-.\" $File: magic.man,v 1.89 2016/10/25 20:33:30 christos Exp $
-.Dd February 8, 2017
+.\" $File: magic.man,v 1.90 2017/02/08 21:52:03 christos Exp $
+.Dd February 12, 2017
.\" install as magic.4 on USG, magic.5 on V7, Berkeley and Linux systems.
.It B
A byte length (default).
.It H
-A 2 byte big endian length.
+A 4 byte big endian length.
.It h
-A 2 byte big little length.
+A 2 byte big endian length.
.It L
-A 4 byte big endian length.
+A 4 byte little endian length.
.It l
-A 4 byte big little length.
+A 2 byte little endian length.
.It J
The length includes itself in its count.