consisting of their quotient and remainder when using long division. With
mixed operand types, the rules for binary arithmetic operators apply. For
plain and long integers, the result is the same as
- \code{(\var{a} / \var{b}, \var{a} \%{} \var{b})}.
+ \code{(\var{a} // \var{b}, \var{a} \%{} \var{b})}.
For floating point numbers the result is \code{(\var{q}, \var{a} \%{}
\var{b})}, where \var{q} is usually \code{math.floor(\var{a} /
\var{b})} but may be 1 less than that. In any case \code{\var{q} *
\lineiii{float(\var{x})}{\var{x} converted to floating point}{}
\lineiii{complex(\var{re},\var{im})}{a complex number with real part \var{re}, imaginary part \var{im}. \var{im} defaults to zero.}{}
\lineiii{\var{c}.conjugate()}{conjugate of the complex number \var{c}}{}
- \lineiii{divmod(\var{x}, \var{y})}{the pair \code{(\var{x} / \var{y}, \var{x} \%{} \var{y})}}{(3)(4)}
+ \lineiii{divmod(\var{x}, \var{y})}{the pair \code{(\var{x} // \var{y}, \var{x} \%{} \var{y})}}{(3)(4)}
\lineiii{pow(\var{x}, \var{y})}{\var{x} to the power \var{y}}{}
\lineiii{\var{x} ** \var{y}}{\var{x} to the power \var{y}}{}