<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets" default="all">\r
+ <!-- \r
+ This is an attempt to rewrite build process in Ant.\r
+ This is still work in progress.\r
+ If you want to build extensions, you must start Ant with property specifying path to your JDK, for example:\r
+ ant -Dplatform.home=c:\jdk1.6\r
+ -->\r
<property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/.."/>\r
<import file="tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
<target name="build">\r
<ant dir="common"/>\r
- <ant dir="lib"/>\r
<ant dir="html"/>\r
<ant dir="fo"/>\r
<ant dir="manpages"/>\r
<ant dir="htmlhelp"/>\r
<ant dir="javahelp"/>\r
<ant dir="eclipse"/>\r
- <ant dir="roundtrip"/>\r
- <ant dir="slides"/>\r
+ <!-- FIXME: <ant dir="roundtrip"/> -->\r
+ <!-- FIXME: <ant dir="slides"/> -->\r
<ant dir="website"/>\r
<ant dir="extensions"/>\r
<ant dir="xhtml"/>\r
<target name="clean">\r
<ant dir="common" target="clean"/>\r
- <ant dir="lib" target="clean"/>\r
<ant dir="html" target="clean"/>\r
<ant dir="fo" target="clean"/>\r
<ant dir="manpages" target="clean"/>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets - Eclipse" default="all">\r
+ <property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/../.."/>\r
+ <import file="../tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
+ <target name="all" depends="profile">\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="profile">\r
+ <echo>Building profiling version of Eclipse stylesheet...</echo>\r
+ <xslt in="eclipse.xsl" out="profile-eclipse.xsl" style="../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl">\r
+ <factory name="com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl"/>\r
+ <classpath refid="saxon.classpath"/>\r
+ </xslt>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="clean">\r
+ <delete>\r
+ <fileset dir=".">\r
+ <!-- FIXME -->\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </delete>\r
+ </target>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets - Extensions" default="all">\r
+ <property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/../.."/>\r
+ <import file="../tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
+ <target name="all" depends="copy">\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="copy" depends="build">\r
+ <echo>Copying extensions...</echo>\r
+ <copy todir="." flatten="true">\r
+ <fileset dir="../..">\r
+ <include name="xsl-saxon/saxon65.jar"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-xalan/xalan27.jar"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-webhelpindexer/webhelpindexer.jar"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-webhelpindexer/lib/*.jar"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-libxslt/python/xslt.py"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-libxslt/python/python.py"/>\r
+ <include name="xsl-libxslt/python/README.LIBXSLT"/>\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </copy>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="build">\r
+ <ant dir="../../xsl-saxon">\r
+ <property name="file.reference.saxon.jar" value="${saxon.jar}"/>\r
+ </ant>\r
+ <ant dir="../../xsl-xalan">\r
+ <property name="file.reference.xalan.jar" value="${xalan.jar}"/>\r
+ </ant>\r
+ <ant dir="../../xsl-webhelpindexer"/>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="clean">\r
+ <delete>\r
+ <fileset dir=".">\r
+ <!-- FIXME -->\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </delete>\r
+ </target>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets - HTML Help" default="all">\r
+ <property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/../.."/>\r
+ <import file="../tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
+ <target name="all" depends="profile">\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="profile">\r
+ <echo>Building profiling version of HTML Help stylesheet...</echo>\r
+ <xslt in="htmlhelp-common.xsl" out="profile-htmlhelp-common.xsl" style="../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl">\r
+ <factory name="com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl"/>\r
+ <classpath refid="saxon.classpath"/>\r
+ </xslt>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="clean">\r
+ <delete>\r
+ <fileset dir=".">\r
+ <!-- FIXME -->\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </delete>\r
+ </target>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets - JavaHelp" default="all">\r
+ <property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/../.."/>\r
+ <import file="../tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
+ <target name="all" depends="profile">\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="profile">\r
+ <echo>Building profiling version of JavaHelp stylesheet...</echo>\r
+ <xslt in="javahelp.xsl" out="profile-javahelp.xsl" style="../profiling/xsl2profile.xsl">\r
+ <factory name="com.icl.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl"/>\r
+ <classpath refid="saxon.classpath"/>\r
+ </xslt>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="clean">\r
+ <delete>\r
+ <fileset dir=".">\r
+ <!-- FIXME -->\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </delete>\r
+ </target>\r
<property name="libs" value="${dbroot.dir}/tools/lib"/>\r
<property name="saxon9.jar" value="${libs}/saxon9he.jar"/>\r
<property name="saxon.jar" value="${libs}/saxon.jar"/>\r
+ <property name="xalan.jar" value="${libs}/xalan.jar"/>\r
<property name="xerces.jar" value="${libs}/xercesImpl.jar"/>\r
<property name="saxon-ant.jar" value="${libs}/saxon9-ant.jar"/>\r
<property name="jing.jar" value="${libs}/jing.jar"/>\r
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\r
+<project name="DocBook XSLT 1.0 stylesheets - Website" default="all">\r
+ <property name="dbroot.dir" value="${ant.file}/../.."/>\r
+ <import file="../tools/build-shared.xml"/>\r
+ <target name="all" depends="param">\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="param">\r
+ <echo>Building Website parameters...</echo>\r
+ <antcall target="build-params">\r
+ <param name="condition" value="website"/>\r
+ </antcall>\r
+ </target>\r
+ <target name="clean">\r
+ <delete>\r
+ <fileset dir=".">\r
+ <!-- FIXME -->\r
+ </fileset>\r
+ </delete>\r
+ </target>\r