%% @spec (Args::[string()], Auth, AccessCommands) -> string() | integer() | {string(), integer()} | {error, ErrorType}
-call_command([CmdString | Args], Auth, AccessCommands, Version) ->
+call_command([CmdString | Args], Auth, _AccessCommands, Version) ->
CmdStringU = ejabberd_regexp:greplace(
list_to_binary(CmdString), <<"-">>, <<"_">>),
Command = list_to_atom(binary_to_list(CmdStringU)),
end, all),
- CommOpts = gen_mod:get_opt(
- options, AcOpts,
- fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end,
- []),
+ %% CommOpts = gen_mod:get_opt(
+ %% options, AcOpts,
+ %% fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end,
+ %% []),
[{<<"ejabberd_xmlrpc compatibility shim">>, {[?MODULE], [{access, Ac}], Commands}}];
(Wrong) ->
?WARNING_MSG("wrong options format for ~p: ~p",
invalid_token_response() ->
json_error(401, 10, <<"Oauth Token is invalid or expired.">>).
-outofscope_response() ->
- json_error(401, 11, <<"Token does not grant usage to command required scope.">>).
+%% outofscope_response() ->
+%% json_error(401, 11, <<"Token does not grant usage to command required scope.">>).
badrequest_response() ->
badrequest_response(<<"400 Bad Request">>).
sql_get_privacy_list_data(LUser, LServer, Name) ->
sql_queries:get_privacy_list_data(LServer, LUser, Name).
-sql_get_privacy_list_data_t(LUser, Name) ->
- sql_queries:get_privacy_list_data_t(LUser, Name).
sql_get_privacy_list_data_by_id(ID, LServer) ->
sql_queries:get_privacy_list_data_by_id(LServer, ID).