%% The pages of a vhost are only accesible if the user is admin of that vhost:
get_acl_rule([<<"server">>, VHost | _RPath], Method)
when Method =:= 'GET' orelse Method =:= 'HEAD' ->
- AC = ejabberd_config:get_option({access, VHost}, configure),
- ACR = ejabberd_config:get_option({access_readonly, VHost}, webadmin_view),
- {VHost, [AC, ACR]};
+ {VHost, [configure, webadmin_view]};
get_acl_rule([<<"server">>, VHost | _RPath], 'POST') ->
- AC = ejabberd_config:get_option({access, VHost}, configure),
- {VHost, [AC]};
+ {VHost, [configure]};
%% Default rule: only global admins can access any other random page
get_acl_rule(_RPath, Method)
when Method =:= 'GET' orelse Method =:= 'HEAD' ->
- AC = ejabberd_config:get_option(access, configure),
- ACR = ejabberd_config:get_option(access_readonly, webadmin_view),
- {global, [AC, ACR]};
+ {global, [configure, webadmin_view]};
get_acl_rule(_RPath, 'POST') ->
- AC = ejabberd_config:get_option(access, configure),
- {global, [AC]}.
+ {global, [configure]}.
%%%% Menu Items Access
case ejabberd_auth:check_password(User, <<"">>, Server, Pass) of
true ->
case acl:any_rules_allowed(HostOfRule, AccessRule,
- jid:make(User, Server))
+ jid:make(User, Server))
false -> {unauthorized, <<"unprivileged-account">>};
true -> {ok, {User, Server}}