-/* SCCS Id: @(#)eat.c 3.5 2005/12/09 */
+/* SCCS Id: @(#)eat.c 3.5 2006/01/11 */
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. */
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(accessory_has_effect, (struct obj *));
STATIC_DCL void FDECL(eataccessory, (struct obj *));
STATIC_DCL const char *FDECL(foodword, (struct obj *));
-STATIC_DCL int FDECL(tin_variety, (struct obj *));
+STATIC_DCL int FDECL(tin_variety, (struct obj *,BOOLEAN_P));
STATIC_DCL boolean FDECL(maybe_cannibal, (int,BOOLEAN_P));
char msgbuf[BUFSZ];
return 0;
+ * This assumes that buf already contains the word "tin",
+ * as is the case with caller xname().
+ */
+tin_details(obj, mnum, buf)
+struct obj *obj;
+int mnum;
+char *buf;
+ char buf2[BUFSZ];
+ if (obj && buf) {
+ if(obj->spe > 0)
+ Strcat(buf, " of spinach");
+ else if (mnum == NON_PM)
+ Strcpy(buf, "empty tin");
+ else {
+ if (obj->cknown && obj->spe < 0) {
+ int r = tin_variety(obj, TRUE);
+ if (r == ROTTEN_TIN || r == HOMEMADE_TIN) {
+ /* put these before the word tin */
+ Sprintf(buf2,"%s %s of ", tintxts[r].txt, buf);
+ Strcpy(buf, buf2);
+ } else {
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), " of %s ", tintxts[r].txt);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Strcpy(eos(buf), " of ");
+ }
+ if (vegetarian(&mons[mnum]))
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s", mons[mnum].mname);
+ else
+ Sprintf(eos(buf), "%s meat", mons[mnum].mname);
+ }
+ }
set_tin_variety(obj, forcetype)
struct obj *obj;
obj->spe = 1; /* spinach */
} else if (forcetype == HEALTHY_TIN) {
- r = tin_variety(obj);
+ r = tin_variety(obj, FALSE);
if (r < 0 || r >= TTSZ) r = ROTTEN_TIN; /* shouldn't happen */
while ((r == ROTTEN_TIN && !obj->cursed) || !tintxts[r].fodder)
r = rn2(TTSZ-1);
+tin_variety(obj, disp)
struct obj *obj;
+boolean disp; /* we're just displaying so leave things alone */
register int r;
} else
r = rn2(TTSZ-1);
- if (r == HOMEMADE_TIN &&
+ if (!disp && r == HOMEMADE_TIN &&
!obj->blessed && !rn2(7))
r = ROTTEN_TIN; /* some homemade tins go bad */
goto use_me;
- r = tin_variety(context.tin.tin);
+ r = tin_variety(context.tin.tin, FALSE);
which = 0; /* 0=>plural, 1=>as-is, 2=>"the" prefix */
if ((mnum == PM_COCKATRICE || mnum == PM_CHICKATRICE) &&
(Stone_resistance || Hallucination)) {
Strcpy(buf, actualn);
- if (typ == TIN && obj->known) {
- if(obj->spe > 0)
- Strcat(buf, " of spinach");
- else if (omndx == NON_PM)
- Strcpy(buf, "empty tin");
- else if (vegetarian(&mons[omndx]))
- Sprintf(eos(buf), " of %s", mons[omndx].mname);
- else
- Sprintf(eos(buf), " of %s meat", mons[omndx].mname);
- }
+ if (typ == TIN && obj->known)
+ tin_details(obj, omndx, buf);