
- syn keyword mpDef graph_with_pen_and_color graph_withlist
- syn keyword mpDef graph_xyscale lefttriangles makefunctionpath plot
- syn keyword mpDef plotsymbol points rainbow righttriangles smoothpath
- syn keyword mpDef squares stars uptriangles witherrorbars
- syn keyword mpVardef addtopath augment autogrid constant_fit
- syn keyword mpVardef constant_function det escaped_format exp
- syn keyword mpVardef exponential_fit exponential_function format
- syn keyword mpVardef formatted frame functionpath gaussian_fit
- syn keyword mpVardef gaussian_function gdotlabel glabel graph_Feform
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_Meform graph_arrowhead_extent graph_bounds
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_clear_bounds
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_convert_user_path_to_internal graph_cspan
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_draw_arrowhead graph_error graph_errorbars
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_exp graph_factor_and_exponent_to_string
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_gridline_picture graph_is_null
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_label_convert_user_to_internal graph_loptok
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_match_exponents graph_mlog
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_modified_exponent_ypart graph_pair_adjust
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_picture_conversion graph_post_draw
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_read_line graph_readpath graph_remap
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_scan_path graph_select_exponent_mark
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_select_mark graph_set_bounds
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_set_default_bounds graph_shapesize
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_stash_label graph_tick_mark_spacing
- syn keyword mpVardef graph_unknown_pair_bbox grid isdigit itick
- syn keyword mpVardef linear_fit linear_function ln logten lorentzian_fit
- syn keyword mpVardef lorentzian_function otick polynomial_fit
- syn keyword mpVardef polynomial_function power_law_fit
- syn keyword mpVardef power_law_function powten setcoords setrange
- syn keyword mpVardef sortpath strfmt tick varfmt
- syn keyword mpNewInternal Mzero doubleinfinity graph_log_minimum
- syn keyword mpNewInternal graph_minimum_number_of_marks largestmantissa
- syn keyword mpNewInternal linear lntwo log mlogten singleinfinity
- syn keyword mpVariable Autoform determinant fit_chi_squared
- syn keyword mpVariable graph_errorbar_picture graph_exp_marks
- syn keyword mpVariable graph_frame_pair_a graph_frame_pair_b
- syn keyword mpVariable graph_lin_marks graph_log_marks graph_modified_bias
- syn keyword mpVariable graph_modified_higher graph_modified_lower
- syn keyword mpVariable graph_shape r_s resistance_color resistance_name
- syn keyword mpConstant context_grap
- " mp-grid.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef hlingrid hloggrid vlingrid vloggrid
- syn keyword mpVardef hlinlabel hlintext hlogtext linlin linlinpath
- syn keyword mpVardef linlog linlogpath loglin loglinpath loglog
- syn keyword mpVardef loglogpath processpath vlinlabel vlintext vlogtext
- syn keyword mpVariable fmt_initialize fmt_pictures fmt_precision
- syn keyword mpVariable fmt_separator fmt_zerocheck grid_eps
- syn keyword mpConstant context_grid
- " mp-grph.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef beginfig begingraphictextfig data_mpo_file
- syn keyword mpDef data_mpy_file doloadfigure draw endfig
- syn keyword mpDef endgraphictextfig fill fixedplace graphictext
- syn keyword mpDef loadfigure new_graphictext normalwithshade number
- syn keyword mpDef old_graphictext outlinefill protectgraphicmacros
- syn keyword mpDef resetfig reversefill withdrawcolor withfillcolor
- syn keyword mpDef withshade
- syn keyword mpVariable currentgraphictext figureshift
- syn keyword mpConstant context_grph
- " mp-idea.mpiv
- syn keyword mpVardef bcomponent ccomponent gcomponent mcomponent
- syn keyword mpVardef rcomponent somecolor ycomponent
- " mp-luas.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef luacall message
- syn keyword mpVardef MP lua lualist
- syn keyword mpConstant context_luas
- " mp-mlib.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef autoalign bitmapimage circular_shade cmyk comment
- syn keyword mpDef defineshade eofill eofillup externalfigure figure
- syn keyword mpDef fillup label linear_shade multitonecolor namedcolor
- syn keyword mpDef nofill onlayer passarrayvariable passvariable
- syn keyword mpDef plain_label register resolvedcolor scantokens
- syn keyword mpDef set_circular_vector set_linear_vector shaded
- syn keyword mpDef spotcolor startpassingvariable stoppassingvariable
- syn keyword mpDef thelabel transparent[] usemetafunlabels
- syn keyword mpDef useplainlabels withcircularshade withlinearshade
- syn keyword mpDef withmask withproperties withshadecenter
- syn keyword mpDef withshadecolors withshadedirection withshadedomain
- syn keyword mpDef withshadefactor withshadefraction withshadeorigin
- syn keyword mpDef withshaderadius withshadestep withshadetransform
- syn keyword mpDef withshadevector withtransparency
- syn keyword mpVardef anchored checkbounds checkedbounds
- syn keyword mpVardef define_circular_shade define_linear_shade dotlabel
- syn keyword mpVardef escaped_format fmttext fontsize format formatted
- syn keyword mpVardef installlabel onetimefmttext onetimetextext
- syn keyword mpVardef outlinetext plain_thelabel properties rawfmttext
- syn keyword mpVardef rawtexbox rawtextext rule strfmt strut texbox
- syn keyword mpVardef textext thefmttext thelabel thetexbox thetextext
- syn keyword mpVardef tostring transparency_alternative_to_number
- syn keyword mpVardef validtexbox varfmt verbatim
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef asgroup infont normalinfont shadedinto
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef shownshadecenter shownshadedirection
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef shownshadeorigin shownshadevector withshade
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef withshademethod
- syn keyword mpNewInternal colorburntransparent colordodgetransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal colortransparent darkentransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal differencetransparent exclusiontransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal hardlighttransparent huetransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal lightentransparent luminositytransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal multiplytransparent normaltransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal overlaytransparent saturationtransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal screentransparent shadefactor softlighttransparent
- syn keyword mpNewInternal textextoffset
- syn keyword mpType property transparency
- syn keyword mpVariable currentoutlinetext shadeddown shadedleft
- syn keyword mpVariable shadedright shadedup shadeoffset trace_shades
- syn keyword mpConstant context_mlib
- " mp-page.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef BoundCoverAreas BoundPageAreas Enlarged FakeRule
- syn keyword mpDef FakeWord LoadPageState OverlayBox RuleColor
- syn keyword mpDef SetAreaVariables SetPageArea SetPageBackPage
- syn keyword mpDef SetPageCoverPage SetPageField SetPageFrontPage
- syn keyword mpDef SetPageHsize SetPageHstep SetPageLocation
- syn keyword mpDef SetPagePage SetPageSpine SetPageVariables
- syn keyword mpDef SetPageVsize SetPageVstep StartCover StartPage
- syn keyword mpDef StopCover StopPage SwapPageState innerenlarged
- syn keyword mpDef llEnlarged lrEnlarged outerenlarged ulEnlarged
- syn keyword mpDef urEnlarged
- syn keyword mpVardef BackPageHeight BackPageWidth BackSpace BaseLineSkip
- syn keyword mpVardef BodyFontSize BottomDistance BottomHeight
- syn keyword mpVardef BottomSpace CoverHeight CoverWidth CurrentColumn
- syn keyword mpVardef CurrentHeight CurrentWidth CutSpace EmWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef ExHeight FooterDistance FooterHeight
- syn keyword mpVardef FrontPageHeight FrontPageWidth HSize HeaderDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef HeaderHeight InPageBody InnerEdgeDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef InnerEdgeWidth InnerMarginDistance InnerMarginWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef InnerSpaceWidth LastPageNumber LayoutColumnDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef LayoutColumnWidth LayoutColumns LeftEdgeDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef LeftEdgeWidth LeftMarginDistance LeftMarginWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef LineHeight MakeupHeight MakeupWidth NOfColumns
- syn keyword mpVardef NOfPages OnOddPage OnRightPage OuterEdgeDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef OuterEdgeWidth OuterMarginDistance OuterMarginWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef OuterSpaceWidth OverlayDepth OverlayHeight
- syn keyword mpVardef OverlayLineWidth OverlayOffset OverlayWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef PageDepth PageFraction PageNumber PageOffset
- syn keyword mpVardef PaperBleed PaperHeight PaperWidth PrintPaperHeight
- syn keyword mpVardef PrintPaperWidth RealPageNumber RightEdgeDistance
- syn keyword mpVardef RightEdgeWidth RightMarginDistance RightMarginWidth
- syn keyword mpVardef SpineHeight SpineWidth StrutDepth StrutHeight
- syn keyword mpVardef TextHeight TextWidth TopDistance TopHeight TopSkip
- syn keyword mpVardef TopSpace VSize defaultcolormodel
- syn keyword mpVariable Area BackPage CoverPage CurrentLayout Field
- syn keyword mpVariable FrontPage HorPos Hsize Hstep Location Page
- syn keyword mpVariable PageStateAvailable RuleDepth RuleDirection
- syn keyword mpVariable RuleFactor RuleH RuleHeight RuleOffset RuleOption
- syn keyword mpVariable RuleThickness RuleV RuleWidth Spine VerPos Vsize
- syn keyword mpVariable Vstep
- syn keyword mpConstant context_page
- " mp-shap.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef drawline drawshape some_shape
- syn keyword mpDef start_predefined_shape_definition
- syn keyword mpDef stop_predefined_shape_definition
- syn keyword mpVardef drawpredefinedline drawpredefinedshape
- syn keyword mpVardef some_shape_path
- syn keyword mpVariable predefined_shapes predefined_shapes_xradius
- syn keyword mpVariable predefined_shapes_xxradius
- syn keyword mpVariable predefined_shapes_yradius
- syn keyword mpVariable predefined_shapes_yyradius
- syn keyword mpConstant context_shap
- " mp-step.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef initialize_step_variables midbottomboundary
- syn keyword mpDef midtopboundary step_begin_cell step_begin_chart
- syn keyword mpDef step_cell_ali step_cell_bot step_cell_top
- syn keyword mpDef step_cells step_end_cell step_end_chart
- syn keyword mpDef step_text_bot step_text_mid step_text_top
- syn keyword mpDef step_texts
- syn keyword mpVariable cell_distance_x cell_distance_y cell_fill_color
- syn keyword mpVariable cell_line_color cell_line_width cell_offset
- syn keyword mpVariable chart_align chart_category chart_vertical
- syn keyword mpVariable line_distance line_height line_line_color
- syn keyword mpVariable line_line_width line_offset nofcells
- syn keyword mpVariable text_distance_set text_fill_color text_line_color
- syn keyword mpVariable text_line_width text_offset
- syn keyword mpConstant context_cell
- " mp-symb.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef finishglyph prepareglyph
- syn keyword mpConstant lefttriangle midbar onebar righttriangle sidebar
- syn keyword mpConstant sublefttriangle subrighttriangle twobar
- " mp-text.mpiv
- syn keyword mpDef build_parshape
- syn keyword mpVardef found_point
- syn keyword mpVariable trace_parshape
- syn keyword mpConstant context_text
- " mp-tool.mpiv
- syn keyword mpCommand dump
- syn keyword mpDef addbackground b_color beginglyph break centerarrow
- syn keyword mpDef clearxy condition data_mpd_file detaileddraw
- syn keyword mpDef detailpaths dowithpath draw drawboundary
- syn keyword mpDef drawboundingbox drawcontrollines drawcontrolpoints
- syn keyword mpDef drawfill draworigin drawpath drawpathonly
- syn keyword mpDef drawpathwithpoints drawpoint drawpointlabels
- syn keyword mpDef drawpoints drawticks drawwholepath drawxticks
- syn keyword mpDef drawyticks endglyph fill finishsavingdata g_color
- syn keyword mpDef inner_boundingbox job_name leftarrow loadmodule
- syn keyword mpDef midarrowhead naturalizepaths newboolean newcolor
- syn keyword mpDef newnumeric newpair newpath newpicture newstring
- syn keyword mpDef newtransform normalcolors normaldraw normalfill
- syn keyword mpDef normalwithcolor outer_boundingbox pop_boundingbox
- syn keyword mpDef popboundingbox popcurrentpicture push_boundingbox
- syn keyword mpDef pushboundingbox pushcurrentpicture r_color readfile
- syn keyword mpDef recolor redraw refill register_dirty_chars
- syn keyword mpDef remapcolor remapcolors remappedcolor reprocess
- syn keyword mpDef resetarrows resetcolormap resetdrawoptions
- syn keyword mpDef resolvedcolor restroke retext rightarrow savedata
- syn keyword mpDef saveoptions scale_currentpicture set_ahlength
- syn keyword mpDef set_grid showgrid startplaincompatibility
- syn keyword mpDef startsavingdata stopplaincompatibility
- syn keyword mpDef stopsavingdata stripe_path_a stripe_path_n undashed
- syn keyword mpDef undrawfill untext visualizeddraw visualizedfill
- syn keyword mpDef visualizepaths withcolor withgray
- syn keyword mpDef xscale_currentpicture xshifted
- syn keyword mpDef xyscale_currentpicture yscale_currentpicture
- syn keyword mpDef yshifted
- syn keyword mpVardef acos acosh anglebetween area arrowhead
- syn keyword mpVardef arrowheadonpath arrowpath asciistring asin asinh
- syn keyword mpVardef atan basiccolors bbheight bbwidth bcomponent
- syn keyword mpVardef blackcolor bottomboundary boundingbox c_phantom
- syn keyword mpVardef ccomponent center cleanstring colorcircle
- syn keyword mpVardef colordecimals colordecimalslist colorlike colorpart
- syn keyword mpVardef colortype complementary complemented copylist cos
- syn keyword mpVardef cosh cot cotd curved ddddecimal dddecimal ddecimal
- syn keyword mpVardef decorated drawarrowpath epsed exp freedotlabel
- syn keyword mpVardef freelabel gcomponent getunstringed grayed greyed
- syn keyword mpVardef hsvtorgb infinite innerboundingbox interpolated inv
- syn keyword mpVardef invcos inverted invsin invtan laddered leftboundary
- syn keyword mpVardef leftpath leftrightpath listsize listtocurves
- syn keyword mpVardef listtolines ln log mcomponent new_on_grid
- syn keyword mpVardef outerboundingbox paired pen_size penpoint phantom
- syn keyword mpVardef pointarrow pow punked rangepath rcomponent
- syn keyword mpVardef redecorated repathed rightboundary rightpath
- syn keyword mpVardef rotation roundedsquare set_inner_boundingbox
- syn keyword mpVardef set_outer_boundingbox setunstringed shapedlist
- syn keyword mpVardef simplified sin sinh sortlist sqr straightpath tan
- syn keyword mpVardef tand tanh tensecircle thefreelabel topboundary
- syn keyword mpVardef tripled undecorated unitvector unspiked unstringed
- syn keyword mpVardef whitecolor ycomponent
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef along blownup bottomenlarged cornered crossed
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef enlarged enlonged leftenlarged llenlarged llmoved
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef lrenlarged lrmoved on paralleled randomized
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef randomizedcontrols randomshifted rightenlarged
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef shortened sized smoothed snapped softened squeezed
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef stretched superellipsed topenlarged ulenlarged
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef ulmoved uncolored urenlarged urmoved xsized
- syn keyword mpPrimaryDef xstretched xyscaled xysized ysized ystretched zmod
- syn keyword mpSecondaryDef anglestriped intersection_point numberstriped
- syn keyword mpSecondaryDef peepholed
- syn keyword mpTertiaryDef cutends
- syn keyword mpNewInternal ahdimple ahvariant anglelength anglemethod
- syn keyword mpNewInternal angleoffset charscale cmykcolormodel graycolormodel
- syn keyword mpNewInternal greycolormodel maxdimensions metapostversion
- syn keyword mpNewInternal nocolormodel rgbcolormodel striped_normal_inner
- syn keyword mpNewInternal striped_normal_outer striped_reverse_inner
- syn keyword mpNewInternal striped_reverse_outer
- syn keyword mpType grayscale greyscale quadruplet triplet
- syn keyword mpVariable ahfactor collapse_data color_map drawoptionsfactor
- syn keyword mpVariable freedotlabelsize freelabeloffset grid grid_full
- syn keyword mpVariable grid_h grid_left grid_nx grid_ny grid_w grid_x
- syn keyword mpVariable grid_y intersection_found originlength
- syn keyword mpVariable plain_compatibility_data pointlabelfont
- syn keyword mpVariable pointlabelscale refillbackground savingdata
- syn keyword mpVariable savingdatadone swappointlabels ticklength tickstep
- syn keyword mpConstant CRLF DQUOTE PERCENT SPACE bcircle context_tool crlf
- syn keyword mpConstant darkblue darkcyan darkgray darkgreen darkmagenta
- syn keyword mpConstant darkred darkyellow downtriangle dquote freesquare
- syn keyword mpConstant fulldiamond fullsquare fulltriangle lcircle
- syn keyword mpConstant lefttriangle lightgray llcircle lltriangle lrcircle
- syn keyword mpConstant lrtriangle mpversion nocolor noline oddly
- syn keyword mpConstant originpath percent rcircle righttriangle space
- syn keyword mpConstant tcircle triangle ulcircle ultriangle unitcircle
- syn keyword mpConstant unitdiamond unittriangle uptriangle urcircle
- syn keyword mpConstant urtriangle
-endif " MetaFun macros
+ hi def link metafunCommands Statement
+ hi def link metafunInternals Identifier
-" Define the default highlighting
+# Define the default highlighting
hi def link mpTeXdelim mpPrimitive
hi def link mpBoolExp mfBoolExp
hi def link mpNumExp mfNumExp
hi def link mpDash mpPrimitive
hi def link mpTeXKeyword Identifier
-let b:current_syntax = "mp"
-let &cpo = s:cpo_sav
-unlet! s:cpo_sav
+b:current_syntax = "mp"
-" vim:sw=2
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker
--- /dev/null
+This directory "runtime/syntax/shared" contains Vim script files that are
+generated or used by more then one syntax file.
--- /dev/null
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: TypeScript and TypeScriptReact
+" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar, Herrington Darkholme
+" Last Change: 2021 Sep 22
+" Based On: Herrington Darkholme's yats.vim
+" Changes: See
+" Credits: See yats.vim on github
+if &cpo =~ 'C'
+ let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+ set cpo&vim
+" NOTE: this results in accurate highlighting, but can be slow.
+syntax sync fromstart
+"Dollar sign is permitted anywhere in an identifier
+setlocal iskeyword-=$
+if main_syntax == 'typescript' || main_syntax == 'typescriptreact'
+ setlocal iskeyword+=$
+ " syntax cluster htmlJavaScript contains=TOP
+" For private field added from TypeScript 3.8
+setlocal iskeyword+=#
+" lowest priority on least used feature
+syntax match typescriptLabel /[a-zA-Z_$]\k*:/he=e-1 contains=typescriptReserved nextgroup=@typescriptStatement skipwhite skipempty
+" other keywords like return,case,yield uses containedin
+syntax region typescriptBlock matchgroup=typescriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=@typescriptStatement,@typescriptComments fold
+syntax cluster afterIdentifier contains=
+ \ typescriptDotNotation,
+ \ typescriptFuncCallArg,
+ \ typescriptTemplate,
+ \ typescriptIndexExpr,
+ \ @typescriptSymbols,
+ \ typescriptTypeArguments
+syntax match typescriptIdentifierName /\<\K\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+ \ transparent
+ \ contains=@_semantic
+ \ skipnl skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptProp contained /\K\k*!\?/
+ \ transparent
+ \ contains=@props
+ \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptIndexExpr contained matchgroup=typescriptProperty start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/he=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation,typescriptFuncCallArg skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptDotNotation /\.\|?\.\|!\./ nextgroup=typescriptProp skipnl
+syntax match typescriptDotStyleNotation /\.style\./ nextgroup=typescriptDOMStyle transparent
+" syntax match typescriptFuncCall contained /[a-zA-Z]\k*\ze(/ nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+syntax region typescriptParenExp matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptComments,@typescriptValue,typescriptCastKeyword nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptFuncCallArg contained matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax region typescriptEventFuncCallArg contained matchgroup=typescriptParens start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=@typescriptEventExpression
+syntax region typescriptEventString contained start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/ contains=typescriptASCII,@events
+syntax region typescriptDestructureString
+ \ start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/
+ \ contains=typescriptASCII
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptDestructureAs
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptVariableDeclarations
+ \ contains=typescriptVariableDeclaration,@typescriptDestructures
+syntax match typescriptVariableDeclaration /[A-Za-z_$]\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptAssign
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptDestructureVariables contains=
+ \ typescriptRestOrSpread,
+ \ typescriptDestructureComma,
+ \ typescriptDestructureLabel,
+ \ typescriptDestructureVariable,
+ \ @typescriptDestructures
+syntax match typescriptDestructureVariable /[A-Za-z_$]\k*/ contained
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptDefaultParam
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptDestructureLabel /[A-Za-z_$]\k*\ze\_s*:/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptDestructureAs
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptDestructureAs /:/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptDestructureVariable,@typescriptDestructures
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptDestructureComma /,/ contained
+syntax cluster typescriptDestructures contains=
+ \ typescriptArrayDestructure,
+ \ typescriptObjectDestructure
+syntax region typescriptArrayDestructure matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/\[/ end=/]/
+ \ contains=@typescriptDestructureVariables,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptAssign
+ \ transparent contained skipwhite skipempty fold
+syntax region typescriptObjectDestructure matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=typescriptDestructureString,@typescriptDestructureVariables,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptAssign
+ \ transparent contained skipwhite skipempty fold
+"Syntax in the JavaScript code
+" String
+syntax match typescriptASCII contained /\\\d\d\d/
+syntax region typescriptTemplateSubstitution matchgroup=typescriptTemplateSB
+ \ start=/\${/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue
+ \ contained
+syntax region typescriptString
+ \ start=+\z(["']\)+ skip=+\\\%(\z1\|$\)+ end=+\z1+ end=+$+
+ \ contains=typescriptSpecial,@Spell
+ \ extend
+syntax match typescriptSpecial contained "\v\\%(x\x\x|u%(\x{4}|\{\x{1,6}})|c\u|.)"
+" From vim runtime
+" <>
+syntax region typescriptRegexpString start=+/[^/*]+me=e-1 skip=+\\\\\|\\/+ end=+/[gimuy]\{0,5\}\s*$+ end=+/[gimuy]\{0,5\}\s*[;.,)\]}:]+me=e-1 nextgroup=typescriptDotNotation oneline
+syntax region typescriptTemplate
+ \ start=/`/ skip=/\\\\\|\\`\|\n/ end=/`\|$/
+ \ contains=typescriptTemplateSubstitution,typescriptSpecial,@Spell
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptArray matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/\[/ end=/]/
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols,typescriptDotNotation
+ \ skipwhite skipempty fold
+" Number
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[bB][01][01_]*\>/ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[oO][0-7][0-7_]*\>/ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<0[xX][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F_]*\>/ nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptNumber /\<\%(\d[0-9_]*\%(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\|\.\d[0-9_]*\)\%([eE][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptObjectLiteral matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typescriptComments,typescriptObjectLabel,typescriptStringProperty,typescriptComputedPropertyName,typescriptObjectAsyncKeyword
+ \ fold contained
+syntax keyword typescriptObjectAsyncKeyword async contained
+syntax match typescriptObjectLabel contained /\k\+\_s*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptStringProperty contained
+ \ start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region typescriptPropertyName contained start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1(/me=e-1 nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature skipwhite skipempty oneline
+syntax region typescriptComputedPropertyName contained matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectColon,@typescriptCallImpl
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region typescriptComputedPropertyName contained matchgroup=typescriptPropertyName start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]\_s*:/he=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" syntax region typescriptComputedPropertyName contained matchgroup=typescriptPropertyName start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]\_s*(/me=e-1 contains=@typescriptValue nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature skipwhite skipempty
+" Value for object, statement for label statement
+syntax match typescriptRestOrSpread /\.\.\./ contained
+syntax match typescriptObjectSpread /\.\.\./ contained containedin=typescriptObjectLiteral,typescriptArray nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax match typescriptObjectColon contained /:/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" + - ^ ~
+syntax match typescriptUnaryOp /[+\-~!]/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptTernary matchgroup=typescriptTernaryOp start=/?[.?]\@!/ end=/:/ contained contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptAssign /=/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: ==, ===
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /===\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 6: >>>=, >>>, >>=, >>, >=, >
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained />\(>>=\|>>\|>=\|>\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 4: <<=, <<, <=, <
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /<\(<=\|<\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: ||, |=, |, ||=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /||\?=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 4: &&, &=, &, &&=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /&&\?=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: ??, ??=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /??=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: *=, *
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /\*=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: %=, %
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /%=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: /=, /
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained +/\(=\|[^\*/]\@=\)+ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /!==\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 2: !=, !==
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /+\(+\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: +, ++, +=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /-\(-\|=\)\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue skipwhite skipempty
+" 3: -, --, -=
+" exponentiation operator
+" 2: **, **=
+syntax match typescriptBinaryOp contained /\*\*=\?/ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax cluster typescriptSymbols contains=typescriptBinaryOp,typescriptKeywordOp,typescriptTernary,typescriptAssign,typescriptCastKeyword
+" runtime syntax/basic/reserved.vim
+syntax keyword typescriptImport from as
+syntax keyword typescriptImport import
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptImportType
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptImportType type
+ \ contained
+syntax keyword typescriptExport export
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptExportType
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptExportType /\<type\s*{\@=/
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptModule namespace module
+"JavaScript Prototype
+syntax keyword typescriptPrototype prototype
+ \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+syntax keyword typescriptCastKeyword as
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ skipwhite
+"Program Keywords
+syntax keyword typescriptIdentifier arguments this super
+ \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+syntax keyword typescriptVariable let var
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptVariableDeclarations
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptVariable const
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptEnum,@typescriptVariableDeclarations
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptEnum matchgroup=typescriptEnumKeyword start=/enum / end=/\ze{/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptKeywordOp
+ \ contained in instanceof nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+syntax keyword typescriptOperator delete new typeof void
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptForOperator contained in of
+syntax keyword typescriptBoolean true false nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptNull null undefined nextgroup=@typescriptSymbols skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptMessage alert confirm prompt status
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptDotNotation,typescriptFuncCallArg
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal self top parent
+ \ nextgroup=@afterIdentifier
+"Statement Keywords
+syntax keyword typescriptConditional if else switch
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptConditionalParen
+ \ skipwhite skipempty skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConditionalElse else
+syntax keyword typescriptRepeat do while for nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptRepeat for nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen,typescriptAsyncFor skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptBranch break continue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptCase case nextgroup=@typescriptPrimitive skipwhite containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptDefault default containedin=typescriptBlock nextgroup=@typescriptValue,typescriptClassKeyword,typescriptInterfaceKeyword skipwhite oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword with
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword yield skipwhite nextgroup=@typescriptValue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptStatementKeyword return skipwhite contained nextgroup=@typescriptValue containedin=typescriptBlock
+syntax keyword typescriptTry try
+syntax keyword typescriptExceptions catch throw finally
+syntax keyword typescriptDebugger debugger
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFor await nextgroup=typescriptLoopParen skipwhite skipempty contained
+syntax region typescriptLoopParen contained matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=typescriptVariable,typescriptForOperator,typescriptEndColons,@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptConditionalParen contained matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptEndColons /[;,]/ contained
+syntax keyword typescriptAmbientDeclaration declare nextgroup=@typescriptAmbients
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptAmbients contains=
+ \ typescriptVariable,
+ \ typescriptFuncKeyword,
+ \ typescriptClassKeyword,
+ \ typescriptAbstract,
+ \ typescriptEnumKeyword,typescriptEnum,
+ \ typescriptModule
+"Syntax coloring for Node.js shebang line
+syntax match shellbang "^#!.*node\>"
+syntax match shellbang "^#!.*iojs\>"
+"JavaScript comments
+syntax keyword typescriptCommentTodo TODO FIXME XXX TBD
+syntax match typescriptMagicComment "@ts-\%(ignore\|expect-error\)\>"
+syntax match typescriptLineComment "//.*"
+ \ contains=@Spell,typescriptCommentTodo,typescriptRef,typescriptMagicComment
+syntax region typescriptComment
+ \ start="/\*" end="\*/"
+ \ contains=@Spell,typescriptCommentTodo extend
+syntax cluster typescriptComments
+ \ contains=typescriptDocComment,typescriptComment,typescriptLineComment
+syntax match typescriptRef +///\s*<reference\s\+.*\/>$+
+ \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax match typescriptRef +///\s*<amd-dependency\s\+.*\/>$+
+ \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax match typescriptRef +///\s*<amd-module\s\+.*\/>$+
+ \ contains=typescriptString
+syntax case ignore
+syntax region typescriptDocComment matchgroup=typescriptComment
+ \ start="/\*\*" end="\*/"
+ \ contains=typescriptDocNotation,typescriptCommentTodo,@Spell
+ \ fold keepend
+syntax match typescriptDocNotation contained /@/ nextgroup=typescriptDocTags
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained constant constructor constructs function ignore inner private public readonly static
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained const dict expose inheritDoc interface nosideeffects override protected struct internal
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained example global
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained alpha beta defaultValue eventProperty experimental label
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained packageDocumentation privateRemarks remarks sealed typeParam
+" syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained ngdoc nextgroup=typescriptDocNGDirective
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained ngdoc scope priority animations
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained ngdoc restrict methodOf propertyOf eventOf eventType nextgroup=typescriptDocParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocNGDirective contained overview service object function method property event directive filter inputType error
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained abstract virtual access augments
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained arguments callback lends memberOf name type kind link mixes mixin tutorial nextgroup=typescriptDocParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained variation nextgroup=typescriptDocNumParam skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained author class classdesc copyright default defaultvalue nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained deprecated description external host nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained file fileOverview overview namespace requires since version nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained summary todo license preserve nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained borrows exports nextgroup=typescriptDocA skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained param arg argument property prop module nextgroup=typescriptDocNamedParamType,typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained define enum extends implements this typedef nextgroup=typescriptDocParamType skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained return returns throws exception nextgroup=typescriptDocParamType,typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained see nextgroup=typescriptDocRef skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained function func method nextgroup=typescriptDocName skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocName contained /\h\w*/
+syntax keyword typescriptDocTags contained fires event nextgroup=typescriptDocEventRef skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocEventRef contained /\h\w*#\(\h\w*\:\)\?\h\w*/
+syntax match typescriptDocNamedParamType contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=typescriptDocParamName skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocParamName contained /\[\?0-9a-zA-Z_\.]\+\]\?/ nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocParamType contained /{.\+}/ nextgroup=typescriptDocDesc skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocA contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/ nextgroup=typescriptDocAs skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocAs contained /\s*as\s*/ nextgroup=typescriptDocB skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptDocB contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
+syntax match typescriptDocParam contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\|-\)\+/
+syntax match typescriptDocNumParam contained /\d\+/
+syntax match typescriptDocRef contained /\%(#\|\w\|\.\|:\|\/\)\+/
+syntax region typescriptDocLinkTag contained matchgroup=typescriptDocLinkTag start=/{/ end=/}/ contains=typescriptDocTags
+syntax cluster typescriptDocs contains=typescriptDocParamType,typescriptDocNamedParamType,typescriptDocParam
+if exists("main_syntax") && main_syntax == "typescript"
+ syntax sync clear
+ syntax sync ccomment typescriptComment minlines=200
+syntax case match
+" Types
+syntax match typescriptOptionalMark /?/ contained
+syntax cluster typescriptTypeParameterCluster contains=
+ \ typescriptTypeParameter,
+ \ typescriptGenericDefault
+syntax region typescriptTypeParameters matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=@typescriptTypeParameterCluster
+ \ contained
+syntax match typescriptTypeParameter /\K\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptConstraint
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConstraint extends
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptGenericDefault /=/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ contained skipwhite
+" class A extend B<T> {} // ClassBlock
+" func<T>() // FuncCallArg
+syntax region typescriptTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/\></ end=/>/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg,@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax cluster typescriptType contains=
+ \ @typescriptPrimaryType,
+ \ typescriptUnion,
+ \ @typescriptFunctionType,
+ \ typescriptConstructorType
+" array type: A[]
+" type indexing A['key']
+syntax region typescriptTypeBracket contained
+ \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=typescriptString,typescriptNumber
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptPrimaryType contains=
+ \ typescriptParenthesizedType,
+ \ typescriptPredefinedType,
+ \ typescriptTypeReference,
+ \ typescriptObjectType,
+ \ typescriptTupleType,
+ \ typescriptTypeQuery,
+ \ typescriptStringLiteralType,
+ \ typescriptTemplateLiteralType,
+ \ typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword,
+ \ typescriptAssertType
+syntax region typescriptStringLiteralType contained
+ \ start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1\|$/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptUnion
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptTemplateLiteralType contained
+ \ start=/`/ skip=/\\\\\|\\`\|\n/ end=/`\|$/
+ \ contains=typescriptTemplateSubstitutionType
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptTemplateSubstitutionType matchgroup=typescriptTemplateSB
+ \ start=/\${/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType
+ \ contained
+syntax region typescriptParenthesizedType matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty fold
+syntax match typescriptTypeReference /\K\k*\(\.\K\k*\)*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeArguments,@typescriptTypeOperator,typescriptUserDefinedType
+ \ skipwhite contained skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptPredefinedType any number boolean string void never undefined null object unknown
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptPredefinedType /unique symbol/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptObjectType matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typescriptTypeMember,typescriptEndColons,@typescriptComments,typescriptAccessibilityModifier,typescriptReadonlyModifier
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl fold
+syntax cluster typescriptTypeMember contains=
+ \ @typescriptCallSignature,
+ \ typescriptConstructSignature,
+ \ typescriptIndexSignature,
+ \ @typescriptMembers
+syntax match typescriptTupleLable /\K\k*?\?:/
+ \ contained
+syntax region typescriptTupleType matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType,@typescriptComments,typescriptRestOrSpread,typescriptTupleLable
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax cluster typescriptTypeOperator
+ \ contains=typescriptUnion,typescriptTypeBracket,typescriptConstraint,typescriptConditionalType
+syntax match typescriptUnion /|\|&/ contained nextgroup=@typescriptPrimaryType skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptConditionalType /?\|:/ contained nextgroup=@typescriptPrimaryType skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptFunctionType contains=typescriptGenericFunc,typescriptFuncType
+syntax region typescriptGenericFunc matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncType
+ \ containedin=typescriptFunctionType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptFuncType matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)\s*=>/me=e-2
+ \ contains=@typescriptParameterList
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncTypeArrow
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl oneline
+syntax match typescriptFuncTypeArrow /=>/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ containedin=typescriptFuncType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructorType new
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptFunctionType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptUserDefinedType is
+ \ contained nextgroup=@typescriptType skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptTypeQuery typeof keyof
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeReference
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptAssertType asserts
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeReference
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax cluster typescriptCallSignature contains=typescriptGenericCall,typescriptCall
+syntax region typescriptGenericCall matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptCall
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptCall matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=typescriptDecorator,@typescriptParameterList,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,typescriptBlock
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptTypeAnnotation /:/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax cluster typescriptParameterList contains=
+ \ typescriptTypeAnnotation,
+ \ typescriptAccessibilityModifier,
+ \ typescriptReadonlyModifier,
+ \ typescriptOptionalMark,
+ \ typescriptRestOrSpread,
+ \ typescriptFuncComma,
+ \ typescriptDefaultParam
+syntax match typescriptFuncComma /,/ contained
+syntax match typescriptDefaultParam /=/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructSignature new
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptIndexSignature matchgroup=typescriptBraces
+ \ start=/\[/ end=/\]/
+ \ contains=typescriptPredefinedType,typescriptMappedIn,typescriptString
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation
+ \ contained skipwhite oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptMappedIn in
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptAliasKeyword type
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptAliasDeclaration
+ \ skipwhite skipnl skipempty
+syntax region typescriptAliasDeclaration matchgroup=typescriptUnion
+ \ start=/ / end=/=/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptType
+ \ contains=typescriptConstraint,typescriptTypeParameters
+ \ contained skipwhite skipempty
+syntax keyword typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword readonly
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptPrimaryType
+ \ skipwhite
+" extension
+if get(g:, 'yats_host_keyword', 1)
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Function Boolean
+ " use of nextgroup Suggested by Doug Kearns
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Error EvalError nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName InternalError
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RangeError ReferenceError
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName StopIteration
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SyntaxError TypeError
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URIError Date
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Float32Array
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Float64Array
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Int16Array Int32Array
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Int8Array Uint16Array
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Uint32Array Uint8Array
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Uint8ClampedArray
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ParallelArray
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ArrayBuffer DataView
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Iterator Generator
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Reflect Proxy
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName arguments
+ hi def link typescriptGlobal Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName eval uneval nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName isFinite nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName isNaN parseFloat nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName parseInt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName decodeURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName decodeURIComponent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName encodeURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName encodeURIComponent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptGlobalMethod
+ hi def link typescriptGlobalMethod Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Number nextgroup=typescriptGlobalNumberDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalNumberDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptNumberStaticProp,typescriptNumberStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained EPSILON MAX_SAFE_INTEGER MAX_VALUE
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained MIN_SAFE_INTEGER MIN_VALUE NEGATIVE_INFINITY
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticProp contained NaN POSITIVE_INFINITY
+ hi def link typescriptNumberStaticProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticMethod contained isFinite isInteger isNaN isSafeInteger nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberStaticMethod contained parseFloat parseInt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptNumberStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberMethod contained toExponential toFixed toLocaleString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptNumberMethod contained toPrecision toSource toString valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptNumberMethod
+ hi def link typescriptNumberMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName String nextgroup=typescriptGlobalStringDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalStringDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptStringStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringStaticMethod contained fromCharCode fromCodePoint raw nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptStringStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained anchor charAt charCodeAt codePointAt nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained concat endsWith includes indexOf lastIndexOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained link localeCompare match normalize nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained padStart padEnd repeat replace search nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained slice split startsWith substr substring nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained toLocaleLowerCase toLocaleUpperCase nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained toLowerCase toString toUpperCase trim nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptStringMethod contained valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptStringMethod
+ hi def link typescriptStringMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Array nextgroup=typescriptGlobalArrayDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalArrayDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptArrayStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayStaticMethod contained from isArray of nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptArrayStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained concat copyWithin entries every fill nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained filter find findIndex forEach indexOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained includes join keys lastIndexOf map nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained pop push reduce reduceRight reverse nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained shift slice some sort splice toLocaleString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptArrayMethod contained toSource toString unshift nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptArrayMethod
+ hi def link typescriptArrayMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Object nextgroup=typescriptGlobalObjectDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalObjectDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptObjectStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained create defineProperties defineProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained entries freeze getOwnPropertyDescriptors nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained getOwnPropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyNames nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained getOwnPropertySymbols getPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained is isExtensible isFrozen isSealed nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectStaticMethod contained keys preventExtensions values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptObjectStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained getOwnPropertyDescriptors hasOwnProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained isPrototypeOf propertyIsEnumerable nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained toLocaleString toString valueOf seal nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptObjectMethod contained setPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptObjectMethod
+ hi def link typescriptObjectMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Symbol nextgroup=typescriptGlobalSymbolDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalSymbolDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptSymbolStaticProp,typescriptSymbolStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained length iterator match replace
+ syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained search split hasInstance isConcatSpreadable
+ syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained unscopables species toPrimitive
+ syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticProp contained toStringTag
+ hi def link typescriptSymbolStaticProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptSymbolStaticMethod contained for keyFor nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptSymbolStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Function
+ syntax keyword typescriptFunctionMethod contained apply bind call nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptFunctionMethod
+ hi def link typescriptFunctionMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Math nextgroup=typescriptGlobalMathDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalMathDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptMathStaticProp,typescriptMathStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticProp contained E LN10 LN2 LOG10E LOG2E PI SQRT1_2
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticProp contained SQRT2
+ hi def link typescriptMathStaticProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained abs acos acosh asin asinh atan nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained atan2 atanh cbrt ceil clz32 cos nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained cosh exp expm1 floor fround hypot nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained imul log log10 log1p log2 max nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained min pow random round sign sin nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptMathStaticMethod contained sinh sqrt tan tanh trunc nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptMathStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Date nextgroup=typescriptGlobalDateDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalDateDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptDateStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateStaticMethod contained UTC now parse nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptDateStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getDate getDay getFullYear getHours nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getMilliseconds getMinutes getMonth nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getSeconds getTime getTimezoneOffset nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCDate getUTCDay getUTCFullYear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCHours getUTCMilliseconds getUTCMinutes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained getUTCMonth getUTCSeconds setDate setFullYear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setHours setMilliseconds setMinutes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setMonth setSeconds setTime setUTCDate nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setUTCFullYear setUTCHours setUTCMilliseconds nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained setUTCMinutes setUTCMonth setUTCSeconds nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toDateString toISOString toJSON toLocaleDateString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toLocaleFormat toLocaleString toLocaleTimeString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained toSource toString toTimeString toUTCString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDateMethod contained valueOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDateMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDateMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName JSON nextgroup=typescriptGlobalJSONDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalJSONDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptJSONStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptJSONStaticMethod contained parse stringify nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptJSONStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RegExp nextgroup=typescriptGlobalRegExpDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalRegExpDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptRegExpStaticProp,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptRegExpStaticProp contained lastIndex
+ hi def link typescriptRegExpStaticProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptRegExpProp contained global ignoreCase multiline source sticky
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptRegExpProp
+ hi def link typescriptRegExpProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptRegExpMethod contained exec test nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptRegExpMethod
+ hi def link typescriptRegExpMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Map WeakMap
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6MapProp contained size
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6MapProp
+ hi def link typescriptES6MapProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6MapMethod contained clear delete entries forEach get has nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6MapMethod contained keys set values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6MapMethod
+ hi def link typescriptES6MapMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Set WeakSet
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6SetProp contained size
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6SetProp
+ hi def link typescriptES6SetProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6SetMethod contained add clear delete entries forEach has nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptES6SetMethod contained values nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptES6SetMethod
+ hi def link typescriptES6SetMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Proxy
+ syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained getOwnPropertyDescriptor getOwnPropertyNames
+ syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained defineProperty deleteProperty freeze seal
+ syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained preventExtensions has hasOwn get set enumerate
+ syntax keyword typescriptProxyAPI contained iterate ownKeys apply construct
+ hi def link typescriptProxyAPI Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Promise nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalPromiseDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptPromiseStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptPromiseStaticMethod contained resolve reject all race nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptPromiseStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPromiseMethod contained then catch finally nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPromiseMethod
+ hi def link typescriptPromiseMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Reflect
+ syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained apply construct defineProperty deleteProperty nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained enumerate get getOwnPropertyDescriptor nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained getPrototypeOf has isExtensible ownKeys nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptReflectMethod contained preventExtensions set setPrototypeOf nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptReflectMethod
+ hi def link typescriptReflectMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Intl
+ syntax keyword typescriptIntlMethod contained Collator DateTimeFormat NumberFormat nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptIntlMethod contained PluralRules nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptIntlMethod
+ hi def link typescriptIntlMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName global process
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName console Buffer
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName module exports
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName setTimeout
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName clearTimeout
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName setInterval
+ syntax keyword typescriptNodeGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName clearInterval
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+ syntax keyword typescriptTestGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName describe
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+ syntax keyword typescriptTestGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName afterEach
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+ syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioContext AudioDestinationNode
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+ syntax keyword typescriptBOM containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TextDecoder TextEncoder
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+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMLocationProp contained pathname search hash username password
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMLocationProp contained origin
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMLocationProp
+ hi def link typescriptBOMLocationProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMLocationMethod contained assign reload replace toString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMLocationMethod
+ hi def link typescriptBOMLocationMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMHistoryProp contained length current next previous state
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMHistoryProp contained scrollRestoration
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMHistoryProp
+ hi def link typescriptBOMHistoryProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMHistoryMethod contained back forward go pushState replaceState nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMHistoryMethod
+ hi def link typescriptBOMHistoryMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName console
+ syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained count dir error group groupCollapsed nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained groupEnd info log time timeEnd trace nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptConsoleMethod contained warn nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptConsoleMethod
+ hi def link typescriptConsoleMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName XMLHttpRequest
+ hi def link typescriptXHRGlobal Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained onreadystatechange readyState response
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained responseText responseType responseXML status
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRProp contained statusText timeout ontimeout upload withCredentials
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptXHRProp
+ hi def link typescriptXHRProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRMethod contained abort getAllResponseHeaders getResponseHeader nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptXHRMethod contained open overrideMimeType send setRequestHeader nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptXHRMethod
+ hi def link typescriptXHRMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Blob BlobBuilder
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName File FileReader
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName FileReaderSync
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URL nextgroup=typescriptGlobalURLDot,typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptGlobalURLDot /\./ contained nextgroup=typescriptURLStaticMethod,typescriptProp
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName URLUtils
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileMethod contained readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileMethod
+ hi def link typescriptFileMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderProp contained error readyState result
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileReaderProp
+ hi def link typescriptFileReaderProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderMethod contained abort readAsArrayBuffer readAsBinaryString nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileReaderMethod contained readAsDataURL readAsText nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileReaderMethod
+ hi def link typescriptFileReaderMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptFileListMethod contained item nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptFileListMethod
+ hi def link typescriptFileListMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptBlobMethod contained append getBlob getFile nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBlobMethod
+ hi def link typescriptBlobMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained hash host hostname href origin password
+ syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained pathname port protocol search searchParams
+ syntax keyword typescriptURLUtilsProp contained username
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptURLUtilsProp
+ hi def link typescriptURLUtilsProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptURLStaticMethod contained createObjectURL revokeObjectURL nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ hi def link typescriptURLStaticMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptCryptoGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName crypto
+ hi def link typescriptCryptoGlobal Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained encrypt decrypt sign verify nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod contained digest nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod
+ hi def link typescriptSubtleCryptoMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptCryptoProp contained subtle
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptCryptoProp
+ hi def link typescriptCryptoProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptCryptoMethod contained getRandomValues nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptCryptoMethod
+ hi def link typescriptCryptoMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Headers Request
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Response
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobalMethod containedin=typescriptIdentifierName fetch nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptGlobalMethod
+ hi def link typescriptGlobalMethod Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptHeadersMethod contained append delete get getAll has set nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptHeadersMethod
+ hi def link typescriptHeadersMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptRequestProp contained method url headers context referrer
+ syntax keyword typescriptRequestProp contained mode credentials cache
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptRequestProp
+ hi def link typescriptRequestProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptRequestMethod contained clone nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptRequestMethod
+ hi def link typescriptRequestMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptResponseProp contained type url status statusText headers
+ syntax keyword typescriptResponseProp contained redirected
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptResponseProp
+ hi def link typescriptResponseProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptResponseMethod contained clone nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptResponseMethod
+ hi def link typescriptResponseMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerProp contained controller ready
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptServiceWorkerProp
+ hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerMethod contained register getRegistration nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptServiceWorkerMethod
+ hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Cache
+ syntax keyword typescriptCacheMethod contained match matchAll add addAll put delete nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptCacheMethod contained keys nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptCacheMethod
+ hi def link typescriptCacheMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptEncodingGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TextEncoder
+ syntax keyword typescriptEncodingGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TextDecoder
+ hi def link typescriptEncodingGlobal Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptEncodingProp contained encoding fatal ignoreBOM
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptEncodingProp
+ hi def link typescriptEncodingProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptEncodingMethod contained encode decode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptEncodingMethod
+ hi def link typescriptEncodingMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName Geolocation
+ syntax keyword typescriptGeolocationMethod contained getCurrentPosition watchPosition nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptGeolocationMethod contained clearWatch nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptGeolocationMethod
+ hi def link typescriptGeolocationMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName NetworkInformation
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMNetworkProp contained downlink downlinkMax effectiveType
+ syntax keyword typescriptBOMNetworkProp contained rtt type
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptBOMNetworkProp
+ hi def link typescriptBOMNetworkProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptGlobal containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PaymentRequest
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentMethod contained show abort canMakePayment nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentMethod
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentProp contained shippingAddress shippingOption result
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentProp
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentEvent contained onshippingaddresschange onshippingoptionchange
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentEvent Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseMethod contained complete nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentResponseMethod
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentResponseMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained details methodName payerEmail
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained payerPhone shippingAddress
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentResponseProp contained shippingOption
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentResponseProp
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentResponseProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained addressLine careOf city country
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained country dependentLocality languageCode
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained organization phone postalCode
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentAddressProp contained recipient region sortingCode
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentAddressProp
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentAddressProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp contained id label amount selected
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp
+ hi def link typescriptPaymentShippingOptionProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained attributes baseURI baseURIObject childNodes
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained firstChild lastChild localName namespaceURI
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained nextSibling nodeName nodePrincipal
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained nodeType nodeValue ownerDocument parentElement
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeProp contained parentNode prefix previousSibling textContent
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMNodeProp
+ hi def link typescriptDOMNodeProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained appendChild cloneNode compareDocumentPosition nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained getUserData hasAttributes hasChildNodes nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained insertBefore isDefaultNamespace isEqualNode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained isSameNode isSupported lookupNamespaceURI nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained lookupPrefix normalize removeChild nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained replaceChild setUserData nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax match typescriptDOMNodeMethod contained /contains/
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMNodeMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMNodeMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained ELEMENT_NODE ATTRIBUTE_NODE TEXT_NODE
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained CDATA_SECTION_NODEN_NODE ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained ENTITY_NODE PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODEN_NODE
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained COMMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_NODE DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMNodeType contained DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE NOTATION_NODE
+ hi def link typescriptDOMNodeType Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained accessKey clientHeight clientLeft
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained clientTop clientWidth id innerHTML
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained length onafterscriptexecute onbeforescriptexecute
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained oncopy oncut onpaste onwheel scrollHeight
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained scrollLeft scrollTop scrollWidth tagName
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained classList className name outerHTML
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemAttrs contained style
+ hi def link typescriptDOMElemAttrs Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getAttributeNS getAttributeNode getAttributeNodeNS
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getBoundingClientRect getClientRects
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getElementsByTagNameNS hasAttribute
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained hasAttributeNS insertAdjacentHTML
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained matches querySelector querySelectorAll
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained removeAttribute removeAttributeNS
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained removeAttributeNode requestFullscreen
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained requestPointerLock scrollIntoView
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained setAttribute setAttributeNS setAttributeNode
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained setAttributeNodeNS setCapture supports
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMElemFuncs contained getAttribute
+ hi def link typescriptDOMElemFuncs Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained activeElement body cookie defaultView
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained designMode dir domain embeds forms head
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained images lastModified links location plugins
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained postMessage readyState referrer registerElement
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained scripts styleSheets title vlinkColor
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained xmlEncoding characterSet compatMode
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained contentType currentScript doctype documentElement
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained documentURI documentURIObject firstChild
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained implementation lastStyleSheetSet namespaceURI
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained nodePrincipal ononline pointerLockElement
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained popupNode preferredStyleSheetSet selectedStyleSheetSet
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocProp contained styleSheetSets textContent tooltipNode
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMDocProp
+ hi def link typescriptDOMDocProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained caretPositionFromPoint close createNodeIterator nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createRange createTreeWalker elementFromPoint nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByName adoptNode createAttribute nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createCDATASection createComment createDocumentFragment nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createElement createElementNS createEvent nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createExpression createNSResolver nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained createProcessingInstruction createTextNode nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained enableStyleSheetsForSet evaluate execCommand nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained exitPointerLock getBoxObjectFor getElementById nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByClassName getElementsByTagName nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained getElementsByTagNameNS getSelection nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained hasFocus importNode loadOverlay open nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained queryCommandSupported querySelector nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMDocMethod contained querySelectorAll write writeln nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMDocMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMDocMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained addEventListener removeEventListener nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod contained dispatchEvent waitUntil nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMEventTargetMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AnimationEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName AudioProcessingEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BeforeInputEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BeforeUnloadEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName BlobEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ClipboardEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CloseEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CompositionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CSSFontFaceLoadEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName CustomEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceLightEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceMotionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceOrientationEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DeviceProximityEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DOMTransactionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName DragEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName EditingBeforeInputEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ErrorEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName FocusEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName GamepadEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName HashChangeEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName IDBVersionChangeEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName KeyboardEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MediaStreamEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MessageEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MouseEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName MutationEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName OfflineAudioCompletionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PageTransitionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PointerEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName PopStateEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName ProgressEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RelatedEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SensorEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName StorageEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SVGEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName SVGZoomEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TimeEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TouchEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TrackEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName TransitionEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName UIEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName UserProximityEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventCons containedin=typescriptIdentifierName WheelEvent
+ hi def link typescriptDOMEventCons Structure
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained bubbles cancelable currentTarget defaultPrevented
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained eventPhase target timeStamp type isTrusted
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventProp contained isReload
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventProp
+ hi def link typescriptDOMEventProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventMethod contained initEvent preventDefault stopImmediatePropagation nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMEventMethod contained stopPropagation respondWith default nextgroup=typescriptEventFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMEventMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMEventMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorage contained sessionStorage localStorage
+ hi def link typescriptDOMStorage Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageProp contained length
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMStorageProp
+ hi def link typescriptDOMStorageProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageMethod contained getItem key setItem removeItem nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStorageMethod contained clear nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMStorageMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMStorageMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormProp contained acceptCharset action elements encoding
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormProp contained enctype length method name target
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMFormProp
+ hi def link typescriptDOMFormProp Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMFormMethod contained reportValidity reset submit nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg
+ syntax cluster props add=typescriptDOMFormMethod
+ hi def link typescriptDOMFormMethod Keyword
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained alignContent alignItems alignSelf animation
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationDelay animationDirection animationDuration
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationFillMode animationIterationCount
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained animationName animationPlayState animationTimingFunction
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained appearance backfaceVisibility background
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundAttachment backgroundBlendMode
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundClip backgroundColor backgroundImage
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundOrigin backgroundPosition backgroundRepeat
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained backgroundSize border borderBottom borderBottomColor
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomLeftRadius borderBottomRightRadius
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderBottomStyle borderBottomWidth borderCollapse
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderColor borderImage borderImageOutset
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderImageRepeat borderImageSlice borderImageSource
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderImageWidth borderLeft borderLeftColor
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth borderRadius
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderRight borderRightColor borderRightStyle
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderRightWidth borderSpacing borderStyle
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderTop borderTopColor borderTopLeftRadius
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderTopRightRadius borderTopStyle borderTopWidth
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained borderWidth bottom boxDecorationBreak
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained boxShadow boxSizing breakAfter breakBefore
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained breakInside captionSide caretColor caretShape
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained caret clear clip clipPath color columns
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnCount columnFill columnGap columnRule
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnRuleColor columnRuleStyle columnRuleWidth
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained columnSpan columnWidth content counterIncrement
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained counterReset cursor direction display
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained emptyCells flex flexBasis flexDirection
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained flexFlow flexGrow flexShrink flexWrap
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained float font fontFamily fontFeatureSettings
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontKerning fontLanguageOverride fontSize
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontSizeAdjust fontStretch fontStyle fontSynthesis
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariant fontVariantAlternates fontVariantCaps
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantEastAsian fontVariantLigatures
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontVariantNumeric fontVariantPosition
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained fontWeight grad grid gridArea gridAutoColumns
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridAutoFlow gridAutoPosition gridAutoRows
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridColumn gridColumnStart gridColumnEnd
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridRow gridRowStart gridRowEnd gridTemplate
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained gridTemplateAreas gridTemplateRows gridTemplateColumns
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained height hyphens imageRendering imageResolution
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained imageOrientation imeMode inherit justifyContent
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained left letterSpacing lineBreak lineHeight
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained listStyleType margin marginBottom marginLeft
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained marginRight marginTop marks mask maskType
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained mixBlendMode objectFit objectPosition
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained opacity order orphans outline outlineColor
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained outlineOffset outlineStyle outlineWidth
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained overflow overflowWrap overflowX overflowY
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained overflowClipBox padding paddingBottom
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop pageBreakAfter
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained pageBreakBefore pageBreakInside perspective
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained perspectiveOrigin pointerEvents position
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained quotes resize right shapeImageThreshold
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained shapeMargin shapeOutside tableLayout tabSize
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textAlign textAlignLast textCombineHorizontal
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textDecoration textDecorationColor textDecorationLine
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textDecorationStyle textIndent textOrientation
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textOverflow textRendering textShadow
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained textTransform textUnderlinePosition top
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained touchAction transform transformOrigin
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transformStyle transition transitionDelay
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transitionDuration transitionProperty
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained transitionTimingFunction unicodeBidi unicodeRange
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained userSelect userZoom verticalAlign visibility
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained whiteSpace width willChange wordBreak
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMStyle contained wordSpacing wordWrap writingMode zIndex
+ hi def link typescriptDOMStyle Keyword
+ let typescript_props = 1
+ syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained animationend animationiteration
+ syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained animationstart beginEvent endEvent
+ syntax keyword typescriptAnimationEvent contained repeatEvent
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptAnimationEvent
+ hi def link typescriptAnimationEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewRefreshed CssRuleViewChanged
+ syntax keyword typescriptCSSEvent contained CssRuleViewCSSLinkClicked transitionend
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptCSSEvent
+ hi def link typescriptCSSEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptDatabaseEvent contained blocked complete error success upgradeneeded
+ syntax keyword typescriptDatabaseEvent contained versionchange
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptDatabaseEvent
+ hi def link typescriptDatabaseEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMLinkAdded DOMLinkRemoved DOMMetaAdded
+ syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMMetaRemoved DOMWillOpenModalDialog
+ syntax keyword typescriptDocumentEvent contained DOMModalDialogClosed unload
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptDocumentEvent
+ hi def link typescriptDocumentEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMAttributeNameChanged DOMAttrModified
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMCharacterDataModified DOMContentLoaded
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMElementNameChanged DOMNodeInserted
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument DOMNodeRemoved
+ syntax keyword typescriptDOMMutationEvent contained DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument DOMSubtreeModified
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptDOMMutationEvent
+ hi def link typescriptDOMMutationEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained drag dragdrop dragend dragenter dragexit
+ syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained draggesture dragleave dragover dragstart
+ syntax keyword typescriptDragEvent contained drop
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptDragEvent
+ hi def link typescriptDragEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptElementEvent contained invalid overflow underflow DOMAutoComplete
+ syntax keyword typescriptElementEvent contained command commandupdate
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptElementEvent
+ hi def link typescriptElementEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptFocusEvent contained blur change DOMFocusIn DOMFocusOut focus
+ syntax keyword typescriptFocusEvent contained focusin focusout
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptFocusEvent
+ hi def link typescriptFocusEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptFormEvent contained reset submit
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptFormEvent
+ hi def link typescriptFormEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptFrameEvent contained DOMFrameContentLoaded
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptFrameEvent
+ hi def link typescriptFrameEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained click contextmenu DOMMouseScroll
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained dblclick gamepadconnected gamepaddisconnected
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained keydown keypress keyup MozGamepadButtonDown
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained MozGamepadButtonUp mousedown mouseenter
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseleave mousemove mouseout
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained mouseover mouseup mousewheel MozMousePixelScroll
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained pointerlockchange pointerlockerror
+ syntax keyword typescriptInputDeviceEvent contained wheel
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptInputDeviceEvent
+ hi def link typescriptInputDeviceEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained audioprocess canplay canplaythrough
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained durationchange emptied ended ended loadeddata
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained loadedmetadata MozAudioAvailable pause
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained play playing ratechange seeked seeking
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange
+ syntax keyword typescriptMediaEvent contained waiting complete
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptMediaEvent
+ hi def link typescriptMediaEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptMenuEvent contained DOMMenuItemActive DOMMenuItemInactive
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptMenuEvent
+ hi def link typescriptMenuEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptNetworkEvent contained datachange dataerror disabled enabled
+ syntax keyword typescriptNetworkEvent contained offline online statuschange connectionInfoUpdate
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptNetworkEvent
+ hi def link typescriptNetworkEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptProgressEvent contained abort error load loadend loadstart
+ syntax keyword typescriptProgressEvent contained progress timeout uploadprogress
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptProgressEvent
+ hi def link typescriptProgressEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptResourceEvent contained cached error load
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptResourceEvent
+ hi def link typescriptResourceEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptScriptEvent contained afterscriptexecute beforescriptexecute
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptScriptEvent
+ hi def link typescriptScriptEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained compassneedscalibration devicelight
+ syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained devicemotion deviceorientation deviceproximity
+ syntax keyword typescriptSensorEvent contained orientationchange userproximity
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptSensorEvent
+ hi def link typescriptSensorEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptSessionHistoryEvent contained pagehide pageshow popstate
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptSessionHistoryEvent
+ hi def link typescriptSessionHistoryEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptStorageEvent contained change storage
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptStorageEvent
+ hi def link typescriptStorageEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptSVGEvent contained SVGAbort SVGError SVGLoad SVGResize SVGScroll
+ syntax keyword typescriptSVGEvent contained SVGUnload SVGZoom
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptSVGEvent
+ hi def link typescriptSVGEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptTabEvent contained visibilitychange
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptTabEvent
+ hi def link typescriptTabEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptTextEvent contained compositionend compositionstart compositionupdate
+ syntax keyword typescriptTextEvent contained copy cut paste select text
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptTextEvent
+ hi def link typescriptTextEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptTouchEvent contained touchcancel touchend touchenter touchleave
+ syntax keyword typescriptTouchEvent contained touchmove touchstart
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptTouchEvent
+ hi def link typescriptTouchEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptUpdateEvent contained checking downloading error noupdate
+ syntax keyword typescriptUpdateEvent contained obsolete updateready
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptUpdateEvent
+ hi def link typescriptUpdateEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptValueChangeEvent contained hashchange input readystatechange
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptValueChangeEvent
+ hi def link typescriptValueChangeEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptViewEvent contained fullscreen fullscreenchange fullscreenerror
+ syntax keyword typescriptViewEvent contained resize scroll
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptViewEvent
+ hi def link typescriptViewEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptWebsocketEvent contained close error message open
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptWebsocketEvent
+ hi def link typescriptWebsocketEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptWindowEvent contained DOMWindowCreated DOMWindowClose DOMTitleChanged
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptWindowEvent
+ hi def link typescriptWindowEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptUncategorizedEvent contained beforeunload message open show
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptUncategorizedEvent
+ hi def link typescriptUncategorizedEvent Title
+ syntax keyword typescriptServiceWorkerEvent contained install activate fetch
+ syntax cluster events add=typescriptServiceWorkerEvent
+ hi def link typescriptServiceWorkerEvent Title
+" patch
+" patch for generated code
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal Promise
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg,typescriptTypeArguments oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptGlobal Map WeakMap
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptGlobalPromiseDot,typescriptFuncCallArg,typescriptTypeArguments oneline
+syntax keyword typescriptConstructor contained constructor
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster memberNextGroup contains=typescriptMemberOptionality,typescriptTypeAnnotation,@typescriptCallSignature
+syntax match typescriptMember /#\?\K\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptMethodAccessor contained /\v(get|set)\s\K/me=e-1
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptMembers
+syntax cluster typescriptPropertyMemberDeclaration contains=
+ \ typescriptClassStatic,
+ \ typescriptAccessibilityModifier,
+ \ typescriptReadonlyModifier,
+ \ typescriptMethodAccessor,
+ \ @typescriptMembers
+ " \ typescriptMemberVariableDeclaration
+syntax match typescriptMemberOptionality /?\|!/ contained
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptTypeAnnotation,@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax cluster typescriptMembers contains=typescriptMember,typescriptStringMember,typescriptComputedMember
+syntax keyword typescriptClassStatic static
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptMembers,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,typescriptReadonlyModifier
+ \ skipwhite contained
+syntax keyword typescriptAccessibilityModifier public private protected contained
+syntax keyword typescriptReadonlyModifier readonly contained
+syntax region typescriptStringMember contained
+ \ start=/\z(["']\)/ skip=/\\\\\|\\\z1\|\\\n/ end=/\z1/
+ \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax region typescriptComputedMember contained matchgroup=typescriptProperty
+ \ start=/\[/rs=s+1 end=/]/
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue,typescriptMember,typescriptMappedIn
+ \ nextgroup=@memberNextGroup
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+"don't add typescriptMembers to nextgroup, let outer scope match it
+" so we won't match abstract method outside abstract class
+syntax keyword typescriptAbstract abstract
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassKeyword
+ \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptClassKeyword class
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassName,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassBlock
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptClassName contained /\K\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassTypeParameter
+ \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptClassTypeParameter
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=@typescriptTypeParameterCluster
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptClassExtends contained extends implements nextgroup=typescriptClassHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptClassHeritage contained /\v(\k|\.|\(|\))+/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassBlock,typescriptClassExtends,typescriptMixinComma,typescriptClassTypeArguments
+ \ contains=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite skipnl
+ \ contained
+syntax region typescriptClassTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptClassExtends,typescriptClassBlock,typescriptMixinComma
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptMixinComma /,/ contained nextgroup=typescriptClassHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+" we need add arrowFunc to class block for high order arrow func
+" see test case
+syntax region typescriptClassBlock matchgroup=typescriptBraces start=/{/ end=/}/
+ \ contains=@typescriptPropertyMemberDeclaration,typescriptAbstract,@typescriptComments,typescriptBlock,typescriptAssign,typescriptDecorator,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,typescriptArrowFunc
+ \ contained fold
+syntax keyword typescriptInterfaceKeyword interface nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceName skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptInterfaceName contained /\k\+/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceExtends,typescriptInterfaceTypeParameter
+ \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax region typescriptInterfaceTypeParameter
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/
+ \ contains=@typescriptTypeParameterCluster
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceExtends
+ \ contained
+ \ skipwhite skipnl
+syntax keyword typescriptInterfaceExtends contained extends nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptInterfaceHeritage contained /\v(\k|\.)+/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceComma,typescriptInterfaceTypeArguments
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptInterfaceTypeArguments matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/ skip=/\s*,\s*/
+ \ contains=@typescriptType
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptObjectType,typescriptInterfaceComma
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax match typescriptInterfaceComma /,/ contained nextgroup=typescriptInterfaceHeritage skipwhite skipnl
+"Block VariableStatement EmptyStatement ExpressionStatement IfStatement IterationStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement ReturnStatement WithStatement LabelledStatement SwitchStatement ThrowStatement TryStatement DebuggerStatement
+syntax cluster typescriptStatement
+ \ contains=typescriptBlock,typescriptVariable,
+ \ @typescriptTopExpression,typescriptAssign,
+ \ typescriptConditional,typescriptRepeat,typescriptBranch,
+ \ typescriptLabel,typescriptStatementKeyword,
+ \ typescriptFuncKeyword,
+ \ typescriptTry,typescriptExceptions,typescriptDebugger,
+ \ typescriptExport,typescriptInterfaceKeyword,typescriptEnum,
+ \ typescriptModule,typescriptAliasKeyword,typescriptImport
+syntax cluster typescriptPrimitive contains=typescriptString,typescriptTemplate,typescriptRegexpString,typescriptNumber,typescriptBoolean,typescriptNull,typescriptArray
+syntax cluster typescriptEventTypes contains=typescriptEventString,typescriptTemplate,typescriptNumber,typescriptBoolean,typescriptNull
+" top level expression: no arrow func
+" also no func keyword. funcKeyword is contained in statement
+" funcKeyword allows overloading (func without body)
+" funcImpl requires body
+syntax cluster typescriptTopExpression
+ \ contains=@typescriptPrimitive,
+ \ typescriptIdentifier,typescriptIdentifierName,
+ \ typescriptOperator,typescriptUnaryOp,
+ \ typescriptParenExp,typescriptRegexpString,
+ \ typescriptGlobal,typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword,
+ \ typescriptClassKeyword,typescriptTypeCast
+" no object literal, used in type cast and arrow func
+" TODO: change func keyword to funcImpl
+syntax cluster typescriptExpression
+ \ contains=@typescriptTopExpression,
+ \ typescriptArrowFuncDef,
+ \ typescriptFuncImpl
+syntax cluster typescriptValue
+ \ contains=@typescriptExpression,typescriptObjectLiteral
+syntax cluster typescriptEventExpression contains=typescriptArrowFuncDef,typescriptParenExp,@typescriptValue,typescriptRegexpString,@typescriptEventTypes,typescriptOperator,typescriptGlobal,jsxRegion
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword async
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncKeyword,typescriptArrowFuncDef
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword await
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptValue
+ \ skipwhite
+syntax keyword typescriptFuncKeyword function
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptAsyncFunc,typescriptFuncName,@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptAsyncFunc contained /*/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncName,@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptFuncName contained /\K\k*/
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptCallSignature
+ \ skipwhite
+" destructuring ({ a: ee }) =>
+syntax match typescriptArrowFuncDef contained /(\(\s*\({\_[^}]*}\|\k\+\)\(:\_[^)]\)\?,\?\)\+)\s*=>/
+ \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+" matches `(a) =>` or `([a]) =>` or
+" `(
+" a) =>`
+syntax match typescriptArrowFuncDef contained /(\(\_s*[a-zA-Z\$_\[.]\_[^)]*\)*)\s*=>/
+ \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+syntax match typescriptArrowFuncDef contained /\K\k*\s*=>/
+ \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty
+" TODO: optimize this pattern
+syntax region typescriptArrowFuncDef contained start=/(\_[^(^)]*):/ end=/=>/
+ \ contains=typescriptArrowFuncArg,typescriptArrowFunc,typescriptTypeAnnotation
+ \ nextgroup=@typescriptExpression,typescriptBlock
+ \ skipwhite skipempty keepend
+syntax match typescriptArrowFunc /=>/
+syntax match typescriptArrowFuncArg contained /\K\k*/
+syntax region typescriptArrowFuncArg contained start=/<\|(/ end=/\ze=>/ contains=@typescriptCallSignature
+syntax region typescriptReturnAnnotation contained start=/:/ end=/{/me=e-1 contains=@typescriptType nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+syntax region typescriptFuncImpl contained start=/function\>/ end=/{/me=e-1
+ \ contains=typescriptFuncKeyword
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptBlock
+syntax cluster typescriptCallImpl contains=typescriptGenericImpl,typescriptParamImpl
+syntax region typescriptGenericImpl matchgroup=typescriptTypeBrackets
+ \ start=/</ end=/>/ skip=/\s*,\s*/
+ \ contains=typescriptTypeParameter
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptParamImpl
+ \ contained skipwhite
+syntax region typescriptParamImpl matchgroup=typescriptParens
+ \ start=/(/ end=/)/
+ \ contains=typescriptDecorator,@typescriptParameterList,@typescriptComments
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptReturnAnnotation,typescriptBlock
+ \ contained skipwhite skipnl
+syntax match typescriptDecorator /@\([_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*\.\)*[_$a-zA-Z][_$a-zA-Z0-9]*\>/
+ \ nextgroup=typescriptFuncCallArg,typescriptTypeArguments
+ \ contains=@_semantic,typescriptDotNotation
+" Define the default highlighting.
+hi def link typescriptReserved Error
+hi def link typescriptEndColons Exception
+hi def link typescriptSymbols Normal
+hi def link typescriptBraces Function
+hi def link typescriptParens Normal
+hi def link typescriptComment Comment
+hi def link typescriptLineComment Comment
+hi def link typescriptDocComment Comment
+hi def link typescriptCommentTodo Todo
+hi def link typescriptMagicComment SpecialComment
+hi def link typescriptRef Include
+hi def link typescriptDocNotation SpecialComment
+hi def link typescriptDocTags SpecialComment
+hi def link typescriptDocNGParam typescriptDocParam
+hi def link typescriptDocParam Function
+hi def link typescriptDocNumParam Function
+hi def link typescriptDocEventRef Function
+hi def link typescriptDocNamedParamType Type
+hi def link typescriptDocParamName Type
+hi def link typescriptDocParamType Type
+hi def link typescriptString String
+hi def link typescriptSpecial Special
+hi def link typescriptStringLiteralType String
+hi def link typescriptTemplateLiteralType String
+hi def link typescriptStringMember String
+hi def link typescriptTemplate String
+hi def link typescriptEventString String
+hi def link typescriptDestructureString String
+hi def link typescriptASCII Special
+hi def link typescriptTemplateSB Label
+hi def link typescriptRegexpString String
+hi def link typescriptGlobal Constant
+hi def link typescriptTestGlobal Function
+hi def link typescriptPrototype Type
+hi def link typescriptConditional Conditional
+hi def link typescriptConditionalElse Conditional
+hi def link typescriptCase Conditional
+hi def link typescriptDefault typescriptCase
+hi def link typescriptBranch Conditional
+hi def link typescriptIdentifier Structure
+hi def link typescriptVariable Identifier
+hi def link typescriptDestructureVariable PreProc
+hi def link typescriptEnumKeyword Identifier
+hi def link typescriptRepeat Repeat
+hi def link typescriptForOperator Repeat
+hi def link typescriptStatementKeyword Statement
+hi def link typescriptMessage Keyword
+hi def link typescriptOperator Identifier
+hi def link typescriptKeywordOp Identifier
+hi def link typescriptCastKeyword Special
+hi def link typescriptType Type
+hi def link typescriptNull Boolean
+hi def link typescriptNumber Number
+hi def link typescriptBoolean Boolean
+hi def link typescriptObjectLabel typescriptLabel
+hi def link typescriptDestructureLabel Function
+hi def link typescriptLabel Label
+hi def link typescriptTupleLable Label
+hi def link typescriptStringProperty String
+hi def link typescriptImport Special
+hi def link typescriptImportType Special
+hi def link typescriptAmbientDeclaration Special
+hi def link typescriptExport Special
+hi def link typescriptExportType Special
+hi def link typescriptModule Special
+hi def link typescriptTry Special
+hi def link typescriptExceptions Special
+hi def link typescriptMember Function
+hi def link typescriptMethodAccessor Operator
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFuncKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptObjectAsyncKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFor Keyword
+hi def link typescriptFuncKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAsyncFunc Keyword
+hi def link typescriptArrowFunc Type
+hi def link typescriptFuncName Function
+hi def link typescriptFuncArg PreProc
+hi def link typescriptArrowFuncArg PreProc
+hi def link typescriptFuncComma Operator
+hi def link typescriptClassKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptClassExtends Keyword
+" hi def link typescriptClassName Function
+hi def link typescriptAbstract Special
+" hi def link typescriptClassHeritage Function
+" hi def link typescriptInterfaceHeritage Function
+hi def link typescriptClassStatic StorageClass
+hi def link typescriptReadonlyModifier Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceExtends Keyword
+hi def link typescriptInterfaceName Function
+hi def link shellbang Comment
+hi def link typescriptTypeParameter Identifier
+hi def link typescriptConstraint Keyword
+hi def link typescriptPredefinedType Type
+hi def link typescriptReadonlyArrayKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptUnion Operator
+hi def link typescriptFuncTypeArrow Function
+hi def link typescriptConstructorType Function
+hi def link typescriptTypeQuery Keyword
+hi def link typescriptAccessibilityModifier Keyword
+hi def link typescriptOptionalMark PreProc
+hi def link typescriptFuncType Special
+hi def link typescriptMappedIn Special
+hi def link typescriptCall PreProc
+hi def link typescriptParamImpl PreProc
+hi def link typescriptConstructSignature Identifier
+hi def link typescriptAliasDeclaration Identifier
+hi def link typescriptAliasKeyword Keyword
+hi def link typescriptUserDefinedType Keyword
+hi def link typescriptTypeReference Identifier
+hi def link typescriptConstructor Keyword
+hi def link typescriptDecorator Special
+hi def link typescriptAssertType Keyword
+hi link typeScript NONE
+if exists('s:cpo_save')
+ let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+ unlet s:cpo_save
" Language: sway window manager config
" Original Author: James Eapen <>
" Maintainer: James Eapen <>
-" Version: 0.11.0
-" Last Change: 2022 Jun 07
+" Version: 0.11.1
+" Last Change: 2022 Aug 08
" References:
syn keyword swayConfigBindGestureDirection up down left right next prev contained
syn keyword swayConfigBindGesturePinchDirection inward outward clockwise counterclockwise contained
syn match swayConfigBindGestureHold /^\s*\(bindgesture\)\s\+hold\(:[1-5]\)\?\s\+.*$/ contains=swayConfigBindKeyword,swayConfigBindGestureCommand,swayConfigBindGestureDirection,i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigAction
-syn match swayConfigBindGestureSwipe /^\s*\(bindgesture\)\s\+swipe\(:[1-5]\)\?:\(up\|down\|left\|right\)\s\+.*$/ contains=swayConfigBindKeyword,swayConfigBindGestureCommand,swayConfigBindGestureDirection,i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigAction
-syn match swayConfigBindGesturePinch /^\s*\(bindgesture\)\s\+\(pinch\):.*$/ contains=swayConfigBindKeyword,swayConfigBindGestureCommand,swayConfigBindGestureDirection,swayConfigBindGesturePinchDirection,i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigAction
+syn match swayConfigBindGestureSwipe /^\s*\(bindgesture\)\s\+swipe\(:[3-5]\)\?:\(up\|down\|left\|right\)\s\+.*$/ contains=swayConfigBindKeyword,swayConfigBindGestureCommand,swayConfigBindGestureDirection,i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigAction
+syn match swayConfigBindGesturePinch /^\s*\(bindgesture\)\s\+pinch\(:[2-5]\)\?:\(up\|down\|left\|right\|inward\|outward\|clockwise\|counterclockwise\)\(+\(up\|down\|left\|right\|inward\|outward\|clockwise\|counterclockwise\)\)\?.*$/ contains=swayConfigBindKeyword,swayConfigBindGestureCommand,swayConfigBindGestureDirection,swayConfigBindGesturePinchDirection,i3ConfigWorkspaceKeyword,i3ConfigAction
" floating
syn keyword swayConfigFloatingKeyword floating contained
" Source the part common with typescriptreact.vim
-source <sfile>:h/typescriptcommon.vim
+source <sfile>:h/shared/typescriptcommon.vim
let b:current_syntax = "typescript"
" Source the part common with typescriptreact.vim
-source <sfile>:h/typescriptcommon.vim
+source <sfile>:h/shared/typescriptcommon.vim
syntax cluster typescriptExpression add=tsxRegion,tsxFragment