common to all authentication providers.</p>
+<section id="authnalias"><title>Creating Provider Aliases</title>
+ <p>Extended authentication providers can be created
+ within the configuration file and assigned an alias name. The alias
+ providers can then be referenced through the directives
+ <directive module="mod_auth_basic">AuthBasicProvider</directive> or
+ <directive module="mod_auth_digest">AuthDigestProvider</directive> in
+ the same way as a base authentication provider. Besides the ability
+ to create and alias an extended provider, it also allows the same
+ extended authentication provider to be reference by multiple
+ locations.</p>
+ <section id="example"><title>Example</title>
+ <p>The example below creates two different ldap authentication
+ provider aliases based on the ldap provider. This allows
+ a single authenticated location can be serviced by multiple
+ ldap hosts:</p>
+ <example><title>Example</title>
+ LoadModule authn_alias_module modules/<br /><br />
+ <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-alias1><br />
+ <indent>
+ AuthLDAPBindDN cn=youruser,o=ctx<br />
+ AuthLDAPBindPassword yourpassword<br />
+ AuthLDAPURL ldap://<br />
+ </indent>
+ </AuthnProviderAlias><br /><br />
+ <AuthnProviderAlias ldap ldap-other-alias><br />
+ <indent>
+ AuthLDAPBindDN cn=yourotheruser,o=dev<br />
+ AuthLDAPBindPassword yourotherpassword<br />
+ AuthLDAPURL ldap://<br />
+ </indent>
+ </AuthnProviderAlias><br /><br />
+ Alias /secure /webpages/secure<br />
+ <Directory /webpages/secure><br />
+ <indent>
+ Order deny,allow<br />
+ Allow from all<br /><br />
+ AuthBasicProvider ldap-other-alias ldap-alias1<br /><br />
+ AuthType Basic<br />
+ AuthName LDAP_Protected_Place<br />
+ require valid-user<br />
+ </indent>
+ </Directory><br />
+ </example>
+ </section>
<description>Authorization realm for use in HTTP
and Access Control</a></seealso>
+<directivesynopsis type="section">
+<description>Enclose a group of directives that represent an
+extension of a base authentication provider and referenced by
+the specified alias</description>
+<syntax><AuthnProviderAlias <var>baseProvider Alias</var>>
+... </AuthnProviderAlias></syntax>
+<contextlist><context>server config</context><context>virtual host</context>
+ <p><directive type="section">AuthnProviderAlias</directive> and
+ <code></AuthnProviderAlias></code> are used to enclose a group of
+ authentication directives that can be referenced by the alias name
+ using one of the directives <directive module="mod_auth_basic">
+ AuthBasicProvider</directive> or <directive module="mod_auth_digest">
+ AuthDigestProvider</directive>.</p>