<project name="icu4j" default="jar" basedir="."
- xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant"
- xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
+ xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant"
+ xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
<property file="build-local.properties"/>
<property file="build.properties"/>
<target name="init" depends="test-init-junit-dependency"
- description="Initialize the environment for build and test. May require internet access."/>
+ description="Initialize the environment for build and test. May require internet access."/>
+ <target name="_classifytests">
+ <condition property="testaction.run">
+ <isset property="testclass"/>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="testaction.class">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="testclass"/>
+ <not><isset property="testnames"/></not>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="testaction.tests">
+ <and>
+ <isset property="testclass"/>
+ <isset property="testnames"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="testaction.error">
+ <and>
+ <not><isset property="testclass"/></not>
+ <isset property="testnames"/>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ <condition property="testaction.all">
+ <and>
+ <not><isset property="testclass"/></not>
+ <not><isset property="testnames"/></not>
+ </and>
+ </condition>
+ </target>
+ <target name="checkTest" depends="_classifytests, tests, runallTests, noTests" if="testaction.run" description="Run only the specified tests of the specified test class or, if no arguments are given, the standard ICU4J test suite.">
+ <sequential>
+ <delete dir="${junit.out.dir}/@{output}"/>
+ <mkdir dir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest"/>
+ <junit printsummary="yes">
+ <classpath>
+ <path refid="junit.jars"/>
+ <path refid="junit.icu.jars"/>
+ </classpath>
+ <test name="${testclass}" todir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest" outfile="checkTest" methods="${testnames}" if="testaction.tests">
+ <formatter type="xml"/>
+ </test>
+ <test name="${testclass}" todir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest" outfile="checkTest" if="testaction.class">
+ <formatter type="xml"/>
+ </test>
+ </junit>
+ <junitreport todir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest">
+ <fileset dir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest">
+ <include name="checkTest.xml"/>
+ </fileset>
+ <report format="frames" todir="${junit.out.dir}/checkTest/html"/>
+ </junitreport>
+ <fail message="test failed: @{testdir}" if="@{failure-status}" />
+ </sequential>
+ </target>
+ <target name="runallTests" if="testaction.all">
+ <antcall target="allTests"/>
+ </target>
+ <target name="allTests" depends="check"/>
+ <target name="noTests" if="testaction.error">
+ <echo>Execute JUnit testing using -Dtestclass='class-name' -Dtestnames='test-name1>, test-name2, ...'</echo>
+ </target>
<!-- Junit Targets -->
<macrodef name="icu-junit">