class WarningsTest(BaseTest):
def test_warnings(self):
- warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=UserWarning)
- try:
- file = io.StringIO()
- h = logging.StreamHandler(file)
- logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings")
- logger.addHandler(h)
- warnings.warn("I'm warning you...")
- logger.removeHandler(h)
- s = file.getvalue()
- h.close()
- self.assertTrue(s.find("UserWarning: I'm warning you...\n") > 0)
- #See if an explicit file uses the original implementation
- file = io.StringIO()
- warnings.showwarning("Explicit", UserWarning, "", 42, file,
- "Dummy line")
- s = file.getvalue()
- file.close()
- self.assertEqual(s, " UserWarning: Explicit\n Dummy line\n")
- finally:
- warnings.resetwarnings()
- logging.captureWarnings(False)
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.filterwarnings("always", category=UserWarning)
+ try:
+ file = io.StringIO()
+ h = logging.StreamHandler(file)
+ logger = logging.getLogger("py.warnings")
+ logger.addHandler(h)
+ warnings.warn("I'm warning you...")
+ logger.removeHandler(h)
+ s = file.getvalue()
+ h.close()
+ self.assertTrue(s.find("UserWarning: I'm warning you...\n") > 0)
+ #See if an explicit file uses the original implementation
+ file = io.StringIO()
+ warnings.showwarning("Explicit", UserWarning, "", 42,
+ file, "Dummy line")
+ s = file.getvalue()
+ file.close()
+ self.assertEqual(s,
+ " UserWarning: Explicit\n Dummy line\n")
+ finally:
+ logging.captureWarnings(False)
# Set the locale to the platform-dependent default. I have no idea
# why the test does this, but in any case we save the current locale