being confused and reading cursed scroll of charging drains your energy
class genocide recognizes species name as an example of the class to
genocide (Martin Snyder)
+internals: use Is_box rather than explicitly checking what it checks
Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes
else found = TRUE;
for (obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj) {
- if ((obj->otyp==LARGE_BOX || obj->otyp==CHEST) && obj->otrapped) {
+ if (Is_box(obj) && obj->otrapped) {
if (obj->ox != u.ux || obj->oy !=
goto outtrapmap;
else found = TRUE;
sense_trap(ttmp, 0, 0, sobj && sobj->cursed);
for (obj = fobj; obj; obj = obj->nobj)
- if ((obj->otyp==LARGE_BOX || obj->otyp==CHEST) && obj->otrapped)
+ if (Is_box(obj) && obj->otrapped)
sense_trap((struct trap *)0, obj->ox, obj->oy, sobj && sobj->cursed);
for (door = 0; door < doorindex; door++) {