+2009-05-06 Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
+ * src/ejabberd_loglevel.erl: Use dynamic_compile instead of
+ ram_file_io_server. Support definition of loglevels with integer
+ or atom. (thanks to Geoff Cant)(EJAB-919)
+ * src/dynamic_compile.erl: Added erlang module that converts
+ string to binary loadable code by Mats Cronqvist, Chris Newcombe,
+ and Jacob Vorreuter.
+ * src/ram_file_io_server.erl: Remove file not longer useful.
+ * src/ejabberd.app: Likewise
2009-05-03 Badlop <badlop@process-one.net>
* src/mod_muc/mod_muc_room.erl: Fix badarg return (EJAB-899)
--- /dev/null
+%% Copyright (c) 2007
+%% Mats Cronqvist <mats.cronqvist@ericsson.com>
+%% Chris Newcombe <chris.newcombe@gmail.com>
+%% Jacob Vorreuter <jacob.vorreuter@gmail.com>
+%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+%% obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+%% files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+%% restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+%% copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+%% copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+%% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+%% conditions:
+%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+%% included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+%%% File : dynamic_compile.erl
+%%% Description :
+%%% Authors : Mats Cronqvist <mats.cronqvist@ericsson.com>
+%%% Chris Newcombe <chris.newcombe@gmail.com>
+%%% Jacob Vorreuter <jacob.vorreuter@gmail.com>
+%%% TODO :
+%%% - add support for limit include-file depth (and prevent circular references)
+%%% prevent circular macro expansion set FILE correctly when -module() is found
+%%% -include_lib support $ENVVAR in include filenames
+%%% substitute-stringize (??MACRO)
+%%% -undef/-ifdef/-ifndef/-else/-endif
+%%% -file(File, Line)
+%% API
+-export([from_string/1, from_string/2]).
+-import(lists, [reverse/1, keyreplace/4]).
+%% API
+%% Function:
+%% Description:
+%% Returns a binary that can be used with
+%% code:load_binary(Module, ModuleFilenameForInternalRecords, Binary).
+from_string(CodeStr) ->
+ from_string(CodeStr, []).
+% takes Options as for compile:forms/2
+from_string(CodeStr, CompileFormsOptions) ->
+ %% Initialise the macro dictionary with the default predefined macros,
+ %% (adapted from epp.erl:predef_macros/1
+ Filename = "compiled_from_string",
+ %%Machine = list_to_atom(erlang:system_info(machine)),
+ Ms0 = dict:new(),
+ % Ms1 = dict:store('FILE', {[], "compiled_from_string"}, Ms0),
+ % Ms2 = dict:store('LINE', {[], 1}, Ms1), % actually we might add special code for this
+ % Ms3 = dict:store('MODULE', {[], undefined}, Ms2),
+ % Ms4 = dict:store('MODULE_STRING', {[], undefined}, Ms3),
+ % Ms5 = dict:store('MACHINE', {[], Machine}, Ms4),
+ % InitMD = dict:store(Machine, {[], true}, Ms5),
+ InitMD = Ms0,
+ %% From the docs for compile:forms:
+ %% When encountering an -include or -include_dir directive, the compiler searches for header files in the following directories:
+ %% 1. ".", the current working directory of the file server;
+ %% 2. the base name of the compiled file;
+ %% 3. the directories specified using the i option. The directory specified last is searched first.
+ %% In this case, #2 is meaningless.
+ IncludeSearchPath = ["." | reverse([Dir || {i, Dir} <- CompileFormsOptions])],
+ {RevForms, _OutMacroDict} = scan_and_parse(CodeStr, Filename, 1, [], InitMD, IncludeSearchPath),
+ Forms = reverse(RevForms),
+ %% note: 'binary' is forced as an implicit option, whether it is provided or not.
+ case compile:forms(Forms, CompileFormsOptions) of
+ {ok, ModuleName, CompiledCodeBinary} when is_binary(CompiledCodeBinary) ->
+ {ModuleName, CompiledCodeBinary};
+ {ok, ModuleName, CompiledCodeBinary, []} when is_binary(CompiledCodeBinary) -> % empty warnings list
+ {ModuleName, CompiledCodeBinary};
+ {ok, _ModuleName, _CompiledCodeBinary, Warnings} ->
+ throw({?MODULE, warnings, Warnings});
+ Other ->
+ throw({?MODULE, compile_forms, Other})
+ end.
+%% Internal functions
+%%% Code from Mats Cronqvist
+%%% See http://www.erlang.org/pipermail/erlang-questions/2007-March/025507.html
+%%%## 'scan_and_parse'
+%%% basically we call the OTP scanner and parser (erl_scan and
+%%% erl_parse) line-by-line, but check each scanned line for (or
+%%% definitions of) macros before parsing.
+%% returns {ReverseForms, FinalMacroDict}
+scan_and_parse([], _CurrFilename, _CurrLine, RevForms, MacroDict, _IncludeSearchPath) ->
+ {RevForms, MacroDict};
+scan_and_parse(RemainingText, CurrFilename, CurrLine, RevForms, MacroDict, IncludeSearchPath) ->
+ case scanner(RemainingText, CurrLine, MacroDict) of
+ {tokens, NLine, NRemainingText, Toks} ->
+ {ok, Form} = erl_parse:parse_form(Toks),
+ scan_and_parse(NRemainingText, CurrFilename, NLine, [Form | RevForms], MacroDict, IncludeSearchPath);
+ {macro, NLine, NRemainingText, NMacroDict} ->
+ scan_and_parse(NRemainingText, CurrFilename, NLine, RevForms,NMacroDict, IncludeSearchPath);
+ {include, NLine, NRemainingText, IncludeFilename} ->
+ IncludeFileRemainingTextents = read_include_file(IncludeFilename, IncludeSearchPath),
+ %%io:format("include file ~p contents: ~n~p~nRemainingText = ~p~n", [IncludeFilename,IncludeFileRemainingTextents, RemainingText]),
+ %% Modify the FILE macro to reflect the filename
+ %%IncludeMacroDict = dict:store('FILE', {[],IncludeFilename}, MacroDict),
+ IncludeMacroDict = MacroDict,
+ %% Process the header file (inc. any nested header files)
+ {RevIncludeForms, IncludedMacroDict} = scan_and_parse(IncludeFileRemainingTextents, IncludeFilename, 1, [], IncludeMacroDict, IncludeSearchPath),
+ %io:format("include file results = ~p~n", [R]),
+ %% Restore the FILE macro in the NEW MacroDict (so we keep any macros defined in the header file)
+ %%NMacroDict = dict:store('FILE', {[],CurrFilename}, IncludedMacroDict),
+ NMacroDict = IncludedMacroDict,
+ %% Continue with the original file
+ scan_and_parse(NRemainingText, CurrFilename, NLine, RevIncludeForms ++ RevForms, NMacroDict, IncludeSearchPath);
+ done ->
+ scan_and_parse([], CurrFilename, CurrLine, RevForms, MacroDict, IncludeSearchPath)
+ end.
+scanner(Text, Line, MacroDict) ->
+ case erl_scan:tokens([],Text,Line) of
+ {done, {ok,Toks,NLine}, LeftOverChars} ->
+ case pre_proc(Toks, MacroDict) of
+ {tokens, NToks} -> {tokens, NLine, LeftOverChars, NToks};
+ {macro, NMacroDict} -> {macro, NLine, LeftOverChars, NMacroDict};
+ {include, Filename} -> {include, NLine, LeftOverChars, Filename}
+ end;
+ {more, _Continuation} ->
+ %% This is supposed to mean "term is not yet complete" (i.e. a '.' has
+ %% not been reached yet).
+ %% However, for some bizarre reason we also get this if there is a comment after the final '.' in a file.
+ %% So we check to see if Text only consists of comments.
+ case is_only_comments(Text) of
+ true ->
+ done;
+ false ->
+ throw({incomplete_term, Text, Line})
+ end
+ end.
+is_only_comments(Text) -> is_only_comments(Text, not_in_comment).
+is_only_comments([], _) -> true;
+is_only_comments([$ |T], not_in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, not_in_comment); % skipping whitspace outside of comment
+is_only_comments([$\t |T], not_in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, not_in_comment); % skipping whitspace outside of comment
+is_only_comments([$\n |T], not_in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, not_in_comment); % skipping whitspace outside of comment
+is_only_comments([$% |T], not_in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, in_comment); % found start of a comment
+is_only_comments(_, not_in_comment) -> false;
+% found any significant char NOT in a comment
+is_only_comments([$\n |T], in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, not_in_comment); % found end of a comment
+is_only_comments([_ |T], in_comment) -> is_only_comments(T, in_comment). % skipping over in-comment chars
+%%%## 'pre-proc'
+%%% have to implement a subset of the pre-processor, since epp insists
+%%% on running on a file.
+%%% only handles 2 cases;
+%% -define(MACRO, something).
+%% -define(MACRO(VAR1,VARN),{stuff,VAR1,more,stuff,VARN,extra,stuff}).
+pre_proc([{'-',_},{atom,_,define},{'(',_},{_,_,Name}|DefToks],MacroDict) ->
+ false = dict:is_key(Name, MacroDict),
+ case DefToks of
+ [{',',_} | Macro] ->
+ {macro, dict:store(Name, {[], macro_body_def(Macro, [])}, MacroDict)};
+ [{'(',_} | Macro] ->
+ {macro, dict:store(Name, macro_params_body_def(Macro, []), MacroDict)}
+ end;
+pre_proc([{'-',_}, {atom,_,include}, {'(',_}, {string,_,Filename}, {')',_}, {dot,_}], _MacroDict) ->
+ {include, Filename};
+pre_proc(Toks,MacroDict) ->
+ {tokens, subst_macros(Toks, MacroDict)}.
+macro_params_body_def([{')',_},{',',_} | Toks], RevParams) ->
+ {reverse(RevParams), macro_body_def(Toks, [])};
+macro_params_body_def([{var,_,Param} | Toks], RevParams) ->
+ macro_params_body_def(Toks, [Param | RevParams]);
+macro_params_body_def([{',',_}, {var,_,Param} | Toks], RevParams) ->
+ macro_params_body_def(Toks, [Param | RevParams]).
+macro_body_def([{')',_}, {dot,_}], RevMacroBodyToks) ->
+ reverse(RevMacroBodyToks);
+macro_body_def([Tok|Toks], RevMacroBodyToks) ->
+ macro_body_def(Toks, [Tok | RevMacroBodyToks]).
+subst_macros(Toks, MacroDict) ->
+ reverse(subst_macros_rev(Toks, MacroDict, [])).
+%% returns a reversed list of tokes
+subst_macros_rev([{'?',_}, {_,LineNum,'LINE'} | Toks], MacroDict, RevOutToks) ->
+ %% special-case for ?LINE, to avoid creating a new MacroDict for every line in the source file
+ subst_macros_rev(Toks, MacroDict, [{integer,LineNum,LineNum}] ++ RevOutToks);
+subst_macros_rev([{'?',_}, {_,_,Name}, {'(',_} = Paren | Toks], MacroDict, RevOutToks) ->
+ case dict:fetch(Name, MacroDict) of
+ {[], MacroValue} ->
+ %% This macro does not have any vars, so ignore the fact that the invocation is followed by "(...stuff"
+ %% Recursively expand any macro calls inside this macro's value
+ %% TODO: avoid infinite expansion due to circular references (even indirect ones)
+ RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks = subst_macros_rev(MacroValue, MacroDict, []),
+ subst_macros_rev([Paren|Toks], MacroDict, RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks ++ RevOutToks);
+ ParamsAndBody ->
+ %% This macro does have vars.
+ %% Collect all of the passe arguments, in an ordered list
+ {NToks, Arguments} = subst_macros_get_args(Toks, []),
+ %% Expand the varibles
+ ExpandedParamsToks = subst_macros_subst_args_for_vars(ParamsAndBody, Arguments),
+ %% Recursively expand any macro calls inside this macro's value
+ %% TODO: avoid infinite expansion due to circular references (even indirect ones)
+ RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks = subst_macros_rev(ExpandedParamsToks, MacroDict, []),
+ subst_macros_rev(NToks, MacroDict, RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks ++ RevOutToks)
+ end;
+subst_macros_rev([{'?',_}, {_,_,Name} | Toks], MacroDict, RevOutToks) ->
+ %% This macro invocation does not have arguments.
+ %% Therefore the definition should not have parameters
+ {[], MacroValue} = dict:fetch(Name, MacroDict),
+ %% Recursively expand any macro calls inside this macro's value
+ %% TODO: avoid infinite expansion due to circular references (even indirect ones)
+ RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks = subst_macros_rev(MacroValue, MacroDict, []),
+ subst_macros_rev(Toks, MacroDict, RevExpandedOtherMacrosToks ++ RevOutToks);
+subst_macros_rev([Tok|Toks], MacroDict, RevOutToks) ->
+subst_macros_rev(Toks, MacroDict, [Tok|RevOutToks]);
+subst_macros_rev([], _MacroDict, RevOutToks) -> RevOutToks.
+subst_macros_get_args([{')',_} | Toks], RevArgs) ->
+ {Toks, reverse(RevArgs)};
+subst_macros_get_args([{',',_}, {var,_,ArgName} | Toks], RevArgs) ->
+ subst_macros_get_args(Toks, [ArgName| RevArgs]);
+subst_macros_get_args([{var,_,ArgName} | Toks], RevArgs) ->
+ subst_macros_get_args(Toks, [ArgName | RevArgs]).
+subst_macros_subst_args_for_vars({[], BodyToks}, []) ->
+ BodyToks;
+subst_macros_subst_args_for_vars({[Param | Params], BodyToks}, [Arg|Args]) ->
+ NBodyToks = keyreplace(Param, 3, BodyToks, {var,1,Arg}),
+ subst_macros_subst_args_for_vars({Params, NBodyToks}, Args).
+read_include_file(Filename, IncludeSearchPath) ->
+ case file:path_open(IncludeSearchPath, Filename, [read, raw, binary]) of
+ {ok, IoDevice, FullName} ->
+ {ok, Data} = file:read(IoDevice, filelib:file_size(FullName)),
+ file:close(IoDevice),
+ binary_to_list(Data);
+ {error, Reason} ->
+ throw({failed_to_read_include_file, Reason, Filename, IncludeSearchPath})
+ end.
\ No newline at end of file
- ram_file_io_server,
-define(LOGMODULE, "error_logger").
%% Error levels:
-%% 0 -> No log
-%% 1 -> Critical
-%% 2 -> Error
-%% 3 -> Warning
-%% 4 -> Info
-%% 5 -> Debug
+-define(LOG_LEVELS,[ {0, no_log, "No log"}
+ ,{1, critical, "Critical"}
+ ,{2, error, "Error"}
+ ,{3, warning, "Warning"}
+ ,{4, info, "Info"}
+ ,{5, debug, "Debug"}
+ ]).
+set(LogLevel) when is_atom(LogLevel) ->
+ set(level_to_integer(LogLevel));
set(Loglevel) when is_integer(Loglevel) ->
- Forms = compile_string(?LOGMODULE, ejabberd_logger_src(Loglevel)),
- load_logger(Forms, ?LOGMODULE, Loglevel);
+ try
+ {Mod,Code} = dynamic_compile:from_string(ejabberd_logger_src(Loglevel)),
+ code:load_binary(Mod, ?LOGMODULE ++ ".erl", Code)
+ catch
+ Type:Error -> ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error compiling logger (~p): ~p~n", [Type, Error])
+ end;
set(_) ->
exit("Loglevel must be an integer").
-%% --------------------------------------------------------------
-%% Compile a string into a module and returns the binary
-compile_string(Mod, Str) ->
- Fname = Mod ++ ".erl",
- {ok, Fd} = open_ram_file(Fname),
- file:write(Fd, Str),
- file:position(Fd, 0),
- case epp_dodger:parse(Fd) of
- {ok, Tree} ->
- Forms = revert_tree(Tree),
- close_ram_file(Fd),
- Forms;
- Error ->
- close_ram_file(Fd),
- Error
- end.
-open_ram_file(Fname) ->
- ram_file_io_server:start(self(), Fname, [read,write]).
-close_ram_file(Fd) ->
- file:close(Fd).
-revert_tree(Tree) ->
- [erl_syntax:revert(T) || T <- Tree].
-load_logger(Forms, Mod, Loglevel) ->
- Fname = Mod ++ ".erl",
- case compile:forms(Forms, [binary, {d,'LOGLEVEL',Loglevel}]) of
- {ok, M, Bin} ->
- code:load_binary(M, Fname, Bin);
- Error ->
- ?CRITICAL_MSG("Error ~p~n", [Error])
+level_to_integer(Level) ->
+ case lists:keyfind(Level, 2, ?LOG_LEVELS) of
+ {Int, Level, _Desc} -> Int;
+ _ -> erlang:error({no_such_loglevel, Level})
%% --------------------------------------------------------------
+++ /dev/null
-%% ``The contents of this file are subject to the Erlang Public License,
-%% Version 1.1, (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
-%% compliance with the License. You should have received a copy of the
-%% Erlang Public License along with this software. If not, it can be
-%% retrieved via the world wide web at http://www.erlang.org/.
-%% Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
-%% basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
-%% the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
-%% under the License.
-%% The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Ericsson Utvecklings AB.
-%% Portions created by Ericsson are Copyright 1999, Ericsson Utvecklings
-%% AB. All Rights Reserved.''
-%% $Id$
-%% This file is mostly copied from Erlang file_io_server.erl
-%% See: http://www.erlang.org/ml-archive/erlang-questions/200607/msg00080.html
-%% for details on ram_file_io_server.erl (Erlang OTP R11B-2)
-%% A simple file server for io to one file instance per server instance.
--export([start/3, start_link/3]).
--record(state, {handle,owner,mref,buf,read_mode}).
--define(PRIM_FILE, ram_file).
--define(READ_SIZE_LIST, 128).
--define(READ_SIZE_BINARY, (8*1024)).
--define(eat_message(M, T), receive M -> M after T -> timeout end).
-%%% Exported functions
-format_error({_Line, ?MODULE, Reason}) ->
- io_lib:format("~w", [Reason]);
-format_error({_Line, Mod, Reason}) ->
- Mod:format_error(Reason);
-format_error(ErrorId) ->
- erl_posix_msg:message(ErrorId).
-start(Owner, FileName, ModeList)
- when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
- do_start(spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
-start_link(Owner, FileName, ModeList)
- when pid(Owner), list(FileName), list(ModeList) ->
- do_start(spawn_link, Owner, FileName, ModeList).
-%%% Server starter, dispatcher and helpers
-do_start(Spawn, Owner, FileName, ModeList) ->
- Self = self(),
- Ref = make_ref(),
- Pid =
- erlang:Spawn(
- fun() ->
- %% process_flag(trap_exit, true),
- {ReadMode,Opts} =
- case lists:member(binary, ModeList) of
- true ->
- {binary,ModeList};
- false ->
- {list,[binary|ModeList]}
- end,
- case ?PRIM_FILE:open(FileName, Opts) of
- {error, Reason} = Error ->
- Self ! {Ref, Error},
- exit(Reason);
- {ok, Handle} ->
- %% XXX must I handle R6 nodes here?
- M = erlang:monitor(process, Owner),
- Self ! {Ref, ok},
- server_loop(
- #state{handle = Handle,
- owner = Owner,
- mref = M,
- buf = <<>>,
- read_mode = ReadMode})
- end
- end),
- Mref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
- receive
- {Ref, {error, _Reason} = Error} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref),
- receive {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, _} -> ok after 0 -> ok end,
- Error;
- {Ref, ok} ->
- erlang:demonitor(Mref),
- receive
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- after 0 ->
- {ok, Pid}
- end;
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
- {error, Reason}
- end.
-server_loop(#state{mref = Mref} = State) ->
- receive
- {file_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
- case file_request(Request, State) of
- {reply, Reply, NewState} ->
- file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- server_loop(NewState);
- {error, Reply, NewState} ->
- %% error is the same as reply, except that
- %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
- file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- server_loop(NewState);
- {stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
- file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- exit(Reason)
- end;
- {io_request, From, ReplyAs, Request} when pid(From) ->
- case io_request(Request, State) of
- {reply, Reply, NewState} ->
- io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- server_loop(NewState);
- {error, Reply, NewState} ->
- %% error is the same as reply, except that
- %% it breaks the io_request_loop further down
- io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- server_loop(NewState);
- {stop, Reason, Reply, _NewState} ->
- io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply),
- exit(Reason)
- end;
- {'DOWN', Mref, _, _, Reason} ->
- exit(Reason);
- _ ->
- server_loop(State)
- end.
-file_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
- From ! {file_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
-io_reply(From, ReplyAs, Reply) ->
- From ! {io_reply, ReplyAs, Reply}.
-%%% file requests
- #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
- case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
- {ok,_Offs} ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Sz) of
- {ok,Bin} when ReadMode==list ->
- std_reply({ok,binary_to_list(Bin)}, State);
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
- end;
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
- end;
- #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
- case position(Handle, At, Buf) of
- {ok,_Offs} ->
- std_reply(?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Data), State);
- Reply ->
- std_reply(Reply, State)
- end;
- #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:sync(Handle) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
- Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
- end;
- #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
- {stop,normal,?PRIM_FILE:close(Handle),State#state{buf= <<>>}};
- #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
- std_reply(position(Handle, At, Buf), State);
- #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:truncate(Handle) of
- {error,_Reason}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
- Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
- end;
- #state{}=State) ->
- Reason = {request, Unknown},
- {error,{error,Reason},State}.
-std_reply({error,_}=Reply, State) ->
- {error,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
-std_reply(Reply, State) ->
- {reply,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}}.
-%%% I/O request
-io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
- #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
- put_chars(Chars, State);
-io_request({put_chars,Chars}, % binary(Chars) new in R9C
- #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf}=State) ->
- case position(Handle, cur, Buf) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State#state{buf= <<>>}};
- _ ->
- put_chars(Chars, State#state{buf= <<>>})
- end;
- #state{}=State) ->
- case catch apply(Mod, Func, Args) of
- Chars when list(Chars); binary(Chars) ->
- io_request({put_chars,Chars}, State);
- _ ->
- {error,{error,Func},State}
- end;
- #state{}=State) ->
- get_chars(io_lib, get_until, {Mod, Func, XtraArgs}, State);
-io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,N}, % New in R9C
- #state{}=State) ->
- get_chars(N, State);
-io_request({get_chars,_Prompt,Mod,Func,XtraArg}, % New in R9C
- #state{}=State) ->
- get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, State);
-io_request({get_line,_Prompt}, % New in R9C
- #state{}=State) ->
- get_chars(io_lib, collect_line, [], State);
-io_request({setopts, Opts}, % New in R9C
- #state{}=State) when list(Opts) ->
- setopts(Opts, State);
- #state{}=State) when list(Requests) ->
- io_request_loop(Requests, {reply,ok,State});
- #state{}=State) ->
- Reason = {request,Unknown},
- {error,{error,Reason},State}.
-%% Process a list of requests as long as the results are ok.
-io_request_loop([], Result) ->
- Result;
- {stop,_Reason,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
- Result;
- {error,_Reply,_State}=Result) ->
- Result;
- {reply,_Reply,State}) ->
- io_request_loop(Tail, io_request(Request, State)).
-%% I/O request put_chars
-put_chars(Chars, #state{handle=Handle}=State) ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:write(Handle, Chars) of
- {error,_}=Reply ->
- {stop,normal,Reply,State};
- Reply ->
- {reply,Reply,State}
- end.
-%% Process the I/O request get_chars
-get_chars(0, #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
- {reply,cast(<<>>, ReadMode),State};
-get_chars(N, #state{buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State)
- when integer(N), N > 0, N =< size(Buf) ->
- {B1,B2} = split_binary(Buf, N),
- {reply,cast(B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}};
-get_chars(N, #state{handle=Handle,buf=Buf,read_mode=ReadMode}=State)
- when integer(N), N > 0 ->
- BufSize = size(Buf),
- NeedSize = N-BufSize,
- Size = max(NeedSize, ?READ_SIZE_BINARY),
- case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, Size) of
- {ok, B} ->
- if BufSize+size(B) < N ->
- std_reply(cat(Buf, B, ReadMode), State);
- true ->
- {B1,B2} = split_binary(B, NeedSize),
- {reply,cat(Buf, B1, ReadMode),State#state{buf=B2}}
- end;
- eof when BufSize==0 ->
- {reply,eof,State};
- eof ->
- std_reply(cast(Buf, ReadMode), State);
- {error,Reason}=Error ->
- {stop,Reason,Error,State#state{buf= <<>>}}
- end;
-get_chars(_N, #state{}=State) ->
- {error,{error,get_chars},State}.
-get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf= <<>>}=State) ->
- get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State);
-get_chars(Mod, Func, XtraArg, #state{buf=Buf}=State) ->
- get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, start, State#state{buf= <<>>}, Buf).
-get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S,
- #state{handle=Handle,read_mode=ReadMode}=State) ->
- case ?PRIM_FILE:read(Handle, read_size(ReadMode)) of
- {ok,Bin} ->
- get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, Bin);
- eof ->
- get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S, State, eof);
- {error,Reason}=Error ->
- {stop,Reason,Error,State}
- end.
-get_chars_apply(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S0,
- #state{read_mode=ReadMode}=State, Data0) ->
- Data1 = case ReadMode of
- list when binary(Data0) -> binary_to_list(Data0);
- _ -> Data0
- end,
- case catch Mod:Func(S0, Data1, XtraArg) of
- {stop,Result,Buf} ->
- {reply,Result,State#state{buf=cast_binary(Buf)}};
- {'EXIT',Reason} ->
- {stop,Reason,{error,err_func(Mod, Func, XtraArg)},State};
- S1 ->
- get_chars_empty(Mod, Func, XtraArg, S1, State)
- end.
-%% Convert error code to make it look as before
-err_func(io_lib, get_until, {_,F,_}) ->
- F;
-err_func(_, F, _) ->
- F.
-%% Process the I/O request setopts
-%% setopts
-setopts(Opts0, State) ->
- Opts = proplists:substitute_negations([{list,binary}], Opts0),
- case proplists:get_value(binary, Opts) of
- true ->
- {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=binary}};
- false ->
- {ok,ok,State#state{read_mode=list}};
- _ ->
- {error,{error,badarg},State}
- end.
-%% Concatenate two binaries and convert the result to list or binary
-cat(B1, B2, binary) ->
- list_to_binary([B1,B2]);
-cat(B1, B2, list) ->
- binary_to_list(B1)++binary_to_list(B2).
-%% Cast binary to list or binary
-cast(B, binary) ->
- B;
-cast(B, list) ->
- binary_to_list(B).
-%% Convert buffer to binary
-cast_binary(Binary) when binary(Binary) ->
- Binary;
-cast_binary(List) when list(List) ->
- list_to_binary(List);
-cast_binary(_EOF) ->
- <<>>.
-%% Read size for different read modes
-read_size(binary) ->
-read_size(list) ->
-max(A, B) when A >= B ->
- A;
-max(_, B) ->
- B.
-%%% ?PRIM_FILE helpers
-%% Compensates ?PRIM_FILE:position/2 for the number of bytes
-%% we have buffered
-position(Handle, cur, Buf) ->
- position(Handle, {cur, 0}, Buf);
-position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when list(Buf) ->
- ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-length(Buf)});
-position(Handle, {cur, Offs}, Buf) when binary(Buf) ->
- ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, {cur, Offs-size(Buf)});
-position(Handle, At, _Buf) ->
- ?PRIM_FILE:position(Handle, At).