field w_name ; # new branch name widget
field name {}; # name of the branch the user has chosen
+field name_type user; # type of branch name to use
field opt_checkout 1; # automatically checkout the new branch?
constructor dialog {} {
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
- labelframe $w.desc -text {Branch Description}
- label $w.desc.name_r \
+ labelframe $w.desc -text {Branch Name}
+ radiobutton $w.desc.name_r \
-anchor w \
- -text {Name:}
+ -text {Name:} \
+ -value user \
+ -variable @name_type
set w_name $w.desc.name_t
entry $w_name \
-borderwidth 1 \
-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
grid $w.desc.name_r $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
+ radiobutton $w.desc.match_r \
+ -anchor w \
+ -text {Match Tracking Branch Name} \
+ -value match \
+ -variable @name_type
+ grid $w.desc.match_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
global null_sha1 repo_config
global all_heads
- set newbranch $name
+ switch -- $name_type {
+ user {
+ set newbranch $name
+ }
+ match {
+ set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
+ if {$spec eq {}} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message "Please select a tracking branch."
+ return
+ }
+ if {![regsub ^refs/heads/ [lindex $spec 2] {} newbranch]} {
+ tk_messageBox \
+ -icon error \
+ -type ok \
+ -title [wm title $w] \
+ -parent $w \
+ -message "Tracking branch [$w get] is not a branch in the remote repository."
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
if {$newbranch eq {}
|| $newbranch eq $repo_config(gui.newbranchtemplate)} {
tk_messageBox \
+method get_tracking_branch {} {
+ if {$revtype eq {trck}} {
+ return $trck_spec($c_trck)
+ } else {
+ return {}
+ }
method get_expr {} {
switch -- $revtype {
head { return refs/heads/$c_head }