kinds of failure.
Each instance of :class:`TestCase` will run a single base method: the method
- named *methodName*. However, the standard implementation of the default
- *methodName*, ``runTest()``, will run every method starting with ``test``
- as an individual test, and count successes and failures accordingly.
- Therefore, in most uses of :class:`TestCase`, you will neither change
+ named *methodName*.
+ In most uses of :class:`TestCase`, you will neither change
the *methodName* nor reimplement the default ``runTest()`` method.
.. versionchanged:: 3.2
Return a suite of all tests cases contained in the :class:`TestCase`\ -derived
+ A test case instance is created for each method named by
+ :meth:`getTestCaseNames`. By default these are the method names
+ beginning with ``test``. If :meth:`getTestCaseNames` returns no
+ methods, but the :meth:`runTest` method is implemented, a single test
+ case is created for that method instead.
.. method:: loadTestsFromModule(module)
+- Issue #22153: Improve unittest docs. Patch from Martin Panter and evilzero.
- Issue #24206: Fixed __eq__ and __ne__ methods of inspect classes.
- Issue #21750: mock_open.read_data can now be read from each instance, as it