* A few notes about the "algorithm" used here to display selected entries
* from the system activity file (option -f with -i flag):
- * Let 'Iu' be the interval value given by the user on the command line,
- * 'If' the interval between current and previous line in the system
- * activity file,
- * and 'En' the nth entry (identified by its time stamp) of the file.
- * We choose In = [ En - If/2, En + If/2 [ if If is even,
- * or In = [ En - If/2, En + If/2 ] if not.
- * En will be displayed if
- * (Pn * Iu) or (P'n * Iu) belongs to In
- * with Pn = En / Iu and P'n = En / Iu + 1
+ * Let Iu be the interval value given by the user on the command line,
+ * In the interval between current and previous sample,
+ * and En the current sample (identified by its time stamp) in the file.
+ * En will ne displayed if there is an integer p so that:
+ * p * Iu belongs to [En - In/2, En + In/2[.
f = ((double) ((uptime - uptime_ref) & 0xffffffff)) / 100;
entry = (unsigned long) f;