- Removed old date/gmdate implementations.
- Moved date() related testcases to ext/date/tests.
- Implemented bug #33452.
- Fixed testcase for bug #27719 - there is no timezone called "EST5DST".
?? ??? 2005, PHP 5.1 Beta 3
- Upgraded bundled SQLite library for PDO:SQLite to 3.2.2 (Ilia)
- Added PDO_MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY parameter for pdo_mysql. (Ilia)
+- Implemented feature request #33452 (Year belonging to ISO week). (Derick)
- Fixed bug #33491 (crash after extending MySQLi internal class). (Tony)
- Fixed bug #33475 (cURL handle is not closed on curl_close(). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #33469 (Compile error undefined reference to ifx_checkAPI). (Jani)
c1 = century_value(y / 100);
y1 = (y % 100);
- m1 = is_leap(y) ? m_table_leap[m] : m_table_common[m];
+ m1 = timelib_is_leap(y) ? m_table_leap[m] : m_table_common[m];
return (c1 + y1 + m1 + (y1 / 4) + d) % 7;
+ /* jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec */
+static int d_table_common[13] = { 0, 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334 };
+static int d_table_leap[13] = { 0, 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335 };
+static int ml_table_common[13] = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
+static int ml_table_leap[13] = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };
+timelib_sll timelib_day_of_year(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d)
+ return (timelib_is_leap(y) ? d_table_leap[m] : d_table_common[m]) + d - 1;
+timelib_sll timelib_days_in_month(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m)
+ return timelib_is_leap(y) ? ml_table_leap[m] : ml_table_common[m];
+void timelib_isoweek_from_date(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d, timelib_sll *iw, timelib_sll *iy)
+ int y_leap, prev_y_leap, doy, jan1weekday, weekday;
+ y_leap = timelib_is_leap(y);
+ prev_y_leap = timelib_is_leap(y-1);
+ doy = timelib_day_of_year(y, m, d) + 1;
+ if (y_leap && m > 2) {
+ doy++;
+ }
+ jan1weekday = timelib_day_of_week(y, 1, 1);
+ weekday = timelib_day_of_week(y, m, d);
+ if (weekday == 0) weekday = 7;
+ if (jan1weekday == 0) jan1weekday = 7;
+ /* Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y-1, WeekNumber 52 or 53 */
+ if (doy <= (8 - jan1weekday) && jan1weekday > 4) {
+ *iy = y - 1;
+ if (jan1weekday == 5 || (jan1weekday == 6 && prev_y_leap)) {
+ *iw = 53;
+ } else {
+ *iw = 52;
+ }
+ } else {
+ *iy = y;
+ }
+ /* 8. Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y+1, WeekNumber 1 */
+ if (*iy == y) {
+ int i;
+ i = y_leap ? 366 : 365;
+ if ((i - doy) < (4 - weekday)) {
+ *iy = y + 1;
+ *iw = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* 9. Find if Y M D falls in YearNumber Y, WeekNumber 1 through 53 */
+ if (*iy == y) {
+ int j;
+ j = doy + (7 - weekday) + (jan1weekday - 1);
+ *iw = j / 7;
+ if (jan1weekday > 4) {
+ *iw -= 1;
+ }
+ }
timelib_sll timelib_daynr_from_weeknr(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll w, timelib_sll d)
timelib_sll dow, day;
mid = (left + right) / 2;
- cmp = strcmp(timezone, timezonedb_idx[mid].id);
+ cmp = strcasecmp(timezone, timezonedb_idx[mid].id);
if (cmp < 0) {
return tz_search(timezone, left, mid - 1);
} else if (cmp > 0) {
/* From dow.c */
timelib_sll timelib_day_of_week(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d);
+timelib_sll timelib_day_of_year(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d);
timelib_sll timelib_daynr_from_weeknr(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll w, timelib_sll d);
+timelib_sll timelib_days_in_month(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m);
+void timelib_isoweek_from_date(timelib_sll y, timelib_sll m, timelib_sll d, timelib_sll *iw, timelib_sll *iy);
/* From parse_date.re */
timelib_time *timelib_strtotime(char *s);
#define DAYS_PER_YEAR 365
#define DAYS_PER_LYEAR 366
-#define is_leap(y) ((y) % 4 == 0 && ((y) % 100 != 0 || (y) % 400 == 0))
+#define timelib_is_leap(y) ((y) % 4 == 0 && ((y) % 100 != 0 || (y) % 400 == 0))
#define DEBUG(s) if (0) { s }
{ "America/Eirunepe" , 0x006E07 },
{ "America/El_Salvador" , 0x006EF3 },
{ "America/Ensenada" , 0x006F5C },
- { "America/Fortaleza" , 0x0072A8 },
{ "America/Fort_Wayne" , 0x0073BC },
+ { "America/Fortaleza" , 0x0072A8 },
{ "America/Glace_Bay" , 0x0074DA },
{ "America/Godthab" , 0x0077FE },
{ "America/Goose_Bay" , 0x007AA8 },
{ "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" , 0x008C96 },
{ "America/Indiana/Knox" , 0x008DB4 },
{ "America/Indiana/Marengo" , 0x008FD9 },
- { "America/Indianapolis" , 0x00910B },
{ "America/Indiana/Vevay" , 0x009229 },
+ { "America/Indianapolis" , 0x00910B },
{ "America/Inuvik" , 0x0092ED },
{ "America/Iqaluit" , 0x0095E4 },
{ "America/Jamaica" , 0x0098D6 },
{ "America/Paramaribo" , 0x00E0B3 },
{ "America/Phoenix" , 0x00E139 },
{ "America/Port-au-Prince" , 0x00E1BB },
- { "America/Porto_Acre" , 0x00E2C1 },
{ "America/Port_of_Spain" , 0x00E3A3 },
+ { "America/Porto_Acre" , 0x00E2C1 },
{ "America/Porto_Velho" , 0x00E3EC },
{ "America/Puerto_Rico" , 0x00E4CE },
{ "America/Rainy_River" , 0x00E51C },
{ "Atlantic/Madeira" , 0x01BB39 },
{ "Atlantic/Reykjavik" , 0x01C027 },
{ "Atlantic/South_Georgia" , 0x01C1D4 },
- { "Atlantic/Stanley" , 0x01C20C },
{ "Atlantic/St_Helena" , 0x01C4D4 },
+ { "Atlantic/Stanley" , 0x01C20C },
{ "Australia/ACT" , 0x01C51D },
{ "Australia/Adelaide" , 0x01C82E },
{ "Australia/Brisbane" , 0x01CB3F },
{ "Brazil/West" , 0x01F809 },
{ "Canada/Atlantic" , 0x01F8F5 },
{ "Canada/Central" , 0x01FDD1 },
- { "Canada/Eastern" , 0x0201D2 },
{ "Canada/East-Saskatchewan" , 0x0206B6 },
+ { "Canada/Eastern" , 0x0201D2 },
{ "Canada/Mountain" , 0x020833 },
{ "Canada/Newfoundland" , 0x020B9D },
{ "Canada/Pacific" , 0x0210BC },
{ "EST" , 0x0236C9 },
{ "EST5EDT" , 0x0237E7 },
{ "Etc/GMT" , 0x023CDA },
- { "Etc/GMT0" , 0x023D12 },
- { "Etc/GMT-0" , 0x023D4A },
{ "Etc/GMT+0" , 0x023D82 },
- { "Etc/GMT-1" , 0x023DBA },
{ "Etc/GMT+1" , 0x023DF4 },
- { "Etc/GMT-10" , 0x023E2E },
{ "Etc/GMT+10" , 0x023E69 },
- { "Etc/GMT-11" , 0x023EA4 },
{ "Etc/GMT+11" , 0x023EDF },
- { "Etc/GMT-12" , 0x023F1A },
{ "Etc/GMT+12" , 0x023F55 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+2" , 0x024040 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+3" , 0x0240B4 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+4" , 0x024128 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+5" , 0x02419C },
+ { "Etc/GMT+6" , 0x024210 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+7" , 0x024284 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+8" , 0x0242F8 },
+ { "Etc/GMT+9" , 0x02436C },
+ { "Etc/GMT-0" , 0x023D4A },
+ { "Etc/GMT-1" , 0x023DBA },
+ { "Etc/GMT-10" , 0x023E2E },
+ { "Etc/GMT-11" , 0x023EA4 },
+ { "Etc/GMT-12" , 0x023F1A },
{ "Etc/GMT-13" , 0x023F90 },
{ "Etc/GMT-14" , 0x023FCB },
{ "Etc/GMT-2" , 0x024006 },
- { "Etc/GMT+2" , 0x024040 },
{ "Etc/GMT-3" , 0x02407A },
- { "Etc/GMT+3" , 0x0240B4 },
{ "Etc/GMT-4" , 0x0240EE },
- { "Etc/GMT+4" , 0x024128 },
{ "Etc/GMT-5" , 0x024162 },
- { "Etc/GMT+5" , 0x02419C },
{ "Etc/GMT-6" , 0x0241D6 },
- { "Etc/GMT+6" , 0x024210 },
{ "Etc/GMT-7" , 0x02424A },
- { "Etc/GMT+7" , 0x024284 },
{ "Etc/GMT-8" , 0x0242BE },
- { "Etc/GMT+8" , 0x0242F8 },
{ "Etc/GMT-9" , 0x024332 },
- { "Etc/GMT+9" , 0x02436C },
+ { "Etc/GMT0" , 0x023D12 },
{ "Etc/Greenwich" , 0x0243A6 },
{ "Etc/UCT" , 0x0243DE },
{ "Etc/Universal" , 0x024416 },
{ "GB" , 0x02F8AF },
{ "GB-Eire" , 0x02FDDA },
{ "GMT" , 0x030305 },
- { "GMT0" , 0x03033D },
- { "GMT-0" , 0x030375 },
{ "GMT+0" , 0x0303AD },
+ { "GMT-0" , 0x030375 },
+ { "GMT0" , 0x03033D },
{ "Greenwich" , 0x0303E5 },
{ "Hongkong" , 0x03041D },
{ "HST" , 0x0305C7 },
{ "US/Aleutian" , 0x03590D },
{ "US/Arizona" , 0x035C67 },
{ "US/Central" , 0x035CE9 },
- { "US/Eastern" , 0x0361E8 },
{ "US/East-Indiana" , 0x0366DB },
+ { "US/Eastern" , 0x0361E8 },
{ "US/Hawaii" , 0x0367F9 },
{ "US/Indiana-Starke" , 0x03687B },
{ "US/Michigan" , 0x036AA0 },
{ "US/Pacific-New" , 0x037531 },
{ "US/Samoa" , 0x03792A },
{ "UTC" , 0x0379A7 },
- { "WET" , 0x0379DF },
{ "W-SU" , 0x037C86 },
+ { "WET" , 0x0379DF },
{ "Zulu" , 0x037FB5 },
/* This is a generated file, do not modify */
do_range_limit(1, 13, 12, m, y);
- leapyear = is_leap(*y);
+ leapyear = timelib_is_leap(*y);
days_this_month = leapyear ? days_in_month_leap[*m] : days_in_month[*m];
last_month = (*m) - 1;
} else {
last_year = (*y);
- leapyear = is_leap(last_year);
+ leapyear = timelib_is_leap(last_year);
days_last_month = leapyear ? days_in_month_leap[last_month] : days_in_month[last_month];
if (*d <= 0) {
if (year >= 1970) {
for (i = year - 1; i >= 1970; i--) {
- if (is_leap(i)) {
+ if (timelib_is_leap(i)) {
} else {
} else {
for (i = 1969; i >= year; i--) {
- if (is_leap(i)) {
+ if (timelib_is_leap(i)) {
} else {
static timelib_sll do_months(timelib_ull month, timelib_ull year)
- if (is_leap(year)) {
+ if (timelib_is_leap(year)) {
return ((month_tab_leap[month - 1] + 1) * SECS_PER_DAY);
} else {
return ((month_tab[month - 1]) * SECS_PER_DAY);
tmp_days = days + 1;
while (tmp_days >= DAYS_PER_LYEAR) {
- if (is_leap(cur_year)) {
+ if (timelib_is_leap(cur_year)) {
tmp_days -= DAYS_PER_LYEAR;
} else {
tmp_days -= DAYS_PER_YEAR;
while (tmp_days <= 0) {
DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
- if (is_leap(cur_year)) {
+ if (timelib_is_leap(cur_year)) {
tmp_days += DAYS_PER_LYEAR;
} else {
tmp_days += DAYS_PER_YEAR;
DEBUG(printf("tmp_days=%lld, year=%lld\n", tmp_days, cur_year););
- months = is_leap(cur_year) ? month_tab_leap : month_tab;
+ months = timelib_is_leap(cur_year) ? month_tab_leap : month_tab;
i = 11;
while (i > 0) {
DEBUG(printf("month=%lld (%d)\n", i, months[i]););
#include <time.h>
function_entry date_functions[] = {
+ PHP_FE(date, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(gmdate, NULL)
PHP_FE(strtotime, NULL)
+/* =[ Helper functions ] ================================================== */
+static char* guess_timezone(TSRMLS_D)
+ char *env;
+ env = getenv("TZ");
+ if (env) {
+ return env;
+ }
+ /* Check config setting */
+ if (DATEG(default_timezone)) {
+ return DATEG(default_timezone);
+ }
+ return "GMT";
+/* =[ date() and gmdate() ]================================================ */
+#include "ext/standard/php_smart_str.h"
+static char *mon_full_names[] = {
+ "January", "February", "March", "April",
+ "May", "June", "July", "August",
+ "September", "October", "November", "December"
+static char *mon_short_names[] = {
+ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"
+static char *day_full_names[] = {
+ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
+static char *day_short_names[] = {
+ "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"
+static char *english_suffix(int number)
+ if (number >= 10 && number <= 19) {
+ return "th";
+ } else {
+ switch (number % 10) {
+ case 1: return "st";
+ case 2: return "nd";
+ case 3: return "rd";
+ }
+ }
+ return "th";
+static char *php_format_date(char *format, int format_len, timelib_time *t, int localtime)
+ smart_str string = {0};
+ int i;
+ char buffer[33];
+ timelib_time_offset *offset;
+ timelib_sll isoweek, isoyear;
+ if (localtime) {
+ offset = timelib_get_time_zone_info(t->sse, t->tz_info);
+ }
+ buffer[32] = '\0';
+ timelib_isoweek_from_date(t->y, t->m, t->d, &isoweek, &isoyear);
+ for (i = 0; i < format_len; i++) {
+ switch (format[i]) {
+ /* day */
+ case 'd': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->d); break;
+ case 'D': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", day_short_names[timelib_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)]); break;
+ case 'j': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->d); break;
+ case 'l': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", day_full_names[timelib_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)]); break;
+ case 'S': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", english_suffix(t->d)); break;
+ case 'w': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
+ case 'z': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_day_of_year(t->y, t->m, t->d)); break;
+ /* week */
+ case 'W': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) isoweek); break; /* iso weeknr */
+ case 'o': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) isoyear); break; /* iso year */
+ /* month */
+ case 'F': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", mon_full_names[t->m - 1]); break;
+ case 'm': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->m); break;
+ case 'M': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", mon_short_names[t->m - 1]); break;
+ case 'n': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->m); break;
+ case 't': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) timelib_days_in_month(t->y, t->m)); break;
+ /* year */
+ case 'L': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", timelib_is_leap((int) t->y)); break;
+ case 'y': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->y % 100); break;
+ case 'Y': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%04d", (int) t->y); break;
+ /* time */
+ case 'a': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", t->h >= 12 ? "pm" : "am"); break;
+ case 'A': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", t->h >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"); break;
+ case 'B': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "[B unimplemented]"); break;
+ case 'g': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (t->h % 12) ? (int) t->h % 12 : 12); break;
+ case 'G': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", (int) t->h); break;
+ case 'h': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (t->h % 12) ? (int) t->h % 12 : 12); break;
+ case 'H': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->h); break;
+ case 'i': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->i); break;
+ case 's': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%02d", (int) t->s); break;
+ /* timezone */
+ case 'I': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", localtime ? offset->is_dst : 0); break;
+ case 'O': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%c%02d%02d",
+ localtime ? ((offset->offset < 0) ? '-' : '+') : '+',
+ localtime ? abs(offset->offset / 3600) : 0,
+ localtime ? abs((offset->offset % 3600) / 60) : 0
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'T': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", localtime ? offset->abbr : "GMT"); break;
+ case 'e': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%s", localtime ? t->tz_info->name : "UTC"); break;
+ case 'Z': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%d", localtime ? offset->offset : 0); break;
+ /* full date/time */
+ case 'c': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d",
+ (int) t->y, (int) t->m, (int) t->d,
+ (int) t->h, (int) t->i, (int) t->s,
+ localtime ? ((offset->offset < 0) ? '-' : '+') : '+',
+ localtime ? abs(offset->offset / 3600) : 0,
+ localtime ? abs((offset->offset % 3600) / 60) : 0
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'r': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%3s, %02d %3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d",
+ day_short_names[timelib_day_of_week(t->y, t->m, t->d)],
+ (int) t->d, mon_short_names[t->m - 1],
+ (int) t->y, (int) t->h, (int) t->i, (int) t->s,
+ localtime ? ((offset->offset < 0) ? '-' : '+') : '+',
+ localtime ? abs(offset->offset / 3600) : 0,
+ localtime ? abs((offset->offset % 3600) / 60) : 0
+ );
+ break;
+ case 'U': snprintf(&buffer, 32, "%lld", (long long) t->sse); break;
+ case '\\': if (i < format_len) i++; buffer[0] = format[i]; buffer[1] = '\0'; break;
+ default: buffer[0] = format[i]; buffer[1] = '\0';
+ }
+ smart_str_appends(&string, buffer);
+ buffer[0] = '\0';
+ }
+ smart_str_0(&string);
+ return string.c;
+static void php_date(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int localtime)
+ char *format;
+ int format_len;
+ long ts = time(NULL);
+ timelib_time *t;
+ char *string;
+ timelib_tzinfo *tzi;
+ if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|l", &format, &format_len, &ts) == FAILURE) {
+ }
+ t = timelib_time_ctor();
+ if (localtime) {
+ tzi = timelib_parse_tzfile(guess_timezone());
+ if (! tzi) {
+ php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Cannot find any timezone setting");
+ }
+ timelib_unixtime2local(t, ts, tzi);
+ } else {
+ tzi = NULL;
+ timelib_unixtime2gmt(t, ts);
+ }
+ string = php_format_date(format, format_len, t, localtime);
+ RETVAL_STRING(string, 0);
+ timelib_time_dtor(t);
+/* Backwards compability function */
signed long php_parse_date(char *string, signed long *now)
timelib_time *parsed_time;
return retval;
-static char* guess_timezone(TSRMLS_D)
- char *env;
- env = getenv("TZ");
- if (env) {
- return env;
- }
- if (DATEG(default_timezone)) {
- return DATEG(default_timezone);
- }
- /* Check config setting */
- /*
- */
- return "GMT";
/* {{{ proto int strtotime(string time, int now)
Convert string representation of date and time to a timestamp */
#define phpext_date_ptr &date_module_entry
--- /dev/null
+Bug #33452 (Support for year accompanying ISO week nr)
+echo date('Y-W', strtotime('2005-1-1')), "\n";
+echo date('o-W', strtotime('2005-1-1')), "\n";
PHP_FE(gmstrftime, NULL)
- PHP_FE(date, NULL)
PHP_FE(idate, NULL)
- PHP_FE(gmdate, NULL)
PHP_FE(getdate, NULL)
PHP_FE(localtime, NULL)
PHP_FE(checkdate, NULL)
/* }}} */
-/* {{{ php_date
- */
-static void php_date(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, int gm)
- pval **format, **timestamp;
- time_t the_time;
- struct tm *ta, tmbuf;
- int i, size = 0, length, h, beat, fd, wd, yd, wk;
- char tmp_buff[32];
- long tzone;
- char *tname[2]= {"GMT Standard Time", "BST"};
- switch(ZEND_NUM_ARGS()) {
- case 1:
- if (zend_get_parameters_ex(1, &format) == FAILURE) {
- }
- the_time = time(NULL);
- break;
- case 2:
- if (zend_get_parameters_ex(2, &format, ×tamp) == FAILURE) {
- }
- convert_to_long_ex(timestamp);
- the_time = Z_LVAL_PP(timestamp);
-#ifdef PHP_WIN32
- if (the_time < 0) {
- php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Windows does not support dates prior to midnight (00:00:00), January 1, 1970");
- }
- break;
- default:
- }
- convert_to_string_ex(format);
- if (gm) {
- ta = php_gmtime_r(&the_time, &tmbuf);
- tzone = 0;
- } else {
- ta = php_localtime_r(&the_time, &tmbuf);
-#ifdef __CYGWIN__
- tzone = _timezone;
- tzone = timezone;
- if (tzname[0] != NULL) {
- tname[0] = tzname[0];
- } else {
- tname[0] = "???";
- }
- if (tzname[1] != NULL) {
- tname[1] = tzname[1];
- }
- }
- if (!ta) { /* that really shouldn't happen... */
- php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Unexpected error");
- }
- for (i = 0; i < Z_STRLEN_PP(format); i++) {
- switch (Z_STRVAL_PP(format)[i]) {
- case 'r': /* rfc822 format */
- size += 31;
- break;
- case 'c': /* iso8601 date (Dublin Core Date) */
- size += 25;
- break;
- case 'U': /* seconds since the epoch */
- size += 10;
- break;
- case 'F': /* month, textual, full */
- case 'l': /* day (of the week), textual */
- size += 28;
- break;
- case 'T': /* timezone name */
- size += strlen(ta->tm_zone);
- if (ta->tm_isdst > 0 ) {
- size += strlen(tname[1]);
- } else {
- size += strlen(tname[0]);
- }
- break;
- case 'Z': /* timezone offset in seconds */
- size += 6;
- break;
- case 'O': /* GMT offset in [+-]HHMM format */
- size += 5;
- break;
- case 'Y': /* year, numeric, 4 digits */
- size += 4;
- break;
- case 'M': /* month, textual, 3 letters */
- case 'D': /* day, textual, 3 letters */
- case 'z': /* day of the year, 1 to 366 */
- case 'B': /* Swatch Beat, 3 digits */
- size += 3;
- break;
- case 'y': /* year, numeric, 2 digits */
- case 'm': /* month, numeric */
- case 'n': /* month, numeric, no leading zeroes */
- case 'd': /* day of the month, numeric */
- case 'j': /* day of the month, numeric, no leading zeros */
- case 'H': /* hour, numeric, 24 hour format */
- case 'h': /* hour, numeric, 12 hour format */
- case 'G': /* hour, numeric, 24 hour format, no leading zeroes */
- case 'g': /* hour, numeric, 12 hour format, no leading zeroes */
- case 'i': /* minutes, numeric */
- case 's': /* seconds, numeric */
- case 'A': /* AM/PM */
- case 'a': /* am/pm */
- case 'S': /* standard english suffix for the day of the month (e.g. 3rd, 2nd, etc) */
- case 't': /* days in current month */
- case 'W': /* ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday */
- size += 2;
- break;
- case '\\':
- if (i < Z_STRLEN_PP(format) - 1) {
- i++;
- }
- size ++;
- break;
- case 'L': /* boolean for leap year */
- case 'w': /* day of the week, numeric */
- case 'I': /* DST? */
- default:
- size++;
- break;
- }
- }
- Z_STRVAL_P(return_value) = (char *) emalloc(size + 1);
- Z_STRVAL_P(return_value)[0] = '\0';
- for (i = 0; i < Z_STRLEN_PP(format); i++) {
- switch (Z_STRVAL_PP(format)[i]) {
- case '\\':
- if (i < Z_STRLEN_PP(format) - 1) {
- char ch[2];
- ch[0]=Z_STRVAL_PP(format)[i + 1];
- ch[1]='\0';
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), ch);
- i++;
- }
- break;
- case 'U': /* seconds since the epoch */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%ld", (long)the_time); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'F': /* month, textual, full */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), mon_full_names[ta->tm_mon]);
- break;
- case 'l': /* day (of the week), textual, full */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), day_full_names[ta->tm_wday]);
- break;
- case 'Y': /* year, numeric, 4 digits */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'M': /* month, textual, 3 letters */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), mon_short_names[ta->tm_mon]);
- break;
- case 'D': /* day (of the week), textual, 3 letters */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), day_short_names[ta->tm_wday]);
- break;
- case 'z': /* day (of the year) */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_yday); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'y': /* year, numeric, 2 digits */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ((ta->tm_year)%100)); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'm': /* month, numeric */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ta->tm_mon + 1); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'n': /* month, numeric, no leading zeros */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_mon + 1); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'd': /* day of the month, numeric */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ta->tm_mday); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'j':
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_mday); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'H': /* hour, numeric, 24 hour format */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ta->tm_hour); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'h': /* hour, numeric, 12 hour format */
- h = ta->tm_hour % 12; if (h==0) h = 12;
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", h); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'G': /* hour, numeric, 24 hour format, no leading zeros */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_hour); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'g': /* hour, numeric, 12 hour format, no leading zeros */
- h = ta->tm_hour % 12; if (h==0) h = 12;
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", h); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'i': /* minutes, numeric */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ta->tm_min); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 's': /* seconds, numeric */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%02d", ta->tm_sec); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'A': /* AM/PM */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), (ta->tm_hour >= 12 ? "PM" : "AM"));
- break;
- case 'a': /* am/pm */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), (ta->tm_hour >= 12 ? "pm" : "am"));
- break;
- case 'S': /* standard english suffix, e.g. 2nd/3rd for the day of the month */
- if (ta->tm_mday >= 10 && ta->tm_mday <= 19) {
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), "th");
- } else {
- switch (ta->tm_mday % 10) {
- case 1:
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), "st");
- break;
- case 2:
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), "nd");
- break;
- case 3:
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), "rd");
- break;
- default:
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), "th");
- break;
- }
- }
- break;
- case 't': /* days in current month */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%2d", phpday_tab[isleap((ta->tm_year+YEAR_BASE))][ta->tm_mon] );
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'w': /* day of the week, numeric EXTENSION */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%01d", ta->tm_wday); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'O': /* GMT offset in [+-]HHMM format */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%c%02d%02d", (ta->tm_gmtoff < 0) ? '-' : '+', abs(ta->tm_gmtoff / 3600), abs( (ta->tm_gmtoff % 3600) / 60 ));
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%c%02d%02d", ((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600:tzone)>0)?'-':'+', abs((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) / 3600), abs(((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) % 3600) / 60));
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'Z': /* timezone offset in seconds */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%ld", ta->tm_gmtoff);
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%ld", ta->tm_isdst ? -(tzone- 3600) : -tzone);
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'L': /* boolean for leapyear */
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", (isleap((ta->tm_year+YEAR_BASE)) ? 1 : 0 ) );
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'T': /* timezone name */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), ta->tm_zone);
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), ta->tm_isdst ? tname[1] : tname[0]);
- break;
- case 'B': /* Swatch Beat a.k.a. Internet Time */
- beat = (((((long)the_time)-(((long)the_time) -
- ((((long)the_time) % 86400) + 3600))) * 10) / 864);
- while (beat < 0) {
- beat += 1000;
- }
- beat = beat % 1000;
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%03d", beat); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'I':
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", ta->tm_isdst);
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'r':
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%3s, %02d %3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d",
- day_short_names[ta->tm_wday],
- ta->tm_mday,
- mon_short_names[ta->tm_mon],
- ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE,
- ta->tm_hour,
- ta->tm_min,
- ta->tm_sec,
- (ta->tm_gmtoff < 0) ? '-' : '+',
- abs(ta->tm_gmtoff / 3600),
- abs( (ta->tm_gmtoff % 3600) / 60 )
- );
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%3s, %02d %3s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d",
- day_short_names[ta->tm_wday],
- ta->tm_mday,
- mon_short_names[ta->tm_mon],
- ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE,
- ta->tm_hour,
- ta->tm_min,
- ta->tm_sec,
- ((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) > 0) ? '-' : '+',
- abs((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) / 3600),
- abs( ((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) % 3600) / 60 )
- );
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'c':
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d",
- ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE,
- ta->tm_mon + 1,
- ta->tm_mday,
- ta->tm_hour,
- ta->tm_min,
- ta->tm_sec,
- (ta->tm_gmtoff < 0) ? '-' : '+',
- abs(ta->tm_gmtoff / 3600),
- abs( (ta->tm_gmtoff % 3600) / 60 )
- );
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d%c%02d:%02d",
- ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE,
- ta->tm_mon + 1,
- ta->tm_mday,
- ta->tm_hour,
- ta->tm_min,
- ta->tm_sec,
- ((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) > 0) ? '-' : '+',
- abs((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) / 3600),
- abs( ((ta->tm_isdst ? tzone - 3600 : tzone) % 3600) / 60 )
- );
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- case 'W': /* ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday */
- wd = ta->tm_wday == 0 ? 6 : ta->tm_wday - 1; /* weekday */
- yd = ta->tm_yday + 1; /* days since January 1st */
- fd = (7 + wd - yd % 7+ 1) % 7; /* weekday (1st January) */
- /* week is a last year week (52 or 53) */
- if ((yd <= 7 - fd) && fd > 3){
- wk = (fd == 4 || (fd == 5 && isleap((ta->tm_year + YEAR_BASE - 1)))) ? 53 : 52;
- }
- /* week is a next year week (1) */
- else if (isleap((ta->tm_year+YEAR_BASE)) + 365 - yd < 3 - wd){
- wk = 1;
- }
- /* normal week */
- else {
- wk = (yd + 6 - wd + fd) / 7 - (fd > 3);
- }
- sprintf(tmp_buff, "%d", wk); /* SAFE */
- strcat(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value), tmp_buff);
- break;
- default:
- length = strlen(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value));
- Z_STRVAL_P(return_value)[length] = Z_STRVAL_PP(format)[i];
- Z_STRVAL_P(return_value)[length + 1] = '\0';
- break;
- }
- }
- Z_STRLEN_P(return_value) = strlen(Z_STRVAL_P(return_value));
- Z_TYPE_P(return_value) = IS_STRING;
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string date(string format [, int timestamp])
- Format a local time/date */
-/* }}} */
-/* {{{ proto string gmdate(string format [, int timestamp])
- Format a GMT/UTC date/time */
-/* }}} */
/* {{{ php_idate
PHPAPI int php_idate(char format, int timestamp, int gm)
echo "$b ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$b);
echo "$c ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$c);
echo "\n";
- putenv("TZ=EST5DST"); // DST not in effect
+ putenv("TZ=EST5EDT"); // DST not in effect
$a = mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2004, 0);
$b = mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2004, 1);
$c = mktime(0, 0, 0, 2, 4, 2004, -1);
echo "$b ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$b);
echo "$c ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$c);
echo "\n";
- putenv("TZ=EST5DST"); // Just before DST changeover
+ putenv("TZ=EST5EDT"); // Just before DST changeover
$a = mktime(0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, 0);
$b = mktime(0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, 1);
$c = mktime(0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, -1);
echo "$b ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$b);
echo "$c ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$c);
echo "\n";
- putenv("TZ=EST5DST"); // Just after DST changeover
+ putenv("TZ=EST5EDT"); // Just after DST changeover
$a = mktime(3, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, 0);
$b = mktime(3, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, 1);
$c = mktime(3, 0, 0, 4, 4, 2004, -1);
echo "$b ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$b);
echo "$c ".date("m/d/y h:i:s\n",$c);
echo "\n";
- putenv("TZ=EST5DST"); // DST in effect
+ putenv("TZ=EST5EDT"); // DST in effect
$a = mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 4, 2004, 0);
$b = mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 4, 2004, 1);
$c = mktime(0, 0, 0, 6, 4, 2004, -1);