Adjust some post-3.4.3 code. Give feedback if you try to use #tip
on a statue--since it's a form of container, simple "nothing happens"
seems inappropriate. (Unfortunately, the alternative used here isn't
much better.) Also, you can use #tip to empty an inventory container
while swallowed; it was giving inappropriate levitation and drop-on-altar
behavior in that situation.
/* anything not covered yet */
if (cobj->oclass == POTION_CLASS) /* can't pour potions... */
pline_The("%s %s securely sealed.", xname(cobj), otense(cobj, "are"));
+ else if (cobj->otyp == STATUE)
+ pline("Nothing interesting happens.");
return 0;
int held = carried(box);
long loss = 0L;
+ if (u.uswallow) highdrop = altarizing = FALSE;
box->cknown = 1;
pline("%s out%c",
box->cobj->nobj ? "Objects spill" : "An object spills",