return new MeasureFormat(locale, width, format, rules, unitToStyleToCountToFormat);
- /**
- * Format a sequence of measures. Uses the ListFormatter unit lists.
- * So, for example, one could format “3 feet, 2 inches”.
- * Zero values are formatted (eg, “3 feet, 0 inches”). It is the caller’s
- * responsibility to have the appropriate values in appropriate order,
- * and using the appropriate Number values. Typically the units should be
- * in descending order, with all but the last Measure having integer values
- * (eg, not “3.2 feet, 2 inches”).
- *
- * @param measures a sequence of one or more measures.
- * @return the formatted string.
- * @draft ICU 53
- * @provisional
- */
- public String formatMeasures(Measure... measures) {
- StringBuilder result = this.formatMeasures(
- new StringBuilder(), new FieldPosition(0), measures);
- return result.toString();
- }
* Able to format Collection<? extends Measure>, Measure[], and Measure
* by delegating to formatMeasure or formatMeasures.
+ /**
+ * Format a sequence of measures. Uses the ListFormatter unit lists.
+ * So, for example, one could format “3 feet, 2 inches”.
+ * Zero values are formatted (eg, “3 feet, 0 inches”). It is the caller’s
+ * responsibility to have the appropriate values in appropriate order,
+ * and using the appropriate Number values. Typically the units should be
+ * in descending order, with all but the last Measure having integer values
+ * (eg, not “3.2 feet, 2 inches”).
+ *
+ * @param measures a sequence of one or more measures.
+ * @return the formatted string.
+ * @draft ICU 53
+ * @provisional
+ */
+ public String formatMeasures(Measure... measures) {
+ StringBuilder result = this.formatMeasures(
+ new StringBuilder(), new FieldPosition(0), measures);
+ return result.toString();
+ }
* Formats a sequence of measures and adds to appendable.
* If the fieldPosition argument identifies a field used by the format,