-make sure soap 1.1 and 1.2 is supported fully
-Better WSDL support Client and server (how much validation is needed here?)
-make internal refrences for soap encoding (use seralization logic)
-add ini option for always soap_error_handler
-provide user space overriding of serialization certin objects and types
-serialization in general needs to be polished/finished... all xsd types
-make perstistant objects and work with or without register_globals on
-look to see if php-soap will work with out always_populate_raw_post_data on
-see if client will work with ssl.. should be eaiser with php_streams
-work on soap seralizer (php serialization)
-work on a soap-service 'regiestry' and 'proxy' (apache soap style)
-convert all string mainpulation to use smart_str
-make the 'soap' packet abstract.. maybe incorperate xml-rpc
-make the transport layer abstract.. what other transport layers are needed?... who uses smtp? what about jabber?
-make $soap_object->data = 'text'; maybe invoke a set_*() and/or get_*() method
-when using wsdls and function names are similar find the best match
- void test(int);
- void test(string);
- maybe use the same alogrithim as ext/java.
-investigate further http keep_alive... inital testing proved slower.. maybe php_streams will speed things up..
-provide schema 1999/2001 support....
-through memory leak testing
-possible using shared memory for sdl caching...
-api for clearing/checking sdl caching...
-make php-soap work as a standalone server using php_streams and the new socket extension
-http authication
-proxy support
-wsdl generation static and auto (.net style (http://server.com/soapserver.php?WSDL)) using phpdoc parsing engine
-interpo testing...
-BENCHMARKING...... lets prove how fast it is.
-do some more work on website
+- rename soapobject to soapclient
+- make sure soapvar and soapparam are really need
+- make sure soapserver.map(), soap_encode_to_xml() and soap_encode_to_zval() are really need
-does this list stop... what exactly have i done?
-im sure im forgetting 20 thousand more things....
+- support for SOAP headers
+ - mustUnderstend attribute
+- make sure soap 1.1 and 1.2 are supported fully
+- full support for standard simple types (
+ - duration,
+ - anyURI,
+ - QName,
+ - normalizedString,
+ - token,
+ - language,
+ - Name,
+ - NCName,
+ - ID,
+ - IDREF,
+ - unsignedLong)
+- full support for standard date/time types (
+ ? dateTime,
+ ? time,
+ ? date,
+ ? gYearMonth,
+ ? gYear,
+ ? gMonthDay,
+ ? gDay,
+ ? gMonth)
+? proper encoding of standard hexBinary type
+? proper encoding of standard base64Binary type
+- full support for arrays
+ ? arrayType attribute
+ - offset attribute
+ - position attribute
+ ? multidimensional arrays
+ ? arrays of arrays
+? provide schema 1999/2001 support???
+? make internal refrences for soap encoding (use seralization logic)???
+? provide user space overriding of serialization certin objects and types???
- - brad
+? support for style "rpc"/"document" encoding
+? support for "encoded"/"literal" encoding
+? support for "nillable" and "nil"
+- function/method overloading (test(int); test(string))
+- wsdl caching
+- wsdl auto generation
+Error Handling
+- ???
+? support for https://
+- support for persistent HTTP connections (keep_alive)
+- support for HTTP compression (gzip,x-gzip,defalte)
+- support for HTTP athentication
+- support for HTTP proxies
+- transport abstraction layer
+- ???
+Interop Testing
+- more rounds/groups
+- ???
--- /dev/null
+make sure soap 1.1 and 1.2 is supported fully
+Better WSDL support Client and server (how much validation is needed here?)
+make internal refrences for soap encoding (use seralization logic)
+add ini option for always soap_error_handler
+provide user space overriding of serialization certin objects and types
+serialization in general needs to be polished/finished... all xsd types
+make perstistant objects and work with or without register_globals on
+look to see if php-soap will work with out always_populate_raw_post_data on
+see if client will work with ssl.. should be eaiser with php_streams
+work on soap seralizer (php serialization)
+-work on a soap-service 'regiestry' and 'proxy' (apache soap style)
+-convert all string mainpulation to use smart_str
+make the 'soap' packet abstract.. maybe incorperate xml-rpc
+make the transport layer abstract.. what other transport layers are needed?... who uses smtp? what about jabber?
+make $soap_object->data = 'text'; maybe invoke a set_*() and/or get_*() method
+when using wsdls and function names are similar find the best match
+ void test(int);
+ void test(string);
+ maybe use the same alogrithim as ext/java.
+investigate further http keep_alive... inital testing proved slower.. maybe php_streams will speed things up..
+provide schema 1999/2001 support....
+through memory leak testing
+possible using shared memory for sdl caching...
+api for clearing/checking sdl caching...
+make php-soap work as a standalone server using php_streams and the new socket extension
+http authication
+proxy support
+wsdl generation static and auto (.net style (http://server.com/soapserver.php?WSDL)) using phpdoc parsing engine
+interpo testing...
+BENCHMARKING...... lets prove how fast it is.
+do some more work on website
+does this list stop... what exactly have i done?
+im sure im forgetting 20 thousand more things....
+ - brad
+++ /dev/null
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PHP Version 4 |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
-// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
-// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
-// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
-// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
-// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
-// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Shane Caraveo <Shane@Caraveo.com> |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id$
-class Interop_Base
\ No newline at end of file
<a href="index.php">Back to Interop Index</a><br>
<p> </p>
-require_once 'SOAP/interop/client_round2_interop.php';
+require_once 'client_round2_interop.php';
$iop = new Interop_Client();
global $iop;
echo "<select name='endpoint'>\n";
+ echo "<option value=''>-- All Endpoints --</option>\n";
foreach ($iop->endpoints as $epname => $epinfo) {
$selected = '';
if ($sel_endpoint == $epname) $selected = ' SELECTED';
function methodList($test,$sel_method)
global $iop;
- $ml = $iop->getMethodList($test);
+ global $soap_tests;
echo "<select name='method'>\n";
- foreach ($ml as $method) {
- $selected = '';
- if ($sel_method == $method) $selected = ' SELECTED';
- echo "<option value='$method'$selected>$method</option>\n";
+ echo "<option value='ALL'>-- Run All Methods --</option>\n";
+ $prev_method = "";
+ foreach ($soap_tests[$test] as $x) {
+ $method = $x->test_name;
+ if ($method != $prev_method) {
+ $prev_method = $method;
+ $selected = '';
+ if ($sel_method == $method) $selected = ' SELECTED';
+ echo "<option value='$method'$selected>$method</option>\n";
+ }
- echo "<option value='ALL'>Run All Methods</option>\n";
echo "</select>\n";
echo "<input type='hidden' name='test' value='$test'>\n";
endpointList($test, $endpoint);
methodList($test, $method);
- echo "<select name='paramType'><option value='soapval'>soap value</option>";
+ echo "<select name='paramType'>";
+// echo "<option value='all'>-- All --</option>";
+ echo "<option value='soapval'".($paramType=='soapval'?' selected':'').">soap value</option>";
echo "<option value='php'".($paramType=='php'?' selected':'').">php internal type</option></select>\n";
- echo "<select name='useWSDL'><option value='0'>go Direct</option><option value='1'".($useWSDL?' selected':'').">use WSDL</option></select>\n";
+ echo "<select name='useWSDL'>";
+// echo "<option value='all'>-- All --</option>";
+ echo "<option value='0'>go Direct</option>";
+ echo "<option value='1'".($useWSDL?' selected':'').">use WSDL</option></select>\n";
echo "<input type='submit' value='Go'>\n";
echo "</form><br>\n";
// here we execute the orders
echo "<h2>Calling {$_POST['method']} at {$_POST['endpoint']}</h2>\n";
echo "NOTE: wire's are slightly modified to display better in web browsers.<br>\n";
$iop->currentTest = $_POST['test']; // see $tests above
$iop->paramType = $_POST['paramType']; // 'php' or 'soapval'
$iop->useWSDL = $_POST['useWSDL']; // 1= do wsdl tests
$iop->specificEndpoint = $_POST['endpoint']; // test only this endpoint
$iop->testMethod = $_POST['method']=='ALL'?'':$_POST['method']; // test only this method
$iop->skipEndpointList = array(); // endpoints to skip
- $this->nosave = 0; // 1= disable saving results to database
+ $iop->nosave = 0; // 1= disable saving results to database
// debug output
- $iop->show = 1;
- $iop->debug = 1;
+ $iop->show = 0;
+ $iop->debug = 0;
$iop->showFaults = 0; // used in result table output
echo '<pre>';
$iop->doTest(); // run a single set of tests using above options
// $Id$
require_once 'DB.php'; // PEAR/DB
-require_once 'base.php';
require_once 'client_round2_params.php';
require_once 'test.utility.php';
+require_once 'config.php';
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
-class Interop_Client extends Interop_Base
+class Interop_Client
// database DNS
- var $DSN = 'mysql://user@localhost/interop2';
+ var $DSN = "";
// our central interop server, where we can get the list of endpoints
- var $interopServer = "http://www.whitemesa.net/interopInfo";
+ var $interopServer = "http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/interopInfo.wsdl";
// our local endpoint, will always get added to the database for all tests
var $localEndpoint;
// specify testing
var $currentTest = 'base'; // see $tests above
var $paramType = 'php'; // 'php' or 'soapval'
var $show = 1;
var $debug = 0;
var $showFaults = 0; // used in result table output
var $dbc = NULL;
var $totals = array();
var $tests = array('base','GroupB', 'GroupC');
var $paramTypes = array('php', 'soapval');
var $endpoints = array();
function Interop_Client() {
+ global $interopConfig;
+ $this->DSN = $interopConfig['DSN'];
// set up the database connection
$this->dbc = DB::connect($this->DSN, true);
// if it errors out, just ignore it and rely on regular methods
$this->dbc = NULL;
// set up local endpoint
- $this->localEndpoint['base'] = array(
- 'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
- 'endpointURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php',
- 'wsdlURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/interop.wsdl'
+ $this->localEndpoint['base'] = (object)array(
+ 'endpointName'=>'PHP ext/soap',
+ 'endpointURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/server_round2_base.php',
+ 'wsdlURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/interop.wsdl.php'
- $this->localEndpoint['GroupB'] = array(
- 'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
- 'endpointURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php',
- 'wsdlURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/interopB.wsdl'
+ $this->localEndpoint['GroupB'] = (object)array(
+ 'endpointName'=>'PHP ext/soap',
+ 'endpointURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/server_round2_groupB.php',
+ 'wsdlURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/interopB.wsdl.php'
- $this->localEndpoint['GroupC'] = array(
- 'endpointName'=>'PEAR SOAP',
- 'endpointURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php',
- 'wsdlURL'=>'http://localhost/soap_interop/echoheadersvc.wsdl'
+ $this->localEndpoint['GroupC'] = (object)array(
+ 'endpointName'=>'PHP ext/soap',
+ 'endpointURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/server_round2_groupC.php',
+ 'wsdlURL'=>'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']).'/echoheadersvc.wsdl.php'
function _fetchEndpoints(&$soapclient, $test) {
$this->_getEndpoints($test, 1);
// retreive endpoints from the endpoint server
- $endpointArray = $soapclient->call("GetEndpointInfo",array("groupName"=>$test),"http://soapinterop.org/info/","http://soapinterop.org/info/");
+ $endpointArray = $soapclient->__call("GetEndpointInfo",array("groupName"=>$test),"http://soapinterop.org/info/","http://soapinterop.org/info/");
if (PEAR::isError($endpointArray)) {
print $soapclient->wire;
// add our local endpoint
if ($this->localEndpoint[$test]) {
- array_push($endpointArray, $this->localEndpoint[$test]);
+ array_push($endpointArray, $this->localEndpoint[$test]);
if (!$endpointArray) return;
// reset the status to zero
$res = $this->dbc->query("update endpoints set status = 0 where class='$test'");
if (DB::isError($res)) {
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
// save new endpoints into database
foreach($endpointArray as $k => $v){
- if (array_key_exists($v['endpointName'],$this->endpoints)) {
- $res = $this->dbc->query("update endpoints set endpointURL='{$v['endpointURL']}', wsdlURL='{$v['wsdlURL']}', status=1 where id={$this->endpoints[$v['endpointName']]['id']}");
+ if (array_key_exists($v->endpointName,$this->endpoints)) {
+ $res = $this->dbc->query("update endpoints set endpointURL='{$v->endpointURL}', wsdlURL='{$v->wsdlURL}', status=1 where id={$this->endpoints[$v->endpointName]['id']}");
} else {
- $res = $this->dbc->query("insert into endpoints (endpointName,endpointURL,wsdlURL,class) values('{$v['endpointName']}','{$v['endpointURL']}','{$v['wsdlURL']}','$test')");
+ $res = $this->dbc->query("insert into endpoints (endpointName,endpointURL,wsdlURL,class) values('{$v->endpointName}','{$v->endpointURL}','{$v->wsdlURL}','$test')");
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
* fetchEndpoints
* retreive endpoints interop server
* @return boolean result
* @access private
- */
+ */
function fetchEndpoints($test = NULL) {
// fetch from the interop server
$soapclient = new SoapObject($this->interopServer);
if ($test) {
$this->_fetchEndpoints($soapclient, $test);
} else {
$test = 'base';
// retreive all endpoints now
$this->currentTest = $test;
- return $this->_getEndpoints($test);
+ $x = $this->_getEndpoints();
+ return $x;
* getEndpoints
* retreive endpoints from either database or interop server
* @param boolean all (if false, only get valid endpoints, status=1)
* @return boolean result
* @access private
- */
+ */
function getEndpoints($base = 'base', $all = 0) {
if (!$this->_getEndpoints($base, $all)) {
return $this->fetchEndpoints($base);
* @param boolean all (if false, only get valid endpoints, status=1)
* @return boolean result
* @access private
- */
+ */
function _getEndpoints($base = "", $all = 0) {
$this->endpoints = array();
if (!$all) $sql .= "and status=1";
} else
if (!$all) $sql .= "where status=1";
$db_ep = $this->dbc->getAll($sql,NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
if (DB::isError($db_ep)) {
echo $sql."\n";
foreach ($db_ep as $entry) {
$this->endpoints[$entry['endpointName']] = $entry;
+ $this->endpoints["PHP ext/soap"] =
+ array("endpointName" => "PHP ext/soap",
+ "endpointURL" => "http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp",
+ "wsdlURL" => "http://www.pocketsoap.com/services/ilab.wsdl",
+ "class" => "base" "status"]=> string(1) "1" }
if (count($this->endpoints) > 0) {
$this->currentTest = $base;
return TRUE;
function getResults($test = 'base', $type = 'php', $wsdl = 0) {
// be sure we have the right endpoints for this test result
// retreive the results and put them into the endpoint info
$sql = "select * from results where class='$test' and type='$type' and wsdl=$wsdl";
$results = $this->dbc->getAll($sql,NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
* saveResults
* save the results of a method test into the database
function _saveResults($endpoint_id, &$soap_test) {
if ($this->nosave) return;
$result = $soap_test->result;
$wire = $result['wire'];
if ($result['success']) {
$error = $result['fault']->faultstring;
if (!$wire) $wire= $result['fault']->detail;
$test_name = $soap_test->test_name;
// add header info to the test name
if ($soap_test->headers) {
$sql = "delete from results where endpoint=$endpoint_id ".
"and class='$this->currentTest' and type='$this->paramType' ".
"and wsdl=$this->useWSDL and function=".
die ($res->getMessage());
if (is_object($res)) $res->free();
$sql = "insert into results (endpoint,stamp,class,type,wsdl,function,result,error,wire) ".
#echo "\n".$sql;
$res = $this->dbc->query($sql);
if (DB::isError($res)) {
die ($res->getMessage());
* @param SOAP_Value soapval
* @return mixed result
* @access public
- */
+ */
function decodeSoapval($soapval)
if (gettype($soapval) == "object" &&
return $val;
* compareResult
* compare two php types for a match
* @param string test_result
* @return boolean result
* @access public
- */
+ */
function compareResult($expect, $result, $type = NULL)
- $ok = 0;
- $expect_type = gettype($expect);
- $result_type = gettype($result);
- if ($expect_type == "array" && $result_type == "array") {
- # compare arrays
- $ok = array_compare($expect, $result);
- } else {
- if ($type == 'boolean')
- $ok = boolean_compare($expect, $result);
- else
- $ok = string_compare($expect, $result);
- }
- return $ok;
+ return compare($expect, $result);
* @param SOAP_Test test
* @return boolean result
* @access public
- */
+ */
function doEndpointMethod(&$endpoint_info, &$soap_test) {
$ok = FALSE;
// prepare a holder for the test results
$soap_test->result['class'] = $this->currentTest;
$soap_test->result['type'] = $this->paramType;
$soap_test->result['wsdl'] = $this->useWSDL;
if ($this->useWSDL) {
if (array_key_exists('wsdlURL',$endpoint_info)) {
if (!array_key_exists('client',$endpoint_info)) {
$endpoint_info['client'] = new SoapObject($endpoint_info['wsdlURL']);
+ $endpoint_info['client']->__trace(1);
$soap =& $endpoint_info['client'];
# XXX how do we determine a failure on retreiving/parsing wsdl?
if ($soap->wsdl->fault) {
$fault = $soap->wsdl->fault->getFault();
if (!array_key_exists('client',$endpoint_info)) {
$endpoint_info['client'] = new SoapObject($endpoint_info['endpointURL'],$soapaction);
+ $endpoint_info['client']->__trace(1);
$soap = $endpoint_info['client'];
// XXX no way to set encoding
// this lets us set UTF-8, US-ASCII or other
if ($this->useWSDL) {
$args = '';
foreach ($soap_test->method_params as $pname => $param) {
} else {
$return = $soap->__call($soap_test->method_name,$soap_test->method_params,$soapaction, $namespace);
- // save the wire
- $wire = $soap->__getlastrequest()."\n\n".$soap->__getlastresponse();
- $wire = str_replace('>',">\n",$wire);
- $wire = str_replace('" ',"\" \n",$wire);
- #print $wire;
- if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 1) {
- $sent = array_shift($soap_test->method_params);
+ if ($soap_test->expect !== NULL) {
+ $sent = $soap_test->expect;
+ } else if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 1) {
+ reset($soap_test->method_params);
+ $sent = current($soap_test->method_params);
+ } else if (is_array($soap_test->method_params) && count($soap_test->method_params) == 0) {
+ $sent = null;
} else {
$sent = $soap_test->method_params;
// compare header results
$header_result = array();
$headers_ok = TRUE;
# XXX need to implement header support!
#if ($soap_test->headers) {
# we need to decode what we sent so we can compare!
$sent_d = $this->decodeSoapval($sent);
$soap_test->result['sent'] = $sent;
$soap_test->result['return'] = $return;
// compare the results with what we sent
$ok = $this->compareResult($sent_d,$return, $sent->type);
if (!$ok && $soap_test->expect) {
$ok = $this->compareResult($soap_test->expect,$return);
+ // save the wire
+ $wire = "REQUEST:\n".str_replace('" ',"\" \n",str_replace('>',">\n",$soap->__getlastrequest()))."\n\n".
+ "RESPONSE:\n".str_replace('" ',"\" \n",str_replace('>',">\n",$soap->__getlastresponse()))."\n\n".
+ "EXPECTED:\n".var_dump_str($sent_d)."\n".
+ "RESULTL:\n".var_dump_str($return);
+ #print "Wire:".htmlentities($wire);
if (!$headers_ok) {
$fault = new SoapFault('HEADER','The returned result did not match what we expected to receive');
$ok = 0;
$res =$fault->faultcode;
+ // save the wire
+ $wire = "REQUEST:\n".str_replace('" ',"\" \n",str_replace('>',">\n",$soap->__getlastrequest()))."\n\n".
+ "RESPONSE:\n".str_replace('" ',"\" \n",str_replace('>',">\n",$soap->__getlastresponse()));
+ #print "Wire:".htmlentities($wire);
$soap_test->setResult($ok,$res, $wire,$fault->faultstring, $fault);
return $ok;
* doTest
* run a single round of tests
* @access public
- */
+ */
function doTest() {
global $soap_tests;
// get endpoints for this test
#clear totals
$this->totals = array();
$i = 0;
foreach($this->endpoints as $endpoint => $endpoint_info){
// if we specify an endpoint, skip until we find it
if ($this->specificEndpoint && $endpoint != $this->specificEndpoint) continue;
if ($this->useWSDL && !$endpoint_info['endpointURL']) continue;
$skipendpoint = FALSE;
#$endpoint_info['tests'] = array();
if ($this->show) print "Processing $endpoint at {$endpoint_info['endpointURL']}<br>\n";
foreach($soap_tests[$this->currentTest] as $soap_test) {
//foreach(array_keys($method_params[$this->currentTest][$this->paramType]) as $method)
// only run the type of test we're looking for (php or soapval)
if ($soap_test->type != $this->paramType) continue;
// if we haven't reached our startpoint, skip
if ($this->startAt && $this->startAt != $endpoint_info['endpointName']) continue;
$this->startAt = '';
// if this is in our skip list, skip it
if (in_array($endpoint, $this->skipEndpointList)) {
$skipendpoint = TRUE;
$soap_test->result = NULL;
// if we're looking for a specific method, skip unless we have it
- if ($this->testMethod && !strstr($this->testMethod,$soap_test->test_name)) continue;
+ if ($this->testMethod && strcmp($this->testMethod,$soap_test->test_name) != 0) continue;
if ($this->testMethod && $this->currentTest == 'GroupC') {
// we have to figure things out now
if (!preg_match('/(.*):(.*),(\d),(\d)/',$this->testMethod, $m)) continue;
// is the header in the headers list?
$gotit = FALSE;
foreach ($soap_test->headers as $header) {
if (!$gotit) continue;
// if we are skipping the rest of the tests (due to error) note a fault
if ($skipendpoint) {
$soap_test->setResult(0,$fault->faultcode, '',
if ($this->numservers && ++$i >= $this->numservers) break;
function doGroupTests() {
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
foreach($dowsdl as $usewsdl) {
* doTests
* go all out. This takes time.
* @access public
- */
+ */
function doTests() {
// the mother of all interop tests
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
// ***********************************************************
// output functions
* getResults
* retreive results from the database, stuff them into the endpoint array
return $ar;
function outputTable()
$methods = $this->getMethodList($this->currentTest);
if (!$methods) return;
echo "<b>Testing $this->currentTest ";
if ($this->useWSDL) echo "using WSDL ";
else echo "using Direct calls ";
echo "with $this->paramType values</b><br>\n";
// calculate totals for this table
$this->totals['success'] = 0;
$this->totals['fail'] = 0;
$this->totals['calls'] = count($methods) * $this->totals['servers'];
- if ($this->totals['fail'] == $this->totals['calls']) {
- // assume tests have not run, skip outputing table
- print "No Data Available<br>\n";
- return;
- }
+# if ($this->totals['fail'] == $this->totals['calls']) {
+# // assume tests have not run, skip outputing table
+# print "No Data Available<br>\n";
+# return;
+# }
echo "\n\n<b>Servers: {$this->totals['servers']} Calls: {$this->totals['calls']} Success: {$this->totals['success']} Fail: {$this->totals['fail']}</b><br>\n";
echo "<table border=\"1\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\">\n";
echo "<tr><td class=\"BLANK\">Endpoint</td>\n";
foreach ($methods as $method) {
echo "</ul><br><br>\n";
function outputTables() {
// the mother of all interop tests
$dowsdl = array(0,1);
function showWire($id) {
$results = $this->dbc->getAll("select * from results where id=$id",NULL, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC );
#$wire = preg_replace("/>/",">\n",$results[0]['wire']);
var $show = 1;
var $debug = 0;
var $encoding = 'UTF-8';
function SOAP_Test($methodname, $params, $expect = NULL) {
# XXX we have to do this to make php-soap happy with NULL params
if (!$params) $params = array();
if (strchr($methodname,'(')) {
$this->test_name = $methodname;
$this->test_name = $this->method_name = $methodname;
$this->method_params = $params;
- $this->expect = $expect;
+ if ($expect !== NULL) {
+ $this->expect = $expect;
+ }
// determine test type
if ($params) {
$v = array_values($params);
$this->type = 'soapval';
function setResult($ok, $result, $wire, $error = '', $fault = NULL)
$this->result['success'] = $ok;
* @param array endpoint_info
* @param string method
* @access public
- */
+ */
function showTestResult($debug = 0) {
// debug output
if ($debug) $this->show = 1;
if ($debug) {
echo str_repeat("-",50)."<br>\n";
echo "testing $this->test_name : ";
if ($this->headers) {
foreach ($this->headers as $h) {
if (get_class($h) == 'soap_header') {
echo "\n {$h->name},{$h->attributes['SOAP-ENV:actor']},{$h->attributes['SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand']} : ";
} else {
if (!$h[4]) $h[4] = SOAP_TEST_ACTOR_NEXT;
if ($debug) {
print "method params: ";
print "\n";
$ok = $this->result['success'];
if ($ok) {
- print "SUCCESS\n";
+ print "<font color=\"#00cc00\">SUCCESS</font>\n";
} else {
$fault = $this->result['fault'];
if ($fault) {
- print "FAILED: {$fault->faultcode} {$fault->faultstring}\n";
+ print "<font color=\"#ff0000\">FAILED: {$fault->faultcode} {$fault->faultstring}</font>\n";
} else {
- print "FAILED: ".$this->result['result']."\n";
+ print "<font color=\"#ff0000\">FAILED: ".$this->result['result']."</font>\n";
if ($debug) {
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString', array('inputString' => 'hello world!'));
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString','hello world',XSD_STRING)));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(null)', array('inputString' => ""));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(null)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString','',XSD_STRING)));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => 'hello world\nline 2\n'));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString','hello world\nline 2\n',XSD_STRING)));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(empty)', array('inputString' => ''));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(empty)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString','',XSD_STRING)));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(null)', array('inputString' => NULL));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(null)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString',NULL,XSD_STRING)));
+//$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => ">,<,&,\",',0:\x00",1:\x01,2:\x02,3:\x03,4:\x04,5:\x05,6:\x06,7:\x07,8:\x08,9:\x09,10:\x0a,11:\x0b,12:\x0c,13:\x0d,14:\x0e,15:\x0f,16:\x10,17:\x11,18:\x12,19:\x13,20:\x14,21:\x15,22:\x16,23:\x17,24:\x18,25:\x19,26:\x1a,27:\x1b,28:\x1c,29:\x1d,30:\x1e,31:\x1f"));
+//$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString',">,<,&,\",',0:\x00",1:\x01,2:\x02,3:\x03,4:\x04,5:\x05,6:\x06,7:\x07,8:\x08,9:\x09,10:\x0a,11:\x0b,12:\x0c,13:\x0d,14:\x0e,15:\x0f,16:\x10,17:\x11,18:\x12,19:\x13,20:\x14,21:\x15,22:\x16,23:\x17,24:\x18,25:\x19,26:\x1a,27:\x1b,28:\x1c,29:\x1d,30:\x1e,31:\x1f",XSD_STRING)));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => ">,<,&,\",',\\,\n"));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoString(entities)', array('inputString' => soap_value('inputString',">,<,&,\",',\\,\n",XSD_STRING)));
$test = new SOAP_Test('echoString(utf-8)', array('inputString' => utf8_encode('ỗÈéóÒ₧⅜ỗỸ')));
$test->encoding = 'UTF-8';
$soap_tests['base'][] = $test;
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray',
array('inputStringArray' =>
-// null array test
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(one)',
+ array('inputStringArray' => array('good')));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(one)',
+ array('inputStringArray' =>
+ soap_value('inputStringArray',array('good'),SOAP_ENC_ARRAY)));
+// empty array test
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(empty)', array('inputStringArray' => array()));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(empty)', array('inputStringArray' => soap_value('inputStringArray',array(),SOAP_ENC_ARRAY)));
# XXX NULL Arrays not supported
-#$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(null)', array('inputStringArray' => NULL));
-#$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(null)', array('inputStringArray' => soap_value('inputStringArray',NULL,XSD_STRING)));
+// null array test
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(null)', array('inputStringArray' => NULL));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStringArray(null)', array('inputStringArray' => soap_value('inputStringArray',NULL,SOAP_ENC_ARRAY)));
// Base echoInteger
+$x = new SOAP_Test('echoInteger', array('inputInteger' => 34345));
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoInteger', array('inputInteger' => 34345));
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoInteger', array('inputInteger' => soap_value('inputInteger',12345,XSD_INT)));
array(new soapvar(12345,XSD_INT),new soapvar(654321,XSD_INT)),
-#// null array test
-# XXX NULL Arrays not supported
-#$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoIntegerArray(null)', array('inputIntegerArray' => NULL));
-#$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoIntegerArray(null)', array('inputIntegerArray' => new SOAP_Value('inputIntegerArray','Array',NULL)));
// Base echoFloat
// Base echoFloatArray
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoFloatArray', array('inputFloatArray' => array(1.3223,34.2,325.325)));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoFloatArray',
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoFloatArray',
array('inputFloatArray' =>
array(new soapvar(123.45,XSD_FLOAT),new soapvar(654.321,XSD_FLOAT)),
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBase64', array('inputBase64' => 'TmVicmFza2E='));
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBase64', array('inputBase64' =>
- soap_value('inputBase64','TmVicmFza2E=',XSD_BASE64BINARY)));
+ soap_value('inputBase64','TmVicmFza2E=',XSD_BASE64BINARY)));
// Base echoHexBinary
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoHexBinary', array('inputHexBinary' => '736F61707834'));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoHexBinary', array('inputHexBinary' =>
- soap_value('inputHexBinary','736F61707834',XSD_HEXBINARY)));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoHexBinary', array('inputHexBinary' =>
+ soap_value('inputHexBinary','736F61707834',XSD_HEXBINARY)));
// Base echoDecimal
# XXX test fails because php-soap incorrectly sets decimal to long rather than float
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDecimal', array('inputDecimal' => 12345.67890));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDecimal', array('inputDecimal' =>
- soap_value('inputDecimal',12345.67890,XSD_DECIMAL)));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDecimal', array('inputDecimal' => '12345.67890'));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDecimal', array('inputDecimal' =>
+ soap_value('inputDecimal','12345.67890',XSD_DECIMAL)));
// Base echoDate
# php-soap doesn't handle datetime types properly yet
$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDate', array('inputDate' => '2001-05-24T17:31:41Z'));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDate', array('inputDate' =>
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoDate', array('inputDate' =>
// Base echoBoolean
# php-soap sends boolean as zero or one, which is ok, but to be explicit, send true or false.
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean', array('inputBoolean' => TRUE));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean', array('inputBoolean' =>
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(true)', array('inputBoolean' => TRUE));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(true)', array('inputBoolean' =>
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean', array('inputBoolean' => FALSE));
-$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean', array('inputBoolean' =>
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(false)', array('inputBoolean' => FALSE));
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(false)', array('inputBoolean' =>
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(1)', array('inputBoolean' => 1),true);
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(1)', array('inputBoolean' =>
+ soap_value('inputBoolean',1,XSD_BOOLEAN)),true);
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(0)', array('inputBoolean' => 0),false);
+$soap_tests['base'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoBoolean(0)', array('inputBoolean' =>
+ soap_value('inputBoolean',0,XSD_BOOLEAN)),false);
+// GroupB echoStructAsSimpleTypes
+$expect = array(
+ 'outputString'=>'arg',
+ 'outputInteger'=>34,
+ 'outputFloat'=>325.325
+ );
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStructAsSimpleTypes',
+ array('inputStruct' => (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325
+ )), $expect);
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStructAsSimpleTypes',
+ array('inputStruct' =>
+ soap_value('inputStruct',
+ (object)array('varString' => 'arg',
+ 'varInt' => 34,
+ 'varFloat' => 325.325
+ ), SOAP_ENC_OBJECT)), $expect);
+// GroupB echoSimpleTypesAsStruct
+$expect =
+ (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325
+ );
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoSimpleTypesAsStruct',
+ array(
+ 'inputString'=>'arg',
+ 'inputInteger'=>34,
+ 'inputFloat'=>325.325
+ ), $expect);
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoSimpleTypesAsStruct',
+ array(
+ soap_value('inputString','arg', XSD_STRING),
+ soap_value('inputInteger',34, XSD_INT),
+ soap_value('inputFloat',325.325, XSD_FLOAT)
+ ), $expect);
+// GroupB echo2DStringArray
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echo2DStringArray',
+ array('input2DStringArray' => make_2d(3,3)));
+$multidimarray =
+ soap_value('input2DStringArray',
+ array(
+ array('row0col0', 'row0col1', 'row0col2'),
+ array('row1col0', 'row1col1', 'row1col2')
+ );
+//$multidimarray->options['flatten'] = TRUE;
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echo2DStringArray',
+ array('input2DStringArray' => $multidimarray));
+// GroupB echoNestedStruct
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedStruct',
+ array('inputStruct' => (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325,
+ 'varStruct' => (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325
+ )
+ )));
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedStruct',
+ array('inputStruct' =>
+ soap_value('inputStruct',
+ (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325,
+ 'varStruct' => (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325
+ )
+// array( #push struct elements into one soap value
+// soap_value('varString','arg', XSD_STRING),
+// soap_value('varInt',34, XSD_INT),
+// soap_value('varFloat',325.325,XSD_FLOAT),
+// soap_value('varStruct',
+// (object)array('varString' => 'arg',
+// 'varInt' => 34,
+// 'varFloat' => 325.325
+ )));
+// GroupB echoNestedArray
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedArray',
+ array('inputStruct' => (object)array(
+ 'varString'=>'arg',
+ 'varInt'=>34,
+ 'varFloat'=>325.325,
+ 'varArray' => array('red','blue','green')
+ )));
+$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedArray',
+ array('inputStruct' =>
+ soap_value('inputStruct',
+ (object)array('varString' => 'arg',
+ 'varInt' => 34,
+ 'varFloat' => 325.325,
+ 'varArray' =>
+ array("red", "blue", "green")
+// soap_value('item','red', XSD_STRING),
+// soap_value('item','blue', XSD_STRING),
+// soap_value('item','green', XSD_STRING)
+// )
+ )));
-#// GROUP B
-#// GroupB echoStructAsSimpleTypes
-#$expect = array(
-# 'outputString'=>'arg',
-# 'outputInteger'=>34,
-# 'outputFloat'=>325.325
-# );
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStructAsSimpleTypes',
-# array('inputStruct' => array(
-# 'varString'=>'arg',
-# 'varInt'=>34,
-# 'varFloat'=>325.325
-# )), $expect);
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoStructAsSimpleTypes',
-# array('inputStruct' =>
-# new SOAP_Value('inputStruct','SOAPStruct',
-# array( #push struct elements into one soap value
-# new SOAP_Value('varString','string','arg'),
-# new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',34),
-# new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',325.325)
-# ))), $expect);
-#// GroupB echoSimpleTypesAsStruct
-#$expect =
-# array(
-# 'varString'=>'arg',
-# 'varInt'=>34,
-# 'varFloat'=>325.325
-# );
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoSimpleTypesAsStruct',
-# array(
-# 'inputString'=>'arg',
-# 'inputInteger'=>34,
-# 'inputFloat'=>325.325
-# ), $expect);
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoSimpleTypesAsStruct',
-# array(
-# new SOAP_Value('inputString','string','arg'),
-# new SOAP_Value('inputInteger','int',34),
-# new SOAP_Value('inputFloat','float',325.325)
-# ), $expect);
-#// GroupB echo2DStringArray
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echo2DStringArray',
-# array('input2DStringArray' => make_2d(3,3)));
-#$multidimarray =
-# new SOAP_Value('input2DStringArray','Array',
-# array(
-# array(
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row0col0'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row0col1'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row0col2')
-# ),
-# array(
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row1col0'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row1col1'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','row1col2')
-# )
-# )
-# );
-#$multidimarray->options['flatten'] = TRUE;
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echo2DStringArray',
-# array('input2DStringArray' => $multidimarray));
-#// GroupB echoNestedStruct
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedStruct',
-# array('inputStruct' => array(
-# 'varString'=>'arg',
-# 'varInt'=>34,
-# 'varFloat'=>325.325,
-# 'varStruct' => array(
-# 'varString'=>'arg',
-# 'varInt'=>34,
-# 'varFloat'=>325.325
-# )
-# )));
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedStruct',
-# array('inputStruct' =>
-# new SOAP_Value('inputStruct','struct',
-# array( #push struct elements into one soap value
-# new SOAP_Value('varString','string','arg'),
-# new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',34),
-# new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',325.325),
-# new SOAP_Value('varStruct','SOAPStruct',
-# array( #push struct elements into one soap value
-# new SOAP_Value('varString','string','arg'),
-# new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',34),
-# new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',325.325)
-# )
-# /*,NULL,'http://soapinterop.org/xsd'*/)
-# )
-# )));
-#// GroupB echoNestedArray
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedArray',
-# array('inputStruct' => array(
-# 'varString'=>'arg',
-# 'varInt'=>34,
-# 'varFloat'=>325.325,
-# 'varArray' => array('red','blue','green')
-# )));
-#$soap_tests['GroupB'][] = new SOAP_Test('echoNestedArray',
-# array('inputStruct' =>
-# new SOAP_Value('inputStruct','struct',
-# array( #push struct elements into one soap value
-# new SOAP_Value('varString','string','arg'),
-# new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',34),
-# new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',325.325),
-# new SOAP_Value('varArray','Array',
-# array( #push struct elements into one soap value
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','red'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','blue'),
-# new SOAP_Value('item','string','green')
-# )
-# )
-# )
-# )));
#// GROUP C header tests
} else {
if ($_GET['test']) {
$iop->currentTest = $_GET['test'];
$iop->useWSDL = $_GET['wsdl']?$_GET['wsdl']:0;
// set some options
$iop->currentTest = 'base'; // see $tests above
$iop->paramType = 'php'; // 'php' or 'soapval'
-$iop->useWSDL = 1; // 1= do wsdl tests
+$iop->useWSDL = 0; // 1= do wsdl tests
$iop->numServers = 0; // 0 = all
-$iop->specificEndpoint = '4s4c'; // test only this endpoint
-$iop->testMethod = 'echoString'; // test only this method
+//$iop->specificEndpoint = '4s4c'; // test only this endpoint
+//$iop->testMethod = 'echoString'; // test only this method
#XXX MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0/3.0 crashes php-soap in __getfault!
// endpoints to skip
-$iop->skipEndpointList = array('Apache Axis','IONA XMLBus','IONA XMLBus (CORBA)','MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0','MS SOAP ToolKit 3.0','Spheon JSOAP','SQLData SOAP Server','WASP Advanced 3.0');
+$iop->skipEndpointList = array('Apache Axis','IONA XMLBus','IONA XMLBus (CORBA)','MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0','MS SOAP ToolKit 3.0','Spheon JSOAP','SQLData SOAP Server','WASP Advanced 3.0');
-$this->nosave = 0; // 1= disable saving results to database
+$iop->nosave = 0; // 1= disable saving results to database
// debug output
$iop->show = 1;
$iop->debug = 0;
--- /dev/null
+// configuration items
+$interopConfig['DSN'] = 'mysql://root@localhost/soapinterop';
\ No newline at end of file
wire text NOT NULL,
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
+header("Content-Type: text/xml");
+echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>';
+echo "\n";
<definitions name="InteropTest" targetNamespace="http://soapinterop.org/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:tns="http://soapinterop.org/" xmlns:s="http://soapinterop.org/xsd" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
<import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/InteropTest.wsdl" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/"/>
<service name="interopLabEchoHeader">
<port name="interopPortEchoHdr" binding="tns:InteropEchoHeaderBinding">
- <soap:address location="http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php"/>
+ <soap:address location="http://<?php echo ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));?>/server_round2.php"/>
+++ /dev/null
-# phpMyAdmin MySQL-Dump
-# version 2.2.5
-# http://phpwizard.net/phpMyAdmin/
-# http://phpmyadmin.sourceforge.net/ (download page)
-# Host: localhost
-# Generation Time: Jul 14, 2002 at 03:13 PM
-# Server version: 3.23.49
-# PHP Version: 4.2.1
-# Database : `interop2`
-# Dumping data for table `endpoints`
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (1, '4s4c', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp', 'http://www.pocketsoap.com/services/ilab.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (2, '4s4c v2.0', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/soap.asp', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/ilab.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (3, 'Apache Axis', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo?wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (4, 'Apache SOAP 2.2', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/soap/servlet/rpcrouter', 'http://www.apache.org/~rubys/ApacheSoap.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (5, 'ASP.NET Web Services', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simple.asmx', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simple.asmx?wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (6, 'CapeConnect', 'http://interop.capeclear.com/ccx/soapbuilders-round2', 'http://interop.capeclear.com/wsdl/soapbuilders-round2.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (7, 'Delphi SOAP', 'http://soap-server.borland.com/WebServices/Interop/cgi-bin/InteropService.exe/soap/InteropTestPortType', 'http://soap-server.borland.com/WebServices/Interop/cgi-bin/InteropService.exe/wsdl/InteropTestPortType', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (8, 'EasySoap++', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/interopA.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (9, 'eSOAP', 'http://www.quakersoft.net/cgi-bin/interop2_server.cgi', 'http://www.quakersoft.net/wsdl/interop2.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (10, 'gSOAP', 'http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/interop2.cgi', 'http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/interop2.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (11, 'Frontier', 'http://www.soapware.org/xmethodsInterop', '', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (12, 'GLUE', 'http://www.themindelectric.net:8005/glue/round2', 'http://www.themindelectric.net:8005/glue/round2.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (13, 'HP SOAP', 'http://soap.bluestone.com/hpws/soap/EchoService', 'http://soap.bluestone.com/hpws/soap/EchoService.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (14, 'IONA XMLBus', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/InteropTest/BaseService/BasePort', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/InteropTest/BaseService/BasePort', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (15, 'IONA XMLBus (CORBA)', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/CORBAInterop/BaseService/BasePort', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/CORBAInterop/BaseService/BasePort', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (16, 'kSOAP', 'http://kissen.cs.uni-dortmund.de:8080/ksoapinterop', 'http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/kSOAP.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (17, 'MS .NET Remoting', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceA.soap', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceA.soap?wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (18, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/Interop.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/Interop.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (19, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 3.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/Interop.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/Interop.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (20, 'NuSOAP', 'http://dietrich.ganx4.com/nusoap/testbed/round2_base_server.php', 'http://dietrich.ganx4.com/nusoap/testbed/round2_base.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (21, 'OpenLink', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop/services.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (24, 'SIM', 'http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2', 'http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2?WSDL', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (25, 'SOAP4R', 'http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/', 'http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/SOAP4R_SOAPBuildersInteropTest_R2base.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (26, 'SOAP:Lite', 'http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi', 'http://services.soaplite.com/interop2.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (27, 'Spheon JSOAP', '', '', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (28, 'Spray 2001', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interop2001', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interop2001/service.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (29, 'SQLData SOAP Server', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/sqldatainterop.wsdl', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/sqldatainterop.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (30, 'WASP Advanced 3.0', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropService/', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropService/', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (32, 'White Mesa SOAP Server', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/std/interop.wsdl', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (33, 'PEAR SOAP', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/interop.wsdl.php', 'base', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (34, '4s4c', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab/soap.asp', 'http://www.pocketsoap.com/services/ilab_b.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (35, '4s4c v2.0', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/soap.asp', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/ilab_b.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (36, 'Apache Axis', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo?wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (37, 'ASP.NET Web Services', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simpleB.asmx', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/asmx/simpleb.asmx?wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (38, 'Delphi SOAP', 'http://soap-server.borland.com/WebServices/Interop/cgi-bin/InteropGroupB.exe/soap/InteropTestPortTypeB', 'http://soap-server.borland.com/WebServices/Interop/cgi-bin/InteropGroupB.exe/wsdl/InteropTestPortTypeB', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (39, 'EasySoap++', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/interopB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (40, 'GLUE', 'http://www.themindelectric.net:8005/glue/round2B', 'http://www.themindelectric.net:8005/glue/round2B.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (41, 'gSOAP', 'http://websrv.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/interop2B.cgi', 'http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/interop2B.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (42, 'HP SOAP', 'http://soap.bluestone.com/hpws/soap/EchoService', 'http://soap.bluestone.com/hpws/soap/EchoService.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (43, 'IONA XMLBus', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/InteropTest/GroupBService/GroupBPort', 'http://interop.xmlbus.com:7002/xmlbus/container/InteropTest/GroupBService/GroupBPort', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (44, 'MS .NET Remoting', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceB.soap', 'http://www.mssoapinterop.org/remoting/ServiceB.soap?wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (45, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropBtyped.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropBtyped.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (46, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 3.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/InteropB.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/InteropB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (47, 'NuSOAP', 'http://dietrich.ganx4.com/nusoap/testbed/round2_groupb_server.php', 'http://dietrich.ganx4.com/nusoap/testbed/round2_groupb.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (48, 'OpenLink', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop/services.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (50, 'SIM', 'http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2B', 'http://soapinterop.simdb.com/round2B?WSDL', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (51, 'SOAP4R', 'http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/', 'http://www.jin.gr.jp/~nahi/Ruby/SOAP4R/SOAPBuildersInterop/SOAP4R_SOAPBuildersInteropTest_R2GroupB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (52, 'SOAP:Lite', 'http://services.soaplite.com/interop.cgi', 'http://services.soaplite.com/InteropTestB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (53, 'Spheon JSOAP', '', '', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (54, 'Spray 2001', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopB2001', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopB2001/service.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (55, 'SQLData SOAP Server', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/InteropB.wsdl', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/InteropB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (56, 'WASP Advanced 3.0', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropBService/', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropBService/', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (58, 'White Mesa SOAP Server', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std/groupB', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/std/interopB.wsdl', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (59, 'PEAR SOAP', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/interopB.wsdl.php', 'GroupB', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (60, '4s4c v2.0', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/soap.asp', 'http://soap.4s4c.com/ilab2/ilab_c.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (61, 'Apache Axis', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo', 'http://nagoya.apache.org:5049/axis/services/echo?wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (62, 'ASP.NET Web Services', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/asmx/header.asmx', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/asmx/header.asmx?wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (63, 'EasySoap++', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/interopserver', 'http://easysoap.sourceforge.net/interopC.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (64, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 2.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropC.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stk/InteropC.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (65, 'MS SOAP ToolKit 3.0', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/InteropC.wsdl', 'http://mssoapinterop.org/stkV3/InteropC.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (66, 'OpenLink', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop', 'http://demo.openlinksw.com:8890/Interop/services.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (67, 'SOAP:Lite', 'http://services.soaplite.com/interopC.cgi', 'http://services.soaplite.com/InteropTestC.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (68, 'Spray 2001', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopC', 'http://www.dolphinharbor.org/services/interopC/service.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (69, 'SQLData SOAP Server', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/interopC.wsdl', 'http://soapclient.com/interop/interopC.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (70, 'WASP Advanced 3.0', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropCService/', 'http://soap.systinet.net:6060/InteropCService/', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (71, 'White Mesa SOAP Server', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/interop/std/echohdr', 'http://www.whitemesa.net/wsdl/std/echoheadersvc.wsdl', 'GroupC', 1);
-INSERT INTO endpoints VALUES (72, 'PEAR SOAP', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php', 'http://localhost/soap_interop/echoheadersvc.wsdl.php', 'GroupC', 1);
// get our endpoint
-$endpoint = 'http://'.$server."/soap_interop/server_round2.php";
-$base = 'http://'.$server."/soap_interop/interop.wsdl";
-$groupb = 'http://'.$server."/soap_interop/interopB.wsdl";
-$groupc = 'http://'.$server."/soap_interop/echoheadersvc.wsdl";
+$base = 'http://'.$server.dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/interop.wsdl.php";
+$groupb = 'http://'.$server.dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/interopB.wsdl.php";
+$groupc = 'http://'.$server.dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."/echoheadersvc.wsdl.php";
<p>Currently Round 2 base, Group B and Group C interop tests are enabled.</p>
<h3>Round 2 Interop Server</h3>
-Endpoint: <?php echo $endpoint; ?><br>
Base WSDL: <a href="<?php echo $base ?>"><?php echo $base ?></a><br>
Group B WSDL: <a href="<?php echo $groupb ?>"><?php echo $groupb ?></a><br>
Group C WSDL: <a href="<?php echo $groupc ?>"><?php echo $groupc ?></a><br>
+++ /dev/null
-<?php phpinfo(); ?>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<definitions name="InteropTest" targetNamespace="http://soapinterop.org/"
- xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
- xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
- xmlns:tns="http://soapinterop.org/">
- <import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/wsdl/wmmsgrouter.xsd" namespace="http://whitemesa.com/headers/soapmsgrouter.xsd"/>
- <import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/InteropTest.wsdl" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/"/>
- <import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/InteropTest.wsdl" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"/>
- <service name="interopLab">
- <port name="interopTestPort" binding="tns:InteropTestSoapBinding">
- <soap:address location="http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php"/>
- </port>
- </service>
--- /dev/null
+header("Content-Type: text/xml");
+echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>';
+echo "\n";
+<definitions name="InteropTest"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:tns="http://soapinterop.org/"
+ xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
+ xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+ xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+ targetNamespace="http://soapinterop.org/">
+ <types>
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+ <xsd:import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" />
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+ <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfstring">
+ <xsd:complexContent>
+ <xsd:restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
+ <xsd:attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="string[]"/>
+ </xsd:restriction>
+ </xsd:complexContent>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOfint">
+ <xsd:complexContent>
+ <xsd:restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
+ <xsd:attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="int[]"/>
+ </xsd:restriction>
+ </xsd:complexContent>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:complexType name="ArrayOffloat">
+ <xsd:complexContent>
+ <xsd:restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
+ <xsd:attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="float[]"/>
+ </xsd:restriction>
+ </xsd:complexContent>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:complexType name="SOAPStruct">
+ <xsd:all>
+ <xsd:element name="varString" type="string"/>
+ <xsd:element name="varInt" type="int"/>
+ <xsd:element name="varFloat" type="float"/>
+ </xsd:all>
+ </xsd:complexType>
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+ <xsd:restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
+ <xsd:attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="tns:SOAPStruct[]"/>
+ </xsd:restriction>
+ </xsd:complexContent>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </schema>
+ </types>
+ <message name="echoStringRequest">
+ <part name="inputString" type="xsd:string" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStringResponse">
+ <part name="outputString" type="xsd:string" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStringArrayRequest">
+ <part name="inputStringArray" type="tns:ArrayOfstring" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStringArrayResponse">
+ <part name="outputStringArray" type="tns:ArrayOfstring" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoIntegerRequest">
+ <part name="inputInteger" type="xsd:int" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoIntegerResponse">
+ <part name="outputInteger" type="xsd:int" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoIntegerArrayRequest">
+ <part name="inputIntegerArray" type="tns:ArrayOfint" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoIntegerArrayResponse">
+ <part name="outputIntegerArray" type="tns:ArrayOfint" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoFloatRequest">
+ <part name="inputFloat" type="xsd:float" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoFloatResponse">
+ <part name="outputFloat" type="xsd:float" />
+ </message>
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+ <part name="inputFloatArray" type="tns:ArrayOffloat" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoFloatArrayResponse">
+ <part name="outputFloatArray" type="tns:ArrayOffloat" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStructRequest">
+ <part name="inputStruct" type="tns:SOAPStruct" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStructResponse">
+ <part name="outputStruct" type="tns:SOAPStruct" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStructArrayRequest">
+ <part name="inputStructArray" type="tns:ArrayOfSOAPStruct" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoStructArrayResponse">
+ <part name="outputStructArray" type="tns:ArrayOfSOAPStruct" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoVoidRequest">
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoVoidResponse">
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoBase64Request">
+ <part name="inputBase64" type="xsd:base64Binary" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoBase64Response">
+ <part name="outputBase64" type="xsd:base64Binary" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoDateRequest">
+ <part name="inputDate" type="xsd:dateTime" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoDateResponse">
+ <part name="outputDate" type="xsd:dateTime" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoHexBinaryRequest">
+ <part name="inputHexBinary" type="xsd:hexBinary" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoHexBinaryResponse">
+ <part name="outputHexBinary" type="xsd:hexBinary" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoDecimalRequest">
+ <part name="inputDecimal" type="xsd:decimal" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoDecimalResponse">
+ <part name="outputDecimal" type="xsd:decimal" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoBooleanRequest">
+ <part name="inputBoolean" type="xsd:boolean" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="echoBooleanResponse">
+ <part name="outputBoolean" type="xsd:boolean" />
+ </message>
+ <portType name="InteropTestPortType">
+ <operation name="echoString">
+ <input message="tns:echoStringRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoStringResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStringArray">
+ <input message="tns:echoStringArrayRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoStringArrayResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoInteger">
+ <input message="tns:echoIntegerRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoIntegerResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoIntegerArray">
+ <input message="tns:echoIntegerArrayRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoIntegerArrayResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoFloat">
+ <input message="tns:echoFloatRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoFloatResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoFloatArray">
+ <input message="tns:echoFloatArrayRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoFloatArrayResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStruct">
+ <input message="tns:echoStructRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoStructResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStructArray">
+ <input message="tns:echoStructArrayRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoStructArrayResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoVoid">
+ <input message="tns:echoVoidRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoVoidResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoBase64">
+ <input message="tns:echoBase64Request"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoBase64Response"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoDate">
+ <input message="tns:echoDateRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoDateResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoHexBinary">
+ <input message="tns:echoHexBinaryRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoHexBinaryResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoDecimal">
+ <input message="tns:echoDecimalRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoDecimalResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoBoolean">
+ <input message="tns:echoBooleanRequest"/>
+ <output message="tns:echoBooleanResponse"/>
+ </operation>
+ </portType>
+ <binding name="InteropTestBinding" type="tns:InteropTestPortType">
+ <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http"/>
+ <operation name="echoString">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStringArray">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoInteger">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoIntegerArray">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoFloat">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoFloatArray">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStruct">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoStructArray">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoVoid">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoBase64">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoDate">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoHexBinary">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoDecimal">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ <operation name="echoBoolean">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="http://" style="rpc"/>
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"/>
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ </binding>
+ <service name="InteropTest">
+ <port name="InteropTestPort" binding="tns:InteropTestBinding">
+ <soap:address location="http://<?php echo ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));?>/server_round2_base.php"/>
+ </port>
+ </service>
+++ /dev/null
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<definitions name="InteropTest" targetNamespace="http://soapinterop.org/" xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:tns="http://soapinterop.org/" xmlns:s="http://soapinterop.org/xsd" xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/">
- <import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/InteropTestB.wsdl" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/"/>
- <import location="http://www.whitemesa.com/interop/InteropTestB.wsdl" namespace="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"/>
- <service name="interopLabB">
- <port name="interopTestPortB" binding="tns:InteropTestSoapBindingB">
- <soap:address location="http://localhost/soap_interop/server_round2.php"/>
- </port>
- </service>
+++ /dev/null
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PHP Version 4 |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
-// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
-// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
-// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
-// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
-// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
-// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Shane Caraveo <Shane@Caraveo.com> |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id$
-require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
-$server = new SOAP_Server;
-require_once 'server_round2_base.php';
-require_once 'server_round2_groupB.php';
-require_once 'server_round2_groupC.php';
-#echo "Content-Length is {$_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']}\n\n";
-#echo "<!---\n\nlen:".strlen($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA)."\n\n";
-#echo "[$HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA";
-#print "]\n\nend of input data-->";
\ No newline at end of file
// $Id$
-require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
function generateFault($short, $long)
class SOAP_Interop_Base {
var $method_namespace = 'http://soapinterop.org/';
function SOAP_Interop_Base() {
#if ($server) {
# $server->addToMap("echoString",array("string"),array("string"));
function echoString($inputString)
- return new SOAP_Value('outputString','string',$inputString);
+ return $inputString;
function echoStringArray($inputStringArray)
- $ra = array();
- if ($inputStringArray) {
- foreach($inputStringArray as $s) {
- $ra[] = new SOAP_Value('item','string',$s);
- }
- }
- return new SOAP_Value('outputStringArray',NULL,$ra);
+ return $inputStringArray;
function echoInteger($inputInteger)
- return new SOAP_Value('outputInteger','int',(integer)$inputInteger);
+ return $inputInteger;
function echoIntegerArray($inputIntegerArray)
- $ra = array();
- if ($inputIntegerArray) {
- foreach ($inputIntegerArray as $i) {
- $ra[] = new SOAP_Value('item','int',$i);
- }
- }
- return new SOAP_Value('outputIntArray',NULL,$ra);
+ return $inputIntegerArray;
function echoFloat($inputFloat)
- return new SOAP_Value('outputFloat','float',(FLOAT)$inputFloat);
+ return $inputFloat;
function echoFloatArray($inputFloatArray)
- $ra = array();
- if ($inputFloatArray) {
- foreach($inputFloatArray as $float) {
- $ra[] = new SOAP_Value('item','float',(FLOAT)$float);
- }
- }
- return new SOAP_Value('outputFloatArray',NULL,$ra);
+ return $inputFloatArray;
function echoStruct($inputStruct)
- return new SOAP_Value('return','{http://soapinterop.org/xsd}SOAPStruct',
- array(
- new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',$inputStruct['varInt']),
- new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',$inputStruct['varFloat']),
- new SOAP_Value('varString','string',$inputStruct['varString'])
- ));
+ return $inputStruct;
function echoStructArray($inputStructArray)
- $ra = array();
- if ($inputStructArray) {
- foreach($inputStructArray as $struct) {
- $ra[] = new SOAP_Value('item','{http://soapinterop.org/xsd}SOAPStruct',
- array(
- new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',$struct['varInt']),
- new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',$struct['varFloat']),
- new SOAP_Value('varString','string',$struct['varString'])
- ));
- }
- }
- return $ra;
+ return $inputStructArray;
function echoVoid()
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
function echoBase64($b_encoded)
- return new SOAP_Value('return','base64Binary',base64_encode(base64_decode($b_encoded)));
+ return $b_encoded;
function echoDate($timeInstant)
- $dt = new SOAP_Type_dateTime($timeInstant);
- if ($dt->toUnixtime() != -1) {
- $value = $dt->toSOAP();
- return new SOAP_Value('return','dateTime',$value);
- } else {
- return new SOAP_Fault("Value $timeInstant is not a dateTime value");
- }
+ return $timeInstant;
function echoHexBinary($hb)
- return new SOAP_Value('return','hexBinary',bin2hex(hex2bin($hb)));
+ return $hb;
function echoDecimal($dec)
- return new SOAP_Value('return','decimal',(FLOAT)$dec);
+ return $dec;
function echoBoolean($boolean)
- return new SOAP_Value('return','boolean',$boolean);
+ return $boolean;
function echoMimeAttachment($stuff)
return new SOAP_Attachment('return','application/octet-stream',NULL,$stuff);
-$base = new SOAP_Interop_Base();
+$server = new SoapServer("http://test-uri");
\ No newline at end of file
// $Id$
-require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
class SOAP_Interop_GroupB {
var $method_namespace = 'http://soapinterop.org/';
var $dispatch_map = array();
function SOAP_Interop_GroupB() {
- $this->dispatch_map['echoStructAsSimpleTypes'] =
- array('in' => array('inputStruct' => 'SOAPStruct'),
- 'out' => array('outputString' => 'string', 'outputInteger' => 'int', 'outputFloat' => 'float')
- );
-# $server->addToMap('echoSimpleTypesAsStruct',
-# array('outputString' => 'string', 'outputInteger' => 'int', 'outputFloat' => 'float'),
-# array('return' => 'struct'));
-# $server->addToMap('echoNestedStruct', array(), array());
-# $server->addToMap('echo2DStringArray', array(), array());
-# $server->addToMap('echoNestedArray', array(), array());
+ $this->dispatch_map['echoStructAsSimpleTypes'] =
+ array('in' => array('inputStruct' => 'SOAPStruct'),
+ 'out' => array('outputString' => 'string', 'outputInteger' => 'int', 'outputFloat' => 'float')
+ );
function echoStructAsSimpleTypes ($struct)
- # convert a SOAPStruct to an array
- $vals = array_values($struct);
- return array(
- new SOAP_Value('outputString','string',$struct['varString']),
- new SOAP_Value('outputInteger','int',$struct['varInt']),
- new SOAP_Value('outputFloat','float',$struct['varFloat'])
- );
- return array_values($struct);
+ return array('outputString' => $struct->varString,
+ 'outputInteger' => $struct->varInt,
+ 'outputFloat' => $struct->varFloat);
function echoSimpleTypesAsStruct($string, $int, $float)
- # convert a input into struct
- $ret = new SOAP_Value('return','{http://soapinterop.org/xsd}SOAPStruct',
- array( #push struct elements into one soap value
- new SOAP_Value('varString','string',$string),
- new SOAP_Value('varInt','int',(int)$int),
- new SOAP_Value('varFloat','float',(FLOAT)$float)
- )
- );
- return $ret;
+ return (object)array("varString" => $string,
+ "varInt" => $int,
+ "varFloat" => $float);
function echoNestedStruct($struct)
- return $struct;
+ return $struct;
function echo2DStringArray($ary)
- $ret = new SOAP_Value('return','Array',$ary);
- $ret->options['flatten'] = TRUE;
- return $ret;
+// $ret->options['flatten'] = TRUE;
+ return $ary;
function echoNestedArray($ary)
- return $ary;
+ return $ary;
-$groupb = new SOAP_Interop_GroupB();
+$server = new SoapServer("http://test-uri");
\ No newline at end of file
// $Id$
-require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
-require_once 'SOAP/Value.php';
class SOAP_Interop_GroupC {
var $method_namespace = 'http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/';
function echoMeStringRequest($string)
return new SOAP_Value('{'.$this->method_namespace.'}echoMeStringResponse','string',$string);
-$groupc = new SOAP_Interop_GroupC();
+$server = new SoapServer("http://test-uri");
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | PHP Version 4 |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Copyright (c) 1997-2003 The PHP Group |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | This source file is subject to version 2.02 of the PHP license, |
-// | that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE, and is |
-// | available at through the world-wide-web at |
-// | http://www.php.net/license/2_02.txt. |
-// | If you did not receive a copy of the PHP license and are unable to |
-// | obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send a note to |
-// | license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately. |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// | Authors: Shane Caraveo <Shane@Caraveo.com> Port to PEAR and more |
-// +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
-// $Id$
-require_once 'SOAP/Server.php';
-$server = new SOAP_Server;
-require_once 'server_round2_base.php';
-require_once 'server_round2_groupB.php';
-require_once 'server_round2_groupC.php';
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
- xmlns:ns6="http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<ns6:echoMeStringRequest xsi:type="xsd:string" SOAP-ENV:actor="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="0">hello world</ns6:echoMeStringRequest>
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
- xmlns:ns6="http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<ns6:echoMeStructRequest xsi:type="si:SOAPStruct"
- SOAP-ENV:actor="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next"
- SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1">
-<varString xsi:type="xsd:string">arg</varString>
-<varInt xsi:type="xsd:int">34</varInt>
-<varFloat xsi:type="xsd:float">325.325</varFloat>
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
- xmlns:ns6="http://soapinterop.org/echoheader/"
- xmlns:ns7="http://soapinterop.org/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<inputString xsi:type="xsd:string"></inputString>
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
- xmlns:ns6="http://soapinterop.org/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
- xmlns:ns6="http://soapinterop.org/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<ns6:echoIntegerArray><inputIntegerArray xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:int[3]" SOAP-ENC:offset="[0]"><item xsi:type="xsd:int">1</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:int">234324324</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:int">2</item>
-#$test = "<S:Envelope
-#<b:SOAPStruct Enc:root='0' id='21b56c4' XI:type='b:SOAPStruct'>
-#<varInt XI:type='XS:int'>1</varInt>
-#<varFloat XI:type='XS:float'>2</varFloat>
-#<varString XI:type='XS:string'>wilma</varString>
-#<inputStructArray XI:type='Enc:Array' Enc:arrayType='XS:anyType[3]'>
-#<fred href='#21b56c4'/>
-#<i href='#21b56c4'/>
-#<i href='#21b56c4'/>
-#$test = "<S:Envelope S:encodingStyle='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:Enc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:a='http://soapinterop.org/' xmlns:b='http://soapinterop.org/xsd' xmlns:XS='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:XI='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <S:Body><a:echoStructArray><inputStructArray XI:type='Enc:Array' Enc:arrayType='b:SOAPStruct[2]'><inputStruct href='#213e654'/> <inputStruct href='#21b8c4c'/> </inputStructArray> </a:echoStructArray> <b:SOAPStruct Enc:root='0' id='21b8c4c' XI:type='b:SOAPStruct'><varInt XI:type='XS:int'>-1</varInt> <varFloat XI:type='XS:float'>-1</varFloat> <varString XI:type='XS:string'>lean on into the groove y'all</varString> </b:SOAPStruct> <b:SOAPStruct Enc:root='0' id='213e654' XI:type='b:SOAPStruct'><varInt XI:type='XS:int'>1073741824</varInt> <varFloat XI:type='XS:float'>-42.24</varFloat> <varString XI:type='XS:string'>pocketSOAP rocks!<g></varString> </b:SOAPStruct> </S:Body></S:Envelope>";
-#$test = "<S:Envelope S:encodingStyle='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:b='http://soapinterop.org/' xmlns:a='http://soapinterop.org/headers/' xmlns:XS='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:XI='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <S:Header> <a:Transaction S:mustUnderstand='1' XI:type='XS:short'>5</a:Transaction> </S:Header> <S:Body><b:echoString><inputString XI:type='XS:string'>Opps, should never see me</inputString> </b:echoString> </S:Body></S:Envelope>";
-#$test = "<S:Envelope S:encodingStyle='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:b='http://soapinterop.org/' xmlns:a='http://soapinterop.org/headers/' xmlns:XS='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:XI='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <S:Header> <a:Transaction XI:type='XS:short'>5</a:Transaction> </S:Header> <S:Body><b:echoString><inputString XI:type='XS:string'>Opps, should never see me</inputString> </b:echoString> </S:Body></S:Envelope>";
-#$test = "<S:Envelope S:encodingStyle='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:Enc='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:a='http://soapinterop.org/' xmlns:b='http://soapinterop.org/xsd' xmlns:XS='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' xmlns:XI='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <S:Body><a:echoStructAsSimpleTypes><inputStruct href='#213e59c'/> </a:echoStructAsSimpleTypes> <b:SOAPStruct Enc:root='0' id='213e59c' XI:type='b:SOAPStruct'><varInt XI:type='XS:int'>42</varInt> <varString XI:type='XS:string'>Orbital</varString> <varFloat XI:type='XS:float'>-42.42</varFloat> </b:SOAPStruct> </S:Body></S:Envelope>";
-// white mesa failures
-/*$test = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header><h:echoMeStringRequest SOAP-ENV:actor="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:h="http://unknown.org/">White Mesa Test Header String.</h:echoMeStringRequest></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><m:echoVoid SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:m="http://soapinterop.org/" /></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><SOAP-ENV:Header><h:echoMeStringRequest SOAP-ENV:actor="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/actor/next" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" SOAP-ENV:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:h="http://unknown.org/">White Mesa Test Header String.</h:echoMeStringRequest></SOAP-ENV:Header><SOAP-ENV:Body><m:echoVoid SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:m="http://soapinterop.org/" /></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>';
-//$test = "<S:Envelope S:encodingStyle='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/' xmlns:S='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/' xmlns:a='http://soapinterop.org/' xmlns:XI='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'> <S:Body><a:echoIntegerArray><inputIntegerArray XI:nil='true'></inputIntegerArray> </a:echoIntegerArray> </S:Body></S:Envelope>";
-$test = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- xmlns:ns4="http://soapinterop.org/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<input2DStringArray xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array" SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:string[2,3]">
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row0col0</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row0col1</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row0col2</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row1col0</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row1col1</item>
-<item xsi:type="xsd:string">row1col2</item></input2DStringArray></ns4:echo2DStringArray>
-$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'multipart/related; type=text/xml; boundary="=_d624611fe466a88d956a205651c74fdb"';
-$test = '--=_d624611fe466a88d956a205651c74fdb
-Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
-Content-Disposition: attachment.php
-Content-Type: text/plain
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
-Content-ID: <e6b9843bbc51cbb0039940ef7ee76603>
-$_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] = 'multipart/related; type=text/xml; boundary="=_a2cbb051424cc43e72d3c8c8d0b8f70e"';
-Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
- xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
- xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
- SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/">
-<test href="cid:a223fea3c35b5f0e6dedf8da75efd6b3"/></echoMimeAttachment>
-Content-Disposition: attachment.php
-Content-Type: text/plain
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
-Content-ID: <a223fea3c35b5f0e6dedf8da75efd6b3>
-$server->service($test, '',TRUE);
-print $server->response;
\ No newline at end of file
function number_compare($f1, $f2)
$d = max(min(strlen(count($m1)?$m1[1]:'0'),strlen(count($m2)?$m2[1]:'0')),2);
$f1 = round($f1, $d);
$f2 = round($f2, $d);
- return bccomp($f1, $f2, $d) == 0;
+ return $f1 == $f2;
+// return bccomp($f1, $f2, $d) == 0;
function boolean_compare($f1, $f2)
$e2_type = gettype($e2);
$ok = FALSE;
if ($e1_type == "string") {
- $dt = new SOAP_Type_dateTime();
- $ok = $dt->compare($e1, $e2) == 0;
+// $dt = new SOAP_Type_dateTime();
+// $ok = $dt->compare($e1, $e2) == 0;
+ $oj = false;
return $ok || $e1 == $e2 || strcasecmp(trim($e1), trim($e2)) == 0;
-function array_compare(&$ar1, &$ar2)
- if (gettype($ar1) != 'array' || gettype($ar2) != 'array') return FALSE;
- # first a shallow diff
- if (count($ar1) != count($ar2)) return FALSE;
- $diff = array_diff($ar1, $ar2);
- if (count($diff) == 0) return TRUE;
+function array_compare(&$ar1, &$ar2) {
+ if (gettype($ar1) != 'array' || gettype($ar2) != 'array') return FALSE;
+ if (count($ar1) != count($ar2)) return FALSE;
+ foreach ($ar1 as $k => $v) {
+ if (!array_key_exists($k,$ar2)) return FALSE;
+ if (!compare($v,$ar2[$k])) return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
- # diff failed, do a full check of the array
- foreach ($ar1 as $k => $v) {
- #print "comparing $v == $ar2[$k]\n";
- if (gettype($v) == "array") {
- if (!array_compare($v, $ar2[$k])) return FALSE;
- } else {
- if (!string_compare($v, $ar2[$k])) return FALSE;
- }
+function object_compare(&$obj1, &$obj2) {
+ if (gettype($obj1) != 'object' || gettype($obj2) != 'object') return FALSE;
+// if (class_name(obj1) != class_name(obj2)) return FALSE;
+ $ar1 = (array)$obj1;
+ $ar2 = (array)$obj2;
+ return array_compare($ar1,$ar2);
+function compare(&$x,&$y) {
+ $ok = 0;
+ $x_type = gettype($x);
+ $y_type = gettype($y);
+ if ($x_type == $y_type) {
+ if ($x_type == "array") {
+ $ok = array_compare($x, $y);
+ } else if ($x_type == "object") {
+ $ok = object_compare($x, $y);
+ } else if ($x_type == "double") {
+ $ok = number_compare($x, $y);
+// } else if ($x_type == 'boolean') {
+// $ok = boolean_compare($x, $y);
+ } else {
+ $ok = ($x == $y);
+// $ok = string_compare($expect, $result);
- return TRUE;
+ }
+ return $ok;
return $v;
+function var_dump_str($var) {
+ ob_start();
+ var_dump($var);
+ $res = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ return $res;
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-$txt = "Bjoern";
-$soapc = new SOAP_Client("http://localhost/soap_interop/testserver.php");
-$soapc->debug_flag = TRUE;
-print_r($soapc->call("testMethod",array("txt" => $txt)));
-print "<br>Debug: ";
-print $soapc->wire;
-print "<br><br>";
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-include "SOAP/Server.php";
-function testMethod($arg) {
- if ($arg != "") {
- return crypt($arg);
- } else {
- return "Please supply a text";
- }
-$server = new soap_server();
-echo "<!-- this is a test -->";
\ No newline at end of file
+ <maintainer>
+ <user>dmitry</user>
+ <name>Dmitry Stogov</name>
+ <email>dmitry@zend.com</email>
+ <role>lead</role>
+ </maintainer>
encode defaultEncoding[] = {
{{UNKNOWN_TYPE, NULL, NULL, NULL}, guess_zval_convert, guess_xml_convert},
- {{IS_NULL, "null", "null", NULL}, to_zval_null, to_xml_null},
+ {{IS_NULL, "nil", XSI_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_null, to_xml_null},
{{IS_STRING, XSD_STRING_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
{{IS_LONG, XSD_INT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
- {{IS_DOUBLE, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
+ {{IS_DOUBLE, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_double},
{{IS_BOOL, XSD_BOOLEAN_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_bool, to_xml_bool},
{{IS_CONSTANT, XSD_STRING_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
{{IS_ARRAY, SOAP_ENC_ARRAY_STRING, SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_array, guess_array_map},
{{XSD_STRING, XSD_STRING_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
{{XSD_BOOLEAN, XSD_BOOLEAN_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_bool, to_xml_bool},
- {{XSD_DECIMAL, XSD_DECIMAL_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_FLOAT, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_DOUBLE, XSD_DOUBLE_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_DECIMAL, XSD_DECIMAL_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_FLOAT, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_double},
+ {{XSD_DOUBLE, XSD_DOUBLE_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_double},
{{XSD_DATETIME, XSD_DATETIME_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_datetime},
{{XSD_TIME, XSD_TIME_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_time},
{{XSD_DATE, XSD_DATE_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_date},
{{XSD_BASE64BINARY, XSD_BASE64BINARY_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_stringl},
{{XSD_LONG, XSD_LONG_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
- {{XSD_INT, XSD_INT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_SHORT, XSD_SHORT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_INT, XSD_INT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
+ {{XSD_SHORT, XSD_SHORT_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
+ {{XSD_BYTE, XSD_BYTE_STRING, XSD_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
/* support some of the 1999 data types */
{{XSD_STRING, XSD_STRING_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
{{XSD_BOOLEAN, XSD_BOOLEAN_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_bool, to_xml_bool},
- {{XSD_DECIMAL, XSD_DECIMAL_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_FLOAT, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_DOUBLE, XSD_DOUBLE_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_DECIMAL, XSD_DECIMAL_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_FLOAT, XSD_FLOAT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_double},
+ {{XSD_DOUBLE, XSD_DOUBLE_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_double, to_xml_double},
{{XSD_LONG, XSD_LONG_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
- {{XSD_INT, XSD_INT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_string},
- {{XSD_SHORT, XSD_SHORT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_string},
+ {{XSD_INT, XSD_INT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
+ {{XSD_SHORT, XSD_SHORT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_long, to_xml_long},
{{XSD_1999_TIMEINSTANT, XSD_1999_TIMEINSTANT_STRING, XSD_1999_NAMESPACE, NULL}, to_zval_string, to_xml_string},
{{END_KNOWN_TYPES, NULL, NULL, NULL}, guess_zval_convert, guess_xml_convert}
#define XSD_QNAME_STRING "QName"
#define XSD_NOTATION 120
#define XSD_NORMALIZEDSTRING_STRING "normalizedString"
#define XSD_TOKEN 122
#define XSD_ENTITYS 129
-#define XSD_INTEGER 130
-#define XSD_INTEGER_STRING "integer"
-#define XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER_STRING "nonPositiveInteger"
-#define XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER_STRING "negativeInteger"
-#define XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER_STRING "nonNegativeInteger"
#define XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG_STRING "unsignedLong"
-#define XSD_UNSIGNEDINT 139
-#define XSD_UNSIGNEDINT_STRING "unsignedInt"
-#define XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT_STRING "unsignedShort"
-#define XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE_STRING "unsignedByte"
-#define XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER_STRING "positiveInteger"
zval *master_to_zval(encodePtr encode, xmlNodePtr data)
zval *ret;
data = check_and_resolve_href(data);
data = encode->to_zval_before(encode->details, data, 0);
zval *ret;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- if(data && data->children)
+ if(data && data->children && data->children->content) {
ZVAL_STRING(ret, data->children->content, 1);
+ } else {
+ }
return ret;
zval *ret;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- if(data && data->children)
+ if(data && data->children && data->children->content) {
ZVAL_STRINGL(ret, data->children->content, xmlStrlen(data->children->content), 1);
+ } else {
+ }
return ret;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret);
- convert_to_string(data);
- str = php_escape_html_entities(Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data), &new_len, 0, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
+ str = php_escape_html_entities(Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data), &new_len, 0, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ } else {
+ zval tmp = *data;
+ zval_copy_ctor(&tmp);
+ convert_to_string(&tmp);
+ str = php_escape_html_entities(Z_STRVAL(tmp), Z_STRLEN(tmp), &new_len, 0, 0, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ zval_dtor(&tmp);
+ }
pstr = malloc(new_len + 1);
memcpy(pstr, str, new_len);
pstr[new_len] = '\0';
xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, pstr, new_len);
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
xmlNodePtr ret;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret);
- convert_to_string(data);
- xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, estrndup(Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data)), Z_STRLEN_P(data));
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
+ xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data));
+ } else {
+ zval tmp = *data;
+ zval_copy_ctor(&tmp);
+ convert_to_string(&tmp);
+ xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, Z_STRVAL(tmp), Z_STRLEN(tmp));
+ zval_dtor(&tmp);
+ }
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
set_ns_and_type(ret, type);
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- ZVAL_DOUBLE(ret, atof(data->children->content));
+ if (data && data->children && data->children->content) {
+ ZVAL_DOUBLE(ret, atof(data->children->content));
+ } else {
+ ZVAL_NULL(ret);
+ }
return ret;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- ZVAL_LONG(ret, atol(data->children->content));
+ if (data && data->children && data->children->content) {
+ ZVAL_LONG(ret, atol(data->children->content));
+ } else {
+ ZVAL_NULL(ret);
+ }
return ret;
xmlNodePtr to_xml_long(encodeType type, zval *data, int style)
xmlNodePtr ret;
+ zval tmp;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
+ tmp = *data;
+ zval_copy_ctor(&tmp);
+ if (Z_TYPE(tmp) != IS_LONG) {
+ convert_to_long(&tmp);
+ }
+ convert_to_string(&tmp);
+ xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, Z_STRVAL(tmp), Z_STRLEN(tmp));
+ zval_dtor(&tmp);
+ if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
+ set_ns_and_type(ret, type);
+ return ret;
+xmlNodePtr to_xml_double(encodeType type, zval *data, int style)
+ xmlNodePtr ret;
+ zval tmp;
+ ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
+ tmp = *data;
+ zval_copy_ctor(&tmp);
+ if (Z_TYPE(tmp) != IS_DOUBLE) {
+ convert_to_double(&tmp);
+ }
+ convert_to_string(&tmp);
+ xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, Z_STRVAL(tmp), Z_STRLEN(tmp));
+ zval_dtor(&tmp);
- convert_to_long(data);
- convert_to_string(data);
- xmlNodeSetContentLen(ret, Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data));
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
set_ns_and_type(ret, type);
return ret;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- if(stricmp(data->children->content,"true") == 0 ||
- stricmp(data->children->content,"t") == 0 ||
- strcmp(data->children->content,"1") == 0)
- {
- ZVAL_BOOL(ret, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- ZVAL_BOOL(ret, 0);
+ if (data && data->children && data->children->content) {
+ if(stricmp(data->children->content,"true") == 0 ||
+ stricmp(data->children->content,"t") == 0 ||
+ strcmp(data->children->content,"1") == 0)
+ {
+ ZVAL_BOOL(ret, 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ZVAL_BOOL(ret, 0);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ZVAL_NULL(ret);
return ret;
xmlNodePtr to_xml_bool(encodeType type, zval *data, int style)
xmlNodePtr ret;
+ zval tmp;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(data) != IS_BOOL) {
+ tmp = *data;
+ zval_copy_ctor(&tmp);
+ convert_to_boolean(data);
+ data = &tmp;
+ }
- convert_to_boolean(data);
if(data->value.lval == 1)
xmlNodeSetContent(ret, "1");
xmlNodeSetContent(ret, "0");
+ if (data == &tmp) {
+ zval_dtor(&tmp);
+ }
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
set_ns_and_type(ret, type);
return ret;
xmlNodePtr ret;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
- xmlSetProp(ret, "xsi:null", "1");
+ xmlSetProp(ret, "xsi:nil", "1");
return ret;
zval *ret;
xmlNodePtr trav;
- encodePtr enc;
+ sdlPtr sdl;
+ sdlTypePtr sdlType = NULL;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
+ sdl = SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl);
+ if (sdl && type.sdl_type) {
+ sdlType = type.sdl_type;
+ }
trav = data->children;
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- do
- {
- if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
+ if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ sdlTypePtr *element;
+ encodePtr enc = NULL;
zval *tmpVal;
+ xmlAttrPtr typeAttr = get_attribute(trav->properties,"type");
+ if (typeAttr != NULL && typeAttr->children && typeAttr->children->content) {
+ enc = get_encoder_from_prefix(sdl, trav, typeAttr->children->content);
+ }
+ if (enc == NULL && sdlType != NULL && sdlType->elements != NULL && trav->name != NULL &&
+ zend_hash_find(sdlType->elements, (char*)trav->name, strlen(trav->name)+1,(void **)&element) == SUCCESS) {
+ enc = (*element)->encode;
+ }
+ if (enc == NULL) {
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ }
tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, trav);
+#ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+ tmpVal->refcount--;
add_property_zval(ret, (char *)trav->name, tmpVal);
+ trav = trav->next;
- while(trav = trav->next);
return ret;
/* Special handling of class SoapVar */
- if(data && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_OBJECT && !strcmp(Z_OBJCE_P(data)->name, soap_var_class_entry.name))
+ if(data && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_OBJECT && Z_OBJCE_P(data) == soap_var_class_entry)
zval **ztype, **zdata, **zns, **zstype, **zname, **znamens;
encodePtr enc;
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(data), "enc_type", sizeof("enc_type"), (void **)&ztype) == FAILURE)
php_error(E_ERROR, "error encoding SoapVar");
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(data), "enc_value", sizeof("enc_value"), (void **)&zdata) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "error encoding SoapVar");
enc = get_conversion(Z_LVAL_P(*ztype));
- xmlParam = master_to_xml(enc, *zdata, style);
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(data), "enc_value", sizeof("enc_value"), (void **)&zdata) == FAILURE) {
+ xmlParam = master_to_xml(enc, NULL, style);
+ } else {
+ xmlParam = master_to_xml(enc, *zdata, style);
+ }
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(data), "enc_stype", sizeof("enc_stype"), (void **)&zstype) == SUCCESS)
xmlParam = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam, style);
if(Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_OBJECT)
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
set_ns_and_type(xmlParam, type);
if(data && Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY)
- if(zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(data)) > 0)
- {
- if(is_map(data))
- enc = get_conversion(APACHE_MAP);
- else
- enc = get_conversion(SOAP_ENC_ARRAY);
- }
+ if(is_map(data))
+ enc = get_conversion(APACHE_MAP);
+ else
+ enc = get_conversion(SOAP_ENC_ARRAY);
enc = get_conversion(IS_NULL);
xmlParam = xmlNewNode(NULL,"BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam, style);
if(Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY)
i = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(data));
- if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
+ if(i > 0 && style == SOAP_ENCODED)
get_array_type(data, &array_type TSRMLS_CC);
smart_str_append(&array_type_and_size, &array_type);
return xmlParam;
+static xmlNodePtr add_zval_array_elements(zval* ret,
+ sdlPtr sdl,
+ encodePtr enc,
+ int dimension,
+ int* dims,
+ xmlNodePtr data)
+ int i;
+ if (dimension == 1) {
+ for (i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
+ zval *tmpVal;
+ encodePtr typeEnc = NULL;
+ xmlAttrPtr type = get_attribute(data->properties,"type");
+ if (type != NULL && type->children && type->children->content) {
+ typeEnc = get_encoder_from_prefix(sdl, data, type->children->content);
+ }
+ if (typeEnc) {
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(typeEnc, data);
+ } else {
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, data);
+ }
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &tmpVal, sizeof(zval*), NULL);
+ if (data != NULL) {
+ do {
+ data = data->next;
+ } while (data != NULL && data->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < dims[0]; i++) {
+ zval *tmpVal;
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmpVal);
+ array_init(tmpVal);
+ data = add_zval_array_elements(tmpVal,sdl,enc,dimension-1,dims+1,data);
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &tmpVal, sizeof(zval*), NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return data;
zval *to_zval_array(encodeType type, xmlNodePtr data)
zval *ret;
xmlNodePtr trav;
- encodePtr enc;
+ encodePtr enc = NULL;
+ int dimension = 1;
+ int* dims = NULL;
+ xmlAttrPtr arrayTypeAttr;
+ sdlPtr sdl;
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
+ sdl = SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl);
+ if (data &&
+ (arrayTypeAttr = get_attribute(data->properties,"arrayType")) &&
+ arrayTypeAttr->children &&
+ arrayTypeAttr->children->content) {
+ char *type, *end, *ns;
+ xmlNsPtr nsptr;
+ parse_namespace(arrayTypeAttr->children->content, &type, &ns);
+ nsptr = xmlSearchNs(arrayTypeAttr->doc, arrayTypeAttr->parent, ns);
+ end = strrchr(type,'[');
+ if (end) {
+ int i;
+ char *tmp = end+1;
+ *end = '\0';
+ end++;
+ while (*tmp != ']' && *tmp != '\0') {
+ if (*tmp == ',') {
+ dimension++;
+ }
+ tmp++;
+ }
+ dims = emalloc(sizeof(int)*dimension);
+ memset(dims,0,sizeof(int)*dimension);
+ tmp = end; i = 0;
+ while (*tmp != ']' && *tmp != '\0') {
+ if (*tmp >= '0' && *tmp <= '9') {
+ dims[i] = (dims[i]*10)+(*tmp-'0');
+ } else if (*tmp == ',') {
+ i++;
+ }
+ tmp++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(nsptr != NULL) {
+ enc = get_encoder(SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl), nsptr->href, type);
+ }
+ efree(type);
+ if (ns) efree(ns);
+ }
+ if (enc == NULL) {
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ }
- trav = data->children;
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- while(trav)
- {
- if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- {
- zval *tmpVal;
- tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, trav);
- zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &tmpVal, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ if (dims == NULL) {
+ trav = data->children;
+ while(trav) {
+ if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ zval *tmpVal;
+ encodePtr typeEnc = NULL;
+ xmlAttrPtr type = get_attribute(trav->properties,"type");
+ if (type != NULL && type->children && type->children->content) {
+ typeEnc = get_encoder_from_prefix(sdl, trav, type->children->content);
+ }
+ if (typeEnc) {
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(typeEnc, trav);
+ } else {
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, trav);
+ }
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &tmpVal, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ }
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ trav = data->children;
+ while (trav != NULL && trav->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ trav = trav->next;
- trav = trav->next;
+ add_zval_array_elements(ret, sdl, enc, dimension, dims, trav);
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ if (dims == NULL && dimension <= 1) {
+ trav = data->children;
+ while(trav) {
+ if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ zval *tmpVal;
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, trav);
+ zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &tmpVal, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ }
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ } else {
+ trav = data->children;
+ while (trav != NULL && trav->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ add_zval_array_elements(ret, enc, dimension, dims, trav);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dims) {
+ efree(dims);
return ret;
xmlParam = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam, style);
if(Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY)
FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
- array_init(ret);
- trav = data->children;
+ if (data && data->children) {
+ array_init(ret);
+ trav = data->children;
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- trav = data->children;
- FOREACHNODE(trav, "item", item)
- {
- xmlKey = get_node(item->children, "key");
- if(!xmlKey)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, missing key");
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ trav = data->children;
+ FOREACHNODE(trav, "item", item)
+ {
+ xmlKey = get_node(item->children, "key");
+ if(!xmlKey)
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, missing key");
- xmlValue = get_node(item->children, "value");
- if(!xmlKey)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, missing value");
+ xmlValue = get_node(item->children, "value");
+ if(!xmlKey)
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, missing value");
- key = master_to_zval(enc, xmlKey);
- value = master_to_zval(enc, xmlValue);
+ key = master_to_zval(enc, xmlKey);
+ value = master_to_zval(enc, xmlValue);
- if(Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_STRING)
- zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), Z_STRVAL_P(key), Z_STRLEN_P(key) + 1, &value, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- else if(Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_LONG)
- zend_hash_index_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), Z_LVAL_P(key), &value, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
- else
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, only Strings or Longs are allowd as keys");
+ if(Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_STRING)
+ zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), Z_STRVAL_P(key), Z_STRLEN_P(key) + 1, &value, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ else if(Z_TYPE_P(key) == IS_LONG)
+ zend_hash_index_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), Z_LVAL_P(key), &value, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ else
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding apache map, only Strings or Longs are allowd as keys");
+ }
+ } else {
+ ZVAL_NULL(ret);
return ret;
data = check_and_resolve_href(data);
- if(data == NULL || data->children == NULL)
+ if (data == NULL) {
+ enc = get_conversion(IS_NULL);
+ } else if (data->properties && get_attribute(data->properties, "nil")) {
enc = get_conversion(IS_NULL);
+ }
tmpattr = get_attribute(data->properties,"type");
if(tmpattr != NULL)
- enc = get_conversion_from_type(data, tmpattr->children->content);
+ if (tmpattr->children) {
+ enc = get_conversion_from_type(data, tmpattr->children->content);
+ } else {
+ enc = get_conversion_from_type(data, "");
+ }
if(enc == NULL)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Error (Don't know how to encode/decode \"%s\")", tmpattr->children->content);
enc = get_conversion(XSD_STRING);
trav = data->children;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
enc = get_conversion(SOAP_ENC_OBJECT);
+ trav = trav->next;
- while(trav = trav->next);
xmlNodePtr xmlParam;
xmlParam = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam, style);
- timestamp = Z_LVAL_P(data);
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_LONG) {
+ timestamp = Z_LVAL_P(data);
+ /*time(×tamp);*/
+ ta = php_localtime_r(×tamp, &tmbuf);
- time(×tamp);
- ta = php_localtime_r(×tamp, &tmbuf);
+ buf = (char *) emalloc(buf_len);
+ while ((real_len = strftime(buf, buf_len, format, ta)) == buf_len || real_len == 0)
+ {
+ buf_len *= 2;
+ buf = (char *) erealloc(buf, buf_len);
+ if(!--max_reallocs) break;
+ }
- buf = (char *) emalloc(buf_len);
- while ((real_len = strftime(buf, buf_len, format, ta)) == buf_len || real_len == 0)
- {
- buf_len *= 2;
- buf = (char *) erealloc(buf, buf_len);
- if(!--max_reallocs) break;
- }
+ xmlNodeSetContent(xmlParam, buf);
+ efree(buf);
+ } else if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_STRING) {
+ buf = malloc(Z_STRLEN_P(data)+1);
+ strcpy(buf, Z_STRVAL_P(data));
- xmlNodeSetContent(xmlParam, buf);
- efree(buf);
+ xmlNodeSetContentLen(xmlParam, buf, Z_STRLEN_P(data));
+ } else {
+ xmlSetProp(xmlParam, "xsi:nil", "1");
+ }
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
set_ns_and_type(xmlParam, type);
return *enc;
-encodePtr get_conversion_from_href_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, char *type, int len)
+encodePtr get_conversion_from_href_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, const char *type, int len)
encodePtr *enc = NULL;
if(encoding == NULL)
return NULL;
- if(zend_hash_find(encoding, type, len + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
+ if(zend_hash_find(encoding, (char*)type, len + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
return NULL;
return (*enc);
-encodePtr get_conversion_from_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, xmlNodePtr node, char *type)
+encodePtr get_conversion_from_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, xmlNodePtr node, const char *type)
encodePtr *enc = NULL;
xmlNsPtr nsptr;
if(zend_hash_find(encoding, nscat.c, nscat.len + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
- if(zend_hash_find(encoding, type, strlen(type) + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
+ if(zend_hash_find(encoding, (char*)type, strlen(type) + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
enc = NULL;
- if(zend_hash_find(encoding, type, strlen(type) + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
+ if(zend_hash_find(encoding, (char*)type, strlen(type) + 1, (void **)&enc) == FAILURE)
enc = NULL;
HashTable *ht = HASH_OF(array);
int i, count, cur_type, prev_type, different;
- char *name = NULL;
zval **tmp;
zend_hash_get_current_data(ht, (void **)&tmp);
- if(Z_TYPE_PP(tmp) == IS_OBJECT && !strcmp(Z_OBJCE_PP(tmp)->name, soap_var_class_entry.name))
+ if(Z_TYPE_PP(tmp) == IS_OBJECT && Z_OBJCE_PP(tmp) == soap_var_class_entry)
zval **ztype;
#define XSD_NAMESPACE "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
#define XSD_NS_PREFIX "xsd"
+#define XSI_NAMESPACE "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+#define XSI_NS_PREFIX "xsi"
#define XSD_STRING 101
#define XSD_STRING_STRING "string"
#define XSD_BOOLEAN 103
zval *guess_zval_convert(encodeType type, xmlNodePtr data);
xmlNodePtr to_xml_long(encodeType type, zval *data, int style);
+xmlNodePtr to_xml_double(encodeType type, zval *data, int style);
xmlNodePtr to_xml_bool(encodeType type, zval *data, int style);
/* String encode */
void set_ns_and_type(xmlNodePtr node, encodeType type);
void set_ns_and_type_ex(xmlNodePtr node, char *ns, char *type);
encodePtr get_conversion_ex(HashTable *encoding, int encode);
-encodePtr get_conversion_from_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, xmlNodePtr node, char *type);
-encodePtr get_conversion_from_href_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, char *type, int len);
+encodePtr get_conversion_from_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, xmlNodePtr node, const char *type);
+encodePtr get_conversion_from_href_type_ex(HashTable *encoding, const char *type, int len);
int is_map(zval *array);
void get_array_type(zval *array, smart_str *out_type TSRMLS_DC);
#define FIND_XML_NULL(xml,zval) \
{ \
xmlAttrPtr null; \
- if(!xml || !xml->children) \
+ if(!xml) \
{ \
ZVAL_NULL(zval); \
return zval; \
} \
if(xml->properties) \
{ \
- null = get_attribute(xml->properties, "null"); \
+ null = get_attribute(xml->properties, "nil"); \
if(null) \
{ \
ZVAL_NULL(zval); \
} \
-#define FIND_ZVAL_NULL(zval, xml) \
+#define FIND_ZVAL_NULL(zval, xml, style) \
{ \
- if(!zval) \
+ if(!zval || Z_TYPE_P(zval) == IS_NULL) \
{ \
- xmlSetProp(xml, "xsi:null", "1"); \
+ if (style == SOAP_ENCODED) {\
+ xmlSetProp(xml, "xsi:nil", "1"); \
+ }\
return xml; \
} \
#include "php_soap.h"
-void send_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, xmlDoc *doc, char *function_name, char *soapaction TSRMLS_DC)
+static char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type);
+static int get_http_body(php_stream *socketd, char *headers, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC);
+static int get_http_headers(php_stream *socketd,char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC);
+int send_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, xmlDoc *doc, char *soapaction TSRMLS_DC)
xmlChar *buf;
char *soap_headers;
xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, &buf, &buf_size);
- if(!buf)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error build soap request");
+ if(!buf) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Error build soap request", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "trace", sizeof("trace"), (void **) &trace) == SUCCESS
&& Z_LVAL_PP(trace) > 0)
add_property_stringl(this_ptr, "__last_request", buf, buf_size, 1);
zval **location;
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "location", sizeof("location"),(void **) &location) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error could not find location");
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "location", sizeof("location"),(void **) &location) == FAILURE) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Error could not find location", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
url = Z_STRVAL_PP(location);
url = binding->location;
- phpurl = php_url_parse(url);
+ if (url[0] != '\000') {
+ phpurl = php_url_parse(url);
+ }
if (phpurl == NULL) {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Unable to parse URL \"%s\"", url);
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Unable to parse URL", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
use_ssl = strcmp(phpurl->scheme, "https") == 0;
if (use_ssl) {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "SSL support not available in this build");
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "SSL support not available in this build", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
if (phpurl->port == 0) {
phpurl->port = use_ssl ? 443 : 80;
stream = php_stream_sock_open_host(phpurl->host, (unsigned short)phpurl->port, SOCK_STREAM, NULL, NULL);
/* fire up SSL, if requested */
if (use_ssl) {
if (FAILURE == php_stream_sock_ssl_activate(stream, 1)) {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "SSL Connection attempt failed");
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "SSL Connection attempt failed", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
add_property_resource(this_ptr, "httpsocket", php_stream_get_resource_id(stream));
ret = zend_list_insert(phpurl, le_url);
add_property_resource(this_ptr, "httpurl", ret);
} else {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Could not connect to host");
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Could not connect to host", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
int size = strlen(header) + strlen(phpurl->host) + strlen(phpurl->path) + 10;
/* TODO: Add authentication */
- if(sdl != NULL)
- {
- /* TODO: need to grab soap action from wsdl....*/
- soap_headers = emalloc(size + strlen(soapaction));
- sprintf(soap_headers, header, phpurl->path, phpurl->host, buf_size, soapaction);
- }
- else
- {
- soap_headers = emalloc(size + strlen(soapaction));
- sprintf(soap_headers, header, phpurl->path, phpurl->host, buf_size, soapaction);
- }
- err = php_stream_write(stream, soap_headers, strlen(soap_headers));
- if(err != (int)strlen(soap_headers))
- php_error(E_ERROR,"Failed Sending HTTP Headers");
+ /* TODO: need to grab soap action from wsdl....*/
+ soap_headers = emalloc(size + strlen(soapaction));
+ sprintf(soap_headers, header, phpurl->path, phpurl->host, buf_size, soapaction);
+ err = php_stream_write(stream, soap_headers, strlen(soap_headers));
+ if(err != (int)strlen(soap_headers)) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Failed Sending HTTP Headers", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
/* Send cookies along with request */
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "_cookies", sizeof("_cookies"), (void **)&cookies) == SUCCESS)
err = php_stream_write(stream, cookie_str.c, cookie_str.len);
- if(err != (int)cookie_str.len)
- php_error(E_ERROR,"Failed Sending HTTP Headers");
+ if(err != (int)cookie_str.len) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Failed Sending HTTP Headers", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
err = php_stream_write(stream, "\r\n", 2);
- if(err != 2)
- php_error(E_ERROR,"Failed Sending HTTP Headers");
+ if(err != 2) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Failed Sending HTTP Headers", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
err = php_stream_write(stream, buf, buf_size);
- if(err != (int)strlen(buf))
- php_error(E_ERROR,"Failed Sending HTTP Content");
+ if(err != (int)strlen(buf)) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Failed Sending HTTP Content", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
-void get_http_soap_response(zval *this_ptr, char **buffer, int *buffer_len TSRMLS_DC)
+int get_http_soap_response(zval *this_ptr, char **buffer, int *buffer_len TSRMLS_DC)
char *http_headers, *http_body, *content_type, *http_version, http_status[4], *cookie_itt;
int http_header_size, http_body_size, http_close;
- sdlPtr sdl;
zval **socket_ref;
php_stream *stream;
zval **trace;
if(FIND_SOCKET_PROPERTY(this_ptr, socket_ref) != FAILURE)
FETCH_SOCKET_RES(stream, socket_ref);
- if(!get_http_headers(stream, &http_headers, &http_header_size TSRMLS_CC))
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error Fetching http headers");
+ if(!get_http_headers(stream, &http_headers, &http_header_size TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Error Fetching http headers", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
/* Check to see what HTTP status was sent */
http_version = get_http_header_value(http_headers,"HTTP/");
/* Try and get headers again */
if(!strcmp(http_status, "100"))
- if(!get_http_headers(stream, &http_headers, &http_header_size TSRMLS_CC))
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error Fetching http headers");
+ if(!get_http_headers(stream, &http_headers, &http_header_size TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Error Fetching http headers", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if(!get_http_body(stream, http_headers, &http_body, &http_body_size TSRMLS_CC))
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error Fetching http body");
+ if(!get_http_body(stream, http_headers, &http_body, &http_body_size TSRMLS_CC)) {
+ php_stream_close(stream);
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "httpsocket", sizeof("httpsocket"));
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Error Fetching http body", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "trace", sizeof("trace"), (void **) &trace) == SUCCESS
&& Z_LVAL_PP(trace) > 0)
ZVAL_STRINGL(err, http_body, http_body_size, 1);
add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Didn't recieve an xml document", NULL, err TSRMLS_CC);
- return;
/* Grab and send back every cookie */
/* Not going to worry about Path: because
we shouldn't be changing urls so path dont
matter too much
*buffer = http_body;
*buffer_len = http_body_size;
+ return TRUE;
-char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type)
+static char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type)
char *pos, *tmp = NULL;
int typelen, headerslen;
/* start of buffer or start of line */
if (strncasecmp(pos, type, typelen) == 0) {
char *eol;
/* match */
tmp = pos + typelen;
eol = strstr(tmp, "\r\n");
return estrndup(tmp, eol - tmp);
/* find next line */
pos = strstr(pos, "\r\n");
if (pos)
return NULL;
-int get_http_body(php_stream *stream, char *headers, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC)
+static int get_http_body(php_stream *stream, char *headers, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC)
char *trans_enc, *content_length, *http_buf = NULL;
int http_buf_size = 0;
content_length = get_http_header_value(headers, "Content-Length: ");
if (trans_enc && !strcmp(trans_enc, "chunked")) {
- int cur = 0, size = 0, buf_size = 0, len_size;
+ int buf_size = 0, len_size;
char done, chunk_size[10];
done = FALSE;
if (sscanf(chunk_size, "%x", &buf_size) != -1) {
http_buf = erealloc(http_buf, http_buf_size + buf_size + 1);
len_size = 0;
while (http_buf_size < buf_size) {
len_size += php_stream_read(stream, http_buf + http_buf_size, buf_size - len_size);
http_buf_size += len_size;
/* Eat up '\r' '\n' */
} else {
http_buf[http_buf_size] = '\0';
} else if (content_length) {
int size;
size = atoi(content_length);
http_buf[size] = '\0';
} else {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Don't know how to read http body, No Content-Length or chunked data");
+// php_error(E_ERROR, "Don't know how to read http body, No Content-Length or chunked data");
+ return FALSE;
(*response) = http_buf;
return TRUE;
-int get_http_headers(php_stream *stream, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC)
+static int get_http_headers(php_stream *stream, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC)
int done = FALSE;
- char chr;
smart_str tmp_response = {0};
char headerbuf[8192];
(*out_size) = tmp_response.len;
return done;
#ifndef PHP_HTTP_H
#define PHP_HTTP_H
-void send_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, xmlDoc *doc, char *function_name, char *soapaction TSRMLS_DC);
-void get_http_soap_response(zval *this_ptr, char **buffer, int *buffer_len TSRMLS_DC);
-char *get_http_header_value(char *headers, char *type);
-int get_http_body(php_stream *socketd, char *headers, char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC);
-int get_http_headers(php_stream *socketd,char **response, int *out_size TSRMLS_DC);
+int send_http_soap_request(zval *this_ptr, xmlDoc *doc, char *soapaction TSRMLS_DC);
+int get_http_soap_response(zval *this_ptr, char **buffer, int *buffer_len TSRMLS_DC);
#include "php_soap.h"
-int parse_packet_soap(zval *this_ptr, char *buffer, int buffer_size, sdlFunctionPtr fn, char *fn_name, zval ***ret, int *num_params TSRMLS_DC)
+/* SOAP client calls this function to parse response from SOAP server */
+int parse_packet_soap(zval *this_ptr, char *buffer, int buffer_size, sdlFunctionPtr fn, char *fn_name, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC)
xmlDocPtr response;
- xmlNodePtr trav, trav2, env, body, resp, cur, fault;
- zval **tmp_ret;
+ xmlNodePtr trav, /*trav2,*/ env, body, resp, cur, fault;
+ int param_count = 0;
+ ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+ /* Parse XML packet */
response = xmlParseMemory(buffer, buffer_size);
if (!response) {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "looks like we got no XML document");
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "looks like we got no XML document", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ return FALSE;
- (*num_params) = 0;
+ /* Get <Envelope> element */
+ env = NULL;
trav = response->children;
- FOREACHNODE(trav,"Envelope",env)
- {
- trav2 = env->children;
- FOREACHNODE(trav2,"Body",body)
- {
- fault = get_node(body->children,"Fault");
- if(fault != NULL)
- {
- char *faultcode = NULL, *faultstring = NULL, *faultactor = NULL;
- zval *details = NULL;
- xmlNodePtr tmp;
- tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultcode");
- if(tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL)
- faultcode = tmp->children->content;
- tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultstring");
- if(tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL)
- faultstring = tmp->children->content;
- tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultactor");
- if(tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL)
- faultactor = tmp->children->content;
- tmp = get_node(fault->children,"detail");
- if(tmp != NULL)
- {
- encodePtr enc;
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- details = enc->to_zval(enc->details, tmp);
- }
+ while (trav != NULL) {
+ if (trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
+ node_is_equal_ex(trav,"Envelope","http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")) {
+ if (env != NULL) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "looks like we got XML with several \"Envelope\" elements\n", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ env = trav;
+ }
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ if (env == NULL) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "looks like we got XML without \"Envelope\" element\n", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- add_soap_fault(this_ptr, faultcode, faultstring, faultactor, details TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- else
- {
- resp = body->children;
- if(fn != NULL)
- {
- sdlParamPtr *h_param, param = NULL;
- xmlNodePtr val = NULL;
- encodePtr enc;
- char *name, *ns = NULL;
+ /* Get <Body> element */
+ body = NULL;
+ trav = env->children;
+ while (trav != NULL) {
+ if (trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE &&
+ node_is_equal_ex(trav,"Body","http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/")) {
+ if (body != NULL) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "looks like we got \"Envelope\" with several \"Body\" elements\n", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ body = trav;
+ }
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ if (body == NULL) {
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "looks like we got \"Envelope\" without \"Body\" element\n", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if(fn->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP)
- {
- sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr fnb = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)fn->bindingAttributes;
+ /* Check if <Body> contains <Fault> element */
+ fault = get_node_ex(body->children,"Fault","http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/");
+ if(fault != NULL) {
+ char *faultcode = NULL, *faultstring = NULL, *faultactor = NULL;
+ zval *details = NULL;
+ xmlNodePtr tmp;
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(fn->responseParameters);
- if(zend_hash_get_current_data(fn->responseParameters, (void **)&h_param) != SUCCESS)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Can't find response parameter \"%s\"", param->paramName);
+ tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultcode");
+ if (tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL) {
+ faultcode = tmp->children->content;
+ }
- param = (*h_param);
- if(fnb->style == SOAP_DOCUMENT)
- {
- name = (*h_param)->encode->details.type_str;
- ns = (*h_param)->encode->details.ns;
- }
- else
- {
- name = fn->responseName;
- /* ns = ? */
- }
+ tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultstring");
+ if (tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL) {
+ faultstring = tmp->children->content;
+ }
- cur = get_node_ex(resp, name, ns);
- /* TODO: produce warning invalid ns */
- if(!cur)
- cur = get_node(resp, name);
- if(!cur)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Can't find response data");
+ tmp = get_node(fault->children,"faultactor");
+ if (tmp != NULL && tmp->children != NULL) {
+ faultactor = tmp->children->content;
+ }
+ tmp = get_node(fault->children,"detail");
+ if (tmp != NULL) {
+ encodePtr enc;
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ details = enc->to_zval(enc->details, tmp);
+ }
- if(fnb->style == SOAP_DOCUMENT)
- val = cur;
- else
- val = get_node(cur->children, param->paramName);
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, faultcode, faultstring, faultactor, details TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ }
- if(!val)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Can't find response data");
+ /* Parse content of <Body> element */
+ resp = body->children;
+ if (fn != NULL) {
+ /* Function has WSDL description */
+ sdlParamPtr *h_param, param = NULL;
+ xmlNodePtr val = NULL;
+ char *name, *ns = NULL;
+ zval* tmp;
+ if (fn->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) {
+ sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr fnb = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)fn->bindingAttributes;
+ int res_count = zend_hash_num_elements(fn->responseParameters);
+ array_init(return_value);
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(fn->responseParameters);
+ while (zend_hash_get_current_data(fn->responseParameters, (void **)&h_param) == SUCCESS) {
+ param = (*h_param);
+ if (fnb->style == SOAP_DOCUMENT) {
+ name = param->encode->details.type_str;
+ ns = param->encode->details.ns;
+ } else {
+ name = fn->responseName;
+ /* ns = ? */
+ }
- tmp_ret = emalloc(sizeof(zval **));
- if(param != NULL)
- enc = param->encode;
- else
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ /* Get value of parameter */
+ cur = get_node_ex(resp, name, ns);
+ if (!cur) {
+ cur = get_node(resp, name);
+ /* TODO: produce warning invalid ns */
+ }
+ if (cur) {
+ if (fnb->style == SOAP_DOCUMENT) {
+ val = cur;
+ } else {
+ val = get_node(cur->children, param->paramName);
+ if (val == NULL && res_count == 1) {
+ val = get_node(cur->children, "return");
+ }
+ }
+ }
- tmp_ret[0] = master_to_zval(enc, val);
- (*ret) = tmp_ret;
- (*num_params) = 1;
+ if (!val) {
+ /* TODO: may be "nil" is not OK? */
+ ZVAL_NULL(tmp);
+ add_soap_fault(this_ptr, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Can't find response data", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlFreeDoc(response);
+ return FALSE;
+ } else {
+ /* Decoding value of parameter */
+ if (param != NULL) {
+ tmp = master_to_zval(param->encode, val);
+ } else {
+ tmp = master_to_zval(get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE), val);
- else
- {
- cur = resp;
- while(cur && cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- cur = cur->next;
- if(cur != NULL)
- {
- xmlNodePtr val;
- val = cur->children;
- while(val && val->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
- val = val->next;
- if(val != NULL)
- {
- encodePtr enc;
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- tmp_ret = emalloc(sizeof(zval **));
- tmp_ret[0] = master_to_zval(enc, val);
- (*ret) = tmp_ret;
- (*num_params) = 1;
- }
+ add_assoc_zval(return_value, param->paramName, tmp);
+ /*add_assoc_zval(return_value, (char*)val->name, tmp);*/
+ param_count++;
+ zend_hash_move_forward(fn->responseParameters);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Function hasn't WSDL description */
+ cur = resp;
+ array_init(return_value);
+ while(cur && cur->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ cur = cur->next;
+ }
+ if (cur != NULL) {
+ xmlNodePtr val;
+ val = cur->children;
+ while (val != NULL) {
+ while(val && val->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE) {
+ val = val->next;
+ }
+ if (val != NULL) {
+ encodePtr enc;
+ zval *tmp;
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ tmp = master_to_zval(enc, val);
+ if (val->name) {
+ add_assoc_zval(return_value, (char*)val->name, tmp);
+ } else {
+ add_next_index_zval(return_value, tmp);
+ ++param_count;
+ val = val->next;
- ENDFOREACH(trav2);
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(return_value) == IS_ARRAY) {
+ if (param_count == 0) {
+ zval_dtor(return_value);
+ ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
+ } else if (param_count == 1) {
+ zval *tmp = *(zval**)Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value)->pListHead->pData;
+ tmp->refcount++;
+ zval_dtor(return_value);
+ *return_value = *tmp;
+ FREE_ZVAL(tmp);
+ }
+ }
return TRUE;
-int parse_packet_soap(zval *this_ptr, char *buffer, int buffer_size, sdlFunctionPtr fn, char *fn_name, zval ***ret, int *num_params TSRMLS_DC);
+int parse_packet_soap(zval *this_ptr, char *buffer, int buffer_size, sdlFunctionPtr fn, char *fn_name, zval *return_value TSRMLS_DC);
\ No newline at end of file
#include "php_soap.h"
+static int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_complexType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_sequence(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_list(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_union(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_restriction_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_extension(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_all(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_group(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_choice(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_element(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_attribute(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_any(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
+static int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr);
+static void delete_restriction_var_int(void *rvi);
+static int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr);
+static void delete_schema_restriction_var_char(void *srvc);
2.6.1 xsi:type
2.6.2 xsi:nil
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | list | union))
-int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
xmlAttrPtr name, ns;
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
-int schema_list(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_list(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
return TRUE;
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType*))
-int schema_union(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_union(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
return TRUE;
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
-int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
-int schema_restriction_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_restriction_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content, trav;
xmlAttrPtr base;
trav = restType->children;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if(!strcmp(trav->name, "minExclusive"))
zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->restrictions->enumeration, &enumval, sizeof(sdlRestrictionCharPtr), NULL);
- }while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return TRUE;
Content: (annotation?, (group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))
-int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlAttrPtr base;
xmlNodePtr trav;
trav = restType->children;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if(!strcmp(trav->name, "group"))
schema_attribute(sdl, tsn, trav, cur_type);
- }while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return TRUE;
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?, (minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | totalDigits | fractionDigits | length | minLength | maxLength | enumeration | whiteSpace | pattern)*))
-int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content, trav;
xmlAttrPtr base;
cur_type->restrictions = malloc(sizeof(sdlRestrictions));
trav = restType->children;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if(!strcmp(trav->name, "minExclusive"))
zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->restrictions->enumeration, &enumval, sizeof(sdlRestrictionCharPtr), NULL);
- }while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return TRUE;
-int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr)
+static int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr)
xmlAttrPtr fixed, value, id;
return TRUE;
-void delete_restriction_var_int(void *rvi)
+static void delete_restriction_var_int(void *rvi)
sdlRestrictionIntPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionIntPtr*)rvi);
-int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr)
+static int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr)
xmlAttrPtr fixed, value, id;
return TRUE;
-void delete_schema_restriction_var_char(void *srvc)
+static void delete_schema_restriction_var_char(void *srvc)
sdlRestrictionCharPtr ptr = *((sdlRestrictionCharPtr*)srvc);
Content: (annotation?, ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?)))
-int schema_extension(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_extension(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
xmlAttrPtr base;
Content: (annotation?, element*)
-int schema_all(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr all, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_all(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr all, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr element, trav;
Content: (annotation?, (all | choice | sequence))
-int schema_group(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_group(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
xmlAttrPtr name;
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
-int schema_choice(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_choice(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr trav, data;
Content: (annotation?, (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
-int schema_sequence(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_sequence(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr trav;
trav = seqType->children;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
if(!strcmp(trav->name, "element"))
schema_any(sdl, tsn, trav, cur_type);
+ trav = trav->next;
- while(trav = trav->next);
return TRUE;
-int schema_any(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_any(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
return TRUE;
Content: (annotation?, (restriction | extension))
-int schema_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compCont, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compCont, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
Content: (annotation?, (simpleContent | complexContent | ((group | all | choice | sequence)?, ((attribute | attributeGroup)*, anyAttribute?))))
-int schema_complexType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_complexType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
xmlAttrPtr attrs, name, ns;
Content: (annotation?, ((simpleType | complexType)?, (unique | key | keyref)*))
-int schema_element(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_element(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlNodePtr content;
xmlAttrPtr attrs, curattr, name, ns;
memset(newType, 0, sizeof(sdlType));
newType->name = strdup(name->children->content);
newType->namens = strdup(tsn->children->content);
- newType->nullable = FALSE;
+ newType->nillable = FALSE;
newType->min_occurs = 1;
newType->max_occurs = 1;
zend_hash_add(addHash, key.c, key.len + 1, &newType, sizeof(sdlTypePtr), (void **)&tmp);
cur_type = (*tmp);
- create_encoder((*sdl), cur_type, ns->children->content, name->children->content);
+// create_encoder((*sdl), cur_type, ns->children->content, name->children->content);
if(!stricmp(curattr->children->content, "true") ||
!stricmp(curattr->children->content, "1"))
- cur_type->nullable = TRUE;
+ cur_type->nillable = TRUE;
- cur_type->nullable = FALSE;
+ cur_type->nillable = FALSE;
- cur_type->nullable = FALSE;
+ cur_type->nillable = FALSE;
/* type = QName */
curattr = get_attribute(attrs, "type");
xmlNsPtr nsptr;
parse_namespace(curattr->children->content, &cptype, &str_ns);
- if(str_ns)
+// if(str_ns)
nsptr = xmlSearchNs(element->doc, element, str_ns);
- else
- nsptr = xmlSearchNsByHref(element->doc, element, ns->children->content);
+// else
+// nsptr = xmlSearchNsByHref(element->doc, element, ns->children->content);
cur_type->encode = get_create_encoder((*sdl), cur_type, (char *)nsptr->href, (char *)cptype);
if(str_ns) efree(str_ns);
Content: (annotation?, (simpleType?))
-int schema_attribute(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
+static int schema_attribute(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type)
xmlAttrPtr attr;
sdlAttributePtr newAttr;
zend_hash_next_index_insert(cur_type->attributes, &newAttr, sizeof(sdlAttributePtr), NULL);
return TRUE;
\ No newline at end of file
#define PHP_SCHEMA_H
int load_schema(sdlPtr *sdl,xmlNodePtr schema);
-int schema_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpleType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_complexType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr compType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_sequence(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr seqType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_list(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr listType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_union(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr unionType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr simpCompType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_restriction_simpleType(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_restriction_simpleContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_restriction_complexContent(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr restType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_extension(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_all(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_group(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr groupType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_choice(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr choiceType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_element(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr element, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_attribute(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr attrType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_any(sdlPtr *sdl, xmlAttrPtr tsn, xmlNodePtr extType, sdlTypePtr cur_type);
-int schema_restriction_var_int(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionIntPtr *valptr);
-void delete_restriction_var_int(void *rvi);
-int schema_restriction_var_char(xmlNodePtr val, sdlRestrictionCharPtr *valptr);
-void delete_schema_restriction_var_char(void *srvc);
#include "php_soap.h"
-encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, char *type)
+encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, const char *type)
encodePtr enc = NULL;
return enc;
-encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, char *ns, char *type)
+encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, const char *ns, const char *type)
encodePtr enc = NULL;
char *nscat;
return enc;
-encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, char *nscat)
+encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, const char *nscat)
encodePtr enc = NULL;
return enc;
-encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type)
+encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const char *ns, const char *type)
encodePtr enc = NULL;
smart_str nscat = {0};
return enc;
-encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type)
+encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const char *ns, const char *type)
smart_str nscat = {0};
encodePtr enc;
zval *sdl_guess_convert_zval(encodeType enc, xmlNodePtr data)
sdlTypePtr type;
- zval *ret;
type = enc.sdl_type;
- if(type->encode)
- {
+ if(type->encode) {
if(type->encode->details.type == IS_ARRAY ||
- type->encode->details.type == SOAP_ENC_ARRAY)
- ret = to_zval_array(enc, data);
- else
- ret = master_to_zval(type->encode, data);
- }
- else if(zend_hash_num_elements(type->elements) == 1)
- {
- sdlTypePtr *t;
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(type->elements);
- if(zend_hash_get_current_data(type->elements, (void **)&t) != FAILURE &&
- (*t)->max_occurs != 1)
- ret = to_zval_array(enc, data);
- }
- if(ret)
- return ret;
- else
+ type->encode->details.type == SOAP_ENC_ARRAY) {
+ return to_zval_array(enc, data);
+ } else {
+ if (memcmp(&type->encode->details,&enc,sizeof(enc))!=0) {
+ return master_to_zval(type->encode, data);
+ } else {
+ return master_to_zval(get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE), data);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (type->elements) {
+ return to_zval_object(enc, data);
+ } else {
return guess_zval_convert(enc, data);
+ }
xmlNodePtr sdl_guess_convert_xml(encodeType enc, zval *data, int style)
sdlTypePtr type;
type = enc.sdl_type;
- if(type->encode)
- {
+ if(type->encode) {
if(type->encode->details.type == IS_ARRAY ||
- type->encode->details.type == SOAP_ENC_ARRAY)
+ type->encode->details.type == SOAP_ENC_ARRAY) {
ret = sdl_to_xml_array(type, data, style);
- else
- ret = master_to_xml(type->encode, data, style);
- }
- else if(type->elements)
- {
- sdlTypePtr *t;
- if(zend_hash_num_elements(type->elements) == 1)
- {
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(type->elements);
- if(zend_hash_get_current_data(type->elements, (void **)&t) != FAILURE &&
- (*t)->max_occurs != 1)
- ret = sdl_to_xml_array((*t), data, style);
+ } else {
+ if (memcmp(&type->encode->details,&enc,sizeof(enc))!=0) {
+ ret = master_to_xml(type->encode, data, style);
+ } else {
+ ret = master_to_xml(get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE), data, style);
+ }
- if(!ret)
- ret = sdl_to_xml_object(type, data, style);
- else
+ else if(type->elements) {
+ ret = sdl_to_xml_object(type, data, style);
+ } else {
ret = guess_xml_convert(enc, data, style);
- /*
+ }
set_ns_and_type(ret, enc);
- */
+ return ret;
+zval* sdl_to_zval_object(sdlTypePtr type, xmlNodePtr data)
+ zval *ret;
+ xmlNodePtr trav;
+ FIND_XML_NULL(data, ret);
+ if (data) {
+ object_init(ret);
+ trav = data->children;
+ while (trav != NULL) {
+ if(trav->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE)
+ {
+ sdlTypePtr *element;
+ encodePtr enc = NULL;
+ zval *tmpVal;
+ if (trav->name != NULL &&
+ zend_hash_find(type->elements, (char*)trav->name, strlen(trav->name)+1,(void **)&element) == SUCCESS) {
+ enc = (*element)->encode;
+ }
+ if (enc == NULL) {
+ enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
+ }
+ tmpVal = master_to_zval(enc, trav);
+#ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+ tmpVal->refcount--;
+ add_property_zval(ret, (char *)trav->name, tmpVal);
+ }
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
+ }
return ret;
sdlTypePtr *t, tmp;
ret = xmlNewNode(NULL, "BOGUS");
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, ret, style);
while(zend_hash_get_current_data(type->elements, (void **)&t) != FAILURE)
tmp = *t;
if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(data), tmp->name, strlen(tmp->name) + 1, (void **)&prop) == FAILURE)
- if(tmp->nullable == FALSE)
+ if(tmp->nillable == FALSE)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Error encoding object to xml missing property \"%s\"", tmp->name);
xmlNodePtr newNode;
- newNode = master_to_xml(tmp->encode, (*prop), style);
+ encodePtr enc;
+ if (tmp->encode) {
+ enc = tmp->encode;
+ } else {
+ enc = get_conversion((*prop)->type);
+ }
+ newNode = master_to_xml(enc, (*prop), style);
xmlNodeSetName(newNode, tmp->name);
xmlAddChild(ret, newNode);
return ret;
+static void add_xml_array_elements(xmlNodePtr xmlParam,
+ sdlTypePtr type,
+ encodePtr enc,
+ int dimension ,
+ int* dims,
+ zval* data,
+ int style)
+ int j;
+ if (Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY) {
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(data->value.ht);
+ for (j=0; j<dims[0]; j++) {
+ zval **zdata;
+ zend_hash_get_current_data(data->value.ht, (void **)&zdata);
+ if (dimension == 1) {
+ xmlNodePtr xparam;
+ if (enc == NULL) {
+ xparam = master_to_xml(get_conversion((*zdata)->type), (*zdata), style);
+ } else {
+ xparam = master_to_xml(enc, (*zdata), style);
+ }
+ xmlNodeSetName(xparam, type->name);
+ xmlAddChild(xmlParam, xparam);
+ } else {
+ add_xml_array_elements(xmlParam, type, enc, dimension-1, dims+1, *zdata, style);
+ }
+ zend_hash_move_forward(data->value.ht);
+ }
+ }
xmlNodePtr sdl_to_xml_array(sdlTypePtr type, zval *data, int style)
smart_str array_type_and_size = {0}, array_type = {0};
int i;
+ int dimension = 1;
+ int* dims;
xmlNodePtr xmlParam;
+ encodePtr enc = NULL;
xmlParam = xmlNewNode(NULL,"BOGUS");
- FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam);
+ FIND_ZVAL_NULL(data, xmlParam, style);
if(Z_TYPE_P(data) == IS_ARRAY)
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
+ xmlAttrPtr *wsdl;
if(type->attributes &&
- zend_hash_find(type->attributes, SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE":arrayType",
- sizeof(SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE":arrayType"),
- (void **)&arrayType) == SUCCESS)
- {
- xmlAttrPtr *wsdl;
- if(zend_hash_find((*arrayType)->extraAttributes, WSDL_NAMESPACE":arrayType", sizeof(WSDL_NAMESPACE":arrayType"), (void **)&wsdl) == SUCCESS)
- {
- char *ns = NULL, *value;
- smart_str *prefix = encode_new_ns();
- smart_str smart_ns = {0};
- xmlNsPtr myNs;
- parse_namespace((*wsdl)->children->content, &value, &ns);
- myNs = xmlSearchNs((*wsdl)->doc, (*wsdl)->parent, ns);
- smart_str_appendl(&smart_ns, "xmlns:", sizeof("xmlns:") - 1);
- smart_str_appendl(&smart_ns, prefix->c, prefix->len);
- smart_str_0(&smart_ns);
- xmlSetProp(xmlParam, smart_ns.c, myNs->href);
- smart_str_appends(&array_type_and_size, prefix->c);
- smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, ':');
- smart_str_appends(&array_type_and_size, value);
- smart_str_0(&array_type_and_size);
- smart_str_free(prefix);
- efree(prefix);
+ zend_hash_find(type->attributes, SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE":arrayType",
+ sizeof(SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE":arrayType"),
+ (void **)&arrayType) == SUCCESS &&
+ zend_hash_find((*arrayType)->extraAttributes, WSDL_NAMESPACE":arrayType", sizeof(WSDL_NAMESPACE":arrayType"), (void **)&wsdl) == SUCCESS) {
+ char *ns = NULL, *value, *end;
+ smart_str *prefix = encode_new_ns();
+ smart_str smart_ns = {0};
+ xmlNsPtr myNs;
+ zval** el;
+ parse_namespace((*wsdl)->children->content, &value, &ns);
+ myNs = xmlSearchNs((*wsdl)->doc, (*wsdl)->parent, ns);
+ end = strrchr(value,'[');
+ if (end) {
+ *end = '\0';
+ end++;
+ while (*end != ']' && *end != '\0') {
+ if (*end == ',') {
+ dimension++;
+ }
+ end++;
+ }
- }
- else
- {
+ if(myNs != NULL) {
+ enc = get_encoder(SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl), myNs->href, value);
+ }
+ dims = emalloc(sizeof(int)*dimension);
+ dims[0] = i;
+ el = &data;
+ for (i = 1; i < dimension; i++) {
+ if (el != NULL && Z_TYPE_PP(el) == IS_ARRAY && Z_ARRVAL_PP(el)->pListHead) {
+ el = (zval**)Z_ARRVAL_PP(el)->pListHead->pData;
+ if (Z_TYPE_PP(el) == IS_ARRAY) {
+ dims[i] = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_PP(el));
+ } else {
+ dims[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ smart_str_appendl(&smart_ns, "xmlns:", sizeof("xmlns:") - 1);
+ smart_str_appendl(&smart_ns, prefix->c, prefix->len);
+ smart_str_0(&smart_ns);
+ xmlSetProp(xmlParam, smart_ns.c, myNs->href);
+ smart_str_free(&smart_ns);
+ smart_str_appends(&array_type_and_size, prefix->c);
+ smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, ':');
+ smart_str_appends(&array_type_and_size, value);
+ smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, '[');
+ smart_str_append_long(&array_type_and_size, dims[0]);
+ for (i=1; i<dimension; i++) {
+ smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, ',');
+ smart_str_append_long(&array_type_and_size, dims[i]);
+ }
+ smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, ']');
+ smart_str_0(&array_type_and_size);
+ smart_str_free(prefix);
+ efree(prefix);
+ efree(value);
+ if (ns) efree(ns);
+ } else {
smart_str_appends(&array_type_and_size, type->name);
smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, '[');
smart_str_append_long(&array_type_and_size, i);
smart_str_appendc(&array_type_and_size, ']');
+ dims = emalloc(sizeof(int)*dimension);
+ dims[0] = i;
xmlSetProp(xmlParam, SOAP_ENC_NS_PREFIX":arrayType", array_type_and_size.c);
- }
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(data->value.ht);
- for(;i > 0;i--)
- {
- xmlNodePtr xparam;
- zval **zdata;
- encodePtr enc;
- zend_hash_get_current_data(data->value.ht, (void **)&zdata);
- enc = get_conversion((*zdata)->type);
- xparam = master_to_xml(enc, (*zdata), style);
+ } else {
+ dims = emalloc(sizeof(int)*dimension);
+ dims[0] = i;
+ }
- xmlNodeSetName(xparam, type->name);
- xmlAddChild(xmlParam, xparam);
- zend_hash_move_forward(data->value.ht);
- }
+ add_xml_array_elements(xmlParam, type, enc, dimension, dims, data, style);
+ efree(dims);
if(style == SOAP_ENCODED)
return xmlParam;
-zval *sdl_convert_zval(encodeType enc, xmlNodePtr data)
- zval *ret;
- ZVAL_STRING(ret, "blah", 1);
- return ret;
-zval *sdl_convert_zval(xmlNodePtr data, sdlTypePtr type)
- found = zend_hash_find(EG(class_table), class_name, class_name_len + 1, (void **)&ce);
- if(found != FAILURE)
- {
- service->type = SOAP_CLASS;
- service->soap_class.ce = ce;
- }
-// this function will take a zval and apply all attributes of sldTypePtr
-zval *sdl_convert_zval_to_zval(zval *data, sdlTypePtr type)
sdlPtr get_sdl(char *uri)
sdlPtr tmp, *hndl;
if (sdl == NULL) {
return NULL;
zend_hash_get_current_data(sdl->bindings, (void **) &binding) == SUCCESS;
trav = definitions->children;
FOREACHNODE(trav, "import", import)
php_error(E_ERROR, "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: No binding element with name \"%s\"", ctype);
if(ns) efree(ns); if(ctype) efree(ctype);
if(tmpbinding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP)
sdlSoapBindingPtr soapBinding;
xmlNodePtr soapBindingNode;
xmlAttrPtr tmp;
soapBinding = malloc(sizeof(sdlSoapBinding));
memset(soapBinding, 0, sizeof(sdlSoapBinding));
if(strcmp(tmp->children->content, WSDL_HTTP_TRANSPORT))
php_error(E_ERROR, "SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: PHP-SOAP doesn't support transport '%s'", tmp->children->content);
soapBinding->transport = strdup(tmp->children->content);
tmpbinding->bindingAttributes = (void *)soapBinding;
function->responseName = malloc(strlen(function->functionName) + strlen("Response") + 1);
- sprintf(function->responseName, "%sResponse\0", function->functionName);
+ sprintf(function->responseName, "%sResponse", function->functionName);
function->responseParameters = malloc(sizeof(HashTable));
zend_hash_init(function->responseParameters, 0, NULL, delete_paramater, 1);
char *name;
char *namens;
- int nullable;
+ int nillable;
int min_occurs;
int max_occurs;
HashTable *elements; /* array of sdlTypePtr */
int load_sdl(char *struri, int force_load);
int load_ms_sdl(char *struri, int force_load);
-encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, char *type);
-encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, char *ns, char *type);
-encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, char *nscat);
-encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type);
-encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, char *ns, char *type);
+encodePtr get_encoder_from_prefix(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, const char *type);
+encodePtr get_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, const char *ns, const char *type);
+encodePtr get_encoder_ex(sdlPtr sdl, const char *nscat);
+encodePtr get_create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const char *ns, const char *type);
+encodePtr create_encoder(sdlPtr sdl, sdlTypePtr cur_type, const char *ns, const char *type);
sdlBindingPtr get_binding_from_type(sdlPtr sdl, int type);
sdlBindingPtr get_binding_from_name(sdlPtr sdl, char *name, char *ns);
void delete_type(void *type);
void delete_attribute(void *attribute);
HashTable *services;
HashTable *overrides;
int cur_uniq_ns;
+ sdlPtr sdl;
+ zend_bool use_soap_error_handler;
#ifdef PHP_WIN32
#define PHP_SOAP_API __declspec(dllexport)
# define SOAP_GLOBAL(v) (soap_globals.v)
-#define PHP_SOAP_SERVER_CLASSNAME "soapserver"
-#define PHP_SOAP_CLASSNAME "soapobject"
-#define PHP_SOAP_VAR_CLASSNAME "soapvar"
-#define PHP_SOAP_FAULT_CLASSNAME "soapfault"
-#define PHP_SOAP_PARAM_CLASSNAME "soapparam"
-extern zend_module_entry soap_module_entry;
-#define soap_module_ptr & soap_module_entry
- Registry Functions
- TODO: this!
-/* Server Functions */
-/* Client Functions */
-/* SoapVar Functions */
-/* SoapFault Functions */
-/* SoapParam Functions */
#define DECLARE_TRACE(file) \
FILE *trace_fp; \
char *trace_file = file;
fwrite(place, strlen(place), 1, trace_fp); \
-extern zend_class_entry soap_var_class_entry;
+extern zend_class_entry* soap_var_class_entry;
void clear_soap_fault(zval *obj);
void set_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC);
-void add_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC);
+zval* add_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC);
sdlParamPtr get_param(sdlFunctionPtr function, char *param_name, int index, int);
sdlFunctionPtr get_function(sdlBindingPtr sdl, char *function_name);
void delete_url(void *handle);
void delete_mapping(void *data);
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
void soap_call_function_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, zend_property_reference *property_reference);
zval soap_get_property_handler(zend_property_reference *property_reference);
int soap_set_property_handler(zend_property_reference *property_reference, zval *value);
void soap_destructor(void *jobject);
void deseralize_function_call(sdlPtr sdl, xmlDocPtr request, zval *function_name, int *num_params, zval **parameters[] TSRMLS_DC);
xmlDocPtr seralize_response_call(sdlFunctionPtr function, char *function_name,char *uri,zval *ret TSRMLS_DC);
xmlDocPtr seralize_function_call(zval *this_ptr, sdlFunctionPtr function, char *function_name, char *uri, zval **arguments, int arg_count TSRMLS_DC);
xmlNodePtr seralize_parameter(sdlParamPtr param,zval *param_val,int index,char *name, int style TSRMLS_DC);
xmlNodePtr seralize_zval(zval *val, sdlParamPtr param, char *paramName, int style TSRMLS_DC);
-zval *desearlize_zval(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, sdlParamPtr param TSRMLS_DC);
void soap_error_handler(int error_num, const char *error_filename, const uint error_lineno, const char *format, va_list args);
#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
- zend_error_cb = soap_error_handler
+ zend_bool old_handler = SOAP_GLOBAL(use_soap_error_handler);\
+ SOAP_GLOBAL(use_soap_error_handler) = 1;
- zend_error_cb = old_handler
+ SOAP_GLOBAL(use_soap_error_handler) = old_handler
#define FOREACHATTRNODE(n,c,i) \
return php_stream_locate_url_wrapper(filename, NULL, STREAM_LOCATE_WRAPPERS_ONLY TSRMLS_CC) ? 1 : 0;
void *php_stream_xmlIO_open_wrapper(const char *filename)
- return php_stream_open_wrapper(filename, "rb", ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE|REPORT_ERRORS, NULL);
+ return php_stream_open_wrapper((char*)filename, "rb", ENFORCE_SAFE_MODE|REPORT_ERRORS, NULL);
int php_stream_xmlIO_read(void *context, char *buffer, int len)
xmlAttrPtr get_attribute_ex(xmlAttrPtr node, char *name, char *ns)
xmlAttrPtr trav = node;
- if(node == NULL) return NULL;
- do {
+ while (trav!=NULL) {
if(attr_is_equal_ex(trav, name, ns))
return trav;
- } while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return NULL;
xmlNodePtr get_node_ex(xmlNodePtr node, char *name, char *ns)
xmlNodePtr trav = node;
- if(node == NULL) return NULL;
- do {
+ while (trav!=NULL) {
if(node_is_equal_ex(trav, name, ns))
return trav;
- } while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return NULL;
xmlNodePtr get_node_recurisve_ex(xmlNodePtr node, char *name, char *ns)
xmlNodePtr trav = node;
- if(node == NULL) return NULL;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(node_is_equal_ex(trav, name, ns))
return trav;
return tmp;
- } while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return NULL;
xmlNodePtr trav = node, cur = NULL;
xmlAttrPtr attr;
- if(node == NULL) return NULL;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(name != NULL)
cur = get_node_ex(trav, name, name_ns);
return tmp;
- }while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return NULL;
xmlNodePtr trav = node, cur;
xmlAttrPtr attr;
- if(node == NULL) return NULL;
- do
- {
+ while (trav != NULL) {
if(name != NULL)
cur = get_node_recurisve_ex(trav, name, name_ns);
return tmp;
- }while(trav = trav->next);
+ trav = trav->next;
+ }
return NULL;
return ret;
-int parse_namespace(char *inval, char **value, char **namespace)
+int parse_namespace(const char *inval, char **value, char **namespace)
char *found = strchr(inval, ':');
- if(found != NULL)
+ if(found != NULL && found != inval)
(*namespace) = estrndup(inval, found - inval);
(*value) = estrdup(++found);
return FALSE;
xmlNodePtr get_node_recurisve_ex(xmlNodePtr node,char *name, char *ns);
xmlNodePtr get_node_with_attribute_ex(xmlNodePtr node, char *name, char *name_ns, char *attribute, char *value, char *attr_ns);
xmlNodePtr get_node_with_attribute_recursive_ex(xmlNodePtr node, char *name, char *name_ns, char *attribute, char *value, char *attr_ns);
-int parse_namespace(char *inval,char **value,char **namespace);
+int parse_namespace(const char *inval,char **value,char **namespace);
xmlNodePtr check_and_resolve_href(xmlNodePtr data);
int php_stream_xmlIO_match_wrapper(const char *filename);
#include "config.h"
#include "php_soap.h"
+#include "ext/session/php_session.h"
int le_sdl = 0;
int le_url = 0;
static void function_to_string(sdlFunctionPtr function, smart_str *buf);
static void type_to_string(sdlTypePtr type, smart_str *buf, int level);
-static zend_class_entry soap_class_entry;
-static zend_class_entry soap_server_class_entry;
-static zend_class_entry soap_fault_class_entry;
-zend_class_entry soap_var_class_entry;
-zend_class_entry soap_param_class_entry;
+static zend_class_entry* soap_class_entry;
+static zend_class_entry* soap_server_class_entry;
+static zend_class_entry* soap_fault_class_entry;
+zend_class_entry* soap_var_class_entry;
+zend_class_entry* soap_param_class_entry;
-static void (*old_handler)(int, const char *, const uint, const char*, va_list);
+static void (*old_error_handler)(int, const char *, const uint, const char*, va_list);
+#define PHP_SOAP_SERVER_CLASSNAME "soapserver"
+#define PHP_SOAP_CLASSNAME "soapobject"
+#define PHP_SOAP_VAR_CLASSNAME "soapvar"
+#define PHP_SOAP_FAULT_CLASSNAME "soapfault"
+#define PHP_SOAP_PARAM_CLASSNAME "soapparam"
+extern zend_module_entry soap_module_entry;
+#define soap_module_ptr & soap_module_entry
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+# ifndef PHP_METHOD
+# define PHP_METHOD(classname, name) ZEND_NAMED_FUNCTION(ZEND_FN(classname##_##name))
+# define PHP_ME(classname, name, arg_info, flags) ZEND_NAMED_FE(name, ZEND_FN(classname##_##name), arg_info)
+# endif
+static char *zend_str_tolower_copy(char *dest, const char *source, unsigned int length)
+ register unsigned char *str = (unsigned char*)source;
+ register unsigned char *result = (unsigned char*)dest;
+ register unsigned char *end = str + length;
+ while (str < end) {
+ *result++ = tolower((int)*str++);
+ }
+ *result = *end;
+ return dest;
+ Registry Functions
+ TODO: this!
+/* Server Functions */
+/* Client Functions */
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, soapobject);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __use);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __style);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __isfault);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getfault);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __call);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __trace);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getfunctions);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __gettypes);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getlastresponse);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getlastrequest);
+/* SoapVar Functions */
+PHP_METHOD(soapvar, soapvar);
+/* SoapFault Functions */
+PHP_METHOD(soapfault, soapfault);
+/* SoapParam Functions */
+PHP_METHOD(soapparam, soapparam);
static zend_function_entry soap_functions[] = {
PHP_FE(soap_encode_to_xml, NULL)
PHP_FE(soap_encode_to_zval, NULL)
+ PHP_FE(use_soap_error_handler, NULL)
static zend_function_entry soap_fault_functions[] = {
- PHP_FE(soapfault, NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapfault, soapfault, NULL, 0)
static zend_function_entry soap_server_functions[] = {
- PHP_FE(soapserver,NULL)
- PHP_FE(setpersistence,NULL)
- PHP_FE(setclass,NULL)
- PHP_FE(addfunction,NULL)
- PHP_FE(getfunctions,NULL)
- PHP_FE(handle,NULL)
- PHP_FE(bind,NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, soapserver, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, setpersistence, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, setclass, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, addfunction, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, getfunctions, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, handle, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, bind, NULL, 0)
- PHP_FE(map, NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapserver, map, NULL, 0)
static zend_function_entry soap_client_functions[] = {
- PHP_FE(soapobject, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__isfault, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__getfault, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__use, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__style, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__call, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__parse, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__generate, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__trace, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__headerclass, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__headerfunction, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__getlastrequest, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__getlastresponse, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__getfunctions, NULL)
- PHP_FE(__gettypes, NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, soapobject, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __isfault, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __getfault, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __use, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __style, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __call, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __trace, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __getlastrequest, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __getlastresponse, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __getfunctions, NULL, 0)
+ PHP_ME(soapobject, __gettypes, NULL, 0)
static zend_function_entry soap_var_functions[] = {
- PHP_FE(soapvar, NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapvar, soapvar, NULL, 0)
static zend_function_entry soap_param_functions[] = {
- PHP_FE(soapparam, NULL)
+ PHP_ME(soapparam, soapparam, NULL, 0)
zend_hash_add(soap_globals->defEncPrefix, APACHE_NS_PREFIX, sizeof(APACHE_NS_PREFIX), APACHE_NAMESPACE, sizeof(APACHE_NAMESPACE), NULL);
zend_hash_add(soap_globals->defEncPrefix, SOAP_ENC_NS_PREFIX, sizeof(SOAP_ENC_NS_PREFIX), SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE, sizeof(SOAP_ENC_NAMESPACE), NULL);
+ soap_globals->use_soap_error_handler = 0;
+ soap_globals->sdl = NULL;
static void php_soap_del_globals(zend_soap_globals *soap_globals)
+ zend_error_cb = old_error_handler;
+ zend_class_entry ce;
/* TODO: add ini entry for always use soap errors */
ZEND_INIT_MODULE_GLOBALS(soap, php_soap_init_globals, php_soap_del_globals);
xmlRegisterInputCallbacks(php_stream_xmlIO_match_wrapper, php_stream_xmlIO_open_wrapper,
php_stream_xmlIO_read, php_stream_xmlIO_close);
/* Register SoapObject class */
- /* BIG NOTE : THIS EMITS AN COMPILATION WARNING UNDER ZE2 - handle_function_call deprecated.
+ /* BIG NOTE : THIS EMITS AN COMPILATION WARNING UNDER ZE2 - handle_function_call deprecated.
soap_call_function_handler should be of type struct _zend_function, not (*handle_function_call).
- INIT_OVERLOADED_CLASS_ENTRY(soap_class_entry, PHP_SOAP_CLASSNAME, soap_client_functions, soap_call_function_handler, NULL, NULL);
- zend_register_internal_class(&soap_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);
+#ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+ {
+ zend_internal_function fe;
+ fe.handler = zif_soapobject___call;
+ fe.function_name = NULL;
+ fe.scope = NULL;
+ fe.fn_flags = 0;
+ fe.prototype = NULL;
+ fe.num_args = 2;
+ fe.arg_info = NULL;
+ fe.pass_rest_by_reference = 0;
+ (zend_function *)&fe, NULL, NULL);
+ soap_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
+ INIT_OVERLOADED_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, PHP_SOAP_CLASSNAME, soap_client_functions, soap_call_function_handler, NULL, NULL);
+ soap_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
/* Register SoapVar class */
- INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(soap_var_class_entry, PHP_SOAP_VAR_CLASSNAME, soap_var_functions);
- zend_register_internal_class(&soap_var_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);
+ INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, PHP_SOAP_VAR_CLASSNAME, soap_var_functions);
+ soap_var_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
/* Register SoapServer class */
- INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(soap_server_class_entry, PHP_SOAP_SERVER_CLASSNAME, soap_server_functions);
- zend_register_internal_class(&soap_server_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);
+ INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, PHP_SOAP_SERVER_CLASSNAME, soap_server_functions);
+ soap_server_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
/* Register SoapFault class */
- INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(soap_fault_class_entry, PHP_SOAP_FAULT_CLASSNAME, soap_fault_functions);
- zend_register_internal_class(&soap_fault_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);
+ INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, PHP_SOAP_FAULT_CLASSNAME, soap_fault_functions);
+ soap_fault_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
/* Register SoapParam class */
- INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(soap_param_class_entry, PHP_SOAP_PARAM_CLASSNAME, soap_param_functions);
- zend_register_internal_class(&soap_param_class_entry TSRMLS_CC);
+ INIT_CLASS_ENTRY(ce, PHP_SOAP_PARAM_CLASSNAME, soap_param_functions);
+ soap_param_class_entry = zend_register_internal_class(&ce TSRMLS_CC);
le_sdl = register_list_destructors(NULL, NULL);
le_url = register_list_destructors(delete_url, NULL);
- old_handler = zend_error_cb;
+ old_error_handler = zend_error_cb;
+ zend_error_cb = soap_error_handler;
php_session_register_serializer("soap", PS_SERIALIZER_ENCODE_NAME(soap), PS_SERIALIZER_DECODE_NAME(soap));
/* SoapParam functions */
zval *thisObj, *data;
char *name;
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
add_property_stringl(thisObj, "param_name", name, name_length, 1);
add_property_zval(thisObj, "param_data", data);
/* SoapFault functions */
char *fault_string = NULL, *fault_code = NULL, *fault_actor = NULL;
int fault_string_len, fault_code_len, fault_actor_len;
- if(details)
- zval_add_ref(&details);
set_soap_fault(thisObj, fault_code, fault_string, fault_actor, details TSRMLS_CC);
/* SoapVar functions */
zval *data, *thisObj, *type;
char *stype = NULL, *ns = NULL, *name = NULL, *namens = NULL;
if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z!z|ssss", &data, &type, &stype, &stype_len, &ns, &ns_len, &name, &name_len, &namens, &namens_len) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapVal constructor");
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapVar constructor");
- zval_add_ref(&data);
if(Z_TYPE_P(type) == IS_NULL)
add_property_long(thisObj, "enc_type", UNKNOWN_TYPE);
php_error(E_ERROR, "Cannot find encoding for SoapVar");
- add_property_zval(thisObj, "enc_value", data);
+ if (data) {
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+ zval_add_ref(&data);
+ add_property_zval(thisObj, "enc_value", data);
+ }
if(stype && strlen(stype) > 0)
add_property_stringl(thisObj, "enc_stype", stype, stype_len, 1);
/* SoapServer functions */
zval *thisObj;
soapServicePtr service;
- if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &uri, &uri_len) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Wrong number of parameters to SoapServer constructor");
+ if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s", &uri, &uri_len) == FAILURE) {
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapServer constructor");
+ }
(zval && Z_TYPE_P(zval) != IS_NULL)
char *type, *class_name;
zval *to_xml_before = NULL, *to_xml = NULL, *to_xml_after = NULL,
char *wsdl;
int wsdl_len;
soapServicePtr service;
int value;
if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &value) != FAILURE)
service->soap_class.persistance = value;
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to set persistence with bogus value (%ld)", value);
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to set persistence with bogus value (%d)", value);
php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to set persistence when you are using you SOAP SERVER in function mode, no persistence needed");
soapServicePtr service;
zend_class_entry *ce;
if(found != FAILURE)
service->type = SOAP_CLASS;
+#ifdef ZEND_ENGINE_2
+ service->soap_class.ce = *(zend_class_entry**)ce;
service->soap_class.ce = ce;
service->soap_class.persistance = SOAP_PERSISTENCE_REQUEST;
service->soap_class.argc = argc - 1;
if(service->soap_class.argc > 0)
php_error(E_ERROR, "You must pass in a string to setclass");
- soapServicePtr service;
- HashPosition pos;
+ soapServicePtr service;
+ HashTable *ft = NULL;
- if(service->type == SOAP_CLASS)
- {
- zend_function *f;
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(&service->soap_class.ce->function_table, &pos);
- while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(&service->soap_class.ce->function_table, (void **)&f, &pos) != FAILURE)
+ if (service->type == SOAP_CLASS) {
+ ft = &service->soap_class.ce->function_table;
+ } else if (service->soap_functions.functions_all == TRUE) {
+ ft = EG(function_table);
+ } else if (service->soap_functions.ft != NULL) {
+ zval **name;
+ HashPosition pos;
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(service->soap_functions.ft, &pos);
+ while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(service->soap_functions.ft, (void **)&name, &pos) != FAILURE)
- add_next_index_string(return_value, f->common.function_name, 1);
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(&service->soap_class.ce->function_table, &pos);
+ add_next_index_string(return_value, Z_STRVAL_PP(name), 1);
+ zend_hash_move_forward_ex(service->soap_functions.ft, &pos);
- else if(service->soap_functions.functions_all == TRUE)
- {
+ if (ft != NULL) {
zend_function *f;
- zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(EG(function_table), &pos);
- while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(EG(function_table), (void **)&f, &pos) != FAILURE)
+ HashPosition pos;
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ft, &pos);
+ while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ft, (void **)&f, &pos) != FAILURE)
add_next_index_string(return_value, f->common.function_name, 1);
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(EG(function_table), &pos);
+ zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ft, &pos);
- else if(service->soap_functions.ft != NULL)
- zend_hash_copy(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), service->soap_functions.ft, (copy_ctor_func_t) zval_add_ref, NULL, sizeof(zval *));
+PHP_METHOD(soapserver, addfunction)
soapServicePtr service;
zval *function_name, *function_copy;
php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid parameters passed to addfunction");
/* TODO: could use zend_is_callable here */
if(function_name->type == IS_ARRAY)
if(service->type == SOAP_FUNCTIONS)
if(service->soap_functions.ft == NULL)
+ service->soap_functions.functions_all = FALSE;
service->soap_functions.ft = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
zend_hash_init(service->soap_functions.ft, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(function_name), &pos);
while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(function_name), (void **)&tmp_function, &pos) != FAILURE)
+ char *key;
+ int key_len;
+ zend_function *f;
if(Z_TYPE_PP(tmp_function) != IS_STRING)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to add a function that isn't a string");
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(function_copy);
- *function_copy = *(*tmp_function);
- zval_copy_ctor(function_copy);
- php_strtolower(Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy));
+ key_len = Z_STRLEN_PP(tmp_function);
+ key = emalloc(key_len + 1);
+ zend_str_tolower_copy(key, Z_STRVAL_PP(tmp_function), key_len);
- if(zend_hash_exists(EG(function_table), Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy) + 1) == FALSE)
+ if(zend_hash_find(EG(function_table), key, key_len+1, (void**)&f) == FAILURE)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to add a non existant function (\"%s\")", Z_STRVAL_PP(tmp_function));
- zend_hash_update(service->soap_functions.ft, Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy) + 1, &function_copy, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(function_copy);
+ ZVAL_STRING(function_copy, f->common.function_name, 1);
+ zend_hash_update(service->soap_functions.ft, key, key_len+1, &function_copy, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ efree(key);
zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(function_name), &pos);
else if(function_name->type == IS_STRING)
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(function_copy);
- *function_copy = *function_name;
- zval_copy_ctor(function_copy);
+ char *key;
+ int key_len;
+ zend_function *f;
- php_strtolower(Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy));
+ key_len = Z_STRLEN_P(function_name);
+ key = emalloc(key_len + 1);
+ zend_str_tolower_copy(key, Z_STRVAL_P(function_name), key_len);
- if(zend_hash_exists(EG(function_table), Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy) + 1) == FALSE)
+ if(zend_hash_find(EG(function_table), key, key_len+1, (void**)&f) == FAILURE)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Tried to add a non existant function (\"%s\")", Z_STRVAL_P(function_name));
if(service->soap_functions.ft == NULL)
zend_hash_init(service->soap_functions.ft, 0, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
- zend_hash_update(service->soap_functions.ft, Z_STRVAL_P(function_copy), Z_STRLEN_P(function_copy) + 1, &function_copy, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(function_copy);
+ ZVAL_STRING(function_copy, f->common.function_name, 1);
+ zend_hash_update(service->soap_functions.ft, key, key_len+1, &function_copy, sizeof(zval *), NULL);
+ efree(key);
else if(function_name->type == IS_LONG)
+PHP_METHOD(soapserver, handle)
soapServicePtr service;
xmlDocPtr doc_request, doc_return;
xmlChar *buf;
HashTable *function_table;
if(zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_SERVER", sizeof("_SERVER"), (void **)&server_vars) == SUCCESS)
if(!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_PP(req_method), "GET") && zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(server_vars), "QUERY_STRING", sizeof("QUERY_STRING"), (void **)&query_string) == SUCCESS)
- if(!strcmp(Z_STRVAL_PP(query_string), "WSDL"))
+ if(strstr(Z_STRVAL_PP(query_string), "wsdl") != NULL ||
+ strstr(Z_STRVAL_PP(query_string), "WSDL") != NULL)
+ char *hdr = emalloc(sizeof("Location: ")+strlen(service->sdl->source));
+ strcpy(hdr,"Location: ");
+ strcat(hdr,service->sdl->source);
+ sapi_add_header(hdr, sizeof("Location: ")+strlen(service->sdl->source)-1, 1);
+ efree(hdr);
zval readfile, readfile_ret, *param;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "WSDL generation is not supported yet");
+ sapi_add_header("Content-Type: text/xml", sizeof("Content-Type: text/xml"), 1);
+ PUTS("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<definitions\n");
+ PUTS(" xmlns=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/\"\n");
+ PUTS(" targetNamespace=\"");
+ PUTS(service->uri);
+ PUTS("\">\n");
+ PUTS("</definitions>");
doc_request = xmlParseMemory(Z_STRVAL_PP(raw_post),Z_STRLEN_PP(raw_post));
+ if (doc_request == NULL) {
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Bad Request");
+ }
+ SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl) = service->sdl;
deseralize_function_call(service->sdl, doc_request, &function_name, &num_params, ¶ms TSRMLS_CC);
if(service->type == SOAP_CLASS)
- {
+ {
soap_obj = NULL;
/* If persistent then set soap_obj from from the previous created session (if available) */
if(service->soap_class.persistance == SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION)
zval **tmp_soap;
- /*
- Try and call session regiser for our dummy session object
- The only reason that i use call_user_function is that
- their isn't a way to start the session from an extension
- so calling session_register will both register the var
- and start the session
- */
- {
- zval *bogus_session_name, session_register, sess_retval;
- INIT_ZVAL(session_register);
- INIT_ZVAL(sess_retval);
- if(!zend_ini_long("register_globals", sizeof("register_globals"), 0))
- php_error(E_ERROR, "PHP-SOAP requires 'register_globals' to be on when using persistent objects please check your php.ini file");
- MAKE_STD_ZVAL(bogus_session_name);
- ZVAL_STRING(bogus_session_name, "_bogus_session_name", 1);
- ZVAL_STRING(&session_register, "session_register", 1);
- if(call_user_function(EG(function_table), NULL, &session_register, &sess_retval, 1, &bogus_session_name TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR,"session_register failed");
- zval_ptr_dtor(&bogus_session_name);
- zval_dtor(&session_register);
- zval_dtor(&sess_retval);
+ if (PS(session_status) != php_session_active &&
+ PS(session_status) != php_session_disabled) {
+ php_session_start(TSRMLS_C);
/* Find the soap object and assign */
- if(zend_hash_find(&EG(symbol_table), "_bogus_session_name", sizeof("_bogus_session_name"), (void **) &tmp_soap) == SUCCESS)
+ if (zend_hash_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(PS(http_session_vars)), "_bogus_session_name", sizeof("_bogus_session_name"), (void **) &tmp_soap) == SUCCESS) {
soap_obj = *tmp_soap;
+ }
/* If new session or something wierd happned */
zval *tmp_soap;
object_init_ex(tmp_soap, service->soap_class.ce);
/* Call constructor */
if(zend_hash_exists(&Z_OBJCE_P(tmp_soap)->function_table, service->soap_class.ce->name, strlen(service->soap_class.ce->name) + 1))
if(service->soap_class.persistance == SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION)
zval **tmp_soap_pp;
- if(zend_hash_update(&EG(symbol_table), "_bogus_session_name", sizeof("_bogus_session_name"), &tmp_soap, sizeof(zval *), (void **)&tmp_soap_pp) == SUCCESS)
+ if(zend_hash_update(Z_ARRVAL_P(PS(http_session_vars)), "_bogus_session_name", sizeof("_bogus_session_name"), &tmp_soap, sizeof(zval *), (void **)&tmp_soap_pp) == SUCCESS)
soap_obj = *tmp_soap_pp;
php_error(E_ERROR, "Function (%s) call failed", Z_STRVAL(function_name));
/* Flush buffer */
php_end_ob_buffer(0, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
int buffer_len;
+ if (!SOAP_GLOBAL(use_soap_error_handler)) {
+ old_error_handler(error_num, error_filename, error_lineno, format, args);
+ return;
+ }
buffer_len = vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, format, args);
if(buffer_len > sizeof(buffer) - 1 || buffer_len < 0) {
doc_return = seralize_response_call(NULL, NULL, NULL, &ret TSRMLS_CC);
/* Build and send our headers + http 500 status */
- /*
+ /*
xmlDocDumpMemoryEnc(doc_return, &buf, &size, XML_CHAR_ENCODING_UTF8);
xmlDocDumpMemory(doc_return, &buf, &size);
sapi_add_header(cont_len, strlen(cont_len) + 1, 1);
sapi_add_header("Content-Type: text/xml", sizeof("Content-Type: text/xml"), 1);
- /*
+ /*
Want to return HTTP 500 but apache wants to over write
our fault code with their own handling... Figure this out later
sapi_add_header("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Service Error", sizeof("HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Service Error"), 1);
+ zend_bool handler = 1;
+ if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "|b", &handler) == SUCCESS)
+ {
+ SOAP_GLOBAL(use_soap_error_handler) = handler;
+ }
/* SoapObject functions */
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, soapobject)
char *location, *uri = NULL;
int location_len, uri_len = 0;
- char *classname, *ns;
- int classname_len, ns_len;
- if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ss", &classname, &classname_len, &ns, &ns_len) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapObject->__headerclass");
- char *functionname, *headername, *ns;
- int functionname_len, *headername_len, ns_len;
- if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sss", &functionname, &functionname_len, &headername,
- &headername_len, &ns, &ns_len) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapObject->__headerfunction");
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __use)
int use;
zval *thisObj;
if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "l", &use) == FAILURE)
php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapObject->__use");
- if(use == SOAP_DOCUMENT || use == SOAP_LITERAL)
+ if(use == SOAP_ENCODED || use == SOAP_LITERAL)
add_property_long(thisObj, "use", use);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __style)
int style;
zval *thisObj;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __trace)
int level;
zval *thisObj;
+static void do_soap_call(zval* thisObj,
+ char* function,
+ int function_len,
+ int arg_count,
+ zval** real_args,
+ zval* return_value)
- char *function, *soap_action, *uri;
- int function_len, soap_action_len, uri_len, i = 0;
- zval *args;
- zval **real_args;
- zval **param;
+ zval **tmp;
+ zval **trace;
+ sdlPtr sdl = NULL;
+ sdlFunctionPtr fn;
xmlDocPtr request = NULL;
- int arg_count;
- xmlChar *buf;
- int size;
- sdlPtr sdl;
- HashPosition pos;
- if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sa|ss",
- &function, &function_len, &args, &soap_action, &soap_action_len, &uri, &uri_len) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapObject->__generate");
- arg_count = zend_hash_num_elements(Z_ARRVAL_P(args));
- real_args = emalloc(sizeof(zval *) * arg_count);
- for(zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(args), &pos);
- zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(args), (void **) ¶m, &pos) == SUCCESS;
- zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(args), &pos))
- {
- zval_add_ref(param);
- real_args[i++] = *param;
- }
- if(sdl)
- {
- sdlBindingPtr binding;
- sdlFunctionPtr sdlFunction;
- FETCH_THIS_PORT(binding);
- php_strtolower(function, function_len);
- sdlFunction = get_function(binding, function);
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, sdlFunction, NULL, uri, real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- else
- {
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, NULL, function, uri, real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- xmlDocDumpMemory(request, &buf, &size);
- ZVAL_STRINGL(return_value, buf, size, 1);
- xmlFree(buf);
- char *message, *function;
- int message_len, function_len;
- int num_params;
- zval **ret_params = NULL;
- sdlPtr sdl;
- sdlFunctionPtr fn;
- if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "s|s", &message, &message_len, &function, &function_len) == FAILURE) {
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Invalid arguments to SoapObject->__parse");
- }
- if (sdl != NULL) {
- sdlBindingPtr binding;
- FETCH_THIS_PORT(binding);
- fn = get_function(binding, function);
- if (fn != NULL) {
- parse_packet_soap(getThis(), message, message_len, fn, NULL, &ret_params, &num_params TSRMLS_CC);
+ char *buffer;
+ int len;
+ int ret = FALSE;
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "trace", sizeof("trace"), (void **) &trace) == SUCCESS
+ && Z_LVAL_PP(trace) > 0) {
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "__last_request", sizeof("__last_request"));
+ zend_hash_del(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "__last_response", sizeof("__last_response"));
+ }
+ if (FIND_SDL_PROPERTY(thisObj,tmp) != FAILURE) {
+ FETCH_SDL_RES(sdl,tmp);
+ }
+ clear_soap_fault(thisObj);
+zend_try {
+ SOAP_GLOBAL(sdl) = sdl;
+ if (sdl != NULL) {
+ sdlBindingPtr binding;
+ zval* this_ptr = thisObj;
+ FETCH_THIS_PORT(binding);
+ php_strtolower(function, function_len);
+ fn = get_function(binding, function);
+ if(fn != NULL) {
+ if(binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP) {
+ sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr fnb = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)fn->bindingAttributes;
+ request = seralize_function_call(thisObj, fn, NULL, fnb->input.ns, real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
+ ret = send_http_soap_request(thisObj, request, fnb->soapAction TSRMLS_CC);
+ } else {
+ request = seralize_function_call(thisObj, fn, NULL, sdl->target_ns, real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
+ ret = send_http_soap_request(thisObj, request, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
+ }
+ xmlFreeDoc(request);
+ if (ret) {
+ ret = get_http_soap_response(thisObj, &buffer, &len TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (ret) {
+ parse_packet_soap(thisObj, buffer, len, fn, NULL, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
+ efree(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ php_error(E_WARNING,"Function (\"%s\") not is not a valid method for this service", function);
+ }
+ } else {
+ zval **uri;
+ smart_str *action;
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "uri", sizeof("uri"), (void *)&uri) == FAILURE)
+ php_error(E_ERROR, "Error finding uri in soap_call_function_handler");
+ request = seralize_function_call(thisObj, NULL, function, Z_STRVAL_PP(uri), real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
+ action = build_soap_action(thisObj, function);
+ ret = send_http_soap_request(thisObj, request, action->c TSRMLS_CC);
+ smart_str_free(action);
+ efree(action);
+ xmlFreeDoc(request);
+ if (ret) {
+ ret = get_http_soap_response(thisObj, &buffer, &len TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (ret) {
+ ret = parse_packet_soap(thisObj, buffer, len, NULL, function, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
+ efree(buffer);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } zend_catch {
+ ret = FALSE;
+ } zend_end_try();
+ if (!ret) {
+ zval** fault;
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "__soap_fault", sizeof("__soap_fault"), (void **) &fault) == SUCCESS) {
+ *return_value = **fault;
+ } else {
+ *return_value = *add_soap_fault(thisObj, "SOAP-ENV:Client", "Unknown Error", NULL, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
- } else {
- parse_packet_soap(getThis(), message, message_len, NULL, function, &ret_params, &num_params TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- if (num_params > 0) {
- *return_value = *ret_params[0];
- /* zval_add_ref(&return_value); */
- } else {
- ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
- }
- if (ret_params) {
- FREE_ZVAL(ret_params[0]);
- efree(ret_params);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __call)
char *function, *soap_action, *uri;
int function_len, soap_action_len, uri_len, i = 0;
zval *args;
zval **real_args;
zval **param;
- xmlDocPtr request = NULL;
- int num_params, arg_count;
- zval **ret_params = NULL;
- char *buffer;
- int len;
+ int arg_count;
+ zval *thisObj;
HashPosition pos;
if(zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "sa|ss",
zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(args), (void **) ¶m, &pos) == SUCCESS;
zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(args), &pos))
- zval_add_ref(param);
+ /*zval_add_ref(param);*/
real_args[i++] = *param;
+ do_soap_call(thisObj, function, function_len, arg_count, real_args, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, NULL, function, uri, real_args, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- send_http_soap_request(getThis(), request, function, soap_action TSRMLS_CC);
- xmlFreeDoc(request);
- get_http_soap_response(getThis(), &buffer, &len TSRMLS_CC);
- parse_packet_soap(getThis(), buffer, len, NULL, function, &ret_params, &num_params TSRMLS_CC);
- efree(buffer);
- if(num_params > 0) {
- *return_value = *ret_params[0];
- /* zval_add_ref(&return_value); */
- } else {
- ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
- }
- if (ret_params) {
- FREE_ZVAL(ret_params[0]);
- efree(ret_params);
- }
+ efree(real_args);
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __isfault)
zval *thisObj;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getfault)
zval *thisObj;
zval **tmp;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getfunctions)
sdlPtr sdl;
zval *thisObj;
smart_str buf = {0};
sdlFunctionPtr *function;
sdlBindingPtr binding;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __gettypes)
sdlPtr sdl;
zval *thisObj;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getlastrequest)
zval *thisObj;
zval **tmp;
+PHP_METHOD(soapobject, __getlastresponse)
zval *thisObj;
zval **tmp;
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
void soap_call_function_handler(INTERNAL_FUNCTION_PARAMETERS, zend_property_reference *property_reference)
pval *object = property_reference->object;
- /*
+ /*
Find if the function being called is already defined...
( IMHO: zend should handle this functionality )
- zval **arguments = (zval **) emalloc(sizeof(zval *) * ZEND_NUM_ARGS());
int arg_count = ZEND_NUM_ARGS();
- xmlDocPtr request = NULL;
- sdlPtr sdl;
- sdlFunctionPtr fn;
+ zval **arguments = (zval **) emalloc(sizeof(zval *) * arg_count);
zend_get_parameters_array(ht, arg_count, arguments);
- clear_soap_fault(thisObj);
- if (sdl != NULL) {
- sdlBindingPtr binding;
- FETCH_THIS_PORT(binding);
- fn = get_function(binding, function);
- if(fn != NULL)
- {
- int num_params;
- zval **ret_params = NULL;
- char *buffer;
- char *ns;
- int len;
- if(binding->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP)
- {
- sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr fnb = (sdlSoapBindingFunctionPtr)fn->bindingAttributes;
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, fn, NULL, fnb->input.ns, arguments, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- send_http_soap_request(getThis(), request, fn->functionName, fnb->soapAction TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- else
- {
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, fn, NULL, sdl->target_ns, arguments, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- send_http_soap_request(getThis(), request, fn->functionName, NULL TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- xmlFreeDoc(request);
- get_http_soap_response(getThis(), &buffer, &len TSRMLS_CC);
- parse_packet_soap(getThis(), buffer, len, fn, NULL, &ret_params, &num_params TSRMLS_CC);
- efree(buffer);
- if(num_params > 0) {
- *return_value = *ret_params[0];
- /* zval_add_ref(&return_value); */
- } else {
- ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
- }
- if (ret_params) {
- FREE_ZVAL(ret_params[0]);
- efree(ret_params);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- php_error(E_WARNING,"Function (\"%s\") not is not a valid method for this service", function);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- int num_params;
- zval **ret_params = NULL;
- zval **uri;
- smart_str *action;
- char *buffer;
- int len;
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(thisObj), "uri", sizeof("uri"), (void *)&uri) == FAILURE)
- php_error(E_ERROR, "Error finding uri in soap_call_function_handler");
- request = seralize_function_call(this_ptr, NULL, function, Z_STRVAL_PP(uri), arguments, arg_count TSRMLS_CC);
- action = build_soap_action(thisObj, function);
- send_http_soap_request(getThis(), request, function, action->c TSRMLS_CC);
- smart_str_free(action);
- efree(action);
- xmlFreeDoc(request);
- get_http_soap_response(getThis(), &buffer, &len TSRMLS_CC);
- parse_packet_soap(getThis(), buffer, len, NULL, function, &ret_params, &num_params TSRMLS_CC);
- efree(buffer);
- if(num_params > 0) {
- *return_value = *ret_params[0];
- /* zval_add_ref(&return_value); */
- } else {
- ZVAL_NULL(return_value);
- }
- if (ret_params) {
- FREE_ZVAL(ret_params[0]);
- efree(ret_params);
- }
- }
+ do_soap_call(thisObj, function, Z_STRLEN(function_name->element) + 1, arg_count, arguments, return_value TSRMLS_CC);
void clear_soap_fault(zval *obj)
-void add_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC)
+zval* add_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC)
zval *fault;
set_soap_fault(fault, fault_string, fault_code, fault_actor, fault_detail TSRMLS_CC);
add_property_zval(obj, "__soap_fault", fault);
+ return fault;
void set_soap_fault(zval *obj, char *fault_code, char *fault_string, char *fault_actor, zval *fault_detail TSRMLS_DC)
if(Z_TYPE_P(obj) != IS_OBJECT)
- object_init_ex(obj, &soap_fault_class_entry);
+ object_init_ex(obj, soap_fault_class_entry);
if(fault_string != NULL)
add_property_string(obj, "faultstring", fault_string, 1);
if(fault_detail != NULL)
+#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
add_property_zval(obj, "detail", fault_detail);
xmlNodePtr trav,trav2,trav3,trav4,env,body;
int cur_param = 0,num_of_params = 0;
+ ZVAL_EMPTY_STRING(function_name);
trav = request->children;
enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
enc = (*param)->encode;
tmp_parameters[cur_param] = master_to_zval(enc, trav4);
xmlNs *ns;
sdlParamPtr parameter = NULL;
smart_str *gen_ns = NULL;
+ int param_count;
doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, NULL, "SOAP-ENV:Envelope", NULL);
envelope = doc->children;
+ /*TODO: if use="literal" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle is not need */
+//???if($style == 'rpc' && $use == 'encoded') {
xmlSetProp(envelope, "SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/");
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:SOAP-ENC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/");
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
body = xmlNewChild(envelope, ns, "Body", NULL);
if(Z_TYPE_P(ret) == IS_OBJECT &&
- Z_OBJCE_P(ret)->refcount == soap_fault_class_entry.refcount)
+ Z_OBJCE_P(ret) == soap_fault_class_entry)
param = seralize_zval(ret, NULL, "SOAP-ENV:Fault", SOAP_ENCODED TSRMLS_CC);
xmlAddChild(body, param);
ns = xmlNewNs(method, uri, NULL);
- parameter = get_param(function, NULL, 0, TRUE);
- if(Z_TYPE_P(ret) == IS_OBJECT &&
- Z_OBJCE_P(ret)->refcount == soap_param_class_entry.refcount)
- {
- zval **ret_name;
- zval **ret_data;
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(ret), "param_name", sizeof("param_name"), (void **)&ret_name) == SUCCESS &&
- zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(ret), "param_data", sizeof("param_data"), (void **)&ret_data) == SUCCESS)
- param = seralize_parameter(parameter, *ret_data, 0, Z_STRVAL_PP(ret_name), SOAP_ENCODED TSRMLS_CC);
- else
- param = seralize_parameter(parameter, ret, 0, "return", SOAP_ENCODED TSRMLS_CC);
+ if (function != NULL) {
+ param_count = zend_hash_num_elements(function->responseParameters);
+ } else {
+ param_count = 1;
- else
+ if (param_count == 1) {
+ parameter = get_param(function, NULL, 0, TRUE);
param = seralize_parameter(parameter, ret, 0, "return", SOAP_ENCODED TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlAddChild(method,param);
+ } else if (param_count > 1 && Z_TYPE_P(ret) == IS_ARRAY) {
+ HashPosition pos;
+ zval **data;
+ int i = 0;
+ zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &pos);
+ while(zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), (void **)&data, &pos) != FAILURE)
+ {
+ char *param_name;
+ int param_name_len;
+ long param_index;
- xmlAddChild(method,param);
+ zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), ¶m_name, ¶m_name_len, ¶m_index, 0, &pos);
+ parameter = get_param(function, param_name, param_index, TRUE);
+ param = seralize_parameter(parameter, *data, i, param_name, SOAP_ENCODED TSRMLS_CC);
+ xmlAddChild(method,param);
+ zend_hash_move_forward_ex(Z_ARRVAL_P(ret), &pos);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
if (gen_ns) {
return doc;
xmlDoc *doc;
xmlNode *envelope, *body, *method;
- xmlNs *ns, *tmpns;
+ xmlNs *ns;
zval **zstyle, **zuse;
int i, style, use;
smart_str *gen_ns;
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:SOAP-ENC", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/");
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:xsd", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema");
xmlSetProp(envelope, "xmlns:xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
ns = xmlNewNs(envelope, "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/", "SOAP-ENV");
body = xmlNewChild(envelope, ns, "Body", NULL);
method = xmlNewChild(body, ns, function_name, NULL);
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "use", sizeof("use"), (void **)&zuse) == SUCCESS)
- use = Z_LVAL_PP(zuse);
- else
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(this_ptr), "use", sizeof("use"), (void **)&zuse) == SUCCESS) {
+ if (Z_LVAL_PP(zuse) == SOAP_LITERAL) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+ }
for(i = 0;i < arg_count;i++)
xmlNodePtr param;
sdlParamPtr parameter = get_param(function, NULL, i, FALSE);
- if(Z_TYPE_P(arguments[i]) == IS_OBJECT &&
- Z_OBJCE_P(arguments[i])->refcount == soap_param_class_entry.refcount)
- {
- zval **ret_name;
- zval **ret_data;
- if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(arguments[i]), "param_name", sizeof("param_name"), (void **)&ret_name) == SUCCESS &&
- zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(arguments[i]), "param_data", sizeof("param_data"), (void **)&ret_data) == SUCCESS)
- param = seralize_parameter(parameter, *ret_data, i, Z_STRVAL_PP(ret_name), use TSRMLS_CC);
- else
- param = seralize_parameter(parameter, arguments[i], i, NULL, use TSRMLS_CC);
- }
- else
- param = seralize_parameter(parameter, arguments[i], i, NULL, use TSRMLS_CC);
+ param = seralize_parameter(parameter, arguments[i], i, NULL, use TSRMLS_CC);
- if(style == SOAP_RPC)
+ if (style == SOAP_RPC) {
xmlAddChild(method, param);
- else if(style == SOAP_DOCUMENT)
- {
+ } else if (style == SOAP_DOCUMENT) {
if(function && function->bindingType == BINDING_SOAP)
sdlParamPtr *sparam;
xmlNodePtr seralize_parameter(sdlParamPtr param, zval *param_val, int index, char *name, int style TSRMLS_DC)
- int type = 0;
char *paramName;
xmlNodePtr xmlParam;
+ if(Z_TYPE_P(param_val) == IS_OBJECT &&
+ Z_OBJCE_P(param_val) == soap_param_class_entry) {
+ zval **param_name;
+ zval **param_data;
+ if(zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(param_val), "param_name", sizeof("param_name"), (void **)¶m_name) == SUCCESS &&
+ zend_hash_find(Z_OBJPROP_P(param_val), "param_data", sizeof("param_data"), (void **)¶m_data) == SUCCESS) {
+ param_val = *param_data;
+ name = Z_STRVAL_PP(param_name);
+ }
+ }
if(param != NULL && param->paramName != NULL)
paramName = estrdup(param->paramName);
return xmlParam;
-zval *desearlize_zval(sdlPtr sdl, xmlNodePtr data, sdlParamPtr param TSRMLS_DC)
- encodePtr enc;
- if(param != NULL)
- enc = param->encode;
- else
- enc = get_conversion(UNKNOWN_TYPE);
- return enc->to_zval(enc->details, data);
xmlNodePtr seralize_zval(zval *val, sdlParamPtr param, char *paramName, int style TSRMLS_DC)
xmlNodePtr xmlParam;
sdlParamPtr get_param(sdlFunctionPtr function, char *param_name, int index, int response)
- sdlParamPtr *tmp = NULL;
- HashTable *h;
+ sdlParamPtr *tmp;
+ HashTable *ht;
- if(function == NULL)
+ if(function == NULL) {
return NULL;
+ }
- if(response == FALSE)
- h = function->requestParameters;
- else
- h = function->responseParameters;
- if (function != NULL && (param_name == NULL || zend_hash_find(h, param_name, strlen(param_name), (void **)&tmp) == FAILURE))
- {
- if(index != -1)
- if(zend_hash_index_find(h, index, (void **)&tmp) != FAILURE)
- return (*tmp);
+ if(response == FALSE) {
+ ht = function->requestParameters;
+ } else {
+ ht = function->responseParameters;
- else
- return (*tmp);
+ if (param_name != NULL) {
+ if (zend_hash_find(ht, param_name, strlen(param_name), (void **)&tmp) != FAILURE) {
+ return *tmp;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if(zend_hash_index_find(ht, index, (void **)&tmp) != FAILURE) {
+ return (*tmp);
+ }
+ }
return NULL;
sdlFunctionPtr get_function(sdlBindingPtr sdl, char *function_name)
sdlFunctionPtr *tmp;
- if(sdl != NULL)
- if(zend_hash_find(sdl->functions, function_name, strlen(function_name), (void **)&tmp) != FAILURE)
+ if(sdl != NULL) {
+ if (zend_hash_find(sdl->functions, function_name, strlen(function_name), (void **)&tmp) != FAILURE) {
return (*tmp);
+ }
+ }
return NULL;
int i = 0;
HashPosition pos;
- if(function->responseParameters)
+ if(function->responseParameters && function->responseParameters->pListHead)
sdlParamPtr *param;
param = function->responseParameters->pListHead->pData;
smart_str_appendc(&spaces, ' ');
smart_str_appendl(buf, spaces.c, spaces.len);
sdlTypePtr *t_type;
smart_str_appendl(buf, type->name, strlen(type->name));
smart_str_appendl(buf, ";\n", 2);
+ smart_str_free(&spaces);
/* Deletes */
-/* Should not need */
-#ifndef ZEND_ENGINE_2
-int my_call_user_function(HashTable *function_table, zval **object_pp, zval *function_name, zval *retval_ptr, int param_count, zval *params[] TSRMLS_DC)
- if(call_user_function(function_table, object_pp, function_name, retval_ptr, param_count, params TSRMLS_CC) == FAILURE)
- {
- if(Z_OBJCE_PP(object_pp)->handle_function_call != NULL)
- {
- zend_overloaded_element overloaded_element;
- zend_property_reference property_reference;
- zend_function_state function_state;
- zend_function_state *original_function_state_ptr;
- int i;
- overloaded_element.element = *function_name;
- overloaded_element.type = OE_IS_METHOD;
- function_state.function = (zend_function *) emalloc(sizeof(zend_function));
- function_state.function->type = ZEND_OVERLOADED_FUNCTION;
- function_state.function->common.arg_types = NULL;
- function_state.function->overloaded_function.function_name = Z_STRVAL_P(function_name);
- property_reference.object = *object_pp;
- property_reference.type = BP_VAR_NA;
- property_reference.elements_list = (zend_llist *)emalloc(sizeof(zend_llist));
- zend_llist_init(property_reference.elements_list, sizeof(zend_overloaded_element), NULL, 0);
- zend_llist_add_element(property_reference.elements_list, &overloaded_element);
- /* Build argument stack */
- for(i = 0;i < param_count;i++)
- zend_ptr_stack_push(&EG(argument_stack), params[i]);
- zend_ptr_stack_n_push(&EG(argument_stack), 2, (void *)param_count, NULL);
- original_function_state_ptr = EG(function_state_ptr);
- EG(function_state_ptr) = &function_state;
- Z_OBJCE_PP(object_pp)->handle_function_call(param_count, retval_ptr, *object_pp, 1 TSRMLS_CC, &property_reference);
- EG(function_state_ptr) = original_function_state_ptr;
- zend_llist_destroy(property_reference.elements_list);
- efree(property_reference.elements_list);
- efree(function_state.function);
- zend_ptr_stack_clear_multiple(TSRMLS_C);
- return SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- return FAILURE;
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 1: new/addfunction/handle
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function test() {
+ return "Hello World";
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:test xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" />
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:testResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello World</return></ns1:testResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 2: function with parameters and result
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ return $x+$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Add xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <x xsi:type="xsd:int">22</x>
+ <y xsi:type="xsd:int">33</y>
+ </ns1:Add>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:AddResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">55</return></ns1:AddResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 3: all functions
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:strlen xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <x xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello World</x>
+ </ns1:strlen>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:strlenResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">11</return></ns1:strlenResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 4: addfunctions
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ return $x+$y;
+function Sub($x,$y) {
+ return $x-$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Add xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <x xsi:type="xsd:int">22</x>
+ <y xsi:type="xsd:int">33</y>
+ </ns1:Add>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:AddResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">55</return></ns1:AddResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 5: setclass
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+class Foo {
+ function test() {
+ return "Hello World";
+ }
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:test xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" />
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:testResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello World</return></ns1:testResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 6: setclass with constructor
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+class Foo {
+ private $str = "";
+ function Foo($str) {
+ $this->str = $str . " World";
+ }
+ function test() {
+ return $this->str;
+ }
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:test xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" />
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:testResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:string">Hello World</return></ns1:testResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 7: addfunction and getfunctions
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ return $x+$y;
+function Sub($x,$y) {
+ return $x-$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+echo "ok\n";
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(3) "Sub"
+ [1]=>
+ string(3) "Add"
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 8: setclass and getfunctions
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+class Foo {
+ function Foo() {
+ }
+ function test() {
+ return $this->str;
+ }
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+echo "ok\n";
+array(2) {
+ [0]=>
+ string(3) "Foo"
+ [1]=>
+ string(4) "test"
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 9: setclass and setpersistence(SOAP_PERSISTENCE_SESSION)
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+class foo {
+ private $sum = 0;
+ function Sum($num) {
+ return $this->sum += $num;
+ }
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Sum xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <num xsi:type="xsd:int">5</num>
+ </ns1:Sum>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Sum xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <num xsi:type="xsd:int">3</num>
+ </ns1:Sum>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:SumResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">8</return></ns1:SumResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 10: setclass and setpersistence(SOAP_PERSISTENCE_REQUEST)
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+class foo {
+ private $sum = 0;
+ function Sum($num) {
+ return $this->sum += $num;
+ }
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Sum xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <num xsi:type="xsd:int">5</num>
+ </ns1:Sum>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Sum xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <num xsi:type="xsd:int">3</num>
+ </ns1:Sum>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:SumResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">3</return></ns1:SumResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 11: bind
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ return $x+$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+$wsdl = ob_get_contents();
+if ($wsdl == file_get_contents("test.wsdl")) {
+ echo "ok\n";
+} else {
+ echo "fail\n";
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 12: WSDL generation
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ return $x+$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+echo "ok\n";
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 13: array handling
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Sum($a) {
+ $sum = 0;
+ if (is_array($a)) {
+ foreach($a as $val) {
+ $sum += $val;
+ }
+ }
+ return $sum;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body xmlns:ns1="http://linuxsrv.home/~dmitry/soap/">
+ <ns1:sum>
+ <param0 SOAP-ENC:arrayType="xsd:int[2]" xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Array">
+ <val xsi:type="xsd:int">3</val>
+ <val xsi:type="xsd:int">5</val>
+ </param0>
+ </ns1:sum>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns1:sumResponse xmlns="http://testuri.org"><return xsi:type="xsd:int">8</return></ns1:sumResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+SOAP Server 14: fault
+<?php require_once('skipif.inc'); ?>
+function Add($x,$y) {
+ undefined_function_x();
+ return $x+$y;
+$server = new soapserver("http://testuri.org");
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+ SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd">
+ <SOAP-ENV:Body>
+ <ns1:Add xmlns:ns1="http://testuri.org">
+ <x xsi:type="xsd:int">22</x>
+ <y xsi:type="xsd:int">33</y>
+ </ns1:Add>
+ </SOAP-ENV:Body>
+echo "ok\n";
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:apache="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap"><SOAP-ENV:Body><SOAP-ENV:Fault xsi:type="SOAP-ENC:Struct"><faultstring xsi:type="xsd:string">Call to undefined function undefined_function_x()</faultstring><faultcode xsi:type="xsd:string">SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode><detail xsi:nil="1"/></SOAP-ENV:Fault></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>
--- /dev/null
+ if (!extension_loaded('soap')) die('skip soap extension not available');
--- /dev/null
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
+ xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+ xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
+ xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"
+ xmlns:si="http://soapinterop.org/xsd"
+ xmlns:tns="http://linuxsrv.home/~dmitry/soap/test.wsdl"
+ xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/soap/"
+ xmlns:wsdl="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+ xmlns="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/"
+ targetNamespace="http://linuxsrv.home/~dmitry/soap/test.wsdl">
+ <types>
+ <xsd:schema targetNamespace="http://linuxsrv.home/~dmitry/soap/test.wsdl">
+ <xsd:import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" />
+ <xsd:import namespace="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/" />
+ </xsd:schema>
+ </types>
+ <message name="AddRequest">
+ <part name="x" type="xsd:double" />
+ <part name="y" type="xsd:double" />
+ </message>
+ <message name="AddResponse">
+ <part name="result" type="xsd:double" />
+ </message>
+ <portType name="TestServicePortType">
+ <operation name="Add">
+ <input message="tns:AddRequest" />
+ <output message="tns:AddResponse" />
+ </operation>
+ </portType>
+ <binding name="TestServiceBinding" type="tns:TestServicePortType">
+ <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />
+ <operation name="Add">
+ <soap:operation soapAction="Add" style="rpc" />
+ <input>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" />
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" />
+ </output>
+ </operation>
+ </binding>
+ <service name="TestService">
+ <port name="TestServicePort" binding="tns:TestServiceBinding">
+ <soap:address location="http://linuxsrv.home/~dmitry/soap/soap_server.php" />
+ </port>
+ </service>