-export([get_commands_spec/0, delete_old_sessions/1]).
%% API (used by mod_push_keepalive).
--export([notify/1, notify/3, notify/5]).
+-export([notify/2, notify/4, notify/6]).
%% For IQ callbacks
-spec mod_opt_type(atom()) -> fun((term()) -> term()) | [atom()].
+mod_opt_type(include_sender) ->
+ fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B end;
+mod_opt_type(include_body) ->
+ fun (B) when is_boolean(B) -> B;
+ (S) -> iolist_to_binary(S)
+ end;
mod_opt_type(db_type) ->
fun(T) -> ejabberd_config:v_db(?MODULE, T) end;
mod_opt_type(O) when O == cache_life_time; O == cache_size ->
-spec mod_options(binary()) -> [{atom(), any()}].
mod_options(Host) ->
- [{db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)},
+ [{include_sender, false},
+ {include_body, false},
+ {db_type, ejabberd_config:default_db(Host, ?MODULE)},
{use_cache, ejabberd_config:use_cache(Host)},
{cache_size, ejabberd_config:cache_size(Host)},
{cache_missed, ejabberd_config:cache_missed(Host)},
c2s_stanza(State, #stream_error{}, _SendResult) ->
c2s_stanza(#{push_enabled := true, mgmt_state := pending} = State,
- _Pkt, _SendResult) ->
+ Pkt, _SendResult) ->
?DEBUG("Notifying client of stanza", []),
- notify(State),
+ notify(State, Pkt),
c2s_stanza(State, _Pkt, _SendResult) ->
case drop_online_sessions(LUser, LServer, Clients) of
[_|_] = Clients1 ->
?DEBUG("Notifying ~s@~s of MAM message", [LUser, LServer]),
- notify(LUser, LServer, Clients1);
+ notify(LUser, LServer, Clients1, Pkt);
[] ->
case lookup_sessions(LUser, LServer) of
{ok, [_|_] = Clients} ->
?DEBUG("Notifying ~s@~s of offline message", [LUser, LServer]),
- notify(LUser, LServer, Clients);
+ notify(LUser, LServer, Clients, Pkt);
_ ->
case p1_queue:len(Queue) of
Len when Len > 0 ->
?DEBUG("Notifying client of unacknowledged stanza(s)", []),
- notify(State),
+ Pkt = queue_find(fun is_message_with_body/1, Queue),
+ notify(State, Pkt),
0 ->
%% Generate push notifications.
--spec notify(c2s_state()) -> ok.
-notify(#{jid := #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}, sid := {TS, _}}) ->
+-spec notify(c2s_state(), xmpp_element() | xmlel() | none) -> ok.
+notify(#{jid := #jid{luser = LUser, lserver = LServer}, sid := {TS, _}}, Pkt) ->
case lookup_session(LUser, LServer, TS) of
{ok, Client} ->
- notify(LUser, LServer, [Client]);
+ notify(LUser, LServer, [Client], Pkt);
_Err ->
--spec notify(binary(), binary(), [push_session()]) -> ok.
-notify(LUser, LServer, Clients) ->
+-spec notify(binary(), binary(), [push_session()],
+ xmpp_element() | xmlel() | none) -> ok.
+notify(LUser, LServer, Clients, Pkt) ->
fun({TS, PushLJID, Node, XData}) ->
HandleResponse = fun(#iq{type = result}) ->
(timeout) ->
ok % Hmm.
- notify(LServer, PushLJID, Node, XData, HandleResponse)
+ notify(LServer, PushLJID, Node, XData, Pkt, HandleResponse)
end, Clients).
-spec notify(binary(), ljid(), binary(), xdata(),
+ xmpp_element() | xmlel() | none,
fun((iq() | timeout) -> any())) -> ok.
-notify(LServer, PushLJID, Node, XData, HandleResponse) ->
+notify(LServer, PushLJID, Node, XData, Pkt, HandleResponse) ->
From = jid:make(LServer),
- Item = #ps_item{sub_els = [#push_notification{}]},
+ Summary = make_summary(LServer, Pkt),
+ Item = #ps_item{sub_els = [#push_notification{xdata = Summary}]},
PubSub = #pubsub{publish = #ps_publish{node = Node, items = [Item]},
publish_options = XData},
IQ = #iq{type = set,
[Client || {TS, _, _, _} = Client <- Clients,
lists:keyfind(TS, 1, SessIDs) == false].
+-spec queue_find(fun((stanza()) -> boolean()), p1_queue:queue())
+ -> stanza() | none.
+queue_find(Pred, Queue) ->
+ case p1_queue:out(Queue) of
+ {{value, {_, _, Pkt}}, Queue1} ->
+ case Pred(Pkt) of
+ true ->
+ Pkt;
+ false ->
+ queue_find(Pred, Queue1)
+ end;
+ {empty, _Queue1} ->
+ none
+ end.
+-spec make_summary(binary(), xmpp_element() | xmlel() | none)
+ -> xdata() | undefined.
+make_summary(Host, #message{from = From} = Pkt) ->
+ case {gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, include_sender),
+ gen_mod:get_module_opt(Host, ?MODULE, include_body)} of
+ {false, false} ->
+ undefined;
+ {IncludeSender, IncludeBody} ->
+ case get_body_text(Pkt) of
+ none ->
+ undefined;
+ Text ->
+ Fields1 = case IncludeBody of
+ StaticText when is_binary(StaticText) ->
+ [{'last-message-body', StaticText}];
+ true ->
+ [{'last-message-body', Text}];
+ false ->
+ []
+ end,
+ Fields2 = case IncludeSender of
+ true ->
+ [{'last-message-sender', From} | Fields1];
+ false ->
+ Fields1
+ end,
+ #xdata{type = submit, fields = push_summary:encode(Fields2)}
+ end
+ end;
+make_summary(_Host, _Pkt) ->
+ undefined.
+-spec is_message_with_body(stanza()) -> boolean().
+is_message_with_body(#message{} = Msg) ->
+ get_body_text(Msg) /= none;
+is_message_with_body(_Stanza) ->
+ false.
+-spec get_body_text(message()) -> binary() | none.
+get_body_text(#message{body = Body} = Msg) ->
+ case xmpp:get_text(Body) of
+ Text when byte_size(Text) > 0 ->
+ Text;
+ <<>> ->
+ case body_is_encrypted(Msg) of
+ true ->
+ <<"(encrypted)">>;
+ false ->
+ none
+ end
+ end.
+-spec body_is_encrypted(message()) -> boolean().
+body_is_encrypted(#message{sub_els = SubEls}) ->
+ lists:keyfind(<<"encrypted">>, #xmlel.name, SubEls) /= false.
%% Caching.