cseq = 0 :: non_neg_integer(),
timestamp = now() :: erlang:timestamp(),
contact :: {binary(), #uri{}, [{binary(), binary()}]},
- tref = make_ref() :: reference(),
- mref = make_ref() :: reference(),
+ flow_tref :: reference(),
+ reg_tref = make_ref() :: reference(),
+ conn_mref = make_ref() :: reference(),
expires = 0 :: non_neg_integer()}).
-record(state, {}).
-ping(#sip_socket{type = Type} = SIPSocket) ->
- case mnesia:dirty_index_read(sip_session, SIPSocket, #sip_session.socket) of
- [] when Type == udp ->
- error;
- [] ->
- drop;
- [_|_] ->
- pong
- end.
+ping(SIPSocket) ->
+ call({ping, SIPSocket}).
%%% gen_server callbacks
[{ram_copies, [node()]},
{type, bag},
{attributes, record_info(fields, sip_session)}]),
- mnesia:add_table_index(sip_session, mref),
+ mnesia:add_table_index(sip_session, conn_mref),
mnesia:add_table_index(sip_session, socket),
mnesia:add_table_copy(sip_session, node(), ram_copies),
{ok, #state{}}.
handle_call({delete, US, CallID, CSeq}, _From, State) ->
Res = delete_session(US, CallID, CSeq),
{reply, Res, State};
+handle_call({ping, SIPSocket}, _From, State) ->
+ Res = process_ping(SIPSocket),
+ {reply, Res, State};
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
Reply = ok,
{reply, Reply, State}.
delete_expired_session(US, TRef),
{noreply, State};
handle_info({'DOWN', MRef, process, _Pid, _Reason}, State) ->
- case mnesia:dirty_index_read(sip_session, MRef, #sip_session.mref) of
+ case mnesia:dirty_index_read(sip_session, MRef, #sip_session.conn_mref) of
[Session] ->
_ ->
{error, too_many_sessions};
true ->
- fun(#sip_session{tref = TRef, mref = MRef} = Session) ->
+ fun(#sip_session{reg_tref = TRef,
+ conn_mref = MRef} = Session) ->
catch erlang:demonitor(MRef, [flush]),
ContactsWithExpires =
fun(#sip_session{contact = Contact,
- tref = TRef}) ->
+ reg_tref = TRef}) ->
{Contact, 0}
end, Sessions),
delete_expired_session(US, TRef) ->
case mnesia:dirty_read(sip_session, US) of
[_|_] = Sessions ->
- case lists:filter(
- fun(#sip_session{tref = TRef1}) when TRef1 == TRef ->
- true;
- (_) ->
- false
- end, Sessions) of
- [Session|_] ->
- mnesia:dirty_delete_object(Session);
- [] ->
- ok
- end;
+ lists:foreach(
+ fun(#sip_session{reg_tref = T1,
+ flow_tref = T2} = Session)
+ when T1 == TRef; T2 == TRef ->
+ mnesia:dirty_delete_object(Session);
+ (_) ->
+ ok
+ end, Sessions);
[] ->
-set_monitor_and_timer(#sip_session{expires = Expires} = Session,
- _IsOutboundSupported = false) ->
- set_timer(Session, Expires);
-set_monitor_and_timer(#sip_session{socket = SIPSock,
- mref = MRef,
+set_monitor_and_timer(#sip_session{socket = #sip_socket{type = Type,
+ pid = Pid} = SIPSock,
+ conn_mref = MRef,
expires = Expires,
us = {_, LServer},
contact = {_, _, Params}} = Session,
- _IsOutboundSupported = true) ->
- case get_ob_params(Params) of
- error ->
- set_timer(Session, Expires);
- {_, _} ->
- FlowTimeout = get_flow_timeout(LServer, SIPSock),
- Timeout = lists:min([FlowTimeout, Expires]),
- NewSession = set_timer(Session, Timeout),
- NewMRef = if SIPSock#sip_socket.type == udp ->
- MRef;
- true ->
- erlang:monitor(process, SIPSock#sip_socket.pid)
- end,
- NewSession#sip_session{mref = NewMRef}
+ IsOutboundSupported) ->
+ RegTRef = set_timer(Session, Expires),
+ Session1 = Session#sip_session{reg_tref = RegTRef},
+ if IsOutboundSupported ->
+ case get_ob_params(Params) of
+ error ->
+ Session1;
+ {_, _} ->
+ FlowTimeout = get_flow_timeout(LServer, SIPSock),
+ FlowTRef = set_timer(Session1, FlowTimeout),
+ NewMRef = if Type == udp -> MRef;
+ true -> erlang:monitor(process, Pid)
+ end,
+ Session1#sip_session{conn_mref = NewMRef,
+ flow_tref = FlowTRef}
+ end;
+ true ->
+ Session1
-set_timer(#sip_session{us = US} = Session, Timeout) ->
- TRef = erlang:start_timer(Timeout * 1000, self(), US),
- Session#sip_session{tref = TRef}.
+set_timer(#sip_session{us = US}, Timeout) ->
+ erlang:start_timer(Timeout * 1000, self(), US).
+process_ping(SIPSocket) ->
+ ErrResponse = if SIPSocket#sip_socket.type == udp -> error;
+ true -> drop
+ end,
+ Sessions = mnesia:dirty_index_read(
+ sip_session, SIPSocket, #sip_session.socket),
+ lists:foldl(
+ fun(#sip_session{flow_tref = TRef,
+ us = {_, LServer}} = Session, _)
+ when TRef /= undefined ->
+ erlang:cancel_timer(TRef),
+ mnesia:dirty_delete_object(Session),
+ Timeout = get_flow_timeout(LServer, SIPSocket),
+ NewTRef = set_timer(Session, Timeout),
+ mnesia:dirty_write(
+ Session#sip_session{flow_tref = NewTRef});
+ (_, Acc) ->
+ Acc
+ end, ErrResponse, Sessions).