--- /dev/null
+"""macresource - Locate and open the resources needed for a script."""
+from Carbon import Res
+import os
+import sys
+class ArgumentError(TypeError): pass
+class ResourceFileNotFoundError(ImportError): pass
+def need(restype, resid, filename=None, modname=None):
+ """Open a resource file, if needed. restype and resid
+ are required parameters, and identify the resource for which to test. If it
+ is available we are done. If it is not available we look for a file filename
+ (default: modname with .rsrc appended) either in the same folder as
+ where modname was loaded from, or otherwise across sys.path."""
+ if modname is None and filename is None:
+ raise ArgumentError, "Either filename or modname argument (or both) must be given"
+ if type(resid) is type(1):
+ try:
+ h = Res.GetResource(restype, resid)
+ except Res.Error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return
+ else:
+ try:
+ h = Res.GetNamedResource(restype, resid)
+ except Res.Error:
+ pass
+ else:
+ return
+ # Construct a filename if we don't have one
+ if not filename:
+ if '.' in modname:
+ filename = modname.split('.')[-1] + '.rsrc'
+ else:
+ filename = modname + '.rsrc'
+ # Now create a list of folders to search
+ searchdirs = []
+ if modname == '__main__':
+ # If we're main we look in the current directory
+ searchdirs = [os.curdir]
+ if sys.modules.has_key(modname):
+ mod = sys.modules[modname]
+ if hasattr(mod, '__file__'):
+ searchdirs = [mod.__file__]
+ if not searchdirs:
+ searchdirs = sys.path
+ # And look for the file
+ for dir in searchdirs:
+ pathname = os.path.join(dir, filename)
+ if os.path.exists(pathname):
+ break
+ else:
+ raise ResourceFileNotFoundError, filename
+ Res.FSpOpenResFile(pathname, 1)
+ # And check that the resource exists now
+ if type(resid) is type(1):
+ h = Res.GetResource(restype, resid)
+ else:
+ h = Res.GetNamedResource(restype, resid)