BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(ret.size(), 1);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_forward_zone_recurse_rd_dnssec) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
+ initSR(sr, true);
+ setDNSSECValidation(sr, DNSSECMode::ValidateAll);
+ primeHints();
+ /* signed */
+ const DNSName target("test.");
+ /* unsigned */
+ const DNSName cnameTarget("cname.");
+ testkeysset_t keys;
+ auto luaconfsCopy = g_luaconfs.getCopy();
+ luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors.clear();
+ generateKeyMaterial(g_rootdnsname, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys, luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors);
+ generateKeyMaterial(target, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ g_luaconfs.setState(luaconfsCopy);
+ const ComboAddress forwardedNS("");
+ size_t queriesCount = 0;
+ SyncRes::AuthDomain ad;
+ ad.d_rdForward = true;
+ ad.d_servers.push_back(forwardedNS);
+ (*SyncRes::t_sstorage.domainmap)[g_rootdnsname] = ad;
+ sr->setAsyncCallback([target,cnameTarget,keys,forwardedNS,&queriesCount](const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, LWResult* res, bool* chained) {
+ queriesCount++;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sendRDQuery, true);
+ if (ip != forwardedNS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (type == QType::DS || type == QType::DNSKEY) {
+ return genericDSAndDNSKEYHandler(res, domain, DNSName("."), type, keys);
+ }
+ if (domain == target && type == QType::A) {
+ setLWResult(res, 0, false, false, true);
+ addRecordToLW(res, target, QType::CNAME, cnameTarget.toString());
+ addRRSIG(keys, res->d_records, domain, 300);
+ addRecordToLW(res, cnameTarget, QType::A, "");
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ vector<DNSRecord> ret;
+ int res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::A), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Insecure);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 5);
+ /* again, to test the cache */
+ ret.clear();
+ res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::A), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Insecure);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 5);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_forward_zone_recurse_rd_dnssec_bogus) {
+ std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
+ initSR(sr, true);
+ setDNSSECValidation(sr, DNSSECMode::ValidateAll);
+ primeHints();
+ /* signed */
+ const DNSName target("test.");
+ /* signed */
+ const DNSName cnameTarget("cname.");
+ testkeysset_t keys;
+ auto luaconfsCopy = g_luaconfs.getCopy();
+ luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors.clear();
+ generateKeyMaterial(g_rootdnsname, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys, luaconfsCopy.dsAnchors);
+ generateKeyMaterial(target, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ generateKeyMaterial(cnameTarget, DNSSECKeeper::ECDSA256, DNSSECKeeper::SHA256, keys);
+ g_luaconfs.setState(luaconfsCopy);
+ const ComboAddress forwardedNS("");
+ size_t queriesCount = 0;
+ SyncRes::AuthDomain ad;
+ ad.d_rdForward = true;
+ ad.d_servers.push_back(forwardedNS);
+ (*SyncRes::t_sstorage.domainmap)[g_rootdnsname] = ad;
+ sr->setAsyncCallback([target,cnameTarget,keys,forwardedNS,&queriesCount](const ComboAddress& ip, const DNSName& domain, int type, bool doTCP, bool sendRDQuery, int EDNS0Level, struct timeval* now, boost::optional<Netmask>& srcmask, boost::optional<const ResolveContext&> context, LWResult* res, bool* chained) {
+ queriesCount++;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sendRDQuery, true);
+ if (ip != forwardedNS) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (type == QType::DS || type == QType::DNSKEY) {
+ return genericDSAndDNSKEYHandler(res, domain, DNSName("."), type, keys);
+ }
+ if (domain == target && type == QType::A) {
+ setLWResult(res, 0, false, false, true);
+ addRecordToLW(res, target, QType::CNAME, cnameTarget.toString());
+ addRRSIG(keys, res->d_records, domain, 300);
+ addRecordToLW(res, cnameTarget, QType::A, "");
+ /* no RRSIG in a signed zone, Bogus ! */
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ });
+ vector<DNSRecord> ret;
+ int res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::A), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Bogus);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 5);
+ /* again, to test the cache */
+ ret.clear();
+ res = sr->beginResolve(target, QType(QType::A), QClass::IN, ret);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(res, RCode::NoError);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(sr->getValidationState(), Bogus);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ret.size(), 3);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(queriesCount, 5);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_auth_zone_oob) {
std::unique_ptr<SyncRes> sr;
initSR(sr, true);
if(j->d_ttl>(unsigned int) d_now.tv_sec) {
- if (!wasAuthZone && shouldValidate() && wasAuth && state == Indeterminate && d_requireAuthData) {
+ if (!wasAuthZone && shouldValidate() && (wasAuth || wasForwardRecurse) && state == Indeterminate && d_requireAuthData) {
/* This means we couldn't figure out the state when this entry was cached,
most likely because we hadn't computed the zone cuts yet. */
/* make sure they are computed before validating */
LOG(prefix<<sqname<<": Found cache hit for "<<sqt.getName()<<": ");
- if (!wasAuthZone && shouldValidate() && wasCachedAuth && cachedState == Indeterminate && d_requireAuthData) {
+ if (!wasAuthZone && shouldValidate() && (wasCachedAuth || wasForwardRecurse) && cachedState == Indeterminate && d_requireAuthData) {
/* This means we couldn't figure out the state when this entry was cached,
most likely because we hadn't computed the zone cuts yet. */
set the TC bit solely because these RRSIG RRs didn't fit."
bool isAA = lwr.d_aabit && i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ADDITIONAL;
- if (isAA && isCNAMEAnswer && (i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER || i->first.type != QType::CNAME || i-> != qname)) {
+ /* if we forwarded the query to a recursor, we can expect the answer to be signed,
+ even if the answer is not AA. Of course that's not only true inside a Secure
+ zone, but we check that below. */
+ bool expectSignature = isAA || wasForwardRecurse;
+ if (isCNAMEAnswer && (i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ANSWER || i->first.type != QType::CNAME || i-> != qname)) {
rfc2181 states:
Note that the answer section of an authoritative answer normally
associated with the alias.
isAA = false;
+ expectSignature = false;
vState recordState = getValidationStatus(i->, false);
if (shouldValidate() && recordState == Secure) {
vState initialState = recordState;
- if (isAA || wasForwardRecurse) {
+ if (expectSignature) {
if (i-> != DNSResourceRecord::ADDITIONAL) {
/* the additional entries can be insecure,
like glue:
- if (initialState == Secure && state != recordState && (isAA || wasForwardRecurse)) {
+ if (initialState == Secure && state != recordState && expectSignature) {
updateValidationState(state, recordState);