static const char* const jq_builtins[] = {
"def map(f): [.[] | f];",
"def select(f): if f then . else empty end;",
- "def sort_by(f): _sort_by_impl(map([f]));",
- "def group_by(f): _group_by_impl(map([f]));",
- "def unique: group_by(.) | map(.[0]);",
- "def unique_by(f): group_by(f) | map(.[0]);",
- "def max_by(f): _max_by_impl(map([f]));",
- "def min_by(f): _min_by_impl(map([f]));",
+ "def sort(f): _sort_by_impl(map([f]));",
+ "def sort_by(f): sort(f);",
+ "def group(f): _group_by_impl(map([f]));",
+ "def group_by(f): group(f);",
+ "def unique: group(.) | map(.[0]);",
+ "def unique(f): group(f) | map(.[0]);",
+ "def unique_by(f): unique(f);",
+ "def max(f): _max_by_impl(map([f]));",
+ "def min(f): _min_by_impl(map([f]));",
+ "def max_by(f): max(f);",
+ "def min_by(f): min(f);",
#include "libm.h"
"def add: reduce .[] as $x (null; . + $x);",
"def del(f): delpaths([path(f)]);",
"def _assign(paths; value): value as $v | reduce path(paths) as $p (.; setpath($p; $v));",
"def _modify(paths; update): reduce path(paths) as $p (.; setpath($p; getpath($p) | update));",
"def recurse(f): ., (f | select(. != null) | recurse(f));",
- "def recurse_down: recurse(.[]?);",
+ "def recurse: recurse(.[]?);",
+ "def recurse_down: recurse;",
"def to_entries: [keys[] as $k | {key: $k, value: .[$k]}];",
"def from_entries: map({(.key): .value}) | add | .//={};",
"def with_entries(f): to_entries | map(f) | from_entries;",
"def index(i): if type == \"array\" and (i|type) == \"array\" then .[i] elif type == \"array\" then .[[i]] else .[i] end | .[0];",
"def rindex(i): if type == \"array\" and (i|type) == \"array\" then .[i] elif type == \"array\" then .[[i]] else .[i] end | .[-1:][0];",
"def paths: path(recurse(if (type|. == \"array\" or . == \"object\") then .[] else empty end))|select(length > 0);",
- "def leaf_paths: . as $dot|paths|select(. as $p|$dot|getpath($p)|type|. != \"array\" and . != \"object\");",
+ "def paths(node_filter): . as $dot|paths|select(. as $p|$dot|getpath($p)|node_filter);",
"def any: reduce .[] as $i (false; . or $i);",
"def all: reduce .[] as $i (true; . and $i);",
"def arrays: select(type == \"array\");",
"def nulls: select(type == \"null\");",
"def values: arrays, objects, booleans, numbers, strings;",
"def scalars: select(. == null or . == true or . == false or type == \"number\" or type == \"string\");",
+ "def leaf_paths: paths(scalars);",
"def join(x): reduce .[] as $i (\"\"; . + (if . == \"\" then $i else x + $i end));",
"def flatten: reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == \"array\" then . + ($i | flatten) else . + [$i] end);",
"def flatten(x): reduce .[] as $i ([]; if $i | type == \"array\" and x > 0 then . + ($i | flatten(x-1)) else . + [$i] end);",
+ "def range(x): range(0;x);",
#undef LIBM_DD
input: '[1,2,3]'
output: ['[2,3,4]']
- - title: "`paths`"
+ - title: "`paths`, `paths(node_filter)`, `leaf_paths`"
body: |
- Outputs the paths to all the elements in its input (except it
- does not output the empty list, representing . itself).
- `paths` is equivalent to
- def paths: path(recurse(if (type|. == "array" or . == "object") then .[] else empty end))|select(length > 0);
+ `paths` outputs the paths to all the elements in its input
+ (except it does not output the empty list, representing .
+ itself).
+ `paths(f)` outputs the paths to any values for which `f` is true.
+ That is, `paths(numbers)` outputs the paths to all numeric
+ values.
+ `leaf_paths` is an alias of `paths(scalars)`; `leaf_paths` is
+ *deprecated* and will be removed in the next major release.
- program: '[paths]'
input: '[1,[[],{"a":2}]]'
output: ['[[0],[1],[1,0],[1,1],[1,1,"a"]]']
- - title: "`leaf_paths`"
- body: |
- Outputs the paths to all the leaves (non-array, non-object
- elements) in its input.
- examples:
- - program: '[leaf_paths]'
+ - program: '[paths(scalars)]'
input: '[1,[[],{"a":2}]]'
output: ['[[0],[1,1,"a"]]']
input: '[{"foo": "bar"}, [{"foo": "baz"}]]'
output: ['[{"foo": "bar"}, {"foo": "baz"}]']
- - title: "`range`"
+ - title: "`range(upto), `range(from;upto)`"
body: |
The `range` function produces a range of numbers. `range(4;10)`
produces 6 numbers, from 4 (inclusive) to 10 (exclusive). The numbers
are produced as separate outputs. Use `[range(4;10)]` to get a range as
an array.
+ Its first argument can be omitted; it defaults to zero.
- program: 'range(2;4)'
- program: '[range(2;4)]'
input: 'null'
output: ['[2,3]']
+ - program: '[range(4)]'
+ input: 'null'
+ output: ['[0,1,2,3]']
- title: "`floor`"
body: |
input: '[0, false, [], {}, null, "hello"]'
output: ['["number", "boolean", "array", "object", "null", "string"]']
- - title: "`sort, sort_by`"
+ - title: "`sort, sort(path_expression), sort_by(path_expression)`"
body: |
The `sort` functions sorts its input, which must be an
sorted order), and if their keys are equal then the values
are compared key by key.
- `sort_by` may be used to sort by a particular field of an
- object, or by applying any jq filter. `sort_by(foo)`
- compares two elements by comparing the result of `foo` on
- each element.
+ `sort` may be used to sort by a particular field of an
+ object, or by applying any jq filter.
+ `sort(foo)` compares two elements by comparing the result of
+ `foo` on each element.
+ `sort_by(foo)` is an alias of `sort(foo)`; `sort_by()` is
+ *deprecated* and will be removed in the next major release.
- program: 'sort'
input: '[8,3,null,6]'
output: ['[null,3,6,8]']
- - program: 'sort_by(.foo)'
+ - program: 'sort(.foo)'
input: '[{"foo":4, "bar":10}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":2, "bar":1}]'
output: ['[{"foo":2, "bar":1}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":4, "bar":10}]']
- - title: "`group_by`"
+ - title: "`group(path_expression)`, `group_by(path_expression)`"
body: |
- `group_by(.foo)` takes as input an array, groups the
+ `group(.foo)` takes as input an array, groups the
elements having the same `.foo` field into separate arrays,
and produces all of these arrays as elements of a larger
array, sorted by the value of the `.foo` field.
Any jq expression, not just a field access, may be used in
place of `.foo`. The sorting order is the same as described
in the `sort` function above.
+ `group_by(foo)` is an alias of `group(foo)`; `group_by()` is
+ *deprecated* and will be removed in the next major release.
- - program: 'group_by(.foo)'
+ - program: 'group(.foo)'
input: '[{"foo":1, "bar":10}, {"foo":3, "bar":100}, {"foo":1, "bar":1}]'
output: ['[[{"foo":1, "bar":10}, {"foo":1, "bar":1}], [{"foo":3, "bar":100}]]']
- - title: "`min`, `max`, `min_by`, `max_by`"
+ - title: "`min`, `max`, `min(path_exp)`, `max(path_exp)`, `min_by(path_exp)`, `max_by(path_exp)`"
body: |
- Find the minimum or maximum element of the input array. The
- `_by` versions allow you to specify a particular field or
- property to examine, e.g. `min_by(.foo)` finds the object
+ Find the minimum or maximum element of the input array.
+ This filter accepts an optional argument that
+ allows you to specify a particular field or
+ property to examine, e.g. `min(.foo)` finds the object
with the smallest `foo` field.
+ For legacy reasons, `min_by(.foo)` and `max_by(.foo)` exist as
+ aliases for `min(.foo)` and `max(.foo)`. These aliases are
+ considered *deprecated* and will be removed in the next major
+ release.
- program: 'min'
input: '[5,4,2,7]'
output: ['2']
- - program: 'max_by(.foo)'
+ - program: 'max(.foo)'
input: '[{"foo":1, "bar":14}, {"foo":2, "bar":3}]'
output: ['{"foo":2, "bar":3}']
- - title: "`unique`"
+ - title: "`unique`, `unique(path_exp)`, `unique_by(path_exp)`"
body: |
The `unique` function takes as input an array and produces
an array of the same elements, in sorted order, with
- duplicates removed.
+ duplicates removed. If an optional argument is passed, it
+ will keep only one element for each value obtained by applying
+ the argument. Think of it as making an array by taking one
+ element out of every group produced by `group`.
+ For legacy reasons, `unique_by(.foo)` exists as an alias for
+ `unique(.foo)`. This alias is considered *deprecated* and will
+ be removed in the next major release.
- program: 'unique'
input: '[1,2,5,3,5,3,1,3]'
output: ['[1,2,3,5]']
- - title: "`unique_by`"
- body: |
- The `unique_by(.foo)` function takes as input an array and produces
- an array of the same elements, in sorted order, with
- elqements with a duplicate `.foo` field removed. Think of it as making
- an array by taking one element out of every group produced by
- `group_by`.
- examples:
- - program: 'unique_by(.foo)'
+ - program: 'unique(.foo)'
input: '[{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": 1, "bar": 3}, {"foo": 4, "bar": 5}]'
output: ['[{"foo": 1, "bar": 2}, {"foo": 4, "bar": 5}]']
- - program: 'unique_by(length)'
+ - program: 'unique(length)'
input: '["chunky", "bacon", "kitten", "cicada", "asparagus"]'
output: ['["chunky", "bacon", "asparagus"]']
- title: "`reverse`"
body: |
output: ['"a, b,c,d, e"']
- - title: "`recurse`"
+ - title: "`recurse(f)`, `recurse`, `recurse_down`"
body: |
- The `recurse` function allows you to search through a
+ The `recurse(f)` function allows you to search through a
recursive structure, and extract interesting data from all
levels. Suppose your input represents a filesystem:
recurse(.children[]) | .name
+ When called without an argument, `recurse` is equivalent to
+ `recurse(.[]?)`.
+ For legacy reasons, `recurse_down` exists as an alias to
+ calling `recurse` without arguments. This alias is considered
+ *deprecated* and will be removed in the next major release.
- program: 'recurse(.foo[])'
- '{"foo":[]}'
- '{"foo":[{"foo":[]}]}'
- '{"foo":[]}'
- - title: "`recurse_down`"
- body: |
- A quieter version of `recurse(.[])`, equivalent to:
- def recurse_down: recurse(.[]?);
+ - program: 'recurse'
+ input: '{"a":0,"b":[1]}'
+ output:
+ - '0'
+ - '[1]'
+ - '1'
- title: "`..`"
body: |
- Short-hand for `recurse_down`. This is intended to resemble
- the XPath `//` operator. Note that `..a` does not work; use
- `..|a` instead.
+ Short-hand for `recurse` without arguments. This is intended
+ to resemble the XPath `//` operator. Note that `..a` does not
+ work; use `..|a` instead. In the example below we use
+ `..|.a?` to find all the values of object keys "a" in any
+ object found "below" `.`.
- program: '..|.a?'