@class HBPreviewController;
@class HBPreferencesController;
-@class HBOutputPanelController;
@class HBPresetsViewController;
@class HBPresetsManager;
@class HBJob;
-@interface HBController : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate, NSDrawerDelegate>
+@interface HBController : NSWindowController <NSDrawerDelegate>
- IBOutlet NSWindow *fWindow;
IBOutlet NSTabView *fMainTabView;
// Video view controller
HBAdvancedController * fAdvancedOptions;
IBOutlet NSTabViewItem * fAdvancedTab;
- // Main Menu Outlets
- NSMenuItem * fOpenSourceTitleMMenu;
- // Source Title Scan Outlets
- IBOutlet NSPanel * fScanSrcTitlePanel;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fScanSrcTitlePathField;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fSrcDsplyNameTitleScan;
- IBOutlet NSTextField * fScanSrcTitleNumField;
- IBOutlet NSButton * fScanSrcTitleCancelButton;
- IBOutlet NSButton * fScanSrcTitleOpenButton;
// Picture Settings
HBPictureController * fPictureController;
// Picture Preview
// Queue panel
HBQueueController * fQueueController;
- // Output panel
- HBOutputPanelController * outputPanel;
// Source box
IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator * fScanIndicator;
IBOutlet NSTextField * fQueueStatus;
IBOutlet NSProgressIndicator * fRipIndicator;
BOOL fRipIndicatorShown;
// User Preset
HBPresetsManager * presetManager;
HBPresetsViewController * fPresetsView;
- IBOutlet NSMenu * presetsMenu;
IBOutlet NSDrawer * fPresetDrawer;
-@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSWindow *window;
+- (instancetype)initWithQueue:(HBQueueController *)queueController presetsManager:(HBPresetsManager *)manager;
-- (IBAction) browseSources: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) showSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) closeSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender;
-- (void) performScan:(NSURL *)scanURL scanTitleNum:(NSInteger)scanTitleNum;
+- (void)launchAction;
+- (void)openFile:(NSURL *)fileURL;
-- (IBAction) titlePopUpChanged: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) chapterPopUpChanged: (id) sender;
+- (IBAction)browseSources:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction) autoSetM4vExtension: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) browseFile: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) showPicturePanel: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) showPreviewWindow: (id) sender;
-- (void)pictureSettingsDidChange;
-- (IBAction) openMainWindow: (id) sender;
+- (IBAction)showPicturePanel:(id)sender;
+- (IBAction)showPreviewWindow:(id)sender;
// Queue
- (IBAction)addToQueue:(id)sender;
- (void)setQueueState:(NSString *)info;
- (void)setQueueInfo:(NSString *)info progress:(double)progress hidden:(BOOL)hidden;
-- (IBAction)showQueueWindow:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction)showPreferencesWindow:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)rip:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)pause:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction) openHomepage: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) openForums: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) openUserGuide: (id) sender;
+// Preset Methods
+// Export / Import Presets
+- (IBAction)browseExportPresetFile:(id)sender;
+- (IBAction)browseImportPresetFile:(id)sender;
-// Preset Methods Here
-/* Export / Import Presets */
-- (IBAction) browseExportPresetFile: (id) sender;
-- (IBAction) browseImportPresetFile: (id) sender;
+- (IBAction)selectPresetFromMenu:(id)sender;
-/* Manage User presets */
-- (IBAction) showAddPresetPanel: (id) sender;
+// Manage User presets
+- (IBAction)showAddPresetPanel:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)selectDefaultPreset:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender;
-- (IBAction)showDebugOutputPanel:(id)sender;
#import "HBQueueController.h"
#import "HBOutputPanelController.h"
-#import "HBPreferencesController.h"
#import "HBPresetsManager.h"
#import "HBPreset.h"
#import "HBUtilities.h"
@interface HBController () <HBPresetsViewControllerDelegate, HBPreviewControllerDelegate, HBPictureControllerDelegate>
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSView *openTitleView;
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) BOOL scanSpecificTitle;
+@property (nonatomic, readwrite) NSInteger scanSpecificTitleIdx;
+ * The name of the source, it might differ from the source
+ * last path component if it's a package or a folder.
+ */
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *browsedSourceDisplayName;
/// The current job.
@implementation HBController
-- (instancetype)init
+- (instancetype)initWithQueue:(HBQueueController *)queueController presetsManager:(HBPresetsManager *)manager;
- self = [super init];
+ self = [super initWithWindowNibName:@"MainWindow"];
if (self)
- // Register the defaults preferences
- [HBPreferencesController registerUserDefaults];
- // Inits the controllers
- outputPanel = [[HBOutputPanelController alloc] init];
- fPictureController = [[HBPictureController alloc] init];
- fPreviewController = [[HBPreviewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
- fQueueController = [[HBQueueController alloc] init];
- fQueueController.controller = self;
- fQueueController.outputPanel = outputPanel;
- // we init the HBPresetsManager
- NSURL *presetsURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UserPresets.plist"]];
- presetManager = [[HBPresetsManager alloc] initWithURL:presetsURL];
- _selectedPreset = [presetManager.defaultPreset retain];
- // Lets report the HandBrake version number here to the activity log and text log file
- NSDictionary *infoDict = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
- NSString *versionStringFull = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Handbrake Version: %@ (%@)", infoDict[@"CFBundleShortVersionString"], infoDict[@"CFBundleVersion"]];
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "%s", versionStringFull.UTF8String];
- // Optionally use dvd nav
- [HBCore setDVDNav:[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"UseDvdNav"] boolValue]];
// Init libhb
int loggingLevel = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"LoggingLevel"] intValue];
_core = [[HBCore alloc] initWithLoggingLevel:loggingLevel];
_core.name = @"ScanCore";
+ // Inits the controllers
+ fPictureController = [[HBPictureController alloc] init];
[fPictureController setDelegate:self];
+ fPreviewController = [[HBPreviewController alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[fPreviewController setCore:self.core];
- // Set the Growl Delegate
- [GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:fQueueController];
+ fQueueController = queueController;
+ fQueueController.controller = self;
+ presetManager = manager;
+ _selectedPreset = [presetManager.defaultPreset retain];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(autoSetM4vExtension:) name:HBMixdownChangedNotification object:nil];
return self;
-- (void) applicationDidFinishLaunching: (NSNotification *) notification
+- (void)dealloc
- [self enableUI:NO];
- // Checks for presets updates
- [self checkBuiltInsForUpdates];
- // Show/Hide the Presets drawer upon launch based
- // on user preference DefaultPresetsDrawerShow
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBDefaultPresetsDrawerShow"])
- {
- [fPresetDrawer open:self];
- }
- // Get the number of HandBrake instances currently running
- NSUInteger hbInstanceNum = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]].count;
- // If we are a single instance it is safe to clean up the previews if there are any
- // left over. This is a bit of a kludge but will prevent a build up of old instance
- // live preview cruft. No danger of removing an active preview directory since they
- // are created later in HBPreviewController if they don't exist at the moment a live
- // preview encode is initiated.
- if (hbInstanceNum == 1)
- {
- NSString *previewDirectory = [[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Previews"];
- NSError *error = nil;
- NSArray *files = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:previewDirectory error:&error];
- for (NSString *file in files)
- {
- BOOL result = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[previewDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:file] error:&error];
- if (result == NO && error)
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Could not remove existing preview at : %s", file.UTF8String];
- }
- }
- }
- // Open debug output window now if it was visible when HB was closed
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"])
- [self showDebugOutputPanel:nil];
- // Open queue window now if it was visible when HB was closed
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"])
- [self showQueueWindow:nil];
- [self openMainWindow:nil];
- // Now we re-check the queue array to see if there are
- // any remaining encodes to be done in it and ask the
- // user if they want to reload the queue */
- if (fQueueController.count)
- {
- // On Screen Notification
- // We check to see if there is already another instance of hb running.
- // Note: hbInstances == 1 means we are the only instance of HandBrake.app
- NSAlert *alert = nil;
- if (hbInstanceNum > 1)
- {
- alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"There is already an instance of HandBrake running.", @"")];
- [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake will now load up the existing queue.", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil)];
- }
- else
- {
- if (fQueueController.workingItemsCount > 0 || fQueueController.pendingItemsCount > 0)
- {
- NSString *alertTitle;
- if (fQueueController.workingItemsCount > 0)
- {
- alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
- NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Previously Encoding Item(s) and %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
- fQueueController.workingItemsCount, fQueueController.pendingItemsCount];
- }
- else
- {
- alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
- NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
- fQueueController.pendingItemsCount];
- }
- alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:alertTitle];
- [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"Do you want to reload them ?", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Empty Queue", nil)];
- [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- }
- else
- {
- // Since we addressed any pending or previously encoding items above, we go ahead and make sure
- // the queue is empty of any finished items or cancelled items.
- [fQueueController removeAllJobs];
- if (self.core.state != HBStateScanning && !self.job)
- {
- // We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
- {
- [self browseSources:nil];
- }
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
- {
- [self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (alert)
- {
- NSModalResponse response = [alert runModal];
- if (response == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "didDimissReloadQueue NSAlertSecondButtonReturn Chosen"];
- [fQueueController removeAllJobs];
- // We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
- {
- [self browseSources:nil];
- }
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
- {
- [self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "didDimissReloadQueue NSAlertFirstButtonReturn Chosen"];
- if (hbInstanceNum == 1)
- {
- [fQueueController setEncodingJobsAsPending];
- }
- [self showQueueWindow:nil];
- }
- [alert release];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (self.core.state != HBStateScanning && !self.job)
- {
- // We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
- {
- [self browseSources:nil];
- }
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source (Title Specific)"])
- {
- [self browseSources:(id)fOpenSourceTitleMMenu];
- }
- }
- }
-- (void)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFiles:(NSArray *)filenames
- [self openFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filenames.firstObject]];
- [NSApp replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];
-- (void)openFile:(NSURL *)fileURL
- if (self.core.state != HBStateScanning)
- {
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = fileURL.lastPathComponent;
- [self performScan:fileURL scanTitleNum:0];
- }
-- (void)setJob:(HBJob *)job
- // Set the jobs info to the view controllers
- fPictureController.picture = job.picture;
- fPictureController.filters = job.filters;
- fPreviewController.job = job;
- fVideoController.job = job;
- fAudioController.audio = job.audio;
- fSubtitlesViewController.subtitles = job.subtitles;
- fChapterTitlesController.job = job;
- if (job)
- {
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.picture];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.filters];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.video];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(pictureSettingsDidChange) name:HBPictureChangedNotification object:job.picture];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(pictureSettingsDidChange) name:HBFiltersChangedNotification object:job.filters];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(formatChanged:) name:HBContainerChangedNotification object:job];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(customSettingUsed) name:HBVideoChangedNotification object:job.video];
- }
- // Retain the new job
- [_job autorelease];
- _job = [job retain];
- [self enableUI:(job != nil)];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Drag & drop handling
-// This method is used by OSX to know what kind of files can be drag & drop on the NSWindow
-// We only want filenames (and so folders too)
-- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
- NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
- if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
- {
- NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
- return paths.count == 1 ? NSDragOperationGeneric : NSDragOperationNone;
- }
- return NSDragOperationNone;
-// This method is doing the job after the drag & drop operation has been validated by [self draggingEntered] and OSX
-- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
- NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
- if ([pboard.types containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
- {
- NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
- [self openFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:paths.firstObject]];
- }
- return YES;
-#pragma mark -
-- (NSApplicationTerminateReply) applicationShouldTerminate: (NSApplication *) app
- if (fQueueController.core.state != HBStateIdle)
- {
- NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil)];
- [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"If you quit HandBrake your current encode will be reloaded into your queue at next launch. Do you want to quit anyway?", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil)];
- [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- NSInteger result = [alert runModal];
- [alert release];
- if (result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
- {
- return NSTerminateNow;
- }
- else
- {
- return NSTerminateCancel;
- }
- }
- // Warn if items still in the queue
- else if (fQueueController.pendingItemsCount > 0)
- {
- NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil)];
- [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"There are pending encodes in your queue. Do you want to quit anyway?",nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil)];
- [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil)];
- [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- NSInteger result = [alert runModal];
- [alert release];
- if (result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
- {
- return NSTerminateNow;
- }
- else
- {
- return NSTerminateCancel;
- }
- }
- return NSTerminateNow;
-- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)aNotification
- [presetManager savePresets];
- [presetManager release];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];
- [outputPanel release];
- [fQueueController release];
- [fQueueController release];
[fPreviewController release];
[fPictureController release];
- self.core = nil;
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = nil;
+ [_browsedSourceDisplayName release];
+ [_job release];
+ [_jobFromQueue release];
+ [_selectedPreset release];
+ [_labelColor release];
+ [_core release];
- [HBCore closeGlobal];
+ [super dealloc];
-- (void) awakeFromNib
+- (void)windowDidLoad
+ [self enableUI:NO];
/* For 64 bit builds, the threaded animation in the progress
* indicators conflicts with the animation in the advanced tab
* for reasons not completely clear. jbrjake found a note in the
* as it test out fine on both and there is no reason our progress indicators
* should require their own thread.
- _window = fWindow;
[fScanIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
[fRipIndicator setUsesThreadedAnimation:NO];
- // Presets initialization
- [self buildPresetsMenu];
- [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(buildPresetsMenu) name:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
- [fPresetDrawer setDelegate:self];
NSSize drawerSize = NSSizeFromString([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
- stringForKey:@"HBDrawerSize"]);
+ stringForKey:@"HBDrawerSize"]);
if (drawerSize.width)
[fPresetDrawer setContentSize: drawerSize];
[fSrcTimeStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:startPoint];
[fSrcTimeEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:endPoint];
[fSrcFrameStartEncodingField setFrameOrigin:startPoint];
[fSrcFrameEndEncodingField setFrameOrigin:endPoint];
[fStatusField setStringValue:@""];
// Register HBController's Window as a receiver for files/folders drag & drop operations
- [fWindow registerForDraggedTypes:@[NSFilenamesPboardType]];
+ [self.window registerForDraggedTypes:@[NSFilenamesPboardType]];
// Set up the preset drawer
fPresetsView = [[HBPresetsViewController alloc] initWithPresetManager:presetManager];
// setup the subtitles view
fSubtitlesViewController = [[HBSubtitlesController alloc] init];
- [fSubtitlesTab setView:[fSubtitlesViewController view]];
+ [fSubtitlesTab setView:[fSubtitlesViewController view]];
- // setup the audio controller
+ // setup the audio controller
fAudioController = [[HBAudioController alloc] init];
- [fAudioTab setView:[fAudioController view]];
+ [fAudioTab setView:[fAudioController view]];
// setup the advanced view controller
fAdvancedOptions = [[HBAdvancedController alloc] init];
- [fAdvancedTab setView:[fAdvancedOptions view]];
+ [fAdvancedTab setView:[fAdvancedOptions view]];
// setup the video view controller
fVideoController = [[HBVideoController alloc] initWithAdvancedController:fAdvancedOptions];
- [fVideoTab setView:[fVideoController view]];
+ [fVideoTab setView:[fVideoController view]];
[[NSUserDefaultsController sharedUserDefaultsController] addObserver:self
options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew | NSKeyValueObservingOptionInitial
+ [self.window recalculateKeyViewLoop];
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Drag & drop handling
+/** This method is used by OSX to know what kind of files can be drag & drop on the NSWindow
+ * We only want filenames (and so folders too)
+ */
+- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
+ if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
+ {
+ NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
+ return paths.count == 1 ? NSDragOperationGeneric : NSDragOperationNone;
+ }
- [fWindow recalculateKeyViewLoop];
+ return NSDragOperationNone;
+// This method is doing the job after the drag & drop operation has been validated by [self draggingEntered] and OSX
+- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender
+ NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
+ if ([pboard.types containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType])
+ {
+ NSArray *paths = [pboard propertyListForType:NSFilenamesPboardType];
+ [self openFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:paths.firstObject]];
+ }
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark - KVO
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary *)change context:(void *)context
if (context == NULL)
fPresetsView.enabled = enabled;
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Toolbar
+- (NSSize)drawerWillResizeContents:(NSDrawer *) drawer toSize:(NSSize)contentSize {
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:NSStringFromSize(contentSize) forKey:@"HBDrawerSize"];
+ return contentSize;
-- (BOOL) validateToolbarItem: (NSToolbarItem *) toolbarItem
+#pragma mark - UI Validation
+- (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)toolbarItem
SEL action = toolbarItem.action;
if (self.job)
- if (action == @selector(showPicturePanel:))
- return YES;
- if (action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:))
- return YES;
- if (action == @selector(addToQueue:))
+ if (action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) ||
+ action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:) ||
+ action == @selector(addToQueue:))
+ {
return YES;
+ }
- if (action == @selector(showPicturePanel:))
- return NO;
- if (action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:))
- return NO;
- if (action == @selector(addToQueue:))
+ if (action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) ||
+ action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:) ||
+ action == @selector(addToQueue:))
+ {
return NO;
+ }
// If there are any pending queue items, make sure the start/stop button is active.
if (action == @selector(rip:) && (fQueueController.pendingItemsCount > 0 || self.job))
+ {
return YES;
- if (action == @selector(showQueueWindow:))
- return YES;
- if (action == @selector(toggleDrawer:))
- return YES;
- if (action == @selector(browseSources:))
- return YES;
- if (action == @selector(showDebugOutputPanel:))
- return YES;
+ }
- return NO;
+ return YES;
-- (BOOL) validateMenuItem: (NSMenuItem *) menuItem
+- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
SEL action = [menuItem action];
- HBState queueState = fQueueController.core.state;
- if (action == @selector(addToQueue:) || action == @selector(addAllTitlesToQueue:) || action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) || action == @selector(showAddPresetPanel:))
- return self.job && [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
+ if (action == @selector(addToQueue:) || action == @selector(addAllTitlesToQueue:) ||
+ action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) || action == @selector(showAddPresetPanel:) ||
+ action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:))
+ {
+ return self.job && self.window.attachedSheet == nil;
+ }
if (action == @selector(selectDefaultPreset:))
- return [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
+ {
+ return self.window.attachedSheet == nil;
+ }
if (action == @selector(pause:))
- if (queueState == HBStateWorking)
- {
- if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Pause Encoding"])
- [menuItem setTitle:@"Pause Encoding"];
- return YES;
- }
- else if (queueState == HBStatePaused)
- {
- if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Resume Encoding"])
- [menuItem setTitle:@"Resume Encoding"];
- return YES;
- }
- else
- return NO;
+ return [fQueueController validateMenuItem:menuItem];
if (action == @selector(rip:))
- if (queueState == HBStateWorking || queueState == HBStateMuxing || queueState == HBStatePaused)
- {
- if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Stop Encoding"])
- [menuItem setTitle:@"Stop Encoding"];
- return YES;
- }
- else if (self.job)
+ BOOL result = [fQueueController validateMenuItem:menuItem];
+ if ([menuItem.title isEqualToString:NSLocalizedString(@"Start Encoding", nil)])
- if(![[menuItem title] isEqualToString:@"Start Encoding"])
- [menuItem setTitle:@"Start Encoding"];
- return [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
+ if (!result && self.job)
+ {
+ return YES;
+ }
- else
- return NO;
+ return result;
if (action == @selector(browseSources:))
- if (self.core.state == HBStateScanning)
+ if (self.core.state == HBStateScanning) {
return NO;
+ }
- return [fWindow attachedSheet] == nil;
+ {
+ return self.window.attachedSheet == nil;
+ }
if (action == @selector(selectPresetFromMenu:))
menuItem.state = NSOffState;
+ return (self.job != nil);
return YES;
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Get New Source
+#pragma mark - Get New Source
+- (void)launchAction
+ if (self.core.state != HBStateScanning && !self.job)
+ {
+ // We show whichever open source window specified in LaunchSourceBehavior preference key
+ if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:@"LaunchSourceBehavior"] isEqualToString: @"Open Source"])
+ {
+ [self browseSources:nil];
+ }
+ }
+- (void)openFile:(NSURL *)fileURL
+ if (self.core.state != HBStateScanning)
+ {
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = fileURL.lastPathComponent;
+ [self performScan:fileURL scanTitleNum:0];
+ }
+- (void)setJob:(HBJob *)job
+ // Set the jobs info to the view controllers
+ fPictureController.picture = job.picture;
+ fPictureController.filters = job.filters;
+ fPreviewController.job = job;
+ fVideoController.job = job;
+ fAudioController.audio = job.audio;
+ fSubtitlesViewController.subtitles = job.subtitles;
+ fChapterTitlesController.job = job;
+ if (job)
+ {
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.picture];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.filters];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:_job.video];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(pictureSettingsDidChange) name:HBPictureChangedNotification object:job.picture];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(pictureSettingsDidChange) name:HBFiltersChangedNotification object:job.filters];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(formatChanged:) name:HBContainerChangedNotification object:job];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(customSettingUsed) name:HBVideoChangedNotification object:job.video];
+ }
+ // Retain the new job
+ [_job autorelease];
+ _job = [job retain];
+ [self enableUI:(job != nil)];
* Opens the source browse window, called from Open Source widgets
[panel setDirectoryURL:sourceDirectory];
- [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler: ^(NSInteger result)
- {
- if (result == NSOKButton)
- {
- NSURL *scanURL = panel.URL;
- // we set the last searched source directory in the prefs here
- [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:scanURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent forKey:@"HBLastSourceDirectoryURL"];
- // we order out sheet, which is the browse window as we need to open
- // the title selection sheet right away
- [panel orderOut:self];
- if (sender == fOpenSourceTitleMMenu || [[NSApp currentEvent] modifierFlags] & NSAlternateKeyMask)
- {
- // We put the chosen source path in the source display text field for the
- // source title selection sheet in which the user specifies the specific title to be
- // scanned as well as the short source name in fSrcDsplyNameTitleScan just for display
- // purposes in the title panel
- // Full Path
- [fScanSrcTitlePathField setStringValue:scanURL.path];
- NSString *displayTitlescanSourceName;
- if ([scanURL.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"VIDEO_TS"])
- {
- // If VIDEO_TS Folder is chosen, choose its parent folder for the source display name
- // we have to use the title->path value so we get the proper name of the volume if a physical dvd is the source
- displayTitlescanSourceName = scanURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent.lastPathComponent;
- }
- else
- {
- // if not the VIDEO_TS Folder, we can assume the chosen folder is the source name
- displayTitlescanSourceName = scanURL.lastPathComponent;
- }
- // we set the source display name in the title selection dialogue
- [fSrcDsplyNameTitleScan setStringValue:displayTitlescanSourceName];
- // we set the attempted scans display name for main window to displayTitlescanSourceName
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = displayTitlescanSourceName;
- // We show the actual sheet where the user specifies the title to be scanned
- // as we are going to do a title specific scan
- [self showSourceTitleScanPanel:nil];
- }
- else
- {
- // We are just doing a standard full source scan, so we specify "0" to libhb
- NSURL *url = panel.URL;
- // We check to see if the chosen file at path is a package
- if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] isFilePackageAtPath:url.path])
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open a package at: %s", url.path.UTF8String];
- // We check to see if this is an .eyetv package
- if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"eyetv"])
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open eyetv package"];
- // We're looking at an EyeTV package - try to open its enclosed .mpg media file
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.URLByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent;
- NSString *mpgname;
- NSUInteger n = [[url.path stringByAppendingString: @"/"]
- completePathIntoString: &mpgname caseSensitive: YES
- matchesIntoArray: nil
- filterTypes: @[@"mpg"]];
- if (n > 0)
- {
- // Found an mpeg inside the eyetv package, make it our scan path
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"found mpeg in eyetv package"];
- url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:mpgname];
- }
- else
- {
- // We did not find an mpeg file in our package, so we do not call performScan
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"no valid mpeg in eyetv package"];
- }
- }
- // We check to see if this is a .dvdmedia package
- else if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"dvdmedia"])
- {
- // path IS a package - but dvdmedia packages can be treaded like normal directories
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.URLByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent;
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open dvdmedia package"];
- }
- else
- {
- // The package is not an eyetv package, try to open it anyway
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"not a known to package"];
- }
- }
- else
- {
- // path is not a package, so we call perform scan directly on our file
- if ([url.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"VIDEO_TS"])
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open video_ts folder (video_ts folder chosen)"];
- // If VIDEO_TS Folder is chosen, choose its parent folder for the source display name
- url = url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent;
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
- }
- else
- {
- [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open a folder or file"];
- // if not the VIDEO_TS Folder, we can assume the chosen folder is the source name
- // make sure we remove any path extension
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
- }
- }
- [self performScan:url scanTitleNum:0];
- }
- }
- }];
-/* Here we open the title selection sheet where we can specify an exact title to be scanned */
-- (IBAction) showSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender
- /* We default the title number to be scanned to "0" which results in a full source scan, unless the
- * user changes it
- */
- [fScanSrcTitleNumField setStringValue: @"0"];
- /* Show the panel */
- [NSApp beginSheet:fScanSrcTitlePanel modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:nil didEndSelector:NULL contextInfo:NULL];
-- (IBAction) closeSourceTitleScanPanel: (id) sender
- [NSApp endSheet: fScanSrcTitlePanel];
- [fScanSrcTitlePanel orderOut: self];
- if (sender == fScanSrcTitleOpenButton)
- {
- // We setup the scan status in the main window to indicate a source title scan
- [fSrcDVD2Field setStringValue: @"Opening a new source title…"];
- [fScanIndicator setHidden: NO];
- [fScanHorizontalLine setHidden: YES];
- [fScanIndicator setIndeterminate: YES];
- [fScanIndicator startAnimation: nil];
- // We use the performScan method to actually perform the specified scan passing the path and the title
- // to be scanned
- [self performScan:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:fScanSrcTitlePathField.stringValue] scanTitleNum:fScanSrcTitleNumField.intValue];
- }
+ [panel setAccessoryView:self.openTitleView];
+ [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler: ^(NSInteger result)
+ {
+ if (result == NSOKButton)
+ {
+ NSURL *scanURL = panel.URL;
+ // we set the last searched source directory in the prefs here
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:scanURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent forKey:@"HBLastSourceDirectoryURL"];
+ NSURL *url = panel.URL;
+ // We check to see if the chosen file at path is a package
+ if ([[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] isFilePackageAtPath:url.path])
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open a package at: %s", url.path.UTF8String];
+ // We check to see if this is an .eyetv package
+ if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"eyetv"])
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open eyetv package"];
+ // We're looking at an EyeTV package - try to open its enclosed .mpg media file
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.URLByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent;
+ NSString *mpgname;
+ NSUInteger n = [[url.path stringByAppendingString: @"/"]
+ completePathIntoString: &mpgname caseSensitive: YES
+ matchesIntoArray: nil
+ filterTypes: @[@"mpg"]];
+ if (n > 0)
+ {
+ // Found an mpeg inside the eyetv package, make it our scan path
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"found mpeg in eyetv package"];
+ url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:mpgname];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // We did not find an mpeg file in our package, so we do not call performScan
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"no valid mpeg in eyetv package"];
+ }
+ }
+ // We check to see if this is a .dvdmedia package
+ else if ([url.pathExtension isEqualToString:@"dvdmedia"])
+ {
+ // path IS a package - but dvdmedia packages can be treaded like normal directories
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.URLByDeletingPathExtension.lastPathComponent;
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open dvdmedia package"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // The package is not an eyetv package, try to open it anyway
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"not a known to package"];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // path is not a package, so we call perform scan directly on our file
+ if ([url.lastPathComponent isEqualToString:@"VIDEO_TS"])
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open video_ts folder (video_ts folder chosen)"];
+ // If VIDEO_TS Folder is chosen, choose its parent folder for the source display name
+ url = url.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent;
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"trying to open a folder or file"];
+ // if not the VIDEO_TS Folder, we can assume the chosen folder is the source name
+ // make sure we remove any path extension
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = url.lastPathComponent;
+ }
+ }
+ NSInteger titleIdx = 0;
+ if (self.scanSpecificTitle)
+ {
+ titleIdx = self.scanSpecificTitleIdx;
+ }
+ [self performScan:url scanTitleNum:titleIdx];
+ }
+ }];
/* Here we actually tell hb_scan to perform the source scan, using the path to source and title number*/
self.job = nil;
+ [fSrcTitlePopUp removeAllItems];
NSError *outError = NULL;
BOOL suppressWarning = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"suppresslibdvdcss"];
// We display a message if a valid source was not chosen
fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = NSLocalizedString(@"No Valid Source Found", @"");
- [fWindow.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
+ [self.window.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
[HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "showNewScan: This is a new source item scan"];
- [fSrcTitlePopUp removeAllItems];
for (HBTitle *title in self.core.titles)
// Set Source Name at top of window with the browsedSourceDisplayName grokked right before -performScan
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark New Output Destination
+#pragma mark - GUI Controls Changed Methods
-- (IBAction)browseFile:(id)sender
+- (IBAction)browseDestination:(id)sender
// Open a panel to let the user choose and update the text field
NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
panel.directoryURL = self.job.destURL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent;
panel.nameFieldStringValue = self.job.destURL.lastPathComponent;
- [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
- if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)
- {
- self.job.destURL = panel.URL;
+ [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
+ {
+ if (result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton)
+ {
+ self.job.destURL = panel.URL;
- // Save this path to the prefs so that on next browse destination window it opens there
- [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:panel.URL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
- forKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
- }
- }];
+ // Save this path to the prefs so that on next browse destination window it opens there
+ [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:panel.URL.URLByDeletingLastPathComponent
+ forKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
+ }
+ }];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Main Window Control
+- (void)updateFileName
+ HBTitle *title = self.job.title;
+ // Generate a new file name
+ NSString *fileName = [HBUtilities automaticNameForSource:title.name
+ title:title.hb_title->index
+ chapters:NSMakeRange(self.job.range.chapterStart + 1, self.job.range.chapterStop + 1)
+ quality:self.job.video.qualityType ? self.job.video.quality : 0
+ bitrate:!self.job.video.qualityType ? self.job.video.avgBitrate : 0
+ videoCodec:self.job.video.encoder];
-- (IBAction) openMainWindow: (id) sender
+ // Swap the old one with the new one
+ self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent] URLByAppendingPathComponent:
+ [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", fileName, self.job.destURL.pathExtension]];
+- (NSURL *)destURLForJob:(HBJob *)job
- [fWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ // Check to see if the last destination has been set,use if so, if not, use Desktop
+ NSURL *destURL = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
+ if (!destURL || ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:destURL.path])
+ {
+ destURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]
+ isDirectory:YES];
+ }
+ destURL = [destURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:job.title.name];
+ // use the correct extension based on the container
+ const char *ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(self.job.container);
+ destURL = [destURL URLByAppendingPathExtension:@(ext)];
+ return destURL;
-- (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag
+- (IBAction)titlePopUpChanged:(id)sender
- if( !flag ) {
- [fWindow makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ // If there is already a title load, save the current settings to a preset
+ if (self.job)
+ {
+ self.selectedPreset = [self createPresetFromCurrentSettings];
+ }
+ HBTitle *title = self.core.titles[fSrcTitlePopUp.indexOfSelectedItem];
+ // Check if we are reapplying a job from the queue, or creating a new one
+ if (self.jobFromQueue)
+ {
+ self.jobFromQueue.title = title;
+ self.job = self.jobFromQueue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.job = [[[HBJob alloc] initWithTitle:title andPreset:self.selectedPreset] autorelease];
+ self.job.destURL = [self destURLForJob:self.job];
+ // set m4v extension if necessary - do not override user-specified .mp4 extension
+ if (self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
+ {
+ [self autoSetM4vExtension:nil];
+ }
+ }
+ // If we are a stream type and a batch scan, grok the output file name from title->name upon title change
+ if ((title.hb_title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || title.hb_title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE) && self.core.titles.count > 1)
+ {
+ // Change the source to read out the parent folder also
+ fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", self.browsedSourceDisplayName, title.name];
+ }
+ // apply the current preset
+ if (!self.jobFromQueue)
+ {
+ [self applyPreset:self.selectedPreset];
+ }
+- (void)chapterPopUpChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
+ // We're changing the chapter range - we may need to flip the m4v/mp4 extension
+ if (self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
+ {
+ [self autoSetM4vExtension:notification];
+ }
+ // If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the chapters range
+ if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
+ {
+ [self updateFileName];
- return YES;
-- (NSSize) drawerWillResizeContents:(NSDrawer *) drawer toSize:(NSSize) contentSize {
- [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:NSStringFromSize( contentSize ) forKey:@"HBDrawerSize"];
- return contentSize;
+- (void)formatChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
+ if (self.job)
+ {
+ int videoContainer = self.job.container;
+ // set the file extension
+ const char *ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(videoContainer);
+ self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingPathExtension] URLByAppendingPathExtension:@(ext)];
+ if (videoContainer & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
+ {
+ [self autoSetM4vExtension:notification];
+ }
+ }
-#pragma mark - Queue Item Editing
+- (void)autoSetM4vExtension:(NSNotification *)notification
+ if (!(self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4))
+ return;
+ NSString *extension = @"mp4";
+ BOOL anyCodecAC3 = [self.job.audio anyCodecMatches:HB_ACODEC_AC3] || [self.job.audio anyCodecMatches:HB_ACODEC_AC3_PASS];
+ // Chapter markers are enabled if the checkbox is ticked and we are doing p2p or we have > 1 chapter
+ BOOL chapterMarkers = (self.job.chaptersEnabled) &&
+ (self.job.range.type != HBRangeTypeChapters ||
+ self.job.range.chapterStart < self.job.range.chapterStop);
+ if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @".m4v"] ||
+ ((YES == anyCodecAC3 || YES == chapterMarkers) &&
+ [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @"Auto"]))
+ {
+ extension = @"m4v";
+ }
+ if ([extension isEqualTo:self.job.destURL.pathExtension])
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingPathExtension] URLByAppendingPathExtension:extension];
+ }
- * Rescans the chosen queue item back into the main window
+ * Method to determine if we should change the UI
+ * To reflect whether or not a Preset is being used or if
+ * the user is using "Custom" settings by determining the sender
-- (void)rescanJobToMainWindow:(HBJob *)queueItem
+- (void)customSettingUsed
- // Set the browsedSourceDisplayName for showNewScan
- self.jobFromQueue = queueItem;
- self.browsedSourceDisplayName = self.jobFromQueue.fileURL.lastPathComponent;
+ // Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one
+ [fPresetsView deselect];
+ // Change UI to show "Custom" settings are being used
+ self.job.presetName = NSLocalizedString(@"Custom", @"");
- [self performScan:self.jobFromQueue.fileURL scanTitleNum:self.jobFromQueue.titleIdx];
+ // If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the quality token
+ if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
+ {
+ [self updateFileName];
+ }
-#pragma mark - Queue
+#pragma mark - Queue progress
- (void)setQueueState:(NSString *)info
if (fRipIndicatorShown)
- NSRect frame = fWindow.frame;
+ NSRect frame = self.window.frame;
if (frame.size.width <= WINDOW_HEIGHT)
frame.size.width = WINDOW_HEIGHT;
frame.size.height += -WINDOW_HEIGHT_OFFSET;
frame.origin.y -= -WINDOW_HEIGHT_OFFSET;
- [fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
+ [self.window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
fRipIndicatorShown = NO;
// Refresh the toolbar buttons
- [fWindow.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
+ [self.window.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
// that now.
if (!fRipIndicatorShown)
- NSRect frame = fWindow.frame;
+ NSRect frame = self.window.frame;
if (frame.size.width <= WINDOW_HEIGHT)
frame.size.width = WINDOW_HEIGHT;
frame.size.height += WINDOW_HEIGHT_OFFSET;
frame.origin.y -= WINDOW_HEIGHT_OFFSET;
- [fWindow setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
+ [self.window setFrame:frame display:YES animate:YES];
fRipIndicatorShown = YES;
// Refresh the toolbar buttons
- [fWindow.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
+ [self.window.toolbar validateVisibleItems];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
[alert release];
else if ([fQueueController jobExistAtURL:self.job.destURL])
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overwriteAddToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
[alert release];
+ * Rescans the chosen queue item back into the main window
+ */
+- (void)rescanJobToMainWindow:(HBJob *)queueItem
+ // Set the browsedSourceDisplayName for showNewScan
+ self.jobFromQueue = queueItem;
+ self.browsedSourceDisplayName = self.jobFromQueue.fileURL.lastPathComponent;
+ [self performScan:self.jobFromQueue.fileURL scanTitleNum:self.jobFromQueue.titleIdx];
- (void)doRip
// if there are no jobs in the queue, then add this one to the queue and rip
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Overwrite", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overWriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(overWriteAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
// overWriteAlertDone: will be called when the alert is dismissed. It will call doRip.
[alert release];
[alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Yes, I want to add all titles to the queue", @"")];
[alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
- [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(addAllTitlesToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
+ [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(addAllTitlesToQueueAlertDone:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:NULL];
[alert release];
[jobs release];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark GUI Controls Changed Methods
-- (void)updateFileName
- HBTitle *title = self.job.title;
- // Generate a new file name
- NSString *fileName = [HBUtilities automaticNameForSource:title.name
- title:title.hb_title->index
- chapters:NSMakeRange(self.job.range.chapterStart + 1, self.job.range.chapterStop + 1)
- quality:self.job.video.qualityType ? self.job.video.quality : 0
- bitrate:!self.job.video.qualityType ? self.job.video.avgBitrate : 0
- videoCodec:self.job.video.encoder];
- // Swap the old one with the new one
- self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingLastPathComponent] URLByAppendingPathComponent:
- [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@.%@", fileName, self.job.destURL.pathExtension]];
-- (NSURL *)destURLForJob:(HBJob *)job
- // Check to see if the last destination has been set,use if so, if not, use Desktop
- NSURL *destURL = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] URLForKey:@"HBLastDestinationDirectory"];
- if (!destURL || ![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:destURL.path])
- {
- destURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDesktopDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) firstObject]
- isDirectory:YES];
- }
- destURL = [destURL URLByAppendingPathComponent:job.title.name];
- // use the correct extension based on the container
- const char *ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(self.job.container);
- destURL = [destURL URLByAppendingPathExtension:@(ext)];
- return destURL;
-- (IBAction) titlePopUpChanged: (id) sender
- // If there is already a title load, save the current settings to a preset
- if (self.job)
- {
- self.selectedPreset = [self createPresetFromCurrentSettings];
- }
- HBTitle *title = self.core.titles[fSrcTitlePopUp.indexOfSelectedItem];
- // Check if we are reapplying a job from the queue, or creating a new one
- if (self.jobFromQueue)
- {
- self.jobFromQueue.title = title;
- self.job = self.jobFromQueue;
- }
- else
- {
- self.job = [[[HBJob alloc] initWithTitle:title andPreset:self.selectedPreset] autorelease];
- self.job.destURL = [self destURLForJob:self.job];
- // set m4v extension if necessary - do not override user-specified .mp4 extension
- if (self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
- {
- [self autoSetM4vExtension:nil];
- }
- }
- // If we are a stream type and a batch scan, grok the output file name from title->name upon title change
- if ((title.hb_title->type == HB_STREAM_TYPE || title.hb_title->type == HB_FF_STREAM_TYPE) && self.core.titles.count > 1)
- {
- // Change the source to read out the parent folder also
- fSrcDVD2Field.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", self.browsedSourceDisplayName, title.name];
- }
- // apply the current preset
- if (!self.jobFromQueue)
- {
- [self applyPreset:self.selectedPreset];
- }
-- (void)chapterPopUpChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
- // We're changing the chapter range - we may need to flip the m4v/mp4 extension
- if (self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
- {
- [self autoSetM4vExtension:notification];
- }
- // If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the chapters range
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
- {
- [self updateFileName];
- }
-- (void)formatChanged:(NSNotification *)notification
- if (self.job)
- {
- int videoContainer = self.job.container;
- // set the file extension
- const char *ext = hb_container_get_default_extension(videoContainer);
- self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingPathExtension] URLByAppendingPathExtension:@(ext)];
- if (videoContainer & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4)
- {
- [self autoSetM4vExtension:notification];
- }
- }
-- (void) autoSetM4vExtension:(NSNotification *)notification
- if (!(self.job.container & HB_MUX_MASK_MP4))
- return;
- NSString *extension = @"mp4";
- BOOL anyCodecAC3 = [self.job.audio anyCodecMatches:HB_ACODEC_AC3] || [self.job.audio anyCodecMatches:HB_ACODEC_AC3_PASS];
- // Chapter markers are enabled if the checkbox is ticked and we are doing p2p or we have > 1 chapter
- BOOL chapterMarkers = (self.job.chaptersEnabled) &&
- (self.job.range.type != HBRangeTypeChapters ||
- self.job.range.chapterStart < self.job.range.chapterStop);
- if ([[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @".m4v"] ||
- ((YES == anyCodecAC3 || YES == chapterMarkers) &&
- [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"DefaultMpegExtension"] isEqualToString: @"Auto"]))
- {
- extension = @"m4v";
- }
- if ([extension isEqualTo:self.job.destURL.pathExtension])
- {
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- self.job.destURL = [[self.job.destURL URLByDeletingPathExtension] URLByAppendingPathExtension:extension];
- }
- * Method to determine if we should change the UI
- * To reflect whether or not a Preset is being used or if
- * the user is using "Custom" settings by determining the sender
- */
-- (void)customSettingUsed
- // Deselect the currently selected Preset if there is one
- [fPresetsView deselect];
- // Change UI to show "Custom" settings are being used
- self.job.presetName = NSLocalizedString(@"Custom", @"");
- // If Auto Naming is on it might need to be update if it includes the quality token
- if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"DefaultAutoNaming"])
- {
- [self updateFileName];
- }
-#pragma mark -
#pragma mark - Picture
[self customSettingUsed];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Open New Windows
-- (IBAction) openHomepage: (id) sender
- [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
- URLWithString:@"http://handbrake.fr/"]];
-- (IBAction) openForums: (id) sender
- [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
- URLWithString:@"http://forum.handbrake.fr/"]];
-- (IBAction) openUserGuide: (id) sender
- [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL: [NSURL
- URLWithString:@"http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/HandBrakeGuide"]];
- * Shows debug output window.
- */
-- (IBAction)showDebugOutputPanel:(id)sender
- [outputPanel showOutputPanel:sender];
- * Shows preferences window.
- */
-- (IBAction) showPreferencesWindow: (id) sender
- if (fPreferencesController == nil)
- {
- fPreferencesController = [[HBPreferencesController alloc] init];
- }
- NSWindow *window = [fPreferencesController window];
- if (![window isVisible])
- [window center];
- [window makeKeyAndOrderFront: nil];
- * Shows queue window.
- */
-- (IBAction) showQueueWindow:(id)sender
- [fQueueController showWindow:sender];
-- (IBAction) toggleDrawer:(id)sender
+- (IBAction)toggleDrawer:(id)sender
- if ([fPresetDrawer state] == NSDrawerClosedState)
+ if (fPresetDrawer.state == NSDrawerClosedState)
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:YES forKey:@"HBDefaultPresetsDrawerShow"];
* Shows Picture Settings Window.
-- (IBAction) showPicturePanel: (id) sender
+- (IBAction)showPicturePanel:(id)sender
[fPictureController showPictureWindow];
-- (IBAction) showPreviewWindow: (id) sender
+- (IBAction)showPreviewWindow:(id)sender
[fPreviewController showWindow:sender];
-#pragma mark - Preset Methods
+#pragma mark - Presets View Controller Delegate
+- (void)selectionDidChange
+ [self applyPreset:fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
+#pragma mark - Presets
- (void)applyPreset:(HBPreset *)preset
-#pragma mark - Presets View Controller Delegate
-- (void)selectionDidChange
- [self applyPreset:fPresetsView.selectedPreset];
-#pragma mark -
-#pragma mark Manage Presets
-- (void) checkBuiltInsForUpdates
- /* if we have built in presets to update, then do so AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate*/
- if ([presetManager checkBuiltInsForUpdates])
- {
- if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate"] == YES)
- {
- /* Show an alert window that built in presets will be updated */
- /*On Screen Notification*/
- [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
- NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:@"HandBrake has determined your built in presets are out of date…"];
- [alert setInformativeText:@"HandBrake will now update your built-in presets."];
- [alert runModal];
- [alert release];
- }
- /* when alert is dismissed, go ahead and update the built in presets */
- [presetManager generateBuiltInPresets];
- }
- (IBAction)showAddPresetPanel:(id)sender
- /* Show the add panel */
+ // Show the add panel
HBAddPresetController *addPresetController = [[HBAddPresetController alloc] initWithPreset:[self createPresetFromCurrentSettings]
videoSize:NSMakeSize(self.job.picture.width, self.job.picture.height)];
- [NSApp beginSheet:addPresetController.window modalForWindow:fWindow modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:addPresetController];
+ [NSApp beginSheet:addPresetController.window modalForWindow:self.window modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(sheetDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:addPresetController];
- (void)sheetDidEnd:(NSWindow *)sheet returnCode:(NSInteger)returnCode contextInfo:(void *)contextInfo
- (IBAction) browseExportPresetFile: (id) sender
- /* Open a panel to let the user choose where and how to save the export file */
+ // Open a panel to let the user choose where and how to save the export file
NSSavePanel *panel = [NSSavePanel savePanel];
- /* We get the current file name and path from the destination field here */
- NSString *defaultExportDirectory = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%@/Desktop/", NSHomeDirectory()];
- [panel setDirectoryURL:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:defaultExportDirectory]];
+ // We get the current file name and path from the destination field here
+ NSURL *defaultExportDirectory = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop"];
+ [panel setDirectoryURL:defaultExportDirectory];
[panel setNameFieldStringValue:@"HB_Export.plist"];
- [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
+ [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
if( result == NSOKButton )
NSURL *exportPresetsFile = [panel URL];
NSURL *presetExportDirectory = [exportPresetsFile URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:presetExportDirectory forKey:@"LastPresetExportDirectoryURL"];
- /* We check for the presets.plist */
+ // We check for the presets.plist
if ([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:[exportPresetsFile path]] == 0)
[[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:[exportPresetsFile path] contents:nil attributes:nil];
if (presetsToExport == nil)
presetsToExport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
- /* now get and add selected presets to export */
+ // now get and add selected presets to export
if (fPresetsView.selectedPreset != nil)
- (IBAction)browseImportPresetFile:(id)sender
- NSOpenPanel *panel;
- panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
+ NSOpenPanel *panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection:NO];
[panel setCanChooseFiles:YES];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:NO];
sourceDirectory = [[NSURL fileURLWithPath:NSHomeDirectory()] URLByAppendingPathComponent:@"Desktop"];
- /* we open up the browse sources sheet here and call for browseSourcesDone after the sheet is closed
- * to evaluate whether we want to specify a title, we pass the sender in the contextInfo variable
- */
- /* set this for allowed file types, not sure if we should allow xml or not */
+ // set this for allowed file types, not sure if we should allow xml or not.
[panel setDirectoryURL:sourceDirectory];
- [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:fWindow completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
+ [panel beginSheetModalForWindow:self.window completionHandler:^(NSInteger result)
NSURL *importPresetsFile = [panel URL];
NSURL *importPresetsDirectory = nil;//[importPresetsFile URLByDeletingLastPathComponent];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setURL:importPresetsDirectory forKey:@"LastPresetImportDirectoryURL"];
- /* NOTE: here we need to do some sanity checking to verify we do not hose up our presets file */
+ // NOTE: here we need to do some sanity checking to verify we do not hose up our presets file
NSMutableArray *presetsToImport = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:importPresetsFile];
- /* iterate though the new array of presets to import and add them to our presets array */
- for (NSMutableDictionary *tempObject in presetsToImport)
+ // iterate though the new array of presets to import and add them to our presets array
+ for (NSMutableDictionary *dict in presetsToImport)
- /* make any changes to the incoming preset we see fit */
- /* make sure the incoming preset is not tagged as default */
- [tempObject setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] forKey:@"Default"];
- /* prepend "(imported) to the name of the incoming preset for clarification since it can be changed */
- NSString *prependedName = [@"(import) " stringByAppendingString:[tempObject objectForKey:@"PresetName"]] ;
- [tempObject setObject:prependedName forKey:@"PresetName"];
- /* actually add the new preset to our presets array */
- [presetManager addPresetFromDictionary:tempObject];
+ // make any changes to the incoming preset we see fit
+ // make sure the incoming preset is not tagged as default
+ dict[@"Default"] = @0;
+ // prepend "(imported) to the name of the incoming preset for clarification since it can be changed
+ NSString *prependedName = [@"(import) " stringByAppendingString:dict[@"PresetName"]] ;
+ dict[@"PresetName"] = prependedName;
+ // actually add the new preset to our presets array
+ [presetManager addPresetFromDictionary:dict];
[presetsToImport autorelease];
[fPresetsView setSelection:preset];
- * Adds the presets list to the menu.
- */
-- (void)buildPresetsMenu
- // First we remove all the preset menu items
- // inserted previosly
- NSArray *menuItems = [presetsMenu.itemArray copy];
- for (NSMenuItem *item in menuItems)
- {
- if (item.tag != -1)
- {
- [presetsMenu removeItem:item];
- }
- }
- [menuItems release];
- __block NSUInteger i = 0;
- __block BOOL builtInEnded = NO;
- [presetManager.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop)
- {
- if (idx.length)
- {
- NSMenuItem *item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init];
- item.title = [obj name];
- item.tag = i++;
- // Set an action only to the actual presets,
- // not on the folders.
- if ([obj isLeaf])
- {
- item.action = @selector(selectPresetFromMenu:);
- item.representedObject = obj;
- }
- // Make the default preset font bold.
- if ([obj isDefault])
- {
- NSAttributedString *newTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[obj name]
- attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:14]}];
- [item setAttributedTitle:newTitle];
- [newTitle release];
- }
- // Add a separator line after the last builtIn preset
- if ([obj isBuiltIn] == NO && builtInEnded == NO)
- {
- [presetsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
- builtInEnded = YES;
- }
- item.indentationLevel = idx.length - 1;
- [presetsMenu addItem:item];
- [item release];
- }
- }];
- * We use this method to recreate new, updated factory presets
- */
-- (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender
- [presetManager generateBuiltInPresets];
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+ </subviews>
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+ <toolbar key="toolbar" implicitIdentifier="E92CA47A-01F7-432A-A61C-28FE4D58C2CD" autosavesConfiguration="NO" displayMode="iconAndLabel" sizeMode="regular" id="7g3-gy-bUl">
+ <allowedToolbarItems>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="NSToolbarSpaceItem" id="ZEH-cS-zXY"/>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem" id="wjB-Tl-5qq"/>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="B3BAB305-77BF-4967-B8E6-D11F40EF822B" label="Source" paletteLabel="Source" toolTip="Choose Video Source" tag="-1" image="source" id="8r8-nZ-dYs">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="browseSources:" target="-2" id="zi1-Tk-0YL"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="4CAB4280-DF01-4BDC-B23B-98BD6E6190F4" label="Start" paletteLabel="Start Encoding" toolTip="Start Encoding" tag="-1" image="encode" id="byg-kj-sEM">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="rip:" target="-2" id="f6w-0B-Qvn"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="E4C5E251-DD8D-4288-AC80-AF8E654B7A32" label="Pause" paletteLabel="Pause Encoding" toolTip="Pause Encoding" tag="-1" image="pauseencode" id="wTQ-KF-5KW">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="pause:" target="-2" id="AN1-8V-lc1"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="69E83092-D0D1-48A5-BF46-99EFB3EC630A" label="Add To Queue" paletteLabel="Add To Queue" tag="-1" image="addqueue" id="DZZ-Fe-wjw">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="addToQueue:" target="-2" id="TRB-HE-1GW"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="6EFCA879-A80D-45D7-A846-EAD85261F864" label="Show Queue" paletteLabel="Show Queue" tag="-1" image="showqueue" id="HCx-ku-nF7">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="showQueueWindow:" target="-1" id="vZB-dY-DbD"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="CBA63584-4A4E-43E5-8096-9C20B59AC580" label="Picture Settings" paletteLabel="Show Picture Settings" toolTip="Show Picture Settings" tag="-1" image="picturesettings" id="2uP-T2-02Q">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="showPicturePanel:" target="-2" id="xXB-FD-XyP"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="DAAC2346-2B39-4A35-A62B-C12826F6AB42" label="Preview Window" paletteLabel="Show Preview Window" toolTip="Show Preview Window" tag="-1" image="preview" id="dK4-jt-v4K">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="showPreviewWindow:" target="-2" id="uci-BT-5bQ"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="D9753B5B-F09B-451E-9FD8-E8DD979FBFA2" label="Activity Window" paletteLabel="Show Activity Window" toolTip="Show Activity Window" tag="-1" image="activity" id="p7Q-L3-zcW">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="showOutputPanel:" target="-1" id="TxI-PX-wlm"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ <toolbarItem implicitItemIdentifier="B774D9D7-AE89-4C1A-8685-D631473867F6" label="Toggle Presets" paletteLabel="Toggle Presets" toolTip="Open/Close Preset Drawer" tag="-1" image="presets" id="9ll-Jg-YAB">
+ <connections>
+ <action selector="toggleDrawer:" target="-2" id="YN2-RM-4ss"/>
+ </connections>
+ </toolbarItem>
+ </allowedToolbarItems>
+ <defaultToolbarItems>
+ <toolbarItem reference="8r8-nZ-dYs"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="byg-kj-sEM"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="wTQ-KF-5KW"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="DZZ-Fe-wjw"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="HCx-ku-nF7"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="wjB-Tl-5qq"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="2uP-T2-02Q"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="dK4-jt-v4K"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="p7Q-L3-zcW"/>
+ <toolbarItem reference="9ll-Jg-YAB"/>
+ </defaultToolbarItems>
+ </toolbar>
+ <connections>
+ <outlet property="delegate" destination="-2" id="M3v-Rc-7Ca"/>
+ </connections>
+ <point key="canvasLocation" x="538" y="-161"/>
+ </window>
+ <drawer trailingOffset="15" id="1841" userLabel="PresetsDrawer">
+ <size key="contentSize" width="240" height="550"/>
+ <size key="minContentSize" width="100" height="50"/>
+ <size key="maxContentSize" width="280" height="550"/>
+ <connections>
+ <outlet property="delegate" destination="-2" id="skU-2X-nDc"/>
+ <outlet property="parentWindow" destination="21" id="1842"/>
+ </connections>
+ </drawer>
+ <userDefaultsController representsSharedInstance="YES" id="5676"/>
+ <customView id="lZQ-gl-3wX" userLabel="Open Panel View">
+ <rect key="frame" x="0.0" y="0.0" width="227" height="38"/>
+ <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
+ <subviews>
+ <button id="DN4-48-aOI">
+ <rect key="frame" x="28" y="9" width="114" height="18"/>
+ <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
+ <buttonCell key="cell" type="check" title="Scan only title:" bezelStyle="regularSquare" imagePosition="left" inset="2" id="eQA-t2-FcV">
+ <behavior key="behavior" changeContents="YES" doesNotDimImage="YES" lightByContents="YES"/>
+ <font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
+ </buttonCell>
+ <connections>
+ <binding destination="-2" name="value" keyPath="self.scanSpecificTitle" id="bMP-E7-iZy"/>
+ </connections>
+ </button>
+ <textField verticalHuggingPriority="750" id="3w9-Iu-3u2">
+ <rect key="frame" x="148" y="7" width="50" height="22"/>
+ <autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
+ <textFieldCell key="cell" scrollable="YES" lineBreakMode="clipping" selectable="YES" editable="YES" sendsActionOnEndEditing="YES" state="on" borderStyle="bezel" title="0" drawsBackground="YES" id="6E4-AG-PEh">
+ <numberFormatter key="formatter" formatterBehavior="default10_4" usesGroupingSeparator="NO" minimumIntegerDigits="0" maximumIntegerDigits="42" id="V1R-X1-vLz">
+ <real key="minimum" value="0.0"/>
+ </numberFormatter>
+ <font key="font" metaFont="system"/>
+ <color key="textColor" name="textColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
+ <color key="backgroundColor" name="textBackgroundColor" catalog="System" colorSpace="catalog"/>
+ </textFieldCell>
+ <connections>
+ <binding destination="-2" name="enabled" keyPath="self.scanSpecificTitle" id="3aE-hX-Q0r"/>
+ <binding destination="-2" name="value" keyPath="self.scanSpecificTitleIdx" id="dJZ-JM-2BP">
+ <dictionary key="options">
+ <bool key="NSContinuouslyUpdatesValue" value="YES"/>
+ <integer key="NSNullPlaceholder" value="0"/>
+ </dictionary>
+ </binding>
+ </connections>
+ </textField>
+ </subviews>
+ <point key="canvasLocation" x="458.5" y="-571"/>
+ </customView>
+ </objects>
+ <resources>
+ <image name="activity" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="addqueue" width="12" height="12"/>
+ <image name="encode" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="pauseencode" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="picturesettings" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="presets" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="preview" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="showqueue" width="24" height="24"/>
+ <image name="source" width="24" height="24"/>
+ </resources>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
-<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="6250" systemVersion="14B23" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none">
+<document type="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder3.Cocoa.XIB" version="3.0" toolsVersion="6724" systemVersion="14C99d" targetRuntime="MacOSX.Cocoa" propertyAccessControl="none">
<deployment version="1060" identifier="macosx"/>
<development version="5100" identifier="xcode"/>
- <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="6250"/>
+ <plugIn identifier="com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin" version="6724"/>
<customObject id="-2" userLabel="File's Owner" customClass="HBPreferencesController">
<menuItem title="Do Nothing" id="378"/>
<menuItem title="Open Source" state="on" id="379"/>
- <menuItem title="Open Source (Title Specific)" id="377"/>
<popUpButton verticalHuggingPriority="750" id="491">
<rect key="frame" x="124" y="271" width="195" height="22"/>
<autoresizingMask key="autoresizingMask" flexibleMaxX="YES" flexibleMinY="YES"/>
- <popUpButtonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Alert Window" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="left" controlSize="small" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" state="on" borderStyle="borderAndBezel" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" selectedItem="495" id="492">
+ <popUpButtonCell key="cell" type="push" title="Do Nothing" bezelStyle="rounded" alignment="left" controlSize="small" lineBreakMode="truncatingTail" state="on" borderStyle="borderAndBezel" imageScaling="proportionallyDown" inset="2" selectedItem="494" id="492">
<behavior key="behavior" lightByBackground="YES" lightByGray="YES"/>
<font key="font" metaFont="smallSystem"/>
<menu key="menu" title="OtherViews" id="493">
- <menuItem title="Do Nothing" id="494"/>
- <menuItem title="Alert Window" state="on" id="495"/>
+ <menuItem title="Do Nothing" state="on" id="494"/>
+ <menuItem title="Alert Window" id="495"/>
<menuItem title="Growl Notification" id="499"/>
<menuItem title="Alert Window And Growl" id="496"/>
<menuItem title="Put Computer To Sleep" id="497"/>
--- /dev/null
+/* HBAppDelegate.h $
+ This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
+ Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.
+ It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
+@interface HBAppDelegate : NSObject <NSApplicationDelegate>
+- (IBAction)showPreferencesWindow:(id)sender;
+- (IBAction)showOutputPanel:(id)sender;
--- /dev/null
+/* HBAppDelegate.m $
+ This file is part of the HandBrake source code.
+ Homepage: <http://handbrake.fr/>.
+ It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
+#import "HBAppDelegate.h"
+#import "HBUtilities.h"
+#import "HBPresetsManager.h"
+#import "HBPreset.h"
+#import "HBPreferencesController.h"
+#import "HBQueueController.h"
+#import "HBOutputPanelController.h"
+#import "HBCore.h"
+#import "Controller.h"
+static void hb_error_handler(const char *errmsg)
+ NSString *error = @(errmsg);
+ if (error && [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBDebugAlert"])
+ {
+ dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Internal Error.", @"")];
+ [alert runModal];
+ [alert release];
+ });
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", errmsg);
+@interface HBAppDelegate ()
+@property (nonatomic, retain) HBPresetsManager *presetsManager;
+@property (assign) IBOutlet NSMenu *presetsMenu;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) HBPreferencesController *preferencesController;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) HBQueueController *queueController;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) HBOutputPanelController *outputPanel;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) HBController *mainController;
+@implementation HBAppDelegate
+- (instancetype)init
+ self = [super init];
+ if (self)
+ {
+ hb_global_init();
+ hb_register_error_handler(&hb_error_handler);
+ // Optionally use dvd nav
+ [HBCore setDVDNav:[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] objectForKey:@"UseDvdNav"] boolValue]];
+ // Register the defaults preferences
+ [HBPreferencesController registerUserDefaults];
+ _outputPanel = [[HBOutputPanelController alloc] init];
+ // Lets report the HandBrake version number here to the activity log and text log file
+ NSDictionary *infoDict = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary];
+ NSString *versionStringFull = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Handbrake Version: %@ (%@)", infoDict[@"CFBundleShortVersionString"], infoDict[@"CFBundleVersion"]];
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "%s", versionStringFull.UTF8String];
+ // we init the HBPresetsManager
+ NSURL *presetsURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:[[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"UserPresets.plist"]];
+ _presetsManager = [[HBPresetsManager alloc] initWithURL:presetsURL];
+ _queueController = [[HBQueueController alloc] init];
+ _queueController.outputPanel = _outputPanel;
+ _queueController.delegate = self;
+ _mainController = [[HBController alloc] initWithQueue:_queueController presetsManager:_presetsManager];
+ // Set the Growl Delegate
+ [GrowlApplicationBridge setGrowlDelegate:_queueController];
+ }
+ return self;
+#pragma mark - NSApplicationDelegate
+- (BOOL)applicationShouldHandleReopen:(NSApplication *)theApplication hasVisibleWindows:(BOOL)flag
+ if (!flag)
+ {
+ [self.mainController showWindow:nil];
+ }
+ return YES;
+- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)notification
+ // Updates built-ins presets if needed
+ [self checkBuiltInsForUpdates];
+ [self buildPresetsMenu];
+ [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(buildPresetsMenu) name:HBPresetsChangedNotification object:nil];
+ // Get the number of HandBrake instances currently running
+ NSUInteger instances = [NSRunningApplication runningApplicationsWithBundleIdentifier:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier]].count;
+ // If we are a single instance it is safe to clean up the previews if there are any
+ // left over. This is a bit of a kludge but will prevent a build up of old instance
+ // live preview cruft. No danger of removing an active preview directory since they
+ // are created later in HBPreviewController if they don't exist at the moment a live
+ // preview encode is initiated.
+ if (instances == 1)
+ {
+ NSString *previewDirectory = [[HBUtilities appSupportPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Previews"];
+ NSError *error = nil;
+ NSArray *files = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:previewDirectory error:&error];
+ for (NSString *file in files)
+ {
+ BOOL result = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] removeItemAtPath:[previewDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent:file] error:&error];
+ if (result == NO && error)
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog: "Could not remove existing preview at : %s", file.UTF8String];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ [self showMainWindow:self];
+ // Now we re-check the queue array to see if there are
+ // any remaining encodes to be done in it and ask the
+ // user if they want to reload the queue
+ if (self.queueController.count)
+ {
+ // On Screen Notification
+ // We check to see if there is already another instance of hb running.
+ // Note: hbInstances == 1 means we are the only instance of HandBrake.app
+ NSAlert *alert = nil;
+ if (instances > 1)
+ {
+ alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"There is already an instance of HandBrake running.", @"")];
+ [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake will now load up the existing queue.", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (self.queueController.workingItemsCount > 0 || self.queueController.pendingItemsCount > 0)
+ {
+ NSString *alertTitle;
+ if (self.queueController.workingItemsCount > 0)
+ {
+ alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
+ NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Previously Encoding Item(s) and %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
+ self.queueController.workingItemsCount, self.queueController.pendingItemsCount];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ alertTitle = [NSString stringWithFormat:
+ NSLocalizedString(@"HandBrake Has Detected %d Pending Item(s) In Your Queue.", @""),
+ self.queueController.pendingItemsCount];
+ }
+ alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:alertTitle];
+ [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"Do you want to reload them ?", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Reload Queue", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Empty Queue", nil)];
+ [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Since we addressed any pending or previously encoding items above, we go ahead and make sure
+ // the queue is empty of any finished items or cancelled items.
+ [self.queueController removeAllJobs];
+ [self.mainController launchAction];
+ }
+ }
+ if (alert)
+ {
+ NSModalResponse response = [alert runModal];
+ if (response == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"didDimissReloadQueue NSAlertSecondButtonReturn Chosen"];
+ [self.queueController removeAllJobs];
+ [self.mainController launchAction];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [HBUtilities writeToActivityLog:"didDimissReloadQueue NSAlertFirstButtonReturn Chosen"];
+ if (instances == 1)
+ {
+ [self.queueController setEncodingJobsAsPending];
+ }
+ [self showQueueWindow:nil];
+ }
+ [alert release];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [self.mainController launchAction];
+ }
+ // Open debug output window now if it was visible when HB was closed
+ if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"OutputPanelIsOpen"])
+ [self showOutputPanel:nil];
+ // Open queue window now if it was visible when HB was closed
+ if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"QueueWindowIsOpen"])
+ [self showQueueWindow:nil];
+- (NSApplicationTerminateReply)applicationShouldTerminate:(NSApplication *)app
+ if (self.queueController.core.state != HBStateIdle)
+ {
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil)];
+ [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"If you quit HandBrake your current encode will be reloaded into your queue at next launch. Do you want to quit anyway?", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil)];
+ [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
+ NSInteger result = [alert runModal];
+ [alert release];
+ if (result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
+ {
+ return NSTerminateNow;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NSTerminateCancel;
+ }
+ }
+ // Warn if items still in the queue
+ else if (self.queueController.pendingItemsCount > 0)
+ {
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Are you sure you want to quit HandBrake?", nil)];
+ [alert setInformativeText:NSLocalizedString(@"There are pending encodes in your queue. Do you want to quit anyway?",nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Quit", nil)];
+ [alert addButtonWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Don't Quit", nil)];
+ [alert setAlertStyle:NSCriticalAlertStyle];
+ NSInteger result = [alert runModal];
+ [alert release];
+ if (result == NSAlertFirstButtonReturn)
+ {
+ return NSTerminateNow;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return NSTerminateCancel;
+ }
+ }
+ return NSTerminateNow;
+- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(NSNotification *)notification
+ [self.presetsManager savePresets];
+ [_mainController release];
+ _mainController = nil;
+ [_queueController release];
+ _queueController = nil;
+ [HBCore closeGlobal];
+- (void)application:(NSApplication *)sender openFiles:(NSArray *)filenames
+ [self.mainController openFile:[NSURL fileURLWithPath:filenames.firstObject]];
+ [NSApp replyToOpenOrPrint:NSApplicationDelegateReplySuccess];
+- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
+ SEL action = menuItem.action;
+ if (action == @selector(rip:) || action == @selector(pause:))
+ {
+ // Delegate the validation to the queue controller
+ return [self.queueController validateMenuItem:menuItem];
+ }
+ else if (action == @selector(showPicturePanel:) || action == @selector(showAddPresetPanel:) ||
+ action == @selector(showPreviewWindow:) || action == @selector(browseSources:))
+ {
+ // Delegate the validation to the main controller
+ return [self.mainController validateMenuItem:menuItem];
+ }
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark - Menu actions
+- (IBAction)rip:(id)sender
+ [self.queueController rip:self];
+- (IBAction)pause:(id)sender
+ [self.queueController togglePauseResume:self];
+- (IBAction)browseSources:(id)sender
+ [self.mainController browseSources:self];
+#pragma mark - Presets Menu actions
+- (void)checkBuiltInsForUpdates
+ // if we have built in presets to update, then do so AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate
+ if ([self.presetsManager checkBuiltInsForUpdates])
+ {
+ if( [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"AlertBuiltInPresetUpdate"] == YES)
+ {
+ // Show an alert window that built in presets will be updated
+ [NSApp requestUserAttention:NSCriticalRequest];
+ NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
+ [alert setMessageText:@"HandBrake has determined your built in presets are out of date…"];
+ [alert setInformativeText:@"HandBrake will now update your built-in presets."];
+ [alert runModal];
+ [alert release];
+ }
+ // when alert is dismissed, go ahead and update the built in presets
+ [self.presetsManager generateBuiltInPresets];
+ }
+ * Adds the presets list to the menu.
+ */
+- (void)buildPresetsMenu
+ // First we remove all the preset menu items
+ // inserted previosly
+ NSArray *menuItems = [self.presetsMenu.itemArray copy];
+ for (NSMenuItem *item in menuItems)
+ {
+ if (item.tag != -1)
+ {
+ [self.presetsMenu removeItem:item];
+ }
+ }
+ [menuItems release];
+ __block NSUInteger i = 0;
+ __block BOOL builtInEnded = NO;
+ [self.presetsManager.root enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, NSIndexPath *idx, BOOL *stop)
+ {
+ if (idx.length)
+ {
+ NSMenuItem *item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] init];
+ item.title = [obj name];
+ item.tag = i++;
+ // Set an action only to the actual presets,
+ // not on the folders.
+ if ([obj isLeaf])
+ {
+ item.action = @selector(selectPresetFromMenu:);
+ item.representedObject = obj;
+ }
+ // Make the default preset font bold.
+ if ([obj isDefault])
+ {
+ NSAttributedString *newTitle = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:[obj name]
+ attributes:@{NSFontAttributeName: [NSFont boldSystemFontOfSize:14]}];
+ [item setAttributedTitle:newTitle];
+ [newTitle release];
+ }
+ // Add a separator line after the last builtIn preset
+ if ([obj isBuiltIn] == NO && builtInEnded == NO)
+ {
+ [self.presetsMenu addItem:[NSMenuItem separatorItem]];
+ builtInEnded = YES;
+ }
+ item.indentationLevel = idx.length - 1;
+ [self.presetsMenu addItem:item];
+ [item release];
+ }
+ }];
+ * We use this method to recreate new, updated factory presets
+ */
+- (IBAction)addFactoryPresets:(id)sender
+ [self.presetsManager generateBuiltInPresets];
+#pragma mark - Show Window Menu Items
+ * Shows preferences window.
+ */
+- (IBAction)showPreferencesWindow:(id)sender
+ if (_preferencesController == nil)
+ {
+ _preferencesController = [[HBPreferencesController alloc] init];
+ }
+ NSWindow *window = [_preferencesController window];
+ if (![window isVisible])
+ {
+ [window center];
+ }
+ [window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil];
+ * Shows queue window.
+ */
+- (IBAction)showQueueWindow:(id)sender
+ [self.queueController showWindow:sender];
+ * Shows debug output window.
+ */
+- (IBAction)showOutputPanel:(id)sender
+ [self.outputPanel showOutputPanel:sender];
+- (IBAction)showPicturePanel:(id)sender
+ [self.mainController showPicturePanel:self];
+- (IBAction)showPreviewWindow:(id)sender
+ [self.mainController showPreviewWindow:self];
+ * Shows main window.
+ */
+- (IBAction)showMainWindow:(id)sender
+ [self.mainController showWindow:sender];
+- (IBAction)openHomepage:(id)sender
+ [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL
+ URLWithString:@"http://handbrake.fr/"]];
+- (IBAction)openForums:(id)sender
+ [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL
+ URLWithString:@"http://forum.handbrake.fr/"]];
+- (IBAction)openUserGuide:(id)sender
+ [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:[NSURL
+ URLWithString:@"http://trac.handbrake.fr/wiki/HandBrakeGuide"]];
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <Growl/Growl.h>
+@class HBAppDelegate;
@class HBController;
@class HBOutputPanelController;
@class HBCore;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) HBCore *core;
@property (nonatomic, assign) HBController *controller;
+@property (nonatomic, assign) HBAppDelegate *delegate;
@property (nonatomic, assign) HBOutputPanelController *outputPanel;
@property (nonatomic, readonly) NSUInteger count;
- (IBAction)rip:(id)sender;
- (IBAction)cancelRip:(id)sender;
+- (IBAction)togglePauseResume:(id)sender;
#import "HBCore.h"
#import "Controller.h"
+#import "HBAppDelegate.h"
#import "HBOutputPanelController.h"
#import "HBQueueOutlineView.h"
#pragma mark Toolbar
+- (BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)menuItem
+ SEL action = menuItem.action;
+ if (action == @selector(rip:))
+ {
+ if (self.core.state == HBStateIdle)
+ {
+ menuItem.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Start Encoding", nil);
+ menuItem.keyEquivalent = @"s";
+ return (self.pendingItemsCount > 0);
+ }
+ else if (self.core.state != HBStateIdle)
+ {
+ menuItem.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Stop Encoding", nil);
+ menuItem.keyEquivalent = @".";
+ return YES;
+ }
+ }
+ if (action == @selector(pause:))
+ {
+ if (self.core.state != HBStatePaused)
+ {
+ menuItem.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Pause Encoding", nil);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ menuItem.title = NSLocalizedString(@"Resume Encoding", nil);
+ }
+ return (self.core.state == HBStateWorking || self.core.state == HBStatePaused);
+ }
+ return YES;
- (BOOL)validateToolbarItem:(NSToolbarItem *)theItem
SEL action = theItem.action;
NSInteger response = [alert runModal];
if (response == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- [self.controller showPreferencesWindow:nil];
+ [self.delegate showPreferencesWindow:nil];
[alert release];
NSInteger response = [alert runModal];
if (response == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn)
- [self.controller showPreferencesWindow:nil];
+ [self.delegate showPreferencesWindow:nil];
[alert release];
A9204DC51A16C5AB007CA74C /* Delete@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9204DC21A16C5AB007CA74C /* Delete@2x.png */; };
A9204DC61A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeleteHighlightPressed@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9204DC31A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeleteHighlightPressed@2x.png */; };
A9204DC71A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeletePressed@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9204DC41A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeletePressed@2x.png */; };
+ A92268781A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92268771A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.m */; };
+ A922687B1A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* MainWindow.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A92268791A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* MainWindow.xib */; };
A9252C041A17343500B8B7F8 /* DeleteHighlight@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9252C031A17343500B8B7F8 /* DeleteHighlight@2x.png */; };
A9252C091A173D4800B8B7F8 /* Reveal@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9252C051A173D4800B8B7F8 /* Reveal@2x.png */; };
A9252C0A1A173D4800B8B7F8 /* RevealHighlight@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = A9252C061A173D4800B8B7F8 /* RevealHighlight@2x.png */; };
A9204DC21A16C5AB007CA74C /* Delete@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "Delete@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9204DC31A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeleteHighlightPressed@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "DeleteHighlightPressed@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9204DC41A16C5AB007CA74C /* DeletePressed@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "DeletePressed@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A92268761A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HBAppDelegate.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A92268771A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = HBAppDelegate.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ A922687A1A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; name = English; path = MainWindow.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9252C031A17343500B8B7F8 /* DeleteHighlight@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "DeleteHighlight@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9252C051A173D4800B8B7F8 /* Reveal@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "Reveal@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
A9252C061A173D4800B8B7F8 /* RevealHighlight@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "RevealHighlight@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
children = (
273F217C14ADDDA10021BE6D /* InfoPlist.strings */,
273F217E14ADDDA10021BE6D /* MainMenu.xib */,
+ A92268791A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* MainWindow.xib */,
A9CF25EF1990D62C0023F727 /* Presets.xib */,
A9E2FD291A21BC6F000E8D3F /* AddPreset.xib */,
A93E0ED51972958C00FD67FB /* Video.xib */,
A9B34D6F197683FE00871B7D /* Controllers */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
+ A92268761A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.h */,
+ A92268771A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.m */,
273F208E14ADBE670021BE6D /* Controller.h */,
273F208F14ADBE670021BE6D /* Controller.m */,
A9B34D701976841800871B7D /* Main Window View Controllers */,
273F218E14ADDDA10021BE6D /* PicturePreview.xib in Resources */,
273F218F14ADDDA10021BE6D /* PictureSettings.xib in Resources */,
273F219014ADDDA10021BE6D /* Preferences.xib in Resources */,
+ A922687B1A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* MainWindow.xib in Resources */,
273F219114ADDDA10021BE6D /* Queue.xib in Resources */,
3490BCB41614CF8D002A5AD7 /* HandBrake.icns in Resources */,
A9E1468016BC2AD800C307BC /* next-p.pdf in Resources */,
A98C29C41977B10600AF5DED /* HBLanguagesSelection.m in Sources */,
A9BB0F2719A0ECE40079F1C1 /* HBHUDButtonCell.m in Sources */,
A932E273198834130047D13E /* HBAudioDefaults.m in Sources */,
+ A92268781A6E555500A8D5C5 /* HBAppDelegate.m in Sources */,
A91806711A4807B000FC9BED /* HBRange.m in Sources */,
A9DEC8771A23C88D00C79B48 /* HBVideo.m in Sources */,
A9523937199A6AAE00588AEF /* HBFilters.m in Sources */,
name = Queue.xib;
sourceTree = "<group>";
+ A92268791A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* MainWindow.xib */ = {
+ isa = PBXVariantGroup;
+ children = (
+ A922687A1A6E569B00A8D5C5 /* English */,
+ );
+ name = MainWindow.xib;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
A932E26A1988334B0047D13E /* AudioDefaults.xib */ = {
isa = PBXVariantGroup;
children = (
It may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public License. */
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
-#include "hb.h"
-static void hb_error_handler(const char *errmsg)
- NSString *error = @(errmsg);
- if (error && [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"HBDebugAlert"])
- {
- dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
- NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
- [alert setMessageText:NSLocalizedString(@"Internal Error.", @"")];
- [alert runModal];
- [alert release];
- });
- }
- fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", errmsg);
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
action.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
sigaction(SIGINT, &action, NULL);
- hb_global_init();
- hb_register_error_handler(&hb_error_handler);
return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);