.. method:: assertRaisesRegex(exception, regex, callable, *args, **kwds)
- assertRaisesRegex(exception, regex, msg=None)
+ assertRaisesRegex(exception, regex, *, msg=None)
Like :meth:`assertRaises` but also tests that *regex* matches
on the string representation of the raised exception. *regex* may be
.. method:: assertWarns(warning, callable, *args, **kwds)
- assertWarns(warning, msg=None)
+ assertWarns(warning, *, msg=None)
Test that a warning is triggered when *callable* is called with any
positional or keyword arguments that are also passed to
.. method:: assertWarnsRegex(warning, regex, callable, *args, **kwds)
- assertWarnsRegex(warning, regex, msg=None)
+ assertWarnsRegex(warning, regex, *, msg=None)
Like :meth:`assertWarns` but also tests that *regex* matches on the
message of the triggered warning. *regex* may be a regular expression