(static::) in some cases). (Levi Morrison)
. Fixed bug #67390 (insecure temporary file use in the configure script).
(Remi) (CVE-2014-3981)
- . Fixed bug #67399 (putenv with empty variable may lead to crash). (Stas)
+ . Fixed bug #67392 (dtrace breaks argument unpack). (Nikita)
+ . Fixed bug #67428 (header('Location: foo') will override a 308-399 response
+ code). (Adam)
- . Fixed Bug #67406i (built-in web-server segfaults on startup). (Remi)
-- Date:
- . Fixed bug #67308 (Serialize of DateTime truncates fractions of second).
+ - CLI server:
- . Fixed regression in fix for bug #67118 (constructor can't be called twice).
- (Remi)
++ . Implemented FR #67429 (CLI server is missing some new HTTP response codes).
+ (Adam)
- Fileinfo:
- . Fixed bug #67326 (fileinfo: cdf_read_short_sector insufficient boundary check).
. Fixed bug #67410 (fileinfo: mconvert incorrect handling of truncated pascal
string size). (Francisco Alonso, Jan Kaluza, Remi)
. Fixed bug #67411 (fileinfo: cdf_check_stream_offset insufficient boundary
--- /dev/null
-Content-type: text/html
+ --TEST--
+ FR #67429 (CLI server is missing some new HTTP response codes)
+ --SKIPIF--
+ <?php
+ include "skipif.inc";
+ ?>
+ --FILE--
+ <?php
+ include "php_cli_server.inc";
+ foreach ([308, 426] as $code) {
+ php_cli_server_start(<<<PHP
+ http_response_code($code);
+ );
+ list($host, $port) = explode(':', PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS);
+ $port = intval($port)?:80;
+ $fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 0.5);
+ if (!$fp) {
+ die("connect failed");
+ }
+ if(fwrite($fp, <<<HEADER
+ GET / HTTP/1.1
+ )) {
+ while (!feof($fp)) {
+ echo fgets($fp);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ }
+ ?>
+ HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
+ Connection: close
+ X-Powered-By: %s
-Content-type: text/html
++Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
+ HTTP/1.1 426 Upgrade Required
+ Connection: close
+ X-Powered-By: %s
++Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8