+ if ((RefRelationship == Sema::Ref_Compatible ||
+ RefRelationship == Sema::Ref_Compatible_With_Added_Qualification) &&
+ isRValueRef && InitCategory.isLValue()) {
+ Sequence.SetFailed(
+ InitializationSequence::FK_RValueReferenceBindingToLValue);
+ return;
+ }
Value y(Move(0));
+namespace rdar13278115 {
+ struct X { };
+ struct Y : X { };
+ X &&f0(X &x) { return x; } // expected-error{{rvalue reference to type 'rdar13278115::X' cannot bind to lvalue of type 'rdar13278115::X'}}
+ X &&f1(Y &y) { return y; } // expected-error{{rvalue reference to type 'rdar13278115::X' cannot bind to lvalue of type 'rdar13278115::Y'}}
+ const X &&f2(Y &y) { return y; } // expected-error{{rvalue reference to type 'const rdar13278115::X' cannot bind to lvalue of type 'rdar13278115::Y'}}