LWGEOM *lwgeom;
int xml_size;
char *xml;
- int root_srid=0;
+ int root_srid=SRID_UNKNOWN;
bool hasz=true;
xmlNodePtr xmlroot=NULL;
lwgeom = parse_gml(xmlroot, &hasz, &root_srid);
- if ( root_srid )
+ if ( root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN )
lwgeom->srid = root_srid;
projPJ in_pj, out_pj;
char *text_in, *text_out;
- if (srid_in == 0 || srid_in == -1) return pa; /* nothing to do */
- if (srid_out == 0 || srid_out == -1) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 3);
+ if (srid_in == SRID_UNKNOWN) return pa; /* nothing to do */
+ if (srid_out == SRID_UNKNOWN) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 3);
text_in = GetProj4StringSPI(srid_in);
text_out = GetProj4StringSPI(srid_out);
* Parse gml srsName attribute
-static gmlSrs* parse_gml_srs(xmlNodePtr xnode)
+static void parse_gml_srs(xmlNodePtr xnode, gmlSrs *srs)
char *p;
- gmlSrs *srs;
int is_planar;
xmlNodePtr node;
xmlChar *srsname;
node = xnode;
srsname = gmlGetProp(node, (xmlChar *) "srsName");
+ printf("srsname %s\n",srsname);
if (!srsname)
if (node->parent == NULL)
- srs = (gmlSrs*) lwalloc(sizeof(gmlSrs));
srs->srid = SRID_UNKNOWN;
srs->reverse_axis = false;
- return srs;
+ return;
- return parse_gml_srs(node->parent);
+ parse_gml_srs(node->parent, srs);
- srs = (gmlSrs*) lwalloc(sizeof(gmlSrs));
- /* Severals srsName formats are available...
- * cf WFS 1.1.0 -> 9.2 (p36)
- * cf ISO 19142:2009 -> (p34)
- * cf RFC 5165 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5165>
- * cf CITE WFS-1.1 (GetFeature-tc17.2)
- */
- /* SRS pattern like: EPSG:4326
- urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4326
- urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326
- urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
- urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
- urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
- http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326
- http://www.epsg.org/6.11.2/4326
- */
- if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "EPSG:", 5))
- {
- sep = ':';
- latlon = false;
- }
- else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 21)
- || !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 23)
- || !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:", 23))
- {
- sep = ':';
- latlon = true;
- }
- else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname,
- "http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#", 40))
+ else
- sep = '#';
- latlon = false;
- }
- else gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 4);
+ /* Severals srsName formats are available...
+ * cf WFS 1.1.0 -> 9.2 (p36)
+ * cf ISO 19142:2009 -> (p34)
+ * cf RFC 5165 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5165>
+ * cf CITE WFS-1.1 (GetFeature-tc17.2)
+ */
- /* retrieve the last ':' or '#' char */
- for (p = (char *) srsname ; *p ; p++);
- for (--p ; *p != sep ; p--)
- if (!isdigit(*p)) gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 5);
+ /* SRS pattern like: EPSG:4326
+ urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:4326
+ urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:4326
+ urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
+ urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
+ urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.6:4326
+ http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#4326
+ http://www.epsg.org/6.11.2/4326
+ */
+ if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "EPSG:", 5))
+ {
+ sep = ':';
+ latlon = false;
+ }
+ else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 21)
+ || !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:", 23)
+ || !strncmp((char *) srsname, "urn:EPSG:geographicCRS:", 23))
+ {
+ sep = ':';
+ latlon = true;
+ }
+ else if (!strncmp((char *) srsname,
+ "http://www.opengis.net/gml/srs/epsg.xml#", 40))
+ {
+ sep = '#';
+ latlon = false;
+ }
+ else gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 4);
- srs->srid = atoi(++p);
+ /* retrieve the last ':' or '#' char */
+ for (p = (char *) srsname ; *p ; p++);
+ for (--p ; *p != sep ; p--)
+ if (!isdigit(*p)) gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 5);
- /* Check into spatial_ref_sys that this SRID really exist */
- is_planar = gml_is_srid_planar(srs->srid);
- if (srs->srid == SRID_UNKNOWN || is_planar == -1)
- gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 6);
+ srs->srid = atoi(++p);
- /* About lat/lon issue, Cf: http://tinyurl.com/yjpr55z */
- srs->reverse_axis = !is_planar && latlon;
+ /* Check into spatial_ref_sys that this SRID really exist */
+ is_planar = gml_is_srid_planar(srs->srid);
+ if (srs->srid == SRID_UNKNOWN || is_planar == -1)
+ gml_lwerror("unknown spatial reference system", 6);
- xmlFree(srsname);
- return srs;
+ /* About lat/lon issue, Cf: http://tinyurl.com/yjpr55z */
+ srs->reverse_axis = !is_planar && latlon;
+ xmlFree(srsname);
+ return;
+ }
POINTARRAY *pa = 0, *tmp_pa = 0;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
- gmlSrs *srs = 0;
+ gmlSrs srs;
bool found;
pa = NULL;
if (tmp_pa->npoints != 1)
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 31);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xb);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) tmp_pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(tmp_pa);
- if (!*root_srid) *root_srid = srs->srid;
- else if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- gml_reproject_pa(tmp_pa, srs->srid, *root_srid);
+ parse_gml_srs(xb, &srs);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) tmp_pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(tmp_pa);
+ if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN) *root_srid = srs.srid;
+ else if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
+ gml_reproject_pa(tmp_pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
if (pa == NULL) pa = tmp_pa;
else pa = ptarray_merge(pa, tmp_pa);
- lwfree(srs);
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_point(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- if (xnode->children == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 33);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return lwpoint_as_lwgeom(lwpoint_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
pa = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (pa->npoints != 1) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 34);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
if (!*root_srid)
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
+ *root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoint_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs->srid, *root_srid);
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
+ gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoint_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
- lwfree(srs);
return geom;
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_line(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- if (xnode->children == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 35);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return lwline_as_lwgeom(lwline_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
pa = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
if (pa->npoints < 2) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 36);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
if (!*root_srid)
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
+ *root_srid = srs.srid;
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs->srid, *root_srid);
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid)
+ gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
- lwfree(srs);
return geom;
xmlNodePtr xa;
int lss, last, i;
bool found=false;
- gmlSrs *srs=NULL;
+ gmlSrs srs;
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
- }
- else
- {
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs->srid, *root_srid);
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
+ gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *) lwline_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
return geom;
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_linearring(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
ppa = (POINTARRAY**) lwalloc(sizeof(POINTARRAY*));
ppa[0] = parse_gml_data(xnode->children, hasz, root_srid);
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 42);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis)
+ ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, 1, ppa);
- }
- else
- {
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid) gml_reproject_pa(ppa[0], srs->srid, *root_srid);
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, 1, ppa);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
+ gml_reproject_pa(ppa[0], srs.srid, *root_srid);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, 1, ppa);
return geom;
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_polygon(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
int i, ring;
LWGEOM *geom;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return lwpoly_as_lwgeom(lwpoly_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 43);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(ppa[ring])))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 43);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) ppa[ring] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[ring]);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) ppa[ring] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[ring]);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (ppa == NULL || ppa[0] == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 44);
- if (!*root_srid)
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
+ for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
+ gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs.srid, *root_srid);
- else
- {
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- {
- for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
- gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs->srid, *root_srid);
- }
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, ring, ppa);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
return geom;
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_triangle(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
LWGEOM *geom;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
xmlChar *interpolation=NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return lwtriangle_as_lwgeom(lwtriangle_construct_empty(*root_srid, 0, 0));
/* GML SF is resticted to planar interpolation
NOTA: I know Triangle is not part of SF, but
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
/* Triangle/exterior */
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(pa)))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 46);
- if (srs->reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
+ if (srs.reverse_axis) pa = ptarray_flip_coordinates(pa);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (pa == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 47);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwtriangle_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
- }
- else
- {
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs->srid, *root_srid);
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
+ gml_reproject_pa(pa, srs.srid, *root_srid);
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwtriangle_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, pa);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *) lwtriangle_construct(*root_srid, NULL, pa);
return geom;
xmlNodePtr xa, xb;
int i, ring=0;
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
/* PolygonPatch */
if (strcmp((char *) xnode->name, "PolygonPatch"))
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
+ parse_gml_srs(xnode, &srs);
/* PolygonPatch/exterior */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
|| (*hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(ppa[0])))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 48);
- if (srs->reverse_axis)
+ if (srs.reverse_axis)
ppa[0] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[0]);
|| ( *hasz && !ptarray_isclosed3d(ppa[ring])))
gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 49);
- if (srs->reverse_axis)
+ if (srs.reverse_axis)
ppa[ring] = ptarray_flip_coordinates(ppa[ring]);
/* Exterior Ring is mandatory */
if (ppa == NULL || ppa[0] == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 50);
- if (!*root_srid)
+ if (srs.srid != *root_srid && *root_srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
+ for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
+ gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs.srid, *root_srid);
- else
- {
- if (srs->srid != *root_srid)
- {
- for (i=0 ; i < ring ; i++)
- gml_reproject_pa(ppa[i], srs->srid, *root_srid);
- }
- geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(SRID_UNKNOWN, NULL, ring, ppa);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *) lwpoly_construct(*root_srid, NULL, ring, ppa);
return geom;
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_tin(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
bool found=false;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(TINTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(TINTYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(TINTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
/* Looking for gml:patches or gml:trianglePatches */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mpoint(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOINTTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mline(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mcurve(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTILINETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_mpoly(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_msurface(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(MULTIPOLYGONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_psurface(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
bool found = false;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(POLYHEDRALSURFACETYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
/* Looking for gml:polygonPatches */
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml_coll(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
- gmlSrs *srs;
+ gmlSrs srs;
xmlNodePtr xa;
LWGEOM *geom = NULL;
if (is_xlink(xnode)) xnode = get_xlink_node(xnode);
- srs = parse_gml_srs(xnode);
- if (!*root_srid)
- {
- *root_srid = srs->srid;
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, -1, 1, 0);
- }
- lwfree(srs);
+ geom = (LWGEOM *)lwcollection_construct_empty(COLLECTIONTYPE, *root_srid, 1, 0);
+ if (xnode->children == NULL)
+ return geom;
for (xa = xnode->children ; xa != NULL ; xa = xa->next)
static LWGEOM* parse_gml(xmlNodePtr xnode, bool *hasz, int *root_srid)
xmlNodePtr xa = xnode;
+ gmlSrs srs;
while (xa != NULL && (xa->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
|| !is_gml_namespace(xa, false))) xa = xa->next;
if (xa == NULL) gml_lwerror("invalid GML representation", 55);
+ parse_gml_srs(xa, &srs);
+ if (*root_srid == SRID_UNKNOWN && srs.srid != SRID_UNKNOWN)
+ {
+ *root_srid = srs.srid;
+ }
if (!strcmp((char *) xa->name, "Point"))
return parse_gml_point(xa, hasz, root_srid);