-REGRESS = plpgsql_call
+REGRESS = plpgsql_call plpgsql_control
all: all-lib
--- /dev/null
+-- Tests for PL/pgSQL control structures
+-- integer FOR loop
+do $$
+ -- basic case
+ for i in 1..3 loop
+ raise notice '1..3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- with BY, end matches exactly
+ for i in 1..10 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..10 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- with BY, end does not match
+ for i in 1..11 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..11 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- zero iterations
+ for i in 1..0 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..0 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ for i in reverse 10..0 by 3 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse 10..0 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- potential overflow
+ for i in 2147483620..2147483647 by 10 loop
+ raise notice '2147483620..2147483647 by 10: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- potential overflow, reverse direction
+ for i in reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+NOTICE: 1..3: i = 1
+NOTICE: 1..3: i = 2
+NOTICE: 1..3: i = 3
+NOTICE: 1..10 by 3: i = 1
+NOTICE: 1..10 by 3: i = 4
+NOTICE: 1..10 by 3: i = 7
+NOTICE: 1..10 by 3: i = 10
+NOTICE: 1..11 by 3: i = 1
+NOTICE: 1..11 by 3: i = 4
+NOTICE: 1..11 by 3: i = 7
+NOTICE: 1..11 by 3: i = 10
+NOTICE: reverse 10..0 by 3: i = 10
+NOTICE: reverse 10..0 by 3: i = 7
+NOTICE: reverse 10..0 by 3: i = 4
+NOTICE: reverse 10..0 by 3: i = 1
+NOTICE: 2147483620..2147483647 by 10: i = 2147483620
+NOTICE: 2147483620..2147483647 by 10: i = 2147483630
+NOTICE: 2147483620..2147483647 by 10: i = 2147483640
+NOTICE: reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10: i = -2147483620
+NOTICE: reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10: i = -2147483630
+NOTICE: reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10: i = -2147483640
+-- BY can't be zero or negative
+do $$
+ for i in 1..3 by 0 loop
+ raise notice '1..3 by 0: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ERROR: BY value of FOR loop must be greater than zero
+CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 3 at FOR with integer loop variable
+do $$
+ for i in 1..3 by -1 loop
+ raise notice '1..3 by -1: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ERROR: BY value of FOR loop must be greater than zero
+CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 3 at FOR with integer loop variable
+do $$
+ for i in reverse 1..3 by -1 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse 1..3 by -1: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ERROR: BY value of FOR loop must be greater than zero
+CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 3 at FOR with integer loop variable
+-- CONTINUE statement
+create table conttesttbl(idx serial, v integer);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(10);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(20);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(30);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(40);
+create function continue_test1() returns void as $$
+declare _i integer = 0; _r record;
+ raise notice '---1---';
+ loop
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ continue when _i < 10;
+ exit;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---2---';
+ <<lbl>>
+ loop
+ _i := _i - 1;
+ loop
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ continue lbl when _i > 0;
+ exit lbl;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---3---';
+ <<the_loop>>
+ while _i < 10 loop
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ continue the_loop when _i % 2 = 0;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---4---';
+ for _i in 1..10 loop
+ begin
+ -- applies to outer loop, not the nested begin block
+ continue when _i < 5;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---5---';
+ for _r in select * from conttesttbl loop
+ continue when _r.v <= 20;
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---6---';
+ for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl' loop
+ continue when _r.v <= 20;
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---7---';
+ <<looplabel>>
+ for _i in 1..3 loop
+ continue looplabel when _i = 2;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---8---';
+ _i := 1;
+ while _i <= 3 loop
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ continue when _i = 3;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---9---';
+ for _r in select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1 loop
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ continue;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---10---';
+ for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1' loop
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ continue;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---11---';
+ <<outerlooplabel>>
+ for _i in 1..2 loop
+ raise notice 'outer %', _i;
+ <<innerlooplabel>>
+ for _j in 1..3 loop
+ continue outerlooplabel when _j = 2;
+ raise notice 'inner %', _j;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+end; $$ language plpgsql;
+select continue_test1();
+NOTICE: ---1---
+NOTICE: ---2---
+NOTICE: ---3---
+NOTICE: ---4---
+NOTICE: ---5---
+NOTICE: ---6---
+NOTICE: ---7---
+NOTICE: ---8---
+NOTICE: ---9---
+NOTICE: ---10---
+NOTICE: ---11---
+NOTICE: outer 1
+NOTICE: inner 1
+NOTICE: outer 2
+NOTICE: inner 1
+ continue_test1
+(1 row)
+-- should fail: CONTINUE is only legal inside a loop
+create function continue_error1() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ continue;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop
+LINE 4: continue;
+ ^
+-- should fail: unlabeled EXIT is only legal inside a loop
+create function exit_error1() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ exit;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: EXIT cannot be used outside a loop, unless it has a label
+LINE 4: exit;
+ ^
+-- should fail: no such label
+create function continue_error2() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ loop
+ continue no_such_label;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: there is no label "no_such_label" attached to any block or loop enclosing this statement
+LINE 5: continue no_such_label;
+ ^
+-- should fail: no such label
+create function exit_error2() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit no_such_label;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: there is no label "no_such_label" attached to any block or loop enclosing this statement
+LINE 5: exit no_such_label;
+ ^
+-- should fail: CONTINUE can't reference the label of a named block
+create function continue_error3() returns void as $$
+ <<begin_block1>>
+ begin
+ loop
+ continue begin_block1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: block label "begin_block1" cannot be used in CONTINUE
+LINE 6: continue begin_block1;
+ ^
+-- On the other hand, EXIT *can* reference the label of a named block
+create function exit_block1() returns void as $$
+ <<begin_block1>>
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit begin_block1;
+ raise exception 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select exit_block1();
+ exit_block1
+(1 row)
+-- verbose end block and end loop
+create function end_label1() returns void as $$
+ <<flbl1>>
+ for i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ raise notice 'i = %', i;
+ exit flbl1;
+ end loop flbl1;
+ <<flbl2>>
+ for j in 1 .. 10 loop
+ raise notice 'j = %', j;
+ exit flbl2;
+ end loop;
+end blbl;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select end_label1();
+NOTICE: i = 1
+NOTICE: j = 1
+ end_label1
+(1 row)
+-- should fail: undefined end label
+create function end_label2() returns void as $$
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop flbl1;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: end label "flbl1" specified for unlabelled block
+LINE 5: end loop flbl1;
+ ^
+-- should fail: end label does not match start label
+create function end_label3() returns void as $$
+ <<inner_label>>
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop outer_label;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: end label "outer_label" differs from block's label "inner_label"
+LINE 7: end loop outer_label;
+ ^
+-- should fail: end label on a block without a start label
+create function end_label4() returns void as $$
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop outer_label;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+ERROR: end label "outer_label" specified for unlabelled block
+LINE 6: end loop outer_label;
+ ^
+-- unlabeled exit matches no blocks
+do $$
+for i in 1..10 loop
+ <<innerblock>>
+ begin
+ begin -- unlabeled block
+ exit;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+end loop;
+raise notice 'should get here';
+NOTICE: should get here
+-- check exit out of an unlabeled block to a labeled one
+do $$
+ <<innerblock>>
+ begin
+ <<moreinnerblock>>
+ begin
+ begin -- unlabeled block
+ exit innerblock;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+NOTICE: should get here
+-- unlabeled exit does match a while loop
+do $$
+ <<outermostwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<innerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ exit;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+ exit outermostwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here, too';
+NOTICE: should get here
+NOTICE: should get here, too
+-- check exit out of an unlabeled while to a labeled one
+do $$
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ exit outerwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+NOTICE: should get here
+-- continue to an outer while
+do $$
+declare i int := 0;
+ <<outermostwhile>>
+ while i < 2 loop
+ raise notice 'outermostwhile, i = %', i;
+ i := i + 1;
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<innerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ continue outermostwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'out of outermostwhile, i = %', i;
+NOTICE: outermostwhile, i = 0
+NOTICE: outermostwhile, i = 1
+NOTICE: out of outermostwhile, i = 2
+-- return out of a while
+create function return_from_while() returns int language plpgsql as $$
+declare i int := 0;
+ while i < 10 loop
+ if i > 2 then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return null;
+select return_from_while();
+ return_from_while
+ 3
+(1 row)
+-- using list of scalars in fori and fore stmts
+create function for_vect() returns void as $proc$
+<<lbl>>declare a integer; b varchar; c varchar; r record;
+ -- fori
+ for i in 1 .. 3 loop
+ raise notice '%', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with record var
+ for r in select gs as aa, 'BB' as bb, 'CC' as cc from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '% % %', r.aa,,;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with single scalar
+ for a in select gs from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '%', a;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with multiple scalars
+ for a,b,c in select gs, 'BB','CC' from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
+ end loop;
+ -- using qualified names in fors, fore is enabled, disabled only for fori
+ for lbl.a, lbl.b, lbl.c in execute $$select gs, 'bb','cc' from generate_series(1,4) gs$$ loop
+ raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
+ end loop;
+$proc$ language plpgsql;
+select for_vect();
+NOTICE: 1 bb cc
+NOTICE: 2 bb cc
+NOTICE: 3 bb cc
+NOTICE: 4 bb cc
+ for_vect
+(1 row)
+-- CASE statement
+create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
+declare a int = 10;
+ b int = 1;
+ case $1
+ when 1 then
+ return 'one';
+ when 2 then
+ return 'two';
+ when 3,4,3+5 then
+ return 'three, four or eight';
+ when a then
+ return 'ten';
+ when a+b, a+b+1 then
+ return 'eleven, twelve';
+ end case;
+$$ language plpgsql immutable;
+select case_test(1);
+ case_test
+ one
+(1 row)
+select case_test(2);
+ case_test
+ two
+(1 row)
+select case_test(3);
+ case_test
+ three, four or eight
+(1 row)
+select case_test(4);
+ case_test
+ three, four or eight
+(1 row)
+select case_test(5); -- fails
+ERROR: case not found
+HINT: CASE statement is missing ELSE part.
+CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function case_test(bigint) line 5 at CASE
+select case_test(8);
+ case_test
+ three, four or eight
+(1 row)
+select case_test(10);
+ case_test
+ ten
+(1 row)
+select case_test(11);
+ case_test
+ eleven, twelve
+(1 row)
+select case_test(12);
+ case_test
+ eleven, twelve
+(1 row)
+select case_test(13); -- fails
+ERROR: case not found
+HINT: CASE statement is missing ELSE part.
+CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function case_test(bigint) line 5 at CASE
+create or replace function catch() returns void as $$
+ raise notice '%', case_test(6);
+ when case_not_found then
+ raise notice 'caught case_not_found % %', SQLSTATE, SQLERRM;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select catch();
+NOTICE: caught case_not_found 20000 case not found
+ catch
+(1 row)
+-- test the searched variant too, as well as ELSE
+create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
+declare a int = 10;
+ case
+ when $1 = 1 then
+ return 'one';
+ when $1 = a + 2 then
+ return 'twelve';
+ else
+ return 'other';
+ end case;
+$$ language plpgsql immutable;
+select case_test(1);
+ case_test
+ one
+(1 row)
+select case_test(2);
+ case_test
+ other
+(1 row)
+select case_test(12);
+ case_test
+ twelve
+(1 row)
+select case_test(13);
+ case_test
+ other
+(1 row)
--- /dev/null
+-- Tests for PL/pgSQL control structures
+-- integer FOR loop
+do $$
+ -- basic case
+ for i in 1..3 loop
+ raise notice '1..3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- with BY, end matches exactly
+ for i in 1..10 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..10 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- with BY, end does not match
+ for i in 1..11 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..11 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- zero iterations
+ for i in 1..0 by 3 loop
+ raise notice '1..0 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ for i in reverse 10..0 by 3 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse 10..0 by 3: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- potential overflow
+ for i in 2147483620..2147483647 by 10 loop
+ raise notice '2147483620..2147483647 by 10: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- potential overflow, reverse direction
+ for i in reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse -2147483620..-2147483647 by 10: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+-- BY can't be zero or negative
+do $$
+ for i in 1..3 by 0 loop
+ raise notice '1..3 by 0: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+do $$
+ for i in 1..3 by -1 loop
+ raise notice '1..3 by -1: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+do $$
+ for i in reverse 1..3 by -1 loop
+ raise notice 'reverse 1..3 by -1: i = %', i;
+ end loop;
+-- CONTINUE statement
+create table conttesttbl(idx serial, v integer);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(10);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(20);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(30);
+insert into conttesttbl(v) values(40);
+create function continue_test1() returns void as $$
+declare _i integer = 0; _r record;
+ raise notice '---1---';
+ loop
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ continue when _i < 10;
+ exit;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---2---';
+ <<lbl>>
+ loop
+ _i := _i - 1;
+ loop
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ continue lbl when _i > 0;
+ exit lbl;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---3---';
+ <<the_loop>>
+ while _i < 10 loop
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ continue the_loop when _i % 2 = 0;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---4---';
+ for _i in 1..10 loop
+ begin
+ -- applies to outer loop, not the nested begin block
+ continue when _i < 5;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---5---';
+ for _r in select * from conttesttbl loop
+ continue when _r.v <= 20;
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---6---';
+ for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl' loop
+ continue when _r.v <= 20;
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---7---';
+ <<looplabel>>
+ for _i in 1..3 loop
+ continue looplabel when _i = 2;
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---8---';
+ _i := 1;
+ while _i <= 3 loop
+ raise notice '%', _i;
+ _i := _i + 1;
+ continue when _i = 3;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---9---';
+ for _r in select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1 loop
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ continue;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---10---';
+ for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1' loop
+ raise notice '%', _r.v;
+ continue;
+ end loop;
+ raise notice '---11---';
+ <<outerlooplabel>>
+ for _i in 1..2 loop
+ raise notice 'outer %', _i;
+ <<innerlooplabel>>
+ for _j in 1..3 loop
+ continue outerlooplabel when _j = 2;
+ raise notice 'inner %', _j;
+ end loop;
+ end loop;
+end; $$ language plpgsql;
+select continue_test1();
+-- should fail: CONTINUE is only legal inside a loop
+create function continue_error1() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ continue;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: unlabeled EXIT is only legal inside a loop
+create function exit_error1() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ exit;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: no such label
+create function continue_error2() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ loop
+ continue no_such_label;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: no such label
+create function exit_error2() returns void as $$
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit no_such_label;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: CONTINUE can't reference the label of a named block
+create function continue_error3() returns void as $$
+ <<begin_block1>>
+ begin
+ loop
+ continue begin_block1;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- On the other hand, EXIT *can* reference the label of a named block
+create function exit_block1() returns void as $$
+ <<begin_block1>>
+ begin
+ loop
+ exit begin_block1;
+ raise exception 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ end;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select exit_block1();
+-- verbose end block and end loop
+create function end_label1() returns void as $$
+ <<flbl1>>
+ for i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ raise notice 'i = %', i;
+ exit flbl1;
+ end loop flbl1;
+ <<flbl2>>
+ for j in 1 .. 10 loop
+ raise notice 'j = %', j;
+ exit flbl2;
+ end loop;
+end blbl;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select end_label1();
+-- should fail: undefined end label
+create function end_label2() returns void as $$
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop flbl1;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: end label does not match start label
+create function end_label3() returns void as $$
+ <<inner_label>>
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop outer_label;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- should fail: end label on a block without a start label
+create function end_label4() returns void as $$
+ for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
+ exit;
+ end loop outer_label;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+-- unlabeled exit matches no blocks
+do $$
+for i in 1..10 loop
+ <<innerblock>>
+ begin
+ begin -- unlabeled block
+ exit;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+end loop;
+raise notice 'should get here';
+-- check exit out of an unlabeled block to a labeled one
+do $$
+ <<innerblock>>
+ begin
+ <<moreinnerblock>>
+ begin
+ begin -- unlabeled block
+ exit innerblock;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+-- unlabeled exit does match a while loop
+do $$
+ <<outermostwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<innerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ exit;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+ exit outermostwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here, too';
+-- check exit out of an unlabeled while to a labeled one
+do $$
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ exit outerwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should get here';
+-- continue to an outer while
+do $$
+declare i int := 0;
+ <<outermostwhile>>
+ while i < 2 loop
+ raise notice 'outermostwhile, i = %', i;
+ i := i + 1;
+ <<outerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ <<innerwhile>>
+ while 1 > 0 loop
+ continue outermostwhile;
+ raise notice 'should not get here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'should not get here, either';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'nor here';
+ end loop;
+ raise notice 'out of outermostwhile, i = %', i;
+-- return out of a while
+create function return_from_while() returns int language plpgsql as $$
+declare i int := 0;
+ while i < 10 loop
+ if i > 2 then
+ return i;
+ end if;
+ i := i + 1;
+ end loop;
+ return null;
+select return_from_while();
+-- using list of scalars in fori and fore stmts
+create function for_vect() returns void as $proc$
+<<lbl>>declare a integer; b varchar; c varchar; r record;
+ -- fori
+ for i in 1 .. 3 loop
+ raise notice '%', i;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with record var
+ for r in select gs as aa, 'BB' as bb, 'CC' as cc from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '% % %', r.aa,,;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with single scalar
+ for a in select gs from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '%', a;
+ end loop;
+ -- fore with multiple scalars
+ for a,b,c in select gs, 'BB','CC' from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
+ raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
+ end loop;
+ -- using qualified names in fors, fore is enabled, disabled only for fori
+ for lbl.a, lbl.b, lbl.c in execute $$select gs, 'bb','cc' from generate_series(1,4) gs$$ loop
+ raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
+ end loop;
+$proc$ language plpgsql;
+select for_vect();
+-- CASE statement
+create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
+declare a int = 10;
+ b int = 1;
+ case $1
+ when 1 then
+ return 'one';
+ when 2 then
+ return 'two';
+ when 3,4,3+5 then
+ return 'three, four or eight';
+ when a then
+ return 'ten';
+ when a+b, a+b+1 then
+ return 'eleven, twelve';
+ end case;
+$$ language plpgsql immutable;
+select case_test(1);
+select case_test(2);
+select case_test(3);
+select case_test(4);
+select case_test(5); -- fails
+select case_test(8);
+select case_test(10);
+select case_test(11);
+select case_test(12);
+select case_test(13); -- fails
+create or replace function catch() returns void as $$
+ raise notice '%', case_test(6);
+ when case_not_found then
+ raise notice 'caught case_not_found % %', SQLSTATE, SQLERRM;
+$$ language plpgsql;
+select catch();
+-- test the searched variant too, as well as ELSE
+create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
+declare a int = 10;
+ case
+ when $1 = 1 then
+ return 'one';
+ when $1 = a + 2 then
+ return 'twelve';
+ else
+ return 'other';
+ end case;
+$$ language plpgsql immutable;
+select case_test(1);
+select case_test(2);
+select case_test(12);
+select case_test(13);
(1 row)
drop function raise_exprs();
--- continue statement
-create table conttesttbl(idx serial, v integer);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(10);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(20);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(30);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(40);
-create function continue_test1() returns void as $$
-declare _i integer = 0; _r record;
- raise notice '---1---';
- loop
- _i := _i + 1;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue when _i < 10;
- exit;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---2---';
- <<lbl>>
- loop
- _i := _i - 1;
- loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue lbl when _i > 0;
- exit lbl;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---3---';
- <<the_loop>>
- while _i < 10 loop
- _i := _i + 1;
- continue the_loop when _i % 2 = 0;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---4---';
- for _i in 1..10 loop
- begin
- -- applies to outer loop, not the nested begin block
- continue when _i < 5;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- end;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---5---';
- for _r in select * from conttesttbl loop
- continue when _r.v <= 20;
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---6---';
- for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl' loop
- continue when _r.v <= 20;
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---7---';
- for _i in 1..3 loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue when _i = 3;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---8---';
- _i := 1;
- while _i <= 3 loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- _i := _i + 1;
- continue when _i = 3;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---9---';
- for _r in select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1 loop
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- continue;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---10---';
- for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1' loop
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- continue;
- end loop;
-end; $$ language plpgsql;
-select continue_test1();
-NOTICE: ---1---
-NOTICE: ---2---
-NOTICE: ---3---
-NOTICE: ---4---
-NOTICE: ---5---
-NOTICE: ---6---
-NOTICE: ---7---
-NOTICE: ---8---
-NOTICE: ---9---
-NOTICE: ---10---
- continue_test1
-(1 row)
-drop function continue_test1();
-drop table conttesttbl;
--- should fail: CONTINUE is only legal inside a loop
-create function continue_error1() returns void as $$
- begin
- continue;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop
-LINE 4: continue;
- ^
--- should fail: unlabeled EXIT is only legal inside a loop
-create function exit_error1() returns void as $$
- begin
- exit;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: EXIT cannot be used outside a loop, unless it has a label
-LINE 4: exit;
- ^
--- should fail: no such label
-create function continue_error2() returns void as $$
- begin
- loop
- continue no_such_label;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: there is no label "no_such_label" attached to any block or loop enclosing this statement
-LINE 5: continue no_such_label;
- ^
--- should fail: no such label
-create function exit_error2() returns void as $$
- begin
- loop
- exit no_such_label;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: there is no label "no_such_label" attached to any block or loop enclosing this statement
-LINE 5: exit no_such_label;
- ^
--- should fail: CONTINUE can't reference the label of a named block
-create function continue_error3() returns void as $$
- <<begin_block1>>
- begin
- loop
- continue begin_block1;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: block label "begin_block1" cannot be used in CONTINUE
-LINE 6: continue begin_block1;
- ^
--- On the other hand, EXIT *can* reference the label of a named block
-create function exit_block1() returns void as $$
- <<begin_block1>>
- begin
- loop
- exit begin_block1;
- raise exception 'should not get here';
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select exit_block1();
- exit_block1
-(1 row)
-drop function exit_block1();
--- verbose end block and end loop
-create function end_label1() returns void as $$
- <<flbl1>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit flbl1;
- end loop flbl1;
- <<flbl2>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit flbl2;
- end loop;
-end blbl;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select end_label1();
- end_label1
-(1 row)
-drop function end_label1();
--- should fail: undefined end label
-create function end_label2() returns void as $$
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop flbl1;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: end label "flbl1" specified for unlabelled block
-LINE 5: end loop flbl1;
- ^
--- should fail: end label does not match start label
-create function end_label3() returns void as $$
- <<inner_label>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop outer_label;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: end label "outer_label" differs from block's label "inner_label"
-LINE 7: end loop outer_label;
- ^
--- should fail: end label on a block without a start label
-create function end_label4() returns void as $$
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop outer_label;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-ERROR: end label "outer_label" specified for unlabelled block
-LINE 6: end loop outer_label;
- ^
--- using list of scalars in fori and fore stmts
-create function for_vect() returns void as $proc$
-<<lbl>>declare a integer; b varchar; c varchar; r record;
- -- fori
- for i in 1 .. 3 loop
- raise notice '%', i;
- end loop;
- -- fore with record var
- for r in select gs as aa, 'BB' as bb, 'CC' as cc from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '% % %', r.aa,,;
- end loop;
- -- fore with single scalar
- for a in select gs from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '%', a;
- end loop;
- -- fore with multiple scalars
- for a,b,c in select gs, 'BB','CC' from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
- end loop;
- -- using qualified names in fors, fore is enabled, disabled only for fori
- for lbl.a, lbl.b, lbl.c in execute $$select gs, 'bb','cc' from generate_series(1,4) gs$$ loop
- raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
- end loop;
-$proc$ language plpgsql;
-select for_vect();
-NOTICE: 1 bb cc
-NOTICE: 2 bb cc
-NOTICE: 3 bb cc
-NOTICE: 4 bb cc
- for_vect
-(1 row)
-- regression test: verify that multiple uses of same plpgsql datum within
-- a SQL command all get mapped to the same $n parameter. The return value
-- of the SELECT is not important, we only care that it doesn't fail with
(1 row)
drop function stacked_diagnostics_test();
--- test CASE statement
-create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
-declare a int = 10;
- b int = 1;
- case $1
- when 1 then
- return 'one';
- when 2 then
- return 'two';
- when 3,4,3+5 then
- return 'three, four or eight';
- when a then
- return 'ten';
- when a+b, a+b+1 then
- return 'eleven, twelve';
- end case;
-$$ language plpgsql immutable;
-select case_test(1);
- case_test
- one
-(1 row)
-select case_test(2);
- case_test
- two
-(1 row)
-select case_test(3);
- case_test
- three, four or eight
-(1 row)
-select case_test(4);
- case_test
- three, four or eight
-(1 row)
-select case_test(5); -- fails
-ERROR: case not found
-HINT: CASE statement is missing ELSE part.
-CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function case_test(bigint) line 5 at CASE
-select case_test(8);
- case_test
- three, four or eight
-(1 row)
-select case_test(10);
- case_test
- ten
-(1 row)
-select case_test(11);
- case_test
- eleven, twelve
-(1 row)
-select case_test(12);
- case_test
- eleven, twelve
-(1 row)
-select case_test(13); -- fails
-ERROR: case not found
-HINT: CASE statement is missing ELSE part.
-CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function case_test(bigint) line 5 at CASE
-create or replace function catch() returns void as $$
- raise notice '%', case_test(6);
- when case_not_found then
- raise notice 'caught case_not_found % %', SQLSTATE, SQLERRM;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select catch();
-NOTICE: caught case_not_found 20000 case not found
- catch
-(1 row)
--- test the searched variant too, as well as ELSE
-create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
-declare a int = 10;
- case
- when $1 = 1 then
- return 'one';
- when $1 = a + 2 then
- return 'twelve';
- else
- return 'other';
- end case;
-$$ language plpgsql immutable;
-select case_test(1);
- case_test
- one
-(1 row)
-select case_test(2);
- case_test
- other
-(1 row)
-select case_test(12);
- case_test
- twelve
-(1 row)
-select case_test(13);
- case_test
- other
-(1 row)
-drop function catch();
-drop function case_test(bigint);
-- test variadic functions
create or replace function vari(variadic int[])
returns void as $$
language plpgsql as $$
begin return $1[1]; end;
$$ stable;
+select consumes_rw_array(returns_rw_array(42));
+ consumes_rw_array
+ 42
+(1 row)
-- bug #14174
explain (verbose, costs off)
select i, a from
2 | {2,2}
(2 rows)
+do $$
+declare a int[] := array[1,2];
+ a := a || 3;
+ raise notice 'a = %', a;
+NOTICE: a = {1,2,3}
-- Test access to call stack
select raise_exprs();
drop function raise_exprs();
--- continue statement
-create table conttesttbl(idx serial, v integer);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(10);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(20);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(30);
-insert into conttesttbl(v) values(40);
-create function continue_test1() returns void as $$
-declare _i integer = 0; _r record;
- raise notice '---1---';
- loop
- _i := _i + 1;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue when _i < 10;
- exit;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---2---';
- <<lbl>>
- loop
- _i := _i - 1;
- loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue lbl when _i > 0;
- exit lbl;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---3---';
- <<the_loop>>
- while _i < 10 loop
- _i := _i + 1;
- continue the_loop when _i % 2 = 0;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---4---';
- for _i in 1..10 loop
- begin
- -- applies to outer loop, not the nested begin block
- continue when _i < 5;
- raise notice '%', _i;
- end;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---5---';
- for _r in select * from conttesttbl loop
- continue when _r.v <= 20;
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---6---';
- for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl' loop
- continue when _r.v <= 20;
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---7---';
- for _i in 1..3 loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- continue when _i = 3;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---8---';
- _i := 1;
- while _i <= 3 loop
- raise notice '%', _i;
- _i := _i + 1;
- continue when _i = 3;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---9---';
- for _r in select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1 loop
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- continue;
- end loop;
- raise notice '---10---';
- for _r in execute 'select * from conttesttbl order by v limit 1' loop
- raise notice '%', _r.v;
- continue;
- end loop;
-end; $$ language plpgsql;
-select continue_test1();
-drop function continue_test1();
-drop table conttesttbl;
--- should fail: CONTINUE is only legal inside a loop
-create function continue_error1() returns void as $$
- begin
- continue;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: unlabeled EXIT is only legal inside a loop
-create function exit_error1() returns void as $$
- begin
- exit;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: no such label
-create function continue_error2() returns void as $$
- begin
- loop
- continue no_such_label;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: no such label
-create function exit_error2() returns void as $$
- begin
- loop
- exit no_such_label;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: CONTINUE can't reference the label of a named block
-create function continue_error3() returns void as $$
- <<begin_block1>>
- begin
- loop
- continue begin_block1;
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- On the other hand, EXIT *can* reference the label of a named block
-create function exit_block1() returns void as $$
- <<begin_block1>>
- begin
- loop
- exit begin_block1;
- raise exception 'should not get here';
- end loop;
- end;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select exit_block1();
-drop function exit_block1();
--- verbose end block and end loop
-create function end_label1() returns void as $$
- <<flbl1>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit flbl1;
- end loop flbl1;
- <<flbl2>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit flbl2;
- end loop;
-end blbl;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select end_label1();
-drop function end_label1();
--- should fail: undefined end label
-create function end_label2() returns void as $$
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop flbl1;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: end label does not match start label
-create function end_label3() returns void as $$
- <<inner_label>>
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop outer_label;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- should fail: end label on a block without a start label
-create function end_label4() returns void as $$
- for _i in 1 .. 10 loop
- exit;
- end loop outer_label;
-$$ language plpgsql;
--- using list of scalars in fori and fore stmts
-create function for_vect() returns void as $proc$
-<<lbl>>declare a integer; b varchar; c varchar; r record;
- -- fori
- for i in 1 .. 3 loop
- raise notice '%', i;
- end loop;
- -- fore with record var
- for r in select gs as aa, 'BB' as bb, 'CC' as cc from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '% % %', r.aa,,;
- end loop;
- -- fore with single scalar
- for a in select gs from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '%', a;
- end loop;
- -- fore with multiple scalars
- for a,b,c in select gs, 'BB','CC' from generate_series(1,4) gs loop
- raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
- end loop;
- -- using qualified names in fors, fore is enabled, disabled only for fori
- for lbl.a, lbl.b, lbl.c in execute $$select gs, 'bb','cc' from generate_series(1,4) gs$$ loop
- raise notice '% % %', a, b, c;
- end loop;
-$proc$ language plpgsql;
-select for_vect();
-- regression test: verify that multiple uses of same plpgsql datum within
-- a SQL command all get mapped to the same $n parameter. The return value
-- of the SELECT is not important, we only care that it doesn't fail with
drop function stacked_diagnostics_test();
--- test CASE statement
-create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
-declare a int = 10;
- b int = 1;
- case $1
- when 1 then
- return 'one';
- when 2 then
- return 'two';
- when 3,4,3+5 then
- return 'three, four or eight';
- when a then
- return 'ten';
- when a+b, a+b+1 then
- return 'eleven, twelve';
- end case;
-$$ language plpgsql immutable;
-select case_test(1);
-select case_test(2);
-select case_test(3);
-select case_test(4);
-select case_test(5); -- fails
-select case_test(8);
-select case_test(10);
-select case_test(11);
-select case_test(12);
-select case_test(13); -- fails
-create or replace function catch() returns void as $$
- raise notice '%', case_test(6);
- when case_not_found then
- raise notice 'caught case_not_found % %', SQLSTATE, SQLERRM;
-$$ language plpgsql;
-select catch();
--- test the searched variant too, as well as ELSE
-create or replace function case_test(bigint) returns text as $$
-declare a int = 10;
- case
- when $1 = 1 then
- return 'one';
- when $1 = a + 2 then
- return 'twelve';
- else
- return 'other';
- end case;
-$$ language plpgsql immutable;
-select case_test(1);
-select case_test(2);
-select case_test(12);
-select case_test(13);
-drop function catch();
-drop function case_test(bigint);
-- test variadic functions
create or replace function vari(variadic int[])
begin return $1[1]; end;
$$ stable;
+select consumes_rw_array(returns_rw_array(42));
-- bug #14174
explain (verbose, costs off)
select i, a from
select consumes_rw_array(a), a from
(values (returns_rw_array(1)), (returns_rw_array(2))) v(a);
+do $$
+declare a int[] := array[1,2];
+ a := a || 3;
+ raise notice 'a = %', a;
-- Test access to call stack