.TH VNSTAT 1 "MARCH 2018" "version 2.0" "User Manuals"
vnstat \- a console-based network traffic monitor
.B vnstat
-.B \-5Ddhlmqrstvw?
-] [
-.B \-\-add
-] [
-.B \-\-config
-.I file
-] [
-.B \-\-create
-] [
-.B \-\-days
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-\-delete
-] [
-.B \-\-dbdir
-.I directory
-] [
-.B \-\-debug
-] [
-.B \-\-fiveminutes
-.I count
-.B \-\-help
-] [
-.B \-\-hours
-] [
-.B \-\-hourslist
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-i
-.I interface
-] [
-.B \-\-iface
-.I interface
-] [
-.B \-\-iflist
-] [
-.B \-\-json
-.I "mode limit"
-] [
-.B \-\-live
-.I mode
-] [
-.B \-\-locale
-.I locale
-] [
-.B \-\-longhelp
-] [
-.B \-\-months
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-\-oneline
-.I mode
-] [
-.B \-\-query
-] [
-.B \-\-rateunit
-] [
-.B \-\-remove
-] [
-.B \-ru
-] [
-.B \-\-setalias
-.I alias
-] [
-.B \-\-short
-] [
-.B \-\-showconfig
-] [
-.B \-\-style
-.I number
-] [
-.B \-\-top
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-tr
-.I time
-] [
-.B \-\-traffic
-.I time
-] [
-.B \-\-version
-] [
-.B \-\-xml
-.I "mode limit"
+.RB [ \-5Ddhlmqrstvw? ]
+.RB [ \-\-add ]
+.RB [ \-\-config
+.IR file ]
+.RB [ \-\-create ]
+.RB [ \-\-days
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-delete ]
+.RB [ \-\-dbdir
+.RI [ directory ]]
+.RB [ \-\-debug ]
+.RB [ \-\-fiveminutes
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-help ]
+.RB [ \-\-hours ]
+.RB [ \-\-hourslist
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-i
+.IR interface ]
+.RB [ \-\-iface
+.IR interface ]
+.RB [ \-\-iflist ]
+.RB [ \-\-json
+.RI [ mode ]
+.RI [ limit ]]
+.RB [ \-\-live
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-locale
+.IR locale ]
+.RB [ \-\-longhelp ]
+.RB [ \-\-months
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-oneline
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-query ]
+.RB [ \-\-rateunit
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-remove ]
+.RB [ \-ru
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-setalias
+.IR alias ]
+.RB [ \-\-short ]
+.RB [ \-\-showconfig ]
+.RB [ \-\-style
+.IR number ]
+.RB [ \-\-top
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-tr
+.RI [ time ]]
+.RB [ \-\-traffic
+.RI [ time ]]
+.RB [ \-\-version ]
+.RB [ \-\-xml
+.RI [ mode ]
+.RI [ limit ]]
-.BI "-d, --days " count
+.BI "-d, --days " [count]
Show traffic statistics on a daily basis for the last days. The length of the list
will default to 30 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
Show additional debug output.
-.BI "-5, --fiveminutes " count
+.BI "-5, --fiveminutes " [count]
Show traffic statistics on a 5 minutes resolution for the last hours. The length of the list
will default to 24 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
Show list of currently available interfaces.
-.BI "--json " "mode limit"
+.BI "--json " "[mode] [limit]"
Show database content for selected interface or all interfaces in json format. All
traffic values in the output are in bytes. An optional
.I mode
having any effect to the output.
-.BI "-l, --live " mode
+.BI "-l, --live " [mode]
Display current transfer rate for the selected interface in real time
until interrupted. Statistics will be shown after interruption if the runtime
was more than 10 seconds. An optional
Show complete options list.
-.BI "-m, --months " count
+.BI "-m, --months " [count]
Show traffic statistics on a monthly basis for the last months. The length of the list
will default to 12 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
is set to 0.
-.BI "--oneline " mode
+.BI "--oneline " [mode]
Show traffic summary for selected interface using one line with a parseable
format. The output contains 15 fields with ; used as field delimiter. The 1st
field contains the version information of the output that will be changed
and stop monitoring it.
-.B "-ru, --rateunit"
+.BI "-ru, --rateunit " [mode]
Swap the configured rate unit. If rate has been configured to be shown in
bytes then rate will be shown in bits if this option is present. In the same
way, if rate has been configured to be shown in bits then rate will be shown
-in bytes when this option is present. Alternatively 0 or 1 can be given as
-parameter for this option in order to select between bytes (0) and bits
-(1) regardless of the configuration file setting.
+in bytes when this option is present. Alternatively,
+.I mode
+with either 0 or 1 can be used as parameter for this option in order to
+select between bytes (0) and bits (1) regardless of the configuration file setting.
.BI "--setalias " alias
-.BI "-t, --top " count
+.BI "-t, --top " [count]
Show all time top traffic days. The length of the list
will default to 10 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
is set to 0.
-.BI "-tr " time
+.BI "-tr " [time]
Calculate how much traffic goes through the selected interface during
the given
.I time
Show current version.
-.BI "--xml " "mode limit"
+.BI "--xml " "[mode] [limit]"
Show database content for selected interface or all interfaces in xml format. All
traffic values in the output are in bytes. An optional
.I mode
.TH VNSTATI 1 "MARCH 2018" "version 2.0" "User Manuals"
vnstati \- png image output support for vnStat
.B vnstati
-.B \-5cdhimostv?
-] [
-.B \-\-altdate
-] [
-.B \-\-cache
-.I time
-] [
-.B \-\-config
-.I file
-] [
-.B \-\-days
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-\-dbdir
-.I directory
-] [
-.B \-\-fiveminutes
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-\-headertext
-.I text
-] [
-.B \-\-help
-] [
-.B \-\-hours
-] [
-.B \-hs
-] [
-.B \-\-hsummary
-] [
-.B \-i
-.I interface
-] [
-.B \-\-iface
-.I interface
-] [
-.B \-\-locale
-.I locale
-] [
-.B \-\-months
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-ne
-] [
-.B \-nh
-] [
-.B \-nl
-] [
-.B \-\-noedge
-] [
-.B \-\-noheader
-] [
-.B \-\-nolegend
-] [
-.B \-\-output
-.I file
-] [
-.B \-ru
-] [
-.B \-\-rateunit
-] [
-.B \-\-style
-.I number
-] [
-.B \-\-summary
-] [
-.B \-\-top
-.I count
-] [
-.B \-\-transparent
-] [
-.B \-\-version
-] [
-.B \-vs
-] [
-.B \-\-vsummary
+.RB [ \-5cdhimostv? ]
+.RB [ \-\-altdate ]
+.RB [ \-\-cache
+.IR time ]
+.RB [ \-\-config
+.IR file ]
+.RB [ \-\-days
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-dbdir
+.IR directory ]
+.RB [ \-\-fiveminutes
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-headertext
+.IR text ]
+.RB [ \-\-help ]
+.RB [ \-\-hours ]
+.RB [ \-hs ]
+.RB [ \-\-hsummary ]
+.RB [ \-i
+.IR interface ]
+.RB [ \-\-iface
+.IR interface ]
+.RB [ \-\-locale
+.IR locale ]
+.RB [ \-\-months
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-ne ]
+.RB [ \-nh ]
+.RB [ \-nl ]
+.RB [ \-\-noedge ]
+.RB [ \-\-noheader ]
+.RB [ \-\-nolegend ]
+.RB [ \-\-output
+.IR file ]
+.RB [ \-ru
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-rateunit
+.RI [ mode ]]
+.RB [ \-\-style
+.IR number ]
+.RB [ \-\-summary ]
+.RB [ \-\-top
+.RI [ count ]]
+.RB [ \-\-transparent ]
+.RB [ \-\-version ]
+.RB [ \-vs ]
+.RB [ \-\-vsummary ]
-.BI "-d, --days " count
+.BI "-d, --days " [count]
Output traffic statistics on a daily basis for the last days. The length of the list
will default to 30 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
file or the hardcoded default if no configuration file is available.
-.BI "-5, --fiveminutes " count
+.BI "-5, --fiveminutes " [count]
Output traffic statistics on a 5 minutes resolution for the last hours. The length of the list
will default to 24 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
default if no configuration file is available.
-.BI "-m, --months " count
+.BI "-m, --months " [count]
Output traffic statistics on a monthly basis for the last months. The length of the list
will default to 12 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count
and exit. Output can be directed to stdout by giving "-" as filename.
-.B "-ru, --rateunit"
-Change the configured rate unit. If rate has been configured to be shown in
+.BI "-ru, --rateunit " [mode]
+Swap the configured rate unit. If rate has been configured to be shown in
bytes then rate will be shown in bits if this option is present. In the same
way, if rate has been configured to be shown in bits then rate will be shown
-in bytes when this option is present. Alternatively 0 or 1 can be given as
-parameter for this option in order to select between bytes (0) and bits
-(1) regardless of the configuration file setting.
+in bytes when this option is present. Alternatively,
+.I mode
+with either 0 or 1 can be used as parameter for this option in order to
+select between bytes (0) and bits (1) regardless of the configuration file setting.
.BI "--style " number
Output traffic statistics summary.
-.BI "-t, --top " count
+.BI "-t, --top " [count]
Output all time top traffic days. The length of the list
will default to 10 entries unless configured otherwise or unless the optional
.I count