- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/_deadcode/Attic/version.c,v 1.10 1998/01/05 03:30:58 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/_deadcode/Attic/version.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 16:39:07 momjian Exp $
* At the point the version is defined, 2 physical relations are created
rdesc = heap_openr(bname);
if (rdesc == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to expand all -- amopenr failed ");
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to expand all -- amopenr failed ");
maxattrs = RelationGetNumberOfAttributes(rdesc);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/cluster.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 03:30:38 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/cluster.c,v 1.21 1998/01/05 16:38:42 momjian Exp $
OldHeap = heap_openr(oldrelname);
if (!RelationIsValid(OldHeap))
- elog(ABORT, "cluster: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "cluster: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
OIDOldHeap = OldHeap->rd_id;/* Get OID for the index scan */
OldIndex = index_openr(oldindexname); /* Open old index relation */
if (!RelationIsValid(OldIndex))
- elog(ABORT, "cluster: unknown index: \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "cluster: unknown index: \"%s\"",
OIDOldIndex = OldIndex->rd_id; /* OID for the index scan */
OIDNewHeap = heap_create_with_catalog(NewName, tupdesc);
if (!OidIsValid(OIDNewHeap))
- elog(ABORT, "clusterheap: cannot create temporary heap relation\n");
+ elog(ERROR, "clusterheap: cannot create temporary heap relation\n");
NewHeap = heap_open(OIDNewHeap);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/command.c,v 1.22 1998/01/05 03:30:39 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/command.c,v 1.23 1998/01/05 16:38:44 momjian Exp $
* The PortalExecutorHeapMemory crap needs to be eliminated
* normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
if (IsSystemRelationName(relationName))
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relationName, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: you do not own class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: you do not own class \"%s\"",
* we can't add a not null attribute
if (colDef->is_not_null)
- elog(ABORT, "Can't add a NOT NULL attribute to an existing relation");
+ elog(ERROR, "Can't add a NOT NULL attribute to an existing relation");
if (colDef->defval)
- elog(ABORT, "ADD ATTRIBUTE: DEFAULT not yet implemented");
+ elog(ERROR, "ADD ATTRIBUTE: DEFAULT not yet implemented");
* if the first element in the 'schema' list is a "*" then we are
relrdesc = heap_openr(relationName);
if (!RelationIsValid(relrdesc))
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
myrelid = relrdesc->rd_id;
relrdesc = heap_open(childrelid);
if (!RelationIsValid(relrdesc))
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: can't find catalog entry for inheriting class with oid %d",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: can't find catalog entry for inheriting class with oid %d",
if (!PointerIsValid(reltup))
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: relation \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: relation \"%s\" not found",
if (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(reltup))->relkind == RELKIND_INDEX)
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: index relation \"%s\" not changed",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: index relation \"%s\" not changed",
pfree(reltup); /* XXX temp */
heap_close(relrdesc); /* XXX temp */
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: relations limited to %d attributes",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: relations limited to %d attributes",
heap_endscan(attsdesc); /* XXX temp */
heap_close(attrdesc); /* XXX temp */
heap_close(relrdesc); /* XXX temp */
- elog(ABORT, "PerformAddAttribute: attribute \"%s\" already exists in class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "PerformAddAttribute: attribute \"%s\" already exists in class \"%s\"",
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
- elog(ABORT, "Add: type \"%s\" nonexistent", p);
+ elog(ERROR, "Add: type \"%s\" nonexistent", p);
namestrcpy(&(attribute->attname), (char *) key[1].sk_argument);
attribute->atttypid = typeTuple->t_oid;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.36 1998/01/05 03:30:41 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/copy.c,v 1.37 1998/01/05 16:38:46 momjian Exp $
extern FILE *Pfout,
-#ifdef COPY_DEBUG
static int lineno;
* DoCopy executes a the SQL COPY statement.
rel = heap_openr(relname);
if (rel == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "COPY command failed. Class %s "
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY command failed. Class %s "
"does not exist.", relname);
result = pg_aclcheck(relname, UserName, required_access);
if (result != ACLCHECK_OK)
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[result]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[result]);
/* Above should not return */
else if (!superuser() && !pipe)
- elog(ABORT, "You must have Postgres superuser privilege to do a COPY "
+ elog(ERROR, "You must have Postgres superuser privilege to do a COPY "
"directly to or from a file. Anyone can COPY to stdout or "
"from stdin. Psql's \\copy command also works for anyone.");
/* Above should not return. */
if (from)
{ /* copy from file to database */
if (rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
- elog(ABORT, "You can't change sequence relation %s", relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "You can't change sequence relation %s", relname);
if (pipe)
if (IsUnderPostmaster)
fp = AllocateFile(filename, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "COPY command, running in backend with "
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY command, running in backend with "
"effective uid %d, could not open file '%s' for "
"reading. Errno = %s (%d).",
geteuid(), filename, strerror(errno), errno);
fp = AllocateFile(filename, "w");
if (fp == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "COPY command, running in backend with "
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY command, running in backend with "
"effective uid %d, could not open file '%s' for "
"writing. Errno = %s (%d).",
geteuid(), filename, strerror(errno), errno);
byval[i] = (bool) IsTypeByVal(attr[i]->atttypid);
-#ifdef COPY_DEBUG
lineno = 0;
while (!done)
if (!binary)
int newline = 0;
-#ifdef COPY_DEBUG
- elog(DEBUG, "line %d", lineno);
if (oids)
loaded_oid = oidin(string);
if (loaded_oid < BootstrapObjectIdData)
- elog(ABORT, "COPY TEXT: Invalid Oid");
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY TEXT: Invalid Oid");
for (i = 0; i < attr_count && !done; i++)
if (!PointerIsValid(values[i]) &&
-#ifdef COPY_DEBUG
- elog(ABORT,
- "copy from: line %d - Bad file format", lineno);
- elog(ABORT, "copy from: Bad file format");
+ elog(ERROR, "copy from line %d: Bad file format",lineno);
fread(&loaded_oid, sizeof(int32), 1, fp);
if (loaded_oid < BootstrapObjectIdData)
- elog(ABORT, "COPY BINARY: Invalid Oid");
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: Invalid Oid");
fread(&null_ct, sizeof(int32), 1, fp);
if (null_ct > 0)
ptr += sizeof(int32);
- elog(ABORT, "COPY BINARY: impossible size!");
+ elog(ERROR, "COPY BINARY: impossible size!");
if (HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
return ((int) ((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typoutput);
- elog(ABORT, "GetOutputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
+ elog(ERROR, "GetOutputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
return (InvalidOid);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
return ((int) ((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typelem);
- elog(ABORT, "GetOutputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
+ elog(ERROR, "GetOutputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
return (InvalidOid);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
return ((int) ((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typinput);
- elog(ABORT, "GetInputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
+ elog(ERROR, "GetInputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
return (InvalidOid);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
return ((int) ((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(typeTuple))->typbyval);
- elog(ABORT, "GetInputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
+ elog(ERROR, "GetInputFunction: Cache lookup of type %d failed", type);
return (InvalidOid);
if (!*newline)
-#ifdef COPY_DEBUG
- elog(NOTICE, "CopyReadNewline: line %d - extra fields ignored",
- lineno);
- elog(NOTICE, "CopyReadNewline: line - extra fields ignored");
+ elog(NOTICE, "CopyReadNewline: line %d - extra fields ignored", lineno);
while (!feof(fp) && (getc(fp) != '\n'));
*newline = 0;
case '.':
c = getc(fp);
if (c != '\n')
- elog(ABORT, "CopyReadAttribute - end of record marker corrupted");
+ elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - end of record marker corrupted");
return (NULL);
if (!done)
attribute[i++] = c;
if (i == EXT_ATTLEN - 1)
- elog(ABORT, "CopyReadAttribute - attribute length too long");
+ elog(ERROR, "CopyReadAttribute - attribute length too long");
attribute[i] = '\0';
return (&attribute[0]);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/creatinh.c,v 1.23 1998/01/05 03:30:44 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/creatinh.c,v 1.24 1998/01/05 16:38:49 momjian Exp $
List *constraints;
if (strlen(stmt->relname) >= NAMEDATALEN)
- elog(ABORT, "the relation name %s is >= %d characters long", stmt->relname,
+ elog(ERROR, "the relation name %s is >= %d characters long", stmt->relname,
StrNCpy(relname, stmt->relname, NAMEDATALEN); /* make full length for
* copy */
numberOfAttributes = length(schema);
if (numberOfAttributes <= 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineRelation: %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineRelation: %s",
"please inherit from a relation or define an attribute");
for (i = 0; i < ncheck; i++)
if (strcmp(check[i].ccname, cdef->name) == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineRelation: name (%s) of CHECK constraint duplicated", cdef->name);
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineRelation: name (%s) of CHECK constraint duplicated", cdef->name);
check[ncheck].ccname = cdef->name;
if (!strcmp(coldef->colname, restdef->colname))
- elog(ABORT, "attribute '%s' duplicated",
+ elog(ERROR, "attribute '%s' duplicated",
if (!strcmp(strVal(lfirst(entry)), strVal(lfirst(rest))))
- elog(ABORT, "relation '%s' duplicated",
+ elog(ERROR, "relation '%s' duplicated",
relation = heap_openr(name);
if (relation == NULL)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"MergeAttr: Can't inherit from non-existent superclass '%s'", name);
if (relation->rd_rel->relkind == 'S')
- elog(ABORT, "MergeAttr: Can't inherit from sequence superclass '%s'", name);
+ elog(ERROR, "MergeAttr: Can't inherit from sequence superclass '%s'", name);
tupleDesc = RelationGetTupleDescriptor(relation);
constr = tupleDesc->constr;
if (strcmp(attributeType, def->typename->name) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "%s and %s conflict for %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "%s and %s conflict for %s",
attributeType, def->typename->name, attributeName);
return 1;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/dbcommands.c,v 1.4 1998/01/05 03:30:44 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/dbcommands.c,v 1.5 1998/01/05 16:38:51 momjian Exp $
lp = ExpandDatabasePath(loc);
if (lp == NULL)
- elog(ABORT,"Unable to locate path '%s'"
+ elog(ERROR,"Unable to locate path '%s'"
"\n\tThis may be due to a missing environment variable"
" in the server",loc);
if (mkdir(lp,S_IRWXU) != 0)
- elog(ABORT,"Unable to create database directory %s",lp);
+ elog(ERROR,"Unable to create database directory %s",lp);
sprintf(buf, "%s %s%cbase%ctemplate1%c* %s",
path = ExpandDatabasePath(dbpath);
if (path == NULL)
- elog(ABORT,"Unable to locate path '%s'"
+ elog(ERROR,"Unable to locate path '%s'"
"\n\tThis may be due to a missing environment variable"
" in the server",dbpath);
scan = heap_beginscan(dbrel, 0, false, 1, &scanKey);
if (!HeapScanIsValid(scan))
- elog(ABORT, "%s: cannot begin scan of pg_database.", command);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: cannot begin scan of pg_database.", command);
* since we want to return the tuple out of this proc, and we're going
* check_permissions() -- verify that the user is permitted to do this.
* If the user is not allowed to carry out this operation, this routine
- * elog(ABORT, ...)s, which will abort the xact. As a side effect, the
+ * elog(ERROR, ...)s, which will abort the xact. As a side effect, the
* user's pg_user tuple OID is returned in userIdP and the target database's
* OID is returned in dbIdP.
/* Check to make sure user has permission to use createdb */
if (!use_createdb)
- elog(ABORT, "user \"%s\" is not allowed to create/destroy databases",
+ elog(ERROR, "user \"%s\" is not allowed to create/destroy databases",
/* Make sure we are not mucking with the template database */
if (!strcmp(dbname, "template1"))
- elog(ABORT, "%s cannot be executed on the template database.", command);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s cannot be executed on the template database.", command);
/* Check to make sure database is not the currently open database */
if (!strcmp(dbname, GetDatabaseName()))
- elog(ABORT, "%s cannot be executed on an open database", command);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s cannot be executed on an open database", command);
/* Check to make sure database is owned by this user */
if (dbfound && !strcmp(command, "createdb"))
- elog(ABORT, "createdb: database %s already exists.", dbname);
+ elog(ERROR, "createdb: database %s already exists.", dbname);
else if (!dbfound && !strcmp(command, "destroydb"))
- elog(ABORT, "destroydb: database %s does not exist.", dbname);
+ elog(ERROR, "destroydb: database %s does not exist.", dbname);
else if (dbfound && !strcmp(command, "destroydb")
&& dbowner != *userIdP && use_super == false)
- elog(ABORT, "%s: database %s is not owned by you.", command, dbname);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: database %s is not owned by you.", command, dbname);
if (kill(pid, SIGKILLDAEMON1) < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "can't kill vacuum daemon (pid %d) on %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "can't kill vacuum daemon (pid %d) on %s",
pid, dbname);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/defind.c,v 1.19 1998/01/05 03:30:46 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/defind.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 16:38:52 momjian Exp $
numberOfAttributes = length(attributeList);
if (numberOfAttributes <= 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: must specify at least one attribute");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: must specify at least one attribute");
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: %s relation not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: %s relation not found",
relationId = tuple->t_oid;
if (unique && strcmp(accessMethodName, "btree") != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: unique indices are only available with the btree access method");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: unique indices are only available with the btree access method");
if (numberOfAttributes > 1 && strcmp(accessMethodName, "btree") != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: multi-column indices are only available with the btree access method");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: multi-column indices are only available with the btree access method");
* compute access method id
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: %s access method not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: %s access method not found",
accessMethodId = tuple->t_oid;
nargs = length(funcIndex->args);
if (nargs > INDEX_MAX_KEYS)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Too many args to function, limit of %d",
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "ExtendIndex: %s index not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "ExtendIndex: %s index not found",
indexId = tuple->t_oid;
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "ExtendIndex: %s is not an index",
+ elog(ERROR, "ExtendIndex: %s is not an index",
if (oldPred == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "ExtendIndex: %s is not a partial index",
+ elog(ERROR, "ExtendIndex: %s is not a partial index",
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "ExtendIndex: index procedure not found");
+ elog(ERROR, "ExtendIndex: index procedure not found");
&(((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->proname));
else if (or_clause(predicate) || and_clause(predicate))
clauses = ((Expr *) predicate)->args;
- elog(ABORT, "Unsupported partial-index predicate expression type");
+ elog(ERROR, "Unsupported partial-index predicate expression type");
foreach(clause, clauses)
!IsA(pred_var, Var) ||
!IsA(pred_const, Const))
- elog(ABORT, "Unsupported partial-index predicate clause type");
+ elog(ERROR, "Unsupported partial-index predicate clause type");
if (getrelid(pred_var->varno, rangeTable) != baseRelOid)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Partial-index predicates may refer only to the base relation");
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: %s class not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: %s class not found",
*opOidP = tuple->t_oid;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"DefineIndex: attribute \"%s\" not found",
attribute = lfirst(rest);
if (attribute->name == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "missing attribute for define index");
+ elog(ERROR, "missing attribute for define index");
tuple = SearchSysCacheTuple(ATTNAME,
0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"DefineIndex: attribute \"%s\" not found",
attribute->class = GetDefaultOpClass(attform->atttypid);
if (attribute->class == NULL)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Can't find a default operator class for type %d.",
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineIndex: %s class not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineIndex: %s class not found",
*opOidP++ = tuple->t_oid;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "index \"%s\" nonexistent", name);
+ elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" nonexistent", name);
if (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->relkind != RELKIND_INDEX)
- elog(ABORT, "relation \"%s\" is of type \"%c\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "relation \"%s\" is of type \"%c\"",
((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->relkind);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/define.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 03:30:48 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/define.c,v 1.21 1998/01/05 16:38:54 momjian Exp $
* The "DefineFoo" routines take the parse tree and pick out the
* we don't have untrusted functions any more. The 4.2
* implementation is lousy anyway so I took it out. -ay 10/94
- elog(ABORT, "untrusted function has been decommissioned.");
+ elog(ERROR, "untrusted function has been decommissioned.");
else if (strcasecmp(param->name, "byte_pct") == 0)
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(languageTuple)) {
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Unrecognized language specified in a CREATE FUNCTION: "
"'%s'. Recognized languages are sql, C, internal "
"and the created procedural languages.",
/* Check that this language is a PL */
languageStruct = (Form_pg_language) GETSTRUCT(languageTuple);
if (!(languageStruct->lanispl)) {
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Language '%s' isn't defined as PL", languageName);
* restricted to be defined by postgres superusers only
if (languageStruct->lanpltrusted == false && !superuser()) {
- elog(ABORT, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege "
+ elog(ERROR, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege "
"are permitted to create a function in the '%s' "
interpret_AS_clause(languageName, stmt->as, &prosrc_str, &probin_str);
if (strcmp(languageName, "sql") != 0 && lanisPL == false && !superuser())
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are permitted "
"to create a function "
"in the '%s' language. Others may use the 'sql' language "
/* see gram.y, must be setof */
if (nodeTag(defel->arg) == T_TypeName)
- elog(ABORT, "setof type not implemented for leftarg");
+ elog(ERROR, "setof type not implemented for leftarg");
if (nodeTag(defel->arg) == T_String)
- elog(ABORT, "type for leftarg is malformed.");
+ elog(ERROR, "type for leftarg is malformed.");
else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "rightarg"))
/* see gram.y, must be setof */
if (nodeTag(defel->arg) == T_TypeName)
- elog(ABORT, "setof type not implemented for rightarg");
+ elog(ERROR, "setof type not implemented for rightarg");
if (nodeTag(defel->arg) == T_String)
- elog(ABORT, "type for rightarg is malformed.");
+ elog(ERROR, "type for rightarg is malformed.");
else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "procedure"))
if (functionName == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"procedure\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"procedure\" unspecified");
/* ----------------
* make sure we have our required definitions
if (baseType == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"basetype\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"basetype\" unspecified");
if (stepfunc1Name != NULL)
if (stepfunc1Type == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"stype1\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"stype1\" unspecified");
if (stepfunc2Name != NULL)
if (stepfunc2Type == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"stype2\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"stype2\" unspecified");
if (strlen(typeName) >= (NAMEDATALEN - 1))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineType: type names must be %d characters or less",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineType: type names must be %d characters or less",
- elog(ABORT, "DefineType: \"%s\" alignment not recognized",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineType: \"%s\" alignment not recognized",
* make sure we have our required definitions
if (inputName == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"input\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"input\" unspecified");
if (outputName == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"output\" unspecified");
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"output\" unspecified");
/* ----------------
* now have TypeCreate do all the real work.
defGetString(DefElem *def)
if (nodeTag(def->arg) != T_String)
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
return (strVal(def->arg));
!strcasecmp(strVal(def->arg), "variable"))
return -1; /* variable length */
- elog(ABORT, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
+ elog(ERROR, "Define: \"%s\" = what?", def->defname);
return -1;
if (!superuser())
- elog(ABORT, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are "
+ elog(ERROR, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are "
"permitted to create procedural languages");
0, 0, 0);
if (HeapTupleIsValid(langTup))
- elog(ABORT, "Language %s already exists", languageName);
+ elog(ERROR, "Language %s already exists", languageName);
/* ----------------
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(procTup))
- elog(ABORT, "PL handler function %s() doesn't exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "PL handler function %s() doesn't exist",
if (((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(procTup))->prorettype != InvalidOid)
- elog(ABORT, "PL handler function %s() isn't of return type Opaque",
+ elog(ERROR, "PL handler function %s() isn't of return type Opaque",
if (!superuser())
- elog(ABORT, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are "
+ elog(ERROR, "Only users with Postgres superuser privilege are "
"permitted to drop procedural languages");
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(langTup))
- elog(ABORT, "Language %s doesn't exist", languageName);
+ elog(ERROR, "Language %s doesn't exist", languageName);
if (!((Form_pg_language) GETSTRUCT(langTup))->lanispl)
- elog(ABORT, "Language %s isn't a created procedural language",
+ elog(ERROR, "Language %s isn't a created procedural language",
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- elog(ABORT, "Language with name '%s' not found", languageName);
+ elog(ERROR, "Language with name '%s' not found", languageName);
heap_delete(rdesc, &(tup->t_ctid));
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/recipe.c,v 1.16 1998/01/05 03:30:50 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/recipe.c,v 1.17 1998/01/05 16:38:57 momjian Exp $
if (nodeTag(orig->qual) == T_List)
- elog(ABORT, "tg_rewriteQuery: Whoa! why is my qual a List???");
+ elog(ERROR, "tg_rewriteQuery: Whoa! why is my qual a List???");
orig->qual = tg_rewriteParamsInExpr(orig->qual, inputQlist);
- elog(ABORT, "tg_rewriteParamsInExpr:can't substitute for parameter %d when that input is unconnected", p->paramid);
+ elog(ERROR, "tg_rewriteParamsInExpr:can't substitute for parameter %d when that input is unconnected", p->paramid);
if (parameterCount == 8)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"getParamTypes: Ingredients cannot take > 8 arguments");
t = elem->inTypes->val[j];
if (strcmp(t, "opaque") == 0)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"getParamTypes: Ingredient functions cannot take type 'opaque'");
toid = TypeGet(elem->inTypes->val[j], &defined);
if (!OidIsValid(toid))
- elog(ABORT, "getParamTypes: arg type '%s' is not defined", t);
+ elog(ERROR, "getParamTypes: arg type '%s' is not defined", t);
if (!defined)
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/remove.c,v 1.19 1998/01/05 03:30:51 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/remove.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 16:38:58 momjian Exp $
typeId1 = TypeGet(typeName1, &defined);
if (!OidIsValid(typeId1))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: type '%s' does not exist", typeName1);
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: type '%s' does not exist", typeName1);
typeId2 = TypeGet(typeName2, &defined);
if (!OidIsValid(typeId2))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: type '%s' does not exist", typeName2);
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: type '%s' does not exist", typeName2);
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName,
(char *) ObjectIdGetDatum(tup->t_oid),
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: operator '%s': permission denied",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: operator '%s': permission denied",
ItemPointerCopy(&tup->t_ctid, &itemPointerData);
if (OidIsValid(typeId1) && OidIsValid(typeId2))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: binary operator '%s' taking '%s' and '%s' does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: binary operator '%s' taking '%s' and '%s' does not exist",
else if (OidIsValid(typeId1))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: right unary operator '%s' taking '%s' does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: right unary operator '%s' taking '%s' does not exist",
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveOperator: left unary operator '%s' taking '%s' does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveOperator: left unary operator '%s' taking '%s' does not exist",
userName = GetPgUserName();
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, typeName, TYPNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveType: type '%s': permission denied",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveType: type '%s': permission denied",
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveType: type '%s' does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveType: type '%s' does not exist",
typeOid = tup->t_oid;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveType: type '%s': array stub not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveType: type '%s': array stub not found",
typeOid = tup->t_oid;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveFunction: type '%s' not found", typename);
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveFunction: type '%s' not found", typename);
argList[i] = tup->t_oid;
userName = GetPgUserName();
if (!pg_func_ownercheck(userName, functionName, nargs, argList))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveFunction: function '%s': permission denied",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveFunction: function '%s': permission denied",
/* ok, function has been found */
if (the_proc->prolang == INTERNALlanguageId)
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveFunction: function \"%s\" is built-in",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveFunction: function \"%s\" is built-in",
ItemPointerCopy(&tup->t_ctid, &itemPointerData);
basetypeID = TypeGet(aggType, &defined);
if (!OidIsValid(basetypeID))
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveAggregate: type '%s' does not exist", aggType);
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: type '%s' does not exist", aggType);
if (aggType)
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' on type '%s': permission denied",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' on type '%s': permission denied",
aggName, aggType);
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s': permission denied",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s': permission denied",
if (aggType)
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' for '%s' does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' for '%s' does not exist",
aggName, aggType);
- elog(ABORT, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' for all types does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "RemoveAggregate: aggregate '%s' for all types does not exist",
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/rename.c,v 1.10 1998/01/05 03:30:52 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/Attic/rename.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 16:38:59 momjian Exp $
* normally, only the owner of a class can change its schema.
if (IsSystemRelationName(relname))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
if (!IsBootstrapProcessingMode() &&
!pg_ownercheck(userName, relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: you do not own class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: you do not own class \"%s\"",
relrdesc = heap_openr(relname);
if (!RelationIsValid(relrdesc))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: unknown relation: \"%s\"",
myrelid = relrdesc->rd_id;
relrdesc = heap_open(childrelid);
if (!RelationIsValid(relrdesc))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: can't find catalog entry for inheriting class with oid %d",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: can't find catalog entry for inheriting class with oid %d",
childname = (relrdesc->rd_rel->relname).data;
if (!PointerIsValid(reltup))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: relation \"%s\" nonexistent",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: relation \"%s\" nonexistent",
if (!PointerIsValid(oldatttup))
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" nonexistent",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" nonexistent",
if (((AttributeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(oldatttup))->attnum < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: system attribute \"%s\" not renamed",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: system attribute \"%s\" not renamed",
- elog(ABORT, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" exists",
+ elog(ERROR, "renameatt: attribute \"%s\" exists",
if (IsSystemRelationName(oldrelname))
- elog(ABORT, "renamerel: system relation \"%s\" not renamed",
+ elog(ERROR, "renamerel: system relation \"%s\" not renamed",
if (IsSystemRelationName(newrelname))
- elog(ABORT, "renamerel: Illegal class name: \"%s\" -- pg_ is reserved for system catalogs",
+ elog(ERROR, "renamerel: Illegal class name: \"%s\" -- pg_ is reserved for system catalogs",
if (!PointerIsValid(oldreltup))
- elog(ABORT, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
+ elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" does not exist",
- elog(ABORT, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" exists",
+ elog(ERROR, "renamerel: relation \"%s\" exists",
strcpy(oldpath, relpath(oldrelname));
strcpy(newpath, relpath(newrelname));
if (rename(oldpath, newpath) < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "renamerel: unable to rename file: %m");
+ elog(ERROR, "renamerel: unable to rename file: %m");
memmove((char *) (((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(oldreltup))->relname.data),
buf = ReadBuffer(rel, P_NEW);
if (!BufferIsValid(buf))
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: ReadBuffer failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: ReadBuffer failed");
page = (PageHeader) BufferGetPage(buf);
heap_insert(rel, tuple);
if (WriteBuffer(buf) == STATUS_ERROR)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: WriteBuffer failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: WriteBuffer failed");
if (rescnt > 0)
break; /* stop caching */
if (seq->is_cycled != 't')
- elog(ABORT, "%s.nextval: got MAXVALUE (%d)",
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.nextval: got MAXVALUE (%d)",
elm->name, maxv);
next = minv;
if (rescnt > 0)
break; /* stop caching */
if (seq->is_cycled != 't')
- elog(ABORT, "%s.nextval: got MINVALUE (%d)",
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.nextval: got MINVALUE (%d)",
elm->name, minv);
next = maxv;
seq->is_called = 't';
if (WriteBuffer(buf) == STATUS_ERROR)
- elog(ABORT, "%s.nextval: WriteBuffer failed", elm->name);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.nextval: WriteBuffer failed", elm->name);
ItemPointerSet(&iptr, 0, FirstOffsetNumber);
RelationUnsetSingleWLockPage(elm->rel, &iptr);
if (elm->increment == 0) /* nextval/read_info were not called */
- elog(ABORT, "%s.currval is not yet defined in this session", elm->name);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.currval is not yet defined in this session", elm->name);
result = elm->last;
RelationSetSingleWLockPage(elm->rel, &iptr);
if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(elm->rel) != 1)
- elog(ABORT, "%s.%s: invalid number of blocks in sequence",
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.%s: invalid number of blocks in sequence",
elm->name, caller);
*buf = ReadBuffer(elm->rel, 0);
if (!BufferIsValid(*buf))
- elog(ABORT, "%s.%s: ReadBuffer failed", elm->name, caller);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.%s: ReadBuffer failed", elm->name, caller);
page = (PageHeader) BufferGetPage(*buf);
sm = (sequence_magic *) PageGetSpecialPointer(page);
if (sm->magic != SEQ_MAGIC)
- elog(ABORT, "%s.%s: bad magic (%08X)", elm->name, caller, sm->magic);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.%s: bad magic (%08X)", elm->name, caller, sm->magic);
lp = PageGetItemId(page, FirstOffsetNumber);
temp->rel = heap_openr(name);
if (!RelationIsValid(temp->rel))
- elog(ABORT, "%s.%s: sequence does not exist", name, caller);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.%s: sequence does not exist", name, caller);
if (temp->rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
- elog(ABORT, "%s.%s: %s is not sequence !", name, caller, name);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s.%s: %s is not sequence !", name, caller, name);
if (elm != (SeqTable) NULL) /* we opened sequence from our */
{ /* SeqTable - check relid ! */
else if (!strcasecmp(defel->defname, "cycle"))
if (defel->arg != (Node *) NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: CYCLE ??");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: CYCLE ??");
new->is_cycled = 't';
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: option \"%s\" not recognized",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: option \"%s\" not recognized",
if (increment_by == (DefElem *) NULL) /* INCREMENT BY */
new->increment_by = 1;
else if ((new->increment_by = get_param(increment_by)) == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: can't INCREMENT by 0");
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: can't INCREMENT by 0");
if (max_value == (DefElem *) NULL) /* MAXVALUE */
if (new->increment_by > 0)
new->min_value = get_param(min_value);
if (new->min_value >= new->max_value)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: MINVALUE (%d) can't be >= MAXVALUE (%d)",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: MINVALUE (%d) can't be >= MAXVALUE (%d)",
new->min_value, new->max_value);
if (last_value == (DefElem *) NULL) /* START WITH */
new->last_value = get_param(last_value);
if (new->last_value < new->min_value)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: START value (%d) can't be < MINVALUE (%d)",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: START value (%d) can't be < MINVALUE (%d)",
new->last_value, new->min_value);
if (new->last_value > new->max_value)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: START value (%d) can't be > MAXVALUE (%d)",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: START value (%d) can't be > MAXVALUE (%d)",
new->last_value, new->max_value);
if (cache_value == (DefElem *) NULL) /* CACHE */
new->cache_value = 1;
else if ((new->cache_value = get_param(cache_value)) <= 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: CACHE (%d) can't be <= 0",
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: CACHE (%d) can't be <= 0",
get_param(DefElem *def)
if (def->arg == (Node *) NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: \"%s\" value unspecified", def->defname);
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: \"%s\" value unspecified", def->defname);
if (nodeTag(def->arg) == T_Integer)
return (intVal(def->arg));
- elog(ABORT, "DefineSequence: \"%s\" is to be integer", def->defname);
+ elog(ERROR, "DefineSequence: \"%s\" is to be integer", def->defname);
return (-1);
int i;
if (IsSystemRelationName(stmt->relname))
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: can't create trigger for system relation %s", stmt->relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: can't create trigger for system relation %s", stmt->relname);
if (!pg_ownercheck(GetPgUserName(), stmt->relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", stmt->relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", stmt->relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
rel = heap_openr(stmt->relname);
if (!RelationIsValid(rel))
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: there is no relation %s", stmt->relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: there is no relation %s", stmt->relname);
if (stmt->row)
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: STATEMENT triggers are unimplemented, yet");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: STATEMENT triggers are unimplemented, yet");
for (i = 0; i < 3 && stmt->actions[i]; i++)
case 'i':
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: double INSERT event specified");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: double INSERT event specified");
case 'd':
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: double DELETE event specified");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: double DELETE event specified");
case 'u':
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: double UPDATE event specified");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: double UPDATE event specified");
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: unknown event specified");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: unknown event specified");
Form_pg_trigger pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
if (namestrcmp(&(pg_trigger->tgname), stmt->trigname) == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: trigger %s already defined on relation %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: trigger %s already defined on relation %s",
stmt->trigname, stmt->relname);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple) ||
((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->prorettype != 0 ||
((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->pronargs != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: function %s () does not exist", stmt->funcname);
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: function %s () does not exist", stmt->funcname);
if (((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->prolang != ClanguageId)
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(langTup))
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: cache lookup for PL failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: cache lookup for PL failed");
if (((Form_pg_language) GETSTRUCT(langTup))->lanispl == false)
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: only C and PL functions are supported");
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: only C and PL functions are supported");
if (!PointerIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "CreateTrigger: relation %s not found in pg_class", stmt->relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "CreateTrigger: relation %s not found in pg_class", stmt->relname);
((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->reltriggers = found + 1;
RelationInvalidateHeapTuple(relrdesc, tuple);
if (!pg_ownercheck(GetPgUserName(), stmt->relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", stmt->relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", stmt->relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
rel = heap_openr(stmt->relname);
if (!RelationIsValid(rel))
- elog(ABORT, "DropTrigger: there is no relation %s", stmt->relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "DropTrigger: there is no relation %s", stmt->relname);
if (tgfound == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "DropTrigger: there is no trigger %s on relation %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "DropTrigger: there is no trigger %s on relation %s",
stmt->trigname, stmt->relname);
if (tgfound > 1)
elog(NOTICE, "DropTrigger: found (and deleted) %d trigger %s on relation %s",
if (!PointerIsValid(tuple))
- elog(ABORT, "DropTrigger: relation %s not found in pg_class", stmt->relname);
+ elog(ERROR, "DropTrigger: relation %s not found in pg_class", stmt->relname);
((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->reltriggers = found;
RelationInvalidateHeapTuple(relrdesc, tuple);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
if (found == ntrigs)
- elog(ABORT, "RelationBuildTriggers: unexpected record found for rel %.*s",
+ elog(ERROR, "RelationBuildTriggers: unexpected record found for rel %.*s",
NAMEDATALEN, relation->rd_rel->relname.data);
pg_trigger = (Form_pg_trigger) GETSTRUCT(tuple);
tgrel->rd_att, &isnull);
if (isnull)
- elog(ABORT, "RelationBuildTriggers: tgargs IS NULL for rel %.*s",
+ elog(ERROR, "RelationBuildTriggers: tgargs IS NULL for rel %.*s",
NAMEDATALEN, relation->rd_rel->relname.data);
if (build->tgnargs > 0)
tgrel->rd_att, &isnull);
if (isnull)
- elog(ABORT, "RelationBuildTriggers: tgargs IS NULL for rel %.*s",
+ elog(ERROR, "RelationBuildTriggers: tgargs IS NULL for rel %.*s",
NAMEDATALEN, relation->rd_rel->relname.data);
p = (char *) VARDATA(val);
build->tgargs = (char **) palloc(build->tgnargs * sizeof(char *));
if (found < ntrigs)
- elog(ABORT, "RelationBuildTriggers: %d record not found for rel %.*s",
+ elog(ERROR, "RelationBuildTriggers: %d record not found for rel %.*s",
ntrigs - found,
NAMEDATALEN, relation->rd_rel->relname.data);
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(procTuple))
- elog(ABORT, "ExecCallTriggerFunc(): Cache lookup for proc %ld failed",
+ elog(ERROR, "ExecCallTriggerFunc(): Cache lookup for proc %ld failed",
procStruct = (Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(procTuple);
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(langTuple))
- elog(ABORT, "ExecCallTriggerFunc(): Cache lookup for language %ld failed",
+ elog(ERROR, "ExecCallTriggerFunc(): Cache lookup for language %ld failed",
langStruct = (Form_pg_language) GETSTRUCT(langTuple);
b = ReadBuffer(relation, ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(tid));
if (!BufferIsValid(b))
- elog(ABORT, "GetTupleForTrigger: failed ReadBuffer");
+ elog(ERROR, "GetTupleForTrigger: failed ReadBuffer");
dp = (PageHeader) BufferGetPage(b);
lp = PageGetItemId(dp, ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(tid));
if (!tuple)
- elog(ABORT, "GetTupleForTrigger: (am)invalid tid");
+ elog(ERROR, "GetTupleForTrigger: (am)invalid tid");
pg_user = GetPgUserName();
if (pg_aclcheck(UserRelationName, pg_user, ACL_RD | ACL_WR | ACL_AP) != ACLCHECK_OK) {
- elog(ABORT, "defineUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and INSERT privilege for \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "defineUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and INSERT privilege for \"%s\"",
pg_user, UserRelationName);
- elog(ABORT, "defineUser: user \"%s\" has already been created", stmt->user);
+ elog(ERROR, "defineUser: user \"%s\" has already been created", stmt->user);
pg_user = GetPgUserName();
if (pg_aclcheck(UserRelationName, pg_user, ACL_RD | ACL_WR) != ACLCHECK_OK) {
- elog(ABORT, "alterUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and UPDATE privilege for \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "alterUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and UPDATE privilege for \"%s\"",
pg_user, UserRelationName);
- elog(ABORT, "alterUser: user \"%s\" does not exist", stmt->user);
+ elog(ERROR, "alterUser: user \"%s\" does not exist", stmt->user);
pg_user = GetPgUserName();
if (pg_aclcheck(UserRelationName, pg_user, ACL_RD | ACL_WR) != ACLCHECK_OK) {
- elog(ABORT, "removeUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and DELETE privilege for \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "removeUser: user \"%s\" does not have SELECT and DELETE privilege for \"%s\"",
pg_user, UserRelationName);
- elog(ABORT, "removeUser: user \"%s\" does not exist", user);
+ elog(ERROR, "removeUser: user \"%s\" does not exist", user);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/vacuum.c,v 1.56 1998/01/05 03:30:57 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/vacuum.c,v 1.57 1998/01/05 16:39:05 momjian Exp $
int fd;
if ((fd = open("pg_vlock", O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600)) < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "can't create lock file -- another vacuum cleaner running?");
+ elog(ERROR, "can't create lock file -- another vacuum cleaner running?");
/* on entry, not in a transaction */
if (unlink("pg_vlock") < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "vacuum: can't destroy lock file!");
+ elog(ERROR, "vacuum: can't destroy lock file!");
/* okay, we're done */
VacuumRunning = false;
List *le;
if (length(va_cols) > attr_cnt)
- elog(ABORT, "vacuum: too many attributes specified for relation %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "vacuum: too many attributes specified for relation %s",
attnums = (int *) palloc(attr_cnt * sizeof(int));
foreach(le, va_cols)
attnums[tcnt++] = i;
- elog(ABORT, "vacuum: there is no attribute %s in %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "vacuum: there is no attribute %s in %s",
col, (RelationGetRelationName(onerel))->data);
InvalidOffsetNumber, LP_USED);
if (newoff == InvalidOffsetNumber)
- elog(ABORT, "\
+ elog(ERROR, "\
failed to add item with len = %u to page %u (free space %u, nusd %u, noff %u)",
tlen, ToVpd->vpd_blkno, ToVpd->vpd_free,
ToVpd->vpd_nusd, ToVpd->vpd_noff);
rsdesc = heap_beginscan(rd, false, false, 1, &rskey);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(rtup = heap_getnext(rsdesc, 0, &rbuf)))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_class entry for relid %d vanished during vacuuming",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_class entry for relid %d vanished during vacuuming",
/* overwrite the existing statistics in the tuple */
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/view.c,v 1.18 1998/01/05 03:30:59 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/commands/view.c,v 1.19 1998/01/05 16:39:08 momjian Exp $
- elog(ABORT, "attempted to define virtual relation with no attrs");
+ elog(ERROR, "attempted to define virtual relation with no attrs");
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 1.84 1998/01/05 03:32:18 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/gram.y,v 1.85 1998/01/05 16:39:16 momjian Exp $
Node *lp = lfirst($3);
if (length($3) != 1)
- elog(ABORT,"ALTER TABLE/ADD() allows one column only",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ADD() allows one column only",NULL);
$$ = lp;
| DROP opt_column ColId
- { elog(ABORT,"ALTER TABLE/DROP COLUMN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/DROP COLUMN not yet implemented",NULL); }
| ALTER opt_column ColId SET DEFAULT default_expr
- { elog(ABORT,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/SET DEFAULT not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/SET DEFAULT not yet implemented",NULL); }
| ALTER opt_column ColId DROP DEFAULT
- { elog(ABORT,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/DROP DEFAULT not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ALTER COLUMN/DROP DEFAULT not yet implemented",NULL); }
| ADD ConstraintElem
- { elog(ABORT,"ALTER TABLE/ADD CONSTRAINT not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"ALTER TABLE/ADD CONSTRAINT not yet implemented",NULL); }
| default_expr '*' default_expr
{ $$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( "*"), $3)); }
| default_expr '=' default_expr
- { elog(ABORT,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
| default_expr '<' default_expr
- { elog(ABORT,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
| default_expr '>' default_expr
- { elog(ABORT,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL); }
| ':' default_expr
{ $$ = lcons( makeString( ":"), $2); }
| ';' default_expr
| default_expr Op default_expr
if (!strcmp("<=", $2) || !strcmp(">=", $2))
- elog(ABORT,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"boolean expressions not supported in DEFAULT",NULL);
$$ = nconc( $1, lcons( makeString( $2), $3));
| Op default_expr
TriggerForSpec: FOR name name
if ( strcmp ($2, "each") != 0 )
- elog(ABORT,"parser: syntax error near %s",$2);
+ elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error near %s",$2);
if ( strcmp ($3, "row") == 0 )
$$ = TRUE;
else if ( strcmp ($3, "statement") == 0 )
$$ = FALSE;
- elog(ABORT,"parser: syntax error near %s",$3);
+ elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error near %s",$3);
fetch_how_many: Iconst
{ $$ = $1;
- if ($1 <= 0) elog(ABORT,"Please specify nonnegative count for fetch",NULL); }
+ if ($1 <= 0) elog(ERROR,"Please specify nonnegative count for fetch",NULL); }
| ALL { $$ = 0; /* 0 means fetch all tuples*/ }
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = 1; /*default*/ }
RecipeStmt *n;
if (!IsTransactionBlock())
- elog(ABORT,"EXECUTE RECIPE may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"EXECUTE RECIPE may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks",NULL);
n = makeNode(RecipeStmt);
n->recipeName = $3;
oper_argtypes: name
- elog(ABORT,"parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"parser: argument type missing (use NONE for unary operators)",NULL);
| name ',' name
{ $$ = makeList(makeString($1), makeString($3), -1); }
n->vacrel = $4;
n->va_spec = $5;
if ( $5 != NIL && !$4 )
- elog(ABORT,"parser: syntax error at or near \"(\"",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"parser: syntax error at or near \"(\"",NULL);
$$ = (Node *)n;
* -- mao
if (!IsTransactionBlock())
- elog(ABORT,"Named portals may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"Named portals may only be used in begin/end transaction blocks",NULL);
n->portalname = $2;
n->binary = $3;
from_clause: FROM '(' relation_expr join_expr JOIN relation_expr join_spec ')'
$$ = NIL;
- elog(ABORT,"JOIN not yet implemented",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"JOIN not yet implemented",NULL);
| FROM from_list { $$ = $2; }
| /*EMPTY*/ { $$ = NIL; }
from_list: from_list ',' from_val
{ $$ = lappend($1, $3); }
| from_val CROSS JOIN from_val
- { elog(ABORT,"CROSS JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"CROSS JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
| from_val
{ $$ = lcons($1, NIL); }
join_expr: NATURAL join_expr { $$ = NULL; }
| FULL join_outer
- { elog(ABORT,"FULL OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"FULL OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
| LEFT join_outer
- { elog(ABORT,"LEFT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"LEFT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
| RIGHT join_outer
- { elog(ABORT,"RIGHT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"RIGHT OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
- { elog(ABORT,"OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"OUTER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
- { elog(ABORT,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
- { elog(ABORT,"UNION JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"UNION JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
| /*EMPTY*/
- { elog(ABORT,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
+ { elog(ERROR,"INNER JOIN not yet implemented",NULL); }
join_outer: OUTER_P { $$ = NULL; }
opt_float: '(' Iconst ')'
if ($2 < 1)
- elog(ABORT,"precision for FLOAT must be at least 1",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be at least 1",NULL);
else if ($2 < 7)
$$ = xlateSqlType("float4");
else if ($2 < 16)
$$ = xlateSqlType("float8");
- elog(ABORT,"precision for FLOAT must be less than 16",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"precision for FLOAT must be less than 16",NULL);
| /*EMPTY*/
opt_numeric: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')'
if ($2 != 9)
- elog(ABORT,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2);
+ elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2);
if ($4 != 0)
- elog(ABORT,"NUMERIC scale %d must be zero",$4);
+ elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC scale %d must be zero",$4);
| '(' Iconst ')'
if ($2 != 9)
- elog(ABORT,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2);
+ elog(ERROR,"NUMERIC precision %d must be 9",$2);
| /*EMPTY*/
opt_decimal: '(' Iconst ',' Iconst ')'
if ($2 > 9)
- elog(ABORT,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2);
+ elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2);
if ($4 != 0)
- elog(ABORT,"DECIMAL scale %d must be zero",$4);
+ elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL scale %d must be zero",$4);
$$ = NULL;
| '(' Iconst ')'
if ($2 > 9)
- elog(ABORT,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2);
+ elog(ERROR,"DECIMAL precision %d exceeds implementation limit of 9",$2);
$$ = NULL;
| /*EMPTY*/
yyerror("parse error");
if ($3 < 1)
- elog(ABORT,"length for '%s' type must be at least 1",$1);
+ elog(ERROR,"length for '%s' type must be at least 1",$1);
else if ($3 > 4096)
/* we can store a char() of length up to the size
* of a page (8KB) - page headers and friends but
* just to be safe here... - ay 6/95
* XXX note this hardcoded limit - thomas 1997-07-13
- elog(ABORT,"length for type '%s' cannot exceed 4096",$1);
+ elog(ERROR,"length for type '%s' cannot exceed 4096",$1);
/* we actually implement this sort of like a varlen, so
* the first 4 bytes is the length. (the difference
if ($4 != NULL)
- elog(ABORT,"COLLATE %s not yet implemented",$4);
+ elog(ERROR,"COLLATE %s not yet implemented",$4);
$$ = type;
| CHAR opt_varying { $$ = xlateSqlType($2? "varchar": "char"); }
| EXISTS '(' SubSelect ')'
- elog(ABORT,"EXISTS not yet implemented",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"EXISTS not yet implemented",NULL);
$$ = $3;
| EXTRACT '(' extract_list ')'
in_expr: SubSelect
- elog(ABORT,"IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented",NULL);
$$ = $1;
| in_expr_nodes
not_in_expr: SubSelect
- elog(ABORT,"NOT IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"NOT IN (SUBSELECT) not yet implemented",NULL);
$$ = $1;
| not_in_expr_nodes
/* disallow refs to variable system tables */
if (strcmp(LogRelationName, $1) == 0
|| strcmp(VariableRelationName, $1) == 0)
- elog(ABORT,"%s cannot be accessed by users",$1);
+ elog(ERROR,"%s cannot be accessed by users",$1);
$$ = $1;
StrNCpy(saved_relname, $1, NAMEDATALEN);
if (QueryIsRule)
$$ = "*CURRENT*";
- elog(ABORT,"CURRENT used in non-rule query",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"CURRENT used in non-rule query",NULL);
if (QueryIsRule)
$$ = "*NEW*";
- elog(ABORT,"NEW used in non-rule query",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"NEW used in non-rule query",NULL);
Node *larg, *rarg;
if (length(largs) != length(rargs))
- elog(ABORT,"Unequal number of entries in row expression",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"Unequal number of entries in row expression",NULL);
if (lnext(largs) != NIL)
expr = makeRowExpr(opr,lnext(largs),lnext(rargs));
- elog(ABORT,"Operator '%s' not implemented for row expressions",opr);
+ elog(ERROR,"Operator '%s' not implemented for row expressions",opr);
ResTarget *d;
if (length(src) != length(dst))
- elog(ABORT,"CREATE TABLE/AS SELECT has mismatched column count",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"CREATE TABLE/AS SELECT has mismatched column count",NULL);
while ((src != NIL) && (dst != NIL))
char *defval = NULL;
if (nodeTag(n) != T_A_Const) {
- elog(ABORT,"Cannot handle non-constant parameter",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"Cannot handle non-constant parameter",NULL);
} else if (n->val.type == T_Float) {
defval = (char*) palloc(20+1);
strcat( defval, "'");
} else {
- elog(ABORT,"Internal error in makeConstantList(): cannot encode node",NULL);
+ elog(ERROR,"Internal error in makeConstantList(): cannot encode node",NULL);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/scan.l,v 1.33 1998/01/05 03:32:35 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/parser/scan.l,v 1.34 1998/01/05 16:39:19 momjian Exp $
errno = 0;
yylval.ival = strtol((char *)literal,&endptr,2);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad binary integer input '%s'",literal);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad binary integer input '%s'",literal);
return (ICONST);
<xh>{xhinside} |
<xb>{xbinside} {
if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
- elog(ABORT,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
+ elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
memcpy(literal+llen, yytext, yyleng+1);
llen += yyleng;
errno = 0;
yylval.ival = strtol((char *)literal,&endptr,16);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad hexadecimal integer input '%s'",literal);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad hexadecimal integer input '%s'",literal);
return (ICONST);
<xq>{xqdouble} |
<xq>{xqinside} {
if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
- elog(ABORT,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
+ elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
memcpy(literal+llen, yytext, yyleng+1);
llen += yyleng;
<xq>{xqembedded} {
if ((llen+yyleng-1) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
- elog(ABORT,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
+ elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
memcpy(literal+llen, yytext, yyleng+1);
*(literal+llen) = '\'';
llen += yyleng;
<xq>{xqliteral} {
if ((llen+yyleng-1) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
- elog(ABORT,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
+ elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
memcpy(literal+llen, yytext, yyleng+1);
llen += yyleng;
<xd>{xdinside} {
if ((llen+yyleng) > (MAX_PARSE_BUFFER - 1))
- elog(ABORT,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
+ elog(ERROR,"quoted string parse buffer of %d chars exceeded",MAX_PARSE_BUFFER);
memcpy(literal+llen, yytext, yyleng+1);
llen += yyleng;
errno = 0;
yylval.ival = strtol((char *)yytext,&endptr,10);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad integer input '%s'",yytext);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad integer input '%s'",yytext);
return (ICONST);
{real}/{space}*-{number} {
errno = 0;
yylval.dval = strtod(((char *)yytext),&endptr);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad float8 input '%s'",yytext);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad float8 input '%s'",yytext);
return (FCONST);
errno = 0;
yylval.ival = strtol((char *)yytext,&endptr,10);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad integer input '%s'",yytext);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad integer input '%s'",yytext);
return (ICONST);
{real} {
errno = 0;
yylval.dval = strtod((char *)yytext,&endptr);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT,"Bad float input '%s'",yytext);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad float input '%s'",yytext);
return (FCONST);
void yyerror(char message[])
- elog(ABORT, "parser: %s at or near \"%s\"", message, yytext);
+ elog(ERROR, "parser: %s at or near \"%s\"", message, yytext);
int yywrap()
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/Attic/aclchk.c,v 1.21 1998/01/05 03:33:40 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/Attic/aclchk.c,v 1.22 1998/01/05 16:39:30 momjian Exp $
* See acl.h.
relation = heap_openr(RelationRelationName);
if (!RelationIsValid(relation))
- elog(ABORT, "ChangeAcl: could not open '%s'??",
+ elog(ERROR, "ChangeAcl: could not open '%s'??",
fmgr_info(NameEqualRegProcedure, &relkey[0].sk_func, &relkey[0].sk_nargs);
relkey[0].sk_argument = NameGetDatum(relname);
- elog(ABORT, "ChangeAcl: class \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "ChangeAcl: class \"%s\" not found",
- elog(ABORT, "non-existent group \"%s\"", groname);
+ elog(ERROR, "non-existent group \"%s\"", groname);
return (id);
- elog(ABORT, "aclcheck: bogus ACL id type: %d", idtype);
+ elog(ERROR, "aclcheck: bogus ACL id type: %d", idtype);
htp = SearchSysCacheTuple(USENAME, PointerGetDatum(usename),
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_aclcheck: user \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_aclcheck: user \"%s\" not found",
id = (AclId) ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(htp))->usesysid;
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_aclcheck: class \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_aclcheck: class \"%s\" not found",
- /* an elog(ABORT) kills us, so no need to return anything. */
+ /* an elog(ERROR) kills us, so no need to return anything. */
if (!heap_attisnull(htp, Anum_pg_class_relacl))
htp = SearchSysCacheTuple(USENAME, PointerGetDatum(usename),
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
user_id = (AclId) ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(htp))->usesysid;
case OPROID:
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: operator %ld not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: operator %ld not found",
owner_id = ((OperatorTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(htp))->oprowner;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: function \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: function \"%s\" not found",
owner_id = ((Form_pg_proc) GETSTRUCT(htp))->proowner;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: class \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: class \"%s\" not found",
owner_id = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(htp))->relowner;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: type \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: type \"%s\" not found",
owner_id = ((TypeTupleForm) GETSTRUCT(htp))->typowner;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_ownercheck: invalid cache id: %d",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_ownercheck: invalid cache id: %d",
htp = SearchSysCacheTuple(USENAME, PointerGetDatum(usename),
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_func_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_func_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
user_id = (AclId) ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(htp))->usesysid;
htp = SearchSysCacheTuple(USENAME, PointerGetDatum(usename),
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_aggr_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_aggr_ownercheck: user \"%s\" not found",
user_id = (AclId) ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(htp))->usesysid;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/utility.c,v 1.34 1998/01/05 03:33:49 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/tcop/utility.c,v 1.35 1998/01/05 16:39:32 momjian Exp $
relname = strVal(lfirst(arg));
if (IsSystemRelationName(relname))
- elog(ABORT, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+ elog(ERROR, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
rel = heap_openr(relname);
if (RelationIsValid(rel))
if (stmt->sequence &&
rel->rd_rel->relkind != RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
- elog(ABORT, "Use DROP TABLE to drop table '%s'",
+ elog(ERROR, "Use DROP TABLE to drop table '%s'",
if (!(stmt->sequence) &&
rel->rd_rel->relkind == RELKIND_SEQUENCE)
- elog(ABORT, "Use DROP SEQUENCE to drop sequence '%s'",
+ elog(ERROR, "Use DROP SEQUENCE to drop sequence '%s'",
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
relname = stmt->relname;
if (IsSystemRelationName(relname))
- elog(ABORT, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
+ elog(ERROR, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog",
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
relname = strVal(lfirst(i));
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "you do not own class \"%s\"",
relname = stmt->object->relname;
aclcheck_result = pg_aclcheck(relname, userName, ACL_RU);
if (aclcheck_result != ACLCHECK_OK)
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[aclcheck_result]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[aclcheck_result]);
commandTag = "CREATE";
case INDEX:
relname = stmt->name;
if (IsSystemRelationName(relname))
- elog(ABORT, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog index",
+ elog(ERROR, "class \"%s\" is a system catalog index",
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relname, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", relname, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
aclcheck_result = pg_aclcheck(relationName, userName, ACL_RU);
if (aclcheck_result != ACLCHECK_OK)
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", relationName, aclcheck_error_strings[aclcheck_result]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", relationName, aclcheck_error_strings[aclcheck_result]);
ruleName = MakeRetrieveViewRuleName(viewName);
relationName = RewriteGetRuleEventRel(ruleName);
if (!pg_ownercheck(userName, relationName, RELNAME))
- elog(ABORT, "%s: %s", relationName, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s: %s", relationName, aclcheck_error_strings[ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER]);
case T_VersionStmt:
- elog(ABORT, "CREATE VERSION is not currently implemented");
+ elog(ERROR, "CREATE VERSION is not currently implemented");
filename = stmt->filename;
if ((fp = AllocateFile(filename, "r")) == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "LOAD: could not open file %s", filename);
+ elog(ERROR, "LOAD: could not open file %s", filename);
- elog(ABORT, "ProcessUtility: command #%d unsupported",
+ elog(ERROR, "ProcessUtility: command #%d unsupported",
* Routines for handling of 'SET var TO',
* 'SHOW var' and 'RESET var' statements.
- * $Id: variable.c,v 1.25 1998/01/05 03:33:50 momjian Exp $
+ * $Id: variable.c,v 1.26 1998/01/05 16:39:35 momjian Exp $
while (isspace(*str))
if (*str == ',' || *str == '=')
- elog(ABORT, "Syntax error near (%s): empty setting", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Syntax error near (%s): empty setting", str);
/* end of string? then return NULL */
if (!(*str))
else if ((val == NULL) || (*str != '='))
- elog(ABORT, "Syntax error near (%s)", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Syntax error near (%s)", str);
str++; /* '=': get value */
if (*str == ',' || !(*str))
- elog(ABORT, "Syntax error near (=%s)", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Syntax error near (=%s)", str);
start = str;
if (*str == ',')
return (++str);
- elog(ABORT, "Syntax error near (%s)", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Syntax error near (%s)", str);
return str;
rest = get_token(&tok, &val, value);
if (tok == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Value undefined");
+ elog(ERROR, "Value undefined");
if ((rest) && (*rest != '\0'))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to parse '%s'", value);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to parse '%s'", value);
if (strcasecmp(tok, "on") == 0)
geqo_rels = pg_atoi(val, sizeof(int32), '\0');
if (geqo_rels <= 1)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad value for # of relations (%s)", val);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad value for # of relations (%s)", val);
_use_geqo_ = true;
else if (strcasecmp(tok, "off") == 0)
if ((val != NULL) && (*val != '\0'))
- elog(ABORT, "%s does not allow a parameter", tok);
+ elog(ERROR, "%s does not allow a parameter", tok);
_use_geqo_ = false;
- elog(ABORT, "Bad value for GEQO (%s)", value);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad value for GEQO (%s)", value);
return TRUE;
else if (strcasecmp(value, "off") == 0)
_use_right_sided_plans_ = false;
- elog(ABORT, "Bad value for Right-sided Plans (%s)", value);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad value for Right-sided Plans (%s)", value);
return TRUE;
- elog(ABORT, "Bad value for date style (%s)", tok);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad value for date style (%s)", tok);
strcpy(tzbuf, "TZ=");
strcat(tzbuf, tok);
if (putenv(tzbuf) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to set TZ environment variable to %s", tok);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to set TZ environment variable to %s", tok);
strcpy(tzbuf, "TZ=");
strcat(tzbuf, TZvalue);
if (putenv(tzbuf) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to set TZ environment variable to %s", TZvalue);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to set TZ environment variable to %s", TZvalue);
strcpy(tzbuf, "=");
if (putenv(tzbuf) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to clear TZ environment variable", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to clear TZ environment variable", NULL);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/acl.c,v 1.22 1998/01/05 03:33:53 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/acl.c,v 1.23 1998/01/05 16:39:39 momjian Exp $
for (id = s, len = 0; isalnum(*s) || *s == '_'; ++len, ++s)
if (len > sizeof(NameData))
- elog(ABORT, "getid: identifier cannot be >%d characters",
+ elog(ERROR, "getid: identifier cannot be >%d characters",
if (len > 0)
memmove(n, id, len);
else if (strcmp(name, ACL_IDTYPE_UID_KEYWORD))
- elog(ABORT, "aclparse: bad keyword, must be [group|user]");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclparse: bad keyword, must be [group|user]");
s = getid(s, name); /* move s to the name beyond the keyword */
if (name[0] == '\0')
- elog(ABORT, "aclparse: a name must follow the [group|user] keyword");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclparse: a name must follow the [group|user] keyword");
if (name[0] == '\0')
aip->ai_idtype = ACL_IDTYPE_WORLD;
*modechg = ACL_MODECHG_EQL;
- elog(ABORT, "aclparse: mode change flag must use \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "aclparse: mode change flag must use \"%s\"",
aip->ai_mode |= ACL_RU;
- elog(ABORT, "aclparse: mode flags must use \"%s\"",
+ elog(ERROR, "aclparse: mode flags must use \"%s\"",
htp = SearchSysCacheTuple(USENAME, PointerGetDatum(name),
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(htp))
- elog(ABORT, "aclparse: non-existent user \"%s\"", name);
+ elog(ERROR, "aclparse: non-existent user \"%s\"", name);
aip->ai_id = ((Form_pg_user) GETSTRUCT(htp))->usesysid;
Size size;
if (n < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "makeacl: invalid size: %d\n", n);
+ elog(ERROR, "makeacl: invalid size: %d\n", n);
size = ACL_N_SIZE(n);
if (!(new_acl = (Acl *) palloc(size)))
- elog(ABORT, "makeacl: palloc failed on %d\n", size);
+ elog(ERROR, "makeacl: palloc failed on %d\n", size);
MemSet((char *) new_acl, 0, size);
new_acl->size = size;
new_acl->ndim = 1;
AclItem *aip;
if (!s)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemin: null string");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemin: null string");
aip = (AclItem *) palloc(sizeof(AclItem));
if (!aip)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemin: palloc failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemin: palloc failed");
s = aclparse(s, aip, &modechg);
if (modechg != ACL_MODECHG_EQL)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemin: cannot accept anything but = ACLs");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemin: cannot accept anything but = ACLs");
while (isspace(*s))
if (*s)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemin: extra garbage at end of specification");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemin: extra garbage at end of specification");
return (aip);
p = out = palloc(strlen("group =arwR ") + 1 + NAMEDATALEN);
if (!out)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemout: palloc failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemout: palloc failed");
*p = '\0';
switch (aip->ai_idtype)
- elog(ABORT, "aclitemout: bad ai_idtype: %d", aip->ai_idtype);
+ elog(ERROR, "aclitemout: bad ai_idtype: %d", aip->ai_idtype);
while (*p)
new_aip = ACL_DAT(new_acl);
if (dst == 0)
{ /* start */
- elog(ABORT, "aclinsert3: insertion before world ACL??");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclinsert3: insertion before world ACL??");
else if (dst >= num)
{ /* end */
new_aip = ACL_DAT(new_acl);
if (dst == 0)
{ /* start */
- elog(ABORT, "aclremove: removal of the world ACL??");
+ elog(ERROR, "aclremove: removal of the world ACL??");
else if (dst == old_num - 1)
{ /* end */
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c,v 1.22 1998/01/05 03:33:54 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c,v 1.23 1998/01/05 16:39:41 momjian Exp $
for (q = p; isdigit(*q); q++);
if (*q != ']')
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: missing ']' in array declaration");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: missing ']' in array declaration");
*q = '\0';
dim[ndim] = atoi(p);
if ((dim[ndim] < 0) || (lBound[ndim] < 0))
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: array dimensions need to be positive");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: array dimensions need to be positive");
dim[ndim] = dim[ndim] - lBound[ndim] + 1;
if (dim[ndim] < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: upper_bound cannot be < lower_bound");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: upper_bound cannot be < lower_bound");
p = q + 1;
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: Need to specify dimension");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: Need to specify dimension");
while (isspace(*p))
if (strncmp(p, ASSGN, strlen(ASSGN)))
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: missing assignment operator");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: missing assignment operator");
p += strlen(ASSGN);
while (isspace(*p))
memmove((char *) ARR_LBOUND(retval), (char *) lBound, ndim * sizeof(int));
memmove(ARR_DATA_PTR(retval), dataPtr, bytes);
- elog(ABORT, "large object arrays not supported");
+ elog(ERROR, "large object arrays not supported");
return ((char *) retval);
* Signal a premature end of the string. DZ -
* 2-9-1996
- elog(ABORT, "malformed array constant: %s", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "malformed array constant: %s", str);
case '\"':
scanning_string = !scanning_string;
if (nest_level > ndim)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: illformed array constant");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: illformed array constant");
indx[nest_level - 1] = 0;
indx[ndim - 1] = 0;
*q = '\0';
if (i >= nitems)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: illformed array constant");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: illformed array constant");
values[i] = (*inputproc) (p, typelem);
p = ++q;
if (!eoArray)
if (!strcmp(word, "-chunk"))
if (str == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: access pattern file required");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: access pattern file required");
str = _AdvanceBy1word(str, &accessfile);
else if (!strcmp(word, "-noreorg"))
if (str == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: chunk file required");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: chunk file required");
str = _AdvanceBy1word(str, &chunkfile);
- elog(ABORT, "usage: <input file> -chunk DEFAULT/<access pattern file> -invert/-native [-noreorg <chunk file>]");
+ elog(ERROR, "usage: <input file> -chunk DEFAULT/<access pattern file> -invert/-native [-noreorg <chunk file>]");
if (inputfile == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: missing file name");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: missing file name");
lobjId = lo_creat(0);
*fd = lo_open(lobjId, INV_READ);
if (*fd < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Large object create failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "Large object create failed");
retStr = inputfile;
*nbytes = strlen(retStr) + 2;
FILE *afd;
if ((afd = AllocateFile(accessfile, "r")) == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "unable to open access pattern file");
+ elog(ERROR, "unable to open access pattern file");
*chunkFlag = true;
retStr = _ChunkArray(*fd, afd, ndim, dim, baseSize, nbytes,
* fixed length arrays -- these are assumed to be 1-d
if (indx[0] * elmlen > arraylen)
- elog(ABORT, "array_ref: array bound exceeded");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_ref: array bound exceeded");
retval = (char *) array + indx[0] * elmlen;
return _ArrayCast(retval, reftype, elmlen);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (lowerIndx[i] > upperIndx[i])
- elog(ABORT, "lowerIndex cannot be larger than upperIndx");
+ elog(ERROR, "lowerIndex cannot be larger than upperIndx");
mda_get_range(n, span, lowerIndx, upperIndx);
if (ARR_IS_LO(array))
if (len < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "array_clip: array of variable length objects not supported");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_clip: array of variable length objects not supported");
#ifdef LOARRAY
lo_name = (char *) ARR_DATA_PTR(array);
if ((fd = LOopen(lo_name, ARR_IS_INV(array) ? INV_READ : O_RDONLY)) < 0)
* fixed length arrays -- these are assumed to be 1-d
if (indx[0] * elmlen > arraylen)
- elog(ABORT, "array_ref: array bound exceeded");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_ref: array bound exceeded");
pos = (char *) array + indx[0] * elmlen;
ArrayCastAndSet(dataPtr, (bool) reftype, elmlen, pos);
return ((char *) array);
if (!SanityCheckInput(ndim, n, dim, lb, indx))
- elog(ABORT, "array_set: array bound exceeded");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_set: array bound exceeded");
return ((char *) array);
offset = GetOffset(n, dim, lb, indx);
if (array == (ArrayType *) NULL)
if (len < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "array_assgn:updates on arrays of variable length elements not allowed");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_assgn:updates on arrays of variable length elements not allowed");
dim = ARR_DIMS(array);
lb = ARR_LBOUND(array);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
if (lowerIndx[i] > upperIndx[i])
- elog(ABORT, "lowerIndex larger than upperIndx");
+ elog(ERROR, "lowerIndex larger than upperIndx");
if (ARR_IS_LO(array))
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(typeTuple))
- elog(ABORT, "array_out: Cache lookup failed for type %d\n",
+ elog(ERROR, "array_out: Cache lookup failed for type %d\n",
case 4:
return ((Datum) *(int32 *) value);
- elog(ABORT, "array_ref: byval and elt len > 4!");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_ref: byval and elt len > 4!");
strcpy(saveName, p);
#ifdef LOARRAY
if ((*fd = LOcreat(saveName, 0600, flag)) < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Large object create failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "Large object create failed");
return (p);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/bool.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 03:33:55 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/bool.c,v 1.13 1998/01/05 16:39:42 momjian Exp $
- elog(ABORT,"Bad boolean external representation '%s'", b);
+ elog(ERROR,"Bad boolean external representation '%s'", b);
/* not reached */
return (FALSE);
} /* boolin() */
* workings can be found in the book "Software Solutions in C" by
* Dale Schumacher, Academic Press, ISBN: 0-12-632360-7.
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/cash.c,v 1.19 1998/01/05 03:33:56 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/cash.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 16:39:45 momjian Exp $
#include <stdio.h>
if (*s != '\0')
- elog(ABORT, "Bad money external representation %s", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad money external representation %s", str);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't input cash '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't input cash '%s'", str);
*result = (value * sgn);
if (minus)
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOC(CASH_BUFSZ + 2 - count + strlen(nsymbol))))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
/* Position code of 0 means use parens */
if (convention == 0)
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOC(CASH_BUFSZ + 2 - count)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't output cash", NULL);
strcpy(result, buf + count);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't add cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't add cash", NULL);
*result = (*c1 + *c2);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't subtract cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't subtract cash", NULL);
*result = (*c1 - *c2);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
*result = ((*f) * (*c));
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
if (*f == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
*result = rint(*c / *f);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
*result = ((*f) * (*c));
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
if (*f == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0.0 error");
*result = rint(*c / *f);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
*result = ((i) * (*c));
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
if (i == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "cash_idiv: divide by 0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "cash_idiv: divide by 0 error");
*result = rint(*c / i);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't multiply cash", NULL);
*result = ((s) * (*c));
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't divide cash", NULL);
if (s == 0)
- elog(ABORT, "cash_div: divide by 0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "cash_div: divide by 0 error");
*result = rint(*c / s);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't return larger cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't return larger cash", NULL);
*result = ((*c1 > *c2) ? *c1 : *c2);
return (NULL);
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(Cash)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't return smaller cash", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't return smaller cash", NULL);
*result = ((*c1 < *c2) ? *c1 : *c2);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/chunk.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 03:33:58 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/chunk.c,v 1.13 1998/01/05 16:39:46 momjian Exp $
cfd = LOopen(chunkfile, O_RDONLY);
if (cfd < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to open chunk file");
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to open chunk file");
strcpy(cInfo.lo_name, chunkfile);
fscanf(fd, "%d", &N);
if (N > MAXPAT)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: too many access pattern elements");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: too many access pattern elements");
for (i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (j = 0; j < ndim + 1; j++)
if (fscanf(fd, "%d ", &(A[i][j])) == EOF)
- elog(ABORT, "array_in: bad access pattern input");
+ elog(ERROR, "array_in: bad access pattern input");
* estimate chunk size
/* Assuming only one file */
if (lo_lseek(fp, pos, from) < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "File seek error");
+ elog(ERROR, "File seek error");
#ifdef LOARRAY
v = (struct varlena *) LOread(fp, size);
if (VARSIZE(v) - VARHDRSZ < size)
- elog(ABORT, "File read error");
+ elog(ERROR, "File read error");
memmove(buff, VARDATA(v), size);
return (1);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/date.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 03:33:59 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/date.c,v 1.21 1998/01/05 16:39:48 momjian Exp $
* This code is actually (almost) unused.
char lowstr[MAXDATELEN + 1];
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) date external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) date external representation", NULL);
if (strlen(str) > MAXDATELEN)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (length) reltime external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (length) reltime external representation '%s'", str);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeDateDelta(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad reltime external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad reltime external representation '%s'", str);
printf("reltimein- %d fields are type %d (DTK_DATE=%d)\n", nf, dtype, DTK_DATE);
- elog(ABORT, "Bad reltime (internal coding error) '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad reltime (internal coding error) '%s'", str);
} /* reltimein() */
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(TimeSpan)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't convert reltime to timespan", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't convert reltime to timespan", NULL);
switch (reltime)
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c,v 1.19 1998/01/05 03:34:00 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/datetime.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 16:39:50 momjian Exp $
char lowstr[MAXDATELEN + 1];
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) date external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) date external representation", NULL);
printf("date_in- input string is %s\n", str);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, &tzp) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad date external representation %s", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad date external representation %s", str);
switch (dtype)
- elog(ABORT, "Unrecognized date external representation %s", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unrecognized date external representation %s", str);
if (tm->tm_year < 0 || tm->tm_year > 32767)
- elog(ABORT, "date_in: year must be limited to values 0 through 32767 in '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "date_in: year must be limited to values 0 through 32767 in '%s'", str);
if (tm->tm_mon < 1 || tm->tm_mon > 12)
- elog(ABORT, "date_in: month must be limited to values 1 through 12 in '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "date_in: month must be limited to values 1 through 12 in '%s'", str);
if (tm->tm_mday < 1 || tm->tm_mday > day_tab[isleap(tm->tm_year)][tm->tm_mon - 1])
- elog(ABORT, "date_in: day must be limited to values 1 through %d in '%s'",
+ elog(ERROR, "date_in: day must be limited to values 1 through %d in '%s'",
day_tab[isleap(tm->tm_year)][tm->tm_mon - 1], str);
date = (date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) - date2j(2000, 1, 1));
result = PALLOCTYPE(DateTime);
if (date2tm(dateVal, &tz, tm, &fsec, &tzn) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert date to datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert date to datetime", NULL);
printf("date_datetime- date is %d.%02d.%02d\n", tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday);
if (tm2datetime(tm, fsec, &tz, result) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime out of range", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime out of range", NULL);
return (result);
} /* date_datetime() */
char *tzn;
if (!PointerIsValid(datetime))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert null datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert null datetime to date", NULL);
if (DATETIME_NOT_FINITE(*datetime))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
if (DATETIME_IS_EPOCH(*datetime))
if (datetime2tm(*datetime, &tz, tm, &fsec, &tzn) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
result = (date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday) - date2j(2000, 1, 1));
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert reserved abstime value to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert reserved abstime value to date", NULL);
* pretend to drop through to make compiler think that result
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) time external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) time external representation", NULL);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeTimeOnly(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad time external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad time external representation '%s'", str);
if ((tm->tm_hour < 0) || (tm->tm_hour > 23))
- elog(ABORT, "Hour must be limited to values 0 through 23 in '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Hour must be limited to values 0 through 23 in '%s'", str);
if ((tm->tm_min < 0) || (tm->tm_min > 59))
- elog(ABORT, "Minute must be limited to values 0 through 59 in '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Minute must be limited to values 0 through 59 in '%s'", str);
if ((tm->tm_sec < 0) || ((tm->tm_sec + fsec) >= 60))
- elog(ABORT, "Second must be limited to values 0 through < 60 in '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Second must be limited to values 0 through < 60 in '%s'", str);
char *tzn;
if (!PointerIsValid(datetime))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert null datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert null datetime to date", NULL);
if (DATETIME_NOT_FINITE(*datetime))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
if (DATETIME_IS_EPOCH(*datetime))
if (datetime2tm(*datetime, &tz, tm, &fsec, &tzn) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert datetime to date", NULL);
result = PALLOCTYPE(TimeADT);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/datum.c,v 1.8 1998/01/05 03:34:01 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/datum.c,v 1.9 1998/01/05 16:39:52 momjian Exp $
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"datumGetSize: Error: type=%ld, byVaL with len=%d",
(long) type, len);
s = (struct varlena *) DatumGetPointer(value);
if (!PointerIsValid(s))
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"datumGetSize: Invalid Datum Pointer");
size = (Size) VARSIZE(s);
s = (char *) palloc(realSize);
if (s == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "datumCopy: out of memory\n");
+ elog(ERROR, "datumCopy: out of memory\n");
memmove(s, DatumGetPointer(value), realSize);
res = (Datum) s;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/dt.c,v 1.48 1998/01/05 03:34:03 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/dt.c,v 1.49 1998/01/05 16:39:55 momjian Exp $
char lowstr[MAXDATELEN + 1];
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) datetime external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) datetime external representation", NULL);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, &tz) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad datetime external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad datetime external representation '%s'", str);
result = PALLOCTYPE(DateTime);
case DTK_DATE:
if (tm2datetime(tm, fsec, &tz, result) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime out of range '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime out of range '%s'", str);
printf("datetime_in- date is %f\n", *result);
- elog(ABORT, "Internal coding error, can't input datetime '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Internal coding error, can't input datetime '%s'", str);
return (result);
fsec = 0;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) timespan external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) timespan external representation", NULL);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeDateDelta(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad timespan external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad timespan external representation '%s'", str);
span = PALLOCTYPE(TimeSpan);
- elog(ABORT, "Bad timespan external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad timespan external representation '%s'", str);
- elog(ABORT, "Internal coding error, can't input timespan '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Internal coding error, can't input timespan '%s'", str);
return (span);
return (NULL);
if (EncodeTimeSpan(tm, fsec, DateStyle, buf) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to format timespan", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to format timespan", NULL);
result = PALLOC(strlen(buf) + 1);
tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
if (tm2datetime(tm, fsec, &tz, &dt) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to add datetime and timespan", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to add datetime and timespan", NULL);
return NULL;
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(TimeSpan)))
- elog(ABORT, "Memory allocation failed, can't subtract timespans", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Memory allocation failed, can't subtract timespans", NULL);
if (*arg2 == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "timespan_div: divide by 0.0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "timespan_div: divide by 0.0 error");
result->month = rint(span1->month / *arg2);
result->time = JROUND(span1->time / *arg2);
if (tm2timespan(tm, fsec, result) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to decode datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to decode datetime", NULL);
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to decode datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to decode datetime", NULL);
return (result);
/* should return null but Postgres doesn't like that currently. - tgl 97/06/12 */
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
*result = 0;
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
result = NULL;
if (tm2datetime(tm, fsec, &tz, result) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to truncate datetime to '%s'", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to truncate datetime to '%s'", lowunits);
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime units '%s' not recognized", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime units '%s' not recognized", lowunits);
result = NULL;
if (TIMESPAN_IS_INVALID(*timespan))
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan is not finite", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan is not finite", NULL);
result = NULL;
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
result = NULL;
if (tm2timespan(tm, fsec, result) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to truncate timespan to '%s'", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to truncate timespan to '%s'", lowunits);
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan units '%s' not recognized", units);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan units '%s' not recognized", units);
result = NULL;
/* should return null but Postgres doesn't like that currently. - tgl 97/06/12 */
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
*result = 0;
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
*result = 0;
case DTK_DOW:
if (datetime2tm(dt, &tz, tm, &fsec, &tzn) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to encode datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to encode datetime", NULL);
*result = j2day(date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday));
case DTK_DOY:
if (datetime2tm(dt, &tz, tm, &fsec, &tzn) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to encode datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to encode datetime", NULL);
*result = (date2j(tm->tm_year, tm->tm_mon, tm->tm_mday)
- date2j(tm->tm_year, 1, 1) + 1);
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime units '%s' not supported", lowunits);
*result = 0;
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime units '%s' not recognized", lowunits);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime units '%s' not recognized", lowunits);
*result = 0;
if (TIMESPAN_IS_INVALID(*timespan))
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan is not finite", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan is not finite", NULL);
*result = 0;
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan units '%s' not yet supported", units);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan units '%s' not yet supported", units);
result = NULL;
- elog(ABORT, "Timespan units '%s' not recognized", units);
+ elog(ERROR, "Timespan units '%s' not recognized", units);
*result = 0;
* could return null but Postgres doesn't like that currently. -
* tgl 97/06/12
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime is not finite", NULL);
result = NULL;
dt = dt2local(dt, tz);
if (datetime2tm(dt, NULL, tm, &fsec, NULL) != 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Datetime not legal", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Datetime not legal", NULL);
up = upzone;
lp = lowzone;
- elog(ABORT, "Time zone '%s' not recognized", lowzone);
+ elog(ERROR, "Time zone '%s' not recognized", lowzone);
result = NULL;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/filename.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 03:34:06 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/filename.c,v 1.13 1998/01/05 16:39:57 momjian Exp $
if ((pw = getpwnam(userName)) == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "User %s is not a Unix user on the db server.",
+ elog(ERROR, "User %s is not a Unix user on the db server.",
/* printf("name: %s\n"); */
if ((pw = getpwnam(name)) == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "No such user: %s\n", name);
+ elog(ERROR, "No such user: %s\n", name);
ind = 0;
- elog(ABORT, "Couldn't find %s in your environment", environment);
+ elog(ERROR, "Couldn't find %s in your environment", environment);
return ((char *) NULL);
ret = (char *) palloc(strlen(s) + 1);
if (!ret)
- elog(ABORT, "filename_out: palloc failed");
+ elog(ERROR, "filename_out: palloc failed");
return (strcpy(ret, s));
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/float.c,v 1.25 1998/01/05 03:34:07 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/float.c,v 1.26 1998/01/05 16:39:59 momjian Exp $
if (fabs(val) > FLOAT4_MAX)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float4 input format -- overflow");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float4 input format -- overflow");
if (val != 0.0 && fabs(val) < FLOAT4_MIN)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float4 input format -- underflow");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float4 input format -- underflow");
#endif /* UNSAFE_FLOATS */
if (fabs(val) > FLOAT8_MAX)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float8 input format -- overflow");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float8 input format -- overflow");
if (val != 0.0 && fabs(val) < FLOAT8_MIN)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float8 input format -- underflow");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float8 input format -- underflow");
#endif /* UNSAFE_FLOATS */
errno = 0;
val = strtod(num, &endptr);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float4 input format '%s'", num);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float4 input format '%s'", num);
* if we get here, we have a legal double, still need to check to see
errno = 0;
val = strtod(num, &endptr);
if (*endptr != '\0' || errno == ERANGE)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad float8 input format '%s'", num);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad float8 input format '%s'", num);
*result = val;
return (float32) NULL;
if (*arg2 == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "float4div: divide by zero error");
+ elog(ERROR, "float4div: divide by zero error");
val = *arg1 / *arg2;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (*arg2 == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "float8div: divide by zero error");
+ elog(ERROR, "float8div: divide by zero error");
val = *arg1 / *arg2;
int32 result;
if (!PointerIsValid(num))
- elog(ABORT, "dtoi4: unable to convert null", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "dtoi4: unable to convert null", NULL);
if ((*num < INT_MIN) || (*num > INT_MAX))
- elog(ABORT, "dtoi4: integer out of range", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "dtoi4: integer out of range", NULL);
result = rint(*num);
return (result);
int16 result;
if (!PointerIsValid(num))
- elog(ABORT, "dtoi2: unable to convert null", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "dtoi2: unable to convert null", NULL);
if ((*num < SHRT_MIN) || (*num > SHRT_MAX))
- elog(ABORT, "dtoi2: integer out of range", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "dtoi2: integer out of range", NULL);
result = rint(*num);
return (result);
int32 result;
if (!PointerIsValid(num))
- elog(ABORT, "ftoi4: unable to convert null", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "ftoi4: unable to convert null", NULL);
if ((*num < INT_MIN) || (*num > INT_MAX))
- elog(ABORT, "ftoi4: integer out of range", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "ftoi4: integer out of range", NULL);
result = rint(*num);
return (result);
int16 result;
if (!PointerIsValid(num))
- elog(ABORT, "ftoi2: unable to convert null", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "ftoi2: unable to convert null", NULL);
if ((*num < SHRT_MIN) || (*num > SHRT_MAX))
- elog(ABORT, "ftoi2: integer out of range", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "ftoi2: integer out of range", NULL);
result = rint(*num);
return (result);
if (!finite(*result))
- elog(ABORT, "pow() result is out of range");
+ elog(ERROR, "pow() result is out of range");
return (result);
if (!finite(*result))
- elog(ABORT, "exp() result is out of range");
+ elog(ERROR, "exp() result is out of range");
return (result);
tmp = *arg1;
if (tmp == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "can't take log of zero");
+ elog(ERROR, "can't take log of zero");
if (tmp < 0)
- elog(ABORT, "can't take log of a negative number");
+ elog(ERROR, "can't take log of a negative number");
*result = (float64data) log(tmp);
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (*arg2 == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "float48div: divide by zero");
+ elog(ERROR, "float48div: divide by zero");
*result = *arg1 / *arg2;
result = (float64) palloc(sizeof(float64data));
if (*arg2 == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "float48div: divide by zero");
+ elog(ERROR, "float48div: divide by zero");
*result = *arg1 / *arg2;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c,v 1.27 1998/01/05 03:34:08 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/geo_ops.c,v 1.28 1998/01/05 16:40:02 momjian Exp $
*cp++ = LDELIM;
if (!pair_encode(pt->x, pt->y, cp))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to format path", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to format path", NULL);
cp += strlen(cp);
*cp++ = RDELIM;
*cp++ = DELIM;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, " Bad (null) box external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, " Bad (null) box external representation", NULL);
if ((!path_decode(FALSE, 2, str, &isopen, &s, &(box->high)))
|| (*s != '\0'))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad box external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad box external representation '%s'", str);
/* reorder corners if necessary... */
if (box->high.x < box->low.x)
int depth = 0;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) path external representation");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) path external representation");
if ((npts = pair_count(str, ',')) <= 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad path external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad path external representation '%s'", str);
s = str;
while (isspace(*s))
if ((!path_decode(TRUE, npts, s, &isopen, &s, &(path->p[0])))
&& (!((depth == 0) && (*s == '\0'))) && !((depth >= 1) && (*s == RDELIM)))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad path external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad path external representation '%s'", str);
path->closed = (!isopen);
char *s;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) point external representation");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) point external representation");
if (!pair_decode(str, &x, &y, &s) || (strlen(s) > 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad point external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad point external representation '%s'", str);
point = PALLOCTYPE(Point);
char *s;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, " Bad (null) lseg external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, " Bad (null) lseg external representation", NULL);
if ((!path_decode(TRUE, 2, str, &isopen, &s, &(lseg->p[0])))
|| (*s != '\0'))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad lseg external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad lseg external representation '%s'", str);
lseg->m = point_sl(&lseg->p[0], &lseg->p[1]);
LSEG seg;
if (!PointerIsValid(circle) || !PointerIsValid(poly))
- elog(ABORT, "Invalid (null) input for distance", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Invalid (null) input for distance", NULL);
if (point_inside(&(circle->center), poly->npts, poly->p))
close_pb(Point *pt, BOX *box)
/* think about this one for a while */
- elog(ABORT, "close_pb not implemented", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "close_pb not implemented", NULL);
return (NULL);
close_sb(LSEG *lseg, BOX *box)
/* think about this one for a while */
- elog(ABORT, "close_sb not implemented", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "close_sb not implemented", NULL);
return (NULL);
close_lb(LINE *line, BOX *box)
/* think about this one for a while */
- elog(ABORT, "close_lb not implemented", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "close_lb not implemented", NULL);
return (NULL);
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to create bounding box for empty polygon", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to create bounding box for empty polygon", NULL);
char *s;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, " Bad (null) polygon external representation");
+ elog(ERROR, " Bad (null) polygon external representation");
if ((npts = pair_count(str, ',')) <= 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad polygon external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad polygon external representation '%s'", str);
size = offsetof(POLYGON, p[0]) +(sizeof(poly->p[0]) * npts);
poly = PALLOC(size);
if ((!path_decode(FALSE, npts, str, &isopen, &s, &(poly->p[0])))
|| (*s != '\0'))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad polygon external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad polygon external representation '%s'", str);
div = (p2->x * p2->x) + (p2->y * p2->y);
if (div == 0.0)
- elog(ABORT, "point_div: divide by 0.0 error");
+ elog(ERROR, "point_div: divide by 0.0 error");
result->x = ((p1->x * p2->x) + (p1->y * p2->y)) / div;
result->y = ((p2->x * p1->y) - (p2->y * p1->x)) / div;
if (!PointerIsValid(path))
return (NULL);
- elog(ABORT, "path_center not implemented", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "path_center not implemented", NULL);
result = PALLOCTYPE(Point);
result = NULL;
return (NULL);
if (!path->closed)
- elog(ABORT, "Open path cannot be converted to polygon", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Open path cannot be converted to polygon", NULL);
size = offsetof(POLYGON, p[0]) +(sizeof(poly->p[0]) * path->npts);
poly = PALLOC(size);
return (NULL);
if (!isoldpath(path))
- elog(ABORT, "upgradepath: path already upgraded?", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "upgradepath: path already upgraded?", NULL);
npts = (path->npts - 1);
size = offsetof(PATH, p[0]) +(sizeof(path->p[0]) * npts);
int depth = 0;
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, " Bad (null) circle external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, " Bad (null) circle external representation", NULL);
if (!pair_decode(s, &circle->center.x, &circle->center.y, &s))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
if (*s == DELIM)
if ((!single_decode(s, &circle->radius, &s)) || (circle->radius < 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
while (depth > 0)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
if (*s != '\0')
- elog(ABORT, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad circle external representation '%s'", str);
return (circle);
} /* circle_in() */
*cp++ = LDELIM_C;
*cp++ = LDELIM;
if (!pair_encode(circle->center.x, circle->center.y, cp))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to format circle", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to format circle", NULL);
cp += strlen(cp);
*cp++ = RDELIM;
*cp++ = DELIM;
if (!single_encode(circle->radius, cp))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to format circle", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to format circle", NULL);
cp += strlen(cp);
*cp++ = RDELIM_C;
return (NULL);
if (FPzero(circle->radius) || (npts < 2))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert circle to polygon", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert circle to polygon", NULL);
size = offsetof(POLYGON, p[0]) +(sizeof(poly->p[0]) * npts);
poly = PALLOC(size);
return (NULL);
if (poly->npts < 2)
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert polygon to circle", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert polygon to circle", NULL);
circle->radius /= poly->npts;
if (FPzero(circle->radius))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to convert polygon to circle", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to convert polygon to circle", NULL);
return (circle);
} /* poly_circle() */
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/int.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 03:34:09 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/int.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 16:40:06 momjian Exp $
i4toi2(int32 arg1)
if (arg1 < SHRT_MIN)
- elog(ABORT, "i4toi2: '%d' causes int2 underflow", arg1);
+ elog(ERROR, "i4toi2: '%d' causes int2 underflow", arg1);
if (arg1 > SHRT_MAX)
- elog(ABORT, "i4toi2: '%d' causes int2 overflow", arg1);
+ elog(ERROR, "i4toi2: '%d' causes int2 overflow", arg1);
return ((int16) arg1);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/nabstime.c,v 1.37 1998/01/05 03:34:11 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/nabstime.c,v 1.38 1998/01/05 16:40:07 momjian Exp $
if (!PointerIsValid(str))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) abstime external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) abstime external representation", NULL);
if (strlen(str) > MAXDATELEN)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (length) abstime external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (length) abstime external representation '%s'", str);
if ((ParseDateTime(str, lowstr, field, ftype, MAXDATEFIELDS, &nf) != 0)
|| (DecodeDateTime(field, ftype, nf, &dtype, tm, &fsec, &tz) != 0))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad abstime external representation '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad abstime external representation '%s'", str);
printf("nabstimein- %d fields are type %d (DTK_DATE=%d)\n", nf, dtype, DTK_DATE);
- elog(ABORT, "Bad abstime (internal coding error) '%s'", str);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad abstime (internal coding error) '%s'", str);
DateTime *result;
if (!PointerIsValid(result = PALLOCTYPE(DateTime)))
- elog(ABORT, "Unable to allocate space to convert abstime to datetime", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Unable to allocate space to convert abstime to datetime", NULL);
switch (abstime)
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.c,v 1.20 1998/01/05 03:34:12 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/numutils.c,v 1.21 1998/01/05 16:40:09 momjian Exp $
errno = 0;
l = strtol(s, &badp, 10);
if (errno) /* strtol must set ERANGE */
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
if (badp && *badp && (*badp != c))
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error in \"%s\": can\'t parse \"%s\"", s, badp);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error in \"%s\": can\'t parse \"%s\"", s, badp);
switch (size)
if (l < INT_MIN)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
if (l > INT_MAX)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
#endif /* HAS_LONG_LONG */
if (l < SHRT_MIN)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
if (l > SHRT_MAX)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
case sizeof(int8):
if (l < SCHAR_MIN)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
if (l > SCHAR_MAX)
errno = ERANGE;
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: error reading \"%s\": %m", s);
- elog(ABORT, "pg_atoi: invalid result size: %d", size);
+ elog(ERROR, "pg_atoi: invalid result size: %d", size);
return ((int32) l);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/oidname.c,v 1.10 1998/01/05 03:34:13 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/oidname.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 16:40:10 momjian Exp $
StrNCpy(oc->name.data, inptr, NAMEDATALEN);
- elog(ABORT, "Bad input data for type oidname");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad input data for type oidname");
return oc;
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/regexp.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 03:34:14 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/regexp.c,v 1.13 1998/01/05 16:40:11 momjian Exp $
* Alistair Crooks added the code for the regex caching
* agc - cached the regular expressions used - there's a good chance
rev[oldest].cre_s = (char *) NULL;
pg95_regerror(regcomp_result, &rev[oldest].cre_re, errMsg,
- elog(ABORT, "regcomp failed with error %s", errMsg);
+ elog(ERROR, "regcomp failed with error %s", errMsg);
/* not reached */
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/regproc.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 03:34:14 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/regproc.c,v 1.12 1998/01/05 16:40:12 momjian Exp $
proc = heap_openr(ProcedureRelationName);
if (!RelationIsValid(proc))
- elog(ABORT, "regprocin: could not open %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "regprocin: could not open %s",
return (0);
if (!HeapScanIsValid(procscan))
- elog(ABORT, "regprocin: could not being scan of %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "regprocin: could not being scan of %s",
return (0);
proc = heap_openr(ProcedureRelationName);
if (!RelationIsValid(proc))
- elog(ABORT, "regprocout: could not open %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "regprocout: could not open %s",
return (0);
if (!HeapScanIsValid(procscan))
- elog(ABORT, "regprocout: could not being scan of %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "regprocout: could not being scan of %s",
return (0);
type = heap_openr(TypeRelationName);
if (!RelationIsValid(type))
- elog(ABORT, "int8typeout: could not open %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "int8typeout: could not open %s",
return (0);
if (!HeapScanIsValid(typescan))
- elog(ABORT, "int8typeout: could not being scan of %s",
+ elog(ERROR, "int8typeout: could not being scan of %s",
return (0);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v 1.13 1998/01/05 03:34:16 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/selfuncs.c,v 1.14 1998/01/05 16:40:15 momjian Exp $
0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
- elog(ABORT, "getattdisbursion: no attribute tuple %d %d",
+ elog(ERROR, "getattdisbursion: no attribute tuple %d %d",
relid, attnum);
return (0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
- elog(ABORT, "getattdisbursion: no relation tuple %d", relid);
+ elog(ERROR, "getattdisbursion: no relation tuple %d", relid);
return (0);
ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples;
*low = "n";
- * XXX elog(ABORT, "gethilokey: statistic tuple not
+ * XXX elog(ERROR, "gethilokey: statistic tuple not
* found");
if (!PointerIsValid(result))
- elog(ABORT, "Btree Selectivity: bad pointer");
+ elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad pointer");
if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0)
- elog(ABORT, "Btree Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result);
+ elog(ERROR, "Btree Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result);
return (result);
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
- elog(ABORT, "btreenpage: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
+ elog(ERROR, "btreenpage: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
return (0);
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
- elog(ABORT, "hashsel: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
+ elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
return (0);
ntuples = ((Form_pg_class) GETSTRUCT(atp))->reltuples;
if (!PointerIsValid(result))
- elog(ABORT, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad pointer");
+ elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad pointer");
if (*result < 0.0 || *result > 1.0)
- elog(ABORT, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result);
+ elog(ERROR, "Hash Table Selectivity: bad value %lf", *result);
return (result);
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(atp))
- elog(ABORT, "hashsel: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
+ elog(ERROR, "hashsel: no index tuple %d", indexrelid);
return (0);
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/sets.c,v 1.10 1998/01/05 03:34:16 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/Attic/sets.c,v 1.11 1998/01/05 16:40:17 momjian Exp $
0, 0, 0);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
- elog(ABORT, "setin: unable to define set %s", querystr);
+ elog(ERROR, "setin: unable to define set %s", querystr);
* We can tell whether the set was already defined by checking the
setoid = newtup->t_oid;
- elog(ABORT, "setin: could not find new set oid tuple");
+ elog(ERROR, "setin: could not find new set oid tuple");
if (RelationGetRelationTupleForm(procrel)->relhasindex)
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/varchar.c,v 1.15 1998/01/05 03:34:19 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/varchar.c,v 1.16 1998/01/05 16:40:18 momjian Exp $
if (len > 4096)
- elog(ABORT, "bpcharin: length of char() must be less than 4096");
+ elog(ERROR, "bpcharin: length of char() must be less than 4096");
result = (char *) palloc(typlen);
*(int32 *) result = typlen;
if (len > 4096)
- elog(ABORT, "varcharin: length of char() must be less than 4096");
+ elog(ERROR, "varcharin: length of char() must be less than 4096");
result = (char *) palloc(typlen);
*(int32 *) result = typlen;
bpcharlen(char *arg)
if (!PointerIsValid(arg))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) char() external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) char() external representation", NULL);
} /* bpcharlen() */
varcharlen(char *arg)
if (!PointerIsValid(arg))
- elog(ABORT, "Bad (null) varchar() external representation", NULL);
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad (null) varchar() external representation", NULL);
} /* vclen() */
- * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c,v 1.27 1998/01/05 03:34:20 momjian Exp $
+ * $Header: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/utils/adt/varlena.c,v 1.28 1998/01/05 16:40:20 momjian Exp $
* Non-printable characters must be passed as '\nnn' (octal) and are
* converted to internal form. '\' must be passed as '\\'.
- * elog(ABORT, ...) if bad form.
+ * elog(ERROR, ...) if bad form.
* The input is scaned twice.
text *result;
if (inputText == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "Bad input string for type bytea");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad input string for type bytea");
for (byte = 0, tp = inputText; *tp != '\0'; byte++)
if (*tp++ == '\\')
else if (!isdigit(*tp++) ||
!isdigit(*tp++) ||
- elog(ABORT, "Bad input string for type bytea");
+ elog(ERROR, "Bad input string for type bytea");
tp = inputText;
byte += VARHDRSZ;
textlen(text *t)
if (!PointerIsValid(t))
- elog(ABORT,"Null input to textlen");
+ elog(ERROR,"Null input to textlen");
return (VARSIZE(t) - VARHDRSZ);
} /* textlen() */
if (n >= len)
- elog(ABORT, "byteaGetByte: index (=%d) out of range [0..%d]",
+ elog(ERROR, "byteaGetByte: index (=%d) out of range [0..%d]",
n, len - 1);
if (n >= len)
- elog(ABORT,
+ elog(ERROR,
"byteaSetByte: index (=%d) out of range [0..%d]",
n, len - 1);
res = (text *) palloc(VARSIZE(v));
if (res == NULL)
- elog(ABORT, "byteaSetByte: Out of memory (%d bytes requested)",
+ elog(ERROR, "byteaSetByte: Out of memory (%d bytes requested)",
memmove((char *) res, (char *) v, VARSIZE(v));
if (newBit != 0 && newBit != 1)
- elog(ABORT, "byteaSetByte: new bit must be 0 or 1");
+ elog(ERROR, "byteaSetByte: new bit must be 0 or 1");